Human Wonders, Freaks, Diseases. Now Pamphlet hy Dr. Z. B. Foot, Jr. 2lf4 pages, 42 illustrations; in two porta. I. SEVEN WONDERS CP MAN AND HOME Of HIS FSEAK3, an ll.uotrated lec ture on the outlines of popular phyaloloey, more bi u ',y and clearly pres'-nttd than ever be fore, hiA explaining puty curio'; H nnomaltei which have become Kur.ili-r ft:; imxim freaks. s. auto-to?, slf-foisoked FILOOJ, ex;) sir. in;; tho origin, r!at!on and treatment of u vuifty of enronic d.scasea, f.iclj r.Miialm 'd. e.:'..i ,u -via, jauoer, grip, catarrh, it'CUMUiif-Ui, l;ric-'-:'", up'.i'U'xy, epilepsy, eto. TV:' !.ri;!.;-'ts'i i! avd nli-tnrpH the intri iii.nuiM v it:-1 " '-ir.ery. iuKini' ts how to J ! .-i v It i i' i? -r, .x;:'-s the disorders t !!- !'' , .'1 !i!:t H to lie . '.,',;' '' ' -'.!!V hfT tO i - ,--'',(.: ' i !;: Nft Ufa of !.'.;;:,.:'.'.!:?..;:...: ."...; -..Tti k many. OREGON BTATE: WEATHER SERVICE. tiTAH new subscribers and prompt renewals during the month of April will be preeensed with a free copy of this us a premium. OF )Tlie young how to ohoose. tie; hest ono to marry 1 WO COUKSE)Tho married how to bo hiippy in marriage ; ( DAYS YOU )The fond parent how to have prize babies; ( ONE WANT )The mother how have them without pain; (AGENT TO )The childless how to be fruitful and multiply ; ( SOLD KNOW )The curious how they "growed" and came to be:( 42 WHAT )The healthy how to enjoy life and keep well ; (AND HE EVERY )Tho invalid how to get well again speedily; ( SAVED BODY )The imprudent how to regain wasted energy. ( $1,100 OUGHT )A11 who want knowledge that is of most worth (IN ONE TO )Find it in Dr. Foote's " Plain Home Talk," ( YEAR, KNOW. )1,000 pages, 200 cuts, 24 col. plates; 200 recipes; (500,000 HEAD )Itedueed from $3.25 to $1.50: circulars free, ( COPIES P. H. T. )Murray Hill Book Co., 120 E. St., Now York.( SOLD. ('MM A KY. Heppkkr. Or., March, 1893. Elevation alfove sea level, U'W feet Mean temiKTatlire, 40.6. Departure from normal, .9x Maximum temperature, 70. date 29th. Minimum temperature, 24 dated 2nd. Mean of maximum temperature, 49. Mean of minimum temperature, S2. Number of times minimum teinneraturo 32 or below, Number times minimum temnerattire 40 or below, 2H. i'otal precipitation, 1.06 inches. Departure from normal, 0.44 inches. Greatest precinitatiuu in 21 consecutive hours. and date, u.:i4, fcth. Prevailing direction of wind, 8. W. Number of clear days, (. Number of partly cloudy davs, 15, Number of cloudy days, 10. Number of davs on which .01 or more of nre- eipitati'm fell, l.i. Miniber of davs on which .01 or more of nre- cipitfltlon fell, 10. lJiitcn on v, Inch snow fell, Sth, 12th, -1st. Hates of lunar halon, 2nd, 2t,th, Kk.maiiks: 'J he temperature has been slightly above tlie avenge, with the rainfall half an inuh deficient. Hut t lie snowfall of February having entered the ground, canned the soli to he thoroughly soaked. Absence of extra warm days tins spring kept back buds, grains, and also fall grain. Firm buds opened on bushes about A. Smith, Voluntary Observer. THE ROSLYN MATTER. and a fugitive himself, the two sal down together and fully rested od the same brush bed. The two were traveling in opposite directions. The wild eyed stranger of the mountains was Burdette Wolf, who was fleeing from the blood houD'Ja of the law. He was the girl murderer ol Multnomah county Oregon. Hill and Wolf, fugitives both hunted as murderers, one goioff south the other north, but in their flight they camped one night together in the wilderness near Grant's Pass. It was a desperate in troduction. Each had a reward on his head but they were secure in each other's company. They parted next morning for the first and last time." mi On Sale TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, OliioofiEO, PUo'i Homear for Catarrh ll tho BeBt, Kailcst to Use, and Cheapest. Bold by DrDggrlBUl or sent by mall. COc. E. T. Uajolilna, Warren, 1'a. SILVKH SPECULATIONS. AND ALL POINTS il Leaves Heppner, 8 a.m. Arrives 650 p. m. Pullman leerera Colonist Sleeper., Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Steamers Portland to Ban Franoisco every (oar days. Tickets TO JaJTD Europe. For mte and general Information call on Dupot Tlckat Agent, C. HAET Heppner, Oregon. J. W. H. HUKLBDKT, AMt. Uenl. I'a. Agt. 264 Walblilgton St., Portland, Orkoon. S. P. FLORENCE, From the Bait Lake Tribune. Senator Jones is hopeful that good is to oome out of tbe silver question. Ue is a sanguine man and a very olear-brained man too. Whatever he gays is worth full confidence. The last paragraphs of his interview are worth attention where he says : "A feeling in England in favor of bimetallism is slowly but surely gaining ground, as was shown by the last vote in the House of Commons when the mimo- mttallists escaped defeat by less than fifty votes." The disoouraging feature of that is, that muny men who are good silver men, and among these may be in- eluded tbe whole Irish contingent in the Commons, rather than antagonize Glad stone either voted against their oon victioDB or dodged the vote altogether. We expect that within the next year or two it will be as popular in Congress of the United StateB and in the House o Commons to vote for bimetallism as it ia now to vote against it. It is good news in this connection to note that President Cleveland is taking steps to reconvene the Brussels Con furenoe, although the name of the people mentioned to attend that Congress to represent Mr. Cleveland's views Bie not reiisHuring. H,x-Secretary I'unouilu holds the same views on silver that John Sliermau does, and W. L. Treuholin not only holds the sums views, but is a narrow man on general principles. He is a South Carolina banker. He does not believe in any dealings except from a banker's standpoint, and he has no use for any man or any nation that can not meet all obligations in gold before 2 o'clock on the day they fall due. The hope of the conference is that the pro posal outlined by the president of tbe conference and by M. Kottichild may be amalgamated, which will makoan almost immediate demand for between ?UU,000, 000 and 300,000,000 ounces of silver, and that would have the tendency to so rnise the price that all the world would see that the only thing which keeps silver at a diicount, as compared wiih gold, is the want of a square reeognati.m by the nations of the earth. STOCKRAISER ! HEPrNEH. OKKflON. Catt le branded and ear tnarkod r j uhown ubovo. Hortea F on right shoulder, My cattle nuitfe in Morrow and Unintlltn coun ftiM, .. J will pay 100.00 for the arrwit and con viction of auy paruoii steal inn my stock. QUICK "XMJVCliI I T O i4tin Francisco And all point tn California, via tbe Ml, Bhaata route of the Southern Pacific Co. Tli. great highway through California to all point. Kmat and South. Urnnd Boento ltout. of the Pacific ('A.t. Pullman Buffet Bleej)en. Heoond-CMM Sleeiiera AttaohetUto expreu train., affording niperior accommodation, for aeooud-olaM paMenger. For ratei, ticket., .Imping car rMervatlnn., to,, oatl npon or addreM R. KOEHIJSR, Man.gor, B. P. ROUKKH, AMt. Ueu. F. A P. Agt., Portland, Oregon. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee ) LATEST TIME CAKI) Two Through Trains Daily. M.pmle.ffipm'l.v.MlimrapolUAr.(Vm lXlpm 10.1MU1 a Kipni 7.1raui 7.i;pni 4.1.'pm 7.a.fpm iil.Maml I 1.V...WI. Paul. l.v...l)ululh . l.v. . AhIiIriuI. Ar. ..CbtL-ago.. Arm.;ttnm .Ar 11.(0" AriH.'.1iani Lv 5.4 mm iSHtpiu (i.ftOpm .iupin 10.4ft' Ticket, lold and baforngc ehpfkrKt through to all point. In the United Stnti'i ami Canada. I'foae counertlon made In Cbii-ago with all train, flolnu; Kaai and rnith. For full Information apply to your neareal Uvket agent or J 1- P- POND, (itrn. Pau. and Tkt Ant. I'bUago, 111. f'. GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS Highest Germinating Power. PUREST STRAWS bind roil CATALOGUE. rrMS- Geo. Starr8tt,WALaALU A Popular Competition. The publishers of the Ladies' Home Magazine presents its great Bible com petition to the publio of America. This competition closes on May 30th, 1803. (15 dBjs thereafter being allowed for let ters to reach us from distant points). UtrgaTinHa. 1. Which ! the longest book In the New Testament? 2. h h is sliol'tesl'' a. 'i'ltu longest verao 1 4. The shortei, '' How to Com pktk. Write the quest ionB down, and follow with the answers. Mail this to us, together with 1 to pay fur six months' subscription to the Ladies Home Magazine one of the best home magazines of the day, and if your an ewers are correct yon will receive one of the following prizes: $1,000 in gold; $500 in gold; 8ir)0 in gold; $100 in gold; 2500 elegant silver tea sets; organs, pi- amis, &a. Everything fair and square. Send postal oard for list of former prize winuers, Over 810,000 distributed dur ing the past two years. Addresa: TllK Laiiiics' Uomk Maiuzink, Peterborough, Cuuada. Fat People. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or superfluous fat, is tho "Leverette" Obesity Pills, which gradu ally reduce the weight and measurement. No injury or inconvenience leaves no wrinkles acts by absorption. Thisatire is founded upon the most scientific prin ciples, and has Iweu used by one of the miwt eminent physicians of Europe in Ins private practice "for live years" with the most gratifying results. Mr. Henry l'eikuia, 'Jil I'ttiou l'ark, Boston, writes: "From the use of the 'Leveretfe obesttv pills my weight Iibs been reduced ten pounds in three weeks and my general health is very much improved. The principles ol your treatment are fully in dorsed liy my family physician, lu proof of my gratitude I herewith give you per mission to use my name if you desire to do so," l'riue $'2.00 per package, or three packages for $." 00 by mail. All orders supplied direct from our oilice. The IjKVkricttb Hi'Kctrio Co., 175 Tremout Sheet iloeton, Slim. Think They Are A f ter The Right Parties aiome Desperate Men at Large. North Yakima, Wash., April 4. On the application for a new trial of Cal Hale, convicted on the charge of being implicated in the robbery of the Koslyn bank, general surprise was expressed thid. the prosecution permitted his dis oharpe, ns well as that of Kimsey, without oontest. Hon. H. J. Snively, representing the Bankers' Association, aud E. E. Wuger, prosecution attorney of Kittitas oouuty, evidently knew what they were about, for they quietly sent out posses to Boour the ountrv. and Saturdav last George McOarty and two companions, after a bloodless gun play, were arrested in Douglas county and brought to this city, where they are now behind the bars in the county jail. A posse under Deputy Sheriff Banks was also dispatched to Baker City, Or., to arrest Tom and Billy MoCarty, brothers of George, and word was reoeived by wire today that the arrests were made, but that afterwards the McCartys es caped on their horses and were headed north, presumably for British Columbia. There is a long story oonuected with the case, but there is little doubt but what the McCartys, as well as their brother-in-luw, Kay Christiansen, not only robbed the Koslyn bank, but the Summerville bank, the Enterprise bank of Nevada, various banks in Nevada and Wyomiuff, and also were the principals in the celebrated case wherein Banker Monett, of Denver, wus filohed out of a large sum, generally understood to have been 850,000. Information is said to have been se cured through a woman who is now here, aaoornpanied by Chief of Police J. F. Farley, of Denver, aud a confession has been obtained showing that the robbers bad planned and were about to execute a raid on the National bank of Water vine and the First National bank of Wal la Walla. Fifteen hundred dollars is offered for the arrest of the robbers, and it is hoped the rest of the gang will soon be in custody. Tom McCarty, when he escaped, was riding a gray horse, carried a Winchester aud a revolver, aud was dressed in a brown suit, square out; black slouch hat, white shirt, without vest, and black silk handkerchief around the throat. Hilly McCarty was mounted on a sorrel horse with white points. They are desperate men, aud the sheriff's offi cers were notified that the only way they could be secured without bloodshed was to have the drop on them. They are said to be tbe most notorious ciiminals in tbe country, and Attorney Snively has traced their traak of orime over many states. He ware or Ointments for Catarrh That Contain Mercury, As mercury will surely destroy the sense of smell aud completely derange the whole system when entering it through the muoous surfaoes. (Suoh articles should never be used except on pre sciiptions from reputable physicians, as the damage they will do is ten fold to the good yon oan possibly deserve from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manu- Jnotured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, U., contains no mercury, aud is taken internally, aoting directly upon the blood and muoous surfaces of the system. In buying Hall's Catarrh Cure, be sure you get tbe genuine. It is taken in ternally, and made in Toledo, Ohio, by F.J. Cheney A Co. Testimonials free. HT"Sold hy druggists, price 75c. per bottle. 10 Preventing Kotnie Misery. If there is in this vale of tears, a more prolifio source of misery then the rheu matic twinge, we have yet to hear of it. People are born with tendency to rheu matism, just as they are with one to consumption or to scrofula. tSlight causes may develop this. As soon as the agonizing complaint manifests itself, recourse should be had to Hostetter's Stomach Bitters, which will check its further inroads and banish the rheumatic poison from the system. This statement tallies exactly with the testemony of pbysioians who have employed this fine blood depurent in their private praotice. There ia also the amplest professional and general testimony as to the effioaoy of the Bitters for malariB, liver com plaint, constipation, indigestion, kidney trouble, nervousness and loss of appe tite and flesh. After a wetting, whether followed by a cold or not, the bitters is useful as a preventative of the initial attack ol rheumatism. 1300 Will be tiiven For any case of rheumatism whieh oan not be cured by Dr. Drummond's Light ning Remedy. The proprietors do not bide this offer, but print it in bold type and on their oircu'ars, wrappers, printed matter and in tbe columns of newspapers everywhere. It will work wonders ; one bottle will cure nearly every case. If the druggist has not got it he will order it, or it will be sent to any address by pre paid express on receipt of price. So, Drummond Medioine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted, la AUKICCLTUBAli COLLEGE NOTES. The examinations are over for the winter term. The average will be made out and sent to tbe student s parents, The third term began April 3. There was no vacation at the end of the past term The experiment station is preparing a bulletin on practical treatment for codlin moth and hop louse, run bulletin be out early in April, in plenty of time tor farmers and hopmen to make all necessary preparations for spraying, The contest between tbe Madisonian and Athenian societies will take place at the opera house April 8. The oon test is to decide which society shall wear the silver medal to be awarded by Pres. tfloss. This medal is tbe same shape and size as the gold medal con tested for by the Websterian and Cicer oman societies. The athletic association have elected and installed the new officers for th next three months. The association will give an intertainment at Browns ville in about three weeks. Tbe class in geometry finished the first four books. "They will take trig onometry next term. The year class finished history last term. This gives tbem a start in chemistry; then next year iney win tage up a inorougn course in it. 1 The college museum has been pre sented with the skull of an allegator. It was not a full grown one of its kind. They also got some stuffed prairie chick ens from Eastern Oregon. The plans for the new meobanioal hall will soon be drawn and the contract let. Tbe building will be the same size as the old one, 38x78 feet. The situation for the building has not been decided on. The class in practical engineering, under A. C. Lewis, were dismissed at the end of the winter term, and new ones will go on. They are allowed three months of this practical work. Contributor. Cohvallis, April 3, 1893. For Boils, Pimples carbuncles, scrofulous sores, eczema, and all other blood diseases, take Ayer'sSarsaparilla It will relieve and cure dyspepsia, nervous debility, and that tired feeling. Has Cured Others will cure you! IF YOU WANT INFORMATION AD OUT Notice of Intention. IANP OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Fb. '2H, ism. Notice is heret.y given that the following-named Bottler has tiled notice of hit intention to make Anal proof in support of bin claim, ami that (uM proof will be made be fore W. K. Ellis, V. H. Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on April is, isy:j, viz.: iifcKMAN ISKIUSON, HomeKteatl Application No. 2108, for the BVV NK'-i, and E'3 NW., and NEU SW of Sue. 1. He names the following witnesses to prove hie continuous residence upon and cultivation of aid land, viz.; Andrew Rood, of Heppner, E. D Rood, of F,ii;ht Mile, Benj. 1'opptJii aud U. D. Coats, of Hardinau. 57.i-5a3 John W. Lewih, Register. Notice of intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Feb. 28, lS:t. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 17, 1693, viz.: JOHN L. Hl'SH, Homestead Application No, 2sS4, for tbe N'H of Sec. 1, and NS of Bee. '2, Tu. 4 8, RSiiE. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation ot, said laud. viz. : Jus. Toibert, Wesley Baird, Laten Jones and Frank Baird. all of Heppner. Oretron. tx.i-.-vsi john w. LEWIS, uegiBier. AatlroBf a Mter or pnatiil cunl to TIIF- PRESS (LA IM H COMPANY, JOHN WEDDERBUM, - Managing Attorney, FFVSIOSS PROCURED SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN. PAH!: ft 1 . Also, for SolrlWa nnd Sailora rtlanbM In the line of duty in tlie regular Annvnr Navy lnceih; wur. Survivors ot thn Indian warp of 1HH2 to 1H43. ana their widows, now entitled. Old and relented datnis specialty. rnimaaiHis einmeu vu iiikmui ""-" Send for new laws. No charge for advice. No fee LADIES II ttj nn monts female regulating Pll.r.s are alwavs safe.and reliable, lli.000 testi monials from al'l over the world. Beware of dangerous ubstltutti and imitations. Price $2.00 per package, bent by mail securely sealed from observation. Address ut. k. uuinoni, 98, 8. Halstcd St. Chicago, Ills., U.8. A. FREE TRIAL. WEAK MEN youthful errors, loss of manly vigor, Varicocele, etc. Prof. Du Mont's Nerve Pil! will ell'ect a speedy cure by its use, thousands of cases of the very worst kind and of long standing have been restored to perfect health. 15,000 testimonial! from all over the world, l'riee per package 1.00, Bix for $6.00, trial package sent securely sealed for ten cents postagn. Address, Dr. H. DuMont, tftt b. naisiea at., umeagu, ms., u. o. a. S3 SO i Sealed partlo , ! uiars rep: : iiir dicu't I control to Bjnkir.ff t.'ra.iH.fiUiH Marked lik Flaying (.'arib, i.r,de(i riv.e and everything in tbo ihn;. !e'.v w?.-U Mict wins) iint jnom?v. Sealed Tiiirttcrjurs c.irA H xycie -.".t-'vli-nie free. flcM It'U.t'Jres'fif.l er-ariij-."! : v-Injk! to Notice of Intention. AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON March 21. WA. Notice is hereby Riven that the following named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk, at Heppner, Or., on Hat. May 6, WW, viz. : GEORGE SMITH, H. D. No. 2l89, for the E SEH, 8W4 8KJ, SE)4 8WH of Sec. 33, Tp. 3, 8 R 26 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove hli continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: W. C. Renienger, Laton Jones, G. F. Baird and B. F. Hevland, all of Heppner, Oregon. 112-122 John W. Lbwib, Register. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, J March 1G, 1H93. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of hiB claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 29, 1893, viz.: VICTOR GROSHENS, Ds. No. 10339, for the K NWJ4 and Ktf BWfc Sec. 13, Tp. 6, S R 28, E, W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz. : Oscar Minor, D. B. Staltor, Robert Hart and Vittry Gilbert, all of Heppner, Oregon. A. Cleaver, 111-121 Register. STOCK BRANDS. While yon keep yonr subscription paid up ycu can keep your brand in free of ohargo. Do You Suffer? RheunjatiBrn, Fits (epilepsy), Sorotul'i, Liquor, Morphine or Tobucoo Habit, quickly and permanently oarerl by the wonderful BI-OHLOEIDE ot GOLD treatment. RHEUMATISM J nutup inm-i wti'h-hans1lottU',uiu Cwtiwl, HirnUi Ull liwui. S6o. 1 Iwltlu. ''Auy Fort In a Storm." That's a good minim but it will not work ua s rule in tbe puri'liuse of a remedy for rhenmnlisin. Any of the obean nostrums will not ellVot a cure in fnot none of tbem will. Don't triile with life and prolong njony. (let Dr. Driimmoud'i Lightning Keniedy, nnd h speedy cure in certain. It oohIs r a bottle, but one bottle i worth a hundred of anything else, and for that reason it in the cheapest when a cure ia wanted. (Sent lo any address by prepaid express on receipt of price, Druniiuond Medi eiue Co., 48-50 Aliiidea Lane, New York. Aleuts wanted. 18 DliUNKKNNLCSS. or the UOUOll HABIT Cured at Heme In Ten Days hy Adminis tering ur, mull?! uoiuen aueeino. It can be given in a pines of beer, a onp of coffee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolute ly linrmless, and will effect a permanent mid speedy cure, whether tbe patient is a moderate driukeror analcohoiio wreck. It lias been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system once impregnated with the specitk, it becomes iiu utter impossibility (or the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address tbe Golden Specific Co., 1H5 liace ytreot, Cincinnati, Ohio. t'.Ti.OOO in 1'ieuiiums. Ofl'ered by Liggett A Myers Tobaoeo Co., of St. Louis, Mo. The onegueasing nearest the number of people attending the World's Kiur gets $5,UllH0, the seo oud $1,000.00, eto. Tcu Star tobuouo tags oulitle jou to a guess. Ask your dealer for particulars or fiend for circular. 116 42 The uric acid entirely expelled rom the blood.) Cured in from five to thirty days. PIT? (Epilepsy) permanently cured ; no return nio ot the d'lseune from two to four weeks' treatment. OPUflli'l'l I And the worst case! of inherited uuoui un.i ly cured. blood taint quickly and permaneut- TIPrYL'li'VVIi'eCI Cured in from '-'n to 30 imumujniiLUD opium. avs. MOKI'HINE or! TO BACCO habit cured in from 10 to 2U days. No restriction or publicity. Patients cured at their own homes; 40.0UU surl'erers cured in eight years. For full particulars without charge, ad dress Dr. Mod Bi-Chloriile of Gold Institute, il5 Powell Bt., San Francisco,' Cal. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Now Try This, It will coat you nothing and will Bare ly do you good, if you have aooagh.cold or any trouble with throat, ohest or I1111K8. Dr. King's New Dieoovery for Conrmmp tion, uoagbs nod colds, is guaranteed to give relief or money will be paid back. Sufferers from la grippe found it just tbe thing and under itt use bad a speedy and perfect recovery. Try a sample bot tle at our expense and learn for yourself just how good a thing it is. Trial bottles free at Slooum-Johnson Drug Go. Large size 50o and $1.00. IOMC ITEMS. band. Wind and dust ia again at Many ars still busy gardening. Fred Batsiger is employed as te 110 her at the Pleasant 11 ill school, which is to start on Monday. Mr. Chas. Cochran, Oeoar Cochran and Frank WiJlis have been up at Heppner this week. Lambing season is at hand aud Mr. Lum Hues, is meeting with good a access at his Bheep ranch below this village. Tomorrow is Easter Sunday, what a joy, what a pleasure for th9 children, to behold and admire the various colors, and matobing the strength of their Easter eggt. Some tune ago, lone wus once more booked by the news of a runaway. While out riding, Frank Willis' borne ran away, and ere Fraok knew he was landed several yards down the side of a canyon, lie picked himself up, having had a miraculous escape only to behold his cart in pieces. His horse was also slightly injured. Frank onght to join Wamnm's circus; be is verily an expert at somersaults. Is "Topsy" of Jordan Fork any distant relation to "Topey" of the famous 'Uncle Tom's Cabiu?" She seems to have dis turbed the good will of our friend Anou, who seems to thiuk she probably in herited some of the character of "Topsy, U. T. C." However, a little joke once in a while will add iuterst to dull times. Jakb. April 1, 1893. Change of Firm, TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THI3 IS to certify that I have thiB day bought the Interest ot J. W. Kanmusi, 01 tno mm 01 jvint kftmnuB. aud I anfiume all debt contracted by said firm which tlie S'lid J. W. Rusmus might be liable, for and up to UiiBuate, ana collect all Dills on Baia AUK & ttagmus uooiii. C. IttJIIL. Heppner, Or. March 2d 1803. u73-81. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, March 15. lKtfi. Notice is hereby Riven that the foll- v hiR-nanied settler has tiled notice of his Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that aaid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, ur., at Heppner, Or., on April WW, viz: ARTHUR EDWARD SMITH, Hd. No. 5616, for the KB BC. 23, Tp. 2, S S 28, E. W. M. He namea the following witnesses to prove his continuous roHiueuce upon ana cultivation 01 aaid land, viz: J. M. Waddell. Joe Luekman, C. H. Mann and U, Verrchamp, all of Heppner, Oregon. A. CLEAVRR, 111-121 Register. Albn. T. J., lone, Or. Homes GG on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor row county. Armstrong, J. 0, Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horses; cuttle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., Eight Mile. Or. -Cattle brand, O 1) on left hip and horses same brand on right snoiuuar. ivange. jignt luue. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA eon nocted on tfrft flank; cattle, same on left hirj. Aycra, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded 1 triangie on lett hip; cattle Bame on right hip; also crop off right ear and upper bit on same. ! Hart holamew, A. H., Alpine, Or. Horses branded 7 K on either shoulder. Range in Mor row county. Uleakman, Geo,, Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag onleft shoulder; cattle same on right shoulder. hanntetor, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Hrenner, Peter, Gooseberry Oregon Horses bndnd P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right Hide. Burke, M Bt C, hong Creek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on loft hin. ciod off left ear. un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder, llange ia Grant and ilorrow county. iiromnan, jerry, Lena, or. Horses branded 7 1 ritrlit shoulder: cnttln H on thet Ipft. aula. Loft ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Harton, Wm., Hoppnor, Or. -Horses, J Bon right thighs caLtle, same on right hip; split in each ear. hrown. Isa. Lexmirton. Or. Horses IB on th right stifle; cattle sameon rishthip; range, Mor row county. Hrown. J .P.. IlODDner. Or. Horsns snrHr,nttlfl branded fcj with 01 -yoke above on left shoulder. mown, J. C 1 , Heppner, (Jr. Horses, circle C with dot in no: tor on loft hip; oattle. same. Brown. W. J.. Lena. Oretron. H ormn W. hnr over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. uoyer, W. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, box 1 brand on sighs, hip cuttle, same, with split in each ear. Hor. P. O.. HenDner. Or. Horans. V R An Lift shoulder: cattle, same on left hip. JBruwuiee, V. J., Fox,Or Cattle. JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and rmaaie piece cue out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; llange in Fox valley, Grant county, Carsnei- Warren, Wogner, Or. Horses brand ed O on right stifle ; cattle (three barw) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. ltange in Grant and Morrow counties. Cain.K, Caleb.Or. YD on horees on left Btifie U with Quarter circle over it, on laft shoulder and on left stifle on all colts under 5 years; on left shoulder only on all howes over 5 years. All range in Grant county. Clark, Wm. H., Lena, Or. Horses WIIC con nected, on left shoulder; cattle Bame on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cate, Chas. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle enine on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; horses J (5 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. H,, John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, Bwallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range iu Grant county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear markon ewes, crop on left ear, puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right aud under half orop in left ear. All ranga iu Grant countv. Cook, A. J. ,Lena,Or. Horses, OOon right shonh Notice to Contractors. VTOTICK 18 HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE 1.1 undersigned will receive sealed bids, up to and including April vi, imw, at -z o ciock p. m., to build a public school building in the town of I-exinkton. Morrow county, Oregon, said building to be constructed according to the flam ana specincatious now to do seen at v m. enland's store in Lexington, Oregon, the successful bidder to enter into bonds with se curitv for the faithful Derformance of contract, within five davs after receiving notice of the acceptance of "the bid. The board reserves the right to reject auy and all bids. K. Lieu allien, Jamkw Leach, J. YV. Vaihjhah Board of Directors. Dated, April 5, 1803. 116-20 Hardisty, Albert, Nye. Oregon Horsoa. A H connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left hip. erop off left ir. Humphreys, J 3i. Hardman. Or. Horses. H or lef" Hark , Hayes. J. M., Ileppuw. f Jr. Hows, wiceghw nn loft shfinhU r 'ittlo. mhh:o on nidit hil. Hnston. l.mher. tiht Mile, dr. Horw Hod the left shonidrand heart un the Mi tfl t- tlf-ame nn left tup. Kwira in iirriw r-minry. lv Alfred. Long Creek, Or-)'attie 1 D on riaUt Inn. rmnnft left ear and bit in right. IIoiws same bnuid on left shoulder Uunge g ii;tmt Countv. Junkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or Morses, horse, shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the same. llange on fciKht Mile. . Johnson. Felix, Lena, Or. Horses, circieT on loft stifle: cMtt. sameon right hip, nsder half crop in rijiht and sulit in left war Jenkips, D W.,.lu Vemon,Or, J onhorseeon left shonlder; on cattle, 3 on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Rangein Fox and Kearvailejs Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or. HorseB brandid KN.Y on left hip cattle same and erop off left ear: nndpr sloiw nn the riieht Kirk. J. T., Heppner, Or. Horses 69 on left shonlder; cattle, tiH on left hip. Kirk. J O, Heppner, Or. Horses. 17 on either flank:cattl 17 on risht side. Kirk, JeHfle, Heppner, Or.; horse" 11 on left shoulder; cattle same on light side, underbit un right ear. Kiimberland. W. G.. Monnt Vernon. Or. I L on oattle on right and left aides, ewaUow fork in U ft oar and uiider ciop in right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant count?. Keeney, Eli, Heppner, Or. HorBea J L and ace of clubs on left stifle. Rauge in Umatilla and Morrow counties Loahey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded L nnd A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip; wattle over right eye three slits in right ear. Loften, Stepnen, Box, Or. 8 L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses t same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant ,: county. I .,1 Inv. T.k.w. nr 1 e- u brnudrnl haf-circle J L connected on left shoul der. CalUe, same on left hip, Range, near Lex ington. Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double H coi.nectt Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. niarkham, A. M., Heppner, Or. Cattle large M on left side, both ears cropped, and split in boih. Horses M on left hip. Range, Clark's canyon. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M Dkn right hip; horse. Mod lef t shoulder. Morgan, H. N Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on left shonldei cattle same on left hip. flict.umoer, ,iae a, ficno, ur. Horses, 51 with bar over on right shoulder. ftiann, H. H., i,eua, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on ntrht hiu: voutitf sUink. amull nn af shoulder. Morgan. Thos.. HennnAr. Or. Hnroa nlHin T on left shoulder and left thigh; oattle, 2 on Mitchell, Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McClaren, D. G., Rrownsville, Or, Horses, Figure 5 on each shoulder; cattle. M2 on hi p McKem,W. J., Mount VerUoii, Or XI ou cattle on right hip, crop in right ear, half crop m hift same brand ou horses on left hip, Ranae in G rant eounty. filcCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horees branded DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe with toe-oork on cattle on ribs aad under in each ear; horses Bame brand on left stifle. fitcHaley, O. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horees, 8 with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle four bars connected on top on the right side Range in Grant County. MooLAndrew. Lone Ituck.Or. Horace A N con nected on left shoulder: cattle Bame on both hips, Nordyke, E., Siiverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thigh; oattle, same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 5 on oattle on loft hip; on horses, Bame ouleft thigh. Range in Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O or left r. Olp, Herman, Pioirie City, Or. On oattle, O LP connected on left hip; horses on left stille and wartle on nose. Range in Grant county, Pearson, Olave, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar ter circle Bhield on left shoulder sad 24 on left hin. Cattle, fork in Ia out- n.rl,t ni-r...a.l -a on left hip. Range ou Eight Mile. Parker & Gleauon, Hardman, Ur, Horses IP on left shoulder. Piper, Erne-t, Lexington. Or, Horefl brand e .E (L E connected) oi. loft shoulder; cattle s me on right hip. Range, Morrow county. Pilier, J. 11., Lexington. Ur. -Horees, JE con nectwd ouleft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. Pettys, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on shoulder; cattle, JHJ connected, on the left hip, upper slope in left ear and Blip in th right. Powell, John T., Dayrille, Or Horees, JP coiu neci ed on left shoulder. Cat tie OK couuected on loft hip, two under half crops, one on each ear, wattle under throat, Rai gem Grantcounty. Riukard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. F C on left shoulder, on horses only. Range Canyon creek and Boar valley, Grunt county. Rood. Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horses, Bquare croHi- with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Reninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horses, C R on left shoulder. Rice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence ou left shoulder; cattle, DAW ou right shoulder. Range near Hardman. Royee, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on left shoulder; cattle, Bame brand reversed ou rignt nip ana crop oil right ear. Range in Mor row county. Rush liroe., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X on the right Hhouidor; cattle, IX on the left tup, crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Range ic Morrow and adjoining counties. Rust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses R ei lef t shonlder; cattle, R on left hip, crop off right oar, underbit on left ear. fciheep, R on weathers, round crop off righ ear. Range Uma tiliaand Morrow 0 muiies. Kemiey, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses branded A R on riiftit shoulder, vnnt nurtm ciicle over brand; cattle samo on riirht hio. Range Morrow county. ivoyse, win. il, Uairyville, Or HR oonuected Foot-Prlnthou the Path to Health- Itl'RDETTE OM A dinpatoh from Colfax, says tbat Ed. Hill, tbe Oar field murd t'rtT.wbo was re ocutly recaptured nud loilod in jail, iu bia wnnJi'riuKS met Burtlett Wolf, auj tlma doscribea tlie rueetiuu: "Iu Ilia etTnrttt tit PRrtim. Hill m.ol.a.l S into the mouutniua out of the rnnge of ! Kveryone needing a doctor's advice civilizution. lie had a nupiily of food ! atiuM read oue of Dr. Foote's dime,.rmcd. W. red j "lT&Stt to make a Urn journey, lie made a bed of I), of men. Disease of Women, and brush some distance from the trail about learn the best weans of seli-cnr. M. uudowu, when bia alert ears heard the j lUi Fub ' 129 Ka8t 'th 8u New oraoklititf of bushes only a few yards j0' , away. Ui auspioions were aroused and i A Fisk UoRM. The iaiported ran he crouched down aud waited. Suddenly niuu stallion, Sir Henry, has been he was covered by a pistol iu the hands j brought over to Heppner, and will stand of a mau who had a look of wilduess in tbe ensuing season at this place. He ia bie eyes. Hill made tbe stranger explain ' the property of "Cay use" Reynolds, and j hia aotiou, aud it ws dun in a vuioe is a flue horse. SiOH i that had desperation iu it. Wbeo llill , teuretl him that he was on nobody's trail! der, t attle, sameon right hip: ear mark square orop off left aud split in right. Currin.R. Y CurrinsvilJe, Or. - Horses, on left stifle. Cox Ed. B., Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with E in center; horses. CE on left hip. Cochran, R. E.j Monument, Grant Co, Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. 9 Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horse branded & on rinht hlD. Cat tle brauded the same. Dicktns, tlib Horses branded with three tined fork on left stifle. Cattle sa'ne on left side. Doonan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horees branded OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat- Doutrlase. YV. M,. Galloway. Or. Cattle. R Don right side, swm low-fork in each ear; hones, K D on left hip. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on the riuht stifle; cattle same on rittht hip. Duncan, W. 1'., Jolm Day.Or. Quarter circle v on rignt stiouiuer, Dotn on norses ana cattlei Rantfe Grant county. Ely. J. H. A titius. Douarlas. Or. Horses brand. ed EL ou left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole in right ear. Elliott. Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on rignt snoaiuer. Emery, C. B., Hardman, Or. Horses branded lrevurteo with tail on lelt shoulder ; cat tie same on tight hip. Range in Morrow county Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7 If connect h1 on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Eur mark, hole in right and erop on ieiu Florence. L. A.. Hennner. Or. CnttJa. 1,F m right hip; horses, E with bar under on right Horence. 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F right shouidei ; cattle, fc on riht hip or thiKh. Stench. Georir. HeDnnnr. Or. Cut tin hrRnHwl WF, with bar over it, on left side; crop off left ear. Horses, same brand on left hip. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAlf on left shoulder. GUmon-Trench, Land and Livestock Co., Fob. ill, or. norses, anchor o on left shoulder; vent, sameon left stifle. Tattle. um on both hin- ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left. Rauge in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H, 3. wiiii a quaner eircie over u, on leit Btihe. Range in Morrow and Umatillaconntiea. Giitwater. J.C.. I'raint) Citv. Dr. On hnreaa 0 -O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right Bit it". ituir 111 ii 1 run L'uunijr. Hayes, tieo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected with Quarter ciroi over it, on left shoulder. Hiatt A. li., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top K withguarter circle under it on the right hip. .rtantte iu Morrow and Uaiatilla tiounties. H in ton 4 Jenks, Hamilton. Or battle, two bars on enner nip; crop in right ear ana split in ifft. Horses, Jon right thigh. Rangein Grant county a nVPOTiev r 11 uvdiivvd DnoTi rtrrrr- .. . 1 . . . " . , ' . J . " A ii i i i.mveivrraB con uecwu on ruiut thouiaeron horiMa; on cattle, He Had Tried Very Hard. - They toll this little story of Mrs. ITar riet Beccher Stowo. Walking in a friend's pardon one day she asked the pardoner: "lluvo you ever read 'Uncle Tom's Cabin?' " Tho perplexed fellow slowly unbent himself, lie was unwill ing to wound the sensibilities of Mrs. Stowe, and ho wished to say tho most for himself. And so ho Mt himself fetting very red as ho stammered "Well, not exactly, ma'am. .Not as you mijrht say 'read it,' but I've tried to, ma'am." Bucklen'i Arnica Salve. Tbe best saWe in the world for outs bruises, sores, nlcers, ealt rbenm, fever sores, tetter, chapped bands, chilblains corns aud all skin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It ia guaranteed to Rive perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe 25 oente. per box. For sale by Slocum-Jobnson Drug Company. LIST OF LETiEKS. Auril 3. WW. if earn cu k . Oonard Mr k Mn Ptalmo M Q Funrinon Mr Howard Meuurvy Barnard Mini Gratv Cornett J J 2 Kmnmm Jamei Hall W U Kix Mrt W H Vonlodom W Pleaie tay "Advertised " when calling for the letterf. A. M au-oky, P. M. LIST OF 1.ETTEK8. POTOFFICE Cure for Colds, Fevera and Oenerl Te rttltty, Stwli Bile Bwiue. SSc. per bouie. A PVEHTISED AT DOVCLAS A April 1, lMf: i Dr D B Rice C C Carter When calling for iame please nay 'Adver F. M. I on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in 1 right ear and lit in left. Range in HuysUok 1 district, Mopvw county. j Hale. Milton, Wagner, Or. Hornee branded -- (circle with parallel tailai on left shoulder. I tVttle Bame on left hip ; also large circle on left 1 side. Hall. Edwin, John Pay.Or. Cattle E Hon right I hip; horstw same n right shoulder, tang in j Grant county. j Howard. J L, r;lloway. Or. Horee,T (croes i with bar above it) on right ehoalder; cattle ; same on lelt side. Range in Monow aad Unift ' UliH countiee. Hugh". Mat, Heppner. Or. Hornet, shaded heart on the left shoulder. Rang Morrow Cj. Huusaker, B A. Wagner, Or. Horees, U on left shoulder ; cai tie. I oa left hip. with uuarter uirrltt ovnr t fin t.n nutria nn r-idt and orop off right ear and BpTit in left. Horses suiue brand on left Bhoulder. iange in Morrow. Grant and Gilliam counties. Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horees. JO on left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip, Spicknall, J. W., "ifTOoseberry, Or. HorBes branded tfl on left shoulder; range in Morrow county. bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Bwaggart, H. b, Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under it ou loft stifle; cattle H with daub under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. Range in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Bwaggart, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses branded I on left shoulder; cuttle same on left hip. Crop on ear, wuttle on left hind leg. Btraight W. E.t Heppner, Or. Homes shaded J B on lef i stifle; cattle J B on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, underbit in left. happ, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P en left hip; cattle same on left hip. Mhirtz, James, Long Creek, Or. Horses. 8 en left stifle and over I on left shoulder. Bhner.John, Eox, Or. HC connected on horses on right hip; cattle, same on right hip, crop oft right ear and under bit in left ear. Range in Grant couuty. Bmith Bros., Busmville, Or. Horses, branded H. on shoulder; cattle, ame on left shoulder. Bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded JB on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam counties. Btephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses Bmi right etitie; cattle horizontal L on the right side Btevenson, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, B on right hip; swallow-fork in lef t ear, Bwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses, U oa left shouidei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Bmith, E. E. Loue Root, Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same on left side. Range, GUliain county. Bperry, E. G Heppner, Or. Cattle W C oa left hip, crop ofT right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W 0 on left shoulder. IhompBon, J.A., Heppner, Or. Horsee, t oa left should r; cattle, H on left shoulder. Tippete.B.T.,Enierprise,Or. Horsea. C-on left Bhoulder. Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital 1 left shoulder, horses; cattle Bame on left hip with split in both ears. Thornton, U. M., lone, Or. Horses branded H 1 connected on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or; Hore HV eon. ected on right Bhouider;cattie, same on risht hap. Wttlbridge, Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses, TJ. L, on the left shoiuder; cattle same on right hip. orop off left ear aud right ear lopped. Wilson, John U Balem or Heppner, Or. Horses branded Jy on the left Bhoulder. Raoe Morrow county. .Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle, W with qnarfe circle over it, ou left side, split ia right ear. Horses same bruud ou left shonlder. Rangein Grant couuty. Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on leftstitie;ou uatue, 'Jon left side and under bit in ieft ear. Range in Grant county. W right, Bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded 8 W on t tie rignt hip. square crop oil right ear and Bpiitm it-it. Wallace, EmiiciB, Monnt Vernon.Or Square on cattle on the left hip. upper slope in the left ear and under slope in right ear. Bame brand ou horses on rignt shonlder. Rauge in Harney and Grant countv. W ade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horees branded ace of spau on leit shoulder and left hip Cattle branded sameon tuft side and left hip. Wells, A. B., Heppner, Or. Horses, ovo on left shoulder; oatt e same. Woiringur, John, John Day City, Or On horsue three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bittn both ears. Range in Grant and Maihnox 3ountks. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horte, CP oonneoU'd on leftshouidnr, Watkins, Lislie, Heppner, Or. Horsee branded CE connected on left stith. Wallace, Chanes, Portland. Or. Cattle, W on rightthigh, holt m left ear; horses, W on right elioulaer, som sameon left Bhoulder. Whittier Bros.. Drowsy. HHniM n,nnf n. Horses branded W B. couuected on left shoulder Vtilliauis, Vasco, Hamilton, Or.-ruarter sli de over three bars on left hip, both cattle and horeee. Range Grant ooonty. W iliianis, J O. Long Crwk. Or Horeee, quar tr circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same and slit in each ear. Range in Grant county. Vt ren, A. A., neppner. Or. Horsee running A A on ehouluer; Came, same on right hip. louu, J. B., Gooseberry, Or. Horeee branded Yminx, W. A.. Gooseberry, Or. Honee brand cd X X (doubte X connected) on left shorn ldt eaKie same uo left side.