NOUrlL TO ADVERTISERS. I'Ho.-ll rtfcairiiii; the ihhi-rtiuti oi .lUpiuj or change 01 mine, u.Uht lui tlu-ir I'n euition, or tloli. lh rATfklOwH, i'i;bi.lilli NOl'llE. weather becomes favorable, will be in tull bluet lu a few taken while be waa iu Alaska lust s .turner. They are interesting aud we or ciiaiige 01 Mtiiiu, uiuot mi tiu-ir i-.n.v 111 art, iLutikiul tu n,ve been so remembered. w iwouuny e.enuitf lor lilt-winy h' Ji ji.a evening lor nuu4 eili- i i i Uuvs. i A iilvntiLi' dunce was iriveu at the 1. Tho uiii of Bve emits per Hue bo ; l,PBra limine 1 bt Suturday uitht iu honor tiiarm-u or "carda ol Uuiuka," "reboliilloiui oi 1 of tlnrwaid i'odion. rccl," IibU ol Heading preaeuu mill ai;un, l ., , , ,. . ., mm obituary uoticea, (oilier uiau thoee Hie wui ' Crocket lurk and iHui liy went out to or shall himneif give an a matter of new,) and ! their country home Saturday, to be near I NyUcSol TcolirVh .'mi ! ,mud "ur"' hesheep-sbeariug season Hood's Cures enter tai it meuUi from which revenue in to ii tie. rived, ilmU be charged for at the rule of live tents a line, These rules will be strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re- poind blu for his or her communication, fso turrebpoudence will be published uuIcbb the nier a real name in signed asau evidence oi good faith. FIHHEK. NEWSPAPER ADVER'lIr- Iuk AKent, 21 Merchants txcUaniie. ban tianciHCo, 11 our authorized agent, 'luis paper ii kept ou tile in bib oihee. JL. TIME TABLE. Hinge for Iliirdinun, Monument, Long Creekf jonn uuy unu canyon uuy, leaven hh lollon b : hvery day at ti:;u a. in., except Sunday. Arrives every day at.'i:;i(i p. m., except Monday. 'llie cheapest, quickest anil best Hue to or fioin tiie interior country. J. . llELEVAN, l'rop. Sloctiin-JoiiiiStou brut; Oo., AaentB. Give your business to Hepimer people, and therefore assist to bund up hepp ner. patronize those u-lio patronize you. Here and There. Heppner Furniture Co., for carpet, t Nothing drastio in TUITS PILLS. J. A. Hamaker was in town over Fri day last. Get your washing done by Japanese Laundry. l7aj Call and examine Heppner Furniture Co.'s wall papers. t Misb Eflie Warren left yesterday for Portland to visit friends. F. O. Buoknuin is oonflned to bis home by iiu attaok of la grippe. "T be Gem and Palace ealoons for tine liquors, MoAtee Bros., Props. sv L. Waldmann, representing Nonetaiider Bros., was in Heppner over auuuay. Mrs. M. J. Saling aud daughters were in from Eight Mile Saturday G. Worden, one of tbe new comers of Eight Mile, wbs on our streets Emturuiiy, April sbowers are numerous this spring too much so we tear lor young lamua, Pendleton Tribune: E. H. Clarke has returm d from a trip to Morrow oouuty, Tbe HeppnerCauyon Btage line is tbe best, cheapest mid qicukist to tbe iu tenor. E. Waldmann left this morning for other points in Eastern Oregon and Idaho. Wes of the progressive Eight Milers, was in town Saturday on business. The Morfow County Land aud Trust Company has an unlimited Bnpply ot mill feed. Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years cheaper than yuu can make them at Fell Bros.' The twioe-a-wekk Gazette now only 82.5U in advance, payable in cash or ooon skins. A. P. Bradbury, representing Tbe Oregon Craoker Co,, was in Meppuer over Sunday. Halt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. They are artiBte. Baths in connection. Messrs. W. E Ellis and Frank Kellogg were passengers on today's down tram, en route below. E. O. : C. J. Matlook returned from the ranch this afternoon accompanied by T. J. Matlook, of Heppner. Born To the wife of Wm. Ingmm, of Eight Mile, Bometwo weeks siuce, a 10' pound girl. Hood tor Bill. Bob Shaw got in Saturday from Port land where be had been in attendance at the Assessor's Convention. Tbe Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove oures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaiue and tobacco habit. See ad. Tim Gazette would gladly till a few orders for cboioe trees of any sort faction guaranteed. Drop iu. Wm. Penland lost a square and com- tinaa recently in Heppner. The will Dlease return to this offioe, Twfirv man who takes any intere it iu fast stock should subsoribe for Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween Heppner aud Lone Rock, See ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc all kinds of nursing. Call at her honx in north Heppner, or address her at this place. 618,f Master Clay French is the authorized Bgent for the Oregonian at this place. Subsoribe through him, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones the baber, wants to see ibis old friendB there. Baths in connec tion. All members of Dorian Temple are re quested to meet at their Castle Hall on next Thursday evening at 7o'olook. Im portant business to be transacted. By order of Mrs. J. J. Roberts, M. E. C. Arlington Record : Dr. Bacon, of La Grande, made our office a pleasant call tbe firs of tha week. The doctor has a happy faculty of making friends wherev er he goes, and the afflicted always have in him a comforter. T.-M.: Hon. W. R. Ellis is expected in the city on the afternoon train. While in The Dalles he will make the neoeesary arrangements for holding tue ei annua tion of the applicants ior cauetainpa West Point and Annapolis. Lone Rook Cor. Condon Globe: We are pleaaed to note the faot that Mr. Copner has decided to not go to Hepp ner at present. When it came to tbe lest, bis business prospects here were far too encouraging to leave for newer fields, L)r. B. F. VaugbBn has gone east to complete bis dental education, leaving Drs. J. W. Rasmus and Eugene Vaugban in ohargeof his office. Those owing Dr. Vaughan will please make settlement with Dr. Eugene Vaughan who has full authority. 17 " Tha nnnfiiience tbat people have in Ayer's Sarsapanlla bs a blood medicine is the legitimate and natural growth of many years. It Das Deen uauuru .i. from parent to child, and is tbe favorite family mediciDe in thousands of house holds. What a debt of gratitude the world owes to such men as Drs. Ayer and Jen oer the latter (or tbe great disoovery of Taooination, and the former for his Lx rhOtof Sarraparilla-tbe best of blood u lm pun eatimate bow nint h UUIIUCO! " . these discoveries have benefitted -satis, tf. fiuder 75-tf The Postmaster Guff aud It. U. Rnhinann. nf I ijone tuicK, are Having quite a tut over the alleged destroying of mail by Mr. Got!'. Mrs. J. W. Rasmus bad so far lecover ed as to be able to be out on the streets Saturday lust, the first time for some weeks. We learn that Henry Adkena, who bas been confined tor some time with inflammatory rheumatism, has fully re covered. Hood's Pills aot especially upon the liver, rousing it from torpidity to Us nat ural duties, cure constipation and assist digestion. Harry Woods was successful in win ning the beautiful "orazy" quilt, made by ivjrs. W. B. Potter. The rattle came off Saturday Jus. P. Rhea sold 3t0 head of mutton sheep to "Puget Sound" Wright last Saturday. They are for the "Souud" .Uressed Meat !Jo. Fossil Journal: A marriage license was issued April 5th to Harvey W. Nott and Mattie Howerton, who will be mar ried at Fossil this week. 0. A. Rhea was in the city Saturday and Sunday, and reports lambing nearly over with him. He wua quite successful, saviug a goodly per cent. Chas. Guff and fumTty passed through town last week en route to their home at Loug Creek. They bud been over to vis it relatives ou Butter creek. W. C. Thompson and wife arrived last night from Pendletou. Mr. Thompson is a competent druggist and has accepted u position witb mill Uohn. Grayness, baldness, dandruff and all diseases of the sculp, uud fulling of the hair can be cured by using Hall's Vege table Siciliun Huir lieiiewer. L. Blumenthtil arrived from below lubt evening. Mr. B. ia abiotber in law ot Joe Kiilmuu, the merchant on the corner of Muy and Main street). Mrs. Peter Zimmering, of CmatillH, motner of W m. Tneodore, dropped dead ou the ruilroud truck near that plaoe a few days ago. Uause, heart disease. U. G. Iugrum, of Eight Mile, was in tbe city Saturday. Mr. Iugrum in ioiuih us that tbe muuy showers are bringing out tbe grues and grain iu good shape. Mike Kenny was over Saturday from his Sund hollow ranch. He reports hie sheep as only doing tolerably well, tbe recent rums being against successful lamhiug. R. J. Lueark aud wife, ofBoiseCity, are visiting the family ol W. r. Ruark Mrs. LueaiK has been nere ior the past t wo weeks, and was joined lust week by her husband. Mr. B. G. Mantle, representing Levi 'Strauiis Co., of Friboo, arrived lust eveuiug to look up a little business with our mercbuuts. The Struuss house is a good one, uud in the line of over alls lUuy excel all manufacturers. Injun Billie uud bis familiy are on their roud to the mountains for their an' ntial hunt for "mowitoh." Billie was so uuforluuuie vesterduy as to lose bis horses, aud consequently Is tarrying day or so longer witb Heppner's swim tban lie anticipated on nrei arnvHi. T.-M.: The Umatilla House register vesterduy showed names from Massa ohusetts, Maryland, Nevada, Illinois, Missouri. Michigan.. Wasliington, wis oouBin,, Muiue, .Nevada end New York, This shows the populurity of thiB hotel when travelers from niauy states are rep. resented in u single day s register Mr. aud Mrs.B.B.Bishop.parentsof Ed R. uud Miss Belie Bialiop, are spending a few days with their children. Mr. and Mrs. Bisbon reside at Pendleton, and have not visited this section for some time, i'liev were among the pioneers of Umatilla oouuty and fiud many old mends aud acquaintances in our midst Mr. Howard Dodson, one of our most talented aud respected young men, de. uuriud Muudav lor Tacouia where position awuits him. Howard bus made many warm friends in our midst who regret muob tbat he found it best, in bis opinion, to seek a new pluoe residence. May he prosper in the new borne. Pendleton Tribune: E. H. Clarke, wool commissioner, bas at his office in the Savings Bank building some fine epeoimens of Eastern Oregon wool, the WOO! WUS lU&eU Hum uuniico wuuuiu hum's fine Spanish Merino bucks and is ot the finest quality, 'ibis evening it will be taken to Portland by tjeuutor Matloek, aud from there it will be ship ped with other Oregon exnioits 10 me World's Fair. Un. O. B. Cord Oakland, C&l. Made Over Anew Chronlo Headache Cured -Wok Lungs Made Strong and Well. " For years I had sick headaches every day, and 1 also had very weak lungs. Mince 1 hare been taking Hood's SarsapariUa, I have - been eniirclr enred of headaches, and my lungs are strong and well. Friends often say How Well You're Looking. I tell them It l. due to Hood's Sariaparilla. I am small in stature never weighed over 100 pounds before taking Hood's Sarsapa- rllla, and at the time I began taking It I had run down to 85 pounds, but now I weigh lllVi- My friends thought I would be dead loug but I am perfectly well. I am unable to express my thanks for the good Hood's SarsaparilSa bas done mo." Mrs. C. B. Caud, 1'jIG Adellna Street, Oakland, California. A.bout .April 1, 1808, 1 BOSTON CASH STORE Will be removed from Lichtenthal's old stand, the present location. to Henry Heppner's building on site formerly occupied by Kirk & Kasmus, corner May and Main streets, where 3- H. Kolman, the popular prorprietor, will be pleased to show you his new stock of -Spring and Summer Goods, which will be sold, as of old, at ROCK -:- BOTTOM -:- PRICES. Hood's Pills euro nil Liver Ills, Ulliouv Hess, Jaundice, Indigestion, Sick Headache. tes seems positively funny: A writer called on Mrs. Kicbardson at tbe pen thiB afternoon. She bad just been shown to her cell. Tbe clerk of the Hotel de Downing, who looka after the guests valuables when they urrive, had just sealed up and put away ber pine, a pair of black kid gloves, lace veil acd corres pondence. Bbo is an intelligent appear ing lady, ber face marked witn deep lines of oare. She is 50 years old, bas lived at Alpine two years, oame from Fayette Bounty 111., bas one daughter living at Kansas City, was never accused of orime before, another woman was the oause of thiB trouble. Steps are taken to secure her release. She claims per feet innocence of oourse. An Ebbok. Assessor Bob Shaw wishes the Gazette to announce tbat tbe exemption now allowed under tbe new assessment law remains the same as under the old law, $300. It was reported tbat this amount bad been raised to 30, but this is a mistake. Mr. Shaw reports tbat but little v accomplished at the recent meeting below, but witb one exoeption, tbe i seseor s decided to assess everything in sight, even if there wna some evidenoe of double taxation. When the law i rightly interpeted, tbe Gazette thinks tbat it will prove beneficial, aa those owning much property, ou which tbsy have heretofore paid little taxes, can not now esoape. Don't fail to visit me at my new quarters. J. H. KOLMAN. CLEARANCE fcjjALE! -3H Fall Goods Fall Goods -SUCH AS - tr Overcoats, Women and Misses' Newmarket Cloaks, SWOOLEN UNDERWEAR, Z3 DRESS GOODS, ETC., ETC At Reduced Rates FOR CASH. Anything New of Real Merit You can Generally Find For :-: Sale :-: by - rir Who are Noted for being The Leaders. We don't run a third-class junk shop where yon can buy shoddy goods at twiee their value, Din we leep nrst-cluss goods at tionest pnoes, witb do baits or trap.. We keep cnts' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition. STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY, ETC. " Ask our old customers how we treat tbem. : : : : : : Corner Main and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. HERE IS THE 4 To Gret Even on Yoiir PLACE Lite. - New Hardware, Store ! I JUST COMPLETE LINE OP- OPENED. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and Pipe, ranks, Bathtubs and sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds ot Repairing quickly and neatly done. THE CELEBRATED Bain Wagons, Hacks an Backboards. .;. -:- You will save money by getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. -:- -:- : : :- -:- Odd Fellows' building, Main St., 634-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. UcMni Mercantile (Joipy. to Back Fbom Below. Sheriff Noble and Deputy J. J. Roberts got baok Sat urday from Salem and Portland. On reaching the "pen" tbey found ta tbeir aurpiise that Jones was no new man down there, this being bis third term. He is known among the officers and "cons" us "Tobacoo" Jones, alias "Windy" Jones, alias Ed. Jones, but Jones is thought to be an assumed name. The Riobardsons went in with bad grace, but took to their new quarters philo sophically when it onme to a "show down". Jones is looked upon as being rather weak mentally, and gets into bad scrapes more through ignoranoe and lack of good sense than other motives. General Merchandise, HEPPNER. OREGON E. Q. 8LOCTJM. THE J. M. WADDELL. JBTNER pW (II -Have just received a seleot- the J as. M. Hager and family returned Friday last from Adams, and will hi real ter reside on their Bplendid Morrow Co. ranch Bbove Heppner. Mr. Huger bas tbe distinction of owning the finest ooun try residence in Morrow county, and among tbe finest in tbe elate. Our friend, Clarence Andrews, ot Seattle, sendi ui down some views Close Shavb. Last Saturday Albert Rea had a close call while riding for borsea in the pasture near the cemetery, While tryiDg to heud off an animal, in company with Henry Cannon, the horse that Albert was riding stumbled into a badgor hole, and falling, broke its neck. Albert was thrown between its legs, and in its dying struggles it kicked him in the face and body ntarly knocking the life out of him. Though able to get arouud, Albert yet carries his neck much awry and his fuce shows the terrible or deal through which he went. Tbe oolt killed was a three-year-old belonging to Jas. Jones, aud waa considered one of the best in tbe oolony. Hardman Law Suit Last Friday and Saturday Hardman wub enlivened by a law suit between B. Allen, of Toll Bock, and Sam Kineman of this place. Tbe former claimed that a certain pasturage bill of the latter had not been settled. Tbe case was tried before Justice Hogtie who awarded Mr. Allen about $40 more than Mr. Kinsman claimed he owed, over S1U0, the oosta falling on the latter. Mr. Kiusmun claims to have settled tbe amount of the pasturage bill, bb be un derstands it. The case will probably be appealed to the circuit court for final settlement. Notice to Stock Bbkhiiers. I will keep, at my furm 7 miles northeast of Lexington, a fine Jack of the Blaok Warrior breed. This Jack is large and of high form. Terms: Five dollars, in surance. Mares intrusted to my care will be kept in good pasture at one dollar per month. Due care will be tuken to prevent acoidents, or the stray, ing of mares, though I wiil be reBpon sible ror none. B. F. Swaoqabt. IU tf. Lexington, O. ! How's This? Tte Salem Journal re porter sfter calling on Mn. Richardson, got up tbe following, which to Heppner- My wife was confined to her bed for over two mouths witb a very severe attaok of rheumatism. We oould get nothing tbat would afford her any relief, and as a last resort gave Chamberlain's Pain Balm b trial. To our great surprise she began to improve after tbe firet applica tion, aud by using it regularly she was soon able to get up and attend to ber house work. E. H. Johnson, of O.J. Knutson & Co., Kensington, Minn. 60 oent bottles for sale by Slooum-Johnston Drug Company. BikthdaI Pabtt. A nnmber of Frank Jones' young friends went out to . his home above town last Friday eve to sur prise him on his 19th birthday. It was a Bticcess. The young people enjoyed themselves at games, etc, till well along past midnight, a feast being one of the important features. This part of tbe DroEram was euDeribtenled by Mrs. Jas. Jones, and everyone knows tbat a better cook can be lonna nownere. A Fink Hobs. Tbe imported run ning Btallion, Sir Henry, bas been brought over to Heppner, and will stand the enanins season at tbls place. He is the property of "Caynse" Reynolds, and is a fine horse. &7()tf SPRING STOCK,- Consisting of ONE CAR LOAD Wall -:- Paper -:- and -:- Carpets. One Carload - UT ID MITT I D U I ATTENDED TO Business-like Manner -AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near the Depot: HEPPNER, OREGON. Change of Ownership Latest Designs. Patterns and Prices. Also a tine line of w Hammocks, Baby Carriages, Rugs, Mattings, Clooks, Glass, Refrigerators, Window Shades and Portiere Curtains Undertaking -f A. Specialty. HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, wbiob we propose to oonduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tt ProDrietora. Spring is Here SO IS TIIE- --4 w YORK- CASH RACKET STOKE. First Class Tailoring Fred Miller is now looated on May street in the old bakery building, where be is prepared to do first class work. A perfect fit guaranteed. Give bim a trial. tf. Rip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or uu saweil. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.50 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts, per eord; three times, 8100. Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4 tf. SaoEMAKKB. Ed. Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, bss just located in the Abraham siolr building, on May street, where he is prepared to do eveiy thing in his line, nr Birbeck is strictly a first-class work, man and warrants all work. Give bim a call 14-tt KSTHAV NOTICE. I have taken up an estray borne, about 2 of 4 yeirs old, dark bay, weight about 9u0 pouods; branded ou left shoulder. Owner oan have same by paying pastur age and for this ad. C. E. Jokes, 117-21 Eight Mile., Or. JDST ORDERED, AND TO ARRIVE SOON : Spring and Hummer Dross Goods, Calicoes, Ginghams, Financings, Drapery, Gents' Furnishings; also Ladies' Underwear and, numerous other goods In thut line. Notions end Tinware in stock; very cheap. When I say cheap, I mean it. You have but to call and inves tigate to be satisfied. I do none but a oash business, and can therefore undersell all competitors. The New York Cash Racket Store. J. W. MAT! Main Street, next door to tbe Opera blouse. iOCK, Prop. Hhekprdters Hkrb. T. J. Allyu oame up Sunday with F. W. Boyd and H. A. Rawson, of Red Bluff, Calif , two sbeepbuyers who propose to drive to Montana. These gentlemen will doubt less have little trouble in finding whet tbey want in this section. Other buyers are on the road here, so we are informed, and our people will have abundant op portunities to exchange their wooly monarch for bard cash. rilU BALK OR TRAIIK. Houm and lot located in finest part of "PeoiossU," Portland, eleolrio lights, water works, graded streets, two oar lines and one under contemplation. One of ths finest additions to Portland for residences. Party wishes to dispose of furniture witb house. Reason for selling, poor health and a desire to lo cate ia tbe beautiful olime of Eastern Oregon. Call on, or address, Thk Patterson Heppner, Or. Co., Turkey Emus. Bowman A Wilson bavs thoroughbred Mammoth lironze turkey eggs for sals at their Butter creek raucb. Leuve orders at Minor Bros., or uddresH them at Echo. 572 H'.t w Dll. JOSEPH J. RILL, Graduate M. E. C. V, S. , London, England. Veterinary SURGEON ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prepared to do all kln.)i of Veterinary 8urirry, Kmaiciilatlng Horsei and KoxliiiM a Bpe4 alty. (Thli li the only tru method of operating on huriei.) Hpnylng of (.lattleanu Uogi on short notice. I will treat all animali In the moat approved procedure of Veter inary Huricery. if you have any tlflf animali it will be to your Interest to rail ou me at Blew art' stabtea. i38 IW OREUON w! L Matlock & Co. fjandies, -:- p -:- and pprs ! RORG, : Out for THE : JEWELER! y ANTED, halesmex. Local and Travlin To repreiwnt our wpll-linown hoti. You need no C8)lutl to reiireHtmt a firm that wtrr.hU niirfry itrx-lt nrst-clMMi aid true Ut mime. WciltK ALL THK YKAM. 1100 per month to the rlttht mail. Apply quick, liming age. L. I.. MAY fc CO., Nnriierymeii, FlorinU and fe-e.lum'-n, 117-tf Ht. I'mil, Minn. (Thil home ll reipomible.) llOh Notice to Taxpayers. THOHK WHO BO NOT PAY TAX EM Dt:E 1 by May I, IWmj, miiatexpwrt that tht Mm. will be collected by law, coata added, oao. Nobli, 117-23 HherlS. Cash Bargains ft -IN- Jcwclry, Casli Talks. Watches, Clocks, SEE I10KG, MAY STREET, VHRWAR E, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc., Etc Trust Ousts. HEPPNER, OR. I I ELLIS HEPPNER, ATTO nNH Y AT . Ii A W And Commissioner of the U. 8. Circuit Oonrt. All land matters attended to promptly and accurately. Office in National Bank building. : : OREGON