t Tie : ImporM Riiraif Stallion COST ASD PROVINCE OF SILVER. SIR HENRYS This fine Imported Stallion will make the ensuing season boginning March 8th snd ending July 1st, at the following places : MONDAYS and TUESDAYS at Ben Swaggart's ranch 10 miles north of HePBIDAIS and SATURDAYS at Thompson & Binns' Btable in Heppner, Or. DESCRIPTION : "SIB HENRY" i a Rolden tiay with black points ; Is 7 years old ; KiJi hands high, and 1180 noundl : Is of a kind and sentle disposition. Ho Is commonly known as the "Babb" horse, being brought from Montana to Portland by W. H. Babb In the fall of 1K90, "SIR HENRY" was sired by "Martin," by "Hermit"; dam "I-ady Henrietta," a well-known Imported French mare. "SIR HKNRY" was Imported direct from England to Winnlpcg.Manitoba, by T. G. Jackson. TERMS : Single leap $20, dne when servioea are rendered. Season $60, dne at the end of the season. Insaranoe $76, due when mares are known to be with foal. Only first-olasa animals insured. Kange mares not included. All Care Will be Taken to Prevent Accidents, But I will be responsible for none should they occur. Good ltittxre With plenty of spring water on same oan be had at Ben Bwaggart's ranoh for $1.50 per montu per ueau. D. O. REYNOLDS, 7lw Heppner. Oregon. lit - OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Cliioago, St. Iotils, AND ALL rCHNTS EBST JOHJH P 110. Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. 6:60 p. m. Arrives Pullman Sleenen, ColonUt .lt?el3r Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Steamers Portland to San every four days. Franoisoo Tickets TO -A-OTX) Europe. For r.Ws and general Information call on Dopot Ticket Agent, J. C. HA.IIT Ileppuer, Oregon. AtiltlCULTUUAL COLLEGE NOTES The winter term of school closes Maroh 31st, and the spring term begins April 3d, The athletic entertainment was post poned till Maroh 24th. President Blose has gone to Boseburg to look after the interests of this instita tion. Clans A. of the oreparatorj departmen will take algebra next term as they will comnlete arithmetic by the end of this term. The first year agriculture olass will fin ish horticulture this term. Next term tbey will take agrioulture and stook breeding. The olasBes in photography are making rapid progress. JLnoh member will be eznected to take a mature to be put on exhibition at the World's Fair. This class is under the charge of Professor Pernot. The class in geometry has begun to re view the work of the past term. It will be completed this term. Next term they will take trigonometry in its ulaoe. the seoond year the young ladies have their choice of the two studies, trigonom etry or modern history. The olass in moohanioal drawing an blnoksmithing, under Prof. Covell, are doing excellent work. Also tue rourtu year students are doing skillful work on their now dynamo : tuey will nave it oom plnted by the time this sohool year olosea. This courso is euro to send out fine me chanics. There has been three classes organized in the college, senior, junior and soph more. The Htniiors inolude all those that ntend to graduate this year; the juniors nolude all those that intend to get through next year, and the soplimores include the seoond year mechanioal and tho agricultural students who do not iu- teud to gut through next year. DONTKIBOTOK. CoiiYAMis, Or., March 20, 18VW. W. H. HURLBUKT, Asst. Uenl. I'US. Agt. 964 Washington Bt., Portland, Orkoon. QTJZCI TIME 1 San Frtuiolsoo And til point In California, via the Mt, Mhasta route of the Southern Pacific Co. TIm great highway through California to aU point East and South, Grand ttoentt Boat of the Pacific Coast. Pull mini Da Dot Bleepors, Beoond-class Bloopers Attachsrito express trains, affording superior aooonimodations for second-class passengers. For rates, tick eta, sleeping oar reservations, to,, oall upon or address R, KORIILKK, Manager, K, P. ROC) ICRS, Asst. tfau. F. A V. Agt, Portland, Ort'Kon. WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CAltU Two Through Trains Daily. J2.4.'pn.!6.'-,rpm,I.v.MlnnpaioHiArl 1, sjupm7.Kpin 0.1Aainl4.i:pu) 2. aopm7.'Jpiu 7. Item tf Wain l,v...St. 'mil...Ar l.v...luluth.. .Ar l.v. . Ashland . Ar Ar, ..Chicago, ..Lv !i.(Vriilj4.irpm H.itttiim: 11.40" IHJUaml b. 47a in i ,V40piu e..rHtm :i.;ipm lU.-ii" Tickets sold and baggage cheeked through to all points tn the United KtaUu and Canada. Close connection made in Chicago with all trains nolng Kail and South. For full Information apply to your tiearei tlskst agent or J AH. C. I'ONP, Gen. J'qm. and Tkt, Agt. Chicago, 111. GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS Highest Germinating Power. PUREST STRAINS. 8END FOR CATALOGUE. A Popular Competition. The publishers of the Ladies' Home Magazine presents its great winter com petition to the public of America. This competition closes ou April ilUtb, 1893. OiiRKTioNH. 1. "Which is tho Inncost book In the New Ti'sliinuMit? 2. Which Is shortest? 3. Tho longest vers? 4. 1 he shurU'Str llow to Compute. Write the questions down, and follow with the answers. Mail this to us, together with 81 to pay for six months' subscription to the Ladies Home Magazine one of the best home magazines of the day, and if yonr an ewers are correct you will receive one of the following prizes: (1,000 in gold; $500 in iroUl ; $i!50 in gold; $100 in gold; ;!500 elegant silver tea sets; organs, pi anos, to. Everything fair and square. Sniul postal oard for lint ot former prize winners. Over $10,000 distributed dur ing the prst two years. Address: Tub liAuizs lioiiK Mauazise, reterborouiiu, Canada, DHUNKKNNI'.SS. or the i,10.UOR HAltlT Curt.!! nt Home In Ten liuys by AtlmlmM tcrlnic Dr. llulucR' llolilen SHecltie.. It can b given in a glass of beer, a cup of coffee or ten, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolute ly harmless, and will etfoot a permanent and speedy oure, whether the patient is n moderate drinker or uu alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands ot cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system ouoe impregnated with the specific, it becomes nu utter impossibility for the liquor appetite to exist. Cures guarau teed, page book of particulars free. AdilreHS the Golden Hi'BOiFic Co., ISo Itaoe Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Geo.StarrettnS' rut up in "' wati'lMlispw! bottUu.sninu tutlvtl, awiuti Uilu Umuii, 1KW. l bolllv. Fat People. The only safe aud rellablo treatment for obesity, or Hiipeilluous fat, is tho "Leverelte" Obesity Tills, whioh gradu ally reduce the weight and measurement. No injury or iuctnivenience leavos no wrinkles acts by absorption. Thisonre is founded upon the most soimtitio prin ciples, and has been used by one of the most eminent physicians of Europe in his private practice "for five jears" with the most gratifyiug results. Mr. Uenry l'erkins, L"J Union Park, Boston, writes: "From the use of the 'Leverette' obnty pills my weight has been rod need ten pounds in three weeks and my general health is very much improved. The principles of your treatment are fully in dorsed by my family physioiau. In proof of my gratitude I herewith give you per mission to use my name if you desire to do so." l'rlue $2.1X1 per package, or three Darkaiws for Sj.ts.) by mail. All orders supplied direct from our office. The I,KVKitKTTB Hi'Rcirio Co., 1,0 iremoni ritreet Bostou, Mass. Cure for Cohls, Vovers and Goners! Do. tllit) , HmM Uilo Ikuuu. 11 botUu. From the Salt Lake Tribune. In the current Forum is an article on the oost of silver and the profits of min ing by Mr. James D. Hague. It is not worth very much notioe except in refer ence to the Comstock lode and to the oost of silver in the two bonanzas, the Con. Oal. & Belcher and Crown Point bonanzas. Uf the big bonanzas it says: "The moat productiye period of about three years, when at its best, it produced nbout 1,000,000 tons of ore, yielding about SlOO per ton, or $100,000,000. of whioh 830,000,000 went fur oost and $70,000,000 remained for profits." There are two errors in that. During the three years it yielded over 2,000,000 tons, and between I 40 and 50 per cent of the product was not silver at all, but gold. On a reoord ot thirty years he says that the productive mines of the Comstock yielded about 8320,000,000 to 8340,000,000 in gold and silver, and paid $125,000,000 in dividends. "But if from these dividends we deduct the assessments levied on the same mines which made the product, and on their neighbors so closely related to them that they mUBt be considered a part of the same account, we have to decrease the 8125,000,000 by 871,000,000, leaving a profit of 854,000,000. It we go a step farther and take into acconnt additional assessments upon the mines of the same district, and really forming a part of the silver mining enterprise in that neighbor hood, we Bball have to diminish the above stated profits by $30,000,000 of assess ments, leaving a final profit of only 831, 000,000, or about ten per cent, of the re corded product. By this aocount the product would have cost 90 per oent. of its value, which, taken at $1.25, would show that for every ounce of silver pro duced, 8110 was expended," eto. That is nearer true than anything we have seen in any Eastern magazine, but that does not oover the case, because of the gold product in those mines. It always amounted to 40 per cent, of the value, and generally to 44 per oent. Then the assessments which he speakB of as being levied on adjoining mines does not cover the esse, becouse the Oomstook was mined np and down for more than four miles, and indeed every mountain m that neighborhood for ten miles around, with the hope that the great lead might have been deviated from its oourse and possi bly could be found. Thousands of dol lars were spent as far as fifteen miles north, in the hope of finding the great vein. Thousands more were spent in the hills to the east in the hope of finding a parallel vein. Thousands more were spent, clear oyer the west side of Mount Davidson, on the theory that there is al ways a parallel vein to a great mineral bearing vein, and, thut probably it would be found on the other side, either in gold or in the baser metals, lead and silver combined. Tne truth is, that every dol lar taken from the Comstock up to date. has cost more than a dollar, and that the only advantage that the lead has been, outside ot the few who made fortunes, has been in adding three or four hundred million dollars to the wealth of the ooun- try, But we beg to remind everybody that the cost of producing silver is really a suhiect which is not worth debate. No doubt, at first, the oost established its value. If a man traded silver for food. as nearly as the computation could be made he gave his time against the man who owned the food. If it took so many days' work to produce a oertain amount of food, or, If it took a certain number of dBya' work to produoe a vegetable or grain orop of a oertain number of bush- ela, then the exobange for that, iu silver, would be tho amount of silver which some other man used the same number of days in producing. But all that pass ed away long ago. Since gold and silver became money, and since man beoame partially civilized, and learned that there must be some basis upon which to create a unit of value, then what the value of either gold or silver was held to be did not depend upon the oost of producing either material, but upon the recognition which the different nations gave the re sespeotive metals. Long ago it was dis covered that when a oommodity was fixed as a measure of Valium, the abundance or scarcity of that commodity among the people, regulated exactly the price of all other commodities. It was found after a while that there were but two snob commodities in the world, that is, two that exaotly filled the requirements, be ing indeatruotible, not subject to corro siou, perfectly malleable under fire, and at the Bame time so difficult, to proeure that the demand for either of them oould not he supplied from either the plaoers or the fissures of the world. Then they became reoognized as royal metals, and ever since their chief use has been to serve as units of value, as perfect meas ures of value, and as metals through whioh, at a certain standard of value, all debtors could pay their debts. Hence their value for the past fifteen hundred years has not been at all directly depend ent upon the cost of producing them, but upon the recognition ot the nations of the earth. The only place where the oost of production comes iu at all is in the unseen and unrecognized ohange in value of those metals compared with oth er properties. For iustauce, a gold dol- his wus a gold dollar just the same in lSil) iib it was iu 1840. During that de cade no legislation had changsd thestut us of that dollar, but, because ot the doubliug ot the money of this country through California plooers, aud because of Ihe mighty addition madeto the wealth of Great Britain by the yield of the Aus tralian placers, it was easy to obtaiu niouey. Everything that a person had to sell, whether it was a product of the field or of the factory, or whether it was labor, brought a ready and advancing price, because through this mighty addi tion of money it was made possible to start ten thousand enterprises that liBd run down before. Ho, as men could make, more money out of their property than when there was but little money iu the land, imperceptibly the value of property increased, aud wheu an ex pert, after years ot experiment, came to look the matter over, he discovered that the purchasing power of either one of these metals had decreased exaotly In ths proportion that those metals bad been obtained, and while the gold dollar was jnst the seme in 1859 that it was in 1849, it would buy only one-half as mnob of any commodity raised out of the soil or made in the fao tory, or of the labor necessary to produce anything from the soil or the factory, as it would have bought ten years before Taking that view ot the matter, which is indisputable, it can be readily understood how, when twenty years ago our govern ment and Germany proposeed to do whit Great Britain bad done almost threescore years before, namely, to withdraw confi dence and recognition from one metal and to decree that all transactions should be measured by the other metal, so far as gold is conoerned, exaotly the reverse happened to (hat whioh happened be tween 1849 and 1859. Ho far as our loss was ooncerned, half the money of the world was stricken down. If, when the money of our oountry was doubled, all prioes and all property doubled, what oould be expeoted exoept when it was re duoed one-half, the valne of all property should likewise in the same ratio be re duced. So we saw at once that gold and silver were beginning to draw apart. We saw at once that ertioles generally began to fall and looking at the figures we found that they fell as mnob as silver seemed to fall . In other words, gold be oame inflated, and it has gained In that inflation Bteadily at the ratio of 2 per oent a year, until now it requires 40 per cent That Your Hair may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it daily with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humorsi and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell, Mass.1 IF VOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT Hi LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLKS, OREGON, Feb. 2h, lnya. Notice iB hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make tiual proof in support of his claim, ami that BHid proof will be made be fore W. K. Ellis, U.8. Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on April IN, lsy3. viz.: llfc.lt M a Mtausuw, Homestead Application No. for the 8WJ4 NE1:,, and YM SWH, and NEU SWi of Swc la, Tp. 4 8. H '26 E. V. M. lie nainei the following witnesses to Drove bis continuous residence upon and cultivation of saia iana. viz.: Andrew Kooa, of Heppner, E. D. Koofl, ot Eight Mile, Beuj. Poppen and G. D. Coats, of Hanlman. &73-5t John W. Lewis, Register. Hardltty, Albert, , JOHN WEDDERBURN, - Manag nfl Attorney, WASHINGTON, D.C. PFVSIONS 1'KOCUHED FOTt SOLDIERS, WIDOWS) CHILDREN. PAKtwia. m A Ian fn Mnlrll.TH tin.l SHllOrB I 8RlU'(l in Ifl LIIIRU1 flnty in tlie reffiilar Army or Navv sine the war. Survivors of tV Indian wan? of 1 to M and their widows, now entitled. Old and re ectrd tilftinis a snectiiltv. Thousands entitled to li t'lmr pKB. 9ena ior new iuwa. i,Ma& Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES. OREGON. 1 j Feb. 2H, lMl;t. Notice is hereby given that tiie lollowing-namert settler nas tiled notice oi his intention to make ttnal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore eon, at Heppner, Orecon, on April 17, 18M, viz.: JOHN L. HUSH, Homestead Application No, 2K84, for the NH SIV',; of Sec. 1, uiul NV, KE! of Hoc. 2, Tp. 4 8, u 9t; v M lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol, said land, viz.: , . Ja. Tolbert, Wesley Baird, Laten Jones and Frank Baird, all of Heppner, Ort'L'on. 573-583 John W. Lewis, Register. No tea Change of Firm. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: THIS IS to certify that I have this day bought tho interest of J.W. Kasmus, of the firm of Kirk & Rasmus, and I assume all debts contracted by said firm which the said J. W. Kasmus might be liable, for and up to this date, and collect all Hill..,.,, Bul,l k'lrlc A RnHnilis' books. tj. item.. Heppner, Or. March 2d 1893. 573-81. more of any material in the world to pay a debt than it required in 1873, and only tT7( a TC a .oij. .ct tcuiJio, . , - making 40 per cent, before this oalamity fJJ J?)I came, it is noi Birange at an mat iur tUe last ten years the producers of this ALL ! Am-inlnii linns Viann n p 1 it i S Q 11 V TOfirlr 1 M CT tor uoiuiUK or " Jouud in the 30 volumes of Cham- that where farms were mortgaged, say bcr s Encyclopedia, which we fur- 40 per oent. of their value, or 14,000 ou nl"h, post-paid, in connection with (10,000, that as the pressure continued it mna imnnsaiblfl for men to nay the inter- est. In the meantime the 10.000 prop- JTSXhS erty was shrinking until it shrank 40 per iStS oent. BO in point of fact if a man owned to eight pageH every issue, is well printed, has farm of that kind, and owed a debt of P'e"lyfl"' 5 ''irket rcDorts.a , womku's that kind ten years ago and has kept the g and u titor, ah. pub, i.hi by any interest paid Up promptly, nis place to- with elevating and entertaining reading matter, , . . . n(1A . ti, devoid ot sensations ana oojeciiouauie ausi- day is not worth 2,000 more than the .iii.,ili.nV l it. . t 1.1 Knwlnien ponies and Premium I.istfl With full mortgage upon . a grt u,u ouum --- - , Aur.ctive Inducements for not Day tne interest, auu an tuuii iuiwicbb Agents, sent ire on ttyuuwuyu w generally ran from 6 to 12 per cent., on our twice-a-week edition, one year. for 13.00. Notice of Intention. , T AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, I i Murch in lK():t Notice is herebv given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the county Clerk of Morrow Co., Oregon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 29, 1893, viz.: Ds. No. 10339. for the K aud EV4 SWK Sec. 13, Tp. 6, B li 28, E. W. M. He nameB tho follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: Oscar Minor, D. B. stalter, ltooeri nan aim Vlttry Gilbert, all of Heppner, Oregon. . A. ll.KA. cn, 111-121 Register. the average, say 7 per cont, if the man has been ten years in arrears in his inter est, be has not only nothing left, bat whereas he started in twenty years ago with $6,000 in genuine capital, he has given his twenty years' work and all the anxiety attached to it, only to find that to-day be is $800 worse off than nothing at all. These faots are so plain that it is the marvel of the world that the peo pie at large do not understand them per fectly. It is a marvel that even the Shy looks, who, by stealth, forced this legis lation upon the world, do not see that as things are tending, their own securities are growing shaky and unless a ohange oomes very soon they will have to take the property for the debts, and that they cannot realize out of that property what the property owes them to save their lives. There is another feature to It, also, which they oan well afford to study, and that is, that there is a moral feature to the silver question, that really, after a nation is in full swing, its civilization advances or reoedas according to the amount of money in circulation among the people. If they will look into the records, they will see that the lunatios in the asylums, oriminals in the prisons, the number of tramps who wander np and down the country for the purpose of plunder ooly, have all increased in the exaot ratio that silver bos seemed to de predate, or, oorreotly speaking, exactly in the same ratio that gold has been in Sated. What we mean is this: from a proportion of lunatics whioh went to any asylum in any particular state from 1850 to I860, we will say 20 to the the 1,000, now if silver has depreciated 40 per cent, it will be found that the ratio of lunatics has increased from twenty to twenty' eight. The same is true of criminals, The Bame is true in every walk of life It will apply to all the schools. It will apply to the diroroe courts. It will np ply to the marriage records, because they have deoreased in exaotly the same ratio that silver has seemed to deorease. That is, where there were 1,000 marriages among 100,000 people between 1850 and 18(30, it will ba found that those marriages in the same ratio have decreased to 600 since 1882. That proportion of young men have refused to accept the respon sibilities of marriage. That proportion of young women have sought other fields in whioh to earn a living. It is an attack upon eooiety to do anything THE ADVERTISER, 572-591 29 Park Row, New York. A Scientific) American Mi3f DESICN PATENTS, J CAVEATS. TRADE MARKS. DESICN PATENTS, COPYR1CHT8, ate. For information and free Handbook write to HUNN & CO.. 301 Broadway, new yoric Oldest bureau for securing patents in Amorica. Every patent taken out by us is brought beforo the pubho by a notiae given free ot charge ui the Jtitnfific largest circulation of any sctentlfld paper In the worlO. Splendidly Illustrated. No Intelligent man should be without It. Weekly, $3.0(1 a ycari fi.sasiz montna. Aaoress muin Address MONN A CO- puuLifiUEus, 301 Broadway, ttew York City. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HEPPNEK. OREGON. Cattle brandod and ear marked ae ahown above. Horses F on right shoulder. My cattle ran tee in Morrow and Umatilla conn- ties. I will pay $100.00 for the arreBt and con viction of any person stealing my utook. Ripans Tabules : best liver tonio. Notice of Intention. T A 1CT. OFFTCT? AT BA GRANDE. ()KJl.t), j March 15, 1H92. Notice ii hereby given that the follow inR-named settler has hied notice of his intention to makb final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County Clerk of Morrow County, Or., at Heppner, Or., on April 29, 1WW, viz: AtvltlUK I'. I' AfAU D-illl", Hd. No. WIG, for the HE Hue, 23, Tp. 2, S 8 28, E. W. M. Ho trnnipK thp fnllnwinor witnesses to Drove his contiuuouB residence upon and cultivation of aid land, viz: J. M. waduell, Joe LAieitman, v. n. Aiann auu B. Verrchaiup, all of Heppner, Oregon. A. CLEAVER, HM21 Register. STOCK BRANDS. While yon keep your subscription paid up yea can keep yonr brand in free of charge. Allvn. T. .1.. lone. Or. HorseB GG on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on right etir, ana upper on on tne leu; range, mor row county. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on loft hip. Allison, u. jj., J;icnt miie, ur. t;attie Drana, O D on left hiD and horses same brand on right shoulder, ltange. Eight Mile. A'lkins, J. J., rieppner, ur, norses, ja con nected on lefttiaiik; cattle, same on left hip. Ayere, johnnyj .Lena, Or. Jioreea branded trifuieleon lett hm: cattle Bame on rinht bin: also crop off right ear and npper bit on same. Hartlinmmew, A. u., Alpine, ur. norses branded 7Kuti either shoulder. Itange in Mor row county. Hleukman, Geo., Hardman, Or. -Horses, a flag on left Hhoulder: cattle same on right shoulder. Bannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; Bplit in each ear. Brenner, f eter, ijooseoerry uregon norses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right side. liurke, M Bt (;, Long Ureek, Or Un cattle, MAY connected on left hin, oiod off left ear. un der half ci-od off riuht. Horses, same brand on letft shoulder, Kange in Grunt and Morrow county. Hrosmnn, Jerry, ijena, ur. norses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle H on the left side. Left ear half orop and right ear npper slope. Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J Bon right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown. Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range. Mor row county. Brown, J .P., Heppner, Or. norses and cattle branded 8 with ox-yoke above on left shoulder, Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle C with dot in nei ter on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses VV. bar over it, ou the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Buyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on righi hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P.O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on loft shoulder: cattle, same on left hip. lirownlee, W. J., Fox, Or Cattle, JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horsos same brand on the left thigh; Kange in fox valley, Grant county, Carsiier Warren. Wagner, Or. vHorses brand ed O on right stifle; cattle (three bare) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange in Grant una Morrow counties. Cain,E., Caleb.Or. V U on horses on left stifle U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder and on left stifle on all colts under 5 years; on left shoulder only on ail horseB over 5 years. AU range in Grant county. Clark, Wm. H.. Lena. Or. Horses WHC con nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right nip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties. ('ate, Chas. K Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle ame on right hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil. Wm.. DoukIhs. Or,; horses JO on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on each law and two bits iu the rteht ear. Curl, T. H John lMy, Or. Double croBS on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in riuht ear. Bulit in left ear. Ranee in Grant county. On sheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. t.ar markou ewes, crop on iert ear, pnuched upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop in left ear. All rauge in urant countv. Nv. Oregon-Hows. A H Connected, on it snomuer; wiunw hip, crop off left ir, t, s M Humphreys, i M. Hardman, Or.-Horses. H on leHaye?J. M Heppner. Or.-IInrses, wineglass on left shoulder cattle, name on right hip. noston, Luther, jurih. -uijb, , 7," the left shoulder and heart on the left atine it tl same on left hip. Ilanim in Mrrw oonnty. Ivy, Alfred, Long Creek, Or- nttle 1 " right hip, crop on left ear and bit 111 nglit, H-rww Bame brand on left shoulder Itane 11 limut countv. , , . Junkin.8. M., Heppner, Or.-Honn, h"" shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, tlie Bams. Haiure on Eight Mile. . JohnBon. Felix, Lena, Or.-Horses. oircleT on left stifle; cattle, same on right hip, under uair crop in right and stlit in left ear Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Vernon, Or.-J on horses on left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Kange in ffoxand Bearvall?j8 , , Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNY. on left lii p. cattle Bame and crop off left ear: under elope on the right Kirk, J. T., Heppner. Or. HorseB 69 on left shonlder; cattle, ty on left hip. - Kirk. J 0, Hoppner. Or. Horses, 17 on either flnnk:i.fi1tl 17 on ritrhtside. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horsef 11 on left shoulder; cattle same on right sido, uuderbit on right ear. Knraberland.W. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on cattle oil right and left sidos, swallow fork in lc ft ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same brand on left ehoulder. Kange in Grant countv. Keeney, Eli, Heppner, Or. Horses J L and ace of clubB on left stifle. Kange in Umatilla and Morrow counties Leuhev. J W. Heunnnr Or. Horses hranrted L and A on left Bhouluer; cattle same on left hip; wattle over right eya three slits in right ear. Loft en, Stephen, Fox, Or, B L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant oounty. Lienallen, John W., Lexfatrtnn Or. Horses branded half -circle JL connected on left shoul der. Cattle, same on left hip. Kange, near Lex inHton. Lord, George, Heppner, Or. Horses branded double U coi.nectt d Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Markham, A. M., Heppner, Or. Cattle large M on left side, both ears cropped, and split in both. Horses M on left hip. Kange, Clark's cunyon. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M Dun right hip; horse. Hon left shoulder. Morgan, ti. N., Heppnor, Or. Horses, M ) on left snonldei cattle same on loft hip. itm;umter, J as a, icno, or, norses, EL with bar over on right shonlder. Mann, ti, B., Lena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on right hip; young stuck, small zz ou loft shonlder, Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, circle T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle, on ngai uiign. Mitchell, Oscar, Iono, Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; cattle. 77 on right Bide. McClaren, D. G., Brownsville, Or, Horses, Fiaure 5 on each shoulder; cattle, Ma on hip McKern.W. J., Mount Vemou.Or XI on cattle on right hip, crop iu right ear. half crop in left same brand ou horses on left hip. Kaujfe iu Graut county. McCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. McUirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs aad under in each ear; horses same brand on left stifle. Mcllaley, G. V Hamilton, Or.-On Horses, 8 with half oircle under on left shoulder; on Cattle , four bars connected on top on the right side FKOM HARDMAN. We are aorry to report the death of Snowdon Ward, eight-year-old son ot Mr. aud Mri. Frank Ward, of this place. The nartv at Jaa. Royse's last Monday r ti QiRut VftS quite a success, there being a Ot tue lar ;n attmnHnnnA. DAnninu was tliat reduces tne legtnmate money oi me large crowd in attendanoe. Dancing was connlry. it atrines a vital piaoe in me kept np until a late Hour. etruoture of eooiety. Henee, when euoh Sunday-school was organized at tbie men as ulr. Gladstone on one side of tbe place laat Sunday at SoVlock, with about . .nrt .,mh mn Orover Olereland thirty scholars present. Allen Koyse was on tbe other side of tbe sea, dilate npon sound money, the only thought with wbiob auy one wbo has studied the ques- ohoien superintendent, aud Miss Cora M. Sullivan secretary . All are invited to oome and take part. Considerable excitement is manifested tinn Mill Irnnwl itnbsarinff.il thethonirht in this part of the oountry as oourt week whioh the Savior had in tb. last hour on draws near. It is reported that quite a , number of our most respeoted citizens the oross, when He oned out, Father, win be called upon to answer to different forgive them lor tney snow not wnai oharges next week. they do!" Deserving Praise. We desire to say to our oitiienn, that for years we have been selling Dr. King's new discovery or consumption, Dr. King's new life pills, Buoklen's arnica salve and electric bitters, and have nev er handled remedies that sell as well, or that have given soon universal satisfac tion. Wa do not hesitate to guarantee them every time, and we stand ready to refund the purchase price, if satisfactory results do not follow their use. These remedies have won their great populari ty purely on their merits. Slocum- Jounson Drug Co. We are sorry to learn that W. H. Rovse and D. W. Hardman are contemplating leaving this place. Hardman can ill affjod to loie two of its most respected oitizens, and therefore we Bhould try and persuade them to remain. Bomh Onb. Hardman, Or., Maroh 21, 18y& XT-OK HAI.K. H' A RN ESS-SHOP, stock and fixtures. Good business: established in the midst of Also for sale a good house and two lot with or wunout the business property, ror further in- ormation address Uazette, Heppner, Or. 483 Burkltn's Arnica Sal re. The best salve in the world for cute braises, sores, nloers, salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, chapped hands, ohilblains corns stid ail skin eruptions, and 'posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perlec. satisfaction or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Sloe um-John son Drug Company. One StnoJI Bile Bean everv nijiht for a wewk arouse Torpid Livers. 25c. per bottle. Shoemakkr. Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi- i it u enoe nas just luunitHj iu iutv auiHunui- Cook. A. J ..Lena. Or. Horses. 90 on riirht shonl der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square orop off left and split in right. Currin. K. V,, Currineville, Or. -Horses, QO on left Btitie. Cox Ed. H., Hardman, Or.-Cavtle, C with E in center; horses. Cti on left 'lip. Cochran, R. K, Honnment, Grant Co , Or. Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark ander Blope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded A on right hip. Cattle branded the same. Dickens, Kbrj Horses branded with three tinea fork on left stifle. Cattle sa-ne on left side. Uoouan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses branded OO with bar over them, on left shonlder; cut tle same on left hip. Douglass, W. M Galloway, Or.-Cattle, R Den right side, swaiiow-fork in each ear; horses, K i) on left hip. Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on the right stitie; cattle same on right hip. Duncan, W. P., John Day,Or. Quarter circle N on right shoulder, both on horses and cattle. Kange Grant county. Ely, J. li. & Sons, Donglas, Or. Horses brand, ed ELY on left shonlder, oattle same on left hip. hole in right ear, Elliott. Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on right shoulder. Emery, C. 8., Hardman, Or. Horses branded (reversed C with tail on left shoulder ; cat tle same on right hip. Kange in Morrow county. Fleek, Jackson, Heppner, Or, Horses, Tlf connected on right shoulder: cattle, same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and orop off left. Florence, L. A., Heppner. Or. Cattle, LP on right hip; horses, F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence. 8. P. Heppner, Or. Horses, P on right shonlder; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. T rench, George, Heppner, Or. Cattle branded VF, with bar over it. on left side; crop off left ear. Horses, same brand on left hip. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAI on left shoulder. Oilman-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor ti on left Bhoulder; vent, same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hios ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left. count ieB. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Kange in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Giltwater, J.C., Prairie City, Or. On horses, O O on left shonlder and stifle; cattle, on right side. Kange in Grant county. Hayes. Geo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter circl over it, ou left shoulder. Hiatt A. B., Kidge, Or. Cattle, round -top A with quarter circle under it on the right hip. Hnnim in Morrow und Umatilla counties. Hinton A Jenks, Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. Horses, 4 on ngnt tnign. xtange in urnni coumy Hushes. Samuel. Warner. Or (T PL mmiPi'tiihnn ntrhT ahnn ldP Oil hnrBHS: On Cattle. on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in right ear and slit in left. Kange in Haystack district, Mormw county. , , Hale. Milton. Wagner. Or.-Horses branded .r v.roiui ti ai nn left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip ; also large circle ou left 8iHaU. Edwin. John Day.Or.-fattle K Hon right hip; horses same on right shoulder, fcangein Grant oounty. Howard. J L, GsUoway.. Or.-Horses. (cross ith bar above it) on ngtil saouiuer Kange in Gilliam, Grant, Crook aud Morrow TrRKEY Eoei, Bowman A Wilson ' sicV1 building, on May street, where he i wma on left ud. Range m Murrow aad L Viotm t,nmnDhli) Mammnth Tlmnvn t in nrrmrd to da evrvthint7 in his line, i ulla counties. .uuvr-..- N " 1 : . 7 . .. - " . , UKa- Mat. Hntl on the left shoulder. InrtB tW aala if it,.ii rtnlliir PFb Mr Kirlwk IB stflrtlv A rlrtt.nl HRfl Work. ' . kk" "' v. - : , r A , ' heart Leave oraera at minor nros or . khd ana war ran lb aui wora. riw mui ranch. address them at Echo. )72-89 w -call. 14-tf Heppner, Or. Horsey shaded er. ruuire juorrww vw. er. Or. Horses, 9 on left boulder; caitl S oaTaft hip. Kanee in Grant County. Neal.Andrew. Lone Kock, Or.-Horses A N con nected on left shonlder; cattle same on both hips. Nordyke, E., Bilverton. Or. Horses, oircle 1 on left thigh; cattle, same on left hip. Uiiver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A S on oattle on loft hip; on horses, same ou left thigh, Kange in Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Loxington, Or. P O on left shou.de r. OJp, Herman, Piaine City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on left hio: hornes on lnft Htills and wartle on noee, Kange in Grant oounty. Pearson, Oiave, Eiglit Mile, Or. Horses, quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Kange on Eight Mile. Parker Jc Gleasou, Hardman.Or, Horses IP on left, shoulder. Piper, Ernest, Lexington. Or. Horfes brand e wl! (L E connected) ou left Bhoulder ; cattle s me on right hip. Kange, Morrow count. Piper, J. H., Lexington, Or. HorseB, JE oon nected obleft shoulder; oattle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. Pattys, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on shoulder; cuttle, J H J connected, on the left hip, npper slope in left ear and Blip in the riglit. Powell, John T., Dayville, Or HorBea, JP con nected ou left shoulder. Cattle OK connected on left hip, two under half crops, cue ou each ear, wattle under tl trout, Kai ge m Grant county. lthikard, G. D., Canyon City, Or.- E 0 on left shoulder, on norses only. Kiuige Canyon creek and Hear valley, Grant oounty. Rood, Andrew, Hardman, Or. Horsos, square orosi- with quarter-ci rele over it on left stifle. rtoninger, wins, Heppner, Ur. Horses, O it on left shuldor. nice. Oan. Hardman. Or.: horses, three nnnel worm fence on left Bhoulder; cattle, DAN on ngni Biiouiuer. uange near naraman. Koytie, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on left bhoulder; cattle, sume brand reversed oh riglit hip and crop off right ear. Kange in Mor row county. Rush Uros., Heppner, Or Horses branded 3 on tho right Bhoulder; oattle, IX on the left hip, crop oil left oar and dewlap on neck, Kunge in Morrow and adjoining counties. Bust, William, Pendleton, Or, Horses R os left shoulder; cattle, K on left hip, crop otl right ear, uuderbit on left ear. Bheop, K ou weathers, round crop off righ ear. Kange Uma tilla and Morrow c uuties. Rtmney, Andrew. Lexington, Or. Horses branded A It on right shoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cattle Biune on right hip. Range Morrow county. Kojee, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HR connected with quarter circle over top on cattle ou right hip and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Range in Morrow. Grant and Gilliam counties. Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or.-Horses. JO o left shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip. Spicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horsos branded 31 on left shoulder; range in Morrow county. , Bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Swaggart, B. F., Lexington, Or. Horses with dash under it on left stitie; cattle H with dash under it on right tup, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. Range in Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties. tiwauitart. A. L.. EHh. Or. Hnrnnn TiranilnH on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Crop en ear, wattle on left hind leg. straight W. K, Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded J o on left stitie; cattlo J B on left hip, swallow fork in right ear, nnderbit in left. bapp, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cattle same on left hip. Shirtz, James, Long Creek, Or.-Horses. I on left stitie and over 2 on left shoulder. Bhner.John, Fox, Or. WO connected on horBee on right hip; cattie, same on right hip, crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. Kango in Grant county. Bmith Bros., Bosnville, Or, Horses, branded H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, .same on left shoulder. Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded JB on left shoulder; cattle .the same, also noee waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam counties. Btephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses HUoa riglit Btitie; cattle horizontal L on the right sids Btevenaon, Mrs A. J., Heppner, Or. Cattle, 8 on right hit'; swallow-fork in left ear. 4 Bwaggart. G. W Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 on k left Bhouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. i Bmith, E. E. Lone Rook, Or. Horses branded a crossed seven on left shoulder; oattle same o left side. Range, Gilliam county. Bperry, E..G.. Heppner, Or. Cattle W C on Left hip, crop off right and nnderbit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder. Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, ( on left shoulder; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. Tippets,fcJ.T.tEnterpriBe,Or. Horses. C-on left shoulder. Turner R. W.. Heppner, Or. Small capital T left shoulder, horses; oattle same on left hip with split in both ears. Thornton, H. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded HT connected on left stitie; sheep Bame brand. ' Vanderpool, H. T., Lena, Or; Horses HT con nected on right shoulder .cattle, same on right hip. Walbridge, Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses, TJ. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hip. crop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q,, Balem or Heppner, Or. Horsos branded J q on the left shoulder. Range Morrow county. Warren, W B. Caleb, Or Cattle, W with quarter oircle over it, on left side, split in right ear. Uorsen same brand on left Bhoulder. Range in Graut conuty. Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on left Btitie; on cattle, 2 on left side and under bit in left ear, Kange in Grant county. Wright, Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded 8 W on the right hip. square crop oil right ear and split in left, Wallace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Square on cattle on the left hip, upper slope in the left ear aud under slope in right ear. Bame brand on horses on right shoulder. Rauge in Harney and Grant countv. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Horses branded -ace of spadne on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wells, A. B., Heppner, Or. Horses, d0 on left shoulder: cattie same. Woltinger, John, John Day City, Or On horsos three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep, bit in both ears. Range in Grant and Maihuer counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, TJP connected on left shoulder, Watkins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horses branded UK connectea on left stitie. Wallace, Charies, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on right thigh, hole in left ear; horses, W on right shoulaer, somf same on left Bhoulder. Wkittier Bros., DrawBy, Harney countv. Or.- Horses branded W B. connected on left Moulder Williams, Vasco, Hamilton, Or. Qaarter all ele over three bars on left hip, both cattle and horses. Range tyrant county. Williams, J O, Long Creek, Or Horses, our ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle warns and slit in each ear. Range in Grant county. W ten, A. A., Heppner, Or. Horsee running A A on shoulder; Cattie. same on right hip. Young, J. 8., Gooeebeiry.Or.-Hoi branded T H nn ft nsrht nhnn ld. Young, W. A., Gooseberry, Or. Hons brand ed X-X (double X connetdj oa M sbmJdet eauls sains on left side.