Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, April 14, 1893, Image 3

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I Host desiring tile liuwrtiuii of disphiy ad.,
ur i-tiBiiKe oi pmo, uiusi tutir co( in
i.ui laier liiHii Monday evening for 'iuenuav
emu..n,or ibiinkiay evening ior Fridava tui
tion. TH 1'ATTKIISON fUBi.laHt.Nti CO.
1. The turn of five cents per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
reaped," lita ol wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notice, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
2. Notlcea ol church and aociety aiid allothcr I assurance that summer la bete shearing
entertainments iroui wmcu revenue is 10 tie i win uegio aowa towaru lue river.
:o il went her to suit, though they are by
i o means discouraged.
Joe Buucom's reply to TJocle Tom
1 will he fmiud on rhe fuurth poire.
Mrs. W. W. Smead and Mrs. Margaret
Lotmey are now prepared to do all kinds
of sewing, See ad.
Mamie Ellis, accompanied by V. K.,
jwvuttotbeDttl.es 'lutsdaj, where she
! will attend school.'
I As soon as the sheepmen havo the
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of tive
tenia a line. 'Ihese rule will be strictly adher
ed to lit every instance.
Advertising ratea reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
i orrespoudeuce will be published unless the
v ritcr s real name is signed as au evidence of
good lallQ.
JLj ing Agent, 21 Merchants exchange,
baufiaucisco.il onr authorised agent, 'I hit
paper Is kept on file la bis oaice.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
Johu Day ami canyou Ciiy, leaves at follows :
Jivery day at (i:au a. m., except Sunday.
Arn ett every day at o:dU p. m., except Monday.
Ihe cheapest, quivkt-Ht ana beHl line to or
from the interior country.
J. DEIJEVAS, 1'rop.
Slocum-Johnetnn Drug Co., Agents.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who palroime
Here and There.
J. P. Khea is in Portland tbia week.
Heppner Furniture Co., (or carpet, t
Get your washing done by Japanese
Laundry. 17-20
John Kenney was ou our streets
Mayor Simons has donned a bran new
Cleveland bat.
Ben Parker was down from Parker's
mill yesterday.
Call and examine Heppner Furniture
Co.'s wall papers. t
Jefferson Kirk and family were up
(rom Lexington yesterday.
The Bheepmen are oornplaiuiug consid
erably about the weather.
M. B. Haines, of Eight Mile, was Been
on our streets Wednesday.
J. M. Hamilton came over from Long
Creek Wednesday evening.
The Gem and Palace Baloona or fine
liquors, McAtee BroB., Props. sw
Jake Johnson was in from Gooeberry
yesterday with a load of pelts.
Kalph Dittenbcepber spent Wednesday
rustling with our local meiohants.
C. C. Sargent returned Wednesday
from a trip to Portland on business.
T. J. Matlock returned from Pendleton,
Ivy the way of his rauoh, Weduetday.
The Heppner Canyon stage line is the
btBt, cheapest nud qituktst to the in
Frank Jones oarnes a game eye this
morning, the result of a frieut ly boxing
The Morrow County Land and Trust
Company has an unlimited Bupply ol
mill teed.
Born To the wife of Giles Daugherty,
of Kidge, recently ft 6 1ound buy. All
doing well.
Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years
nlmaner than vou can make them at
Fell Bros.'
The iwich-a.wekK Gazette now only
$2.50 in advanoe, payable in cash or
ooon skins.
Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho
tsl barber shop. Tbey are artiBte. Baths
in connection.
B, J. Lueark and wife left Wednesday
for their Boise home after a pleasant visit
with relatives here.
8. F. Daily, representing McLeans
Med. Co., ofSt Louis, was in Heppner
over Tuesday night.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
The Gazette would gladly fill a few
orders for choioe trees of any sort satis
faction guaranteed. Drop in. tf.
Wm. Penland lost a square and com
pass recently in Heppuer. The finder
will please return to this office. 7o tf
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. Nielson is now running a stBge be
tween Heppner and Lone Rook. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
Mrs. Henry Holden and daughter de
parted Wednesday for Payette, Idaho.
Mrs. Holden is a sister of Airs. Jas. Jones.
Mra. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc
all kinds of nursing. Call at ber honu
in north Heppner, or address her at this
place. 518"
fitness, baldness, dandruff and all
of the Bcalp. and falling of the
hair can be oured by using Hall's Vege
table Sicilian Hair rtenewer.
Master Clay French is the authorized
aopnt for the Oreconian at this place.
Subsoribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
Newe! and neater qnarters at the
Falaoe Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones the bBber, wants to see
his old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. To look at Borne of the main street
windows this morning one might think
John Barleycorn had made a raid. 10
days In jail and $30 fine wbb the size of
Beoorder BobertB, assessment.
W. H, Winfree, representing the law
firm of Cox, Teal and Minor, came in
Tuesday evening from Lung Creek where
be had been on business for his firm.
Mr. Winfree departed Wednesday for
Hon. W. B. Ellis and daughter of
Heppner Is in this city. The young
lady will be placed in St. Mary's Aoad
Bmy at this place. Mr. Ellis made The
Chronicle a pleasant oall. The Dalles
Mrs. C. H. Ogle and children, from
Kansas, who have been viBiting relatives
on this coast during the past winter, are
spending the week with W. P. Scnvner,
of this city, preparatory to returning
home next week.
TUv Wm. R. Powell, an Episcopal
minister from Portland, held services nt
the M. E. church, South, last evening.
Rev. Powell has reoently purchased a
farm over in Umatilla oounty, whioh he
is now stocking up
The oonBdence that people have in
Ayer's Sarsapanlla as a blood medioine
is the legitimate and natural growth of
many years. It has been handed down
from parent to child, and is the favorite
family medioine in thousands of house
holds. JJr. B. F. Vanghan has gone east to
eomplete bis dental education, leaving
Drs. J. W. Baamns and Eugene Vanghan j
in oharge of hit office. Those owing Dr. j
Vanghan will please make settlement
with Dr. Eugene Vanghan who has full ;
authority. 17-tf.
H. P. Whitman, C. J. Wilson, D. H. j
Garbill and J. M. Kees, representative
farmers of the lone country and friends
of tba Gazette gave us a call yesterday.
All report a little too rauoh snow and
Uhos. Ftazer oud Agnes Gage arrived
from Burns on Tuesday evening's stage,
going below Wednesday rnoruiug.
Hood's Pills cure eonstipation by
restoring the peristaltic aotion of the
allimeutry canal. Tbey are the beat
faniiiy oathartic.
Oscar Montgomery was in from Eight
Mile yesterday. Osoar thinks tbia a very
backward spring, though has hopes of a
guou wueai crop.
Jules Goodriob, representing the firm
of Ferdinand Westbeimer & Sunt, of
St. Joseph, Mo , distillers of tne "famous
plunt sour mash whisky," is iu the oity
Lost. On the streets of Heppner, 8
gentleman's small tye-pin, shape of leaf
set with diamonds. Finder will ooufer
a great favor by leaving same at this
ottiee. 8 0
Louis l'umadci and Samuul Sato, two
Japanese bot s, have bought Sullivan's
waali uuuse, and are low prepared to do
first olasB noik. Give these gentlvmeu
a trial.
A. A. Allen and A. P. Esterbrook re
turned from their inner country trip
weanesaay morning. Wnileaway they
visited Fossil, Condon, Mayville and oth
er Gilliam county towns.
The following representative gentle
men of Battel creek were seen ou our
streets Wednesday afternoon: O. F.
Thompson, David McCarty, J. M. Green,
J. A. Duncan, G. W. Vincent and R. L.
Homer McFarland returned home
Tuesday evening after a few days' visit
in Hood River. Mrs. McFarland also
accompanied him home from Hood
River where she had been visiting while
Homer was uelow.
What a dsbt of gratitude the world
owes to such men as Drs. Ayer and Jen-
uer the latter lor the great discovery of
vaccination, and the former for bis Ex
tri.ct of Sartaparilla the best of blood
punliers! W ho can estimate bow much
these discoveries have benefitted the
Gov. Rea and J. W. Dawson drove oyer
to Condon Saturday liiBt where they are
now attending circuit oourt. Tbey re
turned yesterday and report a rough
trip. Found Rock creek almoBt impass
able, but fortunately a farmer came to the
rescue and drove the team, while they
crossed on a foot bridge near by.
Uru A. H. Allen
Terry, Wash.
20 Miles from a Doctor
But Hood's Sareaparilla was
Equal to the Emergency
Pleurisy, Chills and Fever UUk
Leg Perfect Cure.
"After my baby was born I got into very seri
ous condition, having pleurisy, chills and fever,
gradually developing Into mlllc leg. We llv. 20
miles from a physician and did not know what
to do. Finally nf ter n great deal ef suffer
ing I began to take Hood's Sarsapartlla and
when I was using the third bottle I could see
It Was Doing Me Cood.
I continued with another bottle, and recovered
so rapidly that now I nm ia god health. I
Hood's s Cures
cordially recommend It as a good medicine."
Mbs. A. M. Allen, Ferry, Washington.
Hood's Pills euro all Liver Ills, Bilious,
ness, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache.
true to nature as a pioture of the old shoe
factory in Rockland would be of the
Mormon temple at Salt Luke Uudou'it
cnly many boy 8 in the east will read
with great interest this pen picture of
life in the far west ; but we hope the
boys of the Pacifio slope pay little
attention to this style of midline
literature. Times-Mountaineer.
An Old Swindles Caught. William
Aali.au old reprobate about 60 years of age,
is now languishing in Crook county's
jail. He was lodged there Friday eve
ning of last week by Constable Shown,
of Mitchell precinct, having been held
by Justice Shrum for drawing obecks on
a Pendleton bank, where he was not
known, and obtaining money under false
pretenses. Ash appeared in the Shoufly
neighborhood about two weeks ago and
represented himself as a sheep buyer.
He bought Mr. Perslee's sheep giving
him a check for $500. He next went to
the Waldron store where he bought a
bill of goods and drew $20 in cash on his
checks. Mr. Helm, proprietor of the
store, sent the checks to the Pendleton
bank, but they were dishonored, and the
people whom he bad victimized began
looking for the old fellow and found him
disappearing up the John Day. They
gathered him into the folds of the law,
and referred him to the grand jury. Asb
ia probablj the old rasoal who was work
ing a similar game in the vicinity of
Condon some time ago. Ochooo Review.
Notice to Stock Brekduks. I will
keep, at my farm 7 miles northeast of
Lexington, a fine Jack of the Black
Warrior breed. Thia Jack is large and
of high form. Terms: Five dollars, in
surance. Mares intrusted to my care
will be kept in good pasture at one
dollar per month. Due care will be
taken to prevent acoidenls, or the stray
ing of mares, though I will be respon
sible for none. B. F. Swaqqabt.
1H tf. Lexington, O.
For Sali. Four hundred acres deeded
land i4 miles north of Heppner; 200
acres good farming land, balance excel
lent pasture. There are 145 aorea in
wheat, mostly summer-fallow, with plen
ty of water. A small but comfortable
house and barn. All lays wall. Prioes
and terms made known on application.
Address Justus Beaman,
116wtf Heppner, Or.
Thinkingof anew Spiing Style
Attire ? Wondering what ma
terial what color you should
purchase ? Puzzling your
mind about the correct tiling
in trimmings ? Consulting
with vour dressmaker as to
which of the many styles will
be most becoming ?
11 SO-
Come and talk it over with us.
TTe're prepared to throw a flood
of light upon every element of
A Big Line of Silks.
All the latest styles in Figured India
Silks. Samples Will be mailed FREE on
application. Yours Reap'y,
Anything New of Real Merit
You can Generally Find
For :-: Sale :-: lv
Who are
Noted for being
The Leaders.
W don't run a tbird-olasa junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twice
tbair value, but we keep first-class goods at honest prioes, with
do baiti or trp. We keep
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Gulls, Ammunition",
Ask our old customers how we treat them. : : :: ::
Corner Muiu and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
We invite inspection of our new invoices of desirable styleB in all the
latest patterns and very best qualities of
and-:-Domestic-: SUITINGS !
Banging iu Price from $5.50 to 30.00.
Oall and Inspect While the Stock is at
Yours for Trade,
its Best.
Rip's Wood Yakd. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or un
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
$7.50 per oord. Wood suwed twioe in
two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, $1.00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard's. 4 tf.
ExrEiiiENdE Social. The ladies of the
Baptist ohurch will give an Experience
Social at the opera house on Wednesday
eveuing, April 2G, for the benefit of theif
pastor. All are asked to contribute as
follows: Adults and ohildreo over twelve
years, fifty cents or one dollar; children
under twelve, ten oeuts. The fun of the
evening will consist in the relation or
reading of tbe experience of eaoh in ob
taining hie or ber contribution, which
must be earned in some difficult or un
usual way. Prizes will be given to those
who work the hardest for their contribu
tions, as follows: For adults, first prize,
$5; seoond prize, a present to cost not
less than $2 50; and a booby prize; for
children, first prize, 2 50; second prize, a
present to oost not less than $1 Every
body invited. Committee, George Con-
eer, Ben. L. Leland, S. S. Horner.
Collecting Timbers. Wesley N. Mat
lock, nf Pendleton, has been collecting
timber for the Oregon World's Fair ex
hibit. In the forests of the Blue mount
ains around Meacham and other plaoes,
he obtained some fine specimens of black
pine and tamarack, specimens of the lat
ter being four feet in diameter. Along
the Wild Horse be gathered quaking asp,
and at Andy Willonghbj's place near
Athena, secured oue a foot in diameter.
Among the collection, also, is a willow
two feet and three inches through, cut
below town, and near Echo he found a
sumao seven inches in diameter. Times
Mountaineer. The Latest Novel. The latest addi
tion to sensational literature, is a dime
novel entitled "The Roelyn Bank
Robbery; a History of Zachary, Kimsey
and tbe Hale Bros., the Robbers, and
Life of Those Who Withstood the
Murderous Attack. Truth Stiangerthan
Fiction." We have not read the romanoe,
but Rre informed that the description of
Shoemaker. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak
er and repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in tbe Abraham
sick building, on May street, where be
is prepared to do eveiything in hia line.
1. 1 Birbeck is strictly a first-olass work,
mnn ana warrants all work. Uive bun a
oall tt-tf
A Fine Horse. The imported run
ning stallion, Sir Henry, has been
brought over to Heppner, and will stand
the ensuing season Bt this place. He is
the property of "Cayuse" Reynolds, and
ia a fine horse. 570tf
ThiB piece of advertising Bpaoe belongs
Slocum-Johnston TJrug C-
PHILL COHN, Proprietor.
There is not a winged inBeot hovering
j.." around Phillip,
& I3isbee,
H. A. TUompion
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Coffln 4 Mi'Farland'l, Main Street.
First Class Tailoring Fred Miller
is now looated on May street in the old
bakery building, where be ia prepared to
do first olass work. A perfect fit
guaranteed. Give him a trial. tf.
House and lot located in finest part of
"Peninsula," Portland, eleotrio lights,
water works, graded streets, two oar
lines and one under contemplation.
One of the finest additions to Portland
for residences. Party wishes to dispose
of furniture with house, lieason for
selling, poor health and a desire to lo
cate in the beautiful clime of Eastern
Oregon. Call on, or address,
Tub Patterson Publishing Co.,
Heppner, Or.
, , i
the evnt is equal to the best fiction of
Fennimore Cooper.and tbe illustrations of
scenery and of the men are about ai
Seven steers, coming two-yfars-old
two steers coming tbree-yeara-old, two
heifers two-ynars-old, all branded P,
with bar over it, on either hip. Parties
finding same will please notify me at
Alpine, Oregon.
116 23 law. Kate Parsell,
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teama to hay per day, 75"ok Hay and grain per day 1.25. Meals 25 cts. a
at O C. Sargeant's, next door to Feed (Stable, drain and
baled hay always on hand.
West Side of Main Street,
I have taken up an estray horse, about
3 or 4 years old, dark bay, weight about
900 pounds; branded , on left shoulder,
Owner can have same by paying pastur
age aud for tbia ad. C. E. Jonbb,
117-21 Eight Mile., Or.
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Change of Ownership
whiob we propose to oonduct in tbe most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands at all times the oboicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
85-tl Pronrietora.
1 . Only Fiist-Class hotel In Heppuer.
2. Building Wired for Electric Lights
8. Best acoommodationB for th trnveling
4. Courteous treatment assured the oonn
try people.
MRH. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
I will sell or trade my imported Clyde
Stallion, Bute No. 4273. Call and exam
ine him and bis cults at my ranch Oases,
Eight Mile, Oiiliam Co.
117-20 Cbas. D, Shikktt.
Keeley Institute
For the Cure oi
j Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It In lor-atf! at Forent (irove, Or ,
The Munt Vmutifnl Town on the Count.
Call nt the (i azkti k oflire fur imrttruliiri.
Rtri'-tlynoiifntciitinl. Trennftit rlvttlcfUMl mtrt
ru nr.
Graduate M. E. C. V. H., Loudon, England.
Veterinary Surgeon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
im prepared todwall klnrtoof VHcHiiary Hurgerv, KmniciilHting Horn and RrKliiiri a ftpeel-
aJlV. (1 lili Ute oiiiy irue memou m uiiutuuiik npt-yiiin oi v,niue nun no
on Mhort notlre. I w
inary BurKery,
1 irHiit all animals In the mont atmrovL-d procedure of Vctar-
ll yon nave any dk-k annnam u win ue 10 your interest to
all on me at Htewart'i stable!.
W. L Matlock & Co.
fruits, -:- (Janfe, -:- fjots -:- and -:- (Jiprs !
IA r s r.rn a r.l Ijs r I "rVT'Ii1
Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Hatnrdays. Leavps Lone Itock on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes oomiwtlon with the weekly
line to Fossil. Itenaonable charges for both
Passengers -:- and -:- Freight.
Ml tfiw 8LOC0M-JOHNHTON DRCO CO., Agenti, Heppner, Or.
SPRING IS f I I K U .10.
so is tiik
New York Cash Racket Store.
JDHT OKDKKK1). AND TO AKKIVK HOON : Spring and Hummer Drosi
Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Financings, Drapery, Gents' Furnishings; also Ladies'
Underwear and, numerous other goods in tbut line. Notions and Tinware iu
stock; very cheap. When I say cheap, I mean it. You have but to rail and inves
tigate to be satisfied. I do none but a oasti busiusM, and can therefore undersell
all competitors.
,J. W. MATLOCK, Prop.
Main Street, next door to the Opera House.