sBMV PAPER. Some People OFFICIAL CIRCULATION MAKES Buy advertising space because rate are low generally the circulation it a tight over. Circulation determines the value of advertising ; there is no other standard. The Gazette is Killing to abide by it. The Paper. Without it advertisers get nothing for their money. The Gazette, with one exception, has the largest circula tion of any paper in Eastern Oregon. Therefore it ranks hiqh as an advertising medium. f 111 AS As ISS7 I1EPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OR1 10N, FRIDAY, APRIL 21, 1893. W EEKLY NO. RSI. I SEMI-W EKKLY t'0. la). ELEVENTH YEAR SEMI WEEKLY GAZETTE. Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING (MrlM ALVAH W. PATTERSON Bn.. Manager. OT18 PATTERSON Edltof DIHWP A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUR READERS At .& per year, $1.25 for six months, 75 cts. lor three mootas. Advertising Rates Made Known on ' Application. The "EialE," of Long Creek, Grant K Snfcreek, Oraaon, or "Gazette," Heppner, Oregou. KichMW to uo California, where eo. raoita ? can be made for it. THE GAZETTE'S AGENTS. .B. A. Hunsaker Arlington,. The tagle Long ureek, .BobSliavv Enho X 11,. SSZ... Vmlrlo V""".'?. " " ilatteaou, Nye, Or., Hardmau, Or.,....... .--- Hamilton, Urant Co., Or., lone, Praiiie City, Or.,. Canyon City, Or., Pilot Rock, Davvllle. Or 111 ft,0' . . .John Edinstou Athena, Or. w u MeCroskey l'endleton,Or.,........-.---v"m- yostinaster SL o ' w' Miss Stella Fiett Shelby, or.,. . . . . j F Alleu Fox, Grant Co., Or ..... v , A,huah Eight Mile, ur.,.. . Hevlaii'' UpVer Khea Creek B- F. leUunu Allen MuFerrin i H. C. Wright .1. A. woulerv '' .ilattie A. Ruilio ... T. J.Carl R. R. McHalcy . H. L. I'arriHh G. V. Skelton J. E. snow .jr. I. McCallum lloutrlas. Or Lone Kock, Or.. Gooseberry Condon, Oregon R. M. Johnson . . W. V. Snyder Herbert Halsteau it- u 1. Aliut..r AN AUKNT WANTED IN EVERY FBEC1NCT, Union Pacfio Railway-Local card, dailj No 10. mixed leaves Heppner 100 a. m. " 10 " sr. at Arlington 1-15 a.m. " o " leaves " P a " ar. at Heppner 1:10 p. m. except Sunday. East bound, main line ar. at Arlington ; P WuHt " " laaveB u- Night trains are running on same time as before. By a special arrangement with the publishers we are prepared to furnish FF.EE to each of our readers a year's subscription to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the Amebic an Farmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages on subscription aud one year in advnuce, and to any new subscribers who will pay one year m advance, ine American Farmer enjoys a large national circula tion, and ranks among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re oeive the American Farmer for one year, It will be to your advantage to oall promptly. Sample copies can be seen at our office. RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can always be successfully treated with i Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cure is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. Highest of all in L? v. :ning Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. Tlie Orlelnol ster's Urid DIGTIDNHRY. 15 ABSOLUTECf PURE THE EDITOR'S WORK. I Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights, And all Patent business conducted for . MODERATE FEES. Information and advice given to inventors wltaoaf charge. Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney P. O. Box 463. Washington, D.Q KThls Company is managed by a combination of tlio largest and ntnet influential newspapers In tliQ I'nlted Suites, for the express purpose of protct Ine their iibfttrller apalnst unscrupulous and Incompetent Put en t Agents, and each paper printing this advortis'-ment vouches for the responsi bility and liiHlifitaudiiis of the Press Claims Company. LONE ROCK STAGE. . o- i - m Tuesdays. Thursday and SaturdayS, reaching Lone ' Leaves ixii e ivuua t . u. -.j-, . - -davs and KridayB, reaching Heppner at p. in. Makea connection with the Lone Rock-l'ossil 'ent'slocum-Johnston Drug Co., Heppner, O'. OrPICIAi DIEEOTOET. United States Officials. P,oident Grover Cleveland rieBiaeni. ..... , , . B,el,I,8,m otsmbi:.:"-.":-:.: wait beewtary of Treasury Joh n U. I arhnle HarrotMrv of Interior HoKeouiun Helremra of War Daniel S. Laniont a Navy HUary A. Herbert KstTnGeSal Wiujo. .H BtajU Att-.rnHV-Generai Kiehnrd 8. Olney oi "ABriciiito....... J. bterhug Mortou State of Oregon. 8. Pennoyer ...H. W. Mcllride ....Phil. MetHclmn . .. E. B. MoElroy $ J. H. Mitchell j.N.Dulph 5 Binger Hermann W. U. KUis ,,r rUDK Kj. Dil&rll J. A. ilLuore W. P. Lord 8. Bean Governor Bocretary of State Treasurer SapU Public Instruction Senators Congressmen Printer Supreme Judges B.I Seventh Judicial District. Circuit Judge vv'h'wS froaeouting Attorney W. H. Wilson Morrow County Ottlcials. Y HI'KCIAL AKKANUEMUMT WITH THK publishers, w e art! able to obtain a number oi tl- above uook, ana propose to iurniHii a copy to each of our subHcriberB, The dictionary is a neceuiiity in every home, school and business house. It tills a vacancy, and furnishes knowledge which no one hun dred other volumes of the choicest books could supply. Young and old, educated and ignorant, rich and poor, should have it within reach, ami refer to ita contents every day in the year. As some have naked if this is rcully the Orig inal Webster's U nabridged Dictionary, we are able to state we have learned direct from the publishers the tact, that this is the very work eomnlete on which about forty of the best years oi t.h author's life were no well employed in writing. It contains the entire vocabulary of about lOO.UUO words, including tne cor reel spell ing, derivation and definition of same, aud is the regular standard size, containing about ;iou,000 square inches of printed surface, and is bound iu cloth half morocco and sheeu. Until further notice we will furnish this valuable Dictionary F,rst To any new subscriber. Second To any renewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now in arrears ho pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full tloth bound, gut siae ana oao stamps marbled edges. $1-00. Half Mo'occo, bound, gut side ana DacK stamps, marbled edges, $1.50. ruil bheep bound, leatner label, maroiea dges, $2.00 i-itty cents added in an cases tor express- age to Heppner. jjp-As the publishers limit the time and nni.f.r of books tbcv will furniNu at the low 1 .riff. wh Rilvisf nil who desire to avail them selves of this great opportunity to attend to it at once. SILVKU'S CHAMPION XHEi . ..Julius Keithly ..Peter Brenner Kfmresentative, kunty Judge Commissioners. T M Uaraw Clerk JW-MrhT Sheriff ao- "e. Treasurer W. J. Leewr Assessor B- L. haw . u laaBrown school Bup't!.-.'.' wS-i'-a,uilK ' Coroner..... T.W.Ayers.Jr BIP7HIB TOWK OFFIOIBS, J. R. Simons 7: O V.. Farnsworth. SI: Uohtenthai,"6tis Patterson, Julius Keithly, W. A. Johnston, J. L. Kaager. Bu-rf. WW A. A. Roberta. rrMiirer K- u- Blocnm MS81 V. J. W. Rasmus. Precinct OBeerc United Statei Land Officers. TBI DALLES, OB. J. W. Lewis S 'l'l l X.8. LA QRANDI, OR. A nearer Register A. O. McClelland Receiver BECEE1 SOCIETIES. win rHim No. 90 K. of P. meets ev. ery Tuesday evening at 7. SO o'clock in their l astie nau, nanouai . ing. Sojourning brothers oordially in vited to attend. W. L. Haliso, 0. C. W. B Pottib, H. ol a. &. a. " KAWUN8 POST, NO. SL Q. A. R. Meett at Lerington, Or., the last Saturday of -ach month. All veterans are Invited to Join, i:. C. Boon, Adjntant, tf duo. W. Smith. Commander. PEOrESSIOlTAI.. A A. BOBEBT8, Eeal Estate, Insnr- anea and Colleotiooa. Offloe in ronnoil Chambera, Heppner, Or. avrtf. Where At Ahrahamaick'a, In addition to hia tailnrinir husinpea. be baa added a fine line of uoderwear of all kinds, negligee ahirti. hosier, etc Also baa on hand alooant nattenw for soits. Abrahamsiok. May atreet, Heppner, Or. Coffin k MoFarland have just reoeired a sir '.end ot Mitobell Wagons, Hacks, etc., aud bafe also a large supply of farm ing implements or all sinnn. . N. BKOWN, Attorney at Law, JAS.D. HAMILTON The Celebrated French Gure, "ScT "APHRODITINE" StSSS Is Sold on l POSITIVE GUARANTEE to cure any form of nervous disease, or any disorder of the BEFORE generative or- AFTER gam ot either sex whether arising from the xcessive use of Stimulants, Tobacco or Opium, or through youthful indiscretion, over indulg ence, Ac., such as Loss of Bran Power, Wakeful nesi, Bearing down Pains in the Back, Seminal Weakness, Hysteria, Nervous Prostration Nocturn al Emission; , Leucorrhcea, Dizziness, Weak Mem. ory, Loss of Power and Impotency, which if no glected often lead to premature old age and Insan ity. Price 91.00 a box, 6 boxes for 15.00 Sent by mail on receipt of price. A WRITTEN GUARANTEE for every $5.00 order, to refund the money if a Permanent cure is not effected. Thousands of testimonials from old and young, of both sexes, permanently itured by Aphroditinb. Circular free. Address. THE APHRO MEDICINE CO. WKBTJEKM BRANCH BOX 27 PORTLAND, OR Sold in Heppner by 81ocum-Johnston Drug Co. locly-.Moit UBIIBRS n 0 II aa-M Ell THE DAILY-BY MAIL. Subscription price reduced as follows: One Year by mail) : ? $0 00 Six Months " : : 3 00 Three Months " : : ; 1 50 One Month u : ; 50 THE WEEKLY-BY MAIL. One Year (in Advance) : $1 00 The News is the only conilitent c.iampion of silver in the West, and should be in every home in the West, and in the hands of every miner and business man in Colorado. Send in your subscriptions at once. Address, TUB NEWS, IDonvor, Colo Write for our Mammoth Catalogue, a W'-j)age book, plainly illtistrat- 'd, giving Mnnutactnr- loweiit price with manufacturers' discount on all tioods inaimftict urea anil imported into the t niten states. to 50 cents on every lolhir vou spend. We sol 1 on 1 v ti rs t-c i ass good n rocerics, r n r n i ture, lnthintr. Dry ooorts, lints, Cups, Hoots aud Shoes, Notions, Crock ery, Jewelry, Bugcici and Harness, At:ricul tnral Iinpleineuis; in fact anything you want Saved by buying of us. cents to pav ex- nn'ssaire on catalogue, u .liver s guide. . e are the only concern that sells at manufacturers' prices, allowing the buyer the same discount that the manufacturer gives to the wholesale trade. We guarantee all goods to be eunat to representations or inonev retundcd. uoous sent by express or freight, w ith privilegeof examina tion before paying. A.KARPEN&CO., 122 Quincey Ht, Chicago, 111. Mi HatlofiBi m i tiwtfi WM. PENLANI. KD. R. BISHOP. President. Cashier. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS With all the greiit and vital questions to be discussed, all the pleasant and en nohlins things to -write about, all the invention and progress of the age to be noted, and all the rush of important movements and interesting affairs to be met, chronicled and commented on, the I paper that can find nothing to fill its ! columns but coarse and bitter vitupera tion of its contemporaries had better shut up shop at once. No man is worthy to be an editor who does not hold his profession sacred, and feel that every member of it is a brother to be per suaded or expostulated With, but never abused or blackguarded; who does not cleave, mind, heart and soul, to all that is decorous and pure, honest, just aud true; and who does not scorn everything that is calculated to lower the dignity of the noblest craft but one on all the fair footstool of God. I would as Boon think of indulging in blasphemy or obscenity, as of writing or copying and unkind paragraph, line or word in regard to one of my brethren in journalism. Hush the wrangling, squelch the wranglers, Let us teach mankind to respect us aud our vocation by respecting ourselves and each other. 3rd We must abolish the system of indiscriminate puffery, which is one of the loudest crying evils of our pro fession. Blarneyism must go. Breth ren in inky bonds, journalism can never attain its true dignity and deserts until this nauseating Iniquity is wiped out. Cease fawning with ilunkeyistic phrases around the upstarts of luck and lucre. Lay aside the twaddling, lying vocabu lary of brilliant and eloquent, .powerful, polished, irreproachably, upright, noble and patriotic, as applied totlie harangue or the besotted carcass of every tenth rate, knavish, pothouse shyster and deadbeat this, that, or the other politi cal party may chance to stick up for legislator, governor, senator, dog pelter or other position of averag.s dishonor or thievage. , Stop blowing little crossroads stump jacks and desiccated nobodies into men tal and moral Anakini, teside whom Alexander. Casar, Demosthenes, Cicero and Cato, Washington, Jefferson, Web ster and ('lay, Napoleon and Tom Thumb, all melted into one, would dwindle to a pigmy whose toes would not touch the ground if he straddled a full grown Puget Hound mosquito. Hush the absurd dubbing of every simpering, giggling she ninny, who hap pens to be the progeny of an official malefactor or gold plated vulgarian, a Hebe or a Venus, a sylph in movement, a goddess in grace, beautiful accom plished and fascinating though in ninety-nine cases out of a hundred she may be ugly as a mud fence jeweled wit h hoptoads, clumsy as a corkleg or a Clubfoot, and stupid as a boiled owl garnished with fricasseed donkey ears. Stop puffing ignoramus pulpit stamp ers and ranters, with neither grace nor common sense, into Angustines, Calvins and Whittields. Estimate everybody and everything fairly and impartially, without personal, partisan or sectarian prejudice or pre dilection; and when you express an opinion do it honestly and candidly, and let the world see that editorial judg ments and commendations are not stere otyped stupidities and falsehoods, mean ing nothing, proving nothing, good for nothing. 4th Squelch the deadbeat advertis ers. Crush out the "half cash and half advertising" frauds and humbugs by which we give a f 125 advertisement, H"i will be redeemed, exalted and purified. And the editor he who makes the poli tics and politicians of the land, who leads every forward and upward move ment of humanity may ere long be as respectable as a peanut peddler, stable boy, secretary ot state, circus clown, foreign minister, pickpocket or presi dent. Brethren of that illustrious craft wich is said to use the pinions of one goose to spread the opinions of anoth er, these reformatory steps cannot be taken too soon; this pushing of our profession to the lofty and mighty position it should, and is inevitably destined to hold, cannot be too speedily effeoted. east, ana "the Pacific ocean laves its western sands for full 8,000 miles. It has snow-capped peaks, whose summits pierce the clouds to bathe in everlasting Bunshine; plains, whose limitless ex panse suggests infinity rolled flat: lakes blue as the skies, that smile ta see them selves so beautifully mirrored in the crystaline depths; rivers like rolling oceans iu magnitude and majesty; far Btretching forests, whose lofty tree-tops sweep the cobwebs from the heavens; canyons that rank among the world's fathomless wonders, and cataracts that 6ee Niagara, and go it hundreds on hun dreds of diizy feet higher. All wonders and riches of resources! It has tens of millions of acres, whose fertility makes tame and commonplace all the romances of the Nile valley and the Hesperidean gardens. Such soil as poured out that marvelous display of fruits and vegetables at which w have just gazed, crushed into silence by fifty pound watermelons, eleven-pound bunches of grapes recalling the script ural story of the vale of Eschol eight- pound potatoes, two-pound apples and half-pound plums, single stalks of to bacco weighing thirty pounds, and single peanut plants with a full pound ot "goobers dangling from their roots. It has wheat fields whose harvests LUMBER! TE HAVE FOR SALE ALL KINDS OF UN tV dressed Luniher, 16 miles of Heppner, at what Is known as the SCOTT BAWMIT-iJ-i. COLLECTIONS Made on Favorable Terms. XECHANGE BOUGHT & SOLI) HEPPNER tf OREGON Sever in our now-world history has there lieen such need of an enlightened and patriotic press, rising to the highest possible dignity, and wielding the great est possible power and influence. In addition to all the responsibility that rests upon the jonrnalists of the country in connection with the general weal and advancement of their kind, special du ties and obligations of the vastest mo ment devolve upon them as Americans American editors. To them is largely entrusted the fate of the grandest governmental fabric our earth has ever seen. The destinies of the American re public are, under God in a great meas ure, in their hands a republic con ceived in the hearts and brains of pa triots, heroes and sages; bom with the Declaration of Independence, and bap tized in the fire and blood of the revolu tion the republic of Wathington, Jef ferson, Henrj-, Hancock, Mudison and Adams; which for fourscore years guarded, with ceaseless vigilance aud jealous care, at home and abroad, on land and sea, the liberties of the hum- b'est citir.en: rendered us ihe freest na tion on the globe; and gave us peace, power and prosperity, that made us the envy and admiration of the world, Within the last few years a deluge of evil has surged against it and over It. Dissensions and hatreds have crept into its high council halls. The clash of tratrlcidal bayonets has been heard over the very ashes of its founders, and the horrid gurgle of fratrioidal blood has in carnadined its pellucid waters. Wrongs and abuses have intrenched themselves in its sacred citadel. Giant corruption, like the unclean beast, the abomination of desolation in prophetic vision, perches on its loftiest altars and bespatters with corroding filth the robes of its priests, the togas of its senators and the ermine of its judges. Its deepest foundations in the hearts and confidence of the people are shaken. To the editors of the land, more thn to any other class perhaps 1 should be safe in saying more than to all othw classes is committed the holy task, on them devolve the mighty trust and labor of repairing all these breaches, healing all these enmities and righting all these wrongs; of restoring the grand govern ment of our forefathers in deed and iu truth; re-cementing the Shattered boiKls of union; re-establishing the constitu tion; bringing back the days of peace, plenty, freedom, fraternity and glad ness, when labor strikes were unknown, and the cry of " Bread or blood " had never been heard in our streets; reas serting everywhere beneath the sun the dignity and glory of the American name, and extending the wings of Co lumbia's baid-pated eagle over the last foot of soil and the last drop of water, from Behring's straits to Terra del Fnego; till the star-spangled banner shall once more be hailed the wide-world around as the proud, unsullied symbol of all that is great and good, pure, AT..E0U,-B.. f-n iait.l oy o ,t w rk. PER 1,000 FEET, KOL'OH, " " " CLEAR, 10 00 17 60 IF DELIVERED IN HEPPNER, WILL ADD lo.uu per l.ouu feet, additional. L. HAMILTON, Prop. Hntnllton, Man'gr Brown & Hamilton Practic in all eonrta of the state, Insurance, fasd afttat. eulieotijD and loan agents. Prompt attention t-ivan to all bosineas entrust ed to Uim. Omcsv Mam Snsn, Himn. Ouooh. GRASS and GAF.DEr. SEEDS Highest Germinating Pmr. PUREST STRAINS, stun FOR CATALOGUE. r-Geo. Starrett,mwuASwHALU' K-C'Tn W.itAl Mi lb, li It. V MTTinl tlirurM mnw lh.rwu.lrf H lit.... V In. In. 111.. r'i"i- lt-u- IW1. !. Win. llln. lk..n,wt.ini(. I!', ud pwtit.ll Hlf. ... " m. L. Shi, Will rli.rfull m inTH:-i wllh ,Un,p ln.t.-'l. PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. CONFIDENTIAL. H.n.lM. KuHLrrln. m ltH f"T wfcrrl.., U Ot 0. . f. SNTDtfl, 'VKHEI-i THtAIEt. UrUCO. in money and $230 in local notices and powermi, ur-nencent anu rree in national t.i, f,.r on ostlnriMtir. till nmm. character ana national mine. try Sunday school organ or rural parlor ln thl8 furious work, gentlemen of hurdy-gurdy. Cease editing ill assorted the Pttcinc Coast V-ot the Oregon m!i,.'hinpa iin,l hav rakes, natont press-yonrs will be no ignoble share; coffee pots and quack medicines and run when il is d"1""' an1 wel1 Auu, n0 a newspaper office instead of a junk la"rel8 of hpr 01 wl" tf'-T my,nn ot more worthily worn than those which In short, dear brethren, not to impose garland your patriot brows. But be m,r,n vnr iilTtcted attention a lomrer list yond-and, if possible, above all this, of these needed reforms, make journal- 1 nit'h a"d Rllcml duti,,s th,d urB Pr isma Imsinens. hush the denunciation of Hurly yur own, duties arising from each other, cork up the meaningless puff ery that discredit the puffer without crediting the pnffee. Tell the truth aud shame the office Beelzebub. Pay for what you get and demand and exact pay for what you do. Wear no perpetual partisan halter or blind bridle. Be in dependent. Support no scoundrel or your location and surroundings. Here, in the richest and grandest part of the continent, where every pulse beats high with hope and youthful vigor, is your field; and the omnutcien and omnipotent (iod could hardly have given you a more glorious one. Here side by side, their faces aglow with the scoiindreliHm. no fool or foolery, no splendors of the setting sun, He lie lm matter what nartv, sect or section in- perial commonwealths of Oregon and PPIO RRUK ro? dorses him or it. Be just, honest, free. Washington; and, linked with them iu Ulltsr Bani-Wv.r. ....... ,.r ,., ut I l,,rlwulnl,l(, Lr.nrlH. sisters in interest. tiiret.her. shoulder to shoulder and heart and resplendent destiny, are Idaho, tn heart., an invincible, irresistible nha- Utah, Nevada, California, Arizona and lanx, in everything that concerns the a large part of Montana, Colorado and welfare and honor of your own glorious New Mexico an west; or ine gian I InisT dice ttiul I control thu Hi .r 1.0U-0(jTS. WIIKKL8. Mark'ti flak Flavin ('.rds, Ta1l li" aud eTerythim? rn the hn. New work that wlni tha moneT. H-aJel partlf-ulani aid '.t-patrft out :J (ru fro, ft'-trl tjlf al'irff,tl oru&t-(l tivwimi to fraternity. Ana Urn nHwspapr wiUen iuifi will b clown at haii'U The country IV O HETTER PROOF. , Fkhna. SV i ,.h VS,V MiLRov, Mifflin Co., ioth Editor of the Aew York World; 'W yx. John oerrnnii, oi inn inart-r wa irrrrrwn irmn wagon, sustain i ng a most aenoua injury to her s;inc, ami wai A HELPLESS CRIPPLE KJH I3IWH5, onaUe to walk. Her daughter providentially procured two buttles of ST. JACOBS OIL, hi-h Mrs. CemmiTI bH. T.4rr the wond bottle wat tihausteri, ahe wu aLlelowsjk airat, and hit. been COMPLETELY CUBED." Very truly, M. THOMPSON, PorrsusTt. Kockies, and all pouring th-ir tributary floods into earth's mightiest ocean. in an empire vaster and grander than ever saluted the golden eagles of Rome in the proudest days of the Ciewars domain in which the world-conquering Frant of Napoleon would have been little more than a cow lot in a sky bounded prairie: a realm, on the fare o; whose majestic map, Britain, with h-r wnrld-ericinling drum-tx-at, woul acarcelv make a flv-sp'-ck. Adding Alai-ka. ami the Canadian srn Mexicun Pacific slopes, you have nearly H.WO.i00 wiuare miies of territory nut- orally allied to you. And what a land of wonders and glories ami riches it isl God Almighty seems to have broken all tin, choicest treamre hoxes of the un verse over it and uiioh it. All wonders and glories of scenery! The Rocky mountains wall it on Jue already and they are but in the infancy of production influence the markets of the world. Over thirty great ships, flying the flags of half the nations of the globe, are now lying in lh Colum bia river awaiting cargoes of Ureytmiun golden grain. It has hundreds of thous ands of square miles of pasture lands, fenced only by the far horizon, where the flocks and herds of half the world might feed. It has mountains ribbed with every precious ore and mineral, except tin! veritable treasure houses of the gods, bursting out With gohl, silvor, copper, iron, manganese, lead, zinc nd oeal; while marble, gypsum, salt and oil are plenty as sands in the great Sahara or scrap beggars in polities. It has room and homes, this wonderland of creation, for 100,000,000 of industrious and enterprising people. As thickly , populated as England, Oregon alone would give habitation to over 80,000,000 and Washington to more than 20,000,000. Fifty years ago this vast and match less region was a savage and unexplored wilderness. Less than twenty years ago Can by was massacred in the Modoo lava beds. To-day the surface dirt of its infinite resources and capacities has scarcely been scratched by prospector's piok or shovel. Its incomputable treas ures are to be opened up, Its valleys and plains, with their very wantonness of productiveness, ure to be broughtuder the plow and harrow cf misbimdry, that shall transform them into ever-blooming true gardens of the gods. Millions of cattle are to bo pastured Where today the wild doer graze unscared. Mines are to be worked, whose nones snail clipso all the glittering marvels of Aladdin and his genu. Thriving vil- luges and towns are to bo sown broad cast in a thousand spots where the silence and solitude of sixty centuries e as yet unbroken. Great cities the New Yorks, Philadelphia, Bostons and ittsburgs of the Paoitic Coast are to be ruined, like magic exhalations, on many a noble harbor, by many a lake and riverside, ln many a mountain gorge, where now the hardy backwoods man s cabin or the fisherman s hut are tilt only habitation. Thousands on thou sands of miles of railroads and canals are ;o be bnilt. Steamboats snd steamships are to be launched. Universities, ool- eges aud libraries are to be estublislnd and endowed. Cathedrals and churohes are to be reared. The wildernesses aud the solitary places must be made to re joice and blossom as the Astorian rose. The thunder of mighty mill wheels must be heard mi all the beautiful streams of this unknown land of a generation ago; the hum of prosperous industries nst resound through all its fertile ales and alongall its picturesque moun tain sides; and the white incense of team must usceud- from thousands of altars of thrift aud progress, as a glad thank offering to heaven tor a new and glorious empire redeemed from savagery and added to civilizution. In that Wonder-Time to come, the Peerless Maritime Metropolis of the Oc cident will sit enthroned, as a commer cial queen, at the month of the mighty Amazon of North America. A city greater and grander than London or Paris or Pekin, will stretch in unbroken lines of fourteen story palaces, from from Tongue Point and Tansy Beach to Fort Can by and II Waco. Ten thousand trains a day will run into its mile-square union station trains from ht. Peters burg, Vienna, Constantinople, Cairo and Jerusalem, Hong Kong, Yang Tse Ki- ang and Yokohama, by way of Bering's Strait Tunnel and the Alaskan and Van couver Air Line; and trains from Pat agonia, Buenos Ayres, Kio Janeiro and Chimborozo, by way of the Isthmus of Darien, Popocatapetl and Shasta Light ning Express Route. Corporation tools and lobbyists will be swept out of the national senate, botch engineering and KqtmnderotiK contractors will be things of the shameful past, and all the barriers that now hinder the now of this imperial river will be torn away forever I I'hn mighty Columbia will roll like a resist less Mood from the mountains to the sea. It will be dug out deep enough for ocean steamer navigation from Cathluniet to Kootenai ahiTPeml Of eille; anu a ship canal from there across to the head waters of the Missouri and on into the Mississippi will enable us to ship Ore gon and Washington niuety-bushels-to the-acre, wheat, ten-pound potatoes, live whales and aurorae borealis to New Or leans and Havana. Omaha, St. Paul and Chicago will be but snack stations on the great fifty track air line railroad between the New World Metropoli at the mouths of the Columbia and the Hudson. We will have bred a race of men and women at least ten feet in height the men all Goliahs in strength, Apollos iu grace, and Catos in virtue; and the women all Yen uses in beauty, Dianas in vigor, and genuine American women in lovliness and irresistibleness. Freedom, peace, prosperity and renown, obedience to law, and reverence fur God and the right shall till ail this majestic Slope, as the waters fill the sea and the stars of glory fill the sky ! To roll in this resplendent era, gentle men, brethren of the Oregon press of the Pacific Coast press, is the mission, the work before you. Your pens, more potent far than magic wands, can, by grond?united, persevering effort, lulfill the mission, do the work, achieve a mag nificent destiny for your state and region, untold good for the country and the world, and an immortality of grati tude for yourselves. Generations yet unborn shall rise up to call you blessed, and your memory shall be sweet through all the ages, as the summer dews chat gently fall on Hormon's bedR of thyme. Godspeed the time when a fearless, outspoken, right-loving and wrong-hating press, wearing the dog collar of no party, sectiou, sect or faotion, shall prove itself the regenerator, the savior of the republic! And, when that time conies, may some of the proudest trophies of the onward and upward march of the struggle, of the labor, of the triumph, deck the knightly lanoes of my true-hearted, generous and patrlotio brethren of the Oregon Press association! EASTEKN OUEIiON WKATHEU. The weather bnraau gives out the following weather and crop report for Eastern Oregon: WuATHEii.-Lack of sunshine, oool weather and oocasional rains with frequent frosts have prevailed during the past week. Snow has occurred on the highest elevations smith of the Columbia river valley. The mean temperature has ranged from 33 to 4U degrees which is about six degrees below the normal. The amount of rainfall bBs' vuried from 0.10 to 0.41 of au iuob. ) Chops, KTc.-'l'he oool weather retards. the growtb of all vegilation. Fruit bur are swelling iu tne (Jolumoia river valley and a few peach trees are In bloom about The Dulles. Grass is growiug fairly well. Plowing and seeding has progressed aud is about 85 per cent. done. In localities the ground freezes at night. Stiawberi ies beginning to show blossom iu northern Whsco county. The increase iu acreage is quite con siderable, liesecdiiig of winter bowo graiu,is almost completed. Sheep shear ing will begin as booh as the weather settles. Throughout the state there is an unanimous desire for less rain, more warmth aril bright sunshine. Stock. -From thorough reports the follnwing information is compiled by the Oregon weulh-r bureau relative to the number of cuttle, etc. iu the state on a P;i 1 1KO'! Number of oaltl,SH,29;i; horses, 2!)9, tliii; sheep, 2,-t')li,l)77; hogs, 2il4,6li:) Estimated value, oullle, 14,81 1,2'Jl". hiirBcs, $i:i,71o,842; sheep, (fi),lkja,IH2j' hogs, 4!H2,7liU, milking a total value of the above named varieties of live stock in Oregon ot 1. Id,, 1,0(0. In making the above estimate horses have been iivemgeil lit Sf."i Mi apiece, cattle at 81(1. 07 apiece, sheep at $'2.40 apiece and hogs at 3H-40 apiece. Considering that the sheep dip seven pouiuls of wool to the fleeoe, we have over 18 nullum pounds of wool for sale wilhin the next three ninntliH. The oi mil 1 1 1' in of the slock is generally good. The winter was comparatively severe, but as a rule food was plentiful and the loss was very small. The weather has not been favorable to the lambing season, yet so far it has been very siiccesful, the increase being gen erally estimated at Do per oeut. The sheep are in l-ooiI condition and the tleeco promises to be heavy aud of quite lougslaple. Ilui-kleirs Arnica Snlvo. The best salve in the world for cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, b-ver sores, ti tter, chapped bands, chilblains corns and all skin eruptioiiH, mid posi tively oures piles, or no pay required. It is iianiiiti-ed to give periect satisfaction or inone refuiHleil. Price 20 cents per box. For sale by Slooum Johnson Drug Company. Hun t Take Out- Word, liet call your druggist to one side and ask bun privately which of all Hie reme cies advertised to cure rheumatism he would lecoiiiineinl. If he in posted, and conscientious, he will tell you that Dr. DruintiionirH Lightning rem -dy is tho only oiih that oilers a reward of Jj.jOO lor a vase it will not cure. With sensible people this is the strongest ri commenda tion. Price H p'T nolUe. Sent to any address prepaid on receipt of price. Dnimmotid .Medicine Co , I. -( 50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wauled. 22 2$ Wfil 1JI tVT XI J i IJ Ipf fc7 rM Vn .Baking The only pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions Homes 40 Years the Standard. 1 I