l -HOSE cleaning tlic iuf rlion of ,H,,;V ai t or cliituse ul Miinu, unlit net their coi v ill i.ut Utier lintu MoiiUay evening fur TueiHv'a rtitiuii,ur l(mrsdny eveuiiii; lor i-'riittiys edi tion. 1HK fATTaaeoti K BUl-Hls'ii I o. NOIHK. 1. The aum of uve centa per line will be ! Couipanieii by their wiyes, were iu ilepp cliarm J fur -iinli of thanks," "rexilulioiia uf i Del over Tuesday rc.ecl, lull ol weilcliiiii presents ami denorn, ! ,, h nu otitunr) - nutirua, (utliel than lliue Hie edit- - lieoriie . lnran is in the city today ur Mwuiiiuiieii iiiieaiiauiaiier ot ii,-s.) and ! nuticegof atttHria. ineftm.fi. 2, lotkerj 01 t-him-h una society and mlother entertainment from w hich reveiiuj ie to be de rived, khall be charged lor at the rate of live . cents a Hue. These rulun will be strictly adher ed to in every iiiuutinje. m Advertising rateb reasonable and made known Upon application. We hold each and every correspondent rc Bponiliie for his or her coDitiiunication No corrt-BpuiidfUce will be pui.lihhed uniens the w utei 8 real nuuie in siyned uh an evidence oi yuod fui ih. 1 1. F1S11ER, NEWCAl'KR AUVKKTIS iin,' Aent, 21 Mcnhaiiis i-..u Imiice, r lanclBCo, is our niHiiori.uu aeiit. ilus r is Wept on hie in hiu ollice. TIME TABLE. Stafie for HnrIinaii, Muiitinu'iit, Loiie Creek, Jnlin llay anil Canyon Cily, leaven iia n.ilu : i".veiy day at ij:.;n a. in., except nndiiy. Arrives every day at p. in., except Mnnday. 'Ihe cheapest, ipnckesl and best tine to or from Die interior country. J. n. Jir.l.r. ' Sloeuin-JohnaU'ii limit t.'o., Ayeii J. n. jir.l.r.VA.V I'mn. cute. Give your business to Heipner people, and therefore us.si.it to build up Hijip ner. Patronize r7to.se who patronize you. Here and There. Get your washing dune by Japanese Laundry, 17 -21) J. W. Watson, a Eeno, Nevada, sheep; buyer, is in Heppner. J. Murphy, of Fox, was over yesterday for Long Creek freight. Hon. J. N. Brown returned Wednesday from Condon and Salem. Ford is hanging paper cheaper than ever. Bee him for prioes. 20 1. Milt K. Maxwell and W. J. Fleming were in from Gooseberry. . Henry Blaokweli got in Tuesday from Portland on biB way borne. Albert Kluoura is erecting a dwelling in the lower end of the our. Andrew Tillard and family have moved to their country home. The Gem and Palace saloons for line liquors, MeAtee Bros., Props. sw Sheepshearers are getting numerous and will Boon have plenty to do. J. W. Vaugban, of Lexington, was in Heppuer W ednesday on business. C. 8. Van JJnyu is building a new ad dition to his Chase street residence. Born To the wife of J. C. Hart, the TJ. P, agent, on the 2l)th inst., a girl. Ed. Day was in the city this morning. Mr. Day reports fair success in lauibiug. Cbas. McDermitt, oousin of J. 1. Hamilton, departed yesterday for Calif, Tribune: Mrs. B. B. Bishop returned Saturday from a visit to her sonatHepp ner. R. Walsh, ot Montana, is here buying horses. He eXpectB to seoure about 21)0 bead. The Heppner-Canyon stage line is the best, cheapest and qicukest to the in terior; Wm. Penland reports lambing pretty successful up among his numerous bauds. Messrs. Brown and Iugraham, of Pendleton, musio men, were in the oity this week. The Morrow County Laud and Trust Company has an unlimited supply of mill feed. Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years oheaper than you can make them at Fell Bros.' The tviioe-a-week Gazette now only $2.50 in advance, payable in cash or coon skins. Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. They are artiste. Baths in conneotion. Mrs. Dr. Lord and Mrs. W. B. Parsons, of Ella, are visiting their Heppuer rela tives, Geo. Lord. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove eures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobaoco habit . See ad. The Gazette would gladly fill a few orders for choioe trees of any sort satis faction guaranteed. Drop iu. tf. Wm. Penland lost a square and com pass recently in Heppuer. The finder will please return to this otlice. 75tf Every man who takes any interest in last stock should subscribe tor The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tweeD Heppner and Lone Kock. See ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc all kinds of nursing. Call at her homi In north Heppuer, or address her at tins place. 618-tf Grayness, baldness, dandruff and all diseases of the scalp, and fulling of the hair can be oured by using Hall's Vege table Sicilian Hair Keuewer. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for the Uregonian at this place. Subscribe through him, and have your pBper delivered free of charge. tf Hon. Geo. McHaley arrived last even ing from belowonbis way borne Prairie City, Grant Co. Mr. McHaley is in better health than for yeais past. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. W. G. Scott was in the city luBt Wednesday. Mr. Scott formerly pushed operations on the Little Laura mines but since same closed down last winter, be baa been employed by Minor Bros. Mrs. W. T. Wright, of Union, daughter of Mr. Bnd Mrs. A. Mallory, of Heppner will shortly leave (or Portland for treat ment. Hhe has been seriously ill for aome time, caused by a fall a few months ago. Married On Tuesday the 18th inst, at the residence of the bride's parents in this county, Mr. Wm. T. Rule and Miss Etta Galloway, Rev. Sbulse, of Heppner officiating. The young couple have our bent wishes. John Kenny, Jr., departed Wednesday for Gradogue, Carrigallen P. O., Co. of Letrim, Ireland, and will remain there some time. John is well khown here and bas & host of friends who hope tor his early return. Dr. B, F. Vaugban bas gone east to complete bis dental education, leaving lira. J. W. Rasmus and Eugene Vangbsn in charge of his office. Those owing Dr. Vaughan will please make settlement with Dr. Eugene Vaugban who has full authority. 17-tf. The Sons of Veterans camp will be per manently organized in tbiacity 8atarduy venmg, April 2'J. All those who have igned the application for the chaiter must be present at that time that muster may be complete. Condon Globe: A most distressing! accident oecured Wednesday at the Blakley ranch, just across Thirty Mile, J ontheasl of towu. Mr. F. E. rtnilh aud : family resided on the place, aud while tbeir bright little 4-year-om son nowam nu playing about the-bam be fell in- to a well anJ was drowned. Tie par ents 'e heart broken ever the Hire mely pu biuicuun. Spring showers still continue1, but the weather is warmer and everything is Ifrowiutf. Mike Kenny and Jerry Brosnan, ao makim; nrenaratioiiR to m.ike final i,i-..,.f on his pre-emption. Mr. J. W. Dawson, of the firm of Dawson & Lyons, left yesterday morning for a vit.it to the valley. Herman Neilsnn proved up on bis land Wednesday before Hon. W. R. Ellis Ben Poppeu was one of his witnesses. If you want to buy groceries, and bread stuff cheap, go to the Enterprise Grocery. Kuk ,t Riibl, proprietors, a Fishing and no fish is whBt the fisher men get who get out so very early this year. Better wait till spring comes. Constipation, aud all troubles with the digestive organs and the liver, are cured by Hood's Pills. Unequalled as a din ner pill. Aug. Charlstou was in from Gooseberry yesterday and reports plowing the order of the day out iu the Gooseberry neigh borhood. Word conies that when our friend Johu Kinney, returns from the Emerald Isle be will be accompanied by a bloom ing bride. The opera house is in charge of H. S. Horuor. Thosedesiring same will please call mi him at TheMcFarlaud Mercantile Co.'s place. Henry Rusmiij writes down that he has had a siege of typhoid fever iu bis family, but at present all are on the road to recovery. Born To the wife of Mr. Crawford, on Tuesday, the ISth inst., a girl. Mrs. Crawford is a daughter of Mr. aud Mrs. Audy Stevenson. Mat Mosgrove was in Heppner over Wednesday doing business with our merchants. He departed yesterday for the interior country. The Gazette has been reduoed to one price, $2.50 in advanoe, when we can get it. Eight pageB of reading matter per week is well worth it. Nothing adds so much to a person's appearance as a fine thick head of hair ot even oolor, and to assure this use only Hall's Hair Renewer. ,Mauy people who pride themselves on their blve blood would be far happier with pure bloodj but, while we cannot oboose our ancestors, fortunately, by the use of Ayer's SarBaparilla, we cau trans mit pure blood to our posterity. Eugene Cor. to Oregouian : Si Ben nett was brought here from Goshen yesterday on a charge of insanity, but upou examination, the complaint was dismissed, aud a charge of larceny from a dwelling was entered against him. "Owney," the celebrated postal dog, passed down the main line a few days ago. He has been traveling for veins aud will stay with no one but a postal clerk. He is now on his way to New Mexico. His owner lives at Albauy,N. Y. Monmouth Record: Eugene Noble, of Heppuer, Oregon, ho aitended school here last year, is with us visiting friends. He is deputy sheriff of Morrow county and brought three boarders for the State penitentiary with bun us fi'.r as Salem. The iteiu in the Record stating that Arthur Shulse bad ruptured a blood ves sel w hile jumping with Borne schoolmates a few days ago, is an error. The young man strained himself slightly iu the mus cles of oue leg below the knee, aud that was all. Many rise iu the morning with ahead ache aud uo inclination for brenkfust. This is due to torpidity ot the liver and a deranged oouditiou of the stomach. To restore healthy action to these organs, nothing is so eflicacious as an occasional dose of Ayer's Pills,. Mrs. A. S. Wells, accompanied by her son, Geurge, deputy county clerk, were to start yesterday morning for mineral springs m Southern California. Mrs. Wells, however, was not able to travel aud the trip is postponed till she is better perhnps next week. Pendleton Tribune: G. W. Harring ton, a deputy sheriff from Heppner, is here to-day on official business, being on the lookout for "John Doe, wun is want ed in Morrow oouuty for oommitting a misdemeauor against the peace and dig nity of the state of Oregon, This is 'steenth time John bas been in trouble, and be talks strongly of having his name changed. World's Fai kThavklebs Will Have It. The public demand through service when traveling. Il is old-fashioned to change oars. On the through solid vestibuled trains of the Chiougo, Union Pacific and Northwest Line, trom or to Chicago, Omaha aud intermediate points, there is no change. This is the finest and fastest roath l'J-31. Out of Siuut. The traveling public are now fully alivs to the fact that the Chicago, Union Pacific & Northwest Line offers the very best accommodations to -the public from and to Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points not only during the World's Fair, but all the year around. 19-31 Rn-'s Wood Yahi. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residenoe, sawed or un sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.50 per cord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, SI. 00. Yard neHr the depot. Leave orders at Sloan A- Ho Bid's. 4 tf. Ripans Tab tiles cure dvspopsia. Well Known Here. Geo. McCarty, who is charged with being one of the band who robbed the Roslyn bank, is well known by many people in Heppner. Years ago be married a reppectable young lady in Southern Oregon, relatives ot whom reside in this vicinity. After wards the couple were divorced. It is thought by some here that Geo. McCarty I was not connected with the robbery I though his brothar may be. In fact, I George claims that he oau establish an alibi. lEh)e,!r I COPPER FIVErED-" 2 BOTTOvfPANTS Three Children Poisoned By impure Covered Vaccination with Sores Hoie Their Lives Were Saved. Mr t. Jamet Thrower Ban Jose, CaL " VThen we were living In Cliioo, Cat., my threa children, roipecttvely 0, 7 ami 10 yean ot age, were all In good health until they wer vaock nated lit .lamury, and after that cot one of them was welt for nionthi. They wers all bl4 poiiBd bjr impure msltrr used In vacci nation. In August I began giving them Hood's tariiaiiarllla. They were covered with Sores From Head to Foot. Ittar they had taken the mtiltclne for about a month, the aruptlont healed, their appetites became natural, they slept well and commenced to gain in flesh. Thrr hare mthad a sick ly iaee. No children are more bau a4 hralihr. My husband and myself believe we owe our children's lives to Hood's Sarsapaxllla, Sarsaparilla which we always keep In the house. I am only too glad to give' this statement and I hope it will be the means of persuading other people to use medicines which I know to have so much merit as Hood's Sarsaparilla and Hood's Pills." JIBs. James Throwiik, San Jose, California. N. B. If you decide to take Hood's Sarsapa rilla, do not he induced to buy any other. HOOD'8 PlLLS cure Constipation uy restoring the peristaltic action of the alimentary canal. Notice to Stock Breeders. I will keep, at my farm 7 miles northeast of Lexington, a fine Jack of the Blaok Warrior breed. This Jack is large and of high form. Terms: Five dollars, in surance. Marea intrusted to my care will be kept in good pasture at one dollar per month. Due care will be taken to prevent accidents, or the stray ing of mares, though I will be respon sible tor uone. B. F. Swaooakt. 114 tf. Lexington, O. FonSALE.-t-Fourhundred acres deeded land 4J miles north of Heppner; 200 acres good farming land, balance excel lent pasture. There are 145 acres in wheat, mostly summer-fallow, with plen ty of water. A small but comfortable house and barn. All lays wall. Prices and terms made known on application. Address JrjBTrs Beam an, llGw tf Heppner, Or. Fashionable Dressmakers. Mrs' W. W. tlmesd and Mrs. Margaret Looney are prepared to do dressmaking in tbe latest fashion aud sewing of every nature, at hard time prices, at the home of Mrs. W. W. Smead. Don't fail to give them a call. 118-iw. Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has just located iu the Abraham siok building, on May street, wheie be is prepared to do every thing in his line. r Birbeck is strictly a first-class work, man and warrants ail work. Give him a call. 14-tt A Fink House. The imported run ning stallion, Hit Henry, bas been brought over to Heppner, and will stand the ensuing season at this place. He is the property of "Cayuse" Reynolds, and is a line horse. 570tf First Class Tailoring Fred Miller is now located on May street in tb old bakery building,, where Be is prepared to do first class work. A perfect tit guaranteed. Give him a trial. tf, Music Free, not considered, Expense not considered, pianists should tune their own piano, for often one string out of tune gives as much trouble as if the whole scale were so and no tuner at band. 1 lie new book teaches a method, whereby every lady can easily tune. Tbe Press, N. T., says: "it teaches how to tune by a new, simple process, and divests the art of all mystery. It also tells how to remedy all defects in piano aud organ. ihe price, bound Leatherett is 75o., hut to introduce 'quiekly it will be sent free with ten pieces sheet music, and a present sold for one dollar, to all sending nine 2-cent stamps, for postage, etc., and names of six per sons who play, This short time offer is by a reliable house. Great terms to conipnuerB by a new plan. Aditress .STANDARD M USIC CO., !l Euclid aye. Cleveland, Ohio. W-20 New Rkstai uat. John Sullivan and Henry Tong have bought tbe kitchen and dining room furniture of Lane Matlock and have opened up a model restaurant at bis old stand on lower Main street Meals served at all hours for 35 and CO cents. This house will also pay highest market price for butter, eggs, chickens anil yonug pigeons. Henry Yung is a cook of long experience, so yon are as sure d of a first-class meal. Give them a call. 20-1 aw BOTTOM TAi QUARANTINED. Gilliam Tbie piece of advertising spaoe belongs To "urn-Johnston Drug C- V'HILL COHN, Proprietor. There ie not a winged insect hovering Brouud Phillip. H, X. Thompson THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Below Coflin & Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 25 cts. a at C. 0. bargeaut's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled hay always on band. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. ONLY EXCLUSIVE BOOT AND SHOE STORE FOOTWEAR in heppner. IS M. Ll is CO. . Wcit of 1. 2. .''-IW W;V "!, ! ; ' fcssSt 3- u.tj!jg pf; rjmph jkjgffi JNfeli !f Me llffe 4. I! w yy.," H EPPNER and LONE ROCK J. IVIlrtSOIV, Prop. Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays Mondays, Wednesdays ami imdays. Makes connection with the weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable ohargea for both Passengers -:- 643-tf sw SLOCUM-JOHNHTON KIRK On May Street, opposite I'alaoe Hotel. STAFLU A N A full line of choice Pies, Cnkea usually kept in a Grst-class bakery store. try them. . w in. , W T Til ffr"AH new BtirmcribfTd 6t1 prompt preambled with a free copy of this aa a I. I ELLIS HEPPNER, t 13isbee, Feed and Sale Stable. JU-Karland'H, Main Street. NO SHODDY GOODS. FOOTWEAR. Main Strict, OUEQON. Only First-Class hotel in Heppner. Building Wired for Eleotric Lights throughout. Best accommodations for tli public. Courteous treatment naftured try people. traveling the eoun- MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. STAG K LIN E. and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Rock on and :- Freight. DRUG CO., Agents, Heppner, Or. HUI J U They will keep on hand a full line of I ) I 'A N 'Y ; iroccrv Store. ii Dr::cr::: anil Provisions. Bi d Ilread : in fuel everything that iB They will sell cheap foi cash. Call anil i bw Human Wonders, Freaks, Diseases. New Pamphlet by Dr. C. B. Foot. Jr. Ifil pages, -tii ItlMHtnitlorm; In two parts, f. SF.VGN WONDERS OF MAN AND SONte OF HIS FREAKS, an Illustrated lec ture on theoutMncsof popularphyalolOKr niore briefly and cl'-urly presented than ever )o f'in ai.il e !;:liiiii(r rn niy curious anomalies y,'M I. hftv. i'eome f;imlllar hh muKeurn freaks. 2, AUTO-TOX-EfIA, S2LF-POISONED E LOO D, nt paining t ho oitln, relation and trr.titrm:nt cf u variety of ohtonlo difieasea. am Ii ii fn:i!;irlfi. pull rl.eiirn. eii.-icer, jfrip, ( Mlarrij, riiMiniiitbrii, lirlht u, ;niplt ry, epilepsy, t;to. Thin I 'tri'phM ip-T;t.e:i hf;f! r Ifturen tlm Intrl eMe. I h'ii:i!! vit:.t tf teuiiiiTV. (lnlnjetH hoW to I e M in riiii'i'riL' ortp r. t j -Ui inn tin' il!rWs I t-yut-wu ( ornfiniii b,in ni,1. HamrfMn what 'u to ' ()t i e p r relief, it Mil eunl.ie t-cry rt-ader to I." t 1 I Tim lf f i ft ly i hn -i it'll h'dfuN hi tlm Ht-ii of He ti.it l,(;hjL all at") pi eniutufiy wruck UiUij. rcDewwln luring tbe month of April will be premium. ATTOnNHY AT LAW A a Commissioner of the U. H. Circuit Court. All land J matters attended to promptly and aocnrately. Off! in National Hank building. : : OKEUON Anything New Of Real You tan Generally Find b or :-: Sale :- bj- Ae don t run a third-class junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twice their value, but we keep iiret-clBBS goods at honest prioes, with no baits or trap.. We keep Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, GROCERSES--r Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, -STATIONERY, COXF KO flONERY, ETC.- Ask our old oustomers bow we treat tbem. Corner Main aud ft ft bi MINOR nr- -SPECIAL CLOTHING ! We invite inspection of our new invoices of deBirtible styles in all the latest patterns and very best qualities of Imported-:-and-:- Domestic-: SUITINGS ! Ranging in Price from $5.50 to 130.00. Call and Inspect While the Stock is at its Best. Yours for Trade, STORAGE AND ATTENDED TO j i IN A j Business-like -:- Manner ! AND AT I REASONABLE RATES. j Wool G rowers' Warehouse Near the Depot: HEFPNEIJ, : : OREGON.' Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN C1IAKUE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, whioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times the cboiuest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tl Proorietora. nu. j os up i.i j . bilLj, Graduate M. E. C. V. 8., LoudoD, England. Veterinary -sbs- Surgeon" '. Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I m preiarl torloall klnrUof VMcrinnry HurKiry. Kmnir-ulnting Honei and K'K)hNi a 8uef alty. f I hi in Iho only trim iiictlnxi of upcnitfiiK on horn-H.) ripeylug .tf ('atilainl Hun uu short nolico. I w ill treut nil hiiIiiihIr in tlm niont Himroveti procedure of Veter inary buryt-ry. Jf you imv- any nu-k Hiittiittla it will hu to your intwrat to call on me al Stewart n Utah leu. HF.PPNKK, . . OKKUON The Insii -OF - SP U I NG ;?IB f H I0 R K. . W() IS TIIF New York Cash Racket Store. JUST OKDKKKJ), AND TO AKiilVK HOON : Sprint-and Hummer Dress floods, Calicoes, (liiiKliams, I'lnuncinus, Drapery, dents' Furnishings; also Ladies' Underwear and, numerous oilier xooiIb in that line. Notions and Tinware iu stock; very cheap. When I say cheap, f mean it. Von have but to call and inves tiiate to be satisfied. I do none but a cash business, and can therefore undersell ail oornpetitors. ,J. W. MArr.LOCJv, Pro). Main Htreet, next door to tbe Opera House. The Lancashire Insurance Co. ff .MANCIIICHTKK, UNQL,AM) A, W. MTTERSON, AGENT )"ofti..i.e.tmth.vor,t Merit Who are Noted for being The Leaders. : : : : : : Willow Streets, RriPPSER, OREGON GO ! i " it! 0 4 ON IK & CO.'S LINE OF- FORWARDING. For the Cure Oi Lnjuor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It In Ideated nt Kiircut drove, Or., 77ie 7lfis( Beautiful Town on the Coait. I'M at tlm (ijzr.TTt office fi.r particulars. Rtrictly coiifiHentiitl. '1 ruatineiit private anil iur NOTARY PUBLIC '.CONVEYANCER AT 0 1'1'ICK