Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 21, 1893, Image 3

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I 'HOSK desiring the insertion of display adB ,
1 or change ot wime, tuiut get their eopy m
uot laier than Monday evening for Tutwiiay'i
bunion, or 'ilium. lay evening lor Frldavi edi-
1. The suin of five centi per line will be
charged for "curds of thanks," "resolutions of
reHpeet," list oi wedding presents and douorw,
ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter oi news,) and
notices of special meetings (or whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainment from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live
tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
Bpoimible for Mb or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
w riter h real name is Bigued as an evidence of
good faith.
1 J- ing Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange,
bun J? ratieisco, is onr authorized agent. Ihis
paper is kept on die in hlB oltiue.
Stage for Ilarrtman, Monnment, Long Creek,
John itay and Uanyon city, leaves as follows :
Kvery day at ti:;iu a. m., except Huiulay.
Arrives every day at ty.M) p. in., except Monday.
'Hie cheapest, quickest and best line to ur
front the interior country.
J. S. DELEVAN, Prop.
Slocum-Johnston Drug Co., Agents.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those wlu patronize
Here and There.
Ciromt court commences Monday next.
TTJTt'S PILLS Bold all the world
Mr. Geo. Conser arrived bums last
Oerman knitting yam 25c per bank, at
Ludiea' Bazaar. 68-tt
Unfurnished rooms to rent. Inquire
at Gazette ollioe. it
F. A. Stephens, of McKinney oreek
was in yeaterday.
Cbas. Sheldon sod Geo. D. Fell re
turned Saturday from Portland.
lea Brown and bis bod, 0. W., were up
from the Ella country yesterday.
L. R. Fairohild, one of the knights of
the grip, bundayed in Heppner.
Ben Parker, of Parker's mill, was seen
on our streets yesterday morning,
R. W. RobinBon and J. H. Ingrabam
were in from Eight Mile Saturday.
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, McAtee Bros., Props. iw
Mr. D. Van Horn, the piano and organ
tuner, will be in Heppner about April
Gus. Warmoth, nephew of Eli Keeney,
arrived Friday, and perhaps will locate
The Heppner-Canyon stage line is the
beat, cheapest and qicukeut to the in
terior. Our snow item elsewhere was a little
premature as this afternoon is warm and
Lost A buucb of door and other keys
Irom the Belvedere property. Return to
this office.
Henry Heppner got borne from The
Dalles Saturday last, after an absence
of over a week.
. Goo. Thornton has been oonfined to
bis room for several days with la grippe,
but is about again.
Only first class work turned out at
Fred Miller's tailoring establishment
east side Muiu street,
The Morrow County Land and Trust
Company has an unlimited supply of
chopped barley for sale.
Condon Globe: New trials for Cal
Hale and Tom Kimsey have been set for
the 20th inst. at Ellensburg.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
mid tobacco habit. See ad.
Phil Cobn bas the boss catarrh rem
edy. It is often used for other com
plaints with great suooess.
Wm. Penland lost a square and com
pass reoently in Heppner. The finder
will please return to this office. 75-tf
Every man who takeB any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agentB.
We hear from almost every seotion that
fall sown grain is yet slow about ooming
up. Many think it is badly injured.
S. Kielson is now running a stage be
twecn Heppner and Lone Kock. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc
all kinds of nursing. Call at ber honit
In north Heppner, or address ber at this
place. 618-tf
Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop the
place to get a first-class shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
There was no oonnoil meeting last
Bight owing to the fact that two members
of the oonnoil were on the jury in tbe
lOonners trespass case.
Died At Turner, Or., on March 10th,
Mrs. Benj. Vaughan, aged 80 years. Her
husband, wbo died some years ago, came
to that section in the early 40's.
MaBter Clay French is the authorized
agent for tbe Oregoniun at this place.
Subsoribe through him, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
The directors of School District, No. 1.
met last Saturday in regular session.
The regular meetings will hereafter be
st the olose of each so boo I month.
Men and women prematurely gray and
whose hair was falling, are enthusiastic
in praising Hall's Hair Renewer for re
storing tbe color and preventing bald
ness. Tbe old Heppner & Blackman store
building, a well known structure to the
old timers, is now located on tbe Mai
lory corner, now the property of Mr.
Dr. B. F. Vaughan will leave about tbe
251 h inst., for tbe East, and those desir
ing work done should apply at once.
Those owing the dootor sboold pay up
Immediately, as he desires to sqnare up
everything before leaving. tf.
J. B. Huntington and Capt. Kelly,
register and receiver of tbe Burns laud
office, respectively, figured conspicuously
in the fight for mayor of Burns at the
election on tbe 7th inst., the former win
ning the contest-by five votes.
"I bave used Ayer's Hair Vigor for b
number of years, and it bas always given
me satisfaction. It is an excellent drees
ing, prevents tbe hair from turning gray,
insures its vigorous growth and keeps
the scalp white and clean." Mary A.
Jackson, Salem, Mass.
Marion E. Smith writes tbe Gazette
that be will soon leave Montana for the
land of rain and red apples, intending to
jgain locate at Junction City. Marion
sajs "oo degrees below zero ror a moiuu
at a time is too mneh for me." We wel
come him back to Oregon.
W. G. Burleigb, editor of tbe Living
Issue, of John Day, arrived Saturday
'last from Oregon City where be had been
to attend a state meeting of tbe Farmer's
.Alliance. Mr. Burleigb remained over
-till Tuesday, looking around for spring
business among onr people.
The race Saturday between Grover's
Croppy and Jaa. Jones Moss Agate re
sulted in favor of Agate. It was a quarter
dash, and a very lively race.
Siilijet of discourse at M. E church
South next Sunday eve will be, "Bruising
the Serpent's Head."
Mis. Jaa.W. Matlock was oalled to
Pullman yesterday by the illness of ber
daughter, Mrs.Wm. Taylor.
Mrs. Geo. Lovelot win in from Little
Wall oreek over Sunday to visit her
daughter, Mrs. Chaa. Tildtn, v. hu is ill.
Dick Neville bas a wonderful dream
to relate. When we get plenty of spaoe
we shall write it up with illustrations.
W. B. Pruyn, who has been with the
Heppner Light & Water Co. smoe the
works weie started, left for Hillsboro
Snow is falling fast today, but is melt
ing nearly as fast as it strikes the
ground. The mountain Bection is now
having its winter.
Bam Walker, Paul Sohiller and Mr
Sctivuer were in yesterday, the oc
casion of Mr. Walker making proof on
his timber oulture.
The Gazette man was reoently shown
a very neut lambrequin knit by Little
Katie Natter. It is a very neat piece of
work for one so young.
Ed. Day says that be bad nice weather
out at his ranch on Little Butter creek.
Morrow county is haviug more kinds of
weather than a oat has lives.
Jobn Marshal is rather unlucky this
year. He bas been feeding his sheep ever
Biuce Deo. 1st. Every section of Morrow
has weather of us own this year.
The editor having been oalled off to
act as a juror yesterday, the paper bas
suffered accordingly. Our readers will
please be lenient on us this time.
John Dennison, brother of Mrs. Jas.
Jones and "lip" Dennison, the latter of
St. Joe, Mo., arrived Friday eve from
Iowa, and will remain some weeks.
J. 0. Williams was iu from Spring
Hollow yesterday. Jim says they are
having considerable winter out with
them yet, a light fall of snow every
F, H. Robinson, of Lone Rock, a mem
ber of the Lone Rook firm of K. G.
Robinson & Sons, is iu town on business.
Though Lone Kock has a full of enow
nearly every day, he reports no loss of
Ed.Copner and Vis. Gagen and Swin
burn took in the neighboring country
with their rities Friday last, and succeed
ed most admirably in killing a uboioe lot
of ammunition.
0. M. Mallory writeB up from Keedly,
Calif., that he is succeeding quite well
in his venture iu the Iruit business. His
young trees are making a great growth.
His health is improving rapidly.
Lish Watkius was down yesterday
from the big Penland ranch. He re
marked to ye reporter thut tbe snow
was from one to three feet daep, and
extended down as far as tbe Penland
Ed. Copner bas been chosen manager
for The Wool Growers' Warehouse lor
the coming year. The board bad some
difficulty iu arriving at a decision, a
number uf worthy applicants presenting
Eaeb season has its ewn peculiar mal
ady; but with the blood maintained in a
state of uniform vigor and purity by the
use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla little danger
need be feared from meteorological influ
ences. No other blood medicine is so
safe and effective.
The electric lights were shut down
Sunday night at i p. m. in order to
clean out the boiler. After a two and
one-half month's run, the boiler was
found in excellent shape with no scale
at all. The artesian water seems to
work well iu boilers.
Condon Globe: Mr. Andrew Neel's
sheep camp was robbed a few nights ago
of all tbe grub in the camp, flour, baoon,
etc., not leaving the herder even a smell.
He is certain wbo the sneak thieves are,
and should they repeat the crime, a searoh
warrant will be issued, and the worthless
outfit will get their fill of grub at the ex
pense of the state.
In conversation with our reporter yes
terday, Joe Dubois admitted being one of
the victims uf misplaced confidence who
was caught beneath the camp wagon
down on the sand last Week. Joe says
about tbe only difficulty he experienced
was that of breathing, though be imag
ines that before morning tbe prison
would have become a very tiresome one.
The Trespass Case. The trespass
case, State vs. Conners, Antone Vay's
sheep-border, for invading the premises
of Joe Vay on tbe 13th of this month,
oame up for trial Saturday last. The jury
was M. M. Beighley.AlBinna, Joe Hayes,
H. Blackman, ThoajQuaid and Arthur
Ammermau. They failed to agree, four
standing for acquittal and two for oon-
viction. The case was re-tried yester
day, P. Cohn, M. Liohtenthal, Harry
Warren, P. 0. Borg, Otis Patterson end
W. A. Kirk forming the jury, wbo bIbo
failed to agree, five standing tor con
viction and oue for acquittal. There
appearing to be no way of reaohing a
verdiot on the oase, it was aismissea tins
morning. It was intended to appeal
the case in which Mr. Conners was con-
vioted of using abusive language in tbe
presenoe of a woman, but that was Bel
lied and no further notion will be taken
in the matter. The case, State vs. Jos
Vay, for running scabby sheep on other's
range, will come up this evening, and
oerhaps, w ill oocopy the greater part of
the morrow. Verily, the Vuy boys are
having a time of it.
What's The Matter? Yesterday was
the day set for the afylum meeting, but
we understand the oommittees did not
get together. What's the matter? Are
we going to become entirely wedded to
mossbackism and go down iu oblivion?
The Gazette concedes nothing to any
Eastern Oregon town that Heppner oan
not equal or excel. "Faint heart never
won a fair lady," and it will never build
a town or bring public institutions with
in its borders. Pendleton, Baker City,
Union and other small-fry places want
the earth, duly fenced, but Heppner is
modest and wants the asylum, and can
show the committee why we should have
it. Wake up! Tbe commissioners are
likely to be in this evening.
In 1861 On Henry Heppner's return
from The Dalles, our reporter wanted to
know of bim about his loss and when it
happened. "Why, between The Dalles
and Ginyon City," remarked Henry,
handing us a choice cigar. "It was in
'64, and I was packing between the two
towns. When I was surprised by tbe In
dians I bad a well loaded train, 39 bead
of mules an i 2 bead of horses. By hiding
in the willows and shrubs of Muddy
canyon, I saved my scalp, but it was a
close call. It left me without a cent."
Mr. Heppner got his claim before tbe
commissioner and hopes ere long to be
reimbursed for his loss.
Death of Jacob Conser. A telegram
a received Saturdoy from Geo, Conser
stating that his father had died at 10 a.
m. tbat day. Jacob Conser was born in
Union county. Pa., Feb. 20, 1818. Feb
ruary 28, 1839, he was married in Knoi
county, 111 , to Nancy Ounsanlus. Sev
eral children reunited from this union.
Tbe family came across the plains to the
Pacific coast, arriving in Oregon in tbe
fall of 1848. They settled in the Santiam
conntry, where they lived for thirty years,
during which period, however, Mrs. Con
ser died. Mr. Conser and the children
then moved to Jefferson, where they lived
until 1881. Eight of these children are
still llviug. Mr. Conser has also oue Bis
ter living in this county, Mrs. Burnet, of
Sweet Home. He served several terms
in the territorial legislature dnring tbe
pioneer days of Oregon. In 1881 he re
moved to Engene, and May 5, was mar
ried to Mrs. Elizabeth Felix-Humphrey,
who survives him. The funeral will take
place tomorrow at Jefferson, Marion Co.,
at 1 o'clook p. m. Short services will be
held at the residence in this city in the
forenoon. One of his sons, Geo. Conser,
lives at Hepiner and is the well known
oashier ef tbe First Nationnl Bank.
Accident Nbar Hamilton. Sid Green,
who is driving stage between here and
Canyon City, met with quite at accident
last Tuesday evening between here and
Hamilton. Owing to the bad ooudition
of tbe roads the stage was late and
tbe night ery dark, and ooming around
a short turn the bind wheels of the back
slid off the grade causing the baok to
upset. Mies Selena Cohoa was tbe only
passeDger at the time of tbe accident.
As soon as she discovered tbat the hack
was going to opset she jumped off on the
upper side of tbe grade. Very fortunate
ly no one was hurt and no damage was
done excepting a brace that helps to sup
port the tongas was broken. Sid man
aged to get down bs far as Oohoe's sheep
camp and with tbe assistance of Will
Gohoe and Overton Mulkey repaired the
back sufficiently to enable Mr. Green to
renoh his destination without any further
trouble. Cor. to Eagle.
Tea Party. Ad afternoon ten party
was given by Mrs. A. M. Gunn, at ber
home last Saturday. Alter tea, the prty
was entertained by music and b-utur.t
hour spent in conversation. Those pres
ent were: Mrs. Frank Kellogg, Mrs. J.
N.Elder, Mrs.F. 0. Buokuum, Mrs. E.
R. Bisuof, Mrs. W. J. Leezer, Mrs. Hen
ry Bluckmnn, Mrs. Wm. Douglass, Mrs.
W. R. Eilis, Mrs, Gun. Thornl.m, Mrs. S.
N. McBride, Mrs. Geo. Nobk, Itiia. 0.
E. Farnswortb, Mrs. W. P. D uu.n, Miss
May Bailey, Miss Bedggood and Miss
Bolle Bishop, of Pendleton
Solicitous Sadie. Sadie Q ii:ir, tie
pretty young woman whom Edwin hul-u
loved so madly tbat be tried to kill, and
ended by getting two years iu the pu.i-
tentiary, is doing all within a woman's
power to obtain pardon for him. This
morning she onlled upon Distriot Attor
ney Hume and made a heroio attempt to
enlist bis sympathies and get him to s gn
the petition. Mr. Hume said he was of
the opinion when he convicted Hahn that
tbe young man was guilty, and has bad
no cause to obange his mind. Mr. Hume
did not sign it. Telegram.
Death of Miss Lauba Thompson.
The death of Miss Laura Thompson, for
nearly seven years a resident of this oity
ooourred at San Diego, California, on the
11th mat., whither she bad gone, in com
pany with Mrs. M. Marshall, to
spend the winter. As was generally
known, Miss Thompson was aunt to the
Rev. W. E. Potwine, of this city, with
whom she had made her borne since oom
ing to Pendleton. Though advanced in
life being seventy-three years old she
was quite an aotive ana vigorous woman
until within a few months of ber death.
-E. O.
St. Patrick a Gentleman. Tbe ball
last Friday nigbtin honor of St. Patrick's
Day, was well attended a larger crowd
than at any previous occasion of the
kind for some time. The musio was
furnished by Messrs. F. J. Hnlloek,
Green Mathews and Jeff Hayes, and was
first olass. Tbe young people enjoyed
themselves till about 12 : 30.
Mountain Hoosa Mr. Joseph Crank
has lately leased the hostelry known as
tbe Mountain House, refitting and re
furnishing it throughout. Board and
bed, per week 86; board without bed,
84.50; meals and bed 26 cents each, Mr.
Crank asks a portion of the patronage,
believing that be can give as good ser
vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less
money. 43-sw.
BuTTim Cbekk Weodino. As stated
in Friday's edition, tbe marriage of Mr.
Jas. McCumber and Miss Mary McCarty
was consummated at the home of tbe
bride's parents at 11 o'clock on that day,
Rev. J. T. Galloway performing theoere
mony. All present bad a most enjoyable
time. Tbe many friends of tbe young
couple wisb them a successful married
Rip's Wood Yakd. Tbe Heppner
wood yard, under the management of
Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver
wood at your residence, sawed or nu
sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at
$7.50 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in
two. 75 cts. per oord; three times, $100.
Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at
Sloan & Howard s. 4 tf.
A Mischievous Bone, J. B. Hunt
oame in yesterdBy from Clark's canyon
to bave a cod hah boue removed from
the teophagus. Tbe accident happened
at breakfast Sunday morning. After
three trials, aod with tbe aid of a pro
bang, D.-s. Swinburne and Gagen sne
cessfnlly removed tbe offender.
From The Blues. Ben Parker bring)
down word from the Blues tbat up to
Sunday last, tbe ten days previous bad
brought 20 inehes of snow. Friday last
3 inches were added. This is more snow
than at any time previous this winter.
Ben expeots to go to Portland this week.
A Fine Hobsh The imported run
nirjg stallion, Sir Henry, baa been
bronuht over to Heppner, and will stanJ
tbe ensuing season at this place. He is
the property of "Cayose" Reynolds, and
is a fine horse. ovOtf
Services at the Babtist cbnrch next
Sunday, Maroh 2tith. Sunday School at
10 s. m.. whiob is qnarterly review and
a display of our Sunday School charts
for tbe past quarter to view at once.
Preaching at U a. m. Snbjeot: "The
Ant." Text, Proverbs vi A and ixii25.
Preaching at 7;30 p. m. Subject, "Tbe
Spider." All are invited to our meet,
ings. Please acoept this invitation just
the ame as it I sbonld come and Invite
you personally.
M. Brakblkt, Pastor.
Kiipan9 Tabulw eure dj-pepi.
c people do not
North or South
EYFi.-jSE1 iV1j "nees
AVEUilRFl.jit"-' But
It is the Talk o the Town.
The crowd all day at.Kolman'e is a sight worth seeing.
Never before have
Been offered to the publio,
And tbe crowded store shows too plainly when the publio know where they get
full value for their money. We deserve your patronage, as we have demoralized
tbe high pnoes in Heppner. What we sell you tor $1 would cost you $2 elsewhere.
-f- We do Business to Live, and Live to do Business.
Remember we represent one of the leading MERCHANT TAILORING firms
in Chicago, and bave on band over 600 samples to select from. A perfect fit guar
anteed. I bave made a large number of suits sinoe I have been here, and every
one has given entire satisfaction. Remember you can save money by giving me
your order.
One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor
wegian Cod Liver Oil and I Iypophosphites of Lime
and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is
"Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is
that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures
the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces
flesh and builds up the entire system.
Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaemio and Wasting
Diseases. Prevents wasting In
children. Almost as palatable aa
milk. Get only the genuine. pr0
pared by Scott t Bowne, Chemists, New
Zork. Sold by all Druggists.
Fall Goods ! Fall Goods !
Overcoats, Women and Misses' Newmarket
At Reduced Rates FOR CASH-
-s General
-Have in stock
: anil 'i'
EPPNER pilTflllE mm
From 20 to 50 cents. Still in tbe field in the line of
Furniture, Upholstered Goods, Etc.
Undertaking a Specialty. 570w Repairing Done,
Ik Keeley Institute
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
But since Kolmun has opened up in Heppner, the
have to send away to the East, West,
for their goods. -:- -:-
-Ti r:-u
are inoi ut oiynt,
are within easy reach of all.
such bargains in
iitilc fjompany
Merchandise, s-
a full line of-
Jor the Cure Oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It U located nt Forest Grove, Or.,
The Must llcuutiul Town on Vie Cuast.
Call Ht the Gazcttk ottleo for imrtlcnliiri
Htrli;tly coiilulctitliil. Treatment prt vHteainl iiir
. Watches,
Eto., Eto.
Trust Busts,
anese Man
Anything New of Real
You can Generally Find
For :-: Sale :-: by
We don't run a tbird-olaes junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at fwioe
their value, but we keep first-class goods at honest prioes, with
no baits or trap.. We keep
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old oustomers bow we treat them.
Corner Main and
To Gret Even
w ; Hardware
Wood and Willow ware, Blacksmiths'
ip, iiiiikb, uniuiiion huu ouiKs, xiumumg materials, agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done.
io IF;
: -:- You will save money by
getting our prioes before purchasing
elsewhere. -:- -:- :- -:- .;- -;-
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
SB!" U
Business-like -:- Manner
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Change of
which we propose to conduct in
on hands at all times the choicest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
Graduate M. E. C. V. 8., London, England.
Veterinary -sm- Surgeon"!
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am prepared toilo all klixtH of Veterinary Huwry, Kriinneiilating Horses and KcKliiiffa a Spool
ally. (Thin in the only trim mutliud uf oiMTiithiK on inn-wen.) HpeyliiK of Cuttle and Houu
on ihort notice. J will treat all anliimtH in the mont unproved procedure of Veter
inary Hurjfury. If yuti hnve any Hick hiiIiiihIh it will bo to your intereHt to
eall on ine ut Stewart b u tables.
HEI'PNKK, . - m - - OHK0ON
For the nitnririsiu2 establishment of-
W. L Matlock & Co.
Instead of flvine to the door casp-
Ing for breath, seeming as if each I
one would be vour last, vou havef
only to take a few dose Asthmalene whfn the spasm Is broken, the breathing becomes
easy and you feel as if an angel of mercv had unloosed the iron grasp of the finders
of death. The happiest moment of your life will be when von have used a few bottles
Of Dr. Tail's ASTHMALENE and it has cured vou of ipa fJB rgaa jfaia nd pru.o
Asthma. f mail to any Aithmn sufferer a trial bottle am nff in Bui that It doe$
old by orugtiiti. Dr. Taft Bra?. M. Co., Rochestcr.N.Y 3 m mm Eaicure.ihm.
Who are
Noted for being
Tlie Leaders.
: : : : : i
Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
on Your "Life.
Stoves and Tinware,
Supplies, Iron, Steel and Cool, Pumps and
the most satisfactory manner. Will keen