The -:- ImpoR -:- Stalk SIR HENRY This fine Imported Stallion will make the nd ending July 1st. at the following places : MONDAYS and TUESDAYS at Ben Eeppner. , FRIDAYS and SATURDAYS at Thompson & Binns' Btable in Heppner, Or, "SIR HENRY" Is a goMen bay with Mack points; ia 7 years old; W4 hands high, and weighs 1180 pounds ; Is of a kind and gentle disposition. Ho is commonly known an the "Babb" korse, being brought from Montana to Portland by "SIR HENRY" was sired by "Martin," by imported French mAre. "SIR HENRY" was imported direct from England to Wlnnipeg.Manitoba, by T. 0. Jacksort. Single leap 830, due when aervioea are rendered, Season 850, due at the end of tbe season. All Care Will be Taken to Prevent Accidents, But I will be responsible for none should they occur. Good Pasture With plenty of spring water on same oan be bad at Ben Swaggart's ranob for $1.50 per month per head. D. C. IWYDSTOJDS, 74sw Heppner, Oregon. SPRINGRACES ! THE Have concluded to hold their SPUING MEETING MAY 25, Hoe Program below nnBT DAY. One-half mile for 2 yoar-ohls, stake nice, fflj to outer, $111 payable April 1st. $15 payable May 25th. First horse all nionev, except f-ifi for second horse; IHHl added by the association. One-fourth mile dash ior saddle horses; pnrso, f'0. None bid strictly saddle horses allowed to enter. SECOND DAY. One-half milt dash, free for all; purso, 1125. Three eighths dash, free for all; purse, 100. TIIIIID DAY. One-half mile and repeat, froe for all ; purso, 'J00. Due-ou rlh mile dash, free for all; purso, f 150. Every effort will be made to make the meeting - Complete :- Success A. All thoao who have tiurses aud those interested in raring are requested to oorres poud with the Secretary. The rules of tho Pacific Blood Horse Association will govern there races, and he strictly adhered to In every ease. 11 will take five to enter and three to start In every Instance, unless by consent of the Association. The pill-sen, with tho exception of the stake race, will bo divided as follows : Heventy per rent, to the winner; LU pur cent to the second horse; 10 per cent, to the third. Kn trance fee teu pur cent, of purse. A. 13. McA.TJ5JS, OTIS PATTERSON, President. Secretary. DIRECTORS : A. V. MeATEF, OTIS FATTEIiSOX, J. A'. BRCW'A', K. G. SPERUY ASD T. If. AYEltS. JR. 110 to May 26. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HUiTNUH. OUKQON. Cattle branded and ear marked as shown aboTe. Borne K on risht shoulder. Mr oattte rmnire in Morrow and Umatilla conn, lies. 1 will pay 1109.00 for the arrwt and oon Tiotion of any portion stoaliag my stock. QUICK TIME I TO Sun iT'r'firiels.oo Audall poloU In ('lifoniia, Yia the ML, Stuuta ruut of tha Southern Pacific Co. Tbf great hiahwaj thruufh California to ail pointa Uaat and South. Urand Semite ltouU of tha Pacific Coast. Pullman llultot ttlMpfr. Seoond-olass Simper Attaehtdto uprou trains, affording auiwrior acoouimodatlons for seoond-class paswugws. For rata, ticket, sleeping oar raierratloua, to,, oall upon or addrosa K. KOKHLKR, Manager, K. P. BIXURS, Asst. (ton. T. A P. Agt, Portland, Oregon. PUK A 1. 1C, HABNEHS SHOP, stock and fixtures. Good business: established In the midst of a good farming and stock-raising country. Also for sala a good house and two lots with or without th. business property, for further ill rotation addreas Gati. Heppner, Or. 43 u. ensuing season beginning Maroh 8th Swageart'o ranoh 10 miles north of W. H. Babb in the fall of 1890. "Hermit"; dam "Lady Henrietta," a well-known Ml 26 and 27. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (Northern Pacific R, R. Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD Two Through Trains Daily, 12 ''imilfi.'jrmnVl.v.MlnneRpoliiAr O.OSam H.:tOHin l.(imi7.i:'pmH.v. ..St. 1'aul. ..Arl 10.USamU.l.'MnnLv. . . Pnlnth. . .Ar 2.5Hpin(.J.'nnliV. . Ashland.. Ar ;i. umin 11.40" ti.Ntpm S.20rtni ;t.;ai nm 10.45" v.iaam H.y.tam Ar. ..Chli'ago. r.47am Tickets sold and baccaee checked through to all points in the Tutted States and Canada. Close connection made in Chicago with all trains llolng Kasi and Houth. For full lnformatiou apply to your nearest tloket agent or J AS. C. POM), lieu. rass. ana i su Agi. t hlcugo, ill. GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS Highest Germinating Power. PUREST STRAINS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. r-Geo, Starrett, WALwuAswALU nit 1)11 MONT'S FKMAliF UKOI'LATINO PI LI S sre alw avs sate and reliable. l.ViHXMcstl- ntonlrtls from all over the world. Heware of ilaiiKcroiis substitutes and imitations. Price f-.'.OO per ptickHiie. ecut by mall securely sealed from olsi'i valion. Address Dr. R. PnMont. PS. S. Ilalstetl .-I. Chicago, Ills., U.S. A. Kipans T abulia cure hoadacho. ONLY PRICE! AND SILVER. From the Salt Lake Tribune. In discDssaig (ailing prices, tbe first conclusion of the average man is that prices are regulated by tbe law of de mand and supply. The strange feature ia that every one of theee reasoners is ready to deolare that when a price falls it is because of tbe over nbuudance of tbe article in question, or n falling de mand. Tbey can see, too, tha', for in stance, if there were a 1,000 bushels of wheat iu a snow bound oity, and 1,000 bnabels of corn, and that both would be needed for tbe use of the people, in oase a fire oame and destroyed the 1,000 bush els of corn, it would be perfeotly natural for the 1,000 bushels of wheat to double in prioe. But when that is applied to tbe finances of the world and half the real money of the world is stricken out of existence, and all the burden put upon tbe other, they will not see that the effeot is to double tbe purchasing power of the other. Rather, they will say that all tbe articles have fallen 50 per cent, in value because the demand for them has fallen off 60 per cent. There is not any staple article, except some few, that has not fallen in value iu just about tbe same ratio that silver has fallen in value dur ing the last twenty years. There is no exception to the rule, and yet these ga pers insist that the gold dollar has not changed in value ; that it is a gold dollar now just the same as it was twenty years ago, and that tbe fall has been from nat ural causes, ac oversupply of tbe other articles of the world, or a fall in the de mand. Tbey will not see that the law of demand and supply applies as well to the gold as to the commodity, and that it has advanoed 40 per cent, above its legiti mate value because of the demand put upon it. The fact that copper has fallen in greater proportion than silver has seem ed to fall, notwithstanding that tbe uses of it bave greatly increased, is oited as a fact the demonetization of silvet has had no effect on oopper. There is a story about copper which explains it all. Formerly the great bulk of copper which was used in the commercial world came from small mines on Lake Superior and from mines in Chile. There came a war between Chile and Spain a few years ago whiob for three years closed the ship ments of oopper from that country. Then a copper trust was formed and copper was run up to an abnormal price, away beyond its real market value. After a while the great Calumet and Hecla mine was opened, and later the great mines of Butte. The trust was smashed, and be cause of the immense Bnpply of copper. which has but a limited use in the world' the prioe of it fell. That was one artiole' Year before last there was a famine in Russia, which mude a market for all the food the people in the United States could ship away. The farmers of the Mississippi valley made a calculation that it was cheaper to kill their hogs than to feed them, hence they slaughtered their bogs and sent away their oorn- That made the Bupply of pork last year very email, an altogether natural oanse, and yet the rise in pork is held up as an argument thut pork is bringing an ab normal price, notwithstanding tbe decline of silver. Such reasoning is not very profound. It docs not stfect the general proposition at all, which is that the val ue of articles in a country is regulated by the amount of money in circulation among its people. That to double the money of the oouutry doubles the prices; thut to reduce the money one-half re duces the prices one-hulf. The reason that prices in America are better than in China is not because there is more de mand fur tbem, because there is not near ly so much, but because there is more money in the country. We saw prices double between 1840 ami 1859. The rea son was because the money of tbe coun try was doubled. We have seen prices reduced 40 per cent, in the last twenty years, and the plea of overproduction cannot apply to everything. In point of fact, there is no more rolative overpro duction now than there was twenty years ago. There is no other reasonable hy pothesis, exoept that with tbe cutting off of half tbe money of the world, prices declined correspondingly, or what is more simple to understand, tbe purchasing power of the metnl seleoted to be tbe ba sis on wh'oh all transactions had to be settled, has appreciated in purchasing power 40 per cent. The most convincing proof of all is that, whereas our friends tell us that silver has declined 40 per cent, and is no longer legitimate money, the troth still remains that an ounce of silver iu tbe rough bullion, or the 4 1 2 1 3 grains of silver iu the rough bullion buys just as much of any oommodity that men raise, through which to buy money, as did the stamped silver dollar purchase when behind it was the full endorsement and recognition of the government of the United States and it was better than gold. Hence, silver men say that silver has not depreciated at all, but that gold has appreciated until it is no longer fair to 00 111 pel men to pay their debts iu gold or to do business on a gold basis. A Leader. Hinoe its first introduction, Eleotric Bitters has gniued ritpully in popular fa vor, ntitil now it is clearly in the lead among pure medicinal touios and alter atives containing nothiug which per mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant, it is recognized as the beet aud purest meciu'iue for alt ailments o( stomach liver or kidneys. It will ouresick head ache, indigestion, constipatiou, and drive malaria from tbe system, bntisfaetion guaranteed with each iMittleur the money win lie reiumieii. aoia by Slocum Johnson Drug Co. A I'KIKIHrU 11 KA I) Tha Sisson Mascot of last Saturday bus the following, whioh may be ouly one of Loos's jokes : A few days aoEi Supervisor Cochran found in a ditoh in front of his borne, five feet below the surface, what he thought to be a large wutersoaked pine knot. A few days afterwards, he picked it up, and was on the verge of placing it in t tin stove, wheu its semblance to a human head attracted hio attention. Scraping and witshintf otfthedirt,he wan sreatly surprised to tlud perfectW formed humau eyes, nose, aud mouth. !The find was placed on exhibition at Bra. Mint, where hundreds have viewed it and speculated upon its history. The bead is somewhat larger than an average man's. The mouth is well defined, but slightly askew. Tbe nose is perfect, and tbe eyes natural, but set close to the nose. The eyebrows are perfectly plain. One ear has beeD torn off, but tbe other is well preserved. The skin on the frame is unbroken, and of a dark brown oolor. The top of the skull is gone, exposing the brain, which still retains its natural color, even to the veins, whioh are easily traoed. As may be supposed, the bead is quite heavy, but petrification is not so thorough but thut a knife will cut any portion of it. Mr. E. L. Baker, an ex perienced archaeologist, says that tbe find is a valuable one to soience, and confesses that be cannot form any idea as to what age or rune tbe relio belongs. 125,000 IN REWARDS. Seventh Half-Yearly Literary Competition of The Canadian Agriculturist. In accordance with their usual custom for some years pest, the publishers of that old and reliable publication, the Canadian Agriculture 1st, now presents Its 7th Great Half-Yearly Lit erary CompetiUon for the winter of IMS, to the people of the United states and Canada. The following is the prize list: 1st Grand Prize 2.50n In Gold 2nd " " 1,000 in Gold 3rd " " 500 in Gold 4th " " 250 In Gold 5th " ' " 100 in Gold 5.0O0 Eleeant Silver Tea Services, Ptanos, organs, Gold Watches, i, ic, making a total of over 10,000 prizes. How to kkcure i Pbizs. Take a few sheets of paper and make all the words you can out of letters contained in me worus, -l-olumbiai. Exposition," and send them to us, enclosing one dollar for six month's subscription to the Agriculturist or the Ladles' Home Magazine two of the best home monthlies in the world. 1. Foreign words are not allowed. 2. Letters cannot be used ofteuer than they appear ... .k ....I. KIAl,,n.l.l.n P.nn,lllni. Ndiiim of nieces and oersons barred. All lists containing over loo correct wordB will receive a valualjlespeciai prize, sena post al card for list of prize winners in former com petitions. Address, THE AGRICULTURIST Pttb. Co.. Peterborough, Canada. EIGHT MILE MATTERS. Oreen grass, fjreen grain, snow, showers and rain, ground freezing at niHht and thawing out during tbe day. Farmers r,lowina. harrowing, breaking sod, etc, ia the program now being carried out. Stock do not look well as they usually do in tbe spring of tbe year, but none have died, and as tbe grass is coming on they will do rjener. W. S.McKinny has returned to Eigtai Mile. Mr. W. MoBee is expected to return to Eight Mile in the near future. Potatoes that bave been buried in pits during the winter kept very nioely. There are some talk of organizing Sons of Veteran oamp on Eight Mile What will we do if the grasshoppers oome as has been prophesied in larger numbers than last year? The veliow butter cups have made their appearance and in some places the ground is nearly covered wita mem. On Saturday evening the 18th four inoheB of snow fell, on Sunday it melted away and all soaked into tbe ground, Elbert Stanton recently had his arm badly hurt while assisting to load water tank. He now oarries his arm in aBling. Since conning the above we under stand thut tbe Sons of Veterans will organize at Heppner in the near future we wish tbem suocess. Rev. Oray will preach at Eight Mile Center, Friday, April 7th, and perhaps on Saturday. His theme will be: "Xb Abolishing of the Jewish law." Tho farmers dread, is the groan squirrel, any one not acquainted with tbe little tellow s nanus can not under stand why the farmers would dread them so muoh. They can destroy great deal of vegetation. j&. iVl. v. Eight Mile Or., Maroh 27, 18U3. Nature's Surest Ally. If nature did not struggle against disease, even in weakly constitutions swift indeed would be the course of malady to its fatal termination. While nature thus struggles let us, lest worse befalls us, aid ber efforts with judicious medicinal help. Experienoe must be our guide in battle with disease, and that lamp to our feet" indicates Uosletler s Stomach Bitters as a safe, tried and thorough ally of nature. If the blood be infected with bile, if the bowels and stomach are inactive, if the kidneys fail to eipel impurities of which they are the natufal outlet, a course of the Bit ters is the surest reliance of the sufferer, one, moreover, that is sanctioned by professional indorsement ana use ror nearly half a oentury. No Amerioan or foreign remedy has earned greater dis tinction as a remedy for and preventive of ouronio liver oomplaint, malaria, constipation, kidney and rbeumatio trouble and debility. ALPINE PE.NNINGS. La grippe is going the rounds. The warm weather is beginning to mnke the grass grow. Born To the wife of Milton Powell, Friday, Maroh 24, a ten pound girl. Lambing is in progress, and tbe pres ent week's weather is indeed favorable. Mrs. Mollie Andrews, of Eobo, is vis iting with her father-in-law, A. Andrews, of this place. Mifses Maggie and Ray Parsed bave been quite iok with la grippe during tbe past week. ' Mrs. Kate Parsell has sufficiently re covered from her recent illness as to be able to go to Heppner to look after her interests in the Kiobardson case, whioh we understand comes np for bearing this week. A young Mr. Niohols, of Lexington, has been seen several times lately going eastward from Hand hollow. We under stand tbat sometime during the past wiuter he became very much interested in the Hales estate. Straws show wbiob way the wind blows. Idlkwildh. AlpinR, Or., March 28, Da SAND HOLLOW.' Miss Minerva Smith, of Umatilla, is visiting ber sister, Mrs. L. M. Powell. Mias Nellie Long hasgonetoSwitzler's Island for the Summer. Fred looks rather blue. The new county road in Russell can yon is being upeued up and graded. Jay Kevins, with his usual tact, has got tbe road through bis place finished in work manlike style. Sand hollow in a body ia attending circuit court this week. W. Finley aud O. Hodeon are on tbe jury, and A. An drews, Thad Armstrong and Mrs, Parsell are witnesses on the Richardson plaoe. One of the boys in the upper part of the hollow was booked to enter tbe list of benedicts two weeks ago, but tor some reason, bandaomer man carried off the prize and Uiram was left out in the cold. Our sympathies are with you, Hi. When nearing the Powell rinoh the other dav we could see approaching us a man evidently out "star-ganng." He t was stepping high and his eyes were ' turned heavenward as if looking for a RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can always be successfully treated with Ayer'sSarsaparilla A cure is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT or ixintal c;ml to THE PRESM CI.AIJIM fOJIPAJtT, I0HN WEDDERBURN, Manaainq Attorney. r. u. liox -sua. W Ailli Ci 1 U. , V. I.. VPVQinVK VKOfllTltKI) FOTT SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Alan, for SnMlfrs nnr! Pnllnrs (iiSftlili'fl In the lln? of flutv In the reuitlar Annynr bw ineff!ttifi war. VUnH tin Imllim Wfirn of lft2 to IH4'2. and tin 1r wliowe, now entitled, niflnntl relfctrd cJainia t pecituiy. i nousanuu enuwuu iu muiicr nm-n. Send for m-w laws- Ko 'cUurge for ailvicu. iofee U qiifftHJ!f n' OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Cliioago. St. Hr-OtliS, AND ALL POINTS T, Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. 650 p. m. Arrives Pullman Sieemexca, Colonist Hleepern, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Stcamers- Portland to San ever; four days. Francisco Tickets TOAOT3 FBOM Europe. For rates and general Information call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. O. HAET Heppner, Oregon. . HURLBURT, Asst Genl. Pass. Agt. 264 Washington St., Portland, Orxgon. CRPBMEdice I control thoinsui-j.iruulside.tor laiikinir CraD tiames out. IIOLU-OITS. WHEELS. Harked Bank Playing Cards. Loa-lBd Dice aud everything- In the line. New vol k that vins tho money. Scaled particulars and '-nae eaMJoirue free. 8i-nd splf-ailclressed fita-mi'-il pnvilui to I1KOS. Drawer K, Cuiorteo, XU. FREE TRIAL. "VI7T? A If ITT? XT Sufferers from It youthful errors, loss of manly vigor, uncoeeie, etc. rrot. iju Mont'B Nerve PUts will eit'ect a speedy cure by Us use, thousands of chrob of the very worst kind and of long standing have been restored to perfect health. l.riHu testimonials from all over the world. Price per package 1. 00, six for $5.00, trial package sent securely sealed for ten cents postage. Address, Dr. K. DuMont, yS. Halsted St., Chicago, Ills., U. S. A. LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Change of Firm. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS IS to certify that I have this day bought the Interest of J. W. KasmiiH, of the tirm of Kirk & Rasmus, and I assume all debts contracted by said firm which the laid J. W. Hastnus might be liable, for and up to this date, aud collect all bills on said Kirk & Rasmus' books. C. Rt'HL. Heppner, Or. March 2d 1893. 573-81. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, J March 15, 1S92. Notice is hereby given that the fo'lowing-named settler has tiled notice of bis Intention tomakb final proof in support of his claim, aud that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or., on April 2t. iw:t. viz: ARTHUR EDWARD fcJMITH, Hd. No. for the NE4 Sc. A Tp. 2, 8 8 28, E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon aud cultivation of said land, viz: J. M. Waddell, Joe Luckman, C. H. Mann and B, Verrchatup, all of Heppner, Oregon. A. Clbaver, 111-121 Register. new comet or a black spot on tbe snn. Earthly dross, like your correspondent, was beueatb bis notice, bnt on passing, be was beard to whisper, "it's a irl." Milt ia excusable under tbe circum stances. Being old, gray whiskered, and consid ered at times cranky, we claim tbe prir ilege of liuiliuff fault when tbe opportuni ty otTors and we find a good excuse for giving vent to our "crankiness'' after riding over tbe oounty road from Alpine to Heppuer. Some work bas been done, but if, aa has been said, you can judge the degree of civilization to which a com munity has reached by tbe state of the roads, then Sand hollow nittkee a poor showing. Along Uinton creek matters are even worse, some places the water from irrigating ditches overflows the road and compels teams to travel along a 'half-pitch" hillside. The office of road supervisor is evidently extinct, or tbe present incumbents are sadly neg lecting their duty. Let us hare good roads at whatever cost. H. Samd Hollow, March 29, '93. Buckles' Arnica Salve. idb iMrKfc bbitb lit iuB wur u ior coiB, brnwee, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, ft-ver j sores, tetter. chftDoed hands, chilblains I corns sod alt ekiu eruptions, sud posi tively cures piles, or uo pay required. It : is irua ran teed to fftvs perfect satisfaction j or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Sloe um-Johnson Drug j Company. Jit TSsaWuMi' Notice of Intention. TASD OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Feb. '2H. lata. Notice Is hereby Liven that the followinp-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore V. it. Kills. U. H. Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, ou April if, imu, vis.: HKllMAN NKILSON. Homestead Application No. 10, for the 8VVL4 M'4, and h'2 ft'4t and .M.'i 01 see. ia, Tp. i S. K o E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to Drove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz.: Andrew Hood, of Heppner, fc. 1) Kood, or Eight -Mile, Ben). Poppeu and O. D. Coats, of Uardmau. i7:l-o6j John vt. lewis, Register. Notice of Intention. -J AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, I ,j Feb. 'in, lhtfj. Notire is hereby given that tbe follow inir-iiamed aettkT has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk 01 Morrow County, Ore gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 17, isn;, viz.: - JUrlrt Li. HLBII, ITomeBtend Application No, H4, for the N4 of Sec. 1, and ttKfc of See. 2, Tp. 4 8, K2ii K. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: Jus. 'iolbert, Weelev Balrd, T-aten Jones and Frank Baird, all of Heppner, Oregon. &73-.;Ki John W. Lewis, Register. Notice of Intention. fANl) OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREGON j March 21, lw-t. Notice 1b hereby given that the following named Bt'ttler has tiled notice of hiB intention to make rlnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. V. Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner, Or., on Sat. Mav fi. viz.: UEOKGK SMITH, H. D. No. 2980, for the Et SEH. SEJi, 8E!i SW'i of Sec. :t2, Tp. 8, 8 K 26 E. W. M. He names the followintt witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi, said land, viz. : V. c. ltenienrer, Laton Jones, U. F. Balra and B. V. Hevlaud, all of Heppner, urefton. 112-122 John w. lkwis, Kegister. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, j Mareh IB. 18U3. Notice Is hereby (riven that the following-named settler has Hleil notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that Bnid proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow Co., Oreiton, at Heppner, Oregon, on April '29, 18i)3, viz. : V1UIUR iiiiuanwin, Ds. No. 103S9. for the KK NWit, and EK 8YVH Sec. 13, Tp. 6, 8 R at, E. VY. M. He names tho following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: usenr .Minor, 1J. H. staiter, itonert nart ami Vlttry Gilbert, all of Heppner, Oregon. A. -J1.KAV -SH, 111-121 Register. STOCK II RANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up yen avkeep your brand in free of charge. Allvn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horaos aa on loft shoulder; cattle name on left hip, Tinder bit on rignt ear, ana upper Dit on tne lett; range, Mor row county. Armstronc. J. C. Aloine. Or. T with bar nn. der it on lett shoulder of horses; cattle same on lett tup. AUiBou, O. D., Eight Mile. Or.-Cattle brand, O D on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder. Range. Eight Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, ur, Horses, JA con aected on lett hank; cattle, eameon left hio. Ayers. Johnny. Lena. Or. Horsna hranrind triangle on lett hip; cattle same on right hip; ateo crop off right ear and upper bit on same. cannommew, a. u., Alpine, ur. HoreeB branded 7 E u either slioulder. Range in Mor row county. Bleakman. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Horsm. n fine nnleftfihoulder; cattle same on right shoulder. Ban meter, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. urenner, reter, iiocBeDerry uregon Horses branded PB on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. Unrke, M St C, Long Creek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hip, oiop off left ear, un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow county, Hroeman, Jerry, Lena, Or. HorseB branded 7 on right Bhouidbr; cattle B on the left aide. Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Win., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thigh; cattle, eanie on right hip; split in oach ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifie; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row county. Brown, J .P., Heppner, Or. Horses and cattle branded 8 with ox-yoke above on left shoulder. Brown, J. C., Heppner, Or. HorseB, circle C with dot in oei ter ou left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J Lena, Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, ou the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or. Horsos, box brand on right hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left Bhouldur: cattle. Bameon left hip. Browniee, W. J., Fox,Or ('attle. JB connected on left Bide; crop on left ear and two Bplitsand middle piece cut out on right ear; on horues Bame brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, Grant county. t'araner t Warren. Wagner, Or. Horses brand ed u on right stine ; cattle (three barn) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in Grant and Morrow oounties. (Jain.E., Oaleb.Or. Y l) on horses onleft stifle U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all colts under 5 yearB; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 yearB. Ail range in Grant county. Clark. Wm. H,. Lena. Or Home WHfl onn. neeted, on left ehoulder: cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties. fate, Chas. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Ramie Morrow and U runt 11 la noiintitta Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; homes JO on lefi Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bite in the right ear. Curl, T. H., John Liny, Dr. Double croBS on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant county. On sheep, inverted Aa"d Bpear point on shoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear, puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop in loft ear. All range in Grant couutv. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. HoreeB, 90on rightshoul- aer; i aiue, sameon ngnt nip; ear mark square crop ou lett and Bplit in ntrht. Curnn.K. I,, Currinaviile, Or. -Horses, CD on left stitie. Cox Ed. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with F in center; horses. CE on left d. Cochran, R, K, Monument, Grant Co , Or. HorseB branded circle with bar beneath, on left Bhoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Cnapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded d on right hip. Cattle branded the Bame. DiokenB, Ebb Horses braided with three tinea fork on left stifle, ('attle same on left side. Doouau. Wm., Heppnert Or. Horses branded OO with bar over theiii, on left shoulder; cat tle same on left hip. Douglass, W. M , Galloway, Or. Cattle, R Den right side, bwuj low-fork in each ear; horaes, U D ou left hip. Douglas, O. T.t Douglas, Or Horse TD on the right stifle; cattle same ou right hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle W on right shoulder, both on horse and cattle. Rautie Grant county. Ely, J. B. A HonB, Douglas, Or. Horaea brand ed ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip- hole ir right ear. Elliott. Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on ripht shoulder. Emery, C. 8., nardman, Or. Horse branded i) (reversed C with tail on left shoulder; cat tle same on light hip. Range in Morrow county. Eleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horse, ?E cou neeted ou right shoulder; cattle, aame on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop oil left. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. ('attle, LF on right htp; norsee, with bar tinder on right shoulder. Florence. 8. P. Heppner, Or. Horse. F on right Bhoulder; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. t renoh, George, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded WF, with bar over it, on left side; crop off left ear. Horses, same brand on left hip. Gay, Henry, Heppuer, Or. GAY. on left shoulder. Gilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Foe. sil, Or. H of see, anchor 8 on left shoulder; vent, aiuue on left suae. Cattle, uma on both hips ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left Range iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow Counties. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horse branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stine. Range in Morrow and UmatUlacouutte. Giltwater, J. C, Prairie City, Or. On homes, O -O on left shoulder and stine; cattle, on right aide. Ramie in Grant county . Hayee. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter cirel over it, on left shoulder, Hiatt A. B., Bulge, Or. Cattle, round -top K with quarter circle under it on the right hip, Kan ice in Morrow and Umatilla countie. UintoQ A Jen kg, Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bar on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Humes, J on ritfht thigh. Range in Grant oounty. Hughes. Samuel, Wagner, Or J- (T F L connected) on riant shoulder on horees; on cattle, on right hip and on left aide, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district, Mopmw county. Hale, Milton, Wagner. Or. Hore branded -O- (circle with parallel tail) on left shou.der. Ottle tame on left hip ; also large circle on left Hall, Edwin, John Pay. Or. Cattle E Hon riant hip; horse um on right shoulder. Fan gem Grant oounty. aiae. Howard, J U Nalloway. Or, Hon, fcros with bar abore it) ou right shoulder; attj ftameon lett tide. Rang in Morrow and Uma tilla (Hiuntie. Hughe. Mat, Heppner, Or. Hore. shaded heart on the left shoulder. Range Morrow Co. Huneaker, B A, Wagner. Or. Burse, 9 on ift houliUr; oJ tl. 9 on left hip. Hardi"t, Albert, Nye, Oregon Horeea, A H connected, on left shoulder; t attle on the lft hip, crop off left ear, Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horse, H on let flank HayfB, J. M., Heppner. Or.-Hoiwn, wineglass on left shoulder cattlo. same on rifiht hip. Hnstou. l.uthtr. J- 'irlit Vile, ( n. Horw Hon the left shoc!'"raiid heart on the left 6ifJo Cat tl Ram e on If ft hio. Knt'tre iu Morrow ronnty. Ivy. Alfred. Ijong Cnk, Or-H'nttle I D on rijrht hip, cropott l-rtear and bit ii' ritrht. Home same brand on lett shoulder Hnne it Grunt countv Jiiiikin, 8. M Heppner, Or Homes, home, shoe J on l"ft shoulder. Cattle, the nam?, Hanm on Eight Mile. JolmBon. Felix, Lena, Or. HoreeB. circleT on left etitje; cattle, same on right hip, under half cmp in riant and Bidit in left ear Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Venion,Or. J on horses on left ehoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox aud Bear vubVjK Kenuv. Mike. Heppner. Or, Hoiiee branded KNY on left hip. cattle same and crop off left ear: under alope nn the riht Kirk, J. T Heppner, Or. Horse 69 on left shoulder; cattle, M on left hip. Kirk. J C, Heppner, Or. Horse. 17 on either fiankicattle IT on riht side. Kirk. Jesse, Heppuer. Or.; horse U on left shoulder; cattle same on right side, underbit on right ear. Kumberland. .V. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on cattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in It ft ear and under crop in right ear. Horses Bame brand on left shoulder, liange in Grant countv. Keeney, Eli, Heppner, Or. Horeee J L and ace of clubfl on left stifle. Range in Umatilla and Morrow counties Leahey, J W Heppner Or. Horses branded L and A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip: wattle over riKht ey' tjn uc litB in right ear. Loft en. Stenlien. Pinr. Or. M I. nn iaf on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant county. Lienallen, John W., Lo?".o-n Or. Horse branded half-circle JL connected on left shoul der. Cattle, same on left hip. Range, near Lex intfton. Lord, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double H coi.necuo Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Marklmm. A. M.. Heppner, Or.-Cattle larae M on left side both ears cropped, and split in bo'h. Horses M on left hip. Range, Clark' canyon. Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Or. Cattle, M Dion nghthip; horse. Mon left shoulder. Morgan. 8. N., Heppner, Or.-Horee. M ) on left shoulder cattle same on left hip. McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with bar over on right shoulder. Mann, B. B., iena, Or. Horses-old mares ZZ on right hip; young stock, small zz on left shoulder. Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. -Horses, circle T on left shoulder aud left thigh; cattle. Z on right thigh. Mitchell, Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on riaht hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McCiareu, D. G Brownsville. Or.-Horeea. FiEiire 5 on each shoulder; cattle. M2on hin McKern.W.J. Mount Vnmnn (lrTi., on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop in left same brauu on horses o" lefthip. Range in Graut McCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded UM connected, on the loft shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. McGirr, Frank, Fox Vallev, Or.-Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on riba and nnder in each ear; horses same brand on loft stifle. ' lcPVey-' V" wHmiltontOr.-On Horses, 8 with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle . four bars connected on top on the right aide Range in Grant County. ISeaLAndrew. Lone Rock,Or, HorBes A N con nected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips. Nordyke, E Hilverton. Or. HorBes, oirole 7 on left thigh; cattle. same on lefthip, Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A J on cattle on left hip; on horses, earne on left thigh. Ran in Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left shouidei. Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or.-On cattle, O LP connected on left hip; homes on left stitt and wartle on uobo. Range in Grant county. Pearson, Olaye, Eight Mile, Or.-Horses, qnar ter circle shield ou left shoulder and 24 on left v; i i! letc ear, rigtit cropped. 24 on left hip. Range on Eight Mile. Parker t Gleason, Hardman.Or, HorseelPon Jpft shoulder. i,iIrAKi"iettl LeiiKton, Or.-Horsea brand e WH (L E conneoted) on loft shoulder; cattle o mo on rigiiL nip. itHuge, morrow county. Piper, J.H.. Lexintfum. Or. --Hnrtuw aw. nnn i u .i011 8I1uiuer; cattle, same on left hip. FettyB, A. C, lone, Or.; horses diamond P on shoulder; cattle, J H J connected, on tha left hip, upper slope in left ear and slip in Um right. Powell, John T Dayville, Or Horses, JP con. tiecied on loft ehoulder. Cattle OK counected on lefthip, two uuder half crops, one on each ear wattle under throat. Kai go in Grant county. Rickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or.-F 0 on left shoulder, on horses only. Range Canyon creek and Bear valley, Grant county. Rood. Andrew, Hardman, Or, Horses, Bquar croHe with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Remnger, Chris, Heppner, Or.-Horses, C It on left shoulder. Rice. Dan, Hardman. Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAW on right shoulder. Range near Hardman. fc-w KoyBe, Aaron, Heppuer, Or Horses, plain V oil left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed oo right hip and crop oft right ear. Range in Mor row county. Rush BroB., Heppner, Or HorseB branded 2 ou the right slioulder; cattle, IX on the left hip crop otl left ear and dewlap on neck. Range in Morrow aud adjoining counties. Rust, William, Pendleton, Or. HorseB H on left shoulder; cattle, It on left hip, crop off right ear, underoit on left ear. Bheep, R on wyathorB, round crop off ngh ear. liange Uma tula and Morrow o mutiea. Rfianey Andrew., Lexington, Or.-Horsei branded Alt on right slioulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cuttle same on right hio. Range Morrow county. Koyee, Win. li Dairyville, Or-HR connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip and crop oft right ear and split in left. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range in Morrow Grant and Gilliam counties. Rector. J. W , Heppner, Or.-Horses, JO . left shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip. Spickliall. J. W. nrinaW, r.-13 branded ai on left shoulder : xauge in Morrow county. 8aihug, C O Heppner, Or Horses branded on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip 8wHggart, B. F., Lexington, Or.-Horses with dash under it on left stifle; cattle H with dan h under it on right hip, crou off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. liange in Morrow. Gilnam and Umatilla counties. Swiiggart, A. L., Ella. Or Horses branded J on lett shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Cron on ear, wattle on left hind leg. r Straight W. E., Heppner, Or.-Horse shaded J 8 on lefi stifle; cattle J 8 on left hip. swallow fork in nghi ear, underbit in left. bapp. Thos., Heppner, Or.-Horse, 6 A Pon left hip; cattle same on left hip. i ??,1.rt1?' Jaii1()8- Lo"K Oeek, Or.-Horses. I on left stifle and over a on left shoulder. bnrier.John, Fox, Or.-NO connected on horBes on right hip; cattie, same on right hip. crop oft right ear and under bit in left ear. Rang in Grant couuty. xuB Smith Bros Sus-nville, Or, Horses, branded H.Z. ou shoulder; cattle, ame on left shoulder. th Fti Jfme.3l ArKton, Or,; horse branded J8 on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nos waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam counties. btephenB. V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses 8b on right Htifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side HteveuBon, Mr A. J.. Hennnpr (ir.i'.,fn.. u on right hip; swallow-fork in left ear. 8waggart G. W.. Heppner, Or.-Hor, 44 on ouuuiuci , utttue, on iett nip. Smith, E. E. Loue Rock, Or. Horse branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same oh left side. Range, Gilliam county. 8perry, E. G. .Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C on left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horaea W 0 on left shoulder. Ihompsou, J. A.. Heppner, Or.-Horse, I on left shouloer; cattle, Z on left shoulder, shmuder 1M,Ur"tiw C-on left Tumor R. W., Heppner. Or.-SmaH capital T lelt ehoulder horeee; catUe same on left hio with split in both ear. ' Thornton, 11. M lone, Or.-Horse branded H 1 oonneoted on left stifle; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T , Lena, Orj-Horee HT con necujd on right shoulder .cattle, same oa right Walbridire Wm., Heppner. Or. Horse, TJ. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right Mp. crop oft left ear and right ear lopped. WUson.John y,, Salem or Heppner, Or. Horsos branded J9 on the left hooider. IUuge Morrow county. . .Warren, W B. Caleb, Or-Cattle, W with quarter circle over it. ou left side, split iu rXar. Horses same braud on left shoulder. lUngein Graut oouutj. Wood, F L,DayriUe Or-Hearton horse on left stifle; on cattle, a on left side and under bit in left ear. Rango in Grant county a SJf; ,A; Or. CatUe branded Ldspht;nleft.tiUP'BtlUare CfOP otl riw WiUiace. Francis. Mount Vernon.Or gonareoB catUe on the left hip, upper slJpTlnTheeft ear and under slope in right ear. 8ame brand ou horsee ou right ehoulder. RaDge in Harney and Grant countv. ' Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or.-Horse branded ace of spades on lelt shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wei s, A. 8., Heppner, Or.-Horee. 0 on left shoulder: catr same. Woltinger. John, John Day City. Or-On horse three parallel bars on left shoniaer; 7 on sQBep! bit in both ear. Rauge in Grant and Malhuei Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Hon DP oonnecUHl on left shoulder. V atkins, Lishe. Heppner, Or.-Horse branded UE connect! on left etitie, fHl' hrtt-1 f"iand, Or.-Cattl. W on nght ihigh, holt in left ear; horse, W on right shoiiluer. somf eameon left shoulder. W huuer Bros Drewsy, Harney county, Or.- Williams, asco, Hamilton, Or. Unarter on- hnrJLV OD ieft b'P' both cattle and norse. itange Grant county. Wilhams. J O. Long Creek. Or-Hore, Qmt ter circle OTer three bars on left bip; cattle earn ami slit ,n each mr. Range in Grant oounty. W ren. A. A., neppner, Or.-Horse runnin A A on shoulder; I attie. enme on right hip. T iK. t. 00f!"J. Or.-Horw. brasdad W sum oo Mt nu.. 4