Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 31, 1893, Image 3

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MilJCk TO AbVERimKA j J. T. MulK a Menuffrnpher from The
1 i.i:,lehi. ihiii.-r(ioiior diiplay ads., ! 1-,I'S' ,a uioi) here Witu Mr Benoett.
1 ui I'lmiifee oi mo, uiuBt get their copy in ! W. O. Allison, nf Eight Mile, in iu at
i.ut U.er uiaii Monday evening iur 'i'uucthty'i I teudiii.. at Court thin wi-k an n. witi-&u
t.Jitiuii.or 'ihuniUy evening ior Friday edi-! 7 M,uri ",a Wetit ftf ft witUta
tloil. I HK fATTKHbUM K'SUbHtNU l.'O. j " UlC hlUS rOU" CaBS-
no tick.
1. The Hiiai uf live -eut jrer lino will be
i-Larged ior "rnuiti ol thaiiktt," "resolutiona oi
ri'Mpcit," lietiitil wetMuiK itreseuth and donors,
biid obituary notlcea, (other Uiau those the edit
or shall hiuiBeii give as a matter of news,) and
uotK'i'M of tiecial meetings for w hatever purpose.
2. iSotieea oi church and society aud all other
euterLainiiiciiUi from which revenue in to be de
rived, bhaU be charged for at the rate of five
cents a line. Iheae rules will bebtricUy adher
ed to in every instance.
Adverlining rates reasonable aud made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
spoiiidhle for his or her communication. No
corrcbiKiiidence will be published unless the
w titer s real name in signed an an evidence of
got m1 faith.
. 1 ,J ing Agent, 21 Merchants exchange,
ban J? rancisco, is our authorized agent, 'Una
paper is kept ou, tile in hisothce.
Stage for Ilardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and (janyon City, leaven as follow :
fcvery day at tiioli a. m., except buuday.
Arrive, every day at ."i:;,up. m., except Monday.
ihe cheapeHt, qnickt'Bt and bent line to or
from the interior country.
J. s. DELEVAX, ''top.
.Slocum-JohliBton Drug Co., Amenta.
Qiv. your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build tip Hepp
tier. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
A. 8. Haines wus in from Eight
Potatoes just reoeived by P. C. Thomp
son Conip uy. " It
UufuiuiBbed rooms to rent. Inquire
at Gazette office. tf
Chas. MoDeruiilt is in from the Brown
& Hamilton ranch today.
Lee Puthuig is up from Lexington at
tending court tbis week.
N. R. MoVey, a prominent citizen of
Gooseberry, is in tile city.
The Gem aud Palace Baloons for fiue
liquors, MoAtee Bros., Props. sw
VV. 0. Aiidersou end 0. H. Conner
were iu from .butter creek yesterday.
Horn To the wife of L. M, Powell, of
Suud boilow, Friduy, a girl. All doing
The Heppner-Cauyon stage line is the
best, cbe uptBt and qicuktst to tbe in
terior. C bildreu's waists, age 5 to 12 years
obeaper tban you can mtike tiiem at
Fell Bros.' .
Pullman Herald: Mrs. 1. W. Matlock
is in tbe city visiting ber daughter, Hrs.
W. VV. Taylor.
Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho
tel barber shop. 'I bey are artists, iiatbs
in connection.
P. O. Borg has sufficiently recovered
from bis late illness as to be able to be
on tbe streets again.
Only first class work turned out at
Fred Miller's tailoring establishment
east side Main street,
The Morrow County Land aud Trust
Company bus an unlimited supply of
chopped barley tor sale.
Mrs. A. Windsor and child came in ou
Tuesday evening's stage, leaving Wed
nesday morning ior below.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
and tobacco babit. See ad.
J. A. Thomas and wife, of Arlington,
oame up on Wednesday evening's train,
-eturmug Thursday morning.
C. C. Sargent has purchased tbe Ayers
property formerly occupied by Mrs.
Forwood. OonsiUeiation,$1500.
Wm. Penlaud lost a square and com
pass recently in Heppner. The finder
will please return to tbis office. 75 tf
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for Tbe
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. Nielson is now running a stage be
tweeu Heppner and Lone Bock. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
From the number of reports being
handed in from tbe grand jury they are
evidently doing a great deal of grinding.
A free chart lecture will be given at
tbe Baptist ohuroh, Sunday evening at
7:80 p. m. by the pastor. All are invited.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc
all kinds of nursing. Call at ber honit
In north Heppner, or address her at this
place. 618-If
A sorap ocourred on our streets
Wednesday afternoon, for wbiob an as
sessment of 810 and oosts was levied by
tbe city recorder.
Lettuce, radishes and yourjg onions at
P. 0. Thompson Company's first of next
week. We are after your trade and are
going to have it. It
Master Clay French is tbe authorized
Bgent for the Uregonian at tbis place.
Subscribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
Tbe jury in the case of the O. R. N.
Co. vs. E. K. Swinburne, et si., was
instructed at 1 p. m., but as we go to
press no verdict has been returned.
J. D. Muir, who has been attending
school here during the past winter, has
returned to the farm at Lexington, where
he desires the Gazette forwarded him.
Fell Bros, opening, wbiob began
yesterday iscontinueing today and tomor
row, is attracting a great deal of at
tention, wbicii is indeed well merited.
Tbe opening of the lower Main street
millinery establishment, under tbe
management of Miss Inez Voruz, the
pioprietrees, occurs today and tomorrow.
See ad.
Wayne HuBton left Wednesday morn
ing lit Ellensburg where he will begin
driving stage for a company over there.
Ed Paine, tbe jovial driver who was here
last fall, is now over there.
F. M. Conrter, of Eight Mile, was in
tbe city yesterday Mr. Courter says
tbe warm rains aud fine weather have
brought out tbe grain and grass very
fast during the past week.
Cal Hale was also released with Tom
Eimsey, although the first telegram
from Ellensburg, which was published
in tbe issue of Marob 24, mentioned
only the release of the latter.
Waldron Rhea returned from Port
land last evening, where be has been
attending business oollege. Waldron
was quite unfortunate in being sick
great deal of the time while below.
A. A. Allen, supervisor of the Singer
Mfg. Co. for Oregon, is now in tbe oity
looking after the interests of tbe com
pany bere. Mr. Allen, also desires to
appoint an agent for Morrow .county at
this place.
Times-Mountaineer: Hon. W. T.
Wright, of Onion county, passed through
tbe city yesterday en route to bis home
in Cnioo. He is a member of tbe World's
Fair commission, and bad been in attend
ance on a meeting of tbe board in Port
Tbe following legal lights are in at
tendance at tbe present session of oir
euit ouurt: Judge W. L. Bradshaw,
prosecuting attorney, W. H. Wilson aid
A. S. Bennett, of Tbe Dalles, Zera Soow,
of Portland and W. R Ellis, J. W. Daw
son, T. R. Lyons, J. N. Brown, Frank
Kellogg and O. W. Rbea, of Heppner.
! Mm. Meury Welch uud faiuiiv left vet.
tenia) morning for the Monument Much
h- re they will spend the manner.
Pi .ru T.i tliu wife of Au.lj Ti lard,
Ht-piujer, Mumluy lusl, a 10 pound buy.
Audy is now only touching lUi high
Mr. S. S. Horner bas accepted a posi
tion with the Met ariaud Jleioantile firm.
Mr. Horner will doubtless make an efli
cient assistant. I
Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Sargent, of The
D. illts, came up Alouduy night last, to
spend a few dajs with their son, C. 0.
barren t, of tbis city.
A Lake county editor, who had a dog
for sale, advertised it as follows :" Good
family dog for sale. Will eat anything.
Is very fond of ouildreu."
Baldness ought not to oome till the age
of 55 or Inter. If the hair begins to fall
eaiher, use Hull's Hair Reuewer and
prevent buldntes and grayness.
Thus. Hynd, a cousin of fi. F. Hynd,
of Sand boilow, arrived last Monday eve
ning from Ontario, Canada. Mr. Hynd
will probaoly locate iu this oounty.
Andy Cook was in from Lena several
days this week. Andy bas gone iuto the
hog business, having purchased a very
fiue refcieiertd iieikellire of whiob he IB
In a recent letter to Dorio Lodge, C
W. Youngijren informs the boys ttiut he
has purchased a ib aore farm down near
Silrertou aud has uoue to grubbiutf for
a livelihood.
Wm. Douglas and family, who have
been reuidiug iu Heppner during tnepast
winter, returned Wednesday to their
Galloway farm. Miss Bedggood also ac
companied tuein.
W. H. Clem, a 23-year-old son of A. J.
Clew, arrived from Humphreys, Mo,
Tuesday evening accompanied by W. S,
Moagrove. Mr. Clem aud Mr. Mosgrove
both intend locniiug in this oouutry.
K. F. Hynd is numbered among the
Court visitors this week. Bob reports
lambing quite successful out in Suud
hollow, the pleasaut weather being one
of the greatest essentials for tbe harvest.
The trouble with most cough mediciues
is thut they Bpoil the appetite, weaken
digestion, und create bile. Ayer's Cherry
Pectoral, on the contrary, while it gives
immediate relief, assists rather than
impairs the assimilative process.
Jeff Jones and wife arrived on Wednes
day evuuiug'e train from Highland, Ore
gon, where they are now living, They
intend visiting the folks here, while Jeff
will ulsu try lus bund at shearing sheep
this spring iu older to keep in practice.
Owing to the rush of work Dr. B. F.
Vuughau will not leave Happner us soon
as he had expected, but will remain for
a short time. Those who desire work
should apply. Also those owing bim
suuuld cull and settle before be
leaves. tf
Postmaster Mallory informs tbe Ga
zette man thut he fouud the registered
letter which was reported lost lust wint
er. The sume hud been pushed back of
some books aud papers in tbe safe. Mr.
Mallory wus much pleased over the
H. 0. Thompson, of tbe famous
Thompson fruit ranch, of Butter oreek,
wus in the city Tuesday. In conversa
tion with Mr. Thompson, be tells our
reporter that bis orchards were not ef
fected in the lisast by tbe severe winter,
consequently he is confident of a large
It is not tbe extreme of beat and cold
so much as the sudden changes in tem
perature that ouuse certain climates to
be unheulthtul. When, however, the
system is invigorated with Ayer's Sar
saparilla, these ohanges are rarely at
tended with injurious results.
Iu the recent article on Alatka from
C. L. Andrews, we stated that tbe Tread
well mine bad 340 stamps, which should
have been 240. However, we make tbe
correction iu justice to Mr. Andrews, for
fear that some innocent reader might be
led to believe that our friend Andrews
never saw Alaska.
Thereon E. Fell arrived Tuesday eve
ning lust to appear as a witness iu tbe
railroad bond case which is now before
tbe circuit court. In conversation with
Thereon be informs ns that a scouring
mill will be located at Taooma this year,
where a greater portion of the Eastern
Oregon clip will be shipped. Mr. Fell
left tbis moiuing for Taooma.
Accused of Raising a Notb. Attor
ney George Washington Goode was ar
rested last week on charge of raising a
$75 note to $175. Tbe note bad been
given him by a sbeepberder named
Seekamp. However, as the prosecuting
witness was a man whose obaraoter was
not above the average, it was a case of
Seekamp's oath against Uoode's, and as
the note bore every evidence of being
genuine, tbe justice dismissed tbe case.
It is now reported that Goode will in
stitute suit againBt Seekamp for flO,0(:0
damages for unlawful imprisonment and
defamation of character. From which
report the Fossil Journal is led to re
mark, "if tbis is true, it is a pretty
high estimate of obaraoter." Goode was
the attorney for Cal Hale la the Roslyn
Bank robbery case.
Ed Jones Sentenced. The grand jury
found a true bill Monday against Ed
Jones charged with obtaining money
under false pietentes, When brought
before the court Tuesday pleaded guilty
to the charge. Thursday morning Judge
Bradshaw sentenced him to one and one
half years imprisonment in the peniten
tiary. He will probably be taken below
next week.
Death or James C. McFabland. A
telegram was received Tuesday afternoon
by Homer McFarland, announcing tbe
di ath of b is father, James C. MoFarland,
of Los Angeles, Cal., early that morning.
Homer left at once for Arlington by pri
vate eonveyance, in order to oaten the
late train for Portland; from there he
will go direct to Los Angeles. James
C. McFarland was 60 years of age, and
t time of death, which wag caused by
A k
A recent New York dispatch readtt
"James C. H . a tine looking and
apparently healthy man. was observed to
stagger while walking on Fifth Avenue this
afternoon, and after taking one or two un
certain steps fell to the sidewalk. When
picked up he was dead. A physician ex
amined the body , ana pronounced heart autaM
the cause of death. A peculiarly sad feature
of the case is that Mr. H was on his
way to Maine, to settle in the home of his
boyhood. He had passed the previous ten
years in the western mining country, and had
amassed a fortune. If YOU have any of the
symptom!! given in the following testimonials
you should lose no time in seeking relief.
from jonn Li. itonerts, ciatington, ra.:
"I have suffered with palpitation, irregular
pulse, fainting and tmothmng tpellt, pain in
tkmldert, tide, and arm for over forty yean.
For twelve years have been treated without
avail by prominent physicians in my neigh
borhood ana in new lork. growing con
stantly worse, smothering spells followed one
another, so my life was often in danger and
I needed constant care. As my ton had been
cured by Dr. MiltJ New Heart Care, he sent
me three bottles. The first dose gave me
instant relief. Before using the last bottle
I was completely cured. Although seventy
five years old 1 feel twenty years younger.
I claim my cure to be almost a miracle."
Here is a letter from Mrs. John Kolges,
of Cleveland, O. : " I had been troubled with
my heart and stomach for years, but for six
teen months had been confined to my bed.
I had four of the best doctors in the city, but
none of them could benefit the weakness of my
heart. I also had dropsy and rheumatism.
I never took medicine that relieved me at
once as Dr. MUei New Heart Cure doe. I
am much stronger. My appetite is splendid.
I gain strength with every dose. I have
gained more in six weeks from your treat
ment than in sixteen months from all the
" Dr. Mitti New Cure for the Heart Is sold
on a positive guarantee by all druggists,
it is safe, effective, agreeable, and doet cure,"
Dr. Miles Medical Co, Elkhart, Ind.
For sale by T. W. Ayers. jr.
heart failure, complicated by asthmatic
trouble, was a resident of Los Aneeles.
where be was a heavy stockholder and
secretary of the Golden West Oil Compa
ny. Mr. MoFarland crossed the plains
in 1852 and Bettled at Tbe Dalles, Or.,
where he accumulated a large fortune.
He leaves besides bis wife and aged
mother, six ohildren Frank MoFarlnnd.
formerly of tbis oity, but now of Los An
geles; Mrs. E. C. Pierce and Mrs. W. R
Abrahams, of Ellensbutgb, Wash.; Mrs.
McEwen, wife of Rev. W. L. MoEwen,
rector of St. Mark's Episcopal church at
Portland; Mrs. W. H. Moody, of The
Dalles, whose husband is a son of ex
Gov. Moody, of Oregon, and Homer Mc
Farland of this city, a member of tbe
McFarland Mercantile Company. He
also bas three brothers in tbe North wbo
are prominent in business oircles E. B.
McFarlBnd, president of the Oregon Na
tional Bank at Portland; Albert MoFar
laod, of Seattle, Wash., and Charles B,
MoFarland, of White Salmon, Wash.
The deceased was a Mason and Odd Fel
low, and muoh respected in the com
munity. Tbe remains will be interred
Cure for Colds, Fevers and General De
ttllty. Small Bilu Beuua. 26c. per bottle.
Impossible. Tbe following note was
left on the editor's table while he was
gone to dinner. Owner oan have same
by onlling and describing property. It
reads as follows: "It is reported that a
certain young geutleman, a resident of
Heppner, seoluded himself in a cellar
during tbe entire morning, for fear of
being subpwned to prove the cbaraoter
of a certain de endant in the cubo which
is at present absorbing tbe entire atten
tion of tbe public But finding the same
too oenfiuing, and by no means a safe re
treat, ha seourcd his gun, left for the
Heppner bills this afternoon on a jaok
rabbit hunting tour? However, it is safe
to predict that no game will be captured."
To aid Digestion take one Small Bile Bern
fter eating. 26c. per botUu.
Notice to Stock Bbkedkb.-I will
keep, at my farm 7 miles northeast of
Lexington, a fine Jack of the Blaok
Warrior breed. This Jack is large and
of high form. Terms: Five dollars, in
surance. Mares intrusted to my oare
win be Kept in good pasture at one
dollar per month. Due care will be
taken to prevent acoidentB, or tbe stray
ing of mares, though I will be respon
sible for none. B. F. Swaosart.
114 tf. Lexington, O.
They Increase appetite, purify tbe whole
system and act ou the liver, Bile Beat
Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank
has lately leased the hostelry known as
tbe Mountain House, refitting and re
furnishing it throughout. Board and
bed, per week 96; board without bed,
S4.6U; meals aud bed Ji cents each, Mr,
Crank asks a portion of the patronage,
Deiieving that he can give as tood ser
vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less
money. 4b-sw.
Rip's Wood Yabd. The Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residenoe, sawed or no-
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.50 per oord. Wood sawed twice in
two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00.
Yard near the depot. Leave orders at
Hloan & Howard's. 4 tf.
Rathbb Uniqub. Mr. Albert Tozier,
secretary tbe Oregon Press association,
bas prepared a ratber unique exhibit
which will contribute not a little to the
interest of Oregon's educational exhibit
at the World's Fair. His work consists
of a bound volume of the newspapers of
Oregon, and contains one oopy eaoh of
the more thac 200 publications of tbe
One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor
wegian Cod Liver Oil and II ypophosphites of Lime
and Soda has had such a latere sale is because it is
"Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is
that its curativj properties are unequalled. It cures
the cough, supplier the waste of tissues, produces
flesh and builds up the entire system.
Scott's EmuUinn curo3 Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaemic and Wasting
Diseases. Prevonta wasting in
children. Almost as palatable as
milk. Get only the genuine. Pre
pared by Scott k Bnwne, Chemists, Now
lork. Sold by all Druggist.
S. C. Smith,
Keeps a full line of
the way of Furniture.
Undertaking goodi a speciality.
Hay Street, Heppner, Or. 12.1-f
H. A. Thompson A. K. Binni
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Coffin 4 McFarland'l, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 25 cts. a
at C. C. Sargeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled hay always on hand.
Foot wear
A(SS The f.nly boot and fhoe ewtaMiBrimftnt of Hoppnorhni
gp tpoved from thft Kast aidnof MMn Htrpot, to thoir tipw
store room, next floor to H. Blacknvm & ('o.'a.
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
Main Street, Heprtraor Of.
Tie Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on hand a full line of
Groceries and Provisions.
A fall line of oboioe Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything that is
usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Tbey will sell cheap foi cash. Call aud
try them. sw
This piece of advertising space belongs
Slocum-Johnston Drug; Qo.
There is not a winged insect hovering
around Phillip.
IV. iVIErSOiV, Prop.
Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Lous Rock ou
Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes connection with the weekly
line to Fossil. Reasonable oharges for both
Passengers -:- and -:- Freight.
643-tf sw SLOCCM-JOHNSTON DRCG CO., Agents, Heppner. Or.
LAZE It & CO.,
Merchant -:- Tailors.
All kinds of Tailoring done on
Foot wear !
1. Only First-Class hotel in Heppner.
2. Building Wired for Eleotric Lights
8. Hest accommodations for the traveling
4. Courteous treatment assured the coun
try people.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
short notice. New lin of Spring
juht received.
Anything New of Heal
! You (!an Generally Find
For :-: Sale :-: bv
We don't run a third-class junk shop w here you can buy shoddy goods at twice
their value, but we keep first-class goods at bonest prioes, with
no baits or trap. We keep
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old oustomers bow we treat tbera.
Corner Main and
riT a uy
Business-like -:- Manner
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near (lie JJepot:
Change of Ownership
which we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands at all times the choioext
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
Graduate M. E. C. V. H., London, England.
Veterinary Surgeon"!
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am prepared to do all klndnof Vfterliinry Huiyftrv, Kmannilittliif; Ho rues and Kt'trllnui a Hpeci
ally. (Trill ii (lie only trim mHlioil of opfrutfiiKoii lionci.) HpuyhiK of Cattle and Hngi
on khort notice, 1 will treat all unlnmln in the most amrove procedure of Veter
inary burgery. if you have any Nick an i not 1m It will to your Jtiten-t to
(-all on me at Htewnrl i stable!.
For the enterprising entab!wlinient of
W. L. Matlock & Co.
h lib; Initile
Otis Patau
"Who are
Noted for bein
The Leaders.
: : : : : ;
Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
& J3isbees
For the Oure Oi
Liquor, Opium ami Tobacco Habits
It In located at Forent Grove, Or.,
i Tlie Mtint Beautiful Town on the Count.
I Call at th Oiktic offlee for particular.