Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 28, 1893, Image 3

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I, HOSE desiring the Viibertion of dliplay ads.,
or change of same, must get their copy lu
not later than Monday evening for Tuenday'g
edition, or ThurBday evening for Friday, edi-
1 The ium of five centi per line will be
charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
rtBpect," lit of wedding presents and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or Bhall hluiBelf give as a matter of news,) and
uo tiers of Bpeeial meetiugB for whatever purpose.
2 Notices of church aud society and all other
entertain menu from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live
tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and mauekuowu
upon application.
We hold each and every cor respond eut re
Doneible for hii or her communication. No
correspondence will be published uulesi the
writer real name it signed aaau evidence oi
good faith.
lug Agent, il Merchants Exchange,
ban trancisco, is onr authorized agent, lull
paper U kept on file in his office.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and Canyon City, leaveB as follows ;
Every day at ii:iJ a. in,, except Sunday.
Arrives every day at 5:0 p. m., except Monday.
The cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interibr country,
iroiu uh j B DELEVAN, Prop.
Slocum-Johiiston Drug Co., Agents.
" Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Heap-
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
For clear skin take TUTT'S PILLS.
Tbeo. Cork waa in Heppner Saturday
Afro. Walter GeDtry is ill with la
John and William Luelling are down
from Hardman.
Unfurnished rooms to rent. Inquire
at Gazette offioe. tf
J. W. Allen and Ed Rood were in our
city Saturday last.
Miss Annie Ayers visited Newt Jones
and wife last week.
Ted Minard and Sam Adams are among
the oourt visitors this week.
Hugh Fields is up attending to his
many interests in this looality.
The Qem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, McAtee Bros,, Props. sw
Born To the wife of A. T. jUcNay,
Sunday Maroh 26, '93, a bouncing girl.
N. B. Williams, of the Jordan Fork
oountry was in the city yesterday morn
ing. The Heppner Oanyon stage line is the
best, oheapest and qicukest to the in
terior. . Children's waists, age 5 to 12 years
oheaper than you oan make them at
Fell Bros.'
H. E. Warren, of Eight Mile, and Geo.
Bleakman. of Hardman are in "attend
ance at court.
A Knight, of John Day, died last week
and the remains were interred in the
oetnetry there.
Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho
tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths
in connection.
Only first class work turned out at
Fred Miller's tailoring establishment
east side Main street,
Marion Evans and brother, from the
lower Lexington oountry are in attend
ance at oourt this week.
The Morrow County Land and Trust
Company has an unlimited supply of
ohopped barley for Bale.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
and tobaoco habit. See ad.
Miss Edeth Vaughan, daughter of
Dock VBUghan, will arrive tomorrow
evening from Genesee., Idaho.
0. A. Rhea reports lambing quite
Buooessful down at his lower ranoh.
Other sheepmen report suooess.
Wm. Penland lost a square and com-
nass recently in Heppner. The finder
will please return to this offioe. 75-tf
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
Sheep buyers are ooming in pretty
Blow this year, and it looks now as
though there would be none at all.
T, W. Unherts. reDresenting the well
known tombstone firm of Roberts & Rob
erts, of Walla Walla, is in tue oity.
Mr. Kutn Parsell. J. C. and Chas
Armstrong and A. Andrews of Alpine,
aie in attendaece at court this week,
Nifilnnn is now running a stage be
tween Heppner aud Lone Rook. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
Messrs. Kleckner & Sheldon have re
cently added a new floor to their saloon.
It was a much needed improvement,
T. W. Ayera, Jr., ubs embellished one
of bia windows with some sign letters.
They would look better a size larger.
S. I. Stratton oame in Saturday from
Lone Rock where he is teaching sohool,
quite successfully, too, we are informed.
I. N. Van Winkle returned from The
Dalles and Hood River, where he had
gone down Saturday to look after wood.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc
all kin rfn nl nnrsino. Call at ber borne
In north Heppner, or address her at this
plaoe. 618-f
Word comes over from John Day that
G. W. Dart, the popular merchant over
there, is seriously, and perhaps, danger
ously ill.
Thos. Morgan, the school teacher, is
over from Prairie City, to remain a week
or o. Thos. brings in a good aocount
of Grant county.
Master Clay French is the authorized
scent for the Oregonian at this place.
Subsoribe through bim, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
Attorneys Zera Snow and Judge Ben
nett arrived last evening from The Dalles,
to assist in the Union Paeifio Bond case,
whiah is now before the court.
The celebrated land contest case, Ed.
Day vs. Felix Johnson whioh oame up
before Morrow last winter hB8 been
decided in favor of Mr. Johnson.
Monday's Btage rolled out for Long
f!raek. Canyon City and all way points,
with four horses and a big four horse
ooaoh. It looked like old times.
Dr. Shipley last Saturday purchosed
14 nnvota Delta from D. Cox, and will
have an overcoat built out of the hides
which are all very nioely tanned.
"NewTodav," ads. of J. H. Colman.
Jaa. W. Matlook, Lazer Co., Ladies
Bazaar and Miss Inez Voruz. The
dvertiserB oatcbea the "biz" every time.
Id the March drawingot The Premium
Nnta r.n hih onrrarred the lltb inst ,
Heppnsr's lower club drew 24 and the
nDDer club $20. The lower boys still
i.. aA inrv fannd a true bill in the
oase of Jim Richardson and wife, ohargea
with maliciously destroying property.
The case will oomeup for bearing Thurs
Men end women prematurely gray and
whose bair waa falling, are enthusiastic
in praising Hall's Hair Renewer for re
storing the color and preventing bald
ness. Mr. Jack Price, a friend of Assistant
Foreman L. J. MoAtee, of Spokane, and
a resident of that place, is here for bis
health. Mr. Price is feeliug better since
his arrival at UeppDer.
Call at the Gazette and get a program
for the spring races.
Sunday lust was a fine day, and is
about the first real spring day for a week
Thos. Fullen was over from Lone Rock
the first of the week for freight, leaving
Munduy for his destination.
The spring races, May 25, 2ti and 27,
are not to be overlooked by the horse
men. They will be a grand success.
W. E. Brock, of the drug firm of
Brock & Sells, of Hfllsborro, Or , spent
lust week with friends in this vioinity.
Uncle John Handy was up yesterday
and to day on business. Mr Handy
reports crops looking well down in bia
neighborhood' toe Ella country,
Baldness ought not to oome till the age
of 55 or later. If the bair begins to fall
earlier, use Hall' Hair Renewer and
prevent baldness and grayneas.
Wm. Luelling is down from the moun
tains this week as a witness on the
Miller oase. He reports about three
feet of snow in the vioinity of Parker's
Walla Walla Union i Mrs. W. F. Mat
lock of Pendleton, has been appointed
assistantsuperntendent of the woman's
depiu tment in the world's fair commission
of Oregon,
Condon Globe; Louis Meek returned
to bis home this week from Heppner,
where ha stopped daring the winter with
bis sister Mrs. W. r. oonvner ana at
tended school.
A. W. Baling and Bud Ingraham were
in from Eight Mile last Friday evening.
From them our reporter learns that the
late rains and few warm days are be
ginning to bring out the grain nioely.
We oall attention to the ad. of J. W.
Matlock's in this issue. Mr. Matlook
buys and sells for cash, and can there
fore undersell all competitors. It is
only necessary to call aud examine bia
goods to be oonvinoea or mis.
The trouble with most cough medicines
is that they spuil the appetite, weaken
digestion, andoreatebile. Ayer's Cherry
Peotoral, on the ooutrary, while it gives
immediate relief, assists rather than
impairs the assimilative process.
It is not the extreme of heat and cold
so much as the Budden changes in tem
perature that cause certain olimates to
be unhealtbful. When, however, the
svstem is invigorated with Ayer's Sar
saparilla, these ohanges are rarely at
tended with injurious results.
Owiug to the rush of work Dr. B. F.
Vanilmn will not leave HeoDner as soon
as he had expected, but will remain for
a short time. Those who desire work
should apply. Also those owing bim
should call and settle before he
leaves. tf
Chronicle: J. F. Moore, of Prineville,
itis learned from dispatohei, is an appli
cant for register of the United States 1 ind
nffififl at The Dalles, as is alBO J. L. btory
of this oity. The latter gentl man has
the indorsements of all tne promiueni
demoorats of Oregon save one, and the
bar andsupreme benoh as BDoay, DesiaeB
many leading republicans.
City, Union and other small-fry places
want the earth, duly fenoed, but Hepp
ner is modest aud wants the asylum and,
and oan show the oommittes why we
should have it. Tribune. Tea, we get
a mail every day now, and a daily mail
servioe to the interior country to which
we are nearer than any of our neighbors,
We have reason to feel coltish, for Hepp
ner is the biggest little oity in Oregon
and baa big-hearted and broad-minded
folks behind it. Come over and we will
convince you, Bro. Tribune.
Niablt a Fataii Aooidxnt. Almost a
fatal aoident happened citizen of Tbe
Dallea this afternoon. With bli over
coat on his arm he attempted to step on
tbe west-bound passenger train, when he
fell between the oars on the rail, and
large comber of citizens were breathless
with fear thinking he wonld surely be
killed) but quiokly rolling to the outside
the cars passed by without doing bim
any injury, and, getting to his feet he
jnmped on tbe train and was en route to
Portland before the spectator bad fully
reoovered from their fright. T.-M.
Spuing Opening. We will display to
the pablio on Thursday Friday and
Saturday of this week spring and
summer styles in Millinery and Dress
goods. Our stook is large and well
selected, and we think larger than ever
displayed before. All are oordialy invited.
Fell Bbos.
A.bout April 1, 1893,
Will be remoTed from Lichtenthal'B old stand, the present location.
to Henry Heppner'a building on site formerly occupied by Kirk &
Main strata, where J. H. Kolman, the
XV-sO-UUDs. """J
popular prorprietor, will be pleased to show you his new stock oE
Spring and Summer Hoods,-
which will be sold, as of old, at
There will be interesting Easter ser
vices at tbe M. E. Cburch next Sabbath.
Good singing; ainging children, aud
singing birds. We are making extra!
preparations for tne morning ana eve-
nine services. Keep us in mm a ana
come out and belp us by your presence.
Children invited.
J. M. Shulse, I'astor.
There will be special Easter service at
M. E. ohurob South, next Sunday ut
II a. m. The pastor will preach upon
the subject of the resurrection, and tbe
the choir will render appropriate selec
tions. A special invitation extended to
Edwin Palmbb, Pastor.
Don't fail to visit me at my new quarters.
Anything New of lieal Merit
You :an Generally Find
For Sale :-: by
"Who are
Noted for being
The Leaders.
We don't run a third-class junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twioe
their value, but we Keep nrsi-ciass gooas ai uonesi prices, vim
no baits or trap.. We keep
fab' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old customers bow we treat them. : : : : : :
Corner Main and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
. To Qet Even on Your Life.
; "Hardware Store
fe t) U P J
Preaching at tbe Baptist church tbe
first Sunday in April, at 11 o'clock will
Drench an Easter discourse at 7:30 D m.
Theme will be: "Business aud Religion."
All are invited to come and enjoy onr
M. Bbavblkt, Paetor.
A Wonderful Dheam. Dick Neville,
the popular barkeeper, had a wonderful
dream a tew nights ago. In the mys
teries of dream-land he died, and like
all good men, went direot to heaven. It
seemed that they were in need of a dis
penser of liquid conoootions up there
and he immediately got employment,
but while the inhabitants were good
patrons thereof, they invariably flitted
away without putting up a oent, und
this so disgusted Dick that he threw up
the job with about forty unwiped glasses
on the bar and not a "bean" in the till,
in which condition Dick woke up to
find that he waa yet, fortunately, in a
oountry where people paid tor what
tbeo got, occasionally, at least.
Wili Visit His Old Home. Uncle
Charles Wallace oame up from Portland
Friday to make a ehort visit with rel
atives and look after his business inter
ests here. Yesterday he visited his
farm out on Balm Fork where was much
surprised to find all bis peaoh trees alive
and thrifty, in fact he thinks prospects
favorable for a good year for the farm
ers. Uncle Charley leaves tomorrow
morning for his old home at Andover,
New York, where he will visit his friends
and family relatives. Although Mr.
Wallaoe is cow almost 70 years of age,
yet he is as bale and hearty as ever, and
enjoys the best of health.
Can't Help Them. Gov. Sylvester
Pennoyer was asked while here what he
thought of an extra session to remedy
the defeots of the new assessment law as
regards taxes for sohoola and oitioa for
the present year. He said inasmuch as
it had become a law io an ordinary forty
day session, that the people must stand
it, as one session of Oregon's solons every
two years, he considered sufficient for the
taxpayers to pay for.
Competitive Examination. Congress
man Ellis announces that about tbe mid
dle of April a competitive examination
for the cadetship to West Point, from
this district, will be held at The Dalles.
All candidates will be notified in time to
be in readiness. Young man, brighten
up and attend . The opportunity is only
Dresented to those between the ages of
17 and 22.
Removal Notice. About April 1st
the Boston Cash store will be moved
from Liohtenthal's old stand, the pres
ent location, to Henry Heppner's build
ing on corner of May Bnd Main streets,
former location of Kirk A Rasmus,
where J. H. Kolman, tbe popular pro
prietor, will be prepared to give you
bigger bargains than ever.
Cocsoiii Meetinq The oouncil of
Heppner met last night, pursuant to oall,
to fix the mBtter of taxes. Coming to
no conclusion in tbe matter it was de
ferred till the next regular meeting or
till advice was had concerning it.
Mayor Simons presided, and all council
men were presen t exoept two.
Bucklen's Arnica Sulre.
The best salve iu the world for euta
bruises, sores, uloers, salt rheum, fver
sores, tetter, chapped bBnds, chilblains
corns and all akin eruptions, and posi
tively oures piles, or no pay required, it
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction
or money refunded. Price 25 oents per
box. For sale by Slooum-Jobnaon Drug
Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank
has lately leased tbe hostelry known aa
tbe Mountain House, refitting and re
furnishing it throughout. Board and
bed, per week $6; board without bed,
84.50: meals and bed 26 cents eaeb, Mr.
Crank asks a portion of the patronage,
believing that he can give as good ser
vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less
One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor
wegian Cod Liver Oil and Ilypophosphites of Lime
and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is
"Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is
that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures
the cough, supplier the waste of tissues, produces
flesh and builds up the entire system.
Wood and Willowware, BlnekBuaiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
ripe, Tanks, Bathtubs and Sinks, rlnmbing Materials, Agricultural imple
ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done.
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
Beott's Emulsion euros Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaemlo and Wasting
Diseases. Prevents wasting In
Children. AImot as palatable as
milk. Cet only the genuine. Pre
pared by Scott 4 Bowne, Chemists, Now
fork. Sold by all Druggist.
Bip's Wood Yard.
wood yard, under tbe
Bip Van Winkle, is prepared
wood at your residence, sawed or un
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
87.50 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in
two. 75 cts. Der oord: three times, $1.00
lard near the depot, iieave oraere bi
Sloan & Howard'e. 4-tf.
4.; m p A D A WPP
The Heppner I . LjLjITi. 1A 1 1 J XJ
management of I I ,
pared to deliver V
Fall Goods
Fall Goods
A Fine Hobsb. The imported run
ning stallion. Sir Henry, baa been
brought over to Heppner, and will stand
the ensuing season at this plaoe. He is
the property of "Caynse" Reynolds, and
is a fine horBe. 570lf
The Studebaker wagon beads them all.
For sale at Gilliam Bisbee a.
Why go hungry when the City hotel
fnrniBhes you a good meal at living
rates a
"Hardware" did yon say? Why, yes
at P. O. Thompson k Co.'s stand, and the
plaoe for bargains. a
Call on Bip to do your wood sawing;
same old Dries. Also delivers wood to
nnv nnrt of UeDnner. see ad. a
Buhl, tbe baker. Buy your bread and
cakes and save money. Try it. a.
The Palace ia the leading hotel in tbe
oity. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of licht are provided for everyone, a
Newer and neater quarters at tbe
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the baber, wants to Bee
his old friends there. Batha in eonueo-
Smith, tbe furniture man, is prepared
to Be l fine goods at low ngurea, run
line of undertaking goods on bands, a
M. Lichtentbal A Go. bave a fine lot of
winter wear, including ladies' winter
shoes, overshoes, rubber boots, etc Drop
Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix up
your watch or clock, lie keeps a full
tnnk of everything pertaining to bis
hnflinpBB' a
Overcoats, Women and Misses' Newmarket Cloaks.
At Reduced Rates FOK CASH-
-5i General Merchandise, m-
-Have in stock a full line of-
In order to add quickly to the Tolome of
money in the treasury of tbe company for the
pUTCEiase OI anew ctnoenirnon mm, w i
erected on tbe Monte Cristo portion of the
nronerties of the above-nampd company, I
nnr c.rTfl all Of HIT DOrtlon
Thousand Full Paid, N on-A
able Guaranteed Khuren, at FIVE
nni.i.tHM KA( H. not cah. and will
personally underwrite and guarantee the
If TP 81 oruiviutii'i rntiiaiiu 9
Chme:c ; and Japanese Ming
From 20 to 50 oents. Still in the field in the Hue of
Furniture, Upholstered Goods, Etc.
Undertaking a Speoialty. 70w Impairing Uoub.
Court Notes. The following gentle.
men compose the (rrand jury for the
present term of court: Thos. Quaid fore
man, J. H. Hams, Wm. Warren, J. S'
Bootbby, W. O. McCarty, Alec Thomp
son and IsaaoK Dighten. Bailiff: Grand
jury, James Leaoh; general bailiff, Geo.
Sperry; petit jury, Joe Williams.
A' Qood Keasom. Heppner, since it
got tbe weekly mail service to its villBge
self, is beginning to feel its oats. Bead
how a paper of that burg humorously
its down on us: "Pendleton, Bake
for ten year, dutin from the pnrchu of
the share, by the peraon. to whom thy will
now be iMued. , , . ,
The .ale of ton thousand nhare. now at this
price will bring nily tnonmnu oiiunr. im,
i r, t Miirranr And th Bum Will
equip the Mont CrUto properties with a r
ciaiwmtll, that will tnt on lmnlrl
to hii or ore per day. and tbiu yield a larffe
revenue to toe compBoy.
The purchaser, of thff ten thonwn'l .hire.
Ill k..K.I tl nt IhH fllll Ylfllll DUB1
Mailable liare in the company, and
n .k.uln all lit nrnflla and Ml I V B II '
tasen, a will all ollierilmrnowiier., and will
receive leant live pT ernt. yearly on
.h-l. li....tnuil urn inmrflnteO llV M. M.
Pomeroy, for the' puriod named. They will
probably receire rerjr much more each year
the work prorrelsc. ana me r.usmi-
I. naUll .n ..r the henent of thnfte c-od.
cerned, but will nurely rrrelve the St.
-.nt thAt u twentv-five cenU per share
on esch nhare thu purchased.
Thin offer i. made to hasten money Into the
trea.ury of the oonipauy for Improve inl
parpoM. alonn.
This offer is now mode to hold only till ten
thousand shares re thus sold. Interest paid
on guaranteed shares in all oase. from the day
the pay for these share. I. received at this
office, and tbe payments made promptly on all
"-"la nre -pe pamphlet, Illustrated, and
other printed matter iln(r absolute feots on
cemlnc the Tunnel enterprtss. sent oo rscslpt
of six oents in stamps to prepay postage.
President Atlantic-Pacific Railway TunnelCo,
. Jiooms , World Bids. N. Y. City. .
7.. Keelcy Institute
lPor the Cure Oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habit
It 1. located st Forest Grove, Or.,
77te Jlu( Beautiful Town on the Coast
Call at the Oaif.tts ofrtce for particulars
Btrlctly conllilential. Treatment private ami iu
Hardware. Stoves and Tinware,
Bain Wagons, Dacks? Buekboards.
.:- -:- You will save money by
getting our prioea before purchasing
elsewhere. :- -: : -: -:- -:-
Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Change of Ownership
whioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands at all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
ProDrietoi .
Dli. JOSEPH J. 13UT,
Graduate M. E. C. V. ti. , London, England.
Veterinary SURGEON !
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
to do all klmlHOf Vetcrlimry HurKery. KinftsculHtlng Hone an KckIImki a Uucci-
ally. (This in the only true nmthml of outran ng on noricn.) MpoyiiiK Ji ( Htueanu iiogi
on short notice. I will treat all tmltmilD tu the most approved procedure of Veter
inary Burgery. If you have any nick atilinalM It will ha to your July rent to
call on me at Mtuwurt'a BtublfH.
Fur the eut.rpri-iug eiUbliHhment of -
W. L Matlock & Co.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
C29 J
Etc., Etc.
Trust Busts.
o La
m - A Im LlMp.ljJ
1 a' SiwA V5Bs3afl
Instead of (Wing to the door gasp
Ins for breath, teeming as if each
nn. umn!,l lis vour last, vou have
only to take a few doses Asthraalene when the spasm I s broken, the breathing becomes
easy and you feel as if an aiiKcl of mercv had unloosed the Iron Rrasp of the fniRers
of death. The hanpiest moment of your life will be when vnu have used a ftw bottlMj
of Dr. Taffs A8THKALENE and it has cured vou of -"B" E ffl-ndifJ" -
nnv ic(,ni sufferer a tnul balth Km. Kfcrr ISI Bfeas that It doot
sold by omgKijL.Dr. Tart ti. oa. H. uo,, Hocncster,n,Y i
Otis Patterson