Ill OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, St. IvOllliS, AND ALL POINTS HIST. Leaves Heppner, 8 a.m. 60 p. m. Arrives Pullman Colonist Bleeior, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Bttamom Portland to San every four days. Fraooisco Tickets TO AITS Europe, For rataa and general Information call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. C. HAET Heppaer, Oregon. W. H HUELBOBT, Aut. (ieul. 1'aas Aft. HA WMhlngton St., POBTUMD. OaJMOH. From Terminal or Interior Points the BAILEOAD! Is the line to take TO. It is the Dining Car Koute. It rami Through Yaatibuled Train s every day In the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Oars) Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Eqaipmcnl TouristSleping Cars Best that can be constructed and In whioh jc eoinmodatlonB are both free and furnished for holdera of first or second-class tioaeta, anu. Elegant Day Coachs. A. Continuous Line oonneotinsr with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservation! canbe Secured tn advance through any agent of the road. Timouarir TICKETS To and from all polnta in America, England and Kuropo can be purchased at any Ticket office of this Company. Full information concerning .rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant Oeneral Passenger Agent. No. 1X1 first St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ( Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME OAliU Two Through Trains Daily. H.upui iG.Wpm'Lv. Minneapolis Ar1 .0.ram li.:lllain 4.15pm jS.-llipm li.f()in l.supin 7.1.'pmll.v...St. l'anl...Ar,pinl,v...Duluth.. .Ar 7.'2!pm l,v.. Ashland. . Ar 10.11, ami I Mu 2.5opin ll. Mum I5.47aiu :i.:mpui 10.15" . Maui Ar. ..Chicago. ..Lv Ticket! sold and baggage checked through to all point! In the United States and Canada. Clime connection made ill Chicago with all tralm ftoing Kasl and Month. For full Inloruiatiou apply to your nearest Ueket agent or JAH. 0. l'ONll, Ueu. 1'au. and Tkt. Agt. Chicago, 111. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HKPl'NEH, OREGON. Cattle branded and ear marked as nhuwii abote. Horses K on right shoulder. My cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla conn ties. I will pay $100.00 for the arrest and con Tiotion of any person stealing my stock. QUICK TIME! I TO San Frunolsoo And all point In California, via the Mt, Bhasti rout of the Southern Pacific Co. llie great hiahway through California to all point. KaBt aud Mouth. Urand Scenlo Route of the Paotfio Coast, rulluian Buffet Sleeper. Seoond-elaaa Sleeper! Attached, to express trains, affording superior accommodations for secoud-clasi passengers. For rate, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, etc., call upon or address K. KOKHIJSR, Manager, K. P. RtXlKKS, Ant, (ton. F. A P. Agt, Portland, Oregon. Where At Abrabamsick'a. In additiou to bis tailoring business, he has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee shirts, hosiery, etc. Also has on hand some elegant patterns for suits. A. Abrahamsiok, May street, Heppuer, Or. Cure for Colds, Fevers and General Dot Ulty, Small lula Boaua. Sm. wr botUak Northern Pacific KNOWLEDGE NEEDED. FARMERS AND FRUIT GROWERS SHOULD BE STUDENTS. A F.w Primary Facta Easily Acquired Will Be of Vast Benefit to All Who Bars to Deal with Noxious Insects la the Field and Orchard. There are some things which should be known as well by would be success ful horticulturists as by economic ento mologists. Certain simple facts about insects and insecticides, a knowledge of which is absolutely essential to the ag riculturist. For instance, every farmer and frnit grower should know that all insects, after hatching, pass through a larval or worm-like stage and it is in this stage that they generally do the most damage. Then they enter a tran sition stage, as it were, known as the pupal stage, and finally they turn into perfect insects onmagos. These changes are called metamorphoses. Beetles (Coleoptera) are hard winged or hard r shelled insects. Moths anu butterflies belong to the order Lepidop- tera and the larva) producing these are called caterpillars. A certain order of insects, Heuiiptera, the bugs, and the only insects which can be truly called bugs, get their nourishment by sucking the juices from the interior of plants. It is utterly impossible to kill bugs with Pans green or London purple, both in ternal poisons, for the reason that bugs do not eat the outside of the leaf which is coated with the poison. The insect pests In this order, viz, green aphis, wooly aphis, scale insects, etc., call for an application of some external irritant, or some oily agent which will clog up the breathing pores. The larvas of Lepidoptera viz, the ap ple worm, which is the larva of the cod ling moth, tent caterpillars, peach tree borers, etc., are provided with strong jaws by means of which they are en abled to eat the loaves or fruit or gnaw the wood of fruit and other trees. These it is plain can be killed by an applica tion of arsenical poisons. Comparatively few farmers realize the necessity for dif ferent treatments as illustrated above and how many there are who use Paris green for the green aphis and perhaps attempting to use pure kerosene for the oodling moth unless prevented by some kindly intervention. It is time that every farmer and fruit grower was fa miliar with these facts. We are prompted to refer here to a question asked at a recent meeting of the Oregon State Horticultural society: "Which is best for a tree, lye or white wash?" Did that query come from a well posted horticulturist? He should have stated the pest or pests he wished to kill. Whitewash with a little crude carbolio acid in it is an excellent pre ventive against borers while lye put on the trunks and branches would not do much good as a preventive. Lye used at the right time and of proper strength, a very important consideration, would be elective in killing scale insects and eggs of various injurious bugs as well as the bugs themselves. In other words it is as impossible to kill all insects with one kind of treatment as it is for one medicine to servo as a panacea for all tho ills of man. Be careful how you purchase from unscrupulous or ignorant dealers concoctions warranted to kill all and every insect. As a rule such concoctions are humbugs. It must be said, however, that certain new agents just coming into notice promise some thing toward our ideal of an all round remedy. The per cent, of arsenic in London purple vanes with the consignment. while in Paris green it is fixed. It would seem then that Paris green as far as its effect on foliage is concerned is the safer agent of the two. A test for the quality of Paris green is to take a small quan tity of the powder and add to it a little water; if the poison is good it should unite readily with the water and form a mixture of the consistency of cream. One pound of Paris green to 200 gallons of water is twoo strong for the foliage on this Coast. One pound to 250 gallons for the first spraying and one pound to 800 gallons for all subsequent sprayings are the best proportions. " There s no use spraying; I ve tried it, " is a remark often heard from farmers. The words smack too much of a mossy origin and invariably they can be traced to non-observauco of directions in mix ing or applying the solution. Before judging of the merits of a cer tain treatment for an insect pest, before condemning it at least, one should be absolutely Bure that he has faithfully followed directions. Every fruit grow er and farmer should realize the value of the meetings of horticultural societies and farmers institutes and should appre ciate the advantages accruing to him self from attending such meetings. The interchange of ideas and experiences at these meetings are worth a great deal to those present. Spray pumps ? There are many good ones on the market. Keud the bulletins from the experimental stations and hor ticultural boards for hints on these points. In buying nozzle the fruit grower should consult his own especial needs. One nozzle will make a fine fog, another will put enough on the tree to cause the liquid to drip from the leaves aud still others which will deluge the tree. If one is spraying for the codling moth or leaf eating insects, a fog is what is needed, and these nozzles are more eco nomical than the others. If, howevor, the wooly aphis is to be sprayed, a noz zle which scuds a considerable amount of liquid with much force is the most de sirable. Every agriculturist should know that all insects are not injurious, that some are neither injurious not beneficial, they are innoxious. Some forms are very useful in that they prey upon injurious species. No intelligent farmer will allow rub. bish to accumulate about the orchard and farm, uor will he let moss remain on his trees, fur such are retreats for in sect foes. But realizing that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, flood Looks. Good looks are msre than akirf deep depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver be in active, you have a bilious look, if your stomach be disordered, you have a dys peptic look and il your kidneys be affect ed you have a pinched look. Secure good health and you will have good looks. Electric bitters is the great alter ative aud tonic and sots direotlyon these vital orgaus. Cures pimples, blotches, boils, and gives a good complexion. Sold at Slocum Johiieon Drng Co., 50o per bottle. Cotliu cS McFiirlaiul have just received a oar load of Mitchell Wagons, Hacks, etc., and have also a large supply ot farm ing implements of all kinds. a he will burn all waste, cut out all dead limbs upon which moss gathers and will by thorough cultivation make hia trees thrifty and thus help them to re sist insect attack. Finally the farmer should as far as possible, learn from reliable books oi some component authority the appear ance and habits of injurious insects and thus know when to attack them, whether in the larval, pupal or perfect form. There are many good works on this point with accurate illustrations of in jurious and beneficial species, notably "insects Injurious to Fruits, by Will iam Saunders (Lippincott & Co.); "In jurious Insects of the Orchard and Vine yard" by the late Matthew Cook of Cali fornia (H. P. Crocker) good illusirations and descriptions but remedies antiqua ted. Harris' "Insects Injurious to Veg etation (Orange, Judd & Co.) In addi tion to these and others are the official publications of each state, which can be had for the asking, and the publications from the United States department of agriculture at Washington which are distributed free. In agricultural papers one sees many communications which are worse than worthless. Take therefore only the best of these papers and give credence to no statement which does not bear the stamp of authority. F. L. Wasbubnb. GOLD SUSPENSION IMMINENT. Under the above oaption an Eastern exchange finds the following: "The feeling of fear in the Eastern mind over the present condition of our national bounces is well illustrated by the following extracts from a letter by Matthew Marshall, the finanoial editor of the New York Sun, a very keen and cautious man : 'It the Sherman act con tinues in operation for six monthslonger, as it is likely to do, it is extremely prob able that all the ijoltl in the banks of the oity will scarcely meet the demands that will be made for it. "Precisely at what date we may ex- peot the suspension of gold payments, to which the continued operation of the Sherman act is leading us, it is impossi ble to say. As much depends on the oourse of financial affairs abroad as upon that here. A decreased demand for gold there, aided by slreDUons efforts here, may tide us over this spring, and the har vests of next summer may help us out again as they did in I Sill. But that when the cutastrophe comes it will not pro- duoe a panio I still believe. The exer tions now making to avert suspension do far more harm to business than suspen sion will. The panics ot loi, IsbU, ltso and 1884 subsided hb soon as the banks came together and agreed not to insist on the payment of debts in lawful money. So, now, whenever we desist from our endeavors to maintain gold payments re lief will follow, prices will rise, and spec ulation go briskly on. I do not say that the remedy is desirable, for its firBt beo efits will be followed by a long train of mischiefs; but if we are destined to come to the use of a depreciated currency the sooner we do it the better'." The faot that we are paying our debts, oontraotod in the legal tender money which is gold, is the oause of continual shipments of gold. It is the same be tween individuals of the same oountry as between those of foreign oouutries. The Sherman act, dwarfed and deformed as it may be as a child of effort to put silver in circulation, has had nothing to do with the continued exportation of our gold. Other countries of Europe, here tofore using both precious metals as money, are using every endeayor to es tablish a gold standard, an'd are paying good premiums for the privilege. In the meantime, money being due foreign cap italists which they can use there to a good advantage, it is being drawn over that way. It is the natural trend of capital to go where it can do the best, and it is their privilege to enhance the holdings if they can do so, but it is not good business to allow such a state of things to continue in the full faoe of the fact that with the advance in gold, wheat, corn, ootton and lands bear a like dis count, which are only accepted dollar for dollar in the payment of debts, even though tbey might have been contracted when money was not so dear. The con tinued appreciation of gold will be the condition ot things in America and else where under tho single standard idea. In the article above, depreciated cur rency seems to be the soarccrow. Who is responsible for the depreciation of sil ver? Who made it a commodity and made millions by the move? Well, they should held up their hands in horror at the damage wrought after they have well lined their vaults by the plan. Silver will buy as much as it did previous to 1873, but as a currency of redemption, money of debt-paying power, it is rele gated to the place of iron and oopper. Free coiuage will bring abont the con dition of matters previous to demoneti zation of silver, bring gold where it be longs and double the circulating medium. It will raise the prioe of farm products aud lufids, and thiu out the mortgages. It will make every branoh of business more ns it was wont to be in days of yore, and we won't be doing business in a "depreciated" curreucy either, bnt the false appreciation of the Bingle standard money will be removed, aud it ought to be. 25,000 IN REWARDS. Seventh Half-Yearly Literary Competition of The Canadian Agriculturist, In accordance with their usual custom for some vcars past, the publishers of that old and reliable publication, the Oanadian Agricultur ist, now presents Its 7th Great Half Yearly Llt ernrv Competition ior the winter of IKKt, to the people ol the 1'nited Slates and Canada. The Iollowing Is thepi-Ue list; lstliraud Prize 12.500 in Gold Jnd ' " 1,000 in Gold 3rd " " .rXi in Gold ilh " " iMi in Gold Mh " " 100 in Gold "i.OOO Klegaut Silver Tea Services, Pianos, Organs, Gold Watches, Ac. , Ac, making a total of over lO.tloO prizes. How to Ski-cur a Prizk. Take a few sheets of paper and make all the words you can out of letters contained in the words, "Coi.CMmN ExroMTUiN," and send them to us, enclosing otic dollar for six month's subscription to the Auriculturist or the Uulies' Home Magazine two of the best home monthlies in the world. Kvi.ks 1. Korean w ords arc not allow ed. 2. Letters cannot be used oftcuer than they appear In the two words, "Columbian Exposition." 3. Names oi places and persons barred. All lists containing over 100 correct words w ill receive a valuable special prixe. Send post al card for list oi prize winners in former com petitions. Address, THE AilRH'OI.THlusT Pttfl. Co., Peterborough, Canada. Shoemaker. Ed. HirbeoK,' a shoemak er and repairer of many years' experi ence, hss just looated in the Abraham sick cnilding, on May street, where he is nreimred to do evetythiug in his line. !t liirbeck is strictly a first-class work, mau and warrants alt work. Give him a call. 14-tf One Small Rile llean every night tors Woaku-ouaoTuipldiavers. 26o. per bvLUsk. ifkattaff oa suits. ' A new mode of utilizing the principle f stilts for locomotion has been pat ented. The action of propelling is that it skating on ice, and any forward flg ire that can be done on the ice can be accomplished with ease by these ma :hines. Each wheel is independent of the other, and backward travel is pre vented by mechanical action. The bal ance is the first movement to be learned. By pressing the thumbs on the brakes the wheels become fixed, by which means the learner can walk on them th. same as on stilts. All Free. Those who have used Dr. King's New Disoovery know its value, and those who have not, now have the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist, and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bncklen & Co., Chicago, and eet a sample box of Dr. King's New Life Pills free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold instructor, free. All of whioh iB guaranteed to do you good and cost yuu nothing. For sale by Sloonm-Johnson Drug Co. There is Great Kxcltemeot Among rheumatic sufferers over the new remedy that is being put up in New York City. It is olaimed there has never been a cane where it has failed to cure. It is called Dr. Drummond's Lightning Rem edy for Rheumatism, and is sold for $5 per bottle. The remedy is eertainly making for itself a world wide reputation, as the oountry is full of rheumatism. This wonderful preparation does not effect a cure next week, but relieves at once and almost miraculously. Sent by express prepaid on reeeipt of price. Drnmmond Medioine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. 73 DRUNKENNESS, or the LIQUOR HABIT Cored at Home In Ten Days by Adminis tering Dr. Haiues' (Joiden Specific. It can be given in a glass of beer, a onp of ooifee or tea, or in food, without the knowledge of the patient. It is absolute ly harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate drinkeror an alcoholic wreck. It has been given in thousands of cases, and in every instance a perfect cure has followed. It never fails. The system ouoe impregnated with the specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for the liquor anpetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars free. J Address the Uolden Spkoifio Co., 185 Race Street, Cincinnati, Ohio. Fat People. The only safe and reliable treatment for obesity, or superfluous fat, is the "Leverette" Obesity Pills, which gradu ally reduce the weight and measurement. No injury or lnconvenience leaves no wrinkles sots by absorption. Thiscure is founded upon the most Boisntifio prin ciples, and has been used by one of the most eminent physicians ot Europe in bis private praotice "for five years" with the most gratifying results. Mr. Henry Perkins, 29 Union Park, Boston, writes: "From the use of the 'Leverette' obesity pills my weight has been reduced ten pounds in three weeks and my general health iB very muoh improved. The principles of your treatment are fully in dorsed by my fomily physician. In proof of my gratitude I herewith give you per mission to use my name it you desire to do so." Price $2.00 per package, or three packages for 85.00 by mail. All orders supplied direct from our oflice. The Lbvkbette Specific Co., 175 Tremont Street Boston, Mass. SILK DRESS We will Oive Away abso lately Free of cost, an ele gant black or colored Silk Orens pattern of l(i yards to any young lady ill every town in America, who is to introduce -'THE HOLD I'lLOT, r lurye 8 paee. 40 column 11 VVJVVWNv luatrateU household and farm journal, one ol the bent published, now in its Hth yeur. We make this greut oner in order to introduce our pBper at once into many thou and new homes. lie sure to Bend 25 cents for the paper one year on trial and sample of lilk to bui jet iroui. PILOT PUB. CO. 648 85J Center bt., New Hnveu, Ct. BEATS THEM ALL ! 12,000 pages of reading matter are found In the 30 volumes of Cham' ber's Encyclopedia, which we fur nish, post-paid, in connection with our twice-a-week edition, one year, for ;l.00. Tun Advkrtirbr is the oldest newspaper in Xew York City. Is Weekly edition is published in two Bcetions and comes out every Tuesday and Friday 104 times during the year ; has six to eifiht pages every issue, is well printed, has plenty of pictures, short stories, telegraphic news, nuanciai ana market reports, a woman e page and the ablest editorialR published by any iew iork paper, n is a model Home paper, with elevating and entertaining reading matter, devoid of sensations and objectionable adver tisements. All for 12.00 a year, specimen conies and Premium LiBta with full particulars of the Attractive Inducements for Agents, seutiree ou application u THE ADVERTISER, 572-591 29 Park Row, New York. Acldreaa W. SMITH & CO. 5-74 sYXy-Stio, Iowa GRASS and SEEDS Highest Germinating Fewer. PUREST STRAINS, SEND FOR CATALOlHJt Geo. Starrett,WALKm LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Notice of Final Settlement. NOTICE 19 HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL FKR sous IntereBted that I have tiled my final report in the matter of the estate of John Barrat, deceased, and that the court has set the 6th day of March, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day for the hearing of the said report and objections thereto, if any there be. at which time all persons interested are hereby notified to be at the ofhee of the county Judge, at the conrt house in Heppner, Oregon, Dated this 3 Lit day of Jan. 1893. .Vo-s;4w Maroarkt Basratt, Administratrix estate of John Barratt deceased. Prevent and cure Constipation smdSkk Hwilftohe, Stnaii Uiie beau. A STUMP PULLER ! !Lurm?i.Li;iZ A!2ai ... That Your Hair may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it daily with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. a. Lowell, Mass.1 IF V0U WANT INFORMATION ABOUT THE PKKSM tXAIMS COJIPIHT, JOHN vVEODERBURN, - Managing Attorney, P.O. Box l3. WASHINGTON, D.C. TN'SIONS FROCC11ED For- SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. A!i. fnr l-olter nnd Sailors illHablt'ii In the line of Antv hi the reenlnr Army or Navv eincethe war. lun ivon of the Indian wars of 18tf2 to 1842, and tln-lr -."Mown, now entitled. Old and rejected alntuia flpe. laltv. Thousands entitled to higher rates, -end for hi"? laws. Ko charge for advice. aofee Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon. The First National Bank 1 of Arlington, Or., Plaintiff j.g;MMON3 O. W. Stewart,' Defendant, j TO G. W. STEWART, defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint hied against you In the above entitled ac tion on or before the 7th day of March, A. D. lays, the said dav being the hrst day ol the next regular term of the above entitled court, and if you fall so to answer or otherwise plead, the plaintitr will take judgment against you for ti'w 90. on a promissory note given by you to plaintiff on May 10, 1SD1, due on demand, and for ten per cent, interest from Nov. 18, 1-H02; for $:t5.00 attorneys fees and for coBts and disburse ments. This summon! is published by order of Hon W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of said court, which said order was made and dated at chambers in Dalles City. W aaco county. Oregon, Uie iloth day of January, lWi. W. R. Eli.i. 04-ie Attorney ior nullum. Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the comity of Morrow. li. L. Hughes, riaintiii, vs. SUMMONS. Geo. W. Thomas, Defendant.) TO GEO, W. THOMAS, the above named dc fend ant: In the name of the State of Oregon, i ou are herebv reouired to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit upon the tirst day of the next term of this court, to-wit.: Upon Monday, the inth day of March, And if you iail so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a judgment against you for the principal sum of JsOO.OO and interest thereon at the rate of six (fl) percent. aer annum irom tne 1st ciHy ot lanuary imsi, ana ior the further sum of S24.U0 and interest there on from the 1st day of July, at the rate of H per cent per annum, and for the further sum of ?24.00 with interest at the rate of S per cent, per annum from the 1st day of January, isyl, and for the further sum of ?24.00 and interest thereon nt the rate of h percent, per annum irom the 1st dav of Julv. 1891. and the further sum of $!S0.00 as attorney's fee in this suit, aud fur the costs and disbursements oi tins buh. Aim piami lit' further asks for a decree foreclosing the mort gage upon lots 5 and 4, and the bE!4 of the yVJ4 of Sec. HO, in Tp. 2, N R 24, E. W. M., containing 450 and 40-100 acres, more or less, being situate in Morrow county, state oi uregen, anu tnat tne land described be sold as upou execution to sat isfy whatever judgment the plaintiil' may ob tain, and that the proceeds of said sale be ap plied, first in the payment of said judgment, costs and attorney's fee, and costs of sale; and second, that the remainder, if any, be turned over to the defendant, and that defendant be forever barred and foreclosed from setting up or maintaining any claim or demand to said land or any part tnereoi, except as reaempuoner under the statute, and for such other and fur ther relief as may to the court seem meet and equitable. This Bummons is published pursuant to an order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and entered ou the 10th day of January, 1S9H. KITMAN BROS. & HORNOlt, 562-574-w Attorneys for Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale. NOTICE 13 HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER and by virtue oi an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the Htate of Oregon for the County of Morrow, aud to me directed and delivered, upon a iudirmont rendered and enter ed in said Court on the 5th day of September in lavor ot (jnaries n,. Kirn, planum, ana anaiuBt C. O. Haines, defendant, for the sum of three hundred dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the 2tn day of May isyl; also two hundred dollarB, with interest thereon at the rate of per cent, per annum from the 27th day of May laui, and the lurtner Bum oi f.iu attorney s iees, ana twenty nine and 9-100 dollars costs, and. whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following deHcribed reul property, to-wit. : The South West quarter of Section three (X), in Township four (4), South of Range twenty-live (2ft). East of W. M., all in Morrow county, Ore gon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will, on ihe4th diiy of March, llJ3, at 1 o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, Bell the right, title and interest of the said C. O. Haines in and to the above de scribed property at public auction to the high est and best bidder for cash in hand, the pro ceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said cYciiuhiuu, ttuu ail i;ubib, aim tUBtn iiihl uittj crue. Geo. Nobljc, Sheriff of Morrow County, or. Dated Jan. 23, 18t3. 5ti2-y72-W Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOR THE COUN ty of Morrow, state of Oregon. W. R.Ellis, Plaintiff, vs. S SUMMONS. T. C. Anbrev, Defendant,) TOT. C. AUBREY, defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled action on or Deiore tne 7tn any or Murcn. iya, the said day beiusr the first dav of the next retru- larterm of the above entitled court, and if you fail bo to answer or otherwise plead, the rlaint- Itt for want thereof will take judgment against you, (ior money aue ana ow ing irom you to plaintiil") for the sum of three hundred and eiginy (j.W) aoitars, and ior ten per cent, in terest from Sept. 7, 1m2, and for costs and dis bursements. This summons is published by order of Hon, W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of said court, which said order was made and dated atchambers in iialles City, Wasco county, Oregon, the 26th dy of January, a. v, i&ya. k. i.Lus, 64-76 per it. Summons. IN THE JUSTICE COURT, FOR THE PRE cincts of J. f. District No. 6, County of Mor row, state of Oregon. W. O. Minor and C. A. Minor, "i partners as Minor Bros., I rial nti ns, T. G. Dundasand Mrs. T. G. Dundas. Defendant. TO T. G. DUNDASAND MRS. T. . DUNDAS, Defendants: In the name of the State of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the complaint tiled acainst you in the above enti tled cause, on April 13, IMS, at 10 a. m., and if you fall so to answer, for want thereof the plaintitlg w ill take judgment against you for the sum of twenty-four and 60-IOU dollars, and the cosU and disbursements of this action. F. J. Hallock, 672-R2 Justice of the Peace, Notice to Taxpayers. VTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO THE TAX li payers of Morrow county, Or., that I, or my deputy, will beat the usual voting places for the purpose of collecting taxes, as follows: Mattesou precinct. Mondav. March 13, 1MW. L'Hiry Eight Mile " Dry Fork lone " Cecil Wells Springs" Alpine " Pine City " Lena " Lexington Heppner " Geutrv " Tuesday, ' 14, ednesday, ' i ' Thursday, " 16, " Friday. " 17, ' Saturday, " 1$, " Monday, " 20, " Tuesday, " 21, " Wednesday," 22, " Thursday, " 23, " Friday, " 24, " Saturday, " 25, " Monday, " 27, ' Tuesday. " 2S, " Mt. ernon The hour of meeting will be from 10 a. m. to 3 p.m. GEORGE NOBLE. 572-74 Sheriff of Morrow County. Notice of Intention. J AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES OREOON J Jan. 2?,. 1HM Nntic- is herebv ctven that the following named settler has liltd notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore J. W. Morrow. Countv Clerk at Heppner, Or., on Bat. March IS, lKt:t, viz.: AUUUBT CHAKLMTON, Homestead application No. 45cl. for the E1; NVi, and lots 1 and aof Sec. 7, Tp. 3, S K il E. W. M. He names the following- witnesses to provebis continuous residence upon aud cultivation oi, wu lauu, viz. : Frank A. Lundt.ll. John K. Peterson. John Johnson and Andrew carls n, all of oooseber- ry, Oregon. - I Joun W. Lewis, Register. Notice of Intention. LAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Feb. ;l, lbiiil. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice oi his intention to make tinal proof in support oi his claim, and that said proof w ill be nnute be loreJ. W. Morrow, County clerk at Heppner, Oregon, on baturday, March iri, l&yii, viz.: HOWAKD C. IKJjJSOiN. Pre-emption Declaratory blaterueiit No. 72C8, for the K(i NEJ-t, Ui NElj. and MJ i.V) of tec. -Jl, Tp. 3, o K to E. W. M.' lie names the iollowing witnesses to provehis continuous residence upou and cultivation oi, said land, viz.: James Jones, G. B. Hatt, G. D. Fell and Nute Jones, uil of iieppner, Oregon. uii(i-7ii Juhm W. Lewis, Register. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT La GRANDE. OREGON j January 24, 1H93. Notice is htreby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made betore w. K. kins, a unuea htates commission er, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 14, lsya, viz. PAT KELEGHER. D. 8. No. 10135, for the NKJ4 NWy and N', NEJ4 and stsvi ms, sec. au. ip. i,sn zt, n.. w. m. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: John Kenny, Felix Johnson, TomGilflllinand James Doherty, all of Heppuer, Oregon. Albert iving taKe nonce. A. Clkaver, MM-fl74 Register. Notice of Final Account T0TICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN THATTHOMAS 1 J. Allvn, executor of the etdate of Ann Elizabeth Allvn, deseased. hHS filed his final account therein as sticn execuior, ana ine uon. County Court of Morrow State of Oregon nas set Monday the Gth day of Marcn, ilJ3, at tne hour of 11 o'clock A. M. for the hearing thereof. All persons having objections to said account will present them to said Court at that time. &GJ-572. THOMAS J. ALLYN Executor. mo I SALE, HARNESS-SHOP, stock and fixtures. Good business; established in the midBt of a trood farminc and stock-raiBinsr country. Also for sule a good house and two lots with or without the business property. For further in- ormation address Gazette. Heppner, Or. 483 tf STOCK BRANDS. White you keep your subscription paid up ycu can keep your brand in free of charge. Allvn. T. J., lone. Or. Horses G( on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, under bit on right ear, aud upper bit on the leit; range, Mor row county. Armstrong, J. O., Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison, O. D., EiBht Mile. Or.-Cattle brand, 0 1) on left hip and horses same brand on right Bhoulder. Jiange. biKht Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con net'ted on left flank; cattle, same on left hip. AyerB, Johnny, Lena, Or. HorBea branded triangle on left hip; cattle same on right hip; also crop off right ear and upper bit on same. uartnommew, a. u., Alpine, ur, noraos branded TEuti either shoulder, llange iu Moi rnw county. li leak man. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Horses, a flae onleft Bhoulder; cattle name on right shoulder, bannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh; split in each ear. lirenner, I'eter, (jooseberry ureROu Horses branded P B on left shoulder. Cattle same on right Bide. Burke, M St C, Long Creek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left Iud. oiod off left ear. un der half crop off right. HorBea, hame brand on lettt Biiouiuer. itango iu urunt and dlorrow county. Brosman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded 7 on right shoulder; cattle H on the left side. Left ear haif orop and right ear upper slope. Harton, Wm., Heppner, Or. -Horses, J B on right thjtfQi cattle, same on right hip; split in each ear. Brown, Iaa, Lexington, Or. HorBes IB ou the right stifle; cattle same on rkht hip; rauife, Mor row county. Hrowu, J .P., Heppner, Or. Horses and cattle branded B with ox -yoke above on left shoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle C with dot in ne: tor on loft hip; cattlo. same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the leit shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Boyer, W. G., Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on rih. hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left Bhoulder: cattle, same on left hip. lirownlee, W. J., Fox.Or Cattle, JB connected on left Bide; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, Grant county, Carsiier Warren. Wagner, Or. Horsed brand ed O on right stifle; cattle (throe bars) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in Grunt and Morrow counties. Cain.E., Calob.Or. Y L ou horaes onleft stifle U with Quarter circle over it, on left shoulder, and on left Btifie on all colts under 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant county. Clark, Wm. H., Lera. Or. Horsfls WHO con nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and (Jinatilla counties. Cate, CIuib. R Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H 0 on right Bhoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil, Wm., Douglas, Or.; horses JO on lef ' shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl, T. H,, John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in rigiit ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant county. Ou eheep, inverted A aud spear point ou ahoulder. Ear markou ewes, crop on left ear, puuehed upper bit? in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop iu left ear. Ail range iu Grant countv. Cook, A. J. ,Leua,Or. Horses, 90on rightshonl der; Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square crop on iert aua split in niit. Currin. K. Currinsville, Or, -Horses, go on left stifle. Cox Ed. 8 Hardman, Or. Cavtle, C with F in center; horaes. CE on left .tip. Cochran, R. E., Monument, Grant Co , Or. Horaes branded circle with bar beneath, on left shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark under slope both ears and dewlap. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded C-j on right hip. Cattle brauded the Bams. Dickens, Ebb Horses braided with three tinea fork on left stine. Cattle same on left side. Doonaru Wm.. Heppner. Or. Horse branded CO with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat tle eame on ien nip. Domilass. W. M .. Galloway. Or. Cattle. R Don right side, swailow-fork iu each ear; horses, R D un leit nip. Douglas, O. T Douslas, Or Horses TD on the riubt stifle: cattle same on rizht hiu. Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. yuarter circlb v on right shoulder, both on horses ana cattle, Range Grant county. Elv. J. H. A Sons. Douelas. Or. Horses brand. ed ELV on left shoulder, cattlo same on left bio. hole in right ear. Elliott , Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on right shoulder. iieek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses, 7F connected on right shoulder; cattle, same on right hip. Ear mark, hole in right aud crop on lei c. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horses, with bar under on right shoulder, Florence, B. P. Heppner, Or. Horses, F on right stiouldet; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. Krneh. Georflre. Heuoner. Or. Cattle bramlod WF, with bar over it, on left side; crop off left ear. mraet, same orana on leit nip. Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAi on left shoulder. Gilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fo. sil. Or. Horses, anchor H on left shoulder; vent, same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left Range iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook and Morrow counties, Gentry. Elmer. Echo. Or. Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umatillacouuties. GiJtwater, J . C, Prairie City, Or. On horses, 0 O on left shoulder aud Btihe; oattle, on right Bide. Range in Grant county. Hayes. Geo., Ijena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter circl over it, on left shoulder. Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top K with quarter circle under it ou the right hip. Range iu Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hinton A Jenks, Hami Uon, Or Cattle, two burs on either hip; crop in right ear and split iu left. Horses, Jon right thigh. Range in Grunt county. Hughes, Samuel, Wagner, Or J- (T F L connected) on right shoulder on horees; on cattle, on right hip and on left side, swallow fork ia right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack district, Morow county. Hale, Milton, Wagner, Or. Horsee Branded -O- (circle with parallel tails) on left shonider. Cettle same on left hip ; mUo large oircle on iuft side. Hall. Edwin, John Day.Or. Cattle E H on right hip; horsee same on right shoulder. Eangtiin Grant county. Howard, J L, fialloway. Or. Horsee," (cross with bar above it) on right shnuiuer ; cattle same ou leftside. Range in Morrow and Uma tilla counties. Hughee, Mat, Heppner, Or. Horse, shaded heart ou the left shoulder, Range Morrow Co. Hunsaker, B A. Wagner. Or. Horse, 9 on left shoulder; cattle, St on left hip. Hardlsty. Albert. Nye. Oregon Horses, A H oonueoted, on left shoulder; Cattle on the left hip, crop off left ear. jaumpureys, ai. jaaraman, ur,-nujHi, a in lef' flank Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. winyglasn onleft shouldoi cattle, Hume on right hip. HuBton. Luther, Eight Mile, Or. Hnrne H ou the left Bhouiderand bpirt on the iefT stifle Cat Ivy. Alfred. Lone Cm?k. Or-Cattle I D ou right hip, crop off l'-ftearand bu in ntr!.. Hurnes same biand un left shoulder licnut Oriint countv. Junkin, 8. M., Heppnor, Or Muiy-oh, horse shoe J on left shoulder. Cuttle, the sums. i ivi..i.. Johnson. Felix, Lena, Or. Horses. cirrleT on left HtiiJe; cattle, same on right hip, under half omp in ritfht, and split in left ear JenkinH, D V.,Mt. Vernon,Or. J un horsesou left shoulder: on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Range iu i ox aud Bear vaUayn i.euny, Jmsre, iieppner, ur. iioraes oranaa KNY on left hip. caiiie same aud orop off left ear: nndr slope on the right irj-L- T T U I'll- HiveaAa tMl n af shonider; cattle, on left Lip. June. J u, iieppner. ur. nurses . u on eitner flan k : cattle 17 on right Bide. Kirk, Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horeeF 11 on left shoulder; cattle same on right side, underbit on K umberlantl. W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on unitio uh ij'if' auu ieiuwiiBn,owriuuw lUiit in un ear and under ciop in right ear. HorseB sauie hrunrl lnf u V. 1. li'n.n ir. fi-.,r,f Keenoy, Eli, Heppner, Or. Horses J L and aco of clubs on lett stifle. Range in Umatilla and Morrow counties Leahey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded L and A on left Bhoulder; cattle same on left hip; wattltiover riKhteyo three slits in right ear. Loften, Stephen, Fox, Or. 8 L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. HorBes same brand on left shoulder. Kance Grant oounty. Lieuallen, John W., Wi-n Or. -Horses branded half-circle JL connected ou left shonl uiKtou 1 aame on leftftil' itauge. near Lex- Lord. George, Heppner. Or. Horses b--andeH double H connect o Sometimes called ( swing H. on left shoulder. Markhnm A. M. Heppner. Or.-Cattle large Mon left side both ears cropped, and split in boih. Horses M ou left hip. Rane, Clark's Canyon. Minor, Oscar, Heppnor, Or.-Cattie, M Dba right hip; bursa Mon leftehouidor. iuurgan (3. fl., Heppner, Or. Horsps, M ) on.tlenft "honldet cattle Biime on left hip. McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with bar over on right shoulder. Aianii, B R., na, Or.-Horsea-ld mares ZZ Bhoulder y0UU'i 8tCk' Hm!dl BZ ou latt Morgan, Thos., Heppnor, Or.-Rorses, circle V '."sbouJuer and left thirdi; cattle, i, oa right thigh. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or.-Horsea, 77 ou right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McUareu, D. G Brownsville, (,- iorses Figure 5 on each shoulder, cattle, M2 u up McKera.W.J., Mount Vernon. Or-iloi cattle ourighthjp.cropm right ear. half ciop m left same braiul on Intrude .n upr .... : county. Ji Mccarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded DM connected, on the loft shoulder; tattle same un hip and side. McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribe. uiid under in each ear; horees'same brand on left stifle. McHuley, G. ,, Hamilton. Or. Ou HorBes, 8 with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle . four bars connected on top on the right side Range in Grant County. Meal. Andrew. Lone Rock.Or.-Horses A N con. ' nccted oil loft Bhoulder: cattle same on both hips. Nordyke, E., Hilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7 on left thiKh: oai tie. mma on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A S on cattle on left hip; on horses, same ou left thigh, Ramie in Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left Bhou-dei. Olp, Herman, Piairle City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on left hip; horses on left stifle and wartle on uoso. Range in Grant county. Pearson, Olavo, Eight Mile. Or.-Horses, quar ter circle shield on left Bhoulder and ii4 ou left I ff l w ' r!"t cropped. 24 ifft shoulder. Piper, Ernet, Lexington. Or.-Hor--es brand b (L E connected) ou loft shoulder ; cattle me on right hip. Range, Morrow oounty. V nA " Bvuaj, vr. -nurses, jih con. necttxi onleft shoulder; cattle, same on left hip, .lur un m eacn ear. 'ettye, A. C., lone, Or,; horses diamond Po'ni I - '-""o, vi,, iiuiDUB uitimoiiu x on left hip, upper slope iu left, ear and slip i"- tjio right. Powell, John T Dayville, Or Horses, JP con- llfiei art nil I .iff clinnl.ln. i'...ti. r I- ..j - .1 . w, ,l iv Dulunl . vtlijbW VII CULiLiHULeu OH left hip, two under half crops, oue on each ear, """l1" "uuni uuutiL, ivai gein urunt county. im.iwiiu, vi. u., uiuiyon uity, ur. c on left and Bear valley, Grant county. nuwu. AuuiHw, xiaroraan, ur. Horses, square crose with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Renmger, ChriB, Heppnor, Or. Horses, C R on left shoulder. Rice. ian, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAN on right shoulder. Range near Hardman. Royse, Aaron, Heppner, Or Horses, plain V on lett shoulder; cattle, earno brand reversed ou right hip aud crop off right ear. Range in Mor row coun ty. Rush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded X on tne right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip. crop off left ear and dewlap on neck. Range in Morrow and adjoining counties. Rust, William, Pendleton, Or. Horses R os left shoulder; cattle, R on left hip, crop off right ear, underbit on left ear. tiheep. R on weathers, round crop off righ ear. Range Uma tillaand Morrow omnties. Reaney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. HorBei branded A R on right shoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow county. Ruyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or Hit connected with quarter cirrle over top on cattle on right hip and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses Maine hi'iuiii mi loft Blwinll,.n u.... ;.. 11 brunt and Uilliam counties. elector. J , w., Heppner, Or. Horses. JO us leit Bhoulder. Cattle, o on right hip. Spickuall, J- W., "Gooseberry, Or.-Horses branded 31 ou left shoulder: lauge iu ilorrow county. . Bailing, C C Heppner, Or-Horsos branded on left (moulder; cattle same on left hip. BwujjKart, H. i, Lexington, Or. Horaes with dash under it on lefi stiiie; cattle H with dash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. liange in Morrow, thlhauiand Umatilla counties. Bwaggart. A. L., Ella. Or. Horaes brandW 1 on lull ahoulder; cattle same on left hip, Crou on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. &, Heppner, Or.-Horees shaded J B on left stitie; cattle J b on left hip. swallow fork in right ear. underbit in left. bapp, Thos., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 APon left hip; cattle same on left hip. Sliirtz. Jaines, Long Creek, Or.-Horses. 3 ou leit stitie and over a on left shoulder. Bhrier.John, i'ox, Or.-NC connected ou horses on right hip; cattie, same on right hip. crop ofl right ear and uuder bit in left ear. Hanie in trruut county. Smith Bros., ttasanville, Or. Horses, branded H. on shoulder; cattle, . ame on left shoulder. bquiree, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded JS on left shoulder; cattle the same, also nose waddle. Kange m Morrow and (iilliamcojntiea. Stephens, V. A., Hardman, Or-; horses gtfoa right Btifle; cattle horizontal L on the right side Stevenson, Mrs A. J Heppner, Or.-Cattle. H on right hu ; swallow-fork in left ear. Bwuggart. O. W., Heppner, Or. Horses. 44 oa left eliouldei ; cattle, 44 on left hip. Smith, E. E. Lone Kock, ur. Morses branded a crossed seven on left Bhoulder; oattle same en left side. Kange, Gilliam county. Sparry, E.G., Heppner, Or. - Oattle W C on left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year dewlap; horaes W U on left shoulder. ihompeou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, Z on left should, r; cattle, a on left shoulder. lippeto.S.T.,Lnierprise,Or. Horses. Con loft shoulder. Turner B. W., Heppner, Or.-SmaB capital T leit ehouider, horses; cattle aame on left hip with split in both ears. Thornton, 11. M.. lone, Or.-HorBee branded H 1 connected on leit stihe; sheep eame brand. Vanderool, H. T Lena, Orf-Horaes HV oon. nected on right slioulder;cattie, same on riaht hip. Walbrirlge. Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses. U. L. ou the left shoulder; cattle same on right hilV orop ot left ear and right ear lopped. . ' Wilson, John Q Salem or Heppner, Or. Horees branded Jo on the left Bhouidar. lUuae Morrow county. B WaiTen, W B. Caleb, Or-Cattle, W with quarter circle over it, on left side, split in rigut aar. HorBea same brand ou loft ahoulder. Katiaeia Gratitoonuty. Wood, V L, Dayville, Or Heart oa horsas on left Btihe; on cattle, a on left eide and underbit m left ear. liange in Grant county. Wright, Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded B W on the right hip. square crop ott right ear and split in left. Wallace. Francis. Monnt Vernon.Or Square on cattle on the leffhip. upper slope in the left ear and under slope in right ear. Same brand on horses ou right shoulder. Kauge in Harney and ftrant countv. ' Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or.-Horees branded ace of spadee on left shoulder and left hiu Cattle branded same on left side and left hip. Wells, A. S., Heppner, Or.-Horses, on left shoulder: catt e same. W olfinger, John, John Day City, Or On homo! three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sneeo. bum both ears. Kange in Urant and llalhuei counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses. UP oonnectcd on left shoulder. atkuiB, Ushe. Heppner, Or. Horsee branded UC. connecteo on left stitie. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on - . ' ibi l wr; uorsee, vi on riant houiaer, somf sameon left shoulder. """ "."T-j"11"'' "amey county, Or. Horsea branded W B. connected on left shoulder ....a imw, nainuion, ur. uaarter oir cle over three bars on left hip, both cattle and ..u.rcs. iMuK. vFiuai, county. W lihains, J O. Long Creek. OiHorsea, qnar j it-ti nip; catue earn! "tv ln Kani'e in Grant county. .. .cu, n. ueppner, yji noreee running A A on ahoulder; Catue. same on right bio. t u TVl 1 ui.-oun oranaeo Tm In. right shnnldw. A"u?-Kv,W -A., Gooseberry. Or.-Horses brand od -V -X (double X cotmecuKl) on leit ihttojdat aula saina on latt tide.