Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 07, 1893, Image 4

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    have a relief and cure
la your ignorance of effects
and vitality which is
lystcm the elements thus
strength and vigor will fol
cure or money refunded.
Dr. Sanden's Electric
after all other treatments
iwiw. . -wo,,.
'AtIf, iliilv VV
is a complete galvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and It gives sootmng, prolonged current,
h7tZSTMtthro7ghoatM weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric gunpensory, the
ertest bSm ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or par s o
lloney Rafandld. JThey are graded in strength to meet alLstages of weakness in young, middle-agedr old men, and will cur,
the worst cases in two or three months. Address . .
On sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. Louis,
Leaves Ileppner, 8 a. m.
6:50 p. m.
Pullman Sleeoera,
OolonUt (Sleeper.,
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Bttamsra Portland to Han Franoisoo
every four daya.
For rates and genoralJuforraatlon call on
Depot Tlckut Agent,
J. C. l-IA-RT
Ileppner. Oregon.
W. H. HUULBURT, Asst. Uenl. l'aas. Agt.
2M Washington Ht.,
Portland. Orhuoh.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Is the line to take
ItiitheWninKOir It.mto. It ninH Throngh
TMiibulud Trains evory day in the ymr to !
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Chanfte of OarB)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
OF Latest Equipment
TouristSleping Cars
Hunt that can be constructed and In which ao.
eoiu modal ions are both free and fnrmliod tur
holders of first tir Hecund-olR8Btiokut, uuil
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Coutinmins Line ooHneotiuu with all
Lines, affurdiuK Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeker Ke.$ervation$ eanbe
Secured m advance through
any aj;nt of the road.
TI 1 1 tOU ai7 TI C KTCTS
T,. n,1 from hM ttitltitji In AmnrloH. KltillRIld
and Kimipn twn be imruhRHtHl ul Ruy Ticket ollioe
of Uii Uomiinnji.
Full information oonoBruins; .rates, time
of trains, routes and other details
furnished on application to any
agent, or
A. D. CHA11LT0N,
Assistant Oeueral TaHsenKer Agent.
No. Ul first St., Cor. H inii'itffim,
Hon litiiioloo
And tU point In Califurma, tir the Mt, bbaota
route of Uie
Southern Pacific Co.
Tht great hihwfiy thnrnxh California t all
lh)luU Kaat and South, (trand HwniP Houta
of the Pmiifio MUt. l'lilltuan Hutlot
Hlelera. Hwtmil-olaati Hlueirs
Attached, to Mpnwi trains, afforditiK auperior
aooouiiuudatioQv for Bwoiid-olftM iaiwoiigt'r.
For TKtet, tickets, alrapiiif oar rtworvatiom,
to,, call niKn or addrta
R. KOHHUKK, Maimer, K. P. KOUERS, AMt.
Uen. F. & P. Agt., Portland, Oregon.
ItjwarlogqualltlMinrtiii.urpaa8r(t, aetually
eutlullnff two Doi' or aiiyi-'L1"1
tfKM by bant. I rd tl
a a
it w
y08fl.LtBTpgAl.tH01tNtljAU.Y. tur
Aw. '
' the effects of abuses, excesses,
in our marvelous invention, which requires
or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve force
electricity ana inus causeu your wcaitnc. or tit. u. .
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed.
Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor,
: failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly
' whom we have strong letters.bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt.
Advice to ike Aged.
cl-li hn,vla,wciik kidneys and btuil.
have a ne-lf lc affect on tlieseorerBnH,
Minimal, "it die bnwelK, Klt,K,,"tur"
ul sllwliurirw without Btruiiiiug or
griincr, uitd
to the kl!iicvn, -bladder and liver.
Tiiov are adapted to old or young.
Gimrnntccd to euro Ililioiin attacks,
Sick llciidachn lind Constipation. '10 in
each lottlu. Prico liou. l'or sulu by
Picture "7. 17, 70" and nm;ilo dose free.
J. F. SMITH & CO,, Proprietors, (!W YuKK.
The Bucrcsa of this Clrniifc Cough Curo Is
Wilhoiit a parallel In the history of medicine.
All dniKKiHtfwirn authorized to sell it on a pun
itivo Riiarantee, a test t hat no other cure cun
nui:oonatully Htand. That it may become
known, tho Proprietors, nt an enormous ex
po n no, aro placinff a Huinplo Ilottle Free into
every home in the United Mates and Canada.
If you have a Couh, Here Tliroat, or Uron
cliitin, une it, for it will cure you. If your
child has tho Croup, or WhoopinpCouph, ubo
it promptly, and relieT in sure. If yon dread
Unit insidious disease Consumption, use it.
Ask your DrtlKK'-t for 81111,011' CURE,
Price 10 cU. , 60 eta. and $1 .00. If your Lungs
arenoroor Hack lamo, use Khiloh's I'oroua
Plaster. Price Wets. For sal a by all Drug
gists and Dealers.
( Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.)
Two Through Trains Daily.
I'i.'l'iptn tV'2'pm'l.v.Minnenp(iliHAr!
l.aupin 7.1..pnil.v. ..St. I'aul. ..Ar
IO.i:tani-l,ir.pin Lv . . . Dulutb . . ,Ar
'2.;H)puij7.,2;tpinjLv. . Ashland , . Ar
i.lftainjy ;l.iauiAr. ..Chicago. ..Lv
I I i
;).0Taui -l.lfspin
8. :i ia in
ft. IVaui
Tickets sold and baggage cheeked throuL'U to
all point In the V nited States ami Cauatla.
t'liisc connection made in Chicago with all
trains llolng Knnl nud South.
I'or full Inlmuiatiuu opplv to vour nearest
tiukttt agont or J AS. 0. POND,
Cmu. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Chicago, 111.
Cut t le hrmidod and car marked as thnwu above.
Homw Y on rigltt short t dor.
Mv cattlo ningo iu Morrow nd V mat ilia eoun
tifM, I will pay $UW.iX) for tint arnt and co.11
viction ot any pmrtnu Ntmling my Un'k,
jpur mTiiniisMmi nmi Tree 1 1 ami nook wrttflto
MUNN A 10.. Sta HuoAinvAY, New Youff.
OMvil iHirfau for uccuutin pntonis hi Aim-rUn.
Kvery J'litctil taken out by u brouiilu liofnro
Uiti puLniti ty auotieo givuu tioooi ciiujge m U14
Scientific mci'iau
Lanrost f f wilatlon of nnr sctontitl paper In th
world. Si'tciulully tliu.itmtod. No uncllik-eut
niau eliouUi bo without ir. Wevtir, S.oo
y.'art fl.inH monilm. A.Uirerts Ml'NN 4 CO-
Solentiflo American
1 w 'J mm
3 jlLfL" -5
who are debilitated. and suffering
from Nervous Debility Seminal Wea
LTostManhood, Rheumatism, Lame
worry and exposure. For such sufferers
but a trial to convince the most skeptical
Nuta One of the Mot Valuable Large Be
turn from Their Culture,
Learned men of the present day are
much exercised about the kind of food
necessary to produce the greatest
amount of muscular health and strength
says Vick's Magazine, and nuts of all
kinds have been pronounced by them par
excellence as an article of diet. Besides
the beauty of nut trees and the gastro
nomic utility of their fruits, nut planta
tions seem to be rapidly making for
tunes for those who have been sage
enough to invest in them.
Chief Van Dieman, of the department
of agriculture, predicts that the culti
vation of nuts will soon be one of the
greatest and most profitable industries
in the United States. The large returns
from individual trees and immense
profits from established orchards have
stimulated the interest, and our fore
most enterprising fruit growers are
planting nut trees largely for market
purposes; others who enjoy nuts during
the winter are realizing that they may
be had in abundance for the mere
trouble of planting.
The pecan is the nut of the future,
Mr. Van Dieman thinks, but he fore
casts large returns from walnuts, chest
nuts, pine and hazelnuts, almonds, fil
berts, etc. "A grower in Florida has
now a grove of four thousand pecan
trees six years old; when they begin to
bear their product will be worth one
hundred thousand dollars yearly at
wholesale." Hut this is counting chick
ens too soon. "C. H. Daniels, of
Georgia, has a pecan tree which bears
annually from ten to lifteen bushels of
nuts, which soil readily at wholesale
for four and five dollars per bushel."
Col. Stuart, of Ocean Springs, Miss.,
who has made a wide reputation as a
successful cultivator, says:
"I planted those large paper-shell
pecan nuts when I was fifty-seven years
old, and now, at sixty-nine, I tell you
they help me to live. I got one hundred
and seventy pounds from one tree last
fall, sold oiie hundred and five pounds
for ono hundred and five dollars, and
planted the remainder of them, and
have raised a fine lot of young trees,
which are for sale. Pecan culture,
planting the very large; nuts, I consider
one of tho safest and best-paying in
dustries a man can engage in." This
combined cloud of witnesses and figures
certainlv does make orange growing
and tobacco growing seem much less
The pecan forests In Texas furnish
large quantities of pecans to the
markets of New Orleans, whence they
are shipped to Europe, where they are
said to bring a higher price than any
other nut.
Nature's Surest Ally.
If nature did not struggle against
diaenne, even in weakly ooustitutiona,
swift indeed would be the course of a
malady to its fatal termination. While
nature thus struggles let us, lest worse
befalls us, aid ber efforts with judicious
medioiual help. Experieuoe must be our
guide iu battle with disease, aud that
"lamp to our feet" indicates Hostetter's
Stomaoh Hitters as a Bate, tried aud
thorough ally of nature. If the blood
be infeeted with bile, if the bowels and
stomach are inactive, if the kidneys fail
to expel impurities of which they are
the natural outlet, a course of the Bit
ters is tho surest reliance of the sufferer,
one, moreover, that is sanotioued by
professional indorsement and use for
nearly half a oeutury. No Amerioan or
foreigu remedy has earned greater dis
tinction as a remedy for and preventive
of chronic liver oomplaiut, malaria,
constipation, kidney aud rheumatio
trouble and debility.
Ail AlHoluts necessity.
r "I don't see why you are always bor
rowing money," said the living skeleton
to the dwarf. "It's a physical neces
sity," replied tho dwarf. "How woV
"I'm always short."
It Should be in livery House.
J. J5. Wilson, 871 Clay St., Bharpsburg,
Pb., bbs he will not be without lr.
Kiug's New Discovery for consumption,
Coughs and Colds, that it cured bis wife
who was threatened with 1'neuinonia af
ter an attack of "La Orippe,'' when Tri
ous other remedies ud several pi yi
oiling bad done ber no good. Kobert
Harber, of Cooksport, Pa., claims Dr.
Kiug's New Discovery has done hiin
more good than anything he ever used
for lung trouble. Nothing like it. Try
it. Free trial bottles at Sloonm-Johnson
Drug Co. Liirge bottles, 60o and S1.00.
Women Who Die Karly.
Many" of our most beautiful and ac
complished ladies die before they hBve
reached the prime of life. Of those who
live to middle age only oue iu two huud
red is sound; the other one hundred aud
ninety-nine are Biitl'erers. Why is it?
Sell-iiegleet. The shattered health can
be restored; the home made happy nud
your life lengthened it you commence at
once. "Hose buds" have been used for
twenty years iu the private praotioe of
one of the most eminent physicians of
l'aria, and will absolutely oure any form
of female disease. Price, 81 00 at drug
gists, or we will forward by mail post
paid. (Send for our little book free.)
l.everotte Specific Co., 175 Tremont 8t
boston, Mass.
FftOM RuV """ ThBUnt,
A Telegrapher's Sudjen RUo from Servi
tude to Ill-fill State.
A sudden favorable turn of fortune
does not alienate a prudent person
from his habitual occupations. This
wise saw is applicable to the ease of
the present king of Hego, Africa, says
Golden Days, who was put on the throne
of his black kingdom by Col. Arehinartl,
when his royal predecessor, Ahmadou,
took to flight for his safety.
Mademba, the present monarch, is a
native of the country over which he
rules, but was formerly controller of
telegraphs at Senegal.
Before accepting his regal state he
made it a condition that his name
should continue to be inscribed on the
list of telegraph servitors, and that his
situation of king should be considered
as subservient to that of his original
Mademba must have learned, either
by intuition or from acute observation,
that the lot of a monarch is less certain
in nc !,.. n nitinn ni ;lH nf-
Scer jn th( servi.,e of ' the telegraph
,ompa an(l so preferred to keep in
lJ""y' ? Z,Z ,h,v Drove to
be a happy issue out of all his alflio
tions. How's This.
Wo fiffpr nnfi hull dred dollars reward
f,,n uo ,,r nuturrh that OHDIXjt be
cured by Hall's t!atsrrli Cure.
u i eumrvK'l PrnrH.. Tolfrdo U.
We the uudersieued, have Known r . o.
Cheney for the lust 15 years, and believe
him rmrretiv tinnoranie lu no
transactions and financially able to
srry out any obligation made Dy tueir
firm. .
West & Tbuax, Wholesale uriiggisi,
WAT.niNfl.KINNAN it: OlAKVjn, n'-"
u..ii' i'trri, r.nrn in taken internally
acting direotly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the system, rpoe
75o. per bottle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials free.
Vne struggle for L.U..
- A recent writer says that persons who
earnestly desire to live can keep a mor
tal disease at bay much longer than
those who are comparatively indifferent
to their fate. A resolute determination
not to succumb is, as every army sur
geon knows, the salvation of many a
wounded soldier, who without it would
issuredly die.
Electric Bitters.
This remedy is becoming so well
kuow and bo popular as to need no spe
cial mention. All who have used Elec-
tria Bitters siuu the same song of praise.
A purer medioiae does not exist and it is
guaranteed to do all that is claimed.
Eleetrio Bitters will oure all diseases of
the liver and kidneys, will remove pim
ples, boils, salt rheum and other affec
tions caused by impure blood. Will
drive malaria from the system and pre
vent as well as oure all malarial levers.
J'or cure of headache, constipation and
indieestion try Klectrio Bitters entire
satisfaction guaranteed, or money refund
ed. Price 5Uc and 1.00 per bottle at
Slocum-Johnson Drug Co.
We will Oive Away abso
lutely Free oi cost, an ele
gant black or colored Silk
Ureas pattern of 1G yards to
any young lady in every
town 111 America, wno is
willing to introduce -'THE
large 8 page, 40 column il
lustrated household and
farm lournal, one of thc 'beBt puhliahed, now in
its 14th year. We make this great oiler in order
to iut roduee our paper at once into many thou
sand new homes. Be sure to send Scents for the
paper one year on trial and sample of silk to
select from.
548 859 Center bt., New Haven, Ct.
12,000 pages of reading matter are
found in the 30 volumes of Cham
ber's Encyclopedia, which we fur
nish, post-paid, in connection with
our twice-a-week edition, one year,
for 13.00.
Thk Aivkrtiskr is the oldest newspaper In
New York City. Is Weekly edition is published
in two sections and come out every Tuesday
and Friday 104 times during the year ; haB six
to eight pages every issue, il well printed, has
plenty of pictures, short stories, telegraphic
news, financial and market reports, a woman's
page and the ablest editorials published by any
Sew York paper. It Is a model home paper,
with elevating and entertaining reading matter,
devoid of sensations and objectionable adver
tisements. All for fi.00 a year.
Specimen copies aud Premium Lists with full
particulars of the Attractive Inducements for
Agents, scut free on application to
572-591 29 Park Row, New York.
05-74 TVXy-Mtlo. Iowa.
r Geo, StarrettALtAASwALU'
ty of Morrow, 8tto of Oreftou.
W. K. KUii, Hainan; 1
T. C. Aiibrpv, PefemUnO
TO T. C. At' B KEY. defendant.
lit the tiaine of the State o( Oregon,
You are
hereby remit red to apvear and answer the com
plaint tiled inatnst you In the above entitled
iU'tion on or before the i-th day of Marco, IMU,
the said day being the first day of the next regu
lar term ot the above entitled court, and if you
fail iio to anivi er or otherwise plead, the plalnt
ttl for want thereof will take Judgment agaimt
you, (for money due and owing from you to
plaintiff) fur the mm of three hundred and
eighty (ivM).00) dollar, aud for ten per cent in
terest from tk-pt. 7, l&rj, and for coat and dis
bursements. This mm men ii published by order of Hon.
W. L. Bradsliaw, Judge of said court, which aaid
order was road aud dated atchamber in Dalles
Cltv, Wasco county, Oregoa, the "Jtith day ol
January, A. D. l&tt. W, R. Kllib,
per tt.
Colds and Cough9
sore throat,
bronchitis, asthma,
and hoarseness
cured by
tho safest
and most effective
emergency medicine.
It should be in every
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co
Lowell, Mass.
jvculrcas n lelfr or pistl csird to
I0HN WEDDERBURN, Managing Attorney,
P. I). liox 4B3. WAS1I1.N0TON, D. C.
Also, f,r So Herj :iu(l SHllnrs ,!Unljl-l In thu line of
rtntv In th(! retrnlar Arniyor Navv since l.nt' war.
Survivors of trie Indlttn wars of lflo to 1H-12, and
their widows, now entitled. Old and releeleil rjidms
s ipeetnlty. Tlmuiaiida entitled to lilnlior niton.
?pih1 for new laws. No cUarga for advict. No fee
nnt i .if.MHf i,l
of Ore&ron.
The First National Bank ")
of Arlington, Or., Flaintin V.gMMONS.
G. W. Stewart, Defendant. J
TO G. W. BTKWAKT, defendant.
In the name of the8tate of Oregon, You are
hereby required to appear and amwer the com
plaint tueu against you in me auove enuueu ac
tion on or before the 27th day of March, A. D.
laitS. the said day being the first day ol the next
regular term of the above entitled court, and if
you fail so to answer or otherwise plead, the
plaintiff will take judgment against you for
t'JM 90, on a promissory note given by you to
filainiirr on way it, itvji, aue on ueinanu, aim
or ten per cent, interest from Nov. 18, IH'J'2; for
$:i6.00 attorneys fees and for costs and disburse
ments. This summons la published by order of Hon
W. L. BradBhaw, Judge of said court, which
said order was made and dated at chambers in
Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, theSCth day
of January, 181B. W. R. Ellis.
G4-76 Attorney for Plaintiff.
of Oregon, for the county of Morrow. ,
R. L. Hughei, Plaintiff, i
Geo. W. Thomai, Defendant.)
TO GEO. W. THOMAS, the above named de.
In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby required to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you in the above entitled
suit upon the first day of the next terra ol this
court, to-wit.: Upon Monday, the 13th day of
March, 18U3. And if you fall so to answer, for
want mereui, me piaiuiiu w in iu. a juukinch
against you for the principal sum of Jww.nu and
interest thereon at the rate of six (ti) per cent,
per tinnuin from the 1st day of January lKSll.aud
for Ihe further sum of IJ4.U0 and interest there
on from the 1st day of July, 1KU0, at the rate of
8 per cent per annum, and for the further sum
of iM.OU with interest at the rate of 8 per cent,
per annum from the 1st day of January, 1891,
and for the further sum of HM.fJO and interest
thereon at the rate of per cent, per annum from
the 1st day of July, 18111, and the further sum of
fm.ua as attorney's fee in this suit, and for the
costs and disbursements of this suit. Andptaint-
iir further asks lor adeereeloreciosinsine mort
gage upon lots 5 and 4, and the SE!4 of the b Va
ol Sec. 311, in Tp. 2, N R 24, E. VV. M., containing
450 and 40-100 acres, more or less, being situate
in Morrow county, state of Oregon, and that the
land descrlDea ue sola as upon execuuuu lu sh
inty whatever judgment the plaiutill' may ob
tain, and that the proceeds of liaid sale be ap
nliprl firitt In thn navment of said iudamenr.
cost and attorney's fee, and costs of sale; and
second, that the remainder, if any, be turned
over to the defendant, and that defendant be
forever barred aud foreclosed from setting up
or maintaining any claim or demand to said
land or any part thereof, except as redemptioner
under the statute, ana ior sucn otner ana iui
ther relief as may to the court seem meet and
Hub summons is published pursuant to an
order of Hon. W, L. BradBhaw, Judge of the
above entitled court, duly made and entered on
the 10th day of January, 1803.
AH A1AIS B ROB. Ol nUttmH,
562-574-w Attorneys for Plaintiff.
Notice of Intention.
XJ Feb. 2. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has niea notice oi
his intention to make tlnal proof in support of
his claim, and that Baid proof will be made be
fore W. R. Ellis, U.S. Commissioner at Heppuer,
Oregon, on April 1H, lwa, viz.:
Homestead Application No. 21U8, for the
NE'i, and EU NV'!4, and NEK BV4 of isec. 18,
Tn 4 fl. R E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, viz.:
Andrew Rood, of Heppner, E. v. Kooa, ot
Eight Mile, Benj. Poppeii and O. D. Coats, of
Ham man.
John W. Lkwis, Register.
Notice of Intention.
I j Feb. 28, 1893. Notice is hereby given that
the following-named settler has filed notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his claim, and tnat saia proof win ne maae De
fore the County Clerk of Morrow County, Ore
gon, at Heppner, Oregon, on April 17, 1W3, viz.:
Homestead Application No, 2HS4, for the N'4
swvi oi aec. l, ana Nj-a BJJ.J4 oi bee. rp. 4 s,
K 2t E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove bis
continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi,
tuiid land, viz.:
Jas. Tolbert, Wesley Balrd, Laten Jones and
Frank Baird. all of Henoner. Oregon,
673-583 John W. Lewis, Register.
1 cincts of J. Y. District No. 6, County of Mar
row, state of Uregon.
W. O. Minor and C. A. Minor,
partners as Minor Bros.,
T. G. DundaBand Mrs. T. G.
Duiidas. Defendant.
In the name of the State of Oregon, You are
hereby reuuired to appear and answer the
enmolnint tiled aeainst von in the above enti
tied cause, on April IS, 1W3, at 10 a. m and if
you fait so to answer, for want thereof the
plain tills will take judgment against you for the
sum of twenty-four aud ftO-UX) dollars, and the
costs and disbursements ot tins action.
F. J. Hau.ock,
.172-82 Justice of the Peace,
Notice of Final Settlement.
i.1 sons interested that I have tiled my final
report in the matter of the estate of John Rarrat,
deceased, and that the court has set the 6th dav
of March, li3, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of
said day for the hearing of the said report and
objections thereto, if any there be, at which
time all persons interested are hereby notified
to be at the orhee of the county Judge, at the
court house in Heppner, Oregon,
Dated this 31st day of Jan. IS O,
6O0-574-W MaROAKKT B AttR ATT,
Administratrix estate of John Barratt deceased.
Notice to Taxpayers.
li payers of Morrow county, Or., that I. or
my deputy, will beat the usual voting places
for the purpose of collecting taxes, jib follows :
Maiteson precinct, Monoay, aiarcn ia, iwj.
Dalrv " Tuesday.
Eitfht Mile " Wednesday,'
Dry Fork ' Thursday, "
lone " Friday, "
Cecil ' Saturday, "
Wells Springs" Monday, '
Alpine " Tuesday, 1
Pine City " Wednesday
Lena Thursday, '
Lexington " Friday, "
Heppner " Saturday, "
Gentry " Mondavi "
Mt. Vernon " Tuesday.
The hour ol meeting wiit be from 10 a. m. t
57i-74 Sheriff o( Morrow County.
nirrrr.yiiwiirn:a-Tinm-iTiiTrniii inr n i
Notice of Intention.
j Jan. -2b, lhii. Notice Is hereby given that
the following Humeri eeltler has hied notice of
his intention to make final proof in support of
his (.'laim, and that suid proof will be made be
fore J. V. Morrow, County Clerk at Ileppner,
Or., on fjat. March IS, 1Mi:, vli.:
Homestead application No. 4o4, for the
NM.i, and 'lots 1 and a of Sec. 7, Tp. 3, S K 24 E.
W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz. :
Frank A. Lundell. John E. Peterson, John
Johnson and Andrew Carls n, all of (iooseher
ry, Orepou.
otH-571 John W. Lkwis, Register.
Notice of Intention.
Feb. H, lh'.t:i. Notice is hereby given that
the following named Bottler has tiled notice of
his intention to make tiual proof in support of
hiH chtim, and that said proof will be made be
fore J. W. iMorrow, County Clerk at Heppner,
Oregon, on Saturday, March '25, 1MIH, viz.:
Pre-emption Declaratory Statement No. 7208, for
thu Ni NEU, HW N HV4. and NEfc NWfc of
Bee. '24, Tp. :i, tiR'ii E. W. M.
He nanu'B the following witnesses to provehis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz. :
James Jones, G. 11. Hatt, G. D. Fell and Nute
Jones, all of Ileppner, Oregon.
John W. Lewis, Register.
Notice of Intention.
1j January 24, Notice is btreby given
that the following-named settler has hied notice
of bis intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
dpi ore w. k, tins, a uniiea wituea uommissiun
er, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 14, 1W3, viz.:
PAT k'KI.F.flH KR.
D. 8. No. 10135, for the N Kk N WH and NEJ4
and 8EM NE. Sec. HO. Tp. 1, S It 2b, E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon ana cultivation 01,
John Kenny, Felix Johnson, TomGllftllinand
James Uoiierty, an 01 Heppner, uregon.
Albert King take notice.
MM-574 Kegistvr.
Change of Firm.
1 to certify that 1 have this day bought the
interest of J. W. Kasmuw, of the firm of Kirk &
Rasmus, and I assume all debts contracted by
said firm which the said J. W. KaBinus might
be liable, for and up to thisdate.andcollectall
bills on said Kirk k Rasmus' books.
C. Ill'HL.
Heppner, Or. March 2d 1898. 673-81.
ARNES8-SHOP, stock and fixtures. Good
business: established in the midst ot a
pond fHrmiiiEr nnri -k-raisin ir country.
AIbo for sale a good house and two lots with or
without the business property. For further in
ormation address Gazette, Heppner, Or. 483 tf .
While you keep your subscription paid up yeu
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allyn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses GG on left
shoulder; cattle Bume on left hip, under bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
row coonty.
Armstrong, J. 0., Alpino, Or. T with bar un
der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same
on loft hip.
Allison, 0. D Eight Mile. Or.-Cattle brand,
O D on left hip and homes same brand on right
shoulder, itange. iLignt June.
Adkine, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses. JA con
nected on left flank; cattle, same on left hip.
Ayers, Johnnyj Lena, Or. Horses branded
triangle on left hip; cattle same, on right hip;
also crop off right ear and upper bit on same.
Hartholmnew, A. Gr., Alpine, Or. Horses
branded 7 E on either shoulder. Range in Mot
row county.
Bleak man, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag
an loft shoulder: cattle same on right shoulder.
Uannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand
ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear.
Brenner, Peter, (iocseberry Oregon Horses
branded P B on left Bhoukler. Cattle Bams on
right side.
Burke, M Ht C, Long Creek, Or On cattle,
MA Y connected on loft hip, 01 op off left ear, un
der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on j
lotft Hhouldor. Kange in Grant and Morrow ;
lirosman, Jerry, Liena, (Jr. liorses Drtmaefl t
1 riuht shoulder: cattle B on the left side.
Loft ear half crop and right ear upper slope.
Barton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -liorses, j Bon
right thigh; cattle. Bame on right hip; split in
each ear.
Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right sline; cattle same on ritfht hip; range, Mor
row county.
Brown. J .P.. Heonner. Or. Horses and cattle
branded B with ox-yoke above on loft shoulder,
mown, J. t-., ileppner, ur. liorses, circle
C with dot iii net ter on loft hip; cattle, Bame.
over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left
Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand on riizhi hiu cattle, same, with sulit in
each ear.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
Bhoulder; cattle, same on left hip.
Brownlee, W. J., Fox,Or Cattle, JB connected
on left side; crop un left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut oat on right ear; on horses same
brand on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley,
Grant county,
Carsner Warren, Wagner, Or. Horses brand
ed O on right etifie ; cattle (three bars) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Kange in
Grant and Morrow counties.
Cain.Fj., Caleb.Or. Y D on horses on left stifle
U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder,
and on loft stifle on all colts under 5 years; on
left shoulder only on all horseB over 5 years. All
range in Grant county,
Clark, Wm. H.( Lena, Or. HorseB WHO con
nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right
hip. Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
('ate, Chae. K,, Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H 0 on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Kange Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; horses JO on lefi
shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bita in the right ear.
Curl, T. H John Lay, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. On sheop, inverted Aaud spear poiut
on shoulder. Ear marko" ewes, crop on left ear,
puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and under half crop in left ear. All range
iu Grant oonutv.
Cook, A. JLena.Or. Horses, flOon rightshotil
der, Cattle, aameon right hip: ear mark square
crop off left and split in right.
Currin. K. YM Curriusville, Or. -Horses, 3 on
left stifle.
Cox Ed. 8 Hardman, Cr.-Caitle, C with
r in center; horses, i k, on left aip.
Cochran, K. E Monument, Grant Co , Or.
Horses branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hipB, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, H., Hardman. Or. Horses branded
cj on rndit bm. ( at tie brauded the same.
Dickens, Lbb HorBes branded with three
tilled fork on left stifle. Cattle same on left side,
Doonan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses branded
OO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat
tle same on left hip.
Douiilass. W. M,. Galloway. Or.-Cattle. R Don
right side, swai low-fork in each ear; horses, K D
on Jett tup.
Douglas, O. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on
the rnrht stifle: cattle same on riant hto.
Duncan, W. P., John Day,Or. Quarter circle
w on right snouiaer, Dotn on aorses ana cattle,
Ranifl (Jrnnt count v.
Ely. J. B. A SonB. Donglas. Or. Horses brand.
ed ELY on left tthoiUder, cattle same on left
hip. bole in right ear.
Elliott, Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
riizht shoulder.
lieek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7P
connected on ngtit snouiaer; cattle. Bame on
right hip. Ear mark, hole in right and crop
off left.
Florence, L. A Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on
right hip; horses, F with bar under on right
Florence. 8. P., Heppner. Or. Horses. F on
right shoulder; cattle, i on right hip or thigh.
French. Georize. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
WF, with bar ovor it. on left side; crop ofi left
Mir. Hortif. same brand on left hio.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAY on left
Gilinan-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fos
sil, Or. Horses, anchor S on left Bhoulder; vent,
funiH on Ifrft stifle. Cattle, same on both hius-
ear marks, crop off ri(?ht ear and nnderbit in left.
Kange in Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow
Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H.
8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle,
Kange in Morrow aud Lroatillaoounties.
(4iltwtttpr. J.C.. Prairie City. Or. On hoiws.
0 O on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right
side. Kange in Grant county.
Hayes, beo., Lena, Or, Brand JH connected,
with quarter circl over it, on left shoulder.
limit A. H., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round -top A
with quarter circle under it on the right hip.
Kange in Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Hiuton Jt Jenks. Hamilton. Or Cattle, two bars
on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left,
Horses, J on right thigh. Kange in Grant county.
Hughes. Samuel, Wagner, Or (T F L
conuecieu)on riant shoulder on horwes; on cattle,
on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in
ritiht ear aud slit in left. Kange in Hajsuck
district, Mortw county.
Hale, Milton, Wagner, Or. Horses branded
-O- i circle with parallel tails) on left shoulder.
Cfittle same on left hip ; also large circle on left
Hall. Edwin. John Pay, Or. Cattle E Hon right
hip; horses same en right shoulder, hange in
Grant county.
Howard, J L, Galloway. Or. Hore, (crosa
with bar above it) on right shoulder ; cattle
same on left side. Kange in Morrow and Uma
tilla couutiea.
Hughes. Mat, Heppner, Or. Horse, shaded
heart on the left shoulder. KaDge Morrow Co.
Huns&ker, ti A, W agner, Or.Horwe, 8 on left
shoulder; eat tie, 0 on left hip.
Hardlsty, Albert, Nye, Oregon-HorsM. A
eonncted. on left shoulder; Cattle on the lJ
hip, crop off left ear.
Humphreys, J M. Hardman, Or. Horses, Hoo
left flank
Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, winelase
on left shoulder cuttle, same on right hip.
Huston, Luther, Eight Mile, Or. Horse R on
the left shoulder and heart on the Iwft etifie Cat.
tie same on lnft hip. Itaime iu Morrow cm.ty.
Ivy, Alfred, Long Crunk, Or --Cattle 1 0 on
right hip. crop oil Irftearuud bit in right, ILrttee
eame brand on left shoulder Kange u (touit
Junkin. B. Tn., Moppner, ur ilorsee. bow.
shoe J on loft shoulder. Cattle, the nuns.
Kange on Eight Rlile.
Johnson, Felix, Lena, Or. Horses, circle Ton
left Btitie; cattle, same on right hip, wader fajjj
erop in right, and solit in left ear
Jenkins, D W.,Mt. Vemon,Or. J on horses in
left shoulder; on cattle, J on left hipandtwi
smooth crops on both ears. Kange in Fox ant
Hear vnLU'j H
Itftiinv. Mike. Henoner. Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hip. cattle same and crop off left
ear: under slnp on tho right
Kirk, J. T.. Iteppuer, ur. iiorses oh on lett
shoulder; cattle. iiH on left hip.
Kirk. J Hennner. or. liorses. 17 on either .
flank: cattle 17 on right side.
Kirk, Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse" 11 on left
shoulder; cattle same on right side, uuderbit oa
right ear.
Kumberland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on
cuttle on right and left sides, swallow fork in It ft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Hnrsos same
brand on left shoulder, liange in Grant county.
Keeuey, Eli, Heppner, Or. HorBes J L and
ace of cluba 011 left stifle. Kange in Umatilla
and Morrow counties
Leahey, J W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L
and A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip;
wattle over right eyi- three slits in right ear.
Lofton, Stephen, Fox. Or. H L on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear, HorseB
same brand on left shoulder. Kange Grant
Liwnallen, John W., LTin'"' Or. HorBes
branded half-circle JL connected on left Bhoul
der. Cattle, eame on left hip. Kange, near Lex
Lord. Georgo, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
double H ooi.nectff Sometimes called a
swing H, on left shoulder.
Markham.A. M., Heppner, Or. Cattle large
M On left side, both ears cropped, and split iu
both. Horses M on left hip. Kange, Clark's
Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M Don
right hip; horse. M011 left shoulder.
Morgan, ti. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M )
on left shoulder cattle same on left hip.
McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horeea, M with
bar over on right shoulder.
fliann, ti. a., .Lena, ur. riorses old mares &L
on right hiu: young stuck, small ks on Inft
rt?an. Thos.. Hentnr. Or. Hnrann. oirnla
T on left Bhoulder aud left thigh; oattle. 'it on
ngnt rnign.
Mitchell, Onctir, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
MoClareu, D. G., Brownsvillo, Cr, Horses,
Figure 5 on each shoulder; cattle. Mi! c d tii i
McKern.W. J., Mount VerUon, Or AX on cattle
on right hip, crop in right ear, half 01 op m left
same brand on horses on left hip. Kane in Grant
McCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded
DM connected, on the left shoulder; cattle same
on hip and side.
McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs aad under in
each ear; horses same brand on left stifle.
McHaloy, G. V., Hamilton. Or. On Horses, 8
with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bars connected on top on the right side
Kange in Grant County.
Neal. Andrew, Lone Kock.Or, Horses A N con
nected on left shoulder: oattle same on both hips.
Nordyke, Hilvorton, Or. Horses, circle 7 on
left thigh; cattle, same on left hip.
Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A S on cattle
on left hip; on horses, same on left thigh, Kange
in Grant county.
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected on left hip; horses on left etifle
and wartle on uuse. Kange in Grant county,
Pearson. Oluve. Eight Mile. Or. H
ter circle shield on loft shoulder and 24 on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, riht cropped. H4
on left hip. KtuiKe on Eight Mile.
Parker & Gleauon, Hardman.Or, Horses IP on
loft Hhouldor.
Piper, Eruewt, Lexington. Or. Horses brand,
e will (L E conneoled) nu left shoulder; cattle
B me on right hip. ltunge, Morrow counts.
Piper, J. H., Lexington. Or. Horses, JE con
nected oulef t shoulder; cattle, Bame on left hip.
under bil in each ear.
Pettye, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on
shoulder; cattle, j 11 J connected, on tli
left hip, upper elope in left ear and slip in tha
Powell, John T., Dayviile, Ur Horses, J p con.
nected on left shuulder. Cattle OK couuected on
left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear,
wattle under throat. Kai.ge in (irant county.
ttlckard. (j. i.. Canvon ihtv. Or. h C on loft
shoulder, on horses only. Kange Canyon creek
and Hour valley, Grant county.
lloou. Andrew, ilardinan. Or. Horses, souare
crost- with quarter-circle over it on left Btitie.
ltoniuger, ChriB, Heppner, Or. Horses, C 11 on
left shoulder.
hice. Ian, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel
worm fence ou left shoulder; cattle, 1JAN on
right shoulder, liange near ilardinan.
lioyse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horsesfpialn V on
left bhoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on
right hip and crop off right ear. itange in Mor
row county.
lluwh Bros., Henoner. Or. ITorHB. hrnnrlod Tt
on the right shoulder; cuttle, IX on the left nip.
crop oft left ear aud dewlap on neck. Hange in
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Hunt, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses K oi
left shoulder; cattle, ti on left hip, crop oil
right ear, underoit on loft ear. Bheop, It on
weathers, rouud cron off rit'h rri-. Ilutim. nmQ
tillaand Morrow ountiee.
lieanoy, Andrew, Leiington, Or. Horses
branded A It on right shoulder, vent quarter
oiicie over brand; cattle Bame on right hip.
Itange Morrow county.
Koyee, Wm. il, Dairyville, Or HK connected
with quarter cirrle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horse,
aame braud on left shoulder, liange in Morrow
(irant and (iilliain counties.
iieoUir. J. W., Ileppner, Or. Horses, JO ot
left shoulder. Cattle, O on right hip.
Spicknall, J. W., 'Gooseberry, Or. Horse,
branded al ou left shoulder ; range in Morrow
Bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
Swnggart, H. P., Leiington, Or.-Horse
with daoh under it on left stifle; cattle H with
dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. Itange in Morrow
(iilliain and Umatilla counties.
Bwaggart. A. L., Ella. Or. Horses branded I
on left shoulder; cottle same on left hip. Cron
on ear, wattle on left hind leg.
Straight W. E., Heppner, Or.-Horses shaded
J B on lefl stifle; cattle J B on left hip. swallow
fork in right ear, underbit in left.
Bupp. Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, 8 A P o
left hip; cattle same on left hip.
Shirtz. James, bong Creek, Or. Horses. I
left Btitie and over 'A on left shoulder.
Bhrier.John, i'oi, Or.-NC oonneoted oa
horses on right hip; cattie, aame on right hio
crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. annua
in (irant county.
Smith Bros., SnBunville, Or. Horses, branded
H. . on Bhoulder; cattle, janie on left shoulder.
Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
JS on left shoulder; oattle the eame, also noea
waddle. Itange in Morrow and Gilliam oojntiea.
btephenB, V. A., Hardman, Or.; horses Bo
right Btitie; cattle horizontal L on the right side
Stevenson, Mrs A. J ., Heppner, Or.-Cattle ' al
on right hii-: swallow-fork in left ear
Swaggart O. W Heppner, Or.-Horeea, 44 ra
left ehouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip.
Smith, E. E. Lone liock, Or. Horses branded
a crossed seven on left shoulder; cattle same n
left Hide. Itange, Gilliam county.
Sperry, E..G.. Heppner, Or.-Cattle W C on
left hip, crop off right and underbit in let! jeai.
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horsea, t on
left Bhoulder; cattle, 2 ou left Bhoulder
TipBet.S.T.,EnlerpriBe,Or.-HorBea, C- on left
Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital J
lett shoulder, horseB; cattle same on left hiD
with split in both ears.
Thornton, H. M , lone, Or.-Horeea branded
H 1 connected on left BUtie; eheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or;-Horses H V oon.
nected on right shoulder;cattle, same on right
Walbridge. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses, V. L.
on the left Bhoulder; cuttle same on right hio
orop off loft ear and right ear lopped.
Wilson, John 0 Salem or Heppnar, Or.
Horaos branded Jo on the left shoulder. Kansa
Morrow county.
Warren, w B, Caleb, Or-Cattle, W with quartar
circle over it, on left Bide, split in right ear
Horses same brand on left shonlder. liana, la
Grant oouuty.
i iy0.0!?' L Darville, Or-Hearton horaea on
left stiHa; on cattle, Ion left side and under bit
in left ear. Itange in Grant oounty.
a S"8'1!; S'' A,- H"PP"". Or. Cattle branded
B W oil the right hip. square crop off right ear
and split in left.
Wallace, Francis, Mount Vemon.Or-Square on
cattle on the left hip. upper elope m the left
ear and under slope in right ear. Same brand
on horses on right shonlder. Kange in Harna
and Grant countv. "r
W ade, Henry, Heppner Or.-Horses branded
ace of spadee on lett Bhoulder and left hiu
Cattle branded same on left side and left hip.
W ells, A. S., Heppner, Or.-Horses, ,. on left
shoulder: catt e same.
WoiSnger. John, John Day City, Or-On honiaa
three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep,
bit in both ears. Kange in Grant and Malhaer
Woodward, John, Heppner. Or. Horaea T7P
connected on left shoulder. "v.,
W atkins Lishe, Heppner, Or.-florees branded
Ct connecteo on left stilie.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or.-Cattle. W oa
right thigh, hoinn left ear; horses, W on ria-ht
Bhouiaer, eomt same on left Bhoulder.
Whittier Bros DrewBy, Harney county, Or.
H'o5tf brand"i B. connected on left shoulder
Williams asco, HamUu.n, Or.-(juartr ail
cle over three bare on left hip, botScatUa and
horses. Range Grant county.
W illiams. J p. Long Creek. O-Horaea, qrjar "
ter circle over three bar. on left hip; oattle aama
and .lit in each ear. Kange in (irant coonty
'f' , ; Heppner. Or.-Horeea rnnnin. A k
on shoulder; Cattle, same on right hip
T w'Af ,hrt BkV l0061"' r--B" brandad
1 r on f h ngbt iihon lnr.
Young, W. A..Gooeeberry. Or.-Hor.ea brand
co A- i (double connaotad) on left -'
eauie aama on latt aida.