Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 14, 1893, Image 4

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    Tie -:- Imported -:- railing -:- Stallion.
This floe Imported Stallion will make the ensuing eetiBon beginning March 8 h
and ending July 1st, Bt the following places :
MONDAYS and TU.tfio.UA.ia at lieu
RIDAY8 and SATURDAYS at Thompson & Binns' etiible 11 Heppner, Or.
"BIR HENRY" ll a golden bay with black points ; In 7 years ol.l ; lt'.$ hands high, ami
weigh! 1180 pounds -, 1 ola kind and gentle disposition. Ho is commonly known as thC'llalib"
hone, being brought from Montana to Portland by W. H. Babb In the (all of lwjo.
"SIR HENRY" waa Hired by "Martin," by "Hermit"; flam "Lady Henrietta," a well known
Imported French mare.
"BIR HENRY" was Imported direct from England to Winnlpeg.Mahlloba, by T. 0. Jackson.
Single leap $20, due when eervioes are rendered.
Season $50, due at the end of the season.
All Care Will be Taken to Prevent Accidents,
But I will be responsible for none should they occur.
Good IPatxxre
With plenty of spring water on same oan be had at Ben HwaKgart's ranoh for $1.50
per month per triad.
74sw Heppner, Oregon.
OF (Theyoungiowto clioosc,
tJOUKSfjJTlie lnarritHl how to be
)The fond parent how to have prize babies j ( ONE
)Tho mother how t have them without pain ; (AGENT
)Tho childless how to bo fruitful and multiply; ( SOLD
)The curious how they "irrowed" and came to bo;( 42
)Tho healthy how to enjoy
JTno invalid how to get
BODY )The imprudent how to
OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth
TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Homo Talk,"
KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes;
RRAn Mr,,,!,,,.,,! tV 4T. or, ln 1 r.n. ,.;,.!,. fv.n
P. II. T. )Murray Hill Hook Co., 129
On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. Ivotilss,
east, mm SOUTH.
Leaves Heppner, 8 a. in. Arrives
6:60 p. m.
3-" it 1 i. sieeuera,
Oolonlat BleepeM,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Steamers Portland to Sau Franoisco
every four dayB.
For rate and general information call ou
Depot Tlckot Agent,
J. C. ECA.11T
Heppner, Oregon.
W. H HUKLBUKT, A Ml Ueul. Tail. Agt,
JM Washington Ht.,
Portland, Oriuon.
Cattle branded end ear marked as shown above.
Horaea Y on right ahouhter.
Mr oattla rang In Morrow and Umatilla otmn
tiea. 1 will pay 1109.1)0 for the arreat and oon-
tuition or aujr permm auwuag my sioca.
And all point. In California, via the Mt, Mhaata
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
The treat hiahway thniugh California to all
polnta Kaat and South. Grand ttcwita Hunt
of tha Pacific! ('.mat. Pullman HiifTi
ft lee pare. Heoond-elaaa ttleepera
Attaohed;toeiureee traina, aflonling auiwiur
aoeuuuuodatioua for aecond-elaMi latamiUKera.
For rates, tirketa, alaepinf car rneemittorie,
etc,, nail upon or addrma
B. KORIILKR, Manaer, K. P. RiHiEKH, AuL
tfu. . t P. Aft., Portland, Oreon.
Ripaoi Tkbulei euro uausoa.
Hnaggarts runcu iu miles norm 01
tlio best ouetoii7aiTy7(IN TWO
Iiftppy in marriage; ( ' DAXt
life and keep well ;
( $1,100
well again speedily;
retrain wasted enerorv.
15. 2Si,h St., New York. (SOLD.
Thirteen!, (Joiul Colta Are Now; inSTralning.
From the KnstOrcgoiilaii.
T. J. Matlock, of HeDimer. who arrived
in the oity with Cubs Mutlock Friday af-
tornon, talked with a reporter concern
ing affairs at the Matlock training farm.
Thirteen colts, those of Kepetta, Lady
Duffy, Oregon Kose, Barb Wire and oth
er mares, are being trained, and ar al1
in good condition. They are two and
three years old. Kepetta's oolt, Morrow,
is a fine-looking animal, strong and
healthy, and Mr. Matlock banks much
on hia future; $7,000 could not buy the
oolt. Iu taot, Morrow's promising pros
pects are to some extent a recompense
for the bad luck at the training farm
during the winter. On one day, Decem
ber 21), two ilne colts died, one foaled by
Kepetta and the other by Alta. Mr.
Matlook bad been offered $1,000 forlicD-
etla's colt and $3,000 for Alta's, but de
clined both offers. The former died from
congestion o' the lungs and the latter's
death was due to an injury. Two good
brood marea were also lost. The Mat
look farm iB well equipped. Not long
ago a $1,700 barn, fifty feet high and
oouveuiontly arranged, was completed.
Hurklen's Arnica Salve.
The best salve in the wnrhl r.ir onto
bruises, sores, nloers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, ohilblains
ooniB and all skiu eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Trice 25 oents per
box. For Bale by Hloouro Johnson Drug
A good prospeotforoiopsin these parts
at present.
There was preaching at Oooselteriv
Sunday last by Mr. Fleuimings.
Mrs. Peter ltrenner, who haa been on
the sick list, is improving some.
There was some snow fell last Mnndnv
and we are having an abundance of ruin.
Mr. Hen Akers is talking of npplying
for the position of postmaster at Uotise-
oerry .
Oliver Snyder bought a couple of
horses Tuesday. Mr. Snyder ooutem
platea farmiug some in the near future.
Messrs. Thot. Ornhnm, Hiimuel Miller,
Sawyer and W. 1'. Snyder are treating
themaelves to a new fence around their
entire ranch.
ltillie Benton, who has been visiting
relatives here, leaves this week fur Wash
ington where he will probably stay dur
ing the Bummer.
Mr. I.ewiBHnyder, who has been bn toll
ing the last winter, says be is tired of
that kind of a life and went to work for
Mr. Fell, of Hoonner. iilanttnur timber
culture, etc. Moltiddle, of this place, is
also at work for Mr. Fell.
UoosKnuuitY, Or., April 11, '!;.
loot l'rlat on the Path to Health.
Kvprvone neilini7 n diuitnr'a nilviA
should read one of Dr. F'oote's dime
pamphlet on "Old Kyes," "Croup,"
"Hupture," "l'himoeiii," "Varicocele,"
DlMtUlHO Of UlAAHUM .f Vl,m. an.l
learn the beat means ot st'lf-curv. M.
Ilill 1'ub. Co., 12S Kaat 2Nlh St.. New
For any case of rheumatism which can
not be cured by Dr. Drunmioud'a Light
ning lie tiu. I. v. The proprietors do not
hide this oiler, but priut it in bold type
and on their circti'ars. wrappers, printed
matter aud iu thecoliitnuaol newspapers
everywhere. It will work wonders ; one
bottle will cure nearly every ease. If the
druggiat has not got it he will order it.
or il will be sent o any address by pre
paid tx press on receipt of price, $5.
Drumtuoud Medicine Co., 4S 50 Maiden
Lane, New York. Agents wanted. 18
i April 12. 1893.
Sandunes, Morrow Co. Oregon, which
is the west eend ov diBtritk No. H. To
the editur uv the Ilepner Gazet. Bein
a reder nv yure valuble paper, and sein
yue heyaoorspondent frum the east eend,
i thot i wold drap yne a fue lines in reply
to L'ucle Tom. He has the audasity to
oall us kickers. Who woodn't kick?
Poeesion is 9 pints in law. Haiut we held
urn fur 8 long years as solid as a rock.
Troo, some 11 skolarst in the east eend
ot the districk air 4 or 5 miles off, bat it
is down bil 1 the wo, beeids we must
hev the skool muny, and the tax nv ther
land; it iz the very life blud uv our ua
berhood. They bed the impydnnoe to
acuze ua uv runin' in a dtizen men frum
other distnoks to vote at onranuul skool
mentin, all uv which we stoutly deny,
wit h the excepshun uv a f ue outside voats
wbioti we actualy needed to oarry our
pints, evry voat wuz az state az a mule.
To think tha hed the cheak to petishun
to the county skool Buperiutender to be
sot off in a new distriok, maike mi blud
bile. What's to hinder them frum movin'
sum whare elce 2 edicate thsr childurn?
But we hev remonsterated, yea, verily,
we have remonsterated muchly. The
fust one want big nutT2 kiver the peti
shun, so we hev drnpt ontu anutber with
the uames uv ever man and wnman in
the west eend on tu it. The childurn
air lurnin to rite, fixen fur anuther if
them 2 fales tu hoald it doun. Don't be
uuezy about the west eend, Uncle Tom;
if my hed is bawld i'll hoald her in or
bust. Joe Blnclm.
8 Mile Sandunes, which is the West
end uv districk No. 14.
Beware of Ointment for Catarrh That Contuin
As meronry will surely destroy the sense
of smell and completely derange the
whole Hystem when entering it through
the mnaous surfaces. Huon artioles
should never be used exoept on pre
scriptions from reputable physicians, as
the damage they will do is ten fold to
the good yon oan possibly deserve from
them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu
factured by I1'. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo,
O., contains no mercury, and is taken
internally, tiding directly upon the
blood end mucous surfaces of the system.
In buying Hull's Culairb Cute, be sure
you get the genttiue. It is taken in
ternallv, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by
F.J. Cheney & Co. Testimonials free.
J3y"iiold by druggists, price 75c. per
bottle. 10
That the grand ball to be given at the
Matqnam Grand opera-honse, nuder the
auspices of the Woman's Exchange, on
Tuesday evening, April 18, will be the
most magnificent affair that has ever
taken place on the 1'HCifio ooast, is now
an undisputed fact. The lobby of the
hous.e will be tastefully decorated with
great musses of txutia plants. At the
rear of the stage there will be two large
arches of simlux aud cut flowers, and
back of them a raided platform for the
30 musicians. Around the stage there
will be a fence of palms, lilies, daisies,
aznlias, acacias, cinerarias and hyacinths,
and the ohandeliers festooned with
smihix and hanging balls of out flowers.
The stage will be set for the ocoasion to
represent a tropical garden, with great
palms rising high above the heads of
the company. The balcony and gallery
will be draped with laurel wreathing
and with gold and white tarleton and
festoons, of laurel, oaught.up with knots
of sniilax. The boxes will also be draped
in festoons with emilax, and have hang
ing balls of out flowers. The floor where
the danoiug will take place will be
surrounded by fonts of (lowers and ferns
At various punts fountaius of real per
fume will throw a oontinuous spray,
where the dancers oan regale themselves
with some sweet-scented perfume to their
heart's content. The musio stand will
also be a marvel of artistic floral beauty.
Banked arouud the base will be flowers
aud plants in profusion, while from the
top of the stage oeiliug waving ribbons
of emilax CO feet in length. Parsons'
orchestra of 30 picked musicians, have
been selected to furnish the musio, which
will be of the very latest publications.
All in nil, the ball will be a dream of
beauty aud a scene of the greatest
Kr,ooo in KEWAKim.
Seventh Half-Yearly Literary Competition
of The Canadian Agriculturist.
In accordance with their usual cuatom for
ionic vcai-B pant, the puhlittlu'ra of that oltl and
reliaMc publication, the Canadian ABTlcultur
it, now presents ite 7th Ureal llalf-Ycarly Lit
erary Competition to the people of the I ntted
states and Canada. Thiacoinpetition will eloso
May ;10, 1M:, il.'ulayi thercalter being allowed
lor letters to reach us from distant points). The
lollowluK is the prUc list:
lstlirand Prlae f2.500 in Oohl
and " " 1,0110 in Hold
Srd " " in Hold
1th " " '"Hi In Oold
I'lh " " too in Hold
5,000 Kleenut Silver Tea Services, I'lallos. Organs,
liold Watches, Ac, .V-c, making a total of over
Ui.rtW prizes.
tlow ToSaei aa num. Take a few eheets
of paper and make all Hie words you can out of
letters contained in the words, "Col.l'MauN
KxrosmoN," ami send them to us, enclosing
one dollar for six month's subscription to the
Agriculturist or the Ladles' Home MaKaiino
two of ihe best home monthlies In the world.
lil'l.as 1. KoreiKii w ords are not allowed. 2.
Letters cannot be used oftener than thev appear
In the two words. "Columbian Kxposition. 3.
Names of places ami persons barred
All lists containing over 1ml correct words
will receive a valuable special prte. Send post
al card lor list of prue w tuners In former com
petitions. Address,
Thk AollliTl.TUHIsT Putt. Co.,
Peterborough, Canada.
Kat People.
The only safe and reliable treatment
for obesity, or superfluous fat, is the
"Leverelte" Obesity Pills, which gradu
ally reduce the weight and measurement.
No injury or inconvenience leaves no
wrinkles nets by absorption. Thiscure
is founded upon the must scientific prin
ciples, and has been used by one of the
moat eminent physicians of F.urope iu
his private practice "for five jears" with
the most gratifying reunite. Mr. ileury
Perkins, LH.I I'uion Park, Boston, writes:
"From the use of the 'Leverette obesity
pills my weight has been reduced ten
pounds iu three weeks aud my general
health is very much improved. The
principles of your treatment are fully in
dorsed by my family physioiau. Iu proof
of my gratitude I herewith give you per
mission to use my name if you desire to
do so." Prlue ilH) per package, or three
packages for 85 (XI by mail. All ordert
supplied direct from our office. The
I.kykiiktth Mi'F.cirw Co., 175 Treuiont
Street Ikistou, Mass.
TriiKKY F.uus. lien man .t Wilson
have thoroughbred Mammotti Bronze
turkey eggs for sale at their Butter creek
ranch, lavs nr.tora at Mump Itrrva ir
address them at Echo. n7'2-S9 w
The burean gives out the following
weather and crop report for Eastern
Oregon :
The weather continue to be wet
cloudy and cool, there is a marked
absence of sunshine. 8ix inches of snow
fell on the morning of the loth in
Umatilla, Union, Wallowa, and Baker
oounties. ProatB have been frequent.
The amount of rainfall for the week has
ranged from 0.60 of an inch to 1.33 inches.
The season is unusually late and
There are very few, if eny, trees
showiog a blossom east of the Cascade
Monntains. Color oan be Been on some
peach and cherry trees about Milton
and The Dalles. Buds are swelling in
the Columbia and Snake River valleys
bnt they are much later than usual.
The ground is thoroughly saturated.
Spring seed ing is greatly del ayed. Grase
haa slow growth. Stock on the range
are not in good condition. Lambing
season is on and small loss is reported.
In Klamath County stook have been
turned into the range. Little Bpring
plowing has been done in the interior
countries, while in Wasco, Sherman and
Gilliam oounties it is about oompleted.
The farmers and stookmen are generally
jubilant over the prospects, though where
spring seeding is not completed there ia
considerable oomplaint. Warmer and
fair weather would now prove very
beneficial and would greatly facilitate
growth of vegetation and the backward
farming operations.
Preventing Fatnre Misery.
If there is in this yale of tears, a more
prolific souroe of misery then the rheu
matic twinge, we have yet to hear of it.
People are born with tendency to rheu
matism, just as they are with one to
oonsumption or to scrofula. Slight
oauses may develop this. As soon as
the agonizing complaint manifests itself,
recourse Bhould be had to Hostetter'e
Stomach Bitters, which will oheck its
further inroads and banish the rheumatio
poison from the system. This statement
tallies exactly with the testemony of
physioians who have employed this fine
blood depurent in their private praotioe.
There is also the amplest professional
and general testimony as to the effioaoy
of the Bitters for malaria, liver oom
plaint, constipation, indigestion, Uidmy
trouble, nervousness aad loss of appe
tite and flesh. After a wetting, whether
followed by a cold or not, the bitters is
useful hs a preventative of the initial
attack of rheumatism.
Having seen nothing in your valuable
paper from-this part of the continent,
I thiok a fewitetna from here would not
be amiss but if they are will the editor
please to slyly slip this into the waste
basket before any scrutinizing eye is
plaoed upon it.
Mrs. Elsie Haile formerly of this place
is quite ill at the home of her sister Mib.
A. B. Vaughn, in Arlington.
School will begin the second Monday
in April, in district No. 5, with Miss
Lena Snell as teacher.
Mr. J. T. Johnson, the deputy sheriff
of Oillinm, is visiting on the creek this
week. We do not know why he comes
so often but perhaps it is the "attraction"
for we learn tJ Tom is soon to "take
oharge," of (we will not say).
Miss Stella Flett returned from Condon
last week where she has been the past
winter attending school.
Mrs. J. Hurt started to Henoner to.
day en route for Salem to pay ber last
visit to her husband who is an inmate
of the insane 'asylum. She received a
aispaion saying be was hourly exoected
to expire, and is perhaps dead by this
We have been having abundance of
rain this spring Bnd the "webs" are
beginning to start bnt the farmers seem
to think their crops are frozen out.
The Snowshoe Sunday school expired
last Sunday or was murdered by some
"kids" whose only "quality" was that
their tongues were too long.
Shblby Or., April 9, 1893.
Good Looks.
Good looks are msre than ekin deep
depending upon a healthy condition of
bll the vital organs. It the liver be in
active, you bave a bilious look, if your
stomach be disordered, you have a dys
peptic look and if your kidneys be affect
ed you bave a pinched look. Seeure
good health and you will have good
looks. Electrio bitters is the great alter
ative aud tonic and acts direotlyon these
vital orgaus. Cures pimples, blotohee,
boils, and gives a good complexion. Sold
at Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co,, 60o per
Wm. E. Biatt has removed to the val
ley. Some more snow in the valley, but
A. 3. Cook is under the weather on ac
count of a bad oold or la grippe.
C. O. Bowman is moving up near Mil
ton, where be will make his home in the
The farmers are commencing to plow
and to kill squirrels wbiob are quite nu
merous iu the valley.
Born To Giles Dungherty and wife
and easter boy. Weight, 6 pounds.
Mother and child getting along nioely.
Mrs. John French and daughter. Miss
Jessie Haines and Mr. Horner are all vis
iting the latter's daughter. Mrs. C. II
C. li. Cates of Mud oreek, intended to
go to plowing this morning, but post
poned it on aooouut of the reoent snow
The youug ladies of the valley met to
day and cleaned up the acbool house be
fore sohool commenced. Thanks, ladies,
come again.
Our school commenoee next Mocday,
the 10th, with S. A. Newberry as teacher.
Mr. Newberry aud wife will occupy one
of Oraudpa Oorley's houses during hia
term ot acbool. We trust be will be a
successful teacher. E. H.
Mountain Vallkt, April 3, 1SS3.
The Bpring,
Of all seasons in tha year, is the one for
making radical changes in regard to
health. During the winter, the system
becomes to a oertaio extent clogged
with waste, and the blood loaded with
impurities, owing to lack of exercise,
close confinement in poorly ventilated
shops and homes and other can sea. This
is the cause of the dull, sluggish, tired
feeling go general at this season, and
which must be ovaroome, or the health
may be entirely broken down. Uood'B
Sarsnparilla has attained the greatest
popularity all over the country as the
favorite Spring Medicine. It repels the
aecumnlHtion of impurities through the
bowels, kidneys, liver, lungs, aud skin,
gives to the blood tue purity ana puality
necessary to good health aud overoomei
that tired feeling.
That Your Hair
may retain
its youthful color,
fullness, and beauty,
dress it daily
Ayer's Hair Vigor
It cleanses the
scalp, cures humors,
and stimulates a
new growth
of hair.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
i Lowell, Mass.1
Ailtlreps a letter or ponal car.l to
JOHN WEODERBURN, Managing Attorney,
AIbo, for Snlilif rs mid Sudors flisahicd in ttiu lino of
duty in the rpffiilnr Arm v or Xavv linrp the war.
urvlvnrs of tin InUimi w ftrw of CV2 t- 1H42, mid
ttn'ir widows, now entitled. Old ami rclorti ii (Julius
a specialty. ThuusHiiila entitled to hinder r;;ien.
Vnl for tk'w lawa Xo CiVrfe'e for iviviCL-. No f ee
0UI HJW 1883 fUwll BUS OTTIS.
Varieties, FREE!
AtiFnparallelehd Offer by n
Old-EttublUhed and Hell,
bio Publishing II ousel
Tm La Dim' Would U Urge 211
p(f, 90-column lllujtraUd Man
tine for Utile and Um family clrclt.
It ii devoted to itoriea, pocma. UdltV
fane work, aril tic Dee die work,
home dac ration, bo uae. keep Ing,
faibiooa, hy (fitnt, juvenile readme,
liquate, vfx. To introduce tbli
cbarminz Udlt' tmuer Into 100.000
homei where It la not aJrtitviv taken, we nutr
make the following; coottal offtr: Vfmnrt
etxvi of onlv IS C ents in tirer or damp, tw
wi7 ttnd the Ladle' World for Three
Months, and to each ubecriber we will ali- ttnd
lection of Choice Flower feecdii, (wo huudrtd vartttut,
including Panaiei, Verbenas, Chrysanthemum a, Aatera, Phloat
Srummondil, Balaam, Cypres Vine, Stocks, Digitalis, Double
Zinnia, Plnke, etc., etc, Remember, twelve cenU nave forlhe tnags
Ine three months and this entire magnificent Collection of Choice
Flower Seeds, put up by a tu-st-claw Seed House and warranud
freeh and reliable. No lady can afford to miss this wonderful
opportunity. We guarantee every subscriber many times the value
of money tal, aniiwlll refund your money and mnke you a present
of both seeds and Magulne if you are not satisfied. Ours Is an
old and reliable publishing house, endorsed by all the leading news
papers. We have received hundreds of testimonials from pleased
patrona during the past live years: " had beautiful Jtutctr from
th tetd you unt m (wo ytan ago, and from txvtrxtna lenoiethi titdt
are txaclly at advtnittd." Mrs. N, C. Baytim, Dana, Wle.
" iluulf and fritmii kavt itnl for variou thino advtrtiitd bw
you, and hat found ihtm to bt tntirtly tatxt factory." M. I.
Davis, Brooklyn, N. Y. Mrs, Henry Ward Bf-rhar (a regular
ordered our seeds last season. Do not con
found this offer with the catchpenny schemes
of unscrupulous persnni. B-'rife to-day
don't put U off I Bix ubscr!ptlons and six
Seed Collections ent for 60 cents.
for abova offer, and naming th paper in which
lAt mw Mi j advtrtutmtnl, we will send fr, in
addition to all the Jtnove, one packet of the cele
brated Eckford Bwcct Pen, embracing
ma newest erieties, inciuoing norratton, mi
Kekfnrd. Snlftndnr. The Oueen. Ornnw Prinee.
Apple HioMora, etc. Sweet Peas are the moat popuUi
ana rajinionnuie bouquet noweri now cultivated, sou
the Eckford Varieties which we offer, are the Unrest.
finest and most celebrated known. They grow to "J6
height ot 6 feet, and produce for three months ft contlnuuue pro
fusion of fragrant blooms of the moat brilliant coloring.
subscription price) we will send The Lni1le' World for One
Yesr, together with our magnificent Co I lee lion of I holes flower
soda above described, likewise one packet of the extensively advar
llaad and justly celebrated Eckford Sweet Peas. Address :
V . if. MOOUE 4c 0 ST Park Place, w vork.
PILLS are Hlwnys KafL1 uiitl reliable. 1'J.iHKJ toKti
monialB from nil over the worM. Heware of
daiifrerous suhHtituUs and iniitaMonn. Price
S-2,00 per jmrkn. ?ent by mail securely sealed
from observation.
Address Dr. It. EuMont,
98, 8. HaUted St. Chicago, Ills., U.S.A.
loss of manly vlnor, Varicocele, etc. Trof. llii
Mont'a Nerve Pills will etl'ect a speedy cure by
Its use, thousands of cases of the vcrv worst
kind and of long standing have been restored to
perfect health. lS.ooo testimonials from all
over the world. Price per package 1.00, six for
$f).ltu, trial package sent securely senled for ten
cents postage. Address. Dr. K. Du.Mont,
M S. Halsted (it.. Chicago, Ills., U. S. A.
Local and Traveling.
To represent our well-known house. You need
no capital to represent a linn that warrants
nursery stock llrst-clasB ai,d true to name.
WORK ALL Tllfc: VKAK. flOO per month to
the right man. Apply quick, stating age.
L. L. MAY & CO.,
Nurserymen, Florists and Seedsmen,
ll"-27 Kt. Paul, .Minn.
(This house is responsible.)
Notice to Taxpayers.
by May 1, 18'ja, roust expect that the same
will be collected by law, costs added,
Gko. Nobi.f,
1"-M Shcrlll'.
HARNESS-SHOP, stock and fixtures, tiood
business; established in the midst of a
good farming and stock-raising country.
Also for sale a good house and two low with or
without the business property. For further in
formation address Oazette, Heppner, Or. 4:i tf
( Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee )
Two Through Trains Daily.
12.4.ipm().2.-.pm Lv.Minnoapolt8Ar:).0.rinif4.irpm
1.8opmj7.1.HmI,v...St. Paul. ..AriS.ifi.Hm 3.-i,mi
.O.ttttm,u:.pm(I,v..,Puliith.. ,Aru.-(0" Iti.rxipm
2.pm7.2.pm!Lv.. Ashland.. AriS.'JUam'S.uopm
Tickets sold and bappae cheeked through to
fill points in the United States and Canada.
Close eonnertinn made in ChieitKO with all
trnins fining Kan! and South.
For full Information apply to votir nearest
tiekdt agent or jas. A POM),
Gen. Paw. and Tkt. At. Chicago, 111.
rGeo. Starrelt, nLKm
Dr. Grant's Cloalo, the creat dvsrwnsia
oonqnerer, will ptsitively cure rtyepetidia
iu an us Eiutired ailmHits. Every bot
tle (IJ nm.fr a positive irnarariVft to
elTrVt a cure or money rtf unded. S? rut.
n tins i8tuo. a
nitfiit formerly owned by Ct'ttio t McKnr- j
luuit, liiui lntfly cbaned hiiutin, new be-
Jn nuder the control aud mauatcunent
of The MuKarUnd Mercantile Companv,
wbiob omtmueebnsiuess at the old stand
with a larger a took than e?er. a
Notice of Intention.
j March 1ft, lHr. Notiee ii hereby (riven
that the foilowliiir-iianitMi settler has tiled notiee
of his intention to niakt final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
lefore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or.,
at Heppner, or., on Aprils, W'. viz:
Altltll It tl' AKI' B.M11H,
H.l. No. .Vdf., for the NE See. a, Tp. 2, 8 8 2S,
E. W. M.
lie names the following wltneiiei to Drove his
continuous resideuee upon aud cultivation of
said land, viz:
J M. Waddell, Joe Lut kman, C. H. Mftun and
B. Verrchump, all of Ueppuer, Oretron.
A. Cleaver,
111-Ul ReRlster.
Notice to Contractors.
i undernijrued will receive scaled bids, up
to and including April '1, iM:t, at 2 o'clock p.
m., to build a public school building in the
town of Lexington, Morrow county. OreKon,
said building to be constructed according to the
plans and specifications now to be seen at Win.
Peiiland's store in Lexington, Oregon, the
tncceeBful bidder to enter Into bondB with se
curity for the faithful performance of contract,
within five days after receiving notice of the
acceptance of the bid. The board reserves the
right to reject any and all bidB.
R. Lieu allen,
Jamkb Leach,
J. W. Vacuhan,
Board of Director!.
Dated, April 5, 18H3. 116-20
Notice of Intention,
I J March 21, IS'JX Notice is hereby given that
the follow intr named Beltler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
nis claim, aim mat aam proot win oe maue ue
fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner,
ur., ou sat. jiay u, viz. :
H. D. No. 2m, for the YM SK4, SW BE, SEH
8"i;i of Sec. :,. Tn. 3. S R 20 E. W. M,
Ho names the following witnesBCS to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi.
said land, viz.:
W. c. Kenienger, Taton Jonei, G. F. Baird and
ii. tf. iteviana, an oi Heppner, Oregon.
112-122 John VV. Lewis, Register,
Notice of Intention.
lj March 1(1. Lsya. Notice is htrebv triven
Unit the follow ing-named settler haa filed notice
of his intention to make iiual proof in BUpport
of his claim, aud that said proof will be made
ociore uie county cierR ot .Morrow Co., Oregon
at Heppner, Oregon, on April 21. 18K3, viz.:
Ds. No. KMW9, for the t'4 NWJ4, and 14 SWJ4
Sec. V.i, Tp. fi. S R 28, E. V. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation oi,
said laud. viz. :
TOscar Minor. D. R. Stalter, Robert Hart and
uiry uiinert. ail ot Heppner, Oregon.
HM2I Register.
While yon keep your subscription paid up ycu
can Keep your brand in free of oharge.
Allyn. T. J., lone, Or. Horeee Gfi on left
shoulder; cattle enme on left hip, under bit on
i, wii' d., aim uiior uit on ineieic; range, mor
row county.
lu....uK, u. v., niijuip, ur,-c wnn oar un
der it on lott Bhonlder of horaea; cattle same
on laft hip.
Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. -Cattle brand,
O D on left hip und horses same brand on right
ou'""un" x.oi.(s.i, JUKltl nine.
Adkms, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, ,TA con
uuiiB.. ..mo. Baiueon lert nip.
Ayers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horaea branded
tnnngieon Jett hip; cattle same on right hip
also crop off right ear and upper bit on same,
ilartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses
uiwiueu i n. on euner shoulder. Itange in Moi
ltleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag
r..,.,,,,, utt,,n, name ou right shoulder.
,i JT'SV "iVK'.,. .V'r'f' "ran
,, .. ttlIU tuiKii. spul in eaun ear.
Hrnnner, 1'eter, tmcaeberry Oregon-Horses
".- -". u ioi l nuouiuer, t.ucue sr.me on
liiirkc, M St C, Long i;reek, Or-On cattle,
i ,V. i. i T ,7"L' flu,b"B. earn orand on
letft shoulder. Itange iu Grant and Morrow
Hronnan, Jerry, Lena, Or. HorBes branded 7
c.ruuMio,, uaitiB a on uie lelt side.
Lert ear half crop and right ear upper sIodo.
i V .L'' L ' "cnoii wr. -norses, j Bon
right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in
Hurt, in Wm U ... . i H . .
Brown Ia, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right stifle; cattle aanie on right hip; range. Mor
row county. '
h i!rUi"H'i P:;. n"PPner. Or.-IIorses and cattle
auove on ion shoulder.
lirown, J. C., Heppner, (Jr. Horses, circle
ui , uw, Ktu 1HiLmp; caitie, same.
Brown, W J Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar
oyer It, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Buyer, W. G Heppner, Or.-Horees, box
brand on ngh, h'.p cattle, same, with split in
Borg, i. O., Heppner, Or.-Horsea, P B on left
liiownlee. W. J., Fox,Or-Cattle, JB connected
iY, - ' -.nfvu imi. ear aim two Bputaand
middle piece cut out on nght ear; on horsoa Bame
iDlt uiigu itange in rox valley
Grant county,
riiroi.i... i., m i. . .
,, Q,m nner, ur- norses Drand
edO on right stiHe ; cattle S (three bars) on
. ... y.v niiimriut m eacn ear. itange in
Grant and Morrow counties.
( ain.E., Caleb.Or.-Y 1) on horaea on left stifle
U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder
and on left etiHe on all colts under IS years; on
left shoulder milv tin .11 k.,na . ' n
kange in Urant county.
('Ini-lr U.'m II I . tt
., ..I. xjh, B, er-norses w 11 (J con
nected on left shoulder: cattle same on right
J'.' . lta,';Ke Morrow and Umatilla counties.
t ate, ( has. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H t. on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Itange Morrow and Umatilla oounties.
lecil, Wm.,i)ouglas, Or.; horses JO on lefi
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bits in the right ear.
l.ilrl, I. H J,.hn Day, Or.-Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
An.v .1 r ,,'r- ange in urant
connty. On Blieep, invorted A and spear poiut
on sliou der. tar markon ewes, crop ou left ear
punched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half orop in left ear. All range
,rv V "-"'"".ui.-nuraHa, wuon ngntsnouu
der, ( attle, same on right hip: ear mark square
OroO Off lift And nr.l t ... ri..V.
r.,,k a i m u
ii'"!!?-1'' x- CurrinsTifle. Or. -Horaea, to on
left stifle.
t'ox Kd. 8., Hardman, Or.-Caltle, C with
p in center; horses. CE on left 'lip.
Cochran, It. K., Monument, Grant Co, Or.
Horsea branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman, Or.-Horsea branded
n on right hip. ( attle brauded the same.
Dickens, fcbb HorseB braided with three
tmed fork on left stifle. Cattle aa-ne on left side.
Doouan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horaea branded
OO with bar over thein, on left shoulder; cau
tie same on left hip.
Uouglass, W. M , Galloway, Or.-Cattle, B Don
nght side, swHilow-fork in each ear; horses, K D
on left hip.
n..,1lU. fi T T 1 .T mr
. tuaitw, tn norsea in on
the right stifle; cattle same on right hip.
uiuii-an. r. r., jonn uay.ur. yuarter oircle
on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle,
Itange tirant county.
k'l.. 1 U b U n n n .
j Y'i v ' , . ougiaa, ur. norsea brand
ed LLV on left ahoulder, cattle aaine on left
uip. note ii' rival oar.
f'lli.iii Wool. utt n r.: ,
,r utrrum, ur. uiamona on
right shoulder.
Emery, C. S., nardman, Or. Horace branded
; reversed C with tail ou left shoulder; cau
lli.samMnn riaht hit, llunna ln M...
ri- ill" ru""'',"..i"',,,-uu'm:
connected on right shoulder; cattle Bame on
rtillt hilt. Kiir murlr ri.ila in I
off ML ' "B
Horence, L. A., Heppner. Or. 'attle, LF on
rinht hlt: horieH with bnr nnrlnr a.n
Florence, 8. P. HerpDer, Or Horses, K on
right ahoulder; cattle, 1? on right hip or thigh.
T.-V' ' ymJIwt vwppiiwr, ur. v ame ora
l sun uvwi ii. uu ivi i. it hip; crop on lelt
ear. nornefe, same brand oil left hip.
tiay, henry, Heppner, Or. UAX on left
Oilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fos
sil, Or. Horse. anchor B on left shoulder; Tent,
same on left etttie. Cattle, same on both hips
ear marks, crop off riht ear and nnderbit in left.
Range in (iiliiain, brunt, Crook and Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horses branded H,
8. witli a quarter circle oTer it, on left stifle.
atmi- ill muuuw Slitl u luaiiim COO line. 1
Uiltwater, J . C, Praine City, Or, On horses
ft 1)11 l.tff Bhutil.lut- att.A.. . ' t
side. Itange tn urant connty.
Have. Geo., Lreoa, Or, Brand JH connected
with quarter cirel oter it, on left shoolder. '
Hmit A. H., Hidnre, Or. Cattle, round-top
withqnarter circle under it on the right hip
Hankie in Morrow and Lmatillaoountiee.
Hinton A Jen k. llamilttm.Or 'tUe, two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left
Horsee, J on right Uiigh. Kange in (.rant county.
H tiff he. 8e.mne, Wafrner, Or J" (T F L
con ntx ted) on riant shoulder on horeo; on cattle,
"n 'K"i mp iu u ou sine, swallow fork in
aiftriet, Morn.w county.
Hale, Milton, Wastuer. Or.-Horees branded
-O- teirrlewith parallel tails) on left shoulder I
( ettle same on left hip j also large circle on left i
ajn v t . l n -. ... n . .
.mu, r.iwiu.tfonD rr. . attie t non riffht
nip; non same on right ahoulder. fcangBint
irnnt coontj.
M.l,,-) I r r. !(..-.- rt ir ,
i.Mjwn, r. iiontri. -f icroes
with hur Ik. ,ir .a it i l..i.j
same on lelt side, iiauge in Morrow aod Cma
Ulla conntiee.
HiiKhee. Mat. Heppner. Or Horsee. shaded
heart on the left shoulder. Huge Morrow Co.
Hnnaaker, B A. Wagner. Or. lloreee, V om left
shoulder, caw tie, i on left tup.
Hardisty. Albert. Nve. Onuort irnwtv A H
cmmctMi. on left nhouldr; t a'tleoo the laft
B. cnip off left ear.
Iimilhravi. J fVI Munition Mp.Hafu. II...
on left nhouldor cat tit. nnmein ntfht hip.
litiHton, 1 u ther. r tsttt lhle. r. Hon Hon
9 left shuiildoraud htart on the 1' ft stiHe Cat
eame on lft hip. linnet in Morrow mmnty.
ivy. Airrefl, L.onif i rtwK, trr-4 attie 1 U on
aame bnnd on left shoulder 1 Untie n Oront
inkin, H. M., Heppnr, Or Horeee, horee-
ive on KiKht .'Mi 1m.
ulinson, Felix, Lena, Or. Horses, circleTnn
rrv.ni-, inuic, wiiup ju iiHiii,uay, utiuur 1UUI
Jenkins, O W.,Mt. Vernou.Or, J on horeee on
ten snouiaer; on cattle, J on left hip and two
smooth crops on both ears, itange in Fox and
rvt?i!uv, iiiiKH, neponer, vr. iiorsee Dranaoa
V on left hip. cattle Bame and crop off left
ear: nnoer hkiiia od tue rignr
Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. Horeee 69 on left
shoulder; cattle, W on left hip.
IZ ; T.lr in U II. - ll.,,r.. H Jil
uun. w v( iit!iJuri , v, . uuirw, 11 vu tfiuiof
ink; cattle 17 on right side.
Kirk, Jeeee, Heppner, Or.; horee 11 on left
shoulder; cattle same on right side, nnderbit on
Kumberland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I h on
cattle on right and left aides, ewaUow fork in tt ft
brand on left shoulder. Kange in Grant county.
Keeney, Kli, Heppner, Or. Horses J L and
ace of clubs on left stifle. Kange in Umatilla
and Morrow counties
utwiey, j w . neppner ur. norBeB oranded li
end A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip;
wattle over riuht v. rinw nlira in K.
Loften, Stephen, Fox, Or. H L on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear, Horsoa
Bame brand on left Bhoulder. Kange Grant
Lienallen, John W.. LTi-T Or. Horeee
branded half-circle JL connected on left shoul
der. ( attle. same on lof i hip. Kange, near Lex
in eton.
Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horaes branded
double H coi.neeK ; Sometimes called a
swing H. on loft shoulder.
Marktmm. A. M., Heppner, Or.-Oattle large
fll on left Bide both eara nrtmuwl nnrl mil i t- r..
boih. Horses M on left bin. ltn iiiurir'o
Minor, pBear, Heppner, Or.-Cattle, M Dion
right hip; horse. Mou left ahoulder.
Morgan, W. N Heppnor. Or.-Horsoe, M 1
on left ehouldet catLle aame on left hip.
McCnniber, Jas A, Kcho, Or. Horsoa, M with
bar over on right shoulder.
Mann, H. B., i,eiia, Or. Horsee old mares ZS5
on rinht hip; young stock, small zz on left
Morgan, Thos., Heppnor, Or.-Horees, circlo
1 on left shoaJdfir and left thigh; catUe. o on
right thigh.
luitcneii. uscar, Ifino, Or. HorBes. 77 on right
ip; cattle, 77 on right side.
mciiaron, jj. ti., Jirownsville, Or.-Horees,
fcigure 5 on each shouldor; catUe, Mn on hip
MeKorii.W . J., Mount Vern0u, Or XI on cattle
on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop m left
aame brand 0u hordf.a on left hip. Kaiine in Grant
MeCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
DM connected, on the left ehoulder; cattle aame
on hip and mdo.
McUirr, IVank, Foj Valley, Or.-Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs aad under in
e"i, i!"V'; llu08 sme brand on left stifle.
,J h 't f' U: V- )'"milt"h. Or.-On Horses, H
with hall circle under on left ahoulder: on Cattle
four bars connected on top ou the right Bide
ltauge in Grant County. "
Neal.Andrew. Lone Itock.Or.-Horees A N con-
N S.lv'fi0? B'!",ulllOT: ""We same on both hips.
Nordyko, E., Silverton. tn-.-Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh; caitie. same on left hip.
Oljver.Joaeph. Canyon City, Or.-A Son cattla
on loft hip; on horses, Bame on left thigh, lianra
in Grant county. w nauge
sho"de..P8rl' L"linetont Or.-V O on left
(Hp, Herman, Prairie City, Or.-On cattle O
b .1 wSS?0'1 U left-'"Pi on left Btille
and wanle 011 nose, liange in Grant county.
ter r"in' V "?? ' f1'' Mile- "r.-HorseB, quar
hh, (w?i",el(JLn!e? l'Wr and WoV left
h'P. Cattle, fork in left ear, right crooned m
O" ! hiP- r Hange on Eight' Mife "'" M
le,,'8rhouride?.iea60n' ii.Or.-Horses IP on
e PT aH"?1, LniT!" Or.-Hor.es brand.
6 ll (L h connected) oi, left shoulder ; cattle
" right hip. nnge, Morrow count.
J,t LMlnBton. Or. -Horsee, JE con.
nected oi. elt ehoulder: cattle, same on left hiu
under bu in each ear.
i'etl jB, A. C., lune, Or,; horses diamond P on
'uulllt'r' ,caU1?' J If J connected, on the
left hip, upper slope in loft ear and slip in tha
1'owell, j otin T., Day ville, Oi Horses, J P con.
nec odon loft shoulder. Cattle OK connected no
left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear
wattle under throat, lni ge in Grant connty. '
llickard, G 1J. , 'Canyon City, Or.-K C on loft
shouloer, on horses only, liaugo Canyon oreek
anil Hear valley, Grant county.
l.ood Andrew, Hardman, Or.-Horses, sqnara
crow with qunrter-circle over it on Jolt stifle.
lefuffider1:11"8' HeW r--HUreos, C B on
Kice.Uun, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence on left ehoulder; cattle, DAN on
right shoulder, liange near Hardman.
Itoyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or-Horaes, plain V on
eft shoulder; cattle, same brand r'everSd S
low county. 'f rigbt Mr- Kan''6 in Mo"
m,1'tl,'r!i'8,,iHef,Pner' r--Horses branded X
on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hiD
crop ofl left ear and dewlap in neck. JttongS &
Morrciw and adjoining counties. "
liurt, William, Pendleton, Or.-Horses K oa
ef ahoulder; ctt e. It on left, hip, crop ofl
nght ear, nnderbit on left ear. Uheop, It on
ZZ 1 '.rUudor"p"Srih ear. Range Uma
tilla and Morrow oiuuties.
h,';!l!!,ly'A A011"' . Lexington, Or.-Horses
brai de,l A It on right shoulder, vent quartet
. w "iver b"",d; catUo SUIU9 011 riglft hip.
l.ango nlorrow county. v
lioya,,, VVni. H Dairjville, Or-HH oonnected
,, rr""rlor ",r,''le orer l"V o" cattle on rh.t hip
and crop oft right ear and split in left, ilorseS
same brand on left shoulder. Kange in llorrow
Gnu.t and Gilliam counties. morrow
iJfl'i'0''' ""Wor, Or.-Horses, JO o
left shouldor. Cattle, o on righthip.
Spicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or-HorsM
cZty -n l6ft 8huUUer; '"h "
nrSi't',nf' C,r; HePPnor,Or-Hors6B branded
on left ahoulder; cuttle same on left hip
Hwnggnrt, Ii, E., Lexington, Or.-Horse
will, dash under it on left etifie cattle H with
Una h tinder it on right hip, crop oft right earlnd
waddled on right hind feg. liange "w ? Morrow
tiiltiamand Umatilla couhties morrow,
tjwnggart. A. L., 1511a. Or.-liorM branded i
on left shon der; celtle same on left hip CroD
on ear, wattle on left hind leg P P
Htraight W. K, Heppner, Or.-Horae. shaded
J S on left etifle; cattle J 8 on left hip .wallow
fork in right eur, nnderbit in left ,WIU""'
happ. IW., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 APon
left hip; cattle same on left hip.
te? S anTSeTfoeftser- ' "
in Grant county. D""tear. Kange
omun liros. , SoB-nville, Or. Horses branded
11. . on shoulder; cattle, ,ame on left aKdeV
Squires, Jamee Arlington, Or,; horsej landed
J8 ou left shoulder; cattle the eamefilio ni
waddle, liange in Morrow and Gilliam ciu?.
, v . a., nardman, Or-- liur.o. h i
left uldeTi'ceVoriefrL0
Smith, E, E. Lone Kock, Or. Horses branded
left' ."Z X6n "i?P '"oulder; caw" iaZ
Sperry, E. G., Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C oa
left hip, crop off right and nnderbit in left
dewlap; horses W Con left .boulder. '
ahfmwlr tn'erl'riBe'0r--llBr"' '
li, W-tHoPPior.Or.-Small aanital I
VSttr'boV,:Bs.wtUs -e "2
Thorn, i m U LI r .
HT connected on left stifle; shelZ. SSST
VnnHarruuil IT rn r n
WalhrMiTO W U.. n
on i. iairll ' "r, Horsee, TJ. L,
orop oaieft-'eirardVigl.tearlS'p'pS '
hZKB ft- ' !! ,HPPr,.r, Or.-
Uorrow oounty. v ' '"""der. Bang.
Vt Arr!! W H rnll, rv n ... ... . .
circle over' 0 iTS
Wrxui v 1. n
S $tkhk?X.h$' 0r- V.ttl. branded
and spiii in left, "P oil right ear
naiiace, hraucu, Mount Vernon.Or-8anar.on
rand-s,, ii,f,uh?-1 -53
on horse, ou nght ahonlder. IIs m u iiS
and Grant couutv. '""o in iiarn.y
W.U llur-r.. U r.
ac, 7,f , " " '"A "r,T"or'e? . branded
KlT' " and left'h.phlU
.hoi.ra'tV ."laT."' "toft
Wolhnger, John, John Day City Or-On hnt.
WiKnlward, John. Heppnar, Or.-HoiM. nv
oonnecul on left shoulder. ' v,f
)) atkma, Llshe, Heppner, Or Honu. Kr.j,i
CE connectwi on left stitl.. brandod
allace, Charlea, Portland Or rariJ. w
nghl thigh, hoi, in left earThoreaTv? ' . T.
ahouloer. a.m,is.,H,T.f SS " ou
Vilnitier Hroa. Drewsy, Harney county Or .
Horr branded B. cnnei-wl oi lefUhtT
Williams Va.co, Hamilton, Or.-Uu.Vi? i?
Jlr'r, th" barB "u 1't "IP, bou. ,Ue
hT7- ""i" t,rallt connty. tU"
Vi iluams. J O. Long Creek. Or Ho-. o.
m A- V''Pn"- Or.-Hor runnina ' i A
oil .moulder; ( attie. aam. on ngh, bio.
loung, j, m., GtHieeoei-ry, Or. Homim
T J th. rtrht .h., irw ' "randad
Voucg. W. A., (ioowbeiTy. Or.-HoraM k,.i