Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 18, 1893, Image 4

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Sir PJv
ve have a relief and cure
In your ignorance of effects
and vitality which is
system the elements thus
strength and vior will foU
cure or money refunded.
Dr. Sanden's Electric
after all other treatments
testify, and from man
is a complete galvanic batteijj , made into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and it gives aootning proiongea currents
which are instantly felt throaghout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the
greatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or
Money Refunded. "They are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, middle-agedj.or old men, and will cu-t
the worst cases in two or three months. Address
rind -:-
This fine Imported Stallion will make the ensuing season beginning Maroh 8ib
and ending July 1st, nt the following places :
MONDAYS and TUESDAYS at Ben Swnggart's ranch 10 miles north ol
FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS at Thompson & Binns' stable m Heppner, Or.
jK:sciii'rio:v :
"MR HENRY" is a golden hay with black points; in 7 years old; lfi! hunds high, and
weighs 1180 pounds ; li of a kind and gentle disposition. He Is commonly known us the "liabb"
Borte, being brought from Montana to Portland by VV. II. Buhb in the, fall of IK'JO.
"SIR HENRY" was sired by "Martin," by "Hermit"; dam "Ludy Henrietta," a well-known
fcnported French nmro.
"SIR HENRY" wan imported direct from England to Wlnnlpeg.Manttoba, by T. 0. Jackion.
Single leap $20, duo when services are rendered.
Season $50, due at the end of tbe season.
All Care Will be Taken
But I will be responsible for
Good JPol
With plenty of spring water on same oan
per month per head.
OI'1 )Tfm vomit; how to ciiuu;
(X)lTtSE)Tli inariit'tl litnv ( lie
Tilt) I'oild luiivnt how to
)Tlio mother how t lmvo tlirm without pnin; (AOENT
)T1id I'hihllcKs how to Im fruitful anil multiply; ( SC'LD
)Tho envious how they "c
IThi) hoiilt-liy how to enjoy
)Tlio invalid how to tret wt
11 ho miDrtiilent how to
vfuuui who wane Knowiouj;" mat is or. inosi, worm
TO )Fiml it in Dr. Route's " Plain Homo Talk,"
KNOW. )1,(KK) imfres, 200 cuts, 24 eol. plates ; 200 reeipes;
HEAD )UeiliK'i!il from :i,25 to .:l..ri0; eirenhirs free.
P. II. T. )Murray Hill Hook Co., 12!)
.3 U:
11 .1 -
Our Stock l!t present Orrr 1000 Styles.
Trouserings, Overcoatings, Suitings.
PRICES $5 TO $50.
Samples, Self-measurement
Rules, and Tape-line
Mailed Free.
la41fMlta, HllUaueat, llcadai he, Cnaill-
palloa. l7pepla. t'aranle IJtcf Troublvc,
IMBBlaM, lUd I'ompleiloa, Drscnterr, a
Otrentl, Divata, and all dtordtn r laa
Swmata, Liter and llowtl. 2
Ulpani TfttttilM mntAln nothing Inhirlotm to f
UuiiitMii-MciiMtiii,tl,.n. 1 Iahuv lu lak, J
Ufa. tfM-liil. Ulv uintM.,hnt rvllrf. J
ai'ltl hrdmartHU. A Irml UitUa Brat hy wall !
oamwplurbruiita. UlrtN Z
"waai-lotQUalltlaaBra unaurpAaa'tl aotoallT
VmlaaUnv two boifta of any mltwr brand. N.4
attaoMl b kV in. . ' 1 II 1 1. 1. M 1 K.
-mmmt if
the effects of abases, excesses,
in our marvelous Invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical,
or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained J our system of nerve force
electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ;
t-i. Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to roDUSt neann ana vigor,
jt? failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly
S whom we have strong letters. bearing testimony to ineir recovery auei using
Running -:- Sta
to Prevent Accidents,
none should they occur.
be had at Ben Swaggnrt's ranob for $1.50
Heppner, Oregon.
tiin Ix'sl; o;i(i lo marry
i.'ijipy in lmiiTiiiire;
liitvii iil'izn liiibirs; ( ONE
- rovveil" mid I'luui; to bn;(
lil'e nnil keep
- 'H fiain niieei
well ;
( SAVl'lD
( $1,100
retrain wasted
( C'Ol'lES
E. 28lh St., New York.( SOLD.
Portland, Oreoon.
Cittt U bran dot! and tar marked as shown abov.
Hnnww K on riht nrnmlder.
Mr eat Up nuiye tn Morrow ami UmatilU conn,
tip. 1 will iy l(fVU)fnr th arreot and coo-
if turn of ati iMieuii kUWiBn uiy UkjIl
Ount-nntood tn euro nil. nut Attack tad
CoimuiH.iKni, Smail It lie lU-aua,
Kipaua Tabulos: ono givoa relief.
iW Tiihulos : tee advoriioaioat.
from Nervous Debility Seminal Wea
. i f-
Lost Manhood, rheumatism, lame
Back. Kidney Troubles. Nervousness
worry and exposure. For such sufferers
sent by mail, sealed.
The whent is growing nicely and
farmers are jubilant, but you hear that
every day.
A great many of our residents have
visited Heppner tbis week, "courting,"
and in tbe interests of their school dis
trict. We see in the Beoord that "Anon"
(rom lone has taken exception toTopsy's
letters. I am sorry if I have stepped on
your "favorite corn," but if the shoe is a
number too smull, you need not put it
on. "A stitch in timesaveaurae." Many
thanks for your advice. And hereoomes
"Uncle Tom" with a word for Topsy,
and killing the "Billy goat," we are
sorry to bear of bis death. Ho mads it
interesting for a good many, when he
iiot out on the breaks of Eight Mile,
aneezing and snorting, "with blood in
bis eyes" and cayenne pepper in his
vthiskers, though, he was merely doing
Ins duty.
However the district is still one and is
likely to remain so. Come again Uncle
Tom, your letter was jolly enough to be
(rom a darkey, but 1 dout believe you are,
though you may be long faced.
Wbut is Miss Mary Blake's favorite
flower? A sweet William.
What is Oliver Kincaid's choice of
iuseots? The Miller.
What is A. Perry's favorite of so
cieties? The Masons.
How old would J. Nunoemober be if
he was right fat? No telling.
Jordan Fohk, April 15, 1893.
Elect Uittera.
ThiB remedy is becoming so well
kuowa and so popular as to need no spe
cial mention. All who have used Elec
tric Hitters sinu the same song of praise.
A purer medicine does not exist and it is
guaranteed to do all that is claimed
Electric liitters will euro all diseases of
the Jiver and kidneys, will remove pim
pleB, boils, salt rbetim and other affec
tions caused by impure blood. Will
drive malaria from the system and pre
veut as well as cure all malarial fevers.
For cure of hiadnolie, constipation and
indigestion try Electric Bitters entire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money refund-
ed. I'rice 00c and $1.00 per bottle at
Slocuui-Johnson Drug Co.
it,iinin nrnt wntph-siiniwO bottles, suirai
coaled. Small ilile iiumu. fcbe. pur botllu.
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
ithtvth nil
Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m.
ti-JM p. m.
llti i ft k Mieenen,
Colonlat leiJOS-,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Ht tamers
Portland to San
every four dBya.
For rates and geimrftl Information call on
Dupot Ticket Agnt,
Heppner, Oreiron.
W. H. HUKI.BL'RT, Arnt Ueul. TaM. Agt
2M Washington St.,
Aud all loiut lu I ulifoniia, via tha lit, Hhaetl
rotite tif the
Southern Pacific Co.
Tin areat hinhway through California to all
points fcaat witl Smith, lirand 8ccnio Vtoutc
of (ha l'Ht'ifio l'Hvt, rullman Burlat
Ulet'lra. Si'cond-ctafia Slevpera
Attached tn axprtws traina. afTording aurarior
ai-comintHlatious for aecoiid-claM yaaaangara.
For ratra, tickota, aWping car Teaarratioca,
t'tc. call nion or addrosa
R. KOKill.KK, Maiwgi-r, E. P. ROGERS, AMt
lien. F. A I'. Airt. I'ortUnd. Orotrou.
riiro for Colds, Fevers nnd General Da
SUHi.SmoU llile U.ua. D6o. pw tMUK. ,
Do la a' Mry
of a ThM
From Die E. O.
Michael Dolan, so old gentleman well
nown in Umatilla county, where he has
resided for yearn, is at the Villard. Mr.
Dolan has loDg been sightless, and this
faot caused bis loss, not long ago, of
8130 that he bad received last fall from
the sale of some horses. The money
bad since been left in his trnnk.
His history of the affair is interesting.
For a year and a bait past he has lived
near Vinson, at the place of an acquaint
ance of many years, John Mnllaly. April
ouiiui iu o oiock in me iorenoon, ne
, im wae sitting mone by the
? r 171 ,0..,.be a"?
no answer, but quietly entered. Dolan
thought be beard liim pUce somethiug
u the table. Very soon the man left.
lan walked to the table and found
.,.,( mereon. He men walked over
o where his trunk was kept and discov
re i with alarm that it was missing. He
tr,t to the door and oalled to the fellow
to stop, bat his ories were unheeded. He
tried to set the dogs on the thief, bat
they would not follow the fellow.
Dolan relates bis subsequent difficult
I'Mirney to the house of a neighbor, s
i mile or more distant. He finally seoured
issistance and returned to MnHaly's,
Not far from the house, m a corral, the
trunk was found. It had been broken
open and the money taken. Certain facts
led to the suspicion that Mullaly might
have been the guilty party, and a messen
ger was sent to notify Sheriff' Noble.
Mullaly, who had gone to Heppner, was
arrested shortly after his arrival there,
and afterwards dismissed.
xuiuu io consiueraoiy exercised over
TV. I , , , ,
tbe loss, as the sum meant much to him
in his helpless eondition. His earnest
manner of telling his story of distress
exoites deep interest in the listener. He
intends to follow up the case and puniBh
it possible, the man who so cruelly
robbed him by taking advantage of his
Foot-Prints on the Path to Health.
Everyone needing a doctor's advice
should read one of Dr. Foote's dime
pamphlets on "Old Eyes," "Croup,"
"Rupture," "Phimosis," "Varicocele,"
Disease of men, Disease ot Women, and
learn the best means of sell-onre. M.
Hill Pub. Co., 129 East 28th Bt, New
World's Columbian Exposition, Chi
cago, Maroh 30, 1893. To tbe Publio:
Beoause of many misrepresentations and
misstatements relative to exposition
management and affairs being in circu
lation through the press and otherwise,
both in this ootintry and abroad, and in
reply to many letters of inquiry or oom
Dlaint touching the same matters, it
seems advisable that some ' offioial
statement regarding tbem should be
made to the publio. Therefore I re
spectfully ask that tbe .widest pubhoity
be given to the following facts:
1. Tbe Exposition will be opened
in readiness fqr. visitors May 1.
1. An abundance of drinking water,
the best supplied to any great city in
the world, will be provided free to all.
The report that a charge would be
made for drinking water probably arose
from tbe faot that hygeia water oan
also be bad by those wbo may desire it
at one oent a glaBb.
3. Ample provisions for seating will
be made without charge.
4. About 1,500 toilet rooms and
closets will be looated at convenient
points in the buildings and about tbe
grounds, and tbey will be absolutely
tree to the public. Tbis is as large a
number iu proportion to the estimated
attendance as has ever been provided
in any exposition. In addition to these
there will be also be nearly an equal
number of lavatories and toilet rooms
of a costly and handsome character as
exhibits, for tbe use of which a oharge
of five cents will be made.
5. The admission fee of 60 ents
will entitle the visitor to see and enter
all the exposition buildings, inspect the
exhibits, and in short, to Bee everything
within the exposition grounds, except
tbe Esquimau village and the repro
duction of the Colorado olifl dwellings.
For these as well at for the speoial
attractions on Midway Plaisanoe a small
fee will be charged.
6. Imposition or extortion of any
description will not be tolerated.
7. Free medioal and, emergenoy
hospital service Is provided on the
grounds by tbe exposition management,
8. The bureau of pnblio comfort will
provide commodious free waiting-rooms,
including spaoioii! ladies' parlor and
toilet rooms in various parts of the
II. N. Hioinbothaii, President.
Backlen's Arnica Haifa.
The best salve in the world for onts
bruiut8, sores, uloers, salt rheum, frver
sores, tetter, chapped bands, obilblains
oorns aud all skin eruptions, and posi
tively oures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded, l'rioe 25 cents per
box. For sale by Slooum-Jonnson Drug
Wonua Wbo Die fcarlr.
Many of our most beautiful and no
compliehed ladies die before they bsve
reached the prime of life. Ot tbose who
live to middle age only one in two hund
red is sound; the other one hundred and
ninety-nine are sufferers. Vby is it?
elf-ueglect. Tbe shattered health oan
be restored; the home made bappy aud
your life lengthened if you commenoe at
once. 'Rose bads ' have bsen used tor
twenty years in tbe private praolioe of
one of the most eminent physicians ot
Paris, and will absolutely cure any form
of female disease. I'rice, $1 00 at drug,
gists, or we will forward by mail post
paid. (Send for our little book free.)
Iverette Specifio Co., 175 Tremont St.,
lioatou, Mass.
April 17, ism. .
Carnav Cilia CraMcn Bell
HarrliJ. K. Miller Harry
Madeugvr Mri J Q Ward Mrs Annie
Please say "Advartlsed" when calling for (In
lettara. A. Mixoy, P. M.
They inorMW appetite, purtfj th whoto
rt4MusaUa4;tooUMtlirr. liUa Bna,
Colds and Coughs
soc throat,
bronchitis, asthma,
end hoarseness
cured by
the safest
and most effective
emergency medicines
It should be in every
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co
Lowell, rjlass.
va'lrrefi n letter or rstd cinl to
JOHN W'tfOrRtiUrtN, - ,Managing Attorney,
F.O.Box 4a. WASII1NUTON, 1).U.
soldi-s, wnows,
AU, f r Pri 'iip.. ,,n(t sniinrs !sHbt"ft 1n the line of
flutv In the reeiilnr Army 'T Na' v Kiiicetli- war.
iQrvivors uf l Indimi wnrs of lH.'i'2 M 1S42. nnd
thidr wI'Iowb, now 'ntitpd. Old and refitted cjnlnia
4 BperSiltv. TMouaan'ta entitled to blirlier vites.
end fnrnpwlawa. charge for advice. Xo lee
t T. t " 1 a) 1, r AAA f I J I
Said the
to himself, "If the
moon I could get.
whenever I'm dry - j JgUff
my tnroat i coma
wet ; i ne moon is a gr --
quarter with a quar-
mirplm. 4x7f T'il
- b
Root Beer.'
9L, A Delicious, Tempcr
" ance, Thirst-quenching,
neaicn-uivip urinK.
Qood tor any time cf year.
A 25c. package makes 5 gallons.
get Hikes.
Be sure and
ODE KS7 1S93 TL07ZB tSJS 01721.
A Magnificent CJf1WI.S
Gofiection of tlU MUl
iV; -Z.rv.'i'rXt ..n. Il..;.a a
abl"! 1'ubilHlitng- Jiounc
'I hi La(us' Whiilu li a tun m
Jiai;, 6(1 (diUDin illuslraled Muk
tmu for ladies and the f ait.ily tin le.
it w dsvottd tu stories, pot in." lnIi. '
fancy work, artislic nte'lii'vxirk,
hi me dtc ration, htiuiektf;pii(r,
fasbionB.hytrne, juvenile ruailinir,
elifjiu'ttu, ttc. lo Imnniure thlc
tliarlTUtiK tallica1 jiaiier into KiU,(HfU
htTi! It is not already taken, we now
foltoH-iiic et.lntiai Kttur: on rc-
ll.l.i.-.f .l.llul.,.l r....t If nil
ily lii 'l'llt in til iir or ttampt,un
e Lank' World Jt Three
MonthH. na to ftti sutiwriwr wa win an- mm
Fr nitii txuli'mti. a Io'ik and maairinftnt Col.
Irctltin of Chnloe Flower 8eod, two kuU'cti win-dMp
Incluillnir FaiiRi-'a, VrbtDM, CnrvsiiutbemumB, Asters, Pliln
Drummondil, Ualum, Cyprem Vlrie, stocks, Diaitnlls, Double
Zinnia, Finki. etc., etc. Kuinetnber, twulve rmU pay forth nmtrii
.tnit three inouths and Ihla entire niaKiticiit Lultuction of Choice
riowar Seeds, put up by a tirst-clMs Kt-ed Hons and wurranlnJ
trih nd reliable. No lady can atfonl to inlsa thli wonJeiful
opportunltv. Wajrumnlee every Bubscribur mnny timB the vuhw
of monev wnt, anil will rcfuu.i your Bioiiey mil iimke you a present
of both 'm-iis ftnJ Mnctne If yon urs not atisrtcil. Our la ati
old and reliable publishing house, entloraeil by all ibe lfadiug ikwb.
papyri. We have received hunilreda of tentinioiiiala from p rased
piitroiis (lurfnc the past live year: " kad beautiful jbwtn fw
Irit tetdi votiitnt m (ro vtart a.j, and from xyeritnct know tJitftdt
at4 txartlv im fi'r(iei(."Mr. N. C. lUyiim, Danft, Wit.
Myi'lf and fntntU hint tent for vartoni Mmi. a,ivermtd by
m.l Kant iniitid thtm ta bt entirelii lat'il'artoru." -
Dsvis. Hrooltlfh, N. Y. Mrs. Henry Ward Jl-r.her (a reguli
tiibti'rtlwrj, and urac ureenwooa,
on 1 13 red our sphii iul m aonu.
ouudttiiioftcrnith tin catch pini
of un:ruiiuloui iiewrw. Hii
don't put it off t Six nubarrlp
special imw'&jvm
lor anovt oner, aua naming tn yn-vr in viniti i
i wl!l -n.l fr.,. In 2ff
addition to nil the nliove.
e p-u ket of the cele- ( .
bratd KeUI'oril Sweet Ie, unb'tcli
the nen-etl aneti-9, ini'lmltatf ttorfntt
Kcbrnru, ftplpnilor, i n iiiri n, (irm
ionlf HIcHtntn. Mr. Sweet Prat nro
niort popula.w'l- vy'
10 'SrTH
th Eckford arlf tiea whh-h we offer, ar the largost. ij W'
Bntst ami mnt celebrated konirn. Thev (row to
hulRht of A feet, and produce for three months x citntiimuu pro
fusion nf frairrant bhms of the mot brilliant col urine.
nlwcrlptlon price) we will aend The Lnille arM for One
Year, tot-ether with our aiagniticert t'ollrrllnn oft lntlr) Flower
SMla abova deacribed. Itkewiae one paikel of tlit eiteuaively adve
Itatd and justly celebrated Eckford Awert Pea. Adilreaa:
il. MUOU At CO., 37 Park Place, Mew Yk.
PILLS are always safe ami reliable. Vl.Qw tent!
monlalB from all over the world. Ileware of
danperous tnibstitutei and imitations. I'rice
t'J.OO per naekflge. eient by mail securely sealed
lrum uuservauun.
Address Dr. R. TnMont,
98, 8. Tlalsted St. Chicago, Ills., U . 8, A.
WEAK MEN fflerSS1.
Inns of manly vigor, Varicocele, etc. Prof. IMi
Mont'B Nerve Pills w ill ell'ect a speedy cure by
its use, thousands of cases of the very worst
kind and of long standing have been restored to
perfect health. 1f,iHH testimonials I mm all
over the w orld. Price per package $1.00, six for
$r 00. trial package sent securely sealed for ten
emus posiagn. a aureus, nr. k lfu.nonc,
ys S. Halsted St., Chicago, Ills., I'. S. A,
Local and Traveling,
To represent our well-known house. You need
no capital to represent a hrm that warrants
nursery stock lirst-clast ai.d true to name.
WOHK ALL IHK Y K A H. $100 per month to
me rignt man. Apply quick, stating age.
L. L. MAY A CO..
Nurserymen, Florists aud Seedsmen,
117-27 St. Paul, Minn.
(This house fs responsible. )
Notice to Taxpayers.
by May 1, iv.i;l, must expect that the nam
w ill be collected by law, costs added,
117-22 Mieriff.
HAKNESS-HHOP, stock and rlxtures. Good
buniness; establishetl in tbe midst of a
Rood farming and stock-raising country.
Also for sale a good house and two low with or
without the business property. For further in
formation address Gazette, leppner. Or. 4X& tt
(Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee )
Two Through Trains Dai'y.
12." pm 6 'J'pm Lv.MlnneflpiilisArni.O.'iam 4.1'pm
l.piu!7.1,"pm l.v...st. Paul. ..Ar urn :v 10pm
tO.l&amH.l.'.pm I.v.. Duluth . .Anil m- iti..Vpm
2..'tpini:.-j;.pm 1,t. . Ashland . Ar yxm ;l ;npm
7.15.in. 5yu Ar. .X hk'ttgu. ..Lvi5.47amiiO.40"
Tickets sold and basriraire cherked throtiph to
all points in the l'nitel MaK and Cai.aila.
Clnse connection made in Chicago with all
trains fining K.anl and couth.
For full Information apply to rour nearest
ticket agent or JAr. t'. POM).
Uen. Pasa. and TkL Ai. thUago, 111.
TciiKEY Euii8. Powmiin A Wilann
have thoronubrd Mumuiotti ltrttrse
tnrktav Pi?k'a fur aalti nt thuir Hnttur .fAaik
.....w. i,.a n..i.Mni m . t
'7; , p , " 4UIUV oT" ur
Notice of Intention.
thnt the f'lllovv iiiK-nanied nettlcr han tiled not ire
of hi intt-tition to niMkt dim I proof In uipiMtrt
of hit rtaim, and that Raid proof wilt be made
before the Countv clerk of Morrow County, Or.,
at Heppner. nr.." on April !'.:!. viz:
Hd. No. 6016, for the Nfc1 Sec. -i, Tp. it, 8 9 28,
E. W M.
He rminei the following wltnowen to prove his
continuous reshieuce upou aud culUvutlou of
aid laiiil, viz:
J. M. Waddell, Joe Luckman, C. H. Mann and
B. Verir Lamp, all of Uuppuer, Ore kuii.
A. Cleaver,
111-121 KeKlBter.
Notice to Contractors.
li umlt'rtirned will receive acalcd hnln, up
to and im ImiiiiK Apiil'. at 2 o'clock p.
m., to build a public hool building in the
tow n of l.exiiit.'ton. Morrow county, Oregon,
ail buildiiiK to be constructed accoriiiiiRto the
plaits a iil spei iilciitiontt now to be Been Ht Win.
reu land's store in Lexington, nrrRou. the
succcfslul bidder to enter into bonds with se
curity tor tle ttiitlnul iierforniance of contract,
v iibin live dm s Hftci rrceivinii notice of tlie
I'ttinre ot the bid. ) he bourd reserves the
right to i eject any and all bit is.
Jam Lbacii,
t. W. VaImimaN,
Board of Directors.
Dated, April 5, 1S03. 116-20
Notice of intention.
I j Mnrch Jl, lw:(. Notice in hereby given that
the following named H'ltler has tiled notice of
his intention to make hind proof In support of
hip claim, and that ttiid proof will be made be
fore. I. W. Morrow, Countv Clerk at Heppner,
Or., on Sat. Mav li. lH'.ci, viz.:
FT. D. No. 2!f, for the K4 SEH- SWH SE, SE
bV of sec. a-' Tn. a. S K 2U E. V. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon aud cultivation of.
in num. viz : .
W. C. Kenieiurer. t.nton Jones. G. F. Baird aud
ii. r. Hovianu, all ol Heppner, t regon.
iit-m John w. L.EWIH, Kegisier.
Notice of Intention.
J March lt. is;i;. Notice is htrebv eiven
thnt the following-named settler has hied notice
of his intention to make iinal proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
before the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon,
at Heppner, Oregon, on April '"1, 1813, viz.:
v n; i UK ukur 11
Ds. No. 10339. for the hM NWk. and BWW
Sec. 1, Tp. C, S R'2H, E. W. M.
He names the following witnenseB to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
aid land, viz, :
Oscar Minor, D. B. Stalter, Robert Hart and
V It try Gilbert, all of Heppner, Oregon.
a, cleaver;
111-121 Register.
While you keep your subscription paid up ycu
can keep your bran din free of oharge.
AllVD. T. J.. lonfl. Or. Hnrnn fl(l nn lrt
shoulder; cattle eame on left hip, nnder bit on
riRiit ear, ami upper dh on the left; range, Mor
row county,
ArmHtrttDflr. J. C. AlninA Or T vrih V. nn
der it on left ahoulder of horsea: cattle aaine
on lft hip.
Allison, O. D Eight Mile. Or. Cattle brand,
O 1) on left hip and hornes same brand on right
Bhonlder. Range. Eight Mile.
Adkiue, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses. JA con
nected on leit nank; cattle, same on left hip.
Ayera, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded
triangle on lett hip; cattle same on right hip;
also crop off right ear and upper bit on same.
Kartholamew, A. (i., Alpine, Or. HoraeB
branded 7 K on either shoulder. Range in Mor
row county.
Bteakinan, Geo., Hard man, Or. HorBee, a flag
on left shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder.
Bannister, J. W., Hard man. Or. Cattle brand
ed K on loft h.D and thieh: snlit. in nnh air
Hronnei', Peter, tiocseberry Oregon Horses
uimmnu r a on ierc Buouiuer. cattle same on
right side.
liurke, M 8t , Long Creek, Or On cattle,
MAY connected on left hip, ciop off left ear, un
der half Cron Off riirllt. Huruu aama hn,H
letft Bhoulder. Range in (irant and Morrow
hrosman, Jorry. Lena, Or. Horses branded 7
, K Hiiumuer; cactie rJ on tbe left aide,
Left ear half crop and right ear coper slope.
Barton. Wm.. Ilniirmup. Or -fit.mot. i n
right thigh, cattle, same on right hip;' split in
each ear.
Brown, lea, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right Htirie; cattie same on right hip: range. Mor
row county.
Brown, J .P., Heppner, Or. -Horses and cattle
branded B witb ox-yoke above on loft shoulder.
Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle
C with dot ince; teron loft hip; cattle, same.
Brown, W J Lena. Oregon. Horses W. bar
oyer it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
U,J- ... .
Hoyor, W. G.. Heppner, Or.-Horses, box
uimiuuf- riuL nip catuo, same, with split in
liuriL. P. O.. Hftimnaiv Or TT..r..n P D
8ht)UldHr; cat t te. sumo on left hip. '
Drnwnlee, W. J., Foi,t)r-('attle. JB oonnected
on lyft hhIr: i.ron un i.ft Mr .n.h.i..n!ii..nj
middle piece cut out on right ear; on horsee name
uaiiu ou me leii, mign; nange in fox valley,
trrant county.
I arnner Wurren. Wagner. Or. Horses brand
ed O on right Btllle; cattle (three barn) on
right ribs, crop and Hplit in each ear. liange in
I .HiD.K, t aleb.Or V 1) on homea onleft stifle
U with uuarter circle over it .m luFt
and on left etirlo on all colts under 5 icurB: on
lettenoulrteronly on all horses over 5 years. All
iniiK in uinuL county,
t'iark, Wui. H.. Lei a. Or -Hnm. wrrrt
nocted. on left shoulder: cattle same on right
. . foiiow auu uroaiuia counties.
l ate, l has. Vinson or Lena. Or. Horses
!,' K' u".rK"' "noutueri oattle same on right hie,
liange Morrow and Uuiutllla counties.
Cecil, Wm Douglas, Or.; horses JO on led
shouldwi cnule eame on left hip, waddles on
each law and two bita in th rioht Qr
url. l. H John Lay, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and nnder bit
in right ear, split in loft ear. liange in Urnnt
county. On Bhuep, inverted Aand spear point
."..uiuni. .ai ijmi aou ewes, crop ou tert ear,
mulched upper hit in rivht. W.ll,.ni
riglit and under half orop iu left ear. All range
ill Wraut countv.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90on right ahonl.
aer, ( atlle, same on right hip: ear mark square
u. .... o,iu oinu iu UHiii,
t urrin.H. K t'urrinsville, Or. -Horees, 00 on
left Btitle.
Cox Ed. 8 Hanlman, Or.-KJaitle, C with
i .. iDiiiDi, uoiTjen, i a on lert lip.
Cocliran, 11. K, Monnment, Grant Co, Or.
Horses branded circle with bar mkhmOm nn lft
Bhoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chupin, II., Hantaan. Or.-Horses branded
Ron right hip. Cattle brauded the same.
Lickius, tbb horaea braided with three
iiueu iora on len stine. I atlle sa'nf on left side.
Doouan. Wni., Deppner, Or. Horses braudeu
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cau
ue same on leri nip.
Douglass. W. Al .(iallowRV. Or. fnttl R tl.n
right side, swa. low-fork in each ear; horsee, ii D
Douglas. O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on
me i igui eiiue; came same on right hip.
Duncan, tt. r"., John Day.Or. yuarter circle
n ou rigiti Biiouiuur, Dotn on horses and cattle,
liange Grant county.
Lly. J.H.J: Hons. Dnnclaa. Or.-Rnru. h.nnJ
ed tLV on left shoulder, cattle same on left
uiu. uoie ir rignt ear.
Ellioti. Wash., Heppner, Or, Diamond on
right shoulder.
Emery, t . b., Hanlman, Or. Horses branded
(leverBec C with tall) on left shoulder: cat
tle same ou i iglu hip. Hange in Morrow county.
Elegit, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Hursea. il?
connected on right shoulder: cattle same on
right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop
oil left.
Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
rigid hip; horses. F with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or.-Horses, F on
right shoi.jdei: cattle, k on right hip or thigh.
I rench. (ieorgo, Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
WE, with liar over it. on left side; crop orf left
ear. ltorsit, same brand on left hip.
Oily, Henry, Heppner, Or. tiAK on left
Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co., Foa.
sil. Or. Horses, anchor H on left shoulder; Tent,
same on left Ht i tie. Cattle, eame on both hips
ear marks, crop off right ear aud nnderbit in left
Kange iu liiilitun, Urant, Crook and Morrow
Uentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H.
8. witli a quarter cirvle over it, on left atitle.
Kange in .Morrow and Uniatillaconntiee.
tiiltwater, J . C, I'raine City, Or. On horses,
O-Oon left Bhoulder and stine; cattle, on right
side. Range in tirant county.
Hayes, tieo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
with quarter circl" over it, on left shoulder.
Hialt A. H., bulge. Or. Cattle, round-top A
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
liange iu Morrow and Umatilla counties.
llintou Jeuks. Hamilton, Ur Cat tie, two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left.
Horses. J ou right thigh. lUngeiu lirunl county.
Hughes 8amoel, Wagner, Or- J- (T K L
coiniectedlou right Mioiilderon horwM: on cattle,
on right hip and on l.-ft aide, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left- iUjiga in Haystack
district, .Mofvw connty.
Hale, Milton, Wagner. Or,-florae, branded
-O- t'-ircle with iaiallel tails) on left shoulder,
rttle .am. on left hip ; also laig. circle on left
Hall Edwin. John Day, Or. Cattle H H on right
hip; horie saw. on right shoulder, laugein
brant county.
Howard, J I.. . atloway. Or. Horwa," (crrae
with bar above it on right .houloer ; caltia
ssmeon lett sida. Itauga in Morrow aud Uma
tilla conntiee.
Hughe., Mat, Heppner, Or. Hnraea, shaded
heart ou the left shoulder. Hajur Morrow Co.
Hunger. B A. fta-nar. Or.-Uo, U on left
tboulojjr;oajti, 8 on lafi tup.
Hardlstr. Albert, Nya. Oraoo Boraea, A B
connected, on left ahuolder; Cattle on the left
hip. crop off left ear.
Hnmphreva, J al Uardman, Or. Horaea, H on
let hank
Hayea. J. M., Heppner. Or. Horsea, wicegiaaa
on left shiaiitli catf le. saiie on right hip.
Hnston. Lother. Eight M.le. I Horse H on
the left shooUlerand heart ou the left stifle Cat
tle name on left hi p. Hnne in Morrow county.
Ivy. Alfred. Lone Clwk. tr Cattle 1 Don
right hip. crop ot ieftearnnd bit in right. Horsee
same bnuid on left shoulder Hange n tirant
Jnnkin. B. M., Heppner, Or florees, horse,
shoe J on left shoulder. Cattla, the aauii.
Hange on Eight Mile.
Johnson. Eelix. Lena, Or. HoraeB. circleT en
left stihe; cattle, same on right hip, under haff
cror in right and split in left ear
Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Vemon,Or. J onhorseson
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears, ltungoin Eoxand
Hear vall.'is
Kenny. Alike. Heppner. ur. Moreee branded
KNV on left hip cattle same and orop o& left
ear: nnder sloiieontlie right
Kirk J. T.. HeDDiier. Or. llorees m on left
ehonlder: cattle, nil on left hip.
Kirk. J C. Hei.oner. or. borBea. 17 on either
uankrcattle 11 on right side.
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left
shoulder; cattle same on light side, underbit on
nghl enr.
Knniberland.W. G Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
cattle ou right aud left Bides, swallow fork in It ft
ear and tinder ciop in right enr. Horses same
tiianii ou left Hhoiilder. Hange iu Grant countv.
Keeuey. Eli, Heppner. Or. llorbes J L and
ace of clubs ou left stifle, ltauge in Umatilla
and ft orrow counties
Leahey. J W . Heppner Or. Horses branded h
end A on left shoulder; cat! te ame on loft hip;
wattle over right ey three Blits in right ear.
Loften, Btephen, Eox. Or. & L on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
Bame brand on left shoulder. Hange Grant
Lieuallen, John W Un-i -.- Or. Horses
branded half-circle JL connected on lefishoul.
der. Cattle, same on lett hip. liange, noar Lex
ington. Lord. George. Heppner. Or. Horses branded
dou.de 11 connect! Sometimes called a
swing H, on left shoulder.
Murkham. A. M.. Heppner, Or. Cattle large
M on left wide, both ears cropped, and split in
bo h Horses 31 ou left hip. liange, Clark's
Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M Don
right tup; horse. Mon left shoulder.
Morgan, 8. Ii Heppner. Or. Horses, M)
on left ehoulde; cattle same on left hip,
McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. H with
bar over on right shoulder.
Mann, B. B., Leuu, Or. Horses old mares 7.7.
on right hip; young stock, BtnaU zz on left
Morgan. Inns.. Harmnai Or n,t..a. M:tn
T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle'. Z ou
imiu, i.iiiku.
Mitchell. Oscar. lone, Or. HorseB, 77 on right
, vnLiio, f i ou Ig.lL siae.
CClareU. D. G.. ItrownnvUIn n. tr..n.
Figure a on each Bhoulder; cat tie. My on hi u
fllcKern.W.J. Moullt Verltoll. tlr XI n ill.
ou right hip, crop in right ear. half crop in left
same brand on hure&B on left hip. Kuiige in Grant
Mccarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
D M connected, on the loft shoulder; cattle Bame
on hip and side.
MoUirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
With tOe-COrk on Cllttln nn riha ai.,1 t..,A..- I-
each ear; horses sumo brand on left stifle.
uiciiuiey, u. v., iiamutou, Or. On HorBee, 8
with half circle under on left shoulder;on Cattle,
four bars connected on top on the right Bide
Uange in Grant County.
NeaLAndrew. Lone liuck.Or Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips,
Nordyke, E., Bilverton. Or. Horsea. oirole 7 on
loft thigh; cattle, same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A Son cattla
on left hip: on horses, same ou left thigh, liange
Oiler. Perrv. Lexinc-ton. fir p n i.
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on left hio: h.irue on lft B.;aa
and wartle on noe. Range in Grant countv.
reai-Bim, Olnve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quai
ter circle shield on left Bhoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24
on left hip. Hange on Eight Mile.
Parker ds Gleaeon, Hardinan.Or, Horses IP on
left shoulder.
Pi per, Erne-t, Lexington, Or. Horses brand
e b, (L E connected) oi. left shoulder ; cattle
s me on right hip. Range, Morrow county.
Pir, J. 11., Lexington. Or. Homes, JE con.
nected oi.left shoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
under bil in each ear.
Pettys, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond Pon
shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in the
Puwell, J ohn X., Duy ville, Or Horses, JP con.
tlecied on loft Bhoulder. Cattle OK couuected on
left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear,
wattle under throat. Range in Grant county.
liickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or.-E U on left
Bhoulder, on horBes only. Range Canyon creek
and Hear valley, Grant county.
Rood, Andrew, llardman. Or. Horses, square
cros with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Reningor, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, 0 R on
left shoulder.
Rice. Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left shoulder; ca;tle, DAN on
right shoulder. Range near llardman.
lioyse, Aaron, Heppner, Oi-Horses, plain V on
left shoulder; oattle, same braud reversed on
right hip and crop off right ear. Range in Mor
row county,
RuBh UroB., Heppner, Or.-Horses branded X
on the right shouluer; cattle, IX on the left nip.
crop olt left ear and dewlap on neck. Range in
Morrow and adjoining counties.
liust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses B oi
left shoulder; cattle, 11 on left hip, orop oil
right ear, underbit ou left ear. Bheop. It on
weathers, round crop off rigli ear. liange Uma
tllla and Morrow c lunties.
Rcaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or.-Horses
branded A li on rtght shoulder, vent quarter
circle over br:.d; cattle Bame on right hip.
Range Morrow county.
lioyse, Wm. H Duiryville, Or HU oonnected
with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop olt right ear and split in left. Horses
same brand oil left shoulder. J2uje ill iionow
Graut and Gilliam counties.
i !.sitor- W.V uWt. Or.-Horses. JO o
left shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip.
Spicknall. J W., iiooBeberry, Or.-Horse,
branded 31 on left shoulder ; range in Morrow
county. "w
bailing, C C Heppner, Oi-Horses branded
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip
bwaggun, Jh. F' Lexington, Or.-Horses
with dush under n on left Btitie: cattle H with
uush under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. Range in Morrow,
Gilliani and Umatilla counties. '
Swaggart, A. L Ella. Or.-HorseB branded I
on lelt shoulder; cuttle same on left hm. Cron
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Straight W. E., Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded
1 B on let, stifle; cattle J Son left hipfs4Slow
fork in nghl ear, nnderbit in left. 1
bapp. Thus., Heppner, Or.-iiorsea, 8 A P on
left hip; cattle same on left hip
i ",rl?' Jue9- LonK l;rk, Or.-Horses. t on
lelt Btitie and over 2 on left shoulder.
bhner.John, Fox, Or.-NO connected oi
horses on right hip; cattie, same on right hip
biuith Bros buBanville, Or. Horses, branded
H.. on shoulder; cattle, ame on lef t shoulder.
Squires Junes, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
waddle, liange m Morrow and Gilliam counties!
.btephen., V. A., Hardman Or-; horses bHon
right stifle; cattle horizontal L oi the right side
Oleveuson, Aire A. J., Heppner, Or -Cattla H
on right hi, ; swallow-fork in left eaT
bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or.-Horsaa, 44 on
left shouldei ; cattie, 44 on left hip
Binitii K. E. Lone Rook, Or. Ho'rsea branded
a crosaed seven on left shoulder; catUa w, on
left Bide, liange, Gilliam county.
Hoerrv. E. G.. H.i,i,.. it- f-m- w, n
, ' wi. value VI i; OB
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year
dewlau: horses VV i: on left .i.ni.i
lhoiiipson, J. A., Heppner, Or .-Homes, I oa
left Bhoulu, r; cattle, i on left shoulder
shJ)Ju'S-i..Eulerprise,Or.-iloras. C-on left
Turner R. W., Heppner, Or.-SmaH eanital t
left shouldei horses; catUe aama on left bin
with split in both ears. 9
Thornton. U. M., lone, Or.-Horse. branded
U 1 couuected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T Lena, Or;-Horses H V oon
nected ou right shonider;cattle. aama oa right
vV'albridge, Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ U
on the lett shoulder; cattie same on right hlo
crop ott left ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson. John U balem or Heppner, Or -Horus
brauded Jij ou the left shoulder. Rang.
Morrow county.
Warren, W B. Caleb, Or-Cattle, W with onartor
circle over it, ou left side, split i" TighYw
Horses same brand on left Bhoulder. Kanin
Graut couutj.
i V'!0e' F L' Drrille, Or-Heart on horses on
left stifle; on cattle, a on left side and undoTbhl
in left ear. liange in Urant connty.
V. right Silas A Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
B w ou the right hip. square crop ott rwht ear
and split in left,
Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Sanaraoa
oattle on the left hip. upper elope in the left
ear and under slope in right ear. Bame brand
on horses ou right .boulder, liange in Harne.
and Grant countv. uey
Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
ace of spade on lelt Bhoulder and left hio
-"'I1" branded same on left side aud left hm
V. ells. A. 8., Heppner, Or.-Horaoa, on Lft
shoulder: call e same. .
W uihiiger, John, John Day City, Or On horaaa
three parallel Oars on left shoulder; 7 on sheeT
bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Maliner
Woodward, John. Hennnar. nru,
WatkinS. LlHKa. Ilmninar fl 1 . . .
HE wnnecteoon left .tTtt.. " ua oraoaed
VV ailace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattl W n.
nghl Hugh, hoi. n left ear; horsSTv? on right
shouluer, som. wuneon left shoulder,
tthittier Broa., Drew.y, Harney connty Or -
Williams, asco, Hamilton, Or. -OuaruTair.
ch, over u three bam on left hip, bouTcaHj! and
horse.. Range Grant county. "d
Williams. J O. Long t reek. Or-Horsea nn.
tor cue. over three bar. on left hipfoll'
I ' ; A-'"PPnw, Or.-Horae. nuuiina A A
on shoulder; Came, same on right hi '
Xoung, J. 8., Uooeeoerry.Or. Hoii.l.r.a
Youre W. A., GooKberry. Or.-Hor.aa
cd X idoob:. X coLnwiid oa lift L-uS
eaul. eame on lett aide. w ahlda