GHv yourbutineti to Heppner people mud therefor anUl to build up Hepp ntr. Patronize thott who patronize ton. We hold each and every correspondent re epoiulble lor his or her communication. No .o7re.puud.nce will be published unless the wriurV m1 Hume 1" is"'! " "ideuce of good faith. The art of Advertising Consists in Getting bs Greatest results For the Least money. Business men Who hove Saooeeded Bar that the Newspapers Offer the beet Medium fur Beaching the Public, and That one Advertisement In a good Paper is Worth a Hundred On fenoes and Barns. Those who Fail, never Advertise; they Live like silk -Worms and Die unknown. Try the Gazette. .03 JL1 AS OTHERS SEE THEM. Gov. Pennoyer and Hon. Phil Met sohan, says the Eugene Register, have been in Eastern Oregon the past week looking for a site for the branoh insane asylum and if they do not locate the same at Baker City have doubtless already been led to believe that city needs one. Their arrival there was greeted with blowing of horns, beating of drums, marohing and other demonstrations. It seems strange that enlightened people will resort to suoh performances on such an oooasion. It was not the men they were thus greeting; if it had been the action might have been excusable; bnt it was their mission that brought forth this demonstration that oould do credit only to suoh people as the natives of the interior of Afrioaor the Sandwich islands. The folly of the affair is more apparent when it is considered that it oould have no effect on suoh men as tho governor and state treasurer. It was entirely for eign to the mission of these gentlemen, who are looking for a suitable site and take do consideration of the anxiety of the people for the institution. linker Oity offers no bonus, free site or such in ducement to leoiirt the location of the asylum, but has doubtless conviuoed Governor Pennoyer BndtJ.Mr. Metsohan that they oan make the insane and idiots feel at home and that they have plenty of company. How great the contrast between the explosion of the Panama Canal bluet that has humiliated the l)e Lesscps, father and son, and the steady success of "Brick" Pomeroy, the projector of ibe great tunnel for railway and gold and ilver mining purposes, now beittg driven straight through the five miles of mineral backbone of I be Rooky Moun tains, entering them at a point sixty miles west from Denver. The Tunnel Company has nearly one hundred min ing olaimB all fully paid for; has over live million dollars of flrst-cluss assests, pays all its interests promptly, and is solid. Those wishing to know all about the great enterprise will receive a large 36-page illustrated desoriptive pamphlet by addressing M. M. Pomeroy, Booms 40, World Building, New York, enclosing six cents in stamps. Miss Edith Day, the young lady who left Portland March 22nd, arrived in Washington Wednesday, where ehe was met at the depot by Senator Dolph aud driven to the White House, where the cabinet meeting was in Bession. Miss Day was presented to President Cleve land, who gave her a warm woloome. She was then taken to all the interesting publio departments, where she was re ceived in the same manner. She goes from Washington via St. Lonis to Mei- ioo, where sht meets Miss Mitchell, who is making a lik trip in the opposite di reotion. Hon. 0. A. Couswbll, of Lakeoouuty, one of the leading demoorata of Oregou's last legislative body, has returned from Washington, where he went to witness the inaaguratiou oeremonies. To an Oregouian reporter be says he was favor ably impressed with President Cleveluud and Vice President Stevenson, also Sec retaries Gresham, Carlisle and Hoke Smith, though the remainder of the cab inet did not appear, to the senator, to bave any marked ability. Thi majority report on the contested eleotion cases of Senator Mantle, Sena tor Beckwitb and Senator Allen, appoint ed by tb governors as aeuatois, respect ively from Montana, Wyoming and Wash ington, was made monday of this week, while the miuority report was re ceived Tuesday. The former favors, while the latter is against seating the enators. The matter is now before the senate for discission. Tub Portland Dispatch saya: "There seems to be no laok of newspaper talent in the ranks of the populists in Oregon, and new organs are springing up daily in every part of the state. The latest report oome that Heppaer is to have a new paper, and when we consider tbe population of the town and county, with two papers already established, some one ia going In for glory rather than a living." TuiiSalbm Journal strike! the nail on the head when it remark) that the newspaper men of Oregon were not reo ognized on the World' Fair communion, but they art asked to publish free of charge the "addresses to the people" which alone can make the exhibit at Cbicngo a snccess. They will all be asked, and will all good oaturedly re spond, to write np the exhibit after it is put up and created largely by their efforts, in order to bor m the commission ers, or at least some of them, into office. Then when the commission goes before the next legislature for a big appropria tion to make np their defioits, the press of the state will be cited and appealed to, to tell the legislature what a grand and glorious thing it has been for Oregon. Great is the press of Oregon! The journ alist needs no recognition at the hands of politicians. Does it not create tbem end do Ihey not bave to care for their own? Of course Baker City should secure the location of the branoh insane asylum to be given some Eastern Oregon town. She considers herself entitled to favors at the hands of the state, having a suit on band with the state now for the col lection of taxes due from that county for several years. Tax money is what in sane asylums are to be built with, but if all the oountics In the state were like Baker, there would be no money in the state treasury to erect insane asylums or anything else. That county even now, while asking for favors from the state, and while asking for appropriations of the people's money, is setting up the olaim that the statute of limitation has run against the state and will endeavor to avoid paying ber just proportion of the taxes on that ground. Eugene Reg ister. It has just been discovered that the sand along the Snake and upper Colum bia rivers contnius a great deal of fine gold, and if the excitement continues at tbe present rate it will be bu t a short time until tbe entire sand bars, from the head waters of the Snake, down to Umatilla, on the Columbia, will be taken up by mining companies. Claims are now being staked off every where along the line, regardless of the present owner ship of tbe land, though it is suid the owners will combine against this whole sale gobbling up of their lands. Tiik Telegraph a few days ago told of Colorado cowboy who requested a stranger to dance. The stranger declined and the cowboy killed him. Tbe follow ing day a cowboy in Texas tried the same game on a tenderfoot, but it worked dif ferently. Tbe stranger not only refused to dance, but he knocked the lariot throw er down, took his gun away from him aud then made him dunce till be fainted. From which, the Taooma News is led to remark that "custom sometimes ohanges even in the "Lone Star State." Conahd J. Smith, who was shot nnd badly wounded Saturday evening in Port land, by Chns. H. Grove, a real estate agent of tbot oity, died from tbe effects of the wonnc Tuesday morning. Very few believe there is any truth in tbe note left by Grove to the effeot that Smith had been too iutin), wl,habf'a wife, in faot the general belief is that he was, at the time ho committed tbe aot, tailoring under a spell of mental aberration, onus ed by business troubles which bad wor ried him n great deal of late. A CAJjVAitY troop is now being orga nized at The Dalles wbioh will soon be ready for muster. This company will be oomposed of oitizens of Wasco and Sherman counties, and will be the only mounted men, excepting officers, in (lie Oregon National Guard. Gvi'SY Ahiiton, the murderess of Ed. itor Thomas Henderson Boyd, expresses, to a reporter, the desire to be either hung or set free, as she scorns imprisonment, even for a short time. Her fate will soon be known, as the trial is set for the first of next month. Tnn first appointment in Oregon under the new administration was that of James F. Johnson for postmaster at Pendleton, Burrows, the present incum bent, having resigned. Verily the plums have begun to fall. A new daily paper has been established in Salem, the "Independent," with L. H. MoMtthan, formerly of tho Woodburn, Independent, as editor. Colonel Boii. has gone to Washington City to push his claims for the position of Minister to Turkey. Suc cess to the Colonel. THE HHAMK OF IT From the Salt Lake Tribune. What a shame it is that in a oountry upon which the world in a great part depends, for food, upon wbioh the looms of the world depend lor cotton, to wbioh from three to live hundred thousand of the world's poor oome every year to make homes, tho iron mines of which produce more iron annually than any other oountry ever produced, the oopper mines of which supply the world with copper, the gold and si'ver mines of which furnish auuually 80,000,000, with 60,000,000 of people all alert, all at work, with no army to support, with do great navy to support, with new fields await ing hands to till them, with new mines to tie opened, with new roads and cities aud bridges to be built what a shame it is that such a nation, so equipped aud so blessed, with such a mighty aggre gate of wealth already gathered to gether, and with such immeasurable re sources to draw upon, what a shame it is that there should be fears of panic! What a double shame it ia that, stand ing like birds of ill-omen, the great financial houses of our Eastern cities croak every day to the people that we mtlst not think of having an indepen dent financial policy of our own, but must take our lessons from tbe old world and must accept such a policy as they may dictate to us. It would look to tbe average man as though, by the very situation of our country, the ititcti tiou was for our people to be an eutirely iudepeudeut people. That the thought was to put in our hands ample means to build up a nation, which should be the foremost of modem or ancient limes, and that the oonccrns of petty outiide states should Dot be our oocoern at all, but that our government in its sovereign capacity sbculd deoree what should be money, and having so decreed, tbe peo ple should acc pt it and go on following those lines and work out our own salva tion. Half a panic has been created by the harpies who are money changers in the Eastern cities, over the fear that the treasury reserve fund would be ex hausted. We are not at all sura that that would not be the very beet thing that could come. The bugbear of tbe terrible something which would suc ceed in case a little more gold should be shipped away, is a coyote cry. The bankers bave tried to make believe that tbe woods are full of perils, and could we but once know that that re serve was exhausted, we then would realize that still the oountry was left, the mines were left, the fields were left, the people were left, and that 990 out of every 1000 of them wonld have just as much gold as they have had for the lust thirty years. The great question is, how can the government and tbe pjople extricate themselves from tbe grip of those bankers in tbe East, who are pursuing their vocation now precisely as the money changers in the temple did, whose manipulations even tbe Savior of the world could not stand, but who, in righteous indignation, took the whip of cords and drove the whole brood of them out of the temple. ur course it is eaRy to say that money rules the world and that the business men of the whole nation depends npon tbe great banking houses of tbe East for tbe lubricating fluid to keep cool the boxes of business. That in one sense is true, but when those men wbo have that power deliberately insist that half of all the legitimate money of tbe world shall be destroyed as money then it is time for the people to rebel, beoause to business it is just exaatly such a decree as though the sovereign power of the oountry were to deoree, and bad tbe power to enforce the deoree, that from this date every man, woman and child would be compelled to live on half rations. It would make, of course, a nation of skeletons, aud that is what the bankers nre doing with busi ness. They are making a nation of skeleton business bouses, and the sooner their reign shall be broken tbe better. The thing necessary to break that reign is to awake the manhood of the people and to cause them to make their demands through the ballot box, for thut kind of a demand no power on earth can resist. CIRCUIT COUKT PKOCKKDJNU8 FIUST DAT. Bailifl'a and grand jury appointed as mentioned in Tuesday s issue. Arlington National Bank vs. T. A, iiansier and Frank Cecil, continued for servica. F. P. Mays et al , vs. Lanes Penlund oontinued for Sitviee. r . r. Mays et ul., vs. V. A. Sorter e al., continued for service. Felix Johnson vs. Edward Day, con tinned for the term. Wm. Hughes vs. Mat Hughes, dismiss ed nt plaintiff's costs. G. S. Crane vs. W. F. ForwoooV dis missed at plaintiff's costs. W. G. Boyer vs. J. F. and A. L. Spray dismissed at plaintiff's costs N. Jones vs. Henry Wade, dismissed ut plaintiff's costs. I). B. Farley vs. Geo. W. Shipley, de fault aud judgment. First National Bank vs. S. P. and L. A. Florence, dismissed at plaintiff's oost. James Jones vs. Huppner Prk Asso oiation, default and judgment. C. E. Kirk vs. C. O. Haines, sale of real estate confirmed. D. S. Sprinkle vs. H. Wade, demurrer overruled, tomorrow to answer. Geo. S. Crane vs. Portland Sheep and Wool Growing Co., demurrer overruled, tomorrow to answer. J. B. Hunt vs. Newton Jones, demurrer overruled, tomorrow to answer. First National Bank vs. J. L. Beymer, demurrer argued and submitted. Foster Adams vs. Ellor Adams, dis missed at plaintiff's costs. Geo. Noble vs. P. Looney, default and deoree of foreclosure. O. A. Rhea vs. A. Geinger et al., dis missed. E. A. Chapel vs. A. E. Chapel, report of referee confirmed and decree of di vorce granted. Elizabeth Perkins vs. B. F. Perkins, default, testimony taken in open court aud deoree granted. C. R. Tayleur vs. G. W. Rea et al., de fault and decree. Nelson Jones vs. Newton Ranch, Land, Stock uud Agricultural Co., sale of real estate ooufirmcd. State of Oregon vs. D. aud J, Miller not a true bill, State of Oregon vs. Ed Jones, a true bill, tomorrow to plead. second day. First National Bank of Arlington vs. G. V. Stewart, default and judgment. W, R. Ellis vs. T. C. Aubrey, default and judgment. State of Oregon vs. James and Pborbe Riohardson, true bill, tomorrow to plead. G. W. Harrington, administrator, vs G. W. Stewart, default and judgment. First National Bank, vs. J. L. Beymer, demurrer overruled, tomorrow to answer. State of Oregon vs. John Skoglaud, true bill. State of Oregon vs. Robert Dexter, not a true bill. State of Oregon vs. Ed Jones, plead guilty, sentence Thursday. O. R. A N. Co. vs. E. R. Swinburne et al., ou trial. State of Oregon vs. Kirkendall, iudiot ment dismissed. H. L. Hughes vs. G. W. Thomas, de fault and deoree of foreclosure, TIUIII) DAT. StateWf Oregon vs. James and Phu'be Richardson, plead not guilty. 15. F. Swaggart vs. ti. P. Muir, dismissed. appeal Slate of Oregon vs. H. Wade, appeal dismissed. O. B. A N. Co. vs. E. R. Swiuburne et al., still on trial. CAL HALE HERE. The Alleged Bank Kobber a Free Man After Four Months of J nil Life. Cal Hale, of Roslyo. bank robbery frame, is in tbe oity en route for Gilliam county to again enjoy tbe peace and com forts of borne after contending with a sea of trouble. Cal dosen't look like a bank robber. There is no sign of Ihe desperado in tbe face that looks out from beneath bis white cowboy bat. Only Detective Sullivan following "sure due," would take Cal for auything but a peaoeably inclined citiien. An East Oregonian representaiive con versed with Mr. Hale, who now stands before his fellowmen with his innooenoe dearly proven. "I was fonr mouths in jail," he said in his slow-talking fashion "and the experience, I tell you, injures a man in mind and body. Connnmemt and mental distress are very apt to unsettle one's intellect. Financially I am nearly ruined through the misfortune of resembling a man wbo helped rob a bank, for the trial bas cost over $1200. I'll have to work h aid, no,w to square up." Eoos Wilson, the witness whose evi dence was mainly instrumental in ob taining a new trial for Hale and securing finally, bis aoquittal, is also here. It will be remembered that a man named White, wbo lives some 150 miles from Rosyln, testified that on September 26, two days after the robbery, a man re sembling Hale rode to his place, bis horse dying in bis pasture. This was quite a strong point against the acoused until tbe man was ideutfied as Wilson by his own and White's testimony. Mr. Hale quite naturally regards bis arrest and subsequent trouble as a gross injustice, and does not feel kindly dis posed toward Detective Sullian and others who caused it. He said he did not know whether he bad any means of redress, but if they were offered, he would try to secure a little recompense. It was learned from Mr. Hale that tbe real bank robbers are supposed to be somewhere in the Okanogan oountry. They are being hunted, with good pros- peats of capture. Mr. Hale ioi merly lived in this country, and thinks of coming back. He was reared al Weston, and up to seven years ago resided in the Cold Spring neighbor hood. East Oregonian. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. "A Red Letter Day" at tbe M. E. ohuroh next Sabbath. Easter servioes in the morning. Evening subject, "Tbe Judgment." Text. "Aud I saw a great white throne, and him that sat on it, from whose face the earth and heavens fled away, and there was no place for tbem And I saw tbe dead, email and great, stand before God; and the bookB were opened, and another book was opened which is the book of life, and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works." A stupendous subjeot. Come out and let us consider it. Good singing is arranged for. J. M, Shdlse, Pastor. There will be special easter servioes at M. E. church, South, next Sunday at 11 a. m. Tbe pastor will preach upoi. tbe subject of ' tin -Resurrection," and tbe choir will rendej some appropriate and beantilul selectious. Regular services at 7:30 p. m. Subject, "The Pearl of Great Price." A special invitation extended to all. Edwis Palmer, Pastor. Preaching at the Baptist church tbe first Sunday in April, at 11 o'olock will preach an Easter discourse at 7:30 p. m. Theme will be: "Business and Religion." All are invited to oome and enjoy oar meetings. M. IiiUHBLET, Pastor. Guaranteed Care. We authorize our advertised druggist to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for consumption, coughs and colds, upon this condition. If yon are adlioted with a cough, cold or any lung, throat or client trouble, and will nse this remedy as airecieu, giving it a rair trial, ana ejJ nnrinnnA nn bAnnHr.. vnil mnv rofilrn thnl bottle and haye your money refunded. We could not make this offer did we not know that Dr. King's New Discovery could be relied on. It never disappoints. Trial bottles free at Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. Large size 60c, and 1.00. I What Alls You? If you have sudden darting puins in the joints or muscles, and it recurs every time you get cold and appears in new plaoes without leaviug any of the old ones, the best thing to do is to send five dollars to the Drummond Medicine Co., 48 50 Maiden LaueNew York for a bottle of Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedy for Rheumatism. It will oure you. lie wise in time and do not be fooled with anything else. If you have git tbe above symptoms yon have got the Rheumatism, and it the druggist tells you truth be will say Dr. Drummond's Remedy is tbe only known cure. Agents wanted. 1 APRIL FOOL. If voumeet ou the w Ilk a hat hldinc bricks Just watch it and l-ugh when another kicks. If you strike a fat llocketbook lost by a king lie houeBt,;some cha1 has it tied by a string. , flon't touch a dollaD it's either red-hot o" you find in a store It's nailed tothetloor. If boys your hand'chlef snatch, don't race, It isn't yours, but h1! rag you'll chase. Don't fool with bundt es. All errands delay And open each telegram first ere you pay. I,ook at your back before venturing out, Lest boys at a tail, or ror sale, gayly shout. If any one calls vAu to look at a sight. Just say "April Fool ' and spoil his delight. IxMk out for the pie yilu find on your plate, Raked cotton and sap ia a mixture to hate. Altho' you've resol red cautious to be, We'll betyou'l ba footed, Just wait aud see. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Stndebaker wagon heads them all. t or sale at Gilliam iinbee . t Why go hungry when the City hotel furnishes you a good meal at living rates i "Hardware" did yon sayf Why, yes at P. O. Thompson A Co.'s stand, and the plaoe for bargains. Ruhl, the baker. Buy your bread and oaKes and save money. Try it. a. Tbe Pelade is the leading hotel in the city. ell furnished rooms with plenty oi iigui are provided ror everyone, a Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones the baher, want to see bis old friends there. Baths in eonneo- tion. Rhokmatkr Va. Birheak-. si slinAmsk. , er and repairer of many years' expert- ciiuv, iioB just iooaieu iu mv Aurausm io building, on May street, where be is prepared to do everything in his lino. Mr. Birbeck is stnctlj a flrat-clasa work, man and warrants all work. Uiv mm a sail. li-tf REMEDIES ! O.W.R.Mr'G C2 -PORTLAND. ORE. Our Wonderful Remedy 1 DR. GRANT'S Spp Of WM Gfaps BOOt, THE GE4EAT Blood Purifier and System Tonic. Purely Vegetable, and the Product of Oregon Soil PREPARED BY The 0. W. R. Manufacturing Co., Portland. Oregon. HA VE YOU BA CKA CHE ? DR. GRANT'S CURES Diabetes, Briahfa Disease, Inflammation of the Blad der, Yellow Water, Brick Dust Sediment In Urine, Burning Sensation, Pain in the Back, and all Dis eases of the Kidneys. PREPARED BY QIlMaEfactErii Co,, PORTLAND, OREGON. FOR SALE BY SLOCCM -JOIIXSTOX DRUG CO, T. W. AYERS, JR. Nerve Blood Tonic Builder ftnd tot riencrlpttv pauipiuvi Dr. WILLIAMS' 00c MEDICINE CO., er box. Schenectady, N.Y. for i.50 nd Brockvllle, Ont. To Cousumptlves. The undersigned having been restored to health by simple nieaiiB, after sull'erlnjy for sev eral yearB with a severe lung alUiution, and that dread disease Consumption, is anxious to make known to his fellow sullerers the means of cure. To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send (free of charge) a copy of the prescription used, which they will Hud a Bnre cure for Consump tion, Asthma, Catarrh, HronchltiH and ail throat and lung maladieB. He hopes all Bullerers' will try hia remedy, as it is Invaluable. Those dpslr lug the prescription, which will cost them noth lng, ani .a may prove a blessing, will please ad- aresB. 1-t a w Kev. Edward A. Wilson. Brooklyn, New York. THE SAID: WISE MAN "There be three things wbioh are too wonderful for me, vea, four which I know not : The way of an eagle in tbe air ; the way of a serpent upon a rock ; the way of a Bhip in tbe midst of a sea, and the way of a man with a maid. He Might Have Added Another: The way of the "bunoombe" storekeeper wbo would pull the wool over even a baldheaded man's eyes. IS IT RIGHT ? DOES IT PAY ? Here are an honest merchant's fonr car dinal virtues : Fairness, Equality, Reliability, Courtesy. We try to have them ail. wm so. IT eppner, O' Wbal Vtold Yo Do If assured by soieutifio men that the world win Id come to an end within the next twelve weks ! ltie long promised Tbe Liast Pays of ibe Vt orld, proves to be of thrilling interest. It ia the concep tion of one of the world's most distin- ihe -.-Ladies- :-of-:- Ilrppncr Yon are cordially SPRING -I- FRIDAY SATURDAY, March 31st and April 1st I will take pleasure in showing you my complete stock of tbe latest styles in Spring and Summer I AM WELL AWARE THAT TIMES ARE HARD AND MONEY SCARCE Vint don't let that keeD vou awav. for mv nricea am low. anrl hah cannot fail to be suited. 113-14 Spring is Here -SO IS EW YORK iN CASH RACKET STORE. JDST ORDERED, AND TO ARRIVE SOON : Spring and Summer Dresa Ooods, Calicoes, Qinghams, Floaoeings, Drapery, Gents' Furnishings; also Ladies' Underwear and, nnmerous other goods in that line. Notions and Tinware in stock; very cheap. When I say cheap, I mean it. You have but to call Bod inves tigate to be satisfied. I do none but a oash business, and can therefore undersell all competitors. The New York Cash Racket Store. J. W. MATLOCK , Prop. Main Street, next door to tbe Opera House. JHE QITY J-jOTEL, W. J. LBBZER, Prop. TIHIS HOSTELRY has been Refitted and RErnmsnED throughout, and now is one of the most inviting plaoes in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to etop with him, feeling that be is able to entertain you in the beet of style. r First Class House. tfOME TO: FELL BROS Spring Opening of Millinery on Thursday, Friday and Sat urday of this week. A large stock will be opened to the publio. Everything new. LADIES' BAZAAR FELL BROS., Props. MAY STREET, if. i m, rtnmMib.! HEPPNER, guisbed astronomers worked out within the bounds of scieotiHo possibility. While educating the reader in tbe most modern phase of soienoe, it is as full of interesting surprises as Tbe Arabian Nights Entertainment. Tbe most inter esting part of this wonderful novel is found in his description of the trepida tion and expectation into wbioh the peo ple of the world are thrown. Imagine the condition of the stook exchange with a fact of snob import staring them in tbe face. Tbe opening chapters will be found in tbe April number of The Cosmopolitan magazine. Probably no novel has ever been presented in an American magazine with snob illustrations as accompany Flammarion's, "Omega," which com mences in tbe April Cosmopolitan. In tbe list of illustrators are to be found the names of Jean Panl Laurens, Roche grosse, Chovin, Vogel, O. Hannier, Ger ardin and Meaolle. DRUNKENNESS, or the L1QIOR HA HIT Carpal at Home In Ten Days by Adminis tering Dr, Haines' (iolden Specific. It can be given in a glass of beer, a enp of ooffee or tea, or in food, without tbe knowledge of the patient. It is absolute ly harmless, and will effeot a permanent and speedy eure, whether the patient is a moderate drinkeror an alcoholic wreck. It haa been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect oure has followed. It never fails. Tbe system ouoe impregnated with tbe specific, it becomes an ntter impossibility for tbe liqnor anpetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. Address the Goldik Specific Co., 185 Kuoe Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. A Foi Holism. The imported run ning stallion, Sir Henry, baa been bronuht over to Heppner, and will stand tbe ensuing season at this plac. He ia tbe property of "Cayoae" Reynolds, and is a fine boras. STOtf : and -.- Surrounding : Country. invied to attend my OPENING ! MILLINERY ! Tours truly, INEZ VORUZ. THE- Reasonable Rates. HEPPNER, OK. JjW And 1 n -r . vu.U4iIuiier oi me u. rj. Circuit Court. All land matters attended to promptly and aooorately. Offioe in National Bank building. : : : OREGON GOLD AND SILVER pmSrr- SrSr 8,LeV ?!' to b. Droneriie; i .",:"' " ' '""'J or the now offer all oompany, I or t D I I.4KS sJiVs. "?r'H' at HVK MSnJtTfnTT!fe. a"d ran'25 The pajment or at least twenty-live rrnla Interest or dividend en, I, ,i "i'ry jw thf harVhvaE- frora ,h" P'TcbaVe of -JllesTj? thonanntl shares now at Oil. Frrl" flfty ..und "lUVto the" treasury of the company, and this Bum will XKfc Criatn properties tth ni ciaiaa mill, that will treat one hnndred ton. of ore perdav, and thus yield nlun rovenue to the company larW win I hTha?er th:' thmwin-I shares WM-Mwble shares In the company and will share in nil the prod., nd rtiaTn- receive al IniNl Hve per cent, yearly on JTTX7' ,or,tna Pfri.Hl named, they w"i l2 blE m''iT' mnlh m"" each wara" the work progresses and tho businea. or mi nine is carried on for the benefit of those eon. cerned, but will surely ml, 22 y. per cent , that Is, twentv'five cenu per shir! on each share thus purchased. ..!ffe,',.i." m"1e to ba"ton mor"v into the rpo. aloT"17 fW ""P"' o.'8 IerKU now ",ai1e t nll ""IT till ten thousand shares are thus sold. Interest paid pn fnarantaed "hare, in all eases from thenar ?m J" !he"e "h,!, 18 wl"d at thi, oraoe, and the payments mads promptly on all ..""' .2"paw tPh't. Illustrated, and Lprtelm'",!;r iyiI" absolute facts oo cernlni tbe Tunnel enterprise, sent on receipt of III cenu in stamps to prepay poatageT President Atlantlc Paclftc Railway TunnerW. Rooms , World Bid-. N. V. Cltr . Turkey Eoos. Bowman Wilson have thoroughbred Mammoth Bronis tnrkey eeue for sale at their Batter creek ranch. Leave orders at Minor Bros., or address tbem at Echo. 573-89 w Riptuia Tabules cure naiue. 4 it