Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 17, 1893, Image 3

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I'MtOSK desiring the Insertion of display ads.,
or change ul suine, must get tlieir copy in
nut lator than Monday evening fur Tuesduy's
edition, or Thursday evening tor Fridays edi
1, The Bum of five cents per line will be
charged lor "cards o( thanks," "resolutions of
rcMpcct," lints of wedding presents and doiuirn,
Hud obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall hiniBeli givo as a matter of news,) and
lioticufl of special meetings for whatever purpose.
2. Notices of church and society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live
tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to In every instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. Ho
correspondence will be published unless the
writer s real name ii signed asau evidence of
good faith.
v lug Agent, 21 Merchant! Exchange,
ban irancisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on tile In hisomce.
Stngo for Haruinan, Monnment, Long Creek,
John Itay and Canyon City, leaven a fullowB :
Kvery day at 0:ao a. m., except Sunday.
Ai-riveB every day at .r:30p. in., except .Monday.
Tlie cheapest, quickest and beat line to or
from the interior country.
J. S. DELEVAN, Prop.
Klocum-JohliBton Drug Co., AuenU.
Give your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build, up Hepp
ner. tutronize those who patronize
Here and There.
The races, May 26, 27 sad 28th.
Ed Copner is iu town on business.
AIib. W. Q. Boyer is on the tick list,
liemomber the races, May 26, 27 and
Joe Beck got ia yesterday from Ham
ilton. K. G. Frakes is over from Grant
Os. Mitchell got in from Portland
German knitting yarn 25o per hank, at
Ladies' Bazaar. 58-tf
Everybody take in the raoes, May 26,
27 and 28th.
Unfurnished rooms to rent. Inquire
at Gazette office. it
Don't forget to attend the races, May
26, 27 and 28th.
0. E. Fell returned from the Yakima
country Monday last.
The K.otP. boys are talking up another
entertainment to oooursoou.
Lay business cares aside and attend
the races, May 26, 27 and 28tb.
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors( McAtee Bros., Props. sw
Eph Eskelson took in the W. R. 0.
entertainment Wednesday eve.
Kev. Edwin Palmer is improving the
M. E. ohuroh, (South) property.
Sam Morgan sold yeBterday a car
load of cattle to Lacy & Pink, of Albina.
The Heppner-Canyon Btage line is the
best, cheapest and qicukest to the in
terior. 0. A. Rhea came up last night to re
main till the return of bis cashier, Geo.
Mrs. Judy Mitohell leaves Monday for
Eitzville, Wash., to visit her son Chas.
and family.
The officers of the Heppner Park As
sociation met Wednesday an arranged
tor the spring meeting.
Only first class work turned out at
Fred Miller's tailoring establishment
east side Main street,
The Morrow County Land and Trust
Company has an unlimited supply of
ohopped barley for sbIo.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
Wm. Penland lost a square and com
pass recently in Heppner. The finder
will please return to this offioe. 75 tf
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should . subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. Nielson is now running a stage be
tween Heppner and Lone Rook. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
T. N. Canfield, representing the Lion
and Imperial Insurance companies, of
London, was in town over yesterday.
Ohas. Koyse and father, Jas. Royse,
oamein Wednesday from Idea. Ohas.
wlil perhaps stay here this summer.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc
all kinds of nursing. Call at her home
In north Heppner, or address her at this
place. - 518-tf
W. F. Barnett and Rufus Nichols
were in from Lexington Wednesday.
They say that, considering, wheat looks
very well.
Hiyu ketohuin whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the city barber Bhop the
plaoe to get a first-class shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
Falling of the hair is the result of inac
tion of the glands or roots of the hair, or
a morbid Btate of the scalp, whioh mav
be cured by Hall's Hair Renewer.
Master Clay French is the authorized
aeent for the Oregonian at this place.
Subsoribe through him, and have your
oauer delivered free of charge. tf
Albert Osmin and Bob Watkins were
in from above Tuesday. Bob reports
considerable snow np in the timber,
wbioh will perhaps lay on some months
Eighteen inohes of snow still remains
in the mountains at Johnny Heeler's.
Last Wednesday four inohes more were
added. '
Antone Vay's herder was pulled yester
day for abusive language, and today on
trial was found guilty and fined $15.
Another case against him for trespass is
in progress.
J.S. Boothby, J. F. Willis, R. J. Hill,
Geo. W. Smith, accompanied by their
ladies, and Dallas Dampmaa were up
from Lexington Wednesday to attend
the W. R. C. doings.
Dr. B. F. Vangnan will leave about the
25th inst., for the East, and those desir
ing work dons should apply at once.
Those owing the dootor should pay up
immediately, as he desires to square up
everything before leaving. tf.
Miss Svlvia Bsckwitb and Mrs. E.
Edwards are at Heppner it the interest
of St. Cbailes Evaporated Cream. By
calling at either J. Cohn's or P. 0.
Thompson Co.'s one may learn some
thing about this famous brand.
Dr. E. T. Miller, of Cross Plains, Wis.,
has expressed the opinion that, for obsti
nate cases of syphilis and scrofula, Ayer's
Ssrsaparilla is unquestionably the most
effective remedy known to pharmacy.
Wonderful cures have resulted from its
For all derangements of the throat and
lungs, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral is the
speediest and most reliable remedy.
Even in the advanced stages of consump
tion, this wonderful preparation affords
great relief, checks coughing, and induces
The members of Tiger Hose O No. 1,
of Heppner, met for drill last Wednes
day. .They made a ran from the engine
bouse down to the hydrant Dear the M.
. church, and got water in short order.
It now remains for South Heppner to
organize their hose team.
Geo. D. Fell is down to Portland on
J. Biber, with J. H. Kolman, is below
fur a few days. -
The weather begins to look a dea
more like Bpring.
A spring shower visited the Heppner
BJCliou Weduesday night.
lioru Near lone, to the wife ot Reub
Sperry, on the llith iust., a boy.
Heppner proposes to donats the site
for the asylum, should it be located
Our friend, Editor Shutt, of Condon,
has been chosen a town oonnoilman of
bis city.
T.H. Huntsberry, formerly of Hepp
ner, but late of Iowa, is now located at
Vanoouver, Washington.
Osmers & Hughes have put In electrio
lights, and are renovating their plaoe
with fresh paint and paper.
Sinoe Dr. Beonett has come into the
field of canine surgery and medicine, Dr.
Roberts has well-nigh lost his hold in
that line.
The asylum commission did not start
last Monday on account of the suow in
the Grande Ronde valley. It was deferred
till Thursday.
If you know of horsemen at a distauoe
from Heppner, call around at the Ga
zette offioe and get them a program for
the spring races.
Last Saturday, up at Wm. Waldbridge'"
plaoe, it snowed Bbout an inoh. Iu fact,
the past week's weather has been
"March" personified.
Our Heppner people are fixing up
their front yards. We can have grass,
flowers and shrubbery now that there is
water to be had for irrigation.
E. L. Matlock has joined the pro
cession and now lights his well known
resort by the subtle eleotrioity. He is
also putting on new paint and paper.
The horse race Wednesday between
Grover's horse and Jas Jones' animal,
one-forth of a mile, resulted in favor of
Grover. Grover thinks he has a race
horse, and it looks that way, too.
Minor & Co., the new firm, have not
loBt any of their popularity by the
change. They oontinue to do business
in the old way the greatest amount
quality considered, for the least money.
On Thh Wbono Sip. Tom Crow,
Joe Dubois and Dave Pierson had quite
an experience last week while camping
down on "the sand." Their oamping
outfit consisted of a sand wagon, a tent
and the usual outfit of herder's iotas.
The tent was stretched up against the
wagon on the windward side which was
the south, on the evening above men
tioned. Quite a while after the boys
bad retired, the wind, whioh blew do
soft, perfumsd zephyrs, by the way,
ohanged to the north west, and over
went the wagon onto the unoonsoious
sleepers. A brisk fire was burning in
the oook stove, and the boys saw vis inns
ot being roasted to death, being, as it
eemed, unable to extricate themselves.
Their ooly hope, if spared till next day
was the usual, dally visit of A. L. Ayers.
Finally by an almost superhuman ef
fort, Tom Crow got out, and with some
timber, pried up the overturned wagon
and released the prisoners, who were
quite badly bruised, but otherwise all
right. It was fortunate indeed that
they escaped so luckily.
S. C. Smith,
Keeps full line of
In the way of Furniture.
Undertaklnf goods a speciality.
May Stretl, Beppnr,Or. '!(
H. A. Thompson
A. B. Blunt
Joe Vay was arrested Thursday morn
ing for running scabby sheep over on
other people's range. The complaint
was made out at the instigation of
Antone Vay. The two men are brothers,
but do not get along very well, bs this
is not the first trouble that has ocoured
between them.
Geo. Conger reoeived a telegram Mon
day announcing the very Berious illness
of his father, Jacob Couser, who is quite
aged. It being too late to catch the
train thBt day, George proceeded overland
as far as Arliugton, making connection
with the night train. Mr. Conser'B life is
despaired of.
T. M.: Mr. Ed. E. Sharon, grand
chancellor of the order of Knights of
Pythias, paid an official visit to Friend
ship Lodge, No. 9, in this city last eve
ning. After the meeting adjourned a
supper was given at Mr. Height's res
taurant, of whioh about forty partook.
The kniehts always treat their guests iu
ohivalrio manner, and last evening will
long be remembered by those present.
Panel of Juboks. The following is
the panel of jurors for the coming Maroh
term of cirouit oourt: T. P. Graham.
Eight Mile, farmer; Ben Poppenga,
Dairy, farmer; J. N. Elder, Gentry,
stockman; Nelson Jones, Heppner,
stock raiser; Thos. Quaid, Heppner,
stock raiser; James Hams.Dairy, farmer;
T. J. Merrill, Dairy, farmer; J. 8. Booth
by, Lexington, farmer; G. W. Vinson,
Pine City, stock raiser; O. 8. Hodeon,
Alpine, farmer; Milt F. Morgan, Gentry,
farmer; R. E. Long, Pine City, stook
raiser; W. A. Kirk, Heppner, merchant;
Harv Rush, Heppner, stook raiser;
John Her, Mt. Vernon, farmer; Wm.
WarreD, Mt. Vernon, farmer; S. N. Mor
gan, Gentry, farmer; O. E. Farnsworth,
Heppner, stock raiser; Stacy Roberts,
Eight Mile, farmer; T. W. Ayers, Hepp
ner, miller; Frank Akers, Dry Fork,
farmer; John Williams, lone, farmer;
James Tolbert, Matteson, farmer; A. M.
Slocum, Heppner, miller; W.G.McCarty,
Gentry, farmer; 03oar Minor, Heppner,
merchant; W. B. Fiuley, Alpine, farmer;
Frank Gentry. Gentry, farmer; John A.
Thompson, Mt. Vernon, capitalist ; Wm.
Penland, Heppner, stook raiser; Isaao
Knighten, Eight Mile, farmer.
A Creditable Entertainment. It is
but human to err; even a newspaper is
not so divine as to be exempt from all
that class of errors and mistakes to which
mankind is heir. It was our misfortune
to forget to make mention in our last
issue of the very oreditable entertai
nment given by the W. C. T. U., of Hepp
ner, at the opera house last Saturday
night. In the bnsy routine of an indi
vidual, dealing with comparatively few
people, how easy it is to forget an en
gagement or appointment. Then with a
newspaper, dealing with thousands of
nennle monthly, how much easier it
would be to negleot even suoh an import
aut event as our W. C. T. V. entertain
ment Not havinz the opportunity of
being present till late in the evening, it
is impossible for us to oomment on any
particular part of the program, but
saw enough to convinoe even a thick
headed newspaper man, who don't know
a hie silver dollar from a World's Fair
medal, that the entertainment was much
onnreniated. Mav their subsequent ef
forts in that line be as successful.
Asylum Meeting. The various asylum
committees met at the'oourt house yes
terday, together with other citizens, May
or Simons presiding and J. W. Morrow
oprntnrv. The varions committees re
ported "progress," and all seemed to be
working in the right direction. .The
meeting adjourned to meet Monday,
March 20, at 2 o'olock p. m. Heppner is
making a hard, strong pull for the asy
lum, and can offer inducements that will
not be overlooked.
In the "Pen" Without a Commitment.
On Thursday last some box cars forthe
Northwestern foundry were backed in
side the briok walls of the s tate peniten
tiary. The next morning a tramp who
had been stealing a ride crawled out of
one ot the cars. To say he was surprised
on rubbing his eyes open and looking
about him is drawing it extremely mild.
He was dumfounded, and bis eyes stuok
out with astonishment until they might
have served well as pegs to bang bats on.
But there was no getting out of his pte
dioament. He was in the penitent! try
without a commitment. Mr Tramp at
tempted to scale the walls, but failed,
and he was soon found by the guurds.
He was given his breakfast and turned
loose the happiest hobo out of jtil. The
next time he kindly bides himself from
the view of the public he will select a
box oar going the other direction from
the penitentiary. Statesman.
W. R. 0. Entertainment. On
Weduesday eve last, the W. It. C, aux
iliary to Rawlins Post No. 31. G. A. R.t
of Lexington, gave an entertaimnjut i i
the opera house. It was well attended,
and all enjoyed themselves. The fol
lowing program wasrendered: Opeufug
prayer, Rev. Shulse; song, "Marching
Through Georgia," J. F. Willis, assisted
by several ladies; recitation, "The Gamb
ler's wife," Miss Maggie Hartley; vocal
solo, Miss Janet Iugraham; dialogue,
Misses Boothby and Alioe Glasscock;
vocal solo, Mrs. Garrigues; recitation,
Jennie Noble; Instrumental duet, Mr. J.
C. Hart and Miss Julia Hart; address by
Hon. W. R. Ellis; vooal duet, Lottie and
Bessie Masters, aooumpanied by Mies
Iugraham ou the guitar; remarks re
garding W. R. C, by Mrs. R. J. Hill;
solo, Mrs. Andy Stevenson. Following
this lunch was served, after whioh there
were several Impromptu speeohes songs,
Sol, Abraham's Luok. Hod. Sol.
Abraham, recent oandidate for railroad
commissioner, has struck it rich in Jos
ephine county, says the Courier: "fl.
B. Sluter, one of our pioneer mining men,
informs us that a 12 foot vein of native
silver has been found in Tunnel eight.
The find is the property of Sol. Abraham,
who will visit the poiat Bbortly with
engineers to determine the course of the
vein with a view to tapping the ore at
the surface of the bill. Mr. Abraham
owns three forty-acre traots adjacent and
the lode has been traoed through eaoh
tract, but it goes no further. Piles of
silver ore can be found along the rail
road where it has been dumped by the
tunnel-diggers who had do idea what
valuable stuff tbey were handling. It is
considered lucky that Sol. Abraham has
become possessed of the ledge as it will
take considerable wealth to develop it,
The Heppner Livery, Feel and Sale Stable.
Btlow Coffin & McFarland's, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75ots. Hay and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 25 cts. a
at 0. O. Sergeant's, neit door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled hay always on hand.
Foot wear Foot wear !
The t.nlr hoot and shoe entnMmhmiMit of Hoppnerlms
moved from tho East side of Main Hlrwt, to their new
store room. nnt door to H. Blaekmnn ft 'o '-
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store.
On May Street, opposite Palace Hotel. Theywill keep on hand a full Hue of
Groceries and Provisions.
A full line of choice Pie's, Cakes and Bread; in faot everything that is
usually kept in a first-class bakery store. Tbey will sell cheap foi caBli. an ana
try them. sw
Anything New of Real Merit
You can Generally Find
For :-: Sale :-; by
Who are
Noted for being;
The Leaders.
We don't ran third-class junk shop where yon can buy shoddy goods at twioe
their value, but we keep first-class goods at bonest prices, with
no baits or trap. We keep
GeDts Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old oustomers how we treBt them. : : : : : :
Corner Main and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
This piece of advertising space belongs
Slocum-Johnston TJru C
PHILL COHN, Proprietor.
There is not a winged inseot hovering
around Phillip.
Gilliam & 13isbee,
Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Rock on
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes connection with the weekly
line to Fossil. Reasonable charges for both
Passengers -: and -:
SLOCUM-JOHNSTON DRUG CO., Agents, Heppner, Or.
643 tf sw
Orboon Press Association. Presi
dent Eddy, of the State Press Associa
tion has appointed the following dele
gates and alternates to the National Ed
itorial Association, whioh oonvenes in
Chicago May 16 to SO: 0. C. Doughty,
alternate F. S. Harding; Charles Nickell,
alternate Mrs. W. J. Plymale; George
0. Yoran, alternate Leo Peterson; A.
Noltner, alternate Ira L. Campbell; A.
W. Patterson, alternate F. Oonorer; D.
T. Stanley, alternate E. Hofer; John R.
Beegle, alternate v. 1. Anbury; Ueorge
H. Himes, alternate Oeores Ilibbert.
From Kansas. Mr. J. H. Stout, of
Summer&eld, Kansas, Marshal Co., ar
rived Saturday night. Mr. Stout, (their
unole,) raided G. W. Res and also his
sister, Mrs. R. F. Thomasson, of Kansas.
The former be bad not seen since 1871.
He leaves Saturday for Ooldendale,
Wash., Portland, Albany, and will then
perhaps, return to Heppner before going
East. This is Mr. Stout's first visit to
the Coast, and he is quits anxious to see
as much of it as possible before returning
llif HOTEL
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near tho Depot:
1. Only Firet-Class hotel lu Heppner.
2. Building Wired for Eleotric Lights
3. llest accommodations for the traveling
4. Con eons treatment assured the coun
try people.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
From Wtomino. Major Ormsby writes
tbusly: "PlesBe change my address
trim Casper to Douglas, Wyoming
Sheep in this oonntrv have all done wel'
this winter and no loss, and no one feeds
nay nere. 1 am going to drive one or
two bands of yearling ewes from Utah
this summer to winter over here, as my
father is out there now baying."
Wedding Bells. Mr. E. G. Sloan's
folks, Rob Sbaw and John McCarty went
out on Butter oreek today to attend the
wedding ot John MoCumber and Miss
Mary McCarty. The young people are
well known and have a host of friends.
W. J. l,bbzbu, lrop.
1 HIS HOSTELRY has been Refitted and Refunikhku throughout, and now
is one of the most inviting plaoes in Heppuer. Mr. Leezer invites you to stop
with him, feeling that he is able to entertain yon in the beet of style.
Change of Ownership
whioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands (it all times the ohoioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
85-tr .
& Mccarty,
First Class House.
Gradnato M. E. C. V. S., London, England.
Veterinary SURGEON !
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am prejiarerj to do nil kindH of Voteriimry HurffiTv, KmnnoiilHlliiK M'lrm-H ami KfKlhifru H HKlvi
ally. (Thin Ih the only true intrihol (if onTtUmi on hometi.) Hin-yinif ot Ctttllt' mid llngn
on nhort iinMct. I will treat nil tuilninlH in tint inoHt unproved iiioccdiiri! of Wter
inary Hurnury. If you lmvtt any nick hiiIuuiIh it will hu to your Ink-rent to
mil on mt at Stcwiirt'ij Ntablua.
HKITNKK, . hw - - OKEtiON
Ita KcsUy Institute
For the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium anil Tobacco Habits
It In located at Parent Grove, Or.,
Coast .
- j,'l)r t, enterprising establishment of
W. L. Matlock & Co.
rt, , ine mutii nr.mii tj at jmrn vn int
mm H mmtmimmmKmmmmammmmmmmtwmmmmmmm (;a aj t,e OaZKTTK oltlce for pftrtltMilari.
. - tfTH 'TlSW'Y'lt-1 f?trlrtlyCOtlflle"tla' 'Jrt'ftttflc"tPrlvwtL'a"1
V ) jl - W R ELLIS Commissioner of the U. 8. Circuit Court. All land
jNP j! 7 I'l Ml Mp matters attended to promptly and accurately.
ljJ Office in National Bank building.
JJsL. j3'ott0M"PAnt1 !ju- iuu notary public
X" 11111,111111111 Ml I 'f UlU V A -L-iy
NTfcfcO. ivuw iiniviwvii uhiuimiiwuii OI,,,IOK
U A dr. taft'S flHRfil
k' n resa can Mm
lntnd of flvine to the door easp'
Iniz for breath, seeming as if each V
n. vunnkl be vour last, vou have m 1
only totakea few doses Asthmalene when t!iespasmlsbrnUen,thebreathlnEbecomes
sasy and you feel as if an anrjrl of mercv had unloosed the Iron grasp of the tinners
of death. The happiest moment of your life will be when vnn have used a few bottles
of Dr. Taft'S ASTHMALENE and it has cured you of torn g-sa-j-i m M ind pro.u
Asthma, tfs mail to any Asthma lufferer a trial bottle mm &5T & that It don
toid by cirugsiitt. Dr. Taft Bros. M. Co., Rochester.N.Y I I mm fttCure Aihmi.