.5 .Mll'lCK TO A0VKUT1BEKS. I "HUSK desiring the maeitlon of display ads , ur eliuuge ol same, uiUBlge.1 their copy 111 .or. later tluu Monday evening fur Tuesday's editluu, ur Ihursday evening lor Friday edi tion, IHS i'Ari'itttBON 1'USLlSHlNUCO. MOi'lCK. 1. The luui ol Bve cenU per line will be charged lor "cards of thanks," "resolutions oi respect," lists o! wedding presents and donors, arm obituary notices, (other thau those the edit or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and notices of special meetings lor whatever purpose, a. lotlces ol church and society and ail other vtiieiuMuiueuba ironi wmca revenue is to be de rived, shall be charged lor at the rate of ave ivuis uuv, muse ruiei wiu oe strictly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upou appiicaiiou. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication. No lurrespondeuce will be published unless the v riter a real uame is signed as au evidence of good iultiit I P. FISHER, NEWSPAPER ADVEtiTIS log Agent, a Merchants Jixchauge bun t rancisco, is ottr authorized agent, 'inis paper is kept on tile in his office. TIME TABLE. Stage for Ilnnliiinii, Monument, Long Creek John liny and canyon city, leaves as follows Jiveiy day at 6:30 a. ni., except Sunday. Arrives every day at a:au p. ni., except Monday. 1 he cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. ul . , . ,J- DELE VAN, Prop. clocum-Johnston Drug Co., Agents. Hive your business to Hevvner venule.. and therefore assist to build up Hepp uer, tuironize those who patronize you. Here and There. Milt Max well wag in town over Sunday . Jobnbpray got in from Haystaok Satur day. i'UTT'S PILLS don't interfere with work. (Jbas. Halea lost a valuable borne- re cently. Cass Matlock was over from Pendleton last week. L. D. Boyed returned Saturday from a trip below. Miss Effie Fields came up last night from below. J as. Adkins is under the weather with neuralgia. F. 0. Buoknum left for Portland yester day morning. German knitting yarn 2So per bank, at Ladies' Bazaar. 68-t( Bob Gilmore oame over from Monu ment yesterday. Unfurnished rooms to rent. Inquire at Gazette office. cf T. K. Huberts is now at work down at YVoodbarn, Oregon. The Gem and Palace saloons for fine liquors, McAtoe Bros., Props. sw The school report for Distriot No. 1 appears on page taut of this issue. Miss Itie Matlock is learning the "art preeervaliye" in the Gazette office. 0. S. Van Duyn returned from bis trip to the valley and Portland Saturday. L. J. Sheuricb, of Social ridge, was a cailer at the Gazette office yesterday. License to wed was issued Monday to Win. A. Allyn and Vesta A. Hathaway. The Heupner-Canyou stage line is the best, cheapest and qicukest to the in. terior. F. O. Buoknum was with his family over Sunday, leaving Monday for Port land. The subject of disoouree at the M. eliurob next Sabbath evening will be "Lies and Liars." J. E. Frick, president of the First National Bank of Arlington, was iu Hepp tier over Sunday. Only first class work turned out at Fred Miller's tailoring establishment east side Main street. The Morrow County Land and Trust Company has an unlimited supply of chopped barley for sale. Tom Wright sends down word from Union that there is much diphtheria and Boarlet fever up tbat way. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove oorea liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine and tobaoco babit. See ad. Mrs. Morris Long, ot the Alpine sec tion, has gone to visit her husband who has been at work on the Island. VVm. Penland lost a square and com pass recently in Heppuer. The finder will please return to this ollioe. 75-tf Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween Heppner and Lone Rook. See ud. tor days of leaving and arrival, tf. Miss Lizzie Matlock was a passenger on yesterday's down train. She will take a course in musio at the metropolis. A. J. Clem's sons, Frank and Walker, aged respectively 21 and 17 years, arrived from Humphrey, Mo., Friday evening last Miss Edith Sapp was a passenger on last Wednesday's Echo stage. She takes charge ot the Bule school for the spring term. Mrs. Pry Wilson oame over Sunday to be at the bedside of her dangbler, Mrs. Ed. Keeney, who has been ill for the past week. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dt all kinds of nursing. Call at ber home In north Heppner, or address her at this place. 518-tf The raoe between Al Roberts' pony and the J. R- Graver animal, today, 200 yards, ended in fnver of Grover's animal by a few feet. Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Halt 4' Mathews, at the city barber shop the place to get a first-class sbave, bair-out or shampoo. tf. Potatoes! Spuds! J. Cobn has a oar load due March 10th, warranted free from frost. Secure yourseed reasonable. 4-5 Dr. J. J. Bills got in, Sunday from the Weston and Milton country, alter a month's absence. He was accompanied borne by Cass Matlock. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for tbe Oregonian Bt this place. Subscribe through him, and bave your paper delivered free of charge. tf The directors of Dial. No. 1 held a meeting at tbe Court house Saturday last. The r gular meeting will oocur next Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in connec tion. O. T. Snyder and Frank Pangborn ar rived last evening from tbe East, the former from Kansas and the latter from Colorado. Mr. Snyder was formerly a resident of this county. Tomorrow the directors of the Hepp ner Park Association will meet at the office of J. N. Brown at 2 o'clock p. m.. for the purpose of attending to matters relative to the Association, spring races, etc. Dr. B. F. Yaugban will leave about the 25th inst., for the East, and those desir ing work done should apply at once. Those owing tbe doctor sboold pay up immediately, as he desires to square tip everything before leaving. tf. Perry Houeer departed yesterday morn ing for Pendleton, where be will becomes ber of tbe new firm of Houeer Bros., butchers. Perry has made many friends dunuij hia brief residence in out midst. Tire Adklns spent a few days In town las. week. Mrs. (i. W. Parker is up again after a severe illness. K. L. Buird.of Butter creek, was in town over Sunday. Charles McFarland I) up rliitlnrr frifn.l. .t neppner. i-osi a nat.nand made door k. t.,-. .. tins omce. Commissioners' court did not sojourn till yesterday. W. O. Scott a In lost week to receive midl. cal attention. Much la grippe and bad colds arc prevalent In Morrow county. Terry Miiler.who is at present stopping at Tuoa. JJorman's, was in town last week. Mrs. J. W. KaSnlushas been confined to her room for the past week, but at present is conva lescent. John drmicbael and wife of tbe Lex ington country were visitors in Henmrnr Saturday. Hon. William Hughes has been on the sick list for the past two weeks with la grippe and bilious fever. Charles Sargent returned yesterday from a visit to his parents at The Dalles. He reports a pleasant time. Henry Heppner is down to The Dalles looking after his claim for lossesdue to the depredations of the Indians in the sixties. Mrs. Joe Bannister departed Tuesday for Wes ton to visit her husband's sister, Mrs. Lizzie Uordon, who Is quite ill. Pendleton Paper; Mrs. C. A. Rhea, of Heppuer, is visiting ber brotner, Rev. Frank Adklns of this city. On the eve of the 17th, St. Patrick's Day, will occur a grand ball at the opera house, bplendld music and a good time guaranteed. It J . H. Allen.of EigutMile,reports consid erable snow over iu his looality. He is well pleased with the prospects lor crops. It W. KobisoD, of Eight Mile, was in town Suturduy last. He thinks every thing is favorable for a bountiful harvest. J. H. Hinchey, ol Davenport, Wash., a paiuter of 3b' years experience, got in Sunday and is employed at his trade by Mr. Fain. E-O.; C. J. Matlock left this morning tor his horse ration on Butter oreek, aooompunied by Dr, Bill, the veterinary surgeon. Married On Butter creek, March 1st, Mr. Geo, Vincent and Miss Stella Howard, Kev, J, T. (ialloway oihclatlug. The Oazette'i best wishes go with them. T.-M-: Mr. Thos. Morgan, ot Hepp ner, lormeiy a Btage driver on the Cunyon City route from this oity in lbtio, is iu town to day. Miss Mamie Andrews, of Alpine, has gone to Eobo to spend a few days with her brother, Ebiu, who is still post master at that place. Mrs. Kate I'arsell writes up that her hbiiltu is improving slowly, and that she will be able to attend the oomiug teim of circuit oourt. Sheepmen say shearing will oommenoe oiuoh eurlier this season on account of the severe winter, sheep are already beginning to lose their wool. T-M.: Heppuer belives in giving liberal Buppori to the public schools, and for tbat purpose levied a tax of 10 mills at the annual meeting luswvlonday, Minor & Co., the new lirm, have not loBt any of their popularity by.the change. Theycontlu ue to do business in the old way the greatest amount, quality considered, for the least mon ey, a The trotting race between Win. Ayers' steed and Marshal Rasmus' pony, up at the race traok yeBterday, resulted in tbe letter's favor. U,uite a crowd saw the fun. Born. To the wife of Theo. Cook, on Social Ridge, March 8, 1893, a girl weighing lulba. Mother and babe doing well unuer the car of Mrs. Geo. W. Smitli. Fulling of the hair is the result of inaction ot the glands or roots of tbe hair, or a morbid state of tbe scalp, which may be cured by Hall's Halt Keuewer. Oregon Churchman: Bishop Mortis may be expected home (D. .) soon after the middle of March. He will be joy fully welcome by olergy and people throughout his Diooese. S. P. Gariigues visited tbe Spokane country lust week. He found considera ble snow up there, and intended to even go on further north, but six teet of snow disoouraged hi in iu that idea. Messrs. Smith & Chapll,the enterprising herd ers of bucks and billy goats, who bave been advertising in ye Gazette for Borne weeks, were iu Friday. Thosa having either should corres pond with Smith & Chapil at Hardman, By some book or crook, Sunday night last, Os Wells got quite a gasb cut over nil left eye. Whether a mule had kicked him or he bad refereed a dog fight not in accordance with the facts in the oase, we were unable to learn. Antoue Yay was in from Butter creek over Sunday. Mr. Vay had just returned from San Francisco where had been to receive medical attention. He UkeB the California climate very much. Mr. Vay says that Butter creek has several bands of scabby sheep. Now is the time to getaround with yoursprlu ads. Those who advertise rake In the persim mons. A live newspaper is iu a position to make you know that thiB is a fact, Without a newspaper you would have no town. Without a town you would have no business. For all derangements of tbe throat and lungs, Ayer s Cherry Psotoral is the speediest and most reliable remedy. Even in tbe advanced stages of Con sumption, this wonderful preparation affords great relief, cbeoks coughing, und induces sleep. Pendleton Paper: Niles & Vinson have reoaived an order tor a large mon ument, to be erected at Baker City, Oregon. This firm bave just completed and placed in position tbe handsome Fudge monument at Waitsburg. T-M.: The K. of P. lodge in this oity now numbers over lUti members, and candidates are being initiated into tbe different ranks every meeting night. Friendship Lodge No. 9. is making rspid strides after tbe banner at tbe next meeting of the grand lodge at Heppner. Dr. E. T. Miller, of Cross Plains, Wis., has expressed tbe opinion that, for obstinate cases of syphilis and scrofula, Ayer's Sarsaptirilla is unquest ionably tbe most effeotive remedy known to pharmaoy. Wonderful cures have resulted from its use. A. V. Sbaw was found dead in his barn near John Day a few days ago. He was supposed to have met his death by being kicked by horses, but sabsequut investigations caused theooroner's jury to believe tbat hisdeath was brought about by bis hired hand, Wm. Gallin, aod Shaw's wife, Nioa ahaw. Beeokb The Cockt of Claims. Last week Tom Morgan was called to Tbe Dulles as a witness in the case in Tue Court of Claims, Henry H. Wheeler vs The U. S. and tbe Snake Tribe of In dians, Mr. Wheeler was in the sixties owner of a stage line and outfit between The Dalles wnd Canyon City on which Mr. Morgan handled tbe reins. Ac cording to tbe complaint, "between May 1, 1864, and December 31, I860, divers I bands of Indians belonging to the Snake tribe of Indians (the said tribe then being in treaty relations with tbe United' States) wrongfully and unlawfully, and with force and violence, oomuiitted depredations upon the property of your petitioner, as hereinafter set forth, and took, stole and drove and osrried sway 89 head of American burses, the property of your petitioner, aud converted tbe same to their ou use, the itid horses then being ol so averag yaloe ot 8150 00 each, and ot tbe dggregtts Talcs of 13,850.000; and alio took aod destroyed one stage coach ot the value of 91,000.00, and one set of doable harness ot the value of $30 00, the property of your petitioner; tbe property aforesaid then being of the value of $14,380.00; end no part of said property has been recovered, returned or paid for, but the same became a total loss to your petitioner by reasous ot tbe depredations aforesaid." In one of tbe fights Mr. Wheeler was badly wounded in tbe face. On His Mobclbv Colonel Frank J Parker, editor of tbe Walla Walla States man, and L. C. Gilliam, a prominent republioan ot Walla Walla, bad a short but rattling fight in the lobby of tbe Hotel Spokane Tuesday, nooordicg to the Tribune. Parker aod Gilliam bava always been tbe best of friends. They were engaged in conversation, when Gilliam referred to the inauguration of "the stuffed prophet." "What's that?" demanded Parker. Gilliam repeated the statement, when Parker exclaimed, "Grover Cleveland is now president ot tbe Uuited States, and you oau't insult bim in my presenoe," and grabbed a newspaper whioh Gilliam was reading and tore it up. Gilliam seized Parker aud burled him half way across the room. Parker was back iu an instant and landed a vicious right-haud blow on Gilliam's eye. At this point bystanders parted the combatants. Tbe Affair was suppressed by the looal papers. Chron icle. Tigkb Hobb Co. No. l.-On Jnu, 23th 1893, Tiger Hose Co. No. 1 was urgnnlted in North Heppner. The following is tbe personnel ot the oompauy: President, T. J. Matlock; Vice President, (1. N. Charlton; Seoretary, E. F. Freeluud; Treasurer, E. G. Slooam; Foreman, H. McFarland; Firat Asst., S. S. Horuor, Second Asst., Lee Matlook. Members; T. J. Matlook, C. N. Charlton, H Mo Farland, S. S. Horuor, T. W. Ayers, Jr., E. L. Freelaud, Lee Matlaok, E, G. SI ocum, Frank Roberts, J. J. Huberts, W. B. Potter, Jaok Matlock, A. A. Rob erts, W. S Matlook, H. E. Warren and E, P. Voruz. The company have been duly recognized by the town oouncil, and are preparing to become as effioient as posible iu the near future. The boys deserve to be encouraged. ; Shop Out Op Luck. Tbe Gazette shop has had quits a time of it for some days, and we must conclude tbat the evil one is lingering near. First of all tbe editor was seized with a regulation attack of grippe; then Miss Ella Crab tree was visited in like manner, Bnd had barely returned to ber duties in tbe mechanical department when Mrs. Florence Harman was taken from work by illness. Friday nigbt or Saturday morning, we burned the fire plug out ot our boiler, which reminds us that troubles never come singly. However, our damaged boiler has been repaired, and Miss Nelson is "subbing" tor Mrs, Barman. It looks now (Mondav) as though our semi-weekly would be out on time. Taa Oldest Mason. Wm. Gardiner, of Portland, died yesterday in Portland. D. Solia Cohen, master of tbe A. F. and A. M. there, received word in tbe morn ing that an aged mason was dying in tbe southern portion of the oity, and desired to make himself known to his brethero before bis death, but before be arrived, Gardiner had died. He proved to be tbe oldest Mason in the United States, having been made a Mason in Sootland in 1816, when just 21 years of age, being 97 at the time of his death.. He was also a Royal Arch Mason of over 70 years' standing. The Dalles Chronicle . W. C. B. Lyceum. At the W. C. B. Lyceum Friday ee last, Bev. Edwin Palmer delivered a very appropriate address which was well reoeived. Tbe burlesque, tbe "bridle soene" was muoh appreciated. Following this, Miss Mag gie Hartley delivered an excellent reoi tation. Mr. J. 0. Hart and daughter, Julia, played an instrumental dm', 'The Wiesbaden Waltz." Perry Houser, on tbe Dutoh reoitation, took the cake. In fact it was a splendid entertainment throughout. BiitTHiMY Party. A surprise party was given Mies Edith Jenkins on ber tenth birthday Saturday last. A very plea ant time was spent. Tbe following were present: Vina Hart, Bell Horner, Nellie Hornor, Zoe Patterson, Florence French, Bessie Sutton, Emma Farna worth, Mamie Farnsworth, Lena Glass cock, Edna Mallory, Glennie Griffith, Nellie Sbulse, Fannie Shulse, Vala Mo Atee. Maud Swasgart. Anuie Welch, Muriel Jones, Aadria Doaaboo, Marion Smith, Ivy Swaggart and Maud Keeney. Rip's Wood Yard, The Heppner wood yard, under tbe management of Rip Van Winkle, la prepared to deliver wood at your residenoe, sawed or nn sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.60 per oord. Wood sawed twice in two, 75 cts. pereord; three times, 81.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4 tf. Mountain Hodbe. Mr. Joseph Crsuk has lately leased the hostelry known as the Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board aud bed, per week 86; board without bed, 84.50; meals and bed 25 cents eseb, Mr. Crunk asks a portion of the patrouage, believing tbat he can give as rood ser vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less money. 43-sw. Dikd. At4230 n'olook on the morn ing of March 1st, 1893, at Haines, Baker oounty. Or, Susan Matilda, eldest daughter of Dr. and Mrs. A. L. Baylor, after an illness of two weeks, of oaailsr meniugitis, aged 14 years, 11 months and 15 days. 25865 V" nennln rln tint North or South My Prices But ttn "i"T-n It is the Talk o the Town- The orowd all day at Koltnan's is a sight wotth seeing. Tmc BOSTON CASH STORE Never before have Jrv Goods, tl 7 BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC. Been offered to the public, And tbe orowded store shows too plainly when the publio know where they get full value for their money. We deserve yonr patronage, as we have demoralized tbe high pnoes in Heppuer. What we sell you for 81 would cost you $2 elsewhere. We do Business to Live, and Live to do Business. Remember we represent one of the leading MERCHANT TAILORING firms in Ohioags, and bava on band over 500 samples to select from. A perfect fit guar anteed. I have made a large number of suits since I have been here, and every one has given entire satisfaction. Remember you oan save money by giving me your order. (JLEARANCE OF - K Fall Goods ! Fall Goods ! -t SUCH AS V j II U1UVU UUU WOOLEN UNDERWEAR,se DRESS GOODS, ETC., ETC. At Reduced Rates FOR CASH- I cMud Mercantile Company. m General Merchandise, m- HEPPNER, : : : : OREflON THE : and mnmTmi rmnMTrrfmfi nnumw Have in stock a full line of Chinese From 20 to 60 oenta. Still in the field in the line of Furniture, Upholstered Goods, Etc. Undertaking a Speoialty. 670w Repairing Done. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains -IN- J eAvelry, Cash Talks. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. JHE QITY ft-OTEL, W. J. IKKZlt K, Prop, rpHIS HOSTELRY baa been RufirrBD aud Refuniwikd throughout, aud now ia one of the most inriting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to stop with him, feeling that be is able to entertain yon in the best of style. r First Class House. OF- Office in National : HEPPNER, nR IRR Ru I rixT.lT.l lT.R I I I ELLIS The Lancashire Insurance Co. Of MANCtlKMTKK, UNOIyAND W KTllRSON. AGENT p wor!i . But since Kolman has opened up in Heppner, the have t BAnrl ftttftv to the East. West for their goods. -:- -:- are Not Out of Sight are within easy reach ot all. such bargains in J. H. KOLMAN. 1UIUUVU ilVII UllUl 11 V V vivuiuuj Jap 0 JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, silverware, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Etc. Trust JJusts. Reasonable Rates, Kor the Cure oi Liquor. Opium aod Tobacco Habits j It Is lociitei at Forest Urov, Or., I The Most Beavtiul Town on the Coast. Call at the Gakkttk office for particulars. Htriiitly conSdeiitiul. Treatment prl vata and snrt cure. III Ma ill ATTQIINB11' -A-T LAW And Commissioner of the U. S. Circuit Court. All land matters attended to promptly and accurately. Bank building : : OREGON Anything New of Ileal Merit You can Generally Find For :-: Sale :-: by We don't run a third-class junk Bhop than wuln4 huft na t.nn 4i . .tr, '.-uanj guoua at oonesc prices, with no baits or trap. We keep Gents' Furnisiiing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, -STATIONERY, CONFEOflONERX, ETO.- Ask our old oustomers how we treat them. Corner Main and HERE IS To Get Even New ; HARDWARE 1 T Torn "v A COMPLETE LINE OF Hardware, QUEENSWARE, , . u....,i,,uu,ui "inieriBi, agricultural imple ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done. THE CELEBRATED 1) W : -:- You will save money by getting our prices before purchasing elsowbere. :- .;. -;. ... - Odd Fellows' building, Main St., STORAGE AND ATTENDED TO IN A Business-like -:- Manner AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near the Depot; HEPPNER, . . OREGON. Change of "ITfE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE 1 wuloh we propose to conduct in on hands at all timus tbe choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef. Etc., Etc. SHAW 85-tt T)ll. JOSEPH ,). I3ILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. H. , London, England. Veterinary Surgeon i Chronic Diseases a Specialty. t am prepared to do all kinds of Veterinary Snrm-ry, Kin,nciilatlnK Hon-, ,j (,.Ki,,m ,.,., ally. (I his is the only trim method ol opcratlnit on horses.) H,yli,K of : le i d HoL on short notice. I will treat ull animal In the ni.mt approved i.roredor o V ' t!,, iliary Hiirgery. II yon have any sick animals It will be to yonr interest r , , , call oniric St Hlewarl'sstulilos. u For the enterprising eitablishmeut of- W. L. Matlock & Co. rVfoi Ernnnn DR. TAFT'S Instead of flying to the door gasp ing for breath, seeming as if each one woulj tie your last, you have Li 3 only totakea few doses Asthmalene when tliespasmlsbroken,thcbreathlnb:omes easy and you feel as if an ant;el of mercv had unloosed the Iron erasD ot the t'nu'r r t3r:JrlTe"l, '.I?' life.Wil1 b v have used a few bottlei vi lf, ,aii.nui,imni.Lfo.aiiua lids Ltlinj VOU til Asthma. tf mail to any Asthma tuflerera trial bottle mm told by orufs-utt. Dr. Talt Bnt. M. Co,, Rochester, ."tY I atterson . rfc Who are Noted for beins; The Leaders. where you can buy shoddy goods at twioe ..I ...... . 3 , . . ' s : : : Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON. THE PEACE on Your "Life. t- Ti-r,-i-v-r-s-n-r-v . Stoves and Tinware, GLASSWARE, 4 tLJ..-rc 634-t-f HEPPNER, OREGON. FORWARDING. 1 V Ownership OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET tbe most satisfactory manner. Will keep & McOAKTY, I-'roorietors. OltKtlON PIE! mrmmm US i JilJtLfete RKal neiai and provo gsas &a that It does NOTARY PUBLIC oA CONVEYANCER f