T i5 MUl'ICK TO AUVERTI3EKS, I'HOaiK deiiriuR the iiiiertioii ut display alf., or chuitKe oi aie, must get flicir nop j in nut inter than MunUay evening for Tuetkiaj-'i eumuu, or ihurhUy evening lor Friduvi edi- NO iUt. 1. Tlie sum of five cents per line will be dm red (or "carda of thanks," "resolutioiia of riHxt," lists ci wedUniK present and donors, miu ouituary notu-eH, (other than thoj theeilit ur vhail himself give oh a matter of news,) and iioUceitof spet'ial uieetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notiic-B oi church and society and allother entertaininents from which revenue in to be de rived, uluiU be charged for at the rate of live teiim a line. These rules will be Btrietly adher ed to in every iiiftance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re lj oiibible for his or her communication, JNo Correspondence will be published uuR-bs the writer b real mime li signed as uu evidence of good faith. "J P. FltiHER, NEWSFAPEK ADVERTld JLJ iug Agent, irt Merchant! exchange, ban x laucisco, is onr autborueu agent, 'imi paper is kept on tile lu his ottice. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardmau, Monument, Long Creek, John lay and Canyon Ciiy, leaves as lollows : Every day at 6:30 a. in., except buuduy. Arrived every tluy ataisti p. ni,, except Monday. '1 lie cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. J. S. CELEVAN, I'rup. Slocum-Johiiston Drug Co., Auents. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build vp Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There Heppner Furniture Co., tor carpet, t TUTT'S PILLS harmless and effect ive. Unfurnished rooms to rent. Inquire at Gazette otlioe. tf Cull and examine Heppner Furniture Co.'s wall papers. t J. W. "Vaughan, of Lexington, was up to Heppner Sunday. Dispatch: C. A. Rhea, a Heppner banker, is in the oity. Eli Keeney made a trip to Arlington Tuesday of laBt week. Wayne Huston returned to Ellens burgh late last week. IS. J. La Frauoe was iu Heppner early last week on business. The Gem and Palace saloons for fine liquors, MoAtee Bros., Props. sw Hatt & Matthews' new bath sign is at tracting considerable attention. Dispatoh: Hon. Henry Blackmau came down yesterday from Heppner, Bom In Heppner, yesterday, the 3rd inst., to the wile of Dan Osmers, a girl The HeppnerCunyon stage hue is the beet, che tipest and qicukebt to the in terior. E. A. Cbainbern, representing Mooney, Valentine & Goldsmith, was iu townover Suuday. Now is the time to do your spring rustling. Adveriise, We have the readers. The present term of oirouit oourt brought in a number of our country residents. Cbildre u's waists, age 5 to 12 years oheaper than you can make them at Fell Bros.' The Morrow County Land and Trust Company has an unlimited supply of mill feed. Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths in conneotion. Miss Alice Tillard arrived last eve ning from Pendleton, on a visit to her relatives here. Ed. Keeney and wife have taken up their residence in Mr. Welch's place, lower Main street. C. C. Sargent is putting up a building down on lower Main street which he will use as a hotel. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, oooaine and tobaoco habit. Bee ad. Wm. Fenlaud lost a square and com pass recently in Heppner. The finder will please return to this oflioe. 75-tf J. H. Kolman is getting looated in his Dew stand, ooiner of May and .Main streets, opposite the Palace hotel. Dr. B. F. Vaughan will leave next Monday for the East. Those desiring work should come in immediately. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween Heppner and Lone Rook. See ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc all kinds of nursing. Call at her home In north Heppner, or address her at this place. DlH-tt V. A. Stephens, of Hardman, reported yesterday that the rain of Heppner Bun day came to his vicinity in an inck of enow. Mr. E. A. Brundage informs us that be will visit the East this summer taking advantage of the low rat which will be ottered. Uncle Chas. Wallaoe started for the East last Wednesday. He will take in the World's Fair and York State before retarnmg home.' Alliance Herald: N. H. Tennery re turned Saturday from the Columbia Is land fruit company's big orchurd on Switzler's island. Go and do likewise. If your whiskers are grizzly and unbecoming nse Buck ingham's Dye and they will look as when you were younger. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for the Oregonian at this place. Subscribe through bim, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Miss Lucele Godley returned from Portland Saturday. She has been ab sent for the past month visiting friends and relatives in the metropolis. Mr. S. S. Hornor has a position with The McFarland Mercantile Co. We con gratulate them on having seo'tred the services of each an efficient man. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room, Charley Jones the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in conneo tion. Frank Focarty, representing the Amer ican Centrol Ins. Co., was in Heppner last week and reports that if a fire limit IS eetaolisnea tne rates ui iusurauce win be considerably lowered. Court adjourned yesterday a ternoon and this morning Judge Bradshaw, A. 8 Bennett and Prosecutor Wilson departed for The Dalles. A great deal of business Las been gotten away with this term of court. E. H. Clarke SDd Lo Tillard CRme io from Pendleton Monday. Mr. Clark, as usual, is looking after the wool interests of onr locality, and is as familiar a figure in our midst as the great and eternal Heppner bills. D. F. Ball bsa leased the Mourtain Honse, opposite the Gazette office, . oere be proposes to accommodate the public st reasonable rates. Mr. and airs. Ball are well qualified, in car opinion, to look after the wants ot toe peapie who must atop at a hostelry. a a Taylor, of Portland, represent- : XJ.1I J, I V T ton n nl 1 nf TnnpkfL Ran ass, is in the city. Mr. Taylor is an nn- jele of the Tillard Bros., and was for years , clerk ot bjuglae county. I J. W. Hyatt, of Gooseberry, left Mon day with Ins family, and will locate in j the Weston couutry. frank Roberts Is now employed down at P. U. XhompBou Co.'s Frank is in dustrious and tllicieut. F. O. Buekuum went down to Grants Tuesday ot last week, taking iu the couutry south of there. AhioS. Watt, of the Union Pacific, who was present lust week during the railroud trial, went below Friday. Rev. W. E. Potwiue will hold services next Thursduy evening. Communion services Thursday moruiug at IU o'clock. Sterling Smith has receutly added some new maohinery to hia lurniture establishment, includiuu turning lathes. etc The ladies of the Pythian listers will give a supper at the opera home tomor row night, tbe proceeds for tbs benefit of Dorian Temple. All are iuited. Out near the Freooh ranch above town on Donaldson canyon, yesterday, Har rison uaie touuu a double-headed lamb. Mr. Hale did not know where it came from, Heppner had a very good street show today consisting of two men and a wo nma, who entertained the crowd with tumbling, contortionists feats, rope walk ing, etc. Hon. T. E. Fell, accompanied by bis little Bon, were paeaenizers ou Friday's down train, en route to their Taooma home. We learu Tberon is prospering over ut Taooma. F. C. Holla, assistant cashier of the First National Bank of Arlington, in oompany with F. O. Buoknum, examiner for the Lombard Investment Company, were iu Htppuer over Sunday, Dallas Dampinun baa just received news that a pension of iflO per mouth has been granted him by the government. Dallas is suffering severely from the wounds received during the war. T. M. : Democratic candidates for the postottice iu this city appear to be in creasing daily. Only one can secure the position, and who this fortunB.e indi vidual will he is hard to determine. Lee Patberg convioted of selling liquor to a minor, pleaded guilty and was fined $5() uud oosts. On the other charge of aei.ing liquor without a license, the mat ter w as ouutiuud till next term of oourt. T. M.: The Walla Walla Statesman olaims that there is only one democrat in the penitentiary. The editor evident ly bus been reading Baron Maun otiausen's tales, and is proving a worthy competitor. Mr. and Mrs. Park Garrigues will leave shortly for Pennsylvania, where they will spend the summer. Last evening they were given a reception at the opera house by Mesdames Bull and N. A. Kelley assisted by other friends. Grant Co. News: Cattle are dying in large numbers up the valley, we learn. Winter hung on so long after it did start that haystacks melted away uud left the hungry stock to graze on a oold, cruel world covered with enow. Arlington Record: Senator Blackman, of Heppner called at our office on bis way to Portland. The senator is a live ruau, and he has especially distin guished himself in the session of the legislature recently closed. A. L. Guerin has resigned his position as janitor of the Heppner school house, and accepted the right clerkship of tbe City hotel, W. J. Leezer, proprietor. Mr. Guerin is an eilicieut man. The sohool house is now iu charge of M. 1). Hay mun. "Beauty" may be "only skin deep;" but the secret of a beautiful skiu is pure blood. Those coarse, rough, pimplv oomplexions may, in most oases, be ren dered soft, smooth and fair by the per severing and systematic use of Ayer's oarsupanoa. "Gentle Spring" loses many of its ter rors when the system is fortified by the use of Ayer s Bursapanlla. With rhulti tudes, this wonderful tuuic-alteratiye has long superseded all other spring medi cines, being everywhere recommended by physicians. John Curran, owner of the block on Main street, next door to D. A. Herriu's building, was in town a few dayB last week. John used to be a very familiar figure up this way, but ot late years has not "made" Heppner ou his rounds as a traveling salesman. Arlington Record : Otis Patterson, of the tleppner uazette, called on us Tues day last. We thank him fur the oa'l and words of oheer he gave us. Mr. Pat terson is publishing a good paper, and deserves the liberal patronage ot the people of bis oounty. Albert Osmin thought times were too hard to take the Gazette, bo he came in recently and frankly told us as much and had it stopped, xesterday, however, he dropped in ou us and renewed again, remarking that hard times or otherwise. he could not get along without the Gazette. Died At W. J. Wattenburger's place on cutler cret-K, ounuay morning at 1 o dock, jaooD ttonnson, aged 77 years and 19 days. The old gentleman bad been on the sounty for a short time. His remuins were interred at Pine City yes terday, funeral services boiug held also at that place. E. 0.: J. T. Hinkle places at the bead of tbe editorial oolumns of his paper, the Denver Tribune, published at Denver, a new town in Idaho oounty, Idaho: "The offioial organ of J. T.Hinkle, and no other party." Joe also remarks he has oome to stay, and the people of Denyer will have to board bim. E. Seekamp and L. W. Darling were over from Condon Friday last. Mr. Seekamp is the gentleman who had same trouble with Attorney Goods reoently, and is a Bheep owner instead of a sheep herder as styled in last issue. Mr. Darling became one of our subscribers before leaving the city. This man Ash has turned up swindler and (leal beat over in Grant countv. Though the Gazette had published an acoount of his actions in Morrow county, JJajville people allowed themselves to be taken in. People should read tbe newspapers more. As advertising is to the business world, so are the newspa pers to tbe people at large. Turing lady at campmeeting (having just been converted) "Last night I was clapped in the arms of a wicked msn; tonight I am clasped in the arms ot Jesus." .Everyone was completely thunder-struck when an old Dutobman in tbe back seat arose to bis feet and shouted out, "Are you engaged for tomorrow night?" H. C. French has spent a few days vacation at home and abroad. He se cured a "lay-off" thinking ibat be would be required to go to hlleusbnrgh on the bank rubbery case, but just before start ing on his journey received word that Kimney was free and that his presence would be unnecessary. Dave Harris has been successfully handling the tioket punch for the past two weeks. Persona who are subject to attacks of bilious colic can almost invariably tell, by their feeling, when to expeot an al- : tai k. If Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrbei Remedy is token as loon as these symptoms appear, tbercan ward off the disease. Such persons shoald always keep the Remedy at hand, ready for immediate use when needed. Two or three doses of it at tbe right tiros will save them much offering. For sale by Slooutn Johnston Drug Co. - W. A. Fisber presented this offlos with a fine collection of fossils and petri3oatioas yesterday, oolleoted on bia ranch in Haystack, 'ibis is the most noted section of fossils in the world, and now Fisher hopes that be can fiud a petrifitd Morrow oounty road for tbe World's Fair uot to exhibit the bet but th worst, he says. Accidentally Shot. Last Saturduy afternoon about 5 o'clock, over on Rhea creek, Jim Jackson, aged 16 years, James Adkins' sheepberder, accident ally shot himself through the t'uht leg below the knee, tbe ball striking about midway, ranging upward and breaking both bones, tbeo passing out and lodging In the ceiling. The weapon was s ii oal. Smith k Wesson revolver which be carried in a shoulder soabbard. In stooping over tbe weapon fail on tbe floor ot the ibeep cabin, with the abota result. Tbe young man was brought to town yesterday, and is at present down at Dr. Shobe's where he is being attended by Dr MoSwords. We learn that be will likely get through without losing bis leg, which, under the oiroumstances, will be fortunate. Part of tbe bullet seems to be gour, though it is difficult to tell from its battered condition, which, if the ease, is probably left in the wound. Will Abrest Chinks a. Col. M. Weidler, collector of revenue, said today that the Chinese are generally refusing and neglecting to register, aa required by tbe law. So far a few have registered, but the vast majority are influenced by the Chinese Six Company, who opposes the law because it Is a class legislation. It is impossible now for all of them to come under the luw should they take a notion to do so. After tbe time ex pires May 5, Col. Weidler will begin arresting all Chinamen who have not proper papers, and it will put the United States court to some trouble in finding jail room for those arrested. There is in prospeot a great deal of work for the courts and big fees for the lawyers. Many of the Chinamen will probably spend the summei on McNeil's Island Dinpatch. To Buy Houses For Gbkmany. A horse dealer named William Wright, from Livingston, Montana, was iu Pen dleton Wednesday evening. Mr. Wright's mission is to obtain prices on horses with the idea iu view of shipping tbem across the pond" for the use of the Geiman army. About 200 head are wanted. They are intended for light cavalry use, and must be full of life and vigor and weigh between 850 and 900 pounds. A German oount, now at Liv ingston, oontemplates making tbe ship ment, and Mr. Wright oomei in bis in terests. The gentleman left an the night traiu for the Heppner neighbor hood. E. O. Bobbbd. Yesterday morning between tbe hours of 8 and 12 o'clock, Mike Do lan, an aged blind man, residing with John Molally, out on Butter creek, was robbed ot $150. There was no one in the honse but Dolan when someone walked in. Dolan spoke, and receiving no answer, oonolnded that be was mis taken. In a short time be beard foot steps going out of the bouse. It was discovered afterwards that Dolan's trunk had been taken out of the beuse and robbed of the money. Tbey have some idea of who tbe guilty person is. Death in Six Dollar. On last Fri day, Mrs. David Baird, of Six Dollar, passed from this earth to tbe beyond, aged nearly 70 years. Tbe interment occured Saturday at Heppner eemetery, Mrs. Baird was bigblv esteemed by all who knew ber. Notice to Stock Bbseurbs. I will keen, at my farm 7 miles northeast of Lexington, a fine Jack ot the Blaok Warrior breed. This Jack is large and of high form. Terms: Five dollars, in surance. Mares intrusted to my care will be kept in good pasture at one dollar per month. Due care will be taken to prevent acoidente, or tbe stray ing of mares, though I will be respon Bible for none. . B. F. Swaooabt. 114 tf. Lexington, O. Mouktain House. Mr. Joseph Crank bai lately leased tbe hostelry known aa the Mountain Honee, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board and bed, per week 8"' board without bed, $4.50; meals and bed 26 cents eaob, Mr, Crank asks a portion of the patronage, believing that be oan give aa good ser vice as anyone in Heppner, and for leu money. 43-lw. Rip's Wood Yabd. The Heppner wood yard, under the management ot Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residenoe, sawed or nn sawed. Wood sawed and delivered a $7.50 per oord. Wood sawed twice ii two, 75 cts. per eord; three times, $1.00 Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4 tf. A Fine Horse. The imported run ning stallion, Sir Henry, has been brouubt over to Heppner, and will stand the ensuing season at this pit c He tbe property of "Caynse" Reynolds, and is a fine borse. 570tf Shoemaker. Kd. Birbeck, a shoemak er and repairer of many years' ex peri enoe. has just looated in the Abraham siok Duilding, on May street, where be is prepared to do eveiy thing in nil line, Mi Birbeck is strictly a nrat-olass work man and warrants all work. Oive bim a oall U-tf WANTED. Agents to sell onr choioe and bardy nnrsery stock. We have many specie. varietiea, both in frnite and ornamentals to offer, wbion are controlled only by ns. We pay commissions or salary. WriU us at onee for terms, and secure eboiei of territory. May Broth IBs, 571-581 Nurserymen, Rochester, N. Y ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Gilliam A Biibee, the hardware and tinware merchants, carry Terytbing ap pertaining to tbeir lines, even agricoi tnral implement. Don't yon need a plow this fall? a Llon't orerlook Kirk k Kasmiu for bargains. The have purchased tbe bus iness of J. W. Matlock k Co., bnt will soon remove to tbe Mallory ooroer, oppo site tbs Palace bottl. a A.bout A.pril 1, 1898, muis 1 BOSTON CASH STORE Will be removed from Lichtenthal's old stand, the preient location, (a Henry Heppner's building on site formerly occupied by Kirk & Rasmus, corner ilay and Main streets, where J- H. Kolman, the popular prorprietor, will be pleased to show you his new stock of km and Summer Goods, . which will be sold, as of old, at ROCK BOTTOM -:- PRICES. Don't fail to visit me at my new quarters. J. H. KOLMAN. onsumption ma IWhat shall stay 'say bcotts L-mulsion of pure Norwegian cod liver oil and hvponhosDhites of lima and soda has cured us of consumption in its first stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading to consumption? Make no delay but take Beott's Emulsion cares Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemio and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting in Children. Almost aw palatable as milk. Cel only the genuine. Pre . pared by Beott & Bowne, Chemists, New York. Bold tor all Druggists. CLEARANCE -3 Fall Goods SUCH Overcoats, fan and 3WOOLEN UNDERWEAR,- DRESS GOODS, ETC., ETC. At Reduced Kates FOR CASH. Mcpkd Mercantile fjompany. General HEPPNER, E. G. SLOCUM. THE -Have just SPUING Consisting of "Wall -:- Paper - One Carload Latest Designs, EPPNER JU11W rOMPANY Also a fine line of w Hammocks, Baby Carriages, Rngs, Mattings, Clooki, Glass, Befrigerstors, Window Mbsdce aud Portiere Curtsins Undertaking A. f Specialty. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. BEE BOKO, MAY That dreaded and dreadful disease I its ravages? Thousands Scott's Emulsion gfc WILE ! OF Fall Goods AS Misses' Newmarket Cloaks, Merchandise, m- OREGON J. M. WADDELL. reoeived a seleot- STOCK, ONE CAR LOAD : - and -:- Carpers. FURNITURE ! PatternB and Prices. : JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, LVERWARE, MUSICAL INBTKUMENT8, Etc, Etc BTRKKT, Trust J3 usts. HEPPNER, OH. f W Yf S I Anything New of Heal Merit You can Generally Find For Sale ;- bv We don't run a third-olass junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twice tbeir valne, but we keep first-class goods at bonest prions, witb no baits or traps. We keep Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, -STATIONERY, CON Ask our old oustomers how we treat them. Corner Main and HERE IS THE PLACE To Qet Even on Your Life. p Hardware Stoke ! JUST LINE OE A COMPLETE Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, QUEENSWARE , GLASSWARE, 4 Wood nnd Willowwnre, Blacksmiths' Hunnlies. Iron. Steel and flnnl Piimno nm Pipe, . 'H....I... i , t.. , murvn, immmiiHiuu rjiuns, riumoiug Materials, Agricultur ments. TDK CELEBRATED fa""") :- -:- Yon will gettiuj our prioeB elsewhere. -:- :- Odd Fellows' building, Main St., STORAGE AND ATTENDED TO Business-like -AND REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Neap the HEPPNER, Change of HAVE TAKEN CHARGE whioh we propose to conduct in on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw DR. JOSEPH ,J. 13ILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. H., Loudon, England. Veterinary Surgeon Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I m prepared to do all kinds ol Veterinary alty. (This is the only true method of short notice. luary iw.i. . umi uu niiiiiiam Surgery. If you have any slrk rail on me at HKI'I'NKR, For the enterprising establishment of - W. L. Matlock & Co. 111! Keeley kltt -OP- JHE QITY pOTEL, W. J. L,KMXKM, ITop, rpHIB HOHTKLBY has been IIkfittkd and Kkpdnuuko throughout, and now - It one of tbe moat InvitiDg places Id tleppner. Mr. Leezer invites ynn to stop witb bim, feeling that be is able to entertain you In the beet of style. r First Class Housr. G)0. Who are Noted for being The Leaders. F EO 1'ION EHY , ETC- : : : : ; Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. OPENED. . ' .' . . . r ' ' iifhI Tvn nip- All Kind8 of Kepturing quickly and neatly done. Bain Wagons, Hacks Backboards. save money by hefore purohiiBing :- -;. -:- -- 531-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. FORWARDING. Manner AT Depot: OREGON. Ownership OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the most satisfactory manner. Will keep & Mccarty, Proprietor Hnriry, Kmasi'iilatliiK Horn's and KeKllnxi ipiniiutlug nn horses.) HpeyliiK of (,'attlsHnd ;s a Speol- iiog-s in mu uioni HimrovUU prOOeilhre or animals It will ha to your Interrit I Htewart's stables. (JHKGON l'or the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium anil Tobacco Habits It l located at Forest (Jrove, Or., Wis Must Ueiiutiful Z'own on the Coast. fall at the OA7KTTB ofllce for particulars. Htrictly confidential. Treatment prlvaleaud sur. cure. Reasonable Rate: s.