N01! K TO AUVEKTIbEKH. ,.-K deairiuit the iuat rtiou of iliipUy ads., r change oi name, mum get ilicir copy iu not Inter tbaii Monday evening fur 'J'uehtlay'a edition, or IhuriKiay evening lor Friday eui- UOU. 'iU i'ATTiCKftOH BUbHIKli Co. NOIH K. 1. The turn of five centa per line will unarmed fur "cards of thanks," "renolutioiii of respect," lists of wedding preseuts and duiiurs, ud obituary uotices, (otUer than those the edit or shall hiiiiseif give hb a matter of news,) and uotices of special meetings for whatever purpo8e. it. Notice ol church and society and ail other entertainment from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to iu every instance. Advertising rates reasonable aud made know u upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re Fpoiibible for his or her communication. No iorrclKiideuce will be published unless the writer b real name is signed as au evidence oi good lailh. "f P. FltiHKR, NEWSPAPER ADVEKTId I j v ing Agent, 21 Mereliants exchange, bau i- lancisco, is our authorized ageiit. Hits paper is kept ou tile iu hisoilice. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardnmn, Monument, Long Creek, John Uay unu Lauyou vily, leaves as luUmvg : Jivery day ut 0:u u. in., except ttunUuy. Arrives every day atd:dup. ui., except Monday. 'Itie eheapebt, quickest aliU beat Hue to or from the interior eouutry. J. B. DELE VAN, Prop. . Slocum-JohiiBton Drug Co., Agent. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up hepp ner. Patronize those who palronue you. Here and There. Dave Hamilton is below on business. Advertise and shake the cobwebs loose. Jay Shipley's new writing class. See elsewhere. 'Gene Noble is below visiting relutives and friends. T. 1). Mathews is in today (rum Butter creek. Unfurnished rooms to rent. Inquire at Gbsseile oftioe. tt J. N. Brown left this morning toatteud court at Condon. The Mollaly examination will hardly ocour till this evening. Bring ou your job work ; we oan do it . and never miss an issue. People will trade, aud Heppner businesses are changing hands. The Ciena aud Palace saloons for hue liquors, Me A lee Bros., Props. sw Heppner is beginning to fill up with the uauul number of sueep-sbeareis. Heppner's hills are getting as green asa timothy meadow in early Bpring. J. B. Sperry wer-t down to Portland Tueaduy to remain a week or ten days. Mr. Darland, of Goldendale, represent ing a Portland implement thin, is iu town. Dave Harris and wife left for their home at The Dalles Wednesday of this week. The Heppner-Canyon stage line is the best, cheapest anu qicUEtai 10 tne in Mrs. Homer MoFarland went down to Hood River to visit her relatives luBt Monday. Children's waists, age 5 to VI years oheaoer than you cau make them at Fell Bros.' The TWiOB-A-WEEK Gazette now only 82.51) in advanoe. payable iu cash or ooon skins. Sheep buyers are reported beaded this way. Our people have some surplus stock to sell. The Morrow County Land and Trust Company has an unlimited supply of null teed. If you want to buy or sell city or farm property, here or elsewhere, call at the Gazette office. Uatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths in connection. J as. Wright, of Tacoma, came in Wednesday eve to buy 2,0U0 head of mutton sheep. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove oures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaiue and tobacco habit, bee ad. A. B. Williams and Silas Wright, two of our citizens from the outer precinotB, were in our midst yesterday. Wm. Penland lost a square and com pass reoently in Heppner. The finder will please returu to this office. 75 tt Found Between the Palaoe hotel aud the court house, a pair of Bpeotaoics. Call for same and pay obarges. Every man who takes any interest io fast stock should subscribe tor The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. The wife of the Eagle editor is re ported quite ill with pleura-pneumonia. At last accounts she was improving, N. Nielson is now running a stage be Iween Heppner aud Lone Book. Bee ad. for days of leaving aud arrival, tf. nullaa DamDman is town a few days, being incapacitated from work from old wounds received aunug me " Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc all kinds of nursing. Call at her homi In north Heppner, or address her at this place. Our reBidjut sbeepmen are now out oftbeoity, with, perhaps a few excep tions, harvesting this season's orop of lambs. Go and do likewise. If your whiskers' are grizzly and unbecoming use Buck ingham's Dye and they will look as when you were younger. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for the Oregooian at this place. Subscribe through him, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see bis old friends there. Baths in connec tion. Mrs. M.J. Rash, formerly of Heppner, is located at 63 Third St., Corner Pine, Portland, Oregon, and would be pleased to aooommodate any of tbe Heppner people, while they are in Portland. K. H. Walsh, of Montana, got in Mon day eve to buy horses for tbe German cavalry. He went below this morning, bnt. we are informed, will return soon. Mr. Walsh has chartered a car for bis horses and will ship soon. Mrs.S. P. Gairieues and son, Peroy, donated Tneedav for Salem to visit Mr, GarrirueB' mother. They willbejuined armn bv Mr. Qarriuues and then proceed F.at to p the siehts at the World's Fair and to visit relatives in Pennsylvania. n nf HeDDner's councilmen had inn tn viait Portland recently, and learned that there are still hopes of telling the Heppner water bonds Bt an early date. However, u toe saie i consummated soon a new election win be ordered. "Beaufy" may be "only skin deep;" bat the spcret of a beautiful skin is pure blood. Those coarse, rough, pimply complexions may, in most oases, be ren dered soft, smooth and fair by the per aeverin and systematic use of Ayers SarBaparilla. Dr. J. Panl Grant arrived from Port land l'uesday, and left for the interior "Dook" is up in the interests of the O. W. K. Mont. Co. Bjb Shaw, our county assessor, will attend Hie assessi r's convention, to oon veue in Portland soou. One of our Gooseberry patrons, Wm. Biddle, was in the eity early this week laying in some supplies. Our reporter notices by tbe Portland Teiegrtin that lsaao Base; ami Sarah Baaey are married again. Thus. Keauey ard son, Andre, were up from Leiingtou today. They say that wheat is looking well. The Gazetie is under olliimini i in Ike Knots tur valuable assistance in im pairing our eugiue tins week. If krain looks as well veiiArnllv aa.luu Jones' piece up on the timber culture south of town, it is doing well. For sale or trade MrDnffi Warm Springs Apply to W. M. Rudio, Lung Creek, Oregon. 110 21. The G, A. R, boys will have their stats eneauiprreut at Peutlleton on the 12tb aud 13th iusts. A graud time isexDected. ' A baud of gypsies are oamoinn near town, and if the people don't get a knowledge of their future it's their own fault. J. B. and D. C. Ely. of Douslas. were up VYeduesday, Tbuisday and today on ousiuees. Tuey look loward to good orops. Jeff Jones and family have came no from the valley to remain a few weeks. Jeff will take in the sheep-shear iug season. Oooasional warm showers are making plenty of nice tender grass for stock. Sheepmen are saving tbe usual number of lambs. P. J. Qjiisenberrv and E. M. Jen nings, of Hillsville. Va., got iu last eve ning from Arlington, on the lookout for a location. Anyone having farm property that they desire to trade for Portland or Eastern property, should call at the Gazette office. Mr. Ed. Armstrong, brother of Theo. Armstrong, formerly of this place but now of Oregon City, is here looking after real estate. Yesterday this part of the vineyard was wet up by a good Apr. shower. It was warm aud likely caused no loss among sbeepmen. J. F. Willis, of Social Ridge, reports 1 his fall sown grain as coming up nicely, and that be has great hopes of a bountiful harvest this year. S. C. Friendly and A. N. Smith, com mercial men, were in the city the first of the week, leaving for the interior country Tuesday. Mr. Bert Danuer, last Wednesday evening, whs the reoipient of a plaesant surprise by bis numerous young friends, the occasion of bis sixteenth birthday. "Gentle Spring" loses many of its ter rors when the system is fortified by the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. With multi tudes, this wonderful tonic-alteratiye has long superseded all other Bpring medi cines, being everywhere recommended by physicians. Antelope Herald: Our esteemed (?) friend MoGill, popularly known as "Peg leg," hBd been "doing" the town of Con don for the past several weeks, but last week the city marshal of that plaoe or dered the said brother to get, and of course be got immediately. It some times pays for a towu to be blessed with a marshal McGill don't think so. THIS WISE MAN ID "There be three things which are too wonderful tor me, yea, tour which I know not : The way of an eagle in the air ; the way of a serpent upon a rock ; tbewayofa ship in tbe midst of a sea, and tbewnyof a man with a maid." Ho Might Have added Another: The way of tbe "buncombe" storekeeper w ho would pull the wool over even a baldheaded man's eyes. IS IT RIGHT ? DOES IT PAT . onsumption That dreaded and dreadful disease I IWhat shall stay its ravages? TlOUsands ' say bcotts hmulsion of pure Norwegian cod liver oil and hvpoDhosohites of lime and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption? Make no delay but take Bcott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemio and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in Children. Alniott a palatable ai milk. Vet only the genuine. Pre pared by Soott & Downs, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists. Scott's Emulsion The I isro. Here are an honest merchant's tour car dinal virtues : Fairness, Equality, Reliability, Courtesy. We try to have them all. regon. Not A Charming Ccmpahion. Miss Adams, who lives near Silveiton, Marion county, went horsebaok riding tbe other day. Her saddle had been hanging all winter in the baru, and she noticed that the Beat of the saddle appeared as though a stick might be under it, but could not be removed without ripping the saddle. Alter riding several miles the horse beoame suddenly frightened and began to rear nud plunge. Upon looking around she discovered a snake crawling from the saddle and with its head striking at the horse and then at her. Realizing her situation shejumped to tbe ground. Holding tbe horse with one hand she killed the snake with a club she held in the other. It was found to be a black rattlesnake three feet long, and was entirely too much warmed up to be a comfortable com panion. Notablb Change The price of the Semi-Weekly Gi zette will hereafter be 82.50, in advance. To those paying up iu full and oue year in advance, we will give 8 nice premium. There is one thing sure, we cacont carry our subscribers in the future as we have in the past. It would break a National Bank, to SBy nothing about a newspaper. Paper and hired help is cash, and without it we cannot run. The reduotion in price is made in order to get our business down to a oash basis. " Remember that S00 delinquent subscribers, one year, amounts to $1250, a sum that would help us materially now. Our debts must be paid and we have no other means of getting money eioept through our bus- En Routb to Salem. Sheriff Noble, of Morrow county, lodged three prison ers in the oounty jail last night. They are Joseph Biohardson, bis wife, Phoebe Richardson, and Ed. Jones. Tbe Rich ardsons will each serve a year in the penitentiary. They were recently oon' victed of willful destruction of property, having destroyed some harness valued at $35 belonging to a neighbor. Mrs Richardson will be tbe first woman to servo a term in tbe penitentiary for over two years, the last female oonvict hav ing been released in 1891. Jones was sentenoed to a year and a halt for obtaining chatties under false pretenses Oregonian. For Sale. Four hundred acres deeded land i miles north of Heppner; 200 acres good farming land, balanoe excel lent pasture. There are 140 acres in wheat, mostly summer-fallow, with plen ty of water. A small but comfortable 'bouse and barn. All lays wall. Prices and terms made known on application. Address Justus Beaman, 116wtf Heppner, Or. New Writing Class. On Monday evening April 10, J. W. Shipley will organize a writing class. All, old and young, who are interested in tbe art, are iuvited to attend. 116-tf. FOR BALK OR TKADE, mported KIlllM Stallion 5t Anything New of Real Merit You oan Generally Find For :-: Sitle :-: by - -rv i tin Who are Noted for beintr. The Leaders. We don't rnn a third-class junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twioe their value, but we keep first-class goods at honest prices, with no baits or trap. We keep s, Hardware, Tinware, GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, - STATIONERY, CONFEOflONERY, ETC. Gouts Fornisliii Good u Ask our old customers how we treat them. : : : : : Corner Main and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. SIR HENRY This fine Imported Stallion will make the ensuing season beginning March Hth and ending July 1st, at the following places : MONDAYS and TUESDAYS at Ben Swaggart's ranch 10 miles north of Heppner. i rtiJJAIb ana HATUKJJAS at Thompson ISinnB' statue in Meppner, jr. DESCRIPTION : "SIR HENRY" is a golden bay with black polnti ; is 7 years old ; h'4 hiuids high, and weighs 1180 pounds J is ol a kind and gentle disposition. He is commonly known as the "Habb" horse, being brought from Montana to Portland by W. H. fiabb In the fall of ls'JO. "SIR HENRY" was sired by "Martin," by "Hermit"; dam "Lady Henrietta," a well-known imported French mare. "81 R HENRY" was Imported direct from England to Wlnnipeg.Manltoba, by I. G. Jackson. TERMS : Single leap $20, due when servioes are rendered. Heason 850, due at tbe end of the season . All Care Will be Taken to Prevent Accidents, But I will be responsible for none should they ooenr. Good Pasture With plenty of spring water on same oan be bad at Ben Swaggart's ranch for $1.60 par month per oead. D. C. REYNOLDS, Heppner, Oregon. 71sw House and lot located in finest part of "Peninsula," Portland, eleotrio lights, water works, graded streets, two oar lines and one under contemplation. One of tbe finest additions to Portland tor residences. Party wishes to dispose of furniture with house. Reason for selling, poor health and a desire to lo cate in the beautiful clime of Eastern Oiegon. Gall on, or address. The Patterson Publishing Co., Heppner, Or. BTKAYKD. This piece of advertising space belongs . TO Slocum-Johnston TJru C- PUILL COIIN, Pbopihetoh. There is not a winged inseot hovering around Phillip. jfou ea.z.z B-2T Gilliam & J3isl)ees UEPPNEn, on. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. ATTENDED TO M IN A v ' Seven steers, ooming two-years-old, two steers ooming three-years-old, two heifers two-years-old, all branded P, with bar over it, on either hip. Parties finding same will please notify me at Alpine, Oregon. 116 23 law. Kate Parsell. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. From Elleksbuboh. Tom Kimsey got in Tuesday from Ellensburgb, look ing better than he has for years, not withstanding that he has been incar cerated in the Ellensburgh jail for months and had run the gauntlet of one trial for bank robbery. Tom seemed to be glad tn get back borne, and appre ciates much the efforts of the Morrow oounty Deople in his behalt. He says be was well treated by tbe authorities over at Ellensburgb, though they had fewer liberties than were given to the other prisoners. Sprained Anklb. While jumping last Tuesday evening, Jeff Hayes badly sprained his right ankle. The injured limb became badly swollen immediately after it was it jured, and for a time it was thought that some bones were bro ken, but a critical examination revealed tbe faot that it was nothing more than a severe sprain. However, be will be con fined to bis room for some time, sod will hardly be able to nse tbe injured mem ber for several weeks. Oilliam k Biabee, the hardware and tinware merohants, carry everything ap pertaining to their lines, even agrical tnral implements. Don't you need I plow this fall? a Don't overlook Kirk Rasmus for bargains. They have purchased tbe bus iness of J. W. Matlock t Co., bnt will soon remove to tbe Mallory oorner, oppo site the Palaoe hotel. a CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. M. E. church servioea mornirj and evening. Morning text: "Hut the word of Qod grew and multiplied." Evenini servioes conducted by tbe W.(J. T. V All are invited. J. M. 8hul, Pastor. Preaching at tbe Baptist oburoh 8un day at 11 o'olock. By request onr theme will be on the "Unpardonable Bin," or tbe "Sin Against tbe Holy Ghost." All are invited. M. Bbahbi.it, Pastor. Business-like Manner -AND AT- REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' - Warehouse Near the Depot: HEPPNER, OREGON. PALME HOTEL Change of Ownership t'&SJiHn"'-" Only First-Class hotel in Heppner. Building Wired for Eleotric Lights throughout. Best accommodations for the traveling public. Courteous treatment assured the ooun try people. MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, wbioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times the ohoiuost Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW & McOAETY, 85-tt . ProDrietors. H. A. Thompson A. K. Blims THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable Below Coffin it Mt-Farland'i, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 26 cts. a at O. O. Hargeant's, next door to Feed Htable. Grain and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. TTEPPNER There will be no servioes at M. E ehurcb. Booth. Sunday, as we bold ser vices at Liberty at 11 a. m. and will join in the Union Oospel Temperance meeting at the M. E. cburoh in tbe evening. Edwix Paliiib, Pastor. remain a few days. COPPER FVETED S- 30TTOM"PANT and LONE ROCK KIlSIvSOIV, Prop. DR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. H., London, England. n: Veterinary -m- Surgeon Chronic Diseases a Specialty. 1 am prepared to do all kfndi of Veterinary Huriferv, Kmaiculatltifc Hornet and Megliiifi a 8Mt- any. ( I nil is win oruy irue mewiou oi oitemuiiK un nont'i.j lid i ii int y. ('I hli la tilt) only true metnon oi operating on nortcij eyniK ol cattle ana Uoga on snort nonce, i win ireai mi niiiniaiii in 1110 mom nuuroveu uroctMinre 01 veter inary Mnrtfery. If you have any nl a auiinala it will La to your tnterait to (tall 011 me at Ktewart'i utablet. HKI'PNEK, aw OHIiiOK GO TO W. L Matlock & Co. -Fori- Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Katurdays. Leaves Lone Itock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes connection with the weekly line to Fossil. Iteasonahle charges for botb Passengers -:- and -:- Freight. M3-tfsw 6LOC0M-J0HN8T0N DRUG CO., Agents, Heppner. Or. N'otici to Stock Bbbediiui. I will keep, at my farm 7 miles northeast of Lexington, a fine Jack of the Black Warrior breed. This Jack is large sud of high form. Terms: Five dollars, in surance. M.res intrusted to my eare will be kept io good pasture at one dollar per month. Due care will be taken to prevent accidents, or the stray ing of mares, though I will be respon sible for none. 114 tf. B. F. Hwaocjabt. Lexington, O. Hhoemakbb. Kd. Birbeck, a shoemak' er and repairer of many years' experi ence, has lost looated in tbe Abraham ioY building, on May street, where be is nrenared to do eveiything in his line. Vlr fiirtxx'k is strictly a Urst-olass work. man and warrants all work, Oivs him a call M'tf pits Cries, -:- p -: and -:- (Jip ! The Keeley Institute -OF- For the Cure ox Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is lix'.tnt at Forest Qrove, Or., The Must Beautiful Town on the Couit. I CtU at ths Oaxkttk offirs for particulars. fttrlrllyconlMentlal. Treatment private and sur. i cure. If, L I HEPPNEK, ATTOnNBT AT IjAW And Commissioner of the U. 8. Circuit Court. All land P matters attended to promptly and accnraUly. Olfle. in National Bank building. OREGON Wednesday, to