ISOl'lCE TO ADVEimtUiiiW. i IIObK desiring the Insertion of display adu I or change ot name, must gel their cony in not later limn Monday evening for Tuesday's tuition, or Thursday evening for Fridays cdi- llOU. THK i'ATTKKSOM 1UBL1HHIMU UO. NOTICE. 1. The sum of live cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of n-Mpeet," listB of wedding presents and donors, and obituary notices, (other tnan those the edit or shall himself give us a matter of news,) and utiuesof Kpecial meetings for whatever purpose. 2. Notices of church and society and allother entertainments from which revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged (or at the rate of Ave tents a line, incse ruies win be strictly adher ed to in every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for ills or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writer's real name is Bigucd as an evidence of good faith. I" 1. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVERTIS LJ. lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, ban irancisco, is onr authorized agent. This paper is kept ou file in his olhce. TIME TABLE. Stflgo for Hardmnn, Monnment, Long Creek, John lay and Canyon City, leaven aa follow s : Jfivery day at ti:;() a. ni., except 8nnday. Arrives every day at 5:31) p. in., except Monday. The cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the Interior oountry. J. li. DKLEVAN, Prop. Slocum-Johliston Drug Co., Agents. (Jive your business to Heppner people, and tlierefore assist to build uv Hew ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Williom Walbridge is ill. F. 0, Borg is ou the siok list. Joe Keeney is over from Pendleton. Colsus Keithly is siok with la grippe. Heppner is "gripping" in good shape. Next week promises to be a busy one. German knitting yarn 25c per bank, at iiauies' nazuar. ots-tf Unfurnished rooms to rent. Inquire at Gbzette oltioe. tf F. M. Templeton was over from Wag ner yesterday, John Marshal's sheopherder is pretty sick with la grippe. Ben Parker returned on yesterday's train from Portland. L. Lawrence was over from Haystaok the first of the week. R. lit ulan and M. Klitzing,oommercial men, came up yesterday. Muster Leo Blackmail is quite ill with fever, but is improving slowly. The Gem and Palace saloons for fine liquors, MoAtee Bros., Props. sw The building on the Mallory corner will be fitted up lor J H. Kolman. Peter Molntire came up last night to buy wool for the Suleiu Woolen Mills. Geo. Knisely, ex-representative of Grant county, was in Heppner last week. Members of Doriim Temple sbou'd be out at the regular meeting this evening. The Heppner-Canyon stage line is the best, cheapest and qicukest to the in terior. Lost A boucb of door and other keys from the Belvedere property. Return to this office. Hatt & Mathews, the barbers, City ho tel barber shop. They are artists. Baths in connection. J. G. Maddook, formerly of this place, but late of Goldeodale. is waseleotod for mayor over there. Only first class work turned out at Fred Miller's tailoring establishment east side Main street. The Morrow County Land and Trust Company has an unlimited supply of chopped barley for sale. M. 8. Wallaoe, representing Obas.Cohn A Co., was in Heppner yesterday. Mr. Wallace is a Eugene boy. .Milt S. Maxwell was in from Goose berry yesterday. Milt reports snow out there almost every night. Douglas and lone' have reoently bad added to the list of depot accommoda tions, oompany platforms. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaiue and tobacco habit. Bee ad. Wm, Penland lost a square and com pass recently in Heppner. The finder will please return to this office. 75 tf Every man who takeB any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween Heppner and Lone Rook. See ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc all kinds of nursing. Call at her home In north Heppner, or address her at this place. . 618-tf East Oregonian: T. W. Ayers, Jr., Heppner's principal druggist and a popular youDg citizen there, is here on a business visit. Miss Leila Hayes left Wednesday for Eugene to be absent some months. While there she will visit her grandfather and other relatives. Wavne Huston got in Wednesday from EllenBburgh. proceeding out to Hardman yesterday. He is driving stage up in the Ellensburgb section. Mrs. Ida Vette and daughter left yes terday morning for their home at Spo kane. Mrs. Vette is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hunt. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for the Oregonian at this place. Subscribe through bim, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Men and women prematurely gray and whose bair was fulling, are enthusiastic in praising Hall's Hair Renewer for re storing the color and preventing bald ness. Bupt. R. W. Baxter, of the U. P., went np to Spokane on Thursday's Pendleton train. He will visit Heppner soon. Bax ter is much of a gentleman, and is the best superintendent the U. P. ever bad. Dr. B. F. Vaugban will leave about the 26th inst., for the East, and those desir ing work done should Bpply at once. Those owing the doctor sboold pay up immediately, as he desires to sqnure up everything before leaving. tf. I Messrs. H. Blaokman and Otis Patter son, of the asylum committee on invita tion and entertainment, went over to Pendleton Wednesday to accompanv Governor Pi nnoyer and Treasurer Met cban over to our only Heppner. - Mr. and Mrs. Dave Harris arrived last evening from The DalleB, and Mr.Harris will take Condactor H. C. French's plaoe during bis absence at the Ellensburgb bank robbery trial. Mr. Frenob accom panied by bis wife, left this morning for Ellensburgb. "I have used Ayer's Hair Vigor for a number of years, and it has always given ma satisfaction. It is an excellent dress ing, prevents the hair from turning gray, insures its vigorous growth BDd keeps the scalp white and oleau." Mary A. Jaokeoo, Salem, Mass. Eaeh season baa its own peculiar mal ady; but with the blood maintained in a state of uniform vigor and purity by the use ot Ayer's Sarsaparilla little danger seed be feared from meteorological intia nces. No other blood medicine is so safe and effective. Born To the wife of C. R. Cates of Bidge, Or., Monday Marob 21. a boy. The newaotner has demiuded board for twenty one years. It is needless to say u,.n uocu Krimiuoiisjy given. Onus. Repasj reports that wheat is looking well out about Wright Saling's ivtrs. o. i.. Jjell has a very painful v.utuuutie uu uer nana winch h giving "ci union fclUUUlti. i w sr.,..i,.. . I T . i t,.Ku,ni, ui ueiHigtou. was up last night to attend a regular convoca tion oi uoppner Chapter. Mrs. ijytlia rlyatt, of northora n-aneus, is visiting with relatives over near Ridge, Umatilla oounty. East Oregonian: Chales Cunningham iub luaoiJonaJd range near Butter creek to Joseph Vey; consider ation, $4400. A. IS. iliatt of Ridge, was in the city jraiciuay. mr. matt is just recovering from a severe illness, though is now able to be around again. Mrs. Anna Gilliam moved back to her farm out in Spring Valley, where she will remuiu during the summer looking after her interests there. Geo. Lund, ex-olerk of the Boston Cash store, has left Heppner for Sand Hollow, where he has taken charge of T. J. Matlook'e band of sheep. The Heppuer-Monument stage people propose to put on both night and day service immediately. Tweutv.fnnr hnnra between Canyon and Heppner is good time. Mr. W. G.'Burleigh, of the Issue, did not get to leave for home Tuesday owing to illness. He is still with us, and will remain till able to make the trip, whioh at this time of the year is not a enviable one. A paper was circulated here Monday last to raise cash to send witnesses to Ellensburgb in the Hale and Kimsey bank robbery trials. People here know that these boys are innocent, and don't propose to see them suffer for orimes of which they are not guilty. The W. C. B. Literary club which has given mauy creditable evening enter tainments during the past winter and which has been quite a factor in the improvement of Heppner's literary talent, has been indefinitely adjourned. How ever, it is to be hoped that the club will again be ro organized next winter. In conversation with Wm. E. Hiatt of Mountain valley country he tells our reporter that many drifts of snow are yet to be found over in that section, though mud is no scarcity. Considerable stormy weather, however and stook look ing well generally, larmers waiting pa ienttly for the coming of spring grass, whioh will Burely make its appearance soon. W. 0. T. U Sooiai,. The most en joyable affair of the Beason was the W. 0. T. U. sociable, Wednesday ovening, at Mrs. Spray's home. It being regular meeting night, Mrs. Cate, vice president presided in the absence of the president. After reading the scripture, Rev. Brum- blet offered a short prayer. Further busi ness was disposed ot and a good social time was bad. During the evening several reottatious and impromptu speeohes were rendered. Those worthy of special notice were Miss Erne Fields and Grandma Spray. The ladies hav ing provided a bouutiftil supper all were invited to partake. We noticed that Bro. Palmer seemed to be ex tremely fond of obicken and all voted Roy Glasscock a "stayer." There were about 40 present, only members and their families being there. Eight new names were added, making about 65 members enrolled in the W. C. T. U. work of Heppner. The next regular meeting will be held at the Baptist ohurcb, Wednesday evening March 29, at 7 o'clock. ' M. V. C. Justice Court Docket CiiEabed. The case, State vs. Joe Vay, for running scabby sheep on other's range and al lowing same to become mixed up with sound sheep came np for trial Tuesday evening last. The jury was Wallaoe Smead, Billy Cowins, W. P. Snyder, Willis Stewart, Geo, Fell and Geo. Vinson. The above jury was instructed late in the evening, and after being out several hours, returned about 2 a. m. with a verdict ot guilty.- Judge Hallook sentenced the defendant to a fine of $100 and costs, whioh was the lightest possible sentence, The case, State vs. Joe Vay, for allowing soabby sheep to run on deeded land of another, or mov ing soabby sheep from one range to another, was called for 9 a. m. Wednes day morning, but owing to the lack of evidenoe the case was dismissed on motion of the prosecuting attorney, This oleared the dooket for the present. The ooets being assessed to the pro eouting witness. Over From Grant County. Tunis Swick, of Hamilton, one of Grant countiy's commissioners spent several days in Heppner this week. In conver sation with bim Mr. Swick informs our reporter that since the five per oent. fund is to be distributed among the counties of the state for tbe improvment of the nnblic roBds and bridges, he feels con fident that some effort will be made to ward bridging the North Fork of the'Jobn Day at Monument. Mr. Swick has stud ied the matter carefully and thinks a fair estimate of the cost of same would be about $0,500 with freight added. With the proper assistance Air. swick also expects to see a bridge over the riyer at Warm Springs in the course of time. With the river bridged at these two places, the publio roads of Northern Grant would be greatly improved. Removal Notice. About April 1st the Boston Cash store will be moved from Liohtenthal's old stand, the pres ent location, to Henry Heppner's build ing on corner of May and Main streets, former location of Kirk k Rasmus, nhnre .T. H. Kolman. the popular pro prietor, will be prepared to give you bigger bargains than ever. Wheel Tested. The large irrigation wheel built recently at Gilbert Hunt's factory, Walla Walla, says the TJnion- tiS 13ottom"PAnT5 Joarnal, has proved to be a success. The wheel was manufactured for Dr. N. G. Blalock, of (his city, to be used in irri gating his extensive fruit farms at Bls lock'a, Oregon. It was taken lo that place last week, and Saturday it was test ed, and it proved to be a aucoess. The wheel was placed in the Columb a river and started. The water was raised to an elevation of sixty feet, and then by the use of pipes was carried over the land. The wheel raised 168 gallons of water per minute, with the current ot the river only running at the rate of two and a half miles an hour. Gilbert Hunt, the manufacturer, went to Blalock Saturday and witnessed the test. Dr. Blalook re turned Monday, but immediately left for Spokane. E. O. Fbom Vmarnu. N. F. Huff and Frank, lin Bransoome, of Carroll Co., Virginia, representing a oolony ot 46 persons, wbo are at present at Arlington, came up on Wednesday's train. They returned yes terday and made report whioh we know was a favorable one. Morrow oounty offers homes for tbe homeseeker, and we believe that a bitter section oannot be found in the Northwest tor the pushing. progressive and honest Virginiaus, whom we know to be all that from intimate ac quaintance. Pardon the apparent ego tism, we are ot the Virginia stook our selves, and have numerous relatives in Carroll, Wythe and Grayson counties. We were much pleased to meet these people, and hope that ere long they may oo me up this way to locate permanently. John B. Allen is politically dead in his own state. He should have been on duty at Washington City instead of wasting bis timeatOlympia in the recent disgraoetul senatorial fight. He will not be seated in the senate and his notions in the matter have killed bim politically, in the state ot Washington, Record. John B. Allen went into tbe legislature with a majority of republicans and held it. The minority refused to caucus, and are reponsible for the failure to elect. And yet John B- Allen will be admitted into the senate. He is a friend to silver, an upright gentleman und lacks considerable ot being politically dead. He is not responsible for what a minority forced upon tbe people of Washington. Kimsey Turned Loosb Word came over from Ellensburgb today that Kim sey had been released without trial, as it was found impossible to make n caBe against bim. They are as well satisfied as we are that he never bad anything to do with tbe robbing of tbe Roslyn bank. It is expeoted that Hale will also be re leased. Conductor Frenob therefore did not leave, as was mentioned in onr col umns elsewhere. CUUKCrl ANNOUNCEMENTS. Regular eervioes at tbe M. E. churoh next Sabbath. Morning subject: "Tbe Great 8upper." Text: "A oertain man made a great supper and bade many". Evening subjeot: "Tbe life and char acter of Elijah." Text: "What dust thou here, JShjahr" ion ere cordially invited to be present at our servioee. J. M. Shulsb, Pastor. Regular Bervioes at M. E. oburoh, South, Sunday next. Morning subjeot: Toy kingdom oome. Evening sub ject: "It shall bruise thy bead and tbou shall bruise bis heel. All are cordially invited to attend. Epworfh League Monday eve, to whioh all the young people of Heppner are especially invited. Edwin Palmer, Pastor, Nature's Surest Ally. If nature did not struggle against disease, eveu in weakly constitutions, Bwift indeed would be tbe course ot a malady to its fatal termination. While nature thus struggles let us, lest worse befalls us, aid her efforts with indicious medicinal help. Experience must be our guide in battle with disease, and that lamp to our feet" indicates Hostetters Stomach Bitters as a safe, tried and thorough ally of nature. It the blood be infected with bile, if the bowels and stomach are inactive, it the kidneys fail to expel impurities of whioh they are tbe natural outlet, a course of the Bit ters is the surest reliance of the sufferer. one, moreover, that is sanctioned by professional indorsement and use for nearly balf a century. No American or foreign remedy has earned greater dis tinction as a remedy for and preventive of obronio liver oom plaint, malaria, constipation, kidney and rheumatio trouble and debility. The Loss of a Lrg Or arm by amputation would not cause so much suffering as mauy people endure with Rheumatism. Une of the great dis coveries of the century is a oertain cure for this terrible disease, a speedy relief from horrible suffering, and rapid cure. It needs but a trial to convince the most skeptioal that it is a wonderful prep aration, What a blessing! ItisPr.Drummond'B Lightning Remedy, prioe 85, large bottle, and if the druggist baa not got it, tbe remedy will be sent to any adreis on reoeipt ef price by Drummond Medicine Co., 4850 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. 14 Mountain Housb. Mr. Joseph Crank bas lately leased tbe hostelry known as tbe Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board and bed, per week SO; board without bed, 8-1.50; meals and bed 25 cents each, Mr. Crank asks a portion of the patronage. believing that he can give as good ser vice as anyone ia Heppner, and for leu money. 4-sw, Bip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under the management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residence, sawed or un- sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.50 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts. per cord; three times, 81.00 Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. . 4 tf. J3GTT0M rAl urastes k Good. One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil and Ilypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is "Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces flesh and builds up the entire system. Bcott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases. Prevents wasting In Children, Almost as palatable as milk. Get only the genuine. Pre pared by Scott A Bowne, Chemists, New Sork. Sold by all Druggists. S. C. Smith, THE Ml Keeps a full line ot the way ot Furniture. Undertaking foods a ipeciallty. May Street, Heppner.Or. S23-f H. A. Thompion A. R. Binus THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Below Coain i .Mcirarlaiid'i, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 25 cts. a at 0. 0. Sergeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain mid baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. Foot wear xb Foot wear ! Tho r.nly hoot and shoe &Htnhlinhmnnt of HoppnprhnB i moved from tho Kant eido of Mnin Wxnat, to their now t" store room, nwt door to H. Hlacktmn & ('o.'b. ' There you will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Main street, Heppner Or. KIBK & RTJEtL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On May Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on band a full line of STAPLE A.1SHD ITAJSTCY Groceries and Provisions. A full line of cbnioe Pies, Cakes and Bread ; in fact everything that in usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Tbsy will sell cbeap foi cash. Call and try them. sw This piece of advertising spaoe belongs To Slocum-Johnston TJrug Qo. PUILL COHN, Pkopbietor. There is not a winged insect hovering around Phillip. 1. 2. 3. 4. The Keeley Institute -OP- TTEPPNER and LONE ROCK STAGE LINK. IV. IVIKISOTC, Prop. Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Rock ou Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays. Makes connection with tbe weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable charges for both Passengers -:- and -:- Freight. 6tt-tf iw 8LOCCM-J0H.N8TON Scott's Emulsion Feed id Sale Sfa Only First-Class hotel in Heppner. Building Wired for Eleotric Lights throughout. Ijest accommodations for the traveling public. Courteous treatment assured the coun try people. MIIS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress. j For the Cure oi ; Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits j It la located at Koret arrive, Or., I The Muni Beautiful Town on the Coast. I j Cull at tlie Gazkttr olflco for partliMilars ! Htrictly confidential. Treatment prlvuttuud mire t cure. DK0C1 CO., Agents, Heppner, Or. Anything New of Iieal Merit You can Generally Find For :-: Sale :-: by We don't run a tbird-olass junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twioe their value, but we keep lirst-class goods at honest prices, with no baits or trap. We keep Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, -STATIONEBY, CONFECTIONERY, ETO.- Ask our old customers how we treat them. Corner Slain and POE S-A-ZjE BIT STORAGE AND til ifi11!!!'!11'' ATTENDED TO IN A- Business-like -:- Manner AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Wool G rowers' Warehouse Near the 13epot: DEl'PNEH, : : OHEGON. Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIHEHTY MEAT MARKET, whioh we propose to conduct in tho most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw 85-tl DR. JOSEPH J. I3ILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. 8., London, England. Veterinary -sw. Surgeon1 Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am prepared to do till kinds of Vt'terhmry Hnrery, KiiiHSculatiiijf Homed arid Ki'kUiiks a Speci alty. (Thin is the only true im-tlmd of oi.eriitniK on lioni-H.) SpeyhiK of Cattle and Hogtf on fdiort not i no, j will treat all anlrmiln in the moHt unproved procedure of Veter inary Burery. If you have any Hick anfmalit It will bo to your intercut to call on nit at htewart. H Htalilei. HKPPNKK, - .VWhw - . OliKGON RESERVED For the enterprising establishment of - W. L Matlock & Co. s i m Eli Instead of f.viir; I j 1 Ingfcrl - t' st. vmi have fci one wot.;.! I.j " '. u' 1 only i.:;a ic ii. easy an. I you fe I v of death. The linrr: -os Kiithmilnno v, lu i It a i ;i i"cl of ni'-rtv -st foment of vour of Dr Taft's ASTiiH Asthma. Wt mail to told by drugifisu. Dr. T "Who are Noted for being The Leaders. : : : : : ; Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. Gilliam & Hisbee, HEprNEii, on. FORWARDING. & Mccarty, Proorietors. -V L I. Z WJltVSiSliS&btt .i-Z n the spasm U broken, the breathing bcocmes had inil'iostd the Iron grasp of the tinners life v' Ik whe-n vmi have used a fi w liuttlea AltUi and it lias cured .. ng Bsttv RBi r,8aa and prow aar tuthnitt tufferr a trial botth tyH EK'T jfsw gas that It dees" tUlUK.;iieMi:r,rl.T m m a sESH! fctjsjmre asinma