NOilCl TO ADVKttTltJKttS. 'iMfOSU dwlriug the iiuurtion of display ad., L or ciiaiiue oi same, mustat their i.i,v in nut later man Monday evening lor Tuesuay'i eiituou, or Ihuritday evening lor Jj'ridays eui- 1UH JrATTKKdON rUlSLlBHINUCO. NOTICE. 1. The buui of five ceuti per line will be clmiKed fur "cards of than leu," "renulutioii of rt)iui't," liati of wedding prewenU and donors, and obituary notices, (other than thuue the edit or Khali liinuell give as a matter of uewdj and notices oi Hpct-ial luet'tingB for whatever puipoHtj. 2. Noticed of church and Bociety and all other entertainment from which revenue iB to be de rived, shall be charged for at the rate of five tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher ed to lii every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upon application. We bold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication, bo correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name la signed as an evidence of good taith. "T P. F1SHKR, NEWSPAPER. ADVERTlS lug Agent, 21 Merchants Exchange, ban t raucisco, is onr authorized agent, 'ima paper is kept ou file in hisoflice. TIME TABLE. Stage for Hardmati, Monument, Lour: Creek, John Uay ami canyon City, leaves as lollowa : Ji-very day at 0:30 a. in., except Sunday. Arrives every day at o:b0p. in., except Monday. 'the cheapest, quickest and best line to or from the interior country. J. tf. DELEVAN, Prop. Slocura-Johnston Drug Co., Agents. Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build, up Hepp ner. patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Heppner (or tue asylum. Bee the new ad. of Kirk & Buhl. Bob Show got in last night from Port land. The work of collecting taxes begins Monday. John Bliaw, brother of Bob, was in Thursday. Felix Johnson was iu town Wednesday ot last weok. Tom Carl, the.liissell of lone, was in Wednesday. German knitting yarn 25o per bank, at Ladies' Bazaar. 58 -tf Chas: Repass was in town Wednesday from Eight Mile. Unfurnished rooms to rent. Inquire at Qazette oilioe. tf Mr. Childs, the Bheep-buyer, has gene up into' Montana. Jake Young, of Eight Mile, was in yes tcrday on business. Win. Stauffer, of Clark's canyon, was in town Wednesday. Win. Allison, of Eight Mile, was in our midst yesterday. Oregonian: B.L.Shaw, of Heppner, is at toe Si. Charles. E. O. Norton, of Portland, was here yesterday on business. Mrs. Holmes Hayman and baby left this morning for Missouri. Henry Heppner went down to The Dalles yesterday on business The Gem and Palace saloons for fine liquors, MoAtee Bros., Props. sw Miss Bell Bishop is visiting ber brother, Ed. it. Bishop, and his family. Billy Oordon is building a neat fence around bis Uale street residence. Union Republican: Little Claude Wright is sick with scarlet fever. Mrs. W. B. Mo A lister, Dr. Swinburne reports to us, is very niuoh better. Ed. Copner, of Lone Bock, went below Wednesday to buy his sprint: stock. M)hs Annie Ayers cud Mrs. Geo. D. Fell returned from Portland Tuesday. T.-M. : Mr. Chas. Sargent, of Hepp ner, is visiting Lis parents iu this oity. A. E. Miller will teaoh the spring term down at the Lower Clark's canyon school Found A ohild's pm. Call at the Ga te tte office and prove property. 73-1 1 The Heppner-Oauyon stage line is the beat, cheapest anu qiuuaesc to tne in tenor. Only first class work turned out at Fred Miller's tailoring establishment east side Main street. Tribune: Miss Belle Bishop leaves tomorrow lor Heppner on a visit to her brother, Ed. B. Bishop. The Morrow County Land and Trust Company has an unlimited supply of chopped barley for sale. Frank Newbra, an engraver, commit ted suicide at Portland by taking mor phine, last Monday night. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine and tobacco habit, see ad. Everv man who takeB any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween Heimner and Lone Rook,. See ad. for days ot leaving and arrival, tf. Potatoes! Souds! J. Cohn has a oar load due March 10th. warranted free from frost. Secure your seed reasonable. 4-5 Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dt nil kinds of nursing. Call at ber home In north Heppner, or address her at this place. 618-11 A musioal and literary entertainment will be given at the opera bouse oatnr, dav evening March 11th, by the W. C T.'XJ. 74 Hiyu ketcbum whiskers, uati at Mathews, at the oity barber shop the place to get a first-class shave, hair-cut or shampoo. The members of Heppner Chapter will meet at the Masonic ball next Thursday evening, the 9th inst. Be sure to oome out. 73 E. O. : The family of Albert Ayers, a Heppner sheep-grower, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sherman at the Cunningham ranch on Birch creek. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for the Oregonian at this place. Snbsoribe through bim, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Falling of the hair is the result of in action of the glands or roots of the bair, or a morbid state of thesoalp, which may be cured by Hall's Hair Benewer. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Bathe in sonneo tion. Portland Welcome : Hon Henry Black- man will leave for his home in Heppner Mondav. He will not go to Washington but will fish for Col. Weidler's hoots from bis home among the hills of Mor row oounty. Chronicle: H. Heppner, of the town bearing bis name, is in the city. He was in a reminieoent mood last night, and eemed to enjoy telling of the old days when be managed a freight cavaloade between this point and Boise. Free! Free! Free I A good looking lady from Portland will give a cocoa and coffee banquet at J. Cobn's for two days, March 16 and 17, showing tbe healthful merits of St. Charles Evap orated Cream. Come everybody, tbe more tbe merrier. Mot a red cent will be charged. 4 5 Lebo (Kansas) Enterprise: Otis Pat terson, of Heppner, Morrow Co., Oregon, was added to onr subscription list by W. W. Kniirht. Mr. Patterson is a nephew of Mr. Knight, and formerly a resident o! this county, who is now engaged in editing and publishing a stalwart repub lioau paper iu that plaoe. W."C. McKimmey is up from Portland where he has been spending the past winter. Services at the M. E. churoh, South, Sunday evening. Subject, "The B.irreu Fig Tree." Mrs. Milton, aud son. Win., of Moan tain Home, Mo, airiyed recently to looate in our niidut. Isa Brown is under treatment of Dr. E. B. Swinburne. His frozen fingtro are getting better. A. N. Hand, a cousin ot Al and J. B. Binns, is in from Kingston, Tenn. He will locate here. 0. W. Byohard bas a very wry nook, but it Is much better now tban it was early in the week. County court is in session and bard at work. The selection of a scab inspector will oocur this term. J. H. Kolman returned from 'Frisco Tuesday. While below Mr. Kolman pur chased his spring stock. Mies Elizabeth Matlock leaves the first of next week for Portland, where she will take a course in music. Miss Lucele Godley departed on this morning's train for Portland where she will visit relatives for a tew weeks. Wm. Penlaud lost a square and com pass recently in Heppner. The bnder will please return to this offioe. 75-tf On last Monday the Eskelson school district at their annual meeting conclud ed to build a school house this spring. C. N. Peck and J. F. Willis were in town Tuesday, and while here culled on this office. Their grain is looking well. J. B. Manning found Wednesday, with its driviug suow and rain, to be a very bad day up between Hardman and Park er's mill. Chus. Johnson and J. A. Woolery were up from lone over Tuesday night to at tend a regular convention of Doric Lodge No. 20, K. of P. C. G. Fuqua, Ed. Ashbaugh, J. L. Beymor aud K. B. Stanton were in to at tend to some affairs before the county court yesterday. Miss Leila Hayes has returned from Lone Rock, and in about two weeks will visit the valley, where resides her grandfather U0 years of age. Mr. Green, B. Lieuallen's father-in-law, is quite ill down at Lexington. There are hut little hopes of recovery, Latbb Word came up today that tbe old gentle man died last night. Jolly Jas. Shaw is in for tbe purpose of having some dental work done under the skillful band ot Dr. B. F. Vatighan. We learn that Mr. Shaw wfll soon join the ranks of the benediots. Miss Martha Neville bas aooepted the Pettyeville school for the spring term. Miss Neville is one of our most progress ive teachers, and deserves the success that she is achieving in that line. Hon. H. Blackman got home from Sa lem and Portland last Tuesday. The senator cornea home looking well, whioh leads us to conclude that the valley cli mate is certainly agreeing with him. Ed. Hollowav, the Douglas farmer, was in town over Wednesday night. Mr. Hollowav bas been compelled to replant a portion of his summer-iailowea grain, owing to sowing too deep and tbe grain rotting. Yesterday Drs. Swinburne and Gagen removed from the face of John Carty subuoeous tumor. It was located in supra-orbital region, and though a deli cate operation, the patient is getting along well. Bill Hicks was started Wednesday morning for Idaho by Constable Taylor. He made quite an objection to being ironed, but being substantially persuaded that it was tbe best thing, submitted gracefully. Hicks is a hard case. Dr. B. F. Vaughan will leave about the 25th inst., for the East, and those desir ing work done should apply at onoe. Those owing the dootor should pay up immediately, as he desires to square up everything before leaving. tf. It is quite probable that you may need the services of a physioian some day ; but you oan postpone the time indefinitely by keepiug your blood pure and your system invigorated through the use of Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Prevention is bet ter than cure. W. A. Johnston and Frank Rogers have purchased Oscar Minor's interest in the firm of Minor Bros. The firm will now be composed of Arthur Miuor and the two gentlemen named above. The Gazette wishes tbe new firm success in every particular. People with delioate stomaohs find Ayer's Sarsaparilla agreeable to the taste, and, therefore, prefer it as a blood puri fier to any other. This is one reason for its great popularity as a spring and fam ily medicine. Safe, oertaia, and palata ble. A. P. Eastabrook, of Palouse oity, ar rived Tuesday and bas taken a position with Pbill Cohn. Mr. Eastabrook is a thorough pharmaoist and a royal good fellow. The Gazette congratulates Mr. Cohn on having suoh a capable druggist to assist him. T. M.: A Heppner dispatch says that Dorian Temple, No. 6, Pythian sisters, was instituted there last night by Su preme uniet Mrs. nocnBteaier, witn a membership of 36. The Knigbta of Pythias are making every effort to make tbe coming Bession of tbe grand lodge a brilliant sucoess. . Tbe surprise party on last Friday night at the home of the pastor of the Baptist churoh, Bev. M. Bramblet, in honor of MrB. Bramblet's 40th birthday, was a very pleasant one. A number ot friends were present and Bpent an hour or two very pleasantly. Mrs. Bramblet was the happy recipient of many valua ble presents, for whioh she is verv thankful. A Large and Enthusiastic Gath ering of Heppner's Citizens. THEY EXPECT TO WORK FOR THE PRIZE. Committees Appelated and Other Arrange ments Perfected-Htppner Solidly in the Sue. Aa per arrangements and call ot Mayor Simons, a large number of Heppner's citizens met at tbe oourt house yesterday to discuss the asylum question, and to make arrangements to procure the same at this plaoe, it possible. Mayor 0. a. Simons was chosen as chairman ot the meeting, and J. W' Morrow, seoretary. Messrs. Ellis, Brown, Blackman, Bbea, Quaid, E. G. Sperry, E. L. Matlock Gunn, Brenner, Otis Patterson, J. W. Morrow and Mayor Simons epoke briefly on the benefits arising from the location ot the asylum at Heppner, oould it be brought about. On motion of Morrow, seoonded by Patterson, a committee of five were ap pointed on reception and -invitation mat ters. Tbe obair appointed Ellis, Brown, Morrow, Patterson and Blackman. On motion J. R. Simous was added to that committee. On motion of Brown, duly seoonded. Thos. Quaid, E. L. Matlock and K G. Sperry were appointed oh theoommittee to examine proposed i. Jti. tsisoee aud I. W. Ayers wore chosen to look into the oost of water, lights and fuel, and other information in that line. Nels Jones, Henry Heppner and O. E. Farnsworth were ohosen na the "rust lign" oommittee. Ihe meeting then adjourned to meet at 10 o'clock next Thursday afternoon at the court bouse, at whioh time it is ex pected that the committees will report. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENT. Regular services at the M. E. church next Sunday. Morning text: "Come unto Me all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn of Me, tor I am meek and lowly in beart, and ye snail Dud rest unto your souls. For Mv yoke is easy and My burden is light.1' evening text : "ttemember tbe Sabbath day to keep it holy; six days shalt tbou labor and do all thy work, but the sev enth is tbe Sabbath ot the Lord thy God; in it thou shalt not do any work." Eve ning services commence at 7:30. Every- ooay invited. J. M. bhulsk. Pastor, Preaohing at Spring valley Sunday at ix o oiook. Theme, "The oharaotenstioa of a gospel churoh." Baptixing at Wil low creek immediately after preaobins. Services at tbe Buptist church in Hepp ner Sunday night at 7 o'clock. Theme, uameness ana its cure." ah are in vited. M. Bramblet, Pastor. Washington's Birthday. The cele bration of Washington's birthday, by Joe Hooker post, the Woman's Belief Corps and tbe Patriotic Order of Sons of America, in Grand Army hail, last eve ning was one of the most successful en tertainments ever given in Canton. It had been intended to serve supper at seven o'clock and open tbe. celebration exercises proper at eight, bat so many people continued to oome and go that it was decided to serve supper and carry out tbe literary program at tbe same time, which was done accordingly. Tbe order ot exeroises, which included patri otic addresses by the Bev. M. F. Haver- male, the Bev. A. B. Mathes and Mrs. Gregg, of Walla Walla, Washington, mu sic and recitations, was moat excellently oarried out and highly enjoyed by those present. Canton (Ills.) paper. WjY0llIg It is a. wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi cial to you and your children. Such is Scott's Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod I.ivcr Oil and Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the children and produces sound, healthy P.esh. It keeps them from taking cold and it will do the same for you Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs. Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and all Anasmic and Wasting Cig&cc. prawanta wasting in ch larcn. ) most a palatable n rilllt. ,: o'i'y the enulnc. Prepared by i Bowne, Chemlsti, Jso j Y a-k. t,y all DniRtfstP. Anything New of Ileal Merit You oan Generally Find For Sale by Who are Noted for being: Tho Leaders. S. C. Smith, THE FURNITURE MAN Keeps a full line ot EVERYTHING In tbe way ot Furniture. Undertakinr goodi a peoiallty. May Street, Beppucr.Or. iU-t - &CJH8 Gents' Wood W( don't ran a third-olaBS junk shop where yon can buy shoddy goods at their value, but we keep tlrsl-class goods at honest prices, with no baits or trap. We keep twice H. A. Thompon THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Feed ai Sale Stable. Bslow Coffin & Mi'Farlauil's, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ots . Hay Bnd grain per day. $1.25. Meals i!5 cts, a at O. O. Bargeant's, next door to Feed Stable. GrBin and baled hay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. Foot wear Foot wear ! The r.nly hoot und nhoe entahliBiimftnt of Heppner has moved from the Hast aiiJe of Mftin Htreet, to their new tore room, naxt rionr to H. Hlnckintm A Co.'a. There you Will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Attain, street, IIeiiner or. KIRK & KTJHL, The Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. On Maj Street, opposite Palaoe Hotel. They will keep on hand a full line of STAPLE AND !PA.3SrOY -f- bm d Provisions. A full line of ohoioe Pies, Cakes and Bread J in faot everything that is usually kept in a first-class bakery store. They will sell oheap fot cash. Call and try them. 8W Kbom Gooseberry. J. W. Hyatt, wits and child, of Gooseberry, were in town Tuesday, and while here gave this office a pleasant oall. Tbe people out in their neighborhood are making an effort to es tablish a postoffioe out oa Hail Bidge. It would prove a great aooommodation for the pei pie in that seotion. Many are now plowing, though the ground has been freezing of nights up to a few days ago. Eip's Wood Yard. The Heppner wood yard, under tbe management of Rip Van Winkle, is prepared to deliver wood at your residenoe, sawed or un sawed. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.50 per oord. Wood sawed twioe in two, 75 cts. per oord; three times, $1.00. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 4 tf. This piece ot advertising space belongs TO Slocum-Johnston fjrug; C- PHILL COHN, PitoPBiBTOB. There is not a winged insect hovering around Phillip. Furn suing Goods, Hardware, Tinware, GROCERIES and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, -STATIONERY, CONFECTIONER?, ETC.- Ask our old oustomers how we treat them. : : : : : : Corner Mam aud Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON "i? : ' i X-Ora BALE S7 Grilliam & I3isT)ee, IIEPPNEIl, on. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. ATTENDED TO Business-like Manner REASONABLE RATES. Wool G rowers' Warehouse Near t.lio Depot: HEPPNER, OREGON. A Fink Hobsb. The imported run ning stallion, Sir Henry, has been bronaht over to Heppner, and will stand the ensuing season at this place. He is the property of "Cayuse" Reynolds, and is a fine horse. 570tf To Nkw York. Mrs. J. Corliss depart ed for Bellevue hospital, New York, for medioal treatment, this morning. Mrs. Corliss will be absent the greater part of the summer. Yesterday her friends made her a present of a nice gold watoh and chain, of which she is justly proud. We hone the lady will return to her Heppner home entirely reoovered in health. H EPPNER and LONE ROCK -jtr STAGE LllSriC 1ST. JVIEMvSOIV, Prop. Change of Ownership HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, whioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep w on hands Bt all times the ohoioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW & McOAKTY, 85-tt Pronrietom Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank bas lately leased the hostelry known as the Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board and bed, per . week $6; board without bed, 84.50; meals and bed 25 cents each, Mr. Crank asks a portion of tbe patronage, Believing mat he can give as good ser vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less money. 43-lw. To Tbi New Stobk. After tbe 15tb ol Marob, Mr. O. Buhl will olose the bakery at the old stand, moving to the store of Kirk & Rhul, next door to Fell Bros.' This firm will still oontinue to keep on hand at all times everything appertain ing to their line. The firm will run a delivery and bakery wagon as before, and will be called the Enterprise Bakery and Grocery Store. Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Rock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes connection with the weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable charges for both Passengers -:- and -:- Freight. 543-tfsw 8LOCOM-JOHN8TON DRUG CO., Agents, Heppner, Or. JHE QITY HOTEL, COPPER RIVETED 0Xc and now riHIS HOSTELRY bas been Bifittko and Refunisiiud throughout, JL u, ODa 0f the most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to stop with him, feeling that he is able to entertain you in the best of style. r First Class House. Reasonable Rates, ArPANi5 The Atlantle-PsoMe Railway Tnnnfl Has this year sold 6,000 tons of its ore from its Monte Cristo property on the Blue Kiver. for five dollars per ton, net. The ore to be paid for this yar as run through the El Dorado, preparea tor mar ket and delivered at the smelter in Den ver. This will bring 830,000 cash to the company. Of this ore it has exceeding 200,000 tons in sight. Soon as it can erect a mill on its Monte Cristo property that will be able to treat one hundred tors of ore per day it can realize at least nine dollars per ton for its Monte Cristo ore. as a minimum finre. Working the mill only two hundred days a year, 120,000 tons of ore can be mined, milled and marketed, to net $180,000 a year, which of bonds und leave $H0,00U uyenr surplus, but not oue Imlf of this Icriih of txiuils is yet sold, or will he within a year, there will be no need to thus sell, so that th product of a one-hundred-ton null oi the MonteCr'sto property will yield twice as much as will he required to meet the iuterest on bonds sold by the Tnuutl Company. This is entirely apart from the ore la the thirty-six veins crossed and owned by the company, with hundreds more to follow. Where? At Abrabamsick's. Iu addition to Mb tuilorinir business, he has added a line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on band soma elegant patterns for snits. A, Dli. JOSKPEI ,J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. 8. , London, England. Veterinary -mm- SURGEON' ' Chronic Diseases a Specialty. to do all It! nds of Veterinary Kurjferv, Kmnneuluthig Home and Kelinut a Bueel- opurKUiiKou iMimufl.) HpnyhiK of CaUln ami Hun 1 am alty. ( Ihla In tho only true method inary BurKry, HEPPNER, 11 you have any nick ni mki in tt will ho to your interest to ctiii on inu ai Mt'wiin ilatjlui. For the efitorpriainif eHtnblialimout of - W. L Matlock & Co. Ml Ud Ml faal K4 U 1 L tHi ICS!. will pay eight per oeot. on its entire issue Abrahamsiok, May street, Ileppuer, Or. mi DR. TAFT'S Instead of flvlng to the door Rasp ing for breath, seeming as if each one woulJ be vour last, von have I only to take a few doses Asthmalene when the spasmls broken, the breathing becomes easy and you feel as if an angel of mercv had unloosed the iron grasp of the fingers of death. The happiest moment of vour life will be when von have used a few bottle of Dr. Tatt'i ASTHMALENE and It has cured vou of fa am mm snd prow Minima, "f " . uumn jam Bjor wmm DH inai n aoet I mtttMbHiCut koid ty anient!. Dr. Taft Bros. M. Co., Rochester.N.Y I Cues Atthmt;