Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 18, 1893, Image 3

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    Ml I'll' K TO AOVfcltriaLKS.
1 Mi'ML desiring the niiertioQ of diipiay ads.,
1. or cimutfe ut sume, mum Kt their i?o.y in
it.. I ldir liimu M outlay evening fur Tutimiay'i
eiiiUou, or Ihumuy evening mr iridavn .Tui
tion. iUB k" ATTKItfjUti fUBLlSHlttGlO.
l. The sum of five cents per line will be
ctmrueU fur "cards oi thanks' "renohitions oi
reH-cvt. " lists oi wedding presents and duiiois,
slid ubilimry uolices, (other limn tin joe th: edit
or shall hiiabell give as a mailer ol new,) and
uuticesulHpeclal uieeiiiis fur whatever purpose.
it. Notice ul church and Society and all other
euterlalnuteuia lroin which revenue is to be de
rived, shall he charged lor at the rate of live
bents a lute. Theae rules will be strictly adher
ed to la every instance.
Advertising rate reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for Mi or her communication. Iso
correspondence will be published unless the
wrltei i real name Is signed as an evidence ol
good faith.
1. FibllEK, NEWftl'Al'EU ADVEKTI
iui tmncibco, is our auihoiued &hvu
'in iu
paper is kepi on hie in niaoiiice.
Stage for Hardmtui, Mnnnmeut, Lour Crook,
John lay ana canyon Uily, leave as iollows :
tvery tiny at ti:oU a. in., e xcept Sunday.
Arrives every day at i:;iu p. in., except .vlondiiy.
'the cheapest, quickest unii best tine to or
from the Interior eountry.
J. d. DKLF.VAN, Prop.
Sloeuin-Johnston Drug Co., Agents.
Give your business to Heppuer people,
and tltereore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those wlto patrouue
Here and There.
Heppuer Furniture Co., for carpet, t
For uooC bealth use TUTi's I'lLLS.
Get your wanking done by Japanese
laundry. 17
JanieB H. Willis was up from Lexing.
ton Saturday.
Call and examine Heppuer Furniture
Co.'s wall papers. t
Diok Howard was in from Morrow's
ranch last evening.
Frank Kellogg returned from below on
last evening's train.
J. B. Keeney came in from Pendleton
on last evening's train.
Born To the wife of George Aiken,
Saturday April 15, a boy.
J. Ruddock, of Kutldock, Umatilla Co.,
was in Heppuer Saturday.
Ed. Driskell was in town yesterday, on
bis return from Pendleton.
C, C. Wildev, a piano dealer from
Walla Walla, is in the city.
A orew of sheep shearers arrived from
California Saturday eveuiug.
Charles Cunningham and Joe Vey
began shearing sheep last week.
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, McAtee Bros., Props. sw
Uncle Chus. Clanton from down the
creek was iu the city Friday last.
A. D. Brush, a Portland real estate
man, was in Heppner over Sunday
Hon. W. B. Ellis returned from Port
land and Salem, last Friday night.
C. A. Bhea is shearing down at bis
lower rauoues with a orew of 21 men.
With the assistance of cratches Jeff
Haves is again able to be on the streets.
Hood's Pills cure liver ills, jaundice)
billiousness, Bick headache, constipation.
The Heppner-Cuuyon stage line is the
best, cheupest and qicukest to the in
terior. The Monow County Land and Trust
Company has an unlimited supply of
mill feed.
Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years
oheaper than you can make them at
Fell Bros.' '
The twiob a-week Gazette now only
82.50 in advance, payable in cash or
coon skins.
Halt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho
tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths
in connection.
Hon. Phill Metscbnu and Dr. KiohBrd"
son are now in Eastern Oregon, lookiug
up the asylum site.
8. J. Cramer, one of the knights of the
grip, returned from an inner oountry
trip Sunday evening.
Minor & Co. are putting in an arc light
and will hereafter have one of the best
lighted stores in town.
Mrs. Wm. MoAtee and ohildren left
yesterday morning for Spokane, where
they will visit relatives.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
oureS liquor, opium, morphine, oocaiue
and tobaouo habit. See ad.
The Gazette would gladly fill a few
orders for choioe trees of any sort satis
faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf.
Lambing is being attended with poor
suooess, from what we can learn. The
weather has been too cold, entirely.
Wm. Penland lost a square and com
Pbss recently in Heppner. The finder
will please return to this office. 75-tf
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock Bhould subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. Nielson is now running a stage be
tween Heppner and Lone Bock. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
MrB. A. J. StevensoD is prepared to dc
all kinds of nursing. Call at her hnmt
In north Heppner, or address her at this
plaoe. B18tf
J. D. Ingrabam, Bud Ingraham and
S. I. Gerkins were iu today from Eight
Mile. They say that crops are looking
well, considering.
W. C. Hoseason, who was for many
years a Morrow oounty pedagogue, has
been employed as instructor in the
oey city sohools.
Ornvness. baldness, dandruff and
diseases of the scalp, and falling of the
bair can be cored by using Hall's Vege
table Sioilian Hair Kenewer.
Master Clay French is the authorized
agent for tbe Oregonian at tflis piste.
Subscribe throutih bim, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
Newer Bnd neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones the baber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in eonneo
tion. Lost. On tbe streets of Heppner, a
gentleman's small tye pin, shape of leaf
set with diamonds. Finder will confer
a Brent favor by leaving same at this
Married In Eight Mile last Sunday,
the 15th met., Mr. Urant women buu
Miss May Salinff, Sqntre C. E Jones
olhiiatinif. The best wishes of the Ga
zette are with tham.
Dra. Qagea and Swinburne have jmt
bought a oonple of Marlin nrlas aud
every day ye medioal men are seen
wanderiujt over these HeppDer bills in
quest of the festive squirrel.
Colonel Pat Donan's address before the
Oregon Press Association, Bt The Dalles
last fall, will commence in this issue and
be completed iu tbe next. It is an in
teresting talk in the style inimitable to
Bill Nye and tbe Colonel.
Dr. B. F. Vaniiban has gone estt to
1.:- A l A.ltir.n tftVlIU
Complete Ul" ueu.ai o'iuu"".---
n-. J W. kaamna and EnceueN auuhan
inha,,f hi. office. Th,e owing Dr.
V.nnhin aill nlease make settlem-ut
with Dr. Eugene Vanghan who h full
authority. 17-tf-
J. A. Junking, better known a. "Ton."
ud J Dennis, both well knowo in tbi.
county, arrived from California Saturday
t-wuiug Willi a orew ol ehrep shearers.
Charliy Frfczer returned from below
on Saturday's train, leaving on tbe stage
for Bum, bis home, yesterday morning.
H. V. Blaokweil got iu from Grant
o-mntry Friday, ouiuur below Satnrrt
Htnry is lookiug tip a beef market for
thin seasou.
Hon. Heury Blackman and Otis Palter
boii, ut this paper, returned last iveuiug
from a visit to I'eudleton aud points
further east.
Juhu h. Rush made final proof on bis
homestead before Clerk Jlorrow yester
day, with James Tolbert and Frank Baird
as witnesses.
L. R. Fairobild, Mnrphy, Grant Co.'s
representative, got in from Long Creek
Fuday evening, leaviug for Portland . on
Saturday's train.
Hurry 1. Wood, representing the
faniuus hat and cap manufacturers,
Turner & Jay, ol Kansas City, ilo., was
with us over Suuday.
Nothing adds so much to a person's
appcai dui e as a Hue thick bead of hair
ut even color, and to assure this use only
U..IL', u..: u.
uaii a uua iveiiewer. -
Monmouth Paper: E. G. Noble a
former student of this place, now deDutv
Kheriff of Morrow oouuty. is visiting
friends iu Monmouth this week.
J. N. Watson, a Bheep buyer from Re
no, Montana, ariived in Heppner Sun
day, having driven through from Reno.
Mr. Watson is buying mutton sheep.
Weiaer Signal: The old tale oomes
down from K.ithdrum. One man play
fully grubbed the muzzle of a jiun iu an
other man's bauds and the gun went off
as the angel bund struck up a funeral
C. A. Hodeon was in Saturday from
Six Dollar where be is now engaged in
teacuiog a spring term of sohool.
Churley juat recently completed a term
of school over at Echo where he bas
siieut the winter.
If old man Pague had been in this
neighborhood for the past two weeks be
would have had a great old time keeping
track of the weather. Grant county
News. Wonder how Brother Pague likes
to be styled the "old man?"
Mrs. E. Kilcnp oame in from her Hin
tou Creek ranch lust Saturday. She re
ports the recent cold storms very disas
trous to lambing in that section, the loss
in several instances being quite heavy.
Many people who pride themselves on
their blue blood would be far happier
with pure blood; but, while we cannot
choobe our ancestors, fortunately, by the
ue of Ayer's Sarsaparilla, we can trans
mit pure blood to our posterity.
A. Craven arrived from Long Creek
Friday evening, acoompanied by Miss
Billa Welch, both leaviug for Portland
yesterday morning. Our reporter learns
that they are to be married in Portland,
but of course wouldn't mention it.
Dallas Dampman Is spending a few
days in Heppuer this week. Dallas re
ports a pleasant time at the encampment
at reiulletoj last week, iioth lie and
Comrade Willis responded to theoall for a
Bontr at the camphre Thursday evening
B. S. Mantle, returned from bis Gil
liam county trip by the way of Arlington
last evening, leaving this morning for
Pendleton. Mr. Mantle reports a pretty
tough trip through the country by team,
in tact, enough experience to last a long
Many rise in the morning with a bead
ache aud no iucliuatiou for breakfast.
This is due to torpidity of the liver and
a deranged oouditton of tbe stomaoh. To
restore healthy action to these organB,
nothing is sc efficacious as an occasional
dose of Ayer's Pills.
TimeB Mountaineer: Heppner is
making extensive preparations for the
grand lodge, K. of P., which meets there
iu October. Committees have been
appointed, and arrangements are being
mar e to extend to the visiting Knights
a chivalrio welcome.
The Living Issue: Last Saturday the
mercantile firm of Dustin, McKoberts
and Woodall of Long Creek failed.
Liabilities about $10,000,asset.s $U,000.
The immediate cause of the failure was
the fact that two or three buisuess firms
below were going out of business aud
pushed for a settlement.
0. T. Atwood, repr senting the Bing
hampton Whip Co., of Btughampton,
New York, Sundayed in Heppner. Mr.
Atwood also carries "axle grease, sar
dines and apple cider" on the side,
consequently he generally does business
in every towo, if no demand for whips
he then talks axle grease. S.miethirg
the "nigger's ooon trap." he catches
'em both "a comiu' Bud a gwian."
Persons who are subject to attaoks of
bilious colic can almost iuvariubly tell,
by their feelings, when to expect an at
tack. If Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
Bnd Diarrhoea Remedy is taken aa soon
as these smptoms appear, tbev can ward
off the disease. Such persons shoald
always keep the Remedy at hand, ready
for immediate use when needed. Two
or three doses of it at the right time will
save them much suffering. For sale by
Sloeum-Johnston Drug Co.
Sckpbise Parti. LaBt Saturday eve
ning about thirty young friends of Thos.
Nelson gathered at his home and gave
bim a pleasant surprise, apprising bim
of the fact that this was bis 24th birth
day, The eveuiug was spent in conver
sation Bnd games, interspersed by vocal
music, concluded by an elegant lunch.
It is unnecessary to state that your re
porter gave able assistance in disposing
of tbe latter.
My wife was confined to ber bed for
over two months with a very severe attaok
of rheumatism. We could get nothing
that would afford her any relief, and as
a last resort gave Chamberlain's Pain
Balm a trial. To our great surprise she
began to improve Bfter the first applica
tion, and by UMiig it regularly sue was
soon able to get up and attend to her
house work. K. H. Johnson, of C.J.
Kuutson k Co., Kensington, Minn. 50
oeut bottles fur Bale by Sloeum-Johnston
Drug Company.
Wohld's Faib Travelers Will Have
It. The public demand through service
when traveling. It is old-fasbioned to
change Oars. On the through solid
yestibuled trains of the Chicago, Union
Pacitio aud Northwest Liue, from or to
Chicago, Omaha and intermediate points,
there is no change. This is the finest
and fastest road. 19-31.
Out or fc'iuHT. The traveling publio
are uow fully alivs to the fact that the
Chicago, TJuion Pacifio 4 Northwest
Line idVers the very best accommodations
to the public from and to Chioaga,
Omaha and intermediate points not only
ilnrini the World's Fair, but bII the
year around. 19 -31
Wood Vakd The Heppner
, i i i ....m.i nl
I yard, under the management of
a inkle, is prepared w ueiiver
I wood at your r. Kid-no-, sawed or
your rimdeno', sawed or uu-
1 ..., Wood saw. d aud delivered at
jysoi.er coid. Wood sawed twice in!
two, 75 cts. per oord; three limes, $1.00. j
, J.rU near tU. , depot. Leave order, at
Sloan 4 Howard .. .
Saved From the Grave
Scrofula In Face and Neck
Blind at Times
Hood's Sarsaparilla Itemtared Health
Gained 33 Pound In Weight,
Mr. Wm. Erich
West Duluth, Minn.
" I have been a very ereat sufferer from a seri
ous cast of scrofula. First, a large bunch cams
In my neck growing as bis as a good sized apple.
It was as hard as bone, and after drawing It to
a head the doctor lanced It, and for twe yean
It Was a Running Sor
Then we tucoeedod In healing It up, but the dis
ease began to appear la my faoe, which would
swell up and affect my eyes so that every mora
mg they were so Inflamed and swollen that I
was bliad The swelling would subside In the
middle of the afternoon so that I eould tee a
little. Wtll, I was Id this condition for about a
year. I went to tvtry physician in my town, tU
of whom failed to help me and said thing
evnld fc done to cure me. But I began to take
flood's Sarsaparilla, and whei I had used a
bottle and a half, the swelling tn my face hid
entirely gone down. I kept on taking the medi
cine, and gained 33 pounds in weight.
I Have Been Perfectly Cured
am now in good health, aad confidently tay
Hood's Sarsaparilla saved me from the grave.
Today I am looking as stout and hearty as ever
Hood's Cures
in my life, and I cheerfully recommend Hood't
Sarsaparilla to anyone suffering from blood dis
eases." William Erick, West Duluth, Minn.
Hood's PHIS do not purge, pain or gripe,
but act promptly, easily and efficiently. 26a
Notice to Stock Breeders. I will
keep, at mr farm 7 miles northeast of
Lexington, a fine Jack of the Blaok
Warrior breed. This Jack is large and
of high form. Terms: Five dollars, in
surance. Mares intrusted to my oare
will be kept in good pasture at one
dollar per month. Due care will be
taken to prevent accidents, or tbe stray
ing of mares, though I will be respon
sible for none. B. F. Swauoabt.
114 tf. Lexington, 0.
For Sali. Four hundred acres deeded
land 4 miles north of Heppner; 200
acres good farming land, balance excel
lent pasture. There are 145 aores in
wheat, mostly summer-tallow, with plen
ty of water. A small but comfortable
bouse and barn. All lays wall. Prices
aud terms made known on application.
Address Justus Beaman,
lltiwtf Heppner, Or.
Fashionable Dressmakers. Mis' W.
W. Smead and Mrs. Margaret Looney
are prepared to do dressmaking in tbe
latest fashion and sewing of every nature,
at hard time prioes, at the home of Mrs.
W. W, Smead. Don't fail to give them
a call. 118-sw.
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just looated in the Abraham
si o It building, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiythine in his line,
ur. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work,
man and warrants all work. Qive him a
oall 14-tf
A Fink Horsb. The imported run
ning c'.allinn, Sir Henry, has been
brought over to Heppner, and will stand
tbe ensuing season at this place. He is
tbe property of "Cayuae" Reynolds, and
is a fine horse. 570tf
First Clasb Tailoring Fred Miller
is now located on May street in the old
bakery building, where be is prepared to
do first class work. A perfect fit
guaranteed. Qive him a trial. tf.
MbbIo Free-
Expense not considered, pianists
should tuue their own piano, for often
one string out of tune gives as much
trouble aa if the whole scale were so and
no tuner at band. Tbe new book teaches
a method, whereby every lady can easily
tune. Tbe Press, N. Y., says: "It teaches
bow to tune by a new, simple process,
and divests the art of all mystery. It
also tells bow to remedy all defeots in
piano and organ." The price, bouud in
Leatheretl is 75c, but to introdnce
quiekly it will be sent free with ten pieces
slieet music, and a present sold for one
dollar, to all sending nine 2-oent stampi,
for postage, etc., and names of six per
sons who play, This short time offer is
by a reliable bouse. Ureal terms to
composers by a new plan. Address
STANDARD MUSIC CO., 'J Euclid aye.
Cleveland, Ohio. W-20
House and lot located in finest part of
"Peninsula," Portland, electric lights,
water works, graded streets, two car
lines and one under contemplation.
One of the finest additions to Portland
for residences. Party wishta to dispose
of furniture witb bouse. Reason for
selling, poor health and a desire to lo
cate in tbe beautiful clime of Eastern
Oregon. Call on, or address,
Tua Pattibsom Pibuhhinu Co.,
Heppner, Or.
Seven steers, ooming two-yearsold,
two steers ooming tbree-ysars-old, two
beifers two-yeara-old, all branded P,
witb bar over it, on either hip. Parties
finding same will please notify me at
Alpine, Oregon.
116 '13 law. KatePsrtelL
I nave lasen up au esiruy norse, aooui
. 8 M v fc , '.. ,,,
M jOUI!li. brandid ou left ahouldr.
1 O uer cm have same by paying paDtm-
j. tL JONB,
Eight Mue.Or.
PrvTfit and rur Coimtlpation itndSlcM
Hdti, &mU Hum It nt,
A.bout A.pril 1, 1893,
Will be removed from Lichteuthal's old 6tnnd, the present location,
to Henry Heppner's building on site formerly occupied by Kirk &
Rasmus, corner Afay and Minn streets, where J. H. Kolman, the
popular prorprietor, will be pleased to show you his new stock of
Spring and Summer Goods
which will be sold, as of old, at
Don't fail to visit me at my new quarters.
Thinkingof anewSpring Style
Attire ? Wondering what ma
terialwhat color you should
purchase ? Puzzling your
mind about the correct thing
in trimmings ? Consulting
with vour dressmaker as to
which of the many styles will
be most becoming ?
iir so, -
Gome and talk it over with us.
We're prepared to throw a flood
of light upon every element of
A Big Line of Silks.
All the latest stylet in Figured India
Silks. SamplnBwill be mailed FREE on
application. Yours Reap'y.
WiiM Mile Co.
TunnMun niiimiTnnu nnuniMV
-Have just reoeived a select-
Consisting of
Wall -:- Paper -
One Carload
Latent Designs, Patterns and Prioes.
Also a Sue line of w
Hammocks, Baby Carriages,
Bugs, Mattings, Clooks, Glass, Refrigerators, Window Shades and Portiere Curtains
Undertaking A. -f Specialty.
. n bis
W invite inspection of our new
lateBt patterns ana very Dent qualities ot
Imported-:-and -:- Domestic -: SUITINGS
Hanging in Price from $..fS0 to S.'iO.OO.
Oall and Inspect While the Stock is at
Yours for Trade.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
: - and -:- Carpets.
J. At.
& CO.'S
invoices of desirable Htyles in (ill the
it.H Hest.
Tnist Busts
Anything New of Real
You can Generally Find
For Sale bv
Wf don't run i third-dais junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twioa
their value, but we keep nrsl-class goods at honest prioes, witb
do baits or trap. We keep
Gits' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old oustomerg how we treat them.
Corner Main aud
4 To Qet Even on Your
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps aud
Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs and Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done.
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the
Change of
'hioh we propose to conduct in
on hands at nil times tbe choicest
Meats, Sausage,
ed Beef,
Graduate M. E. C. V. 8., London, England.
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I an prepared to do all kinds of Veterinary Burgery, Emaioulatlns HorHee and ReRllnn a Bpeel
ally. (ThU la the only true ini'tnod ol operallmon norici.) hyiiiir ol Cattle and Hoga
on altort notice. I will treat all aulrnala
inary Hurgery. ll you nave any eica
can on me ai
W. L. Matlock & Co.
fjandies, -:- p -:- and
Tfia. TCfifi fitf Infill . inii! i
-OF -
New York Cash Itacket Store.
JUHT OUDKHEI), AND TO AHKIVE MOON : Hpring nod Hummer Dross
floods, Osliooes, (JiiiKhsms, PlonnoinK', Drspery, (tents' Fiiriiistiinifs; also Ladies'
i Underwesr nd, uumorous otlifr (roods
I slock: very chmp. VVbeo I sny clieau, I
tiiistt) to l) Brthalied. I do Quae but a ossh busiuess, suit can therefore undersell
sll sompetitori.
J. W. MATLOCK, Prop.
Main Street, neil door to tbe Open Home.
wno are
Noted tor being
The Leaders.
Willow iA
1Ini TTfvT I)JtL..L
Mill nauuiJiimdDyuTO.
: -:- Yon will save money by
getting our prioes before purchasing
elsewhere. -:- : -:- -:- -:-
tbe most satisfactory manner. Will keep
Bologna, Corn
Etc., Etc.
In the inoat approved procedure of Veter
animaia it win
II ba to your Intereit to
ruewari a autuica.
:- Opts !
For the Cure Oi
.Kjuor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It la liM'atcd at forest Grove, Or.,
The Mott Beautiful Toivn on the Coast.
Call at the Oiubtts onVo (or particular!.
Strictly conlldentlal. Treatment prlvateauil aur.
iu tlmt litis. Notions una linwme in
ul bd it. Yon liuvu but to call mid iuves-