Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 07, 1893, Image 3

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'.'IHiWJCdMlriJit the Insertion ol display ads.,
1. or chttuge oi same, must yet their copy in
nit later tluui Monday evening fur Tuesday's
tiilion, or Thursday evening for Fridays edl-
1, Th sum ol Ave cent per line will be
fcarged lor "card! of thank," "resolutions ol
iixKt,' lisU Ol wedding presents and donors,
lud obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall himself give as a matter of news,) and
notices ol special meetlugs lor w hatever purpose.
- 2. tlceeol ohurch and society and allother
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged for at the rate of Ave
tents a line. These rules will be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rales reasonable and madeknown
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for his or her communication. No
corresijondeuce will be published unless the
w riter s real name is signed as an evidenco ol
good fuith.
lng Agent, ai Merchants Exchange,
ban h rancisco, is onr authorized agent. This
paper is kept on file in his otlice.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and uanyou City, leaves as follows :
.Every day at 6-.au a. m., except Huuday.
Arrives every day at 5:30 p. in., except Monday.
'Ihe cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from the interior country.
J. 6. DELEVAN, Prop.
blocum-Johnston Drug Co., Agents.
Oive your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
tier. Patronize those who patronize
Here and. There.
Heppner for the asylum.
J. J. McGee is down from Hardman.
TUTT'S TILLS do not nauseate or
John Ambrose ia over from Bitter on
German knitting yarn 25o per bank, at
Ladies' Bazaar. 68-tf
T. K. Roberta returned to Portland
early this week.
Unfurnished rooms to rent. Inquire
at Gazette office. it
0.0. Hales was in from the AlpiDe
section last Friday.
John Keeney is ia town spending a
muoh-needed vaoation.
Dan. Matuiot, representing the Stand"
ard Oil Co., ia in town.
Sam Hale is back from Virginia after
an absence of two years.
Oeo. W. Lord is making a trip this
week through Uilliam Co.
Mr. Melntire, a wool-buyer, is here
looking after sprine dips.
R. J. Hill and E. B. Palmer were in
Saturday from Lexington.
Mrs. Jas. D. Hamilton has been on the
aiok list for some days past.
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, McAtee Bros., Props. sw
Dick Howard and Dan Potter were
with our denizens Saturday last.
Marian Evans, of the Lexington coun
try, was up Saturday on business.
A large number of Heppner's people
attended the baptising last Sunday.
sat. Lovegreen, of tbe Gooseberry
country, was in Heppner Saturday.
Osoar Thompson, of lower Butter oreek,
was in Heppner Friday of last week.
D. 0. Reynolds, the horseman, owner of
Sir Henry, is oyer from Walla Walla.
Union-Journal: Mr. aud Mrs. Wm.
Rasmus have returned irom Heppner.
Found A obild's pin. Cull at the Ga
zette office aud prove property. 73-1 1
" Mrs. Aibogast, daughter of Mrs. Muir,
will leave for Guthrie, Oklahoma Ter.
Chris. Reininger is up from Douglas
where he baa been for two mouths past.
The Heppner-Canyon stage liue is the
best, cheapest and qicuktst to the in
terior. F. O. Bucknum got ia Saturday
night last aud will remain till tomortow
Saturday last was a lively day for
Heppner, and our merchants profited
W. M. Lawton was down from Hamil
ton's mill several days during the early
part of the week.
The chilly days and freezing nights
iiave been superceded by cbinook winds
and spring showers.
Only first class work turned out at
Frevl Miller's tailoring establishment
east side Main street,
M. Lichtenthal & Co. are getting in
their spring stock, and they will sell at
bottom prioes for cash.
Tbe Morrow County Land and Trust
Company has an unlimited supply of
chopped barley for sale.
K. R. Duran reports a loss of three
bead of cattle out of a band of eighty
bead tbe past cold spell.
The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove
eures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
and tobacco habit. See ad.
Rev. Palmer's churoh announcement
for serviees last Sunday oame too late
for publication in our last issue.
Every man who takes any interest in
fast stock should Bubsoribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
The Gazette would suggest that the
mayor oall a meeting to look after the
looation of the asylum at Heppner.
Frank Gentry says that Black Horse
still has a snow-bank bere and there.
They are forerunners of good crops.
Sr. Kielson is now running a stage be
tween Heppner and Lone Rook. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
Little Flossie Harman has been quite
ill witb throat difficulty for tbe past throe
or four d?e, but is much better at pres
ent. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc
all kiuds of nurg. Call at her horni
In north Heppner, address her at this
plaoe. 518-tf
Jas. Kinnev. just from "old Ireland,"
j arrived last night. He is a relative of
the Kinney boys, and will locate in our
A musical and literary entertainment
will be given at the opera bouse Satur
day evening Marpb lltb, by the W. C.
T.'TJ. 74
ilenry Wade has good prospects for
eroys out on his Sand Hollow ranoh.
iaitete snow yet remains in drifts in bis
K. Lieuallen. the Lexington black-
miMV was in HeDDner Saturday. Bus
iness ia picking up some in and about
Hiyn ketehum whiskers. Hatt 4
Mathews, at the oity barber shop tbe
place to get a first-class shave, hair-cut
or snampoo.
The members of Heppner Chapter
will meet at the Masonic ball next
Thursday evening, the 9th inst. Be sure
.to oome out. 73 4.
Dr. E. R. Swinburne was oalled down
to Lexington last Friday to attend Mrs.
W. B. McAllister who is ill with rheu
mstio fever.
Oacar Schaffer was in from the moun
tains Saturday to attend tbe regular com
munication of Heppner Lodge No. 69,
A. F. A A. M.
J. G. Owen, representing Owen A Co.,
of Portland, eeld bis lodge albums to the
.K. of P, A. F. 4 A. M., I. O. Q. F. and
A. O. V. W., of this place. They are fine
albums and every member is entitled to
have his picture placed therein.
Here and there, skirting the eternal
summits of our romantio hills, are yet to
be seen snonbauks whioh will remaiu on
some weeks yet.
The subject fcr discourse at tbe M. E.
church next Sunday evening will be,
"The Sabbath; its institution, both Jew
ish and Cnristian."
Jas. M. Fisher, one of our old Hepp.
nerites, writes over from Payette, Can
yon Co., Idaho, that tbe winter has been
very light over that way.
Stephen Hendnckson, of lone, will
take charge of H. M. Thornton's sheep
this summer. Mr. Hendrickson was in
town the first of the week.
Master Clay French is tbe authorized
agent for tbe Oregon inn at this place.
Subsoribe through bim, and have your
pnper delivered free of charge. tf
Falling of the bair is tbe result of in
action of tbe glands or roots of the bair.
or a morbid Btate of thesoalp, whioh may
oe cured oy Hall's htair iienewer.
Newer and neater Quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones, the babcr, wants to Bee
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Gen. Vincent was in from Batter creek
Friday last. Also A. B. Hiatt. of the
Ridge seotion. All report crop proapeots
are quite flattering in their respective
The latest dentistry, crown and bridge
work, most successfully accomplished by
Dr. B. F. Vaughan. Gas administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner, Or 1-a-w-
Dr. A. J. Sliobe. being ill last week.
called Drs. Swinburne and Gagen who
presoribeil tbe old remedy of bleeding.
They took away a quart of blood, and
the doctor is feeling much better
The ladies of the Women's Relief Corns
of Rawlins Post, will give an orange so
oial at the opera house on Wednesday,
luarcn id, iBua. Admission zo ots. : chil
dren 15 cts, All oordially invited.
E. A. Morgan, who has been ill with
paralysis up at D. A. Herren's ranch tor
some weeks, was able to get down to
town last Saturday. Tuough weak yet,
Mr. Morgau seems to be on the road to
recovery .
Daniel Miles, uncle of C. 8. Van
Duyn, and aooompanied by tbe latter,
departed for Coburg, Lane Co., Wednes
day of last week wbere they will visit
Mr. Vans mtner. Before returning
Van will buy his spring stook of goods.
People with delicate stomaohs find
Ayer's Sarsaparilla agreeable to the taste,
and, therefore, prefer it as a blood puri
fier to any other. This is ooe reason tor
its great popularity as a spring and fam
ily medicine. Safe, certain, and palata
ble. It is quite probable that vou mav need
the services of a physician some day ; but
you can postpone tbe time indefinitely
oy Keeping your Dlood pure and jour
system invigorated through the use of
Ayer's oaranpanlla. Prevention is bet
ter than oure.
On Saturday last. W. M. Booher. W. !
0. Metier, ex-Rep. Thomnson. James
Leach. Uau Summers and Sol. Mav-
fieM were np from the lower country;
and from tbe Hand Hollow looality,
there did bail the Morgan Bros. Our
reporter learns that the prospeots for a
oountuui uarvest are Battering, though
iu spots the grain is damaged some by
Rkqiilab Council Mbetuio. Council
met iu regular session last evening, May
or Simous presiding, and all counoilmen
present Minutes of last special and
regular meetings read ana'approved
Mayor Simons then appointed the follow
ing committees: Ways and Means,
Johnston, Yeager and Liohtenthal; Fi
nance, Farnsworth, Patterson and John
ston; Fire and Water, Keithly, Lioh
tenthal and Yeager; Streets and Publio
property, Lichtentbal, Farnsworth and
Patterson; Health and Police, Patterson,
Liohtenthal aud Farnsworth ; Ordinances,
Yeager, Keithly and Johnston; Eleotions,
Keithly, Patterson and Yeager The
committee on streets and publio property
of tbe nM regime report progress on
their work of investigating legal condi
tion of road between W. R. Ellis' and
Tbos. Morgan's Hose Co. No. 1, of
North Heppner, report organization ef
fected and ask foroharter, whioh by mo
tion was allowed, as well as a plaoe for
their meetings. The counoil chambers
are assigned for their nse Ordi
nance for benefit of property holders be
tween August and Canyon streets, on
Main, laid over till tbe next meeting of
counoil Petitions of George Gray
and W. F. Ruark laid on the table indef
initely Bond of A. A. Roberts ac
cepted; that of E.G. Slooum laid over
till next meeting for correction On
the following bills, Farnsworth and Pat
terson, put in a majority report, Johns
ton dissenting on the bill of tbe Hepp
ner Light & Water Co., but the council
sustained the majority report. The bills
are: G. W. McBride, $3 25; J. B, Nat
ter, rent, 8230; First National Bank,
850.55; Heppner Light & Water Co..
8153.55; A. Wright, Joe Williams and
Jas Dupuy, eich $3; H. Soherzinger and
Lane Matlock, eaoh $3; Mr. Starr, $4;
B. F. Perkins, 2; J. W. Rsmus, 867.50;
A. A. Roberts, $24,10 Tbe matter ef
vacating Main street at the south end,
near Jas. Adkins', laid over till the next
regular meeting Coutoil adjourned.
Caught at Heppner. Saturday last
Constable Ed. Taylor, of Moscow, Idaho,
arrived here in search of one Wm Hicks.
Hicks not long ago entered a ohurch
near Moscow, full of tarantula juioe, and
deliberately began shooting at the minis
ter, and though be emptied his pistol,
failed to hit the mark. Two men then
grappled with the fellow, whereupon be
drew a knife and cut one badly over the
eye. He then decamped and came to
Pendleton. There he bad a fight, and
beat a man up considerably. From there
be came to Heppner, and yesterday Mike
Filzgeral J and the constable found him
out on P. C. Thompson's sheep ranoh
wbere be bud hired to work through
lambiug. This morning be was lodged
in the county jail awaiting removal to
An nual School Misnira. The an
nual school meeting passed off quietly
yesterday afternoon. Chairman Ellis
presiding and Clerk J.J. Roberta present.
The minutes ot the last annual meeting
weie read and approved. The financial
report was then read, a copy of which
will appear in our next issue. The eleo
tion of a school director for a term of
three yeurs being iu order, O. E. Farns
worth and J. W. Morrow were plaoed in
nomination. On vote being taken.
Farnsworth received 26 votes and Mor
row 84; total 60. J. W. Morrow was
declared elected. J. J. Roberts was
then re-elected clerk by acclamation.
Tbe matter of sobool tax being taken up
it was decided by a vote of 11 to 20 that
tbe tax next year be ten mills. Tbe
meeting then adjourned. The only
feature ol yesterday's meeting which is
to be regretted was that though 60 men
felt interested ia selecting a director,
only 48 stayed to vote on the more im
portent question of taxes. In the latter
Instance, tbe legal voters were called
upon to register, which doubtless o
counte to some extent tor tbe wide
difference in the vote oast. Immediately
after the olose of the annual meeting
J. W. Morrow was sworn in and the
tint meeting of the new board was held.
They will meet again next Saturday.
Our people are to be oongratalated on
their wisdom in providing a good suffi
cient tax for next year's work. Moss-
back ism found no enooaragement at
yesterday's school meeting.
Died in Ebb Asms. A pathetio inci
dent oocurred at tbe Union depot shortly
after 7 o'olook Thursday morning, eays
the Oregonian, A young Assyrian wo
man, who gave her name as Mrs. Julia
Farris, alighted from tbe early Union
Pacifio traiu carrying a 9 month's-old
ohild in her arms. Uunotioed, she went
over to one oorner ot the big waiting
room and laid her bundle down on the
seat, while she took a bottle of medicine
from her pocket and prepared to admin
ister some to her child. An exolamation
of horror attracted the people in the room
to the spot, and they found the young
mother standing with a dead iufaut in
her arms. The poor woman was turned
over to the city board of charities, and
the remains of the child taken in charge
by Coroner Holman. Mrs. Farris states
that she came to this country from Assy
ria two years ego. Soon after her arrival
she married a man whom she has been
(oroed to snpport nntil about six months
ago, when be left her in Mosoow, Idaho,
For the past three months the ohild
has been sick, and the poor mother has
been struggling tor sufficient means to
give it proper nourishment and medioinc.
She oame to Portland in hopes that tbo
milder olimate might bring back the
child's health, but it is probable that
death came to its relief before the moth
er alighted from tbe train.
Birthday Parti. On Saturday last,
Miss Edna Van Duyn celebrated ber
ninth birthday. Tbe following young
people were present: Olen Hayes, Frank
Noble, Josie Danner, Zoe Patterson,
Annie McBride, Jewell Bramblet, Dot
Bramblet, Glenn Forwood, Archie Mat
hews. Ida Charlton, Gertrude Walbridge,
Ona Gilliam, Elsie Ayers, Winnie Gil
liam, Nellie Forwood, Emma Farns
worth, Essie Leezer, Lee Slooum, Bertha
Matlook, Bertha Jones Nora Matlock,
Delia Danner and Mary MoSwords.
Sad Death. Mrs. W. J. Watten
burger, of Galloway, daughter of Alfred
Ayers, died Friday morning last. She
was buried on Butter creek Saturday.
Mrs. Wattenburger had been ill for
some days, but her death was quite
sudden. Our sympathies go witb the
Mountain Housa. Mr. Joseph Crank
has lately leased the hostelry known as
tbo Mountain House, refitting and re
furnishing it throughout. Board and
bed, per week 86; board without bed.
84.50; meals and bed 25 cents each. Mr.
Crank asks a portion of tbe patrouage.
believing tbat be oan give as good ser
vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less
money. 48-sw.
A Fins Housa. The imported run
ning stallion, Sir Henry, has been
brought over to Heppner, and will stand
the ensuing season at this plaoe. He ie
tbe property of "Cayuse" Reynolds, and
is a fine horse. 670tf
"There be three things which are too
wonderful for me, Tea, four whioh I know
not : The way of an eagle in the air ; the
way of a serpent upon arock; the way of a
ship in the midst of a sea, and thewayof
a man with a maid."
Oe Might Ban Added Aoother:-
The way ot the "bunoombe" storekeeper
who would pull the wool over even
s baldbeaded man's eyes.
Here are an honest merohanl's four ear
dinal yirtnes :
We try to have tbem all.
eppner, -vregon
mffuK-. But since Kolman has opened up in Heppner, the
MItES .rfP,tfcriWt'' neoDle do not
North or South
My Prices
It is the Talk
The orowd all day at Kolman's is a sight worth seeing.
Never before have
Been offered to the publio,
And tbe orowded store shows too plainly when the publio know wbere they get
full value for their money. We deserve your patronage, as we have demoralized
the high pnoes in Heppner. What we sell you for SI would cost yon $2 elsewhere.
We do Business to Live, and Live to do Business.
Eemember we represent one of tbe leading MERCHANT TAILORING firms
in Cbioage, and have on hand over 600 samples to seleot from. A perfeot fit guar
anteed. I have made a large number of suits since I have been here, and every
one has given entire satisfaction. Bemember you oan save money by giving me
your order.
-3f OFfc
Fall Goods ! Fall Goods
Overcoats, Women and Misses' Newmarket Cloaks,
At Reduced Rates FOR CASH-
'JJcJoiM JJratile (Joiipj.
-m General Merchandise, s5-
-Have in stock
; and Jap
From 20 to 50 cents. Still injthe field in tbe line of
Furniture, Upholstered Goods, Etc.
Undertaking a.8peoialty.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
W. J. IvBI525SM, Prop.
rpHIH HOSTELRY has been RHrmso and Rr.ynxisnnn throughout, and now
is one of the most inviting plaoea in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to step
with him, feeling that be if able to entertain you in the best of style.
First Class House.
have to send awav to the East. West
for their goods. -:- -:-
are Not Out of Sight,
are within easy reaoh of all.
ol the Town.
such bargains in
a fnll line of-
670w Repairing Done.
Etc., Etc.
Trust JJusts.
zfc Q ALE !
1. Only First-ClaKS hole! in Heppner.
2. Ruilding Wired for Eleotric Lights
8. Best accommodations for tbe traveling
1. Courteous treatment assured tbe coun
try people.
MRS. M. VON CADOW. Proprietress.
Reasonable Rates.
Commissioner of the U. S. Circuit Court. All land
matters attended to promptly and accurately.
Office in National Bank building.
Anything New of Real Merit
You oan Generally Find
for :-: Sale by
We don't run a third-class junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twice
their value, but we keep tirst-class goods at honest prioes, with
no baits or trap. We keep
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old customers how we treat them.
Corner Main and
. To Get Even
Wood and Wniowware. Blacksmiths'
iu.., jjhiu'uus sua oinss, numoing materials, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done.
:- -:- You will save money by
getting our prices before purchasing
elsewhere. -:- :- -:- -;. .;. -
Odd Fellows building, Main St.,
Business-like -:- Manner
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
T T whioh we propose to oonduct in
on bands at all times the ohoioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
8o"tt Jr'ronrietors.
Graduate M. E. C. V. S. , Loudon, England.
Veterinary -m- Sgeon"
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
im prepared to do all kinds ot Veterinary (turnery, Kmnsculnuim Morses and Heeling a ftUPL.,.
ally. (1 his Is the only true inothud ol operatdiK on horses.) Hiwvlnsr oi (iairl,.V, d w?
snort notice. I will troat all animal
Inary Surjiery. II you have any alek
call on me at
For the entnrpriaing establishment of-
W. L. Matlock & Co.
Instead of flying to the door gasp
ing for breath, seeming as If each
one would be vour last, vou have
only totakea few doses Asthmalem whrn thespasmlsbroken.thebreathlngbecomcs
easy and you feel as if an aiiRel ot nrrcv had unloosed the Iron grasp of the fingers
of death. The happiest moment of your life will be whr n vnn have used a few bottles
oi ur. isii s Mai n nu,cnj n unu it nas
Astnma. v man to any ustnma sufferer a
toid by anujt-iiu. Dr. Taft Bros. H. Co., Rochester,
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
i W. FTIIKSON, iGKNT oo o t "t ir tne W6rirt
"Who are
Noted for being
Tlie Leaders.
: :
Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
on Your Life. a.
. .
Stoves and Tinware,
Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
the most satisfactory manner. Will keep
In the moat approved procedure ol VMer
animals It will he lo your Interest to
Stewart's stables.
Jvift sw
cureu you or Mn fF9 t?8 "nd (""
trial Bottle