Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, March 03, 1893, Image 3

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    fcOTlCii TO ADVKHTlbERtf.
pilOSK denirliig tn iniertloo 0 display add,,
L ur cUange ot sume, uiuiit get tUeir copy iu
nut idler Uittu Monday eveiuug fur Tuesday's
editiuu, or inursday evening xur Fridays uUi
tiuu. 'I hk i'ATTjtubois ublisuinuCo.
l. The turn of live cento per line will bo
tiiuryud iur "curds of Umiiks," " resolutions of
losptiCt, livta oi wedding renents and doiiors,
iuu uoituury notices, (oiuur Uittu those the edit
or bUttU hmmoli gi mh a matter ot new,j and
nuticesoiwiKxiittl lutwuiiKN lor whatever purpose.
2. lSoueea ot ciiurco mid society and all other
entertuinmeuta iruin which revenue ia to bu de
rived, bhall be charged for at the rata of five
ceuta a mm. ihunu ruleu will be utrictly ad her
tsd Lo 111 everv iiiHuiiiiio.
Advertibing rule reasonable and made known
upon application.
We bold each aud every correspondent re
sponsible lor his or her communication. ho
corrtBpouaeuce win do pubiunea uuiese the
writer real uaine is fcijrued as an evidence oi
good iuiili. .
JLj iiK Afceut, zi Merchants ixchantfe,
bu i xaucihco, is our auihoiuea aKeut. 'ims
paper lit kepi on tile iu hib uiuce.
Stage for Hard m an, Monument, Long Creek,
John iay aud canyon City, leaves an follows :
,tt,veiy day at ti:JU a. in., except bunduy.
Arrivt'i every day ut j;.up. in., except Jlouday.
'llie cheupeut, quickest aud best line to or
lion, thy liibciiur courury.
J. 0. DELEVAN, Prop.
blocum-Johnston Drug Co., Agcnta.
and umrejore (mist to buna up Hupp-
Here and There.
See new ad. of Minor Bros.
Airs. Thus. Quuid la on the sick hat.
E.H. Clarke is over from Pendleton.
Mrs. Elmer Gentry is on the tick list,
iira. Peter Ureuuer, of Eight Mile, is
quite ill.
Mma Annie Ayers is visiting Porllaiid
thin week.
Henry Heppner left this morning for
The Dalles.
Eli Ketney got back from Eugene
John end Alien Royso were iu town
Wes. Bruunou was iu from Eight Mile
Mrs. Geo. D. Fell is below buying her
spring goods.
Geiinau knitting yarn 26c per bank, at
Ladies' Huzaur. 68-U
Uufumisbed rooms to reut. Inquire
at Gazette office, if
Htmau Caldwell was over Wednesday
from Eight Mile.
J. A. MoGumber was in from (jallo
wuy Wednesday.
(Jhas. Cate, of the Lena country, was
in (own yeslerduy.
Mrs. Kate Pursel1, of Alpine, is still
couhned to her room.
Ed. Holland was up from Lexington
Saturday on business,
Ed. baling is over from Walla Walla
on a visit to his paretits.
Joe Luckniau was over from Little
Butter creek Wednesday.
Mrs. Lillie Cowley of Portland, is
visiting her parents here.
The Knights of Pythias are putting iu
eleotrio lights in their nail.
Cliff Jones aud M. C. Fuqua were in
tuwu over Wednesday night.
Mrs. Alfred L. Ayers visited relatives
in Heppner the past week.
0. E. Fell is over ou Puget Sound
looking alter business matters.
The Uem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, McAtee Bros., Props. sw
Fossil Journal: Miss Estelle Rhea
returned Friday from Heppuer.
W. A. Biddle and H. L. Akers were
over from Uooseberry Wednesday.
Pendleton Tribune: F. O. Buoknum
cauie iu last evening from Heppuer.
J. M. Hager got over Tuesduy from
bis reservation laino near Pendleton.
Jacob Jobuaon is in town under treat
ment ot Urs. tiwiuburne aud Gagen.
Mr. W. U. Boyer is in muob better
health this spring tbau tor years past.
Found A child's pin. Call at the Ga
zette office aud prove property. 73-1 t
The Heppner-Oanyon stage line is the
best, cheapest and qicuktbt to the iu
terior. Mrs. G. W. Parker, who has been
seriously ill for some days, is getting
along nioely.
Look for Phill Oobn's new ad. Remem
ber that the firm name is still ttloouin
Johnston Drug Co.
Only first class work turned out at
Fred Miller's tailoring establishment
east Bide Main street.
The Morrow County Land and Trust
Company bus an uulimited supply ot
chopped barley for sale.
The Kteley institute, at Forest Grove
oures liquor, opium, morphine, oucaiue
and tobacco habit, bee ad.
Every msn who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for The
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. Nielson is now running a stage be
tween Heppner aud Lone Bock. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc
all kinds of nursing. Call at her bout.
In north Heppner, or address her at this
place. 618- tf
Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop the
place to get a nrst-class shave, nair-out
or shampoo. tf.
The members of Heppner Chapter
will meet at the Masonic ball next
Thursday evening, tbe 9ih iust. Be sure
to oooie oat. 73 i.
Premature gray whiskers should be
Colored to prevent tbe appearance of age,
and Buckingham's dye is by far tbe best
preparation to do it.
Master Clay French is the authorized
agent for tbe Oregonian at this place.
Subscribe through bim, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
The biggest share of February was
composed of March weather, but Marob
proper comes in with spring weatner.
We can stand some nice weather now.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones the" baber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Tbe latest dentistry, crown and bridgn
work, most successfully accomplished by
lJr. B. F. Vaughan. Gas administered
when desired. Thompson building,
Heppner, Or 1-a-w-
Pnnl Boulon furnished tbe music for
the U. K , K. of P. entertainment and in
stallation lust Saturday eve. Mr. Buu
lon departed for Walla Walla, where he
fans tome property, Monday last.
Women who suffer from nervous and
pbysioal debility nod great help in tbe
nee of Ayer'a Sareaparilla. It produces
the rapid effect of a stimulant, without
reaction the result being a permanent
increase of strength and vigor, both ot
mind and body.
Frank Engleman and 0. T. Smith,
two of our lone (Jordan Buttes) friends,
called yesterday while in Heppner on
business. They report that tbe outlook
for a good orop is firBt class. Tbe Ga
Mtts is always glad to havs our patrons
oll on us, and we hope that more will
fullmv the example of Messrs. Engleman
aud Smith.
Mm L"lhn MntW.!r o.-f ,n T,..l,,
i ...... . . i. .uun.
.."ui nuuiciuu iu visit uer relatives
I ere.
Mr. A. S. Watt, of the TJ. P. tax de
partment, spent Tuesday uud U'ednen-
uay iu nppner.
.urn. juuy iiiitcuell returned t.om a
vicit to her sou, Oscar Mitoliell, aud
lamiiy, lilesduy. .
E. B. btuntou and Fred Ashbaugh
were over us witnesses ou the Koberts
ease Wednesday.
Lune Matlock is about again after a
serious tussle with tbe rheumatism, but
be limps yet quite badly.
Jas. and Barney Doberty report a loss
in sheep of 127 out of 2,300, largest yet
neara oi tnis spring, luey fed tii days
Tribune: J. M. -Hager, formerly of
neppuer, out now a solid farmer in
the Athena neighborhood, is in the city.
Ed. Hooker aud J. L. Beymer were in
Wednesday from Eight Mile. They re
port little wheat truz-m ont in their
Isano GileB, the man who suffered
amputation of his left leg recently just
below tke kuee, is about again with the
aid of crutches.
Miss Long, of La Graude, arrived
Monday evening ou a visit to her uncle
and aunt, Mr, nud Mrs. T. K. Howard,
and ttieir fumily.
Mis. J. D. Hamilton visited her par
ents out iu Clark's canyon yesterday.
KLe whs accompanied home by her
little sister, Annie Crabtree.
Carl Crow wus up from Lexington
yesterday. Grain looks well down there
hut the ground has not thawed suffi
ciently to permit spring plowing.
It. H. WbitHon, 0. B. Roberts, N. H.
Tenuery and Col. Williams Parsons were
over from Pendleton Tuesduy in attend
ance at the Koberts examination.
Mrs. Biggs and dangbter.of Hastings,
Neb., are visiting with Mrs. Kate Par
sell and Mrs. A. G. Bartholomew. The
two luet-uamed are sisters of Mrs. Biggs.
Phill Colin bus decided to keep tha
old linn name, Slocum Johnston Drug
Co., and all mail orders should be direct
ed us before to rcacli their destination.
Tribune: J. P. Bnshee Bnd William
Bengle returned last evening from a
week's absence iu Heppner, where they
had been instituting a Musouio ohapter.
E. 0. : Miss Mamie Long, who bas
been visiting friends in Pendleton, left
on this aftemoou's train for Heppner,
and perhaps from that oity to her borne
at Union.
E. O. : Kev. Edwin Palmer arrived
Monday eveuing from Heppner to as
sist in the revival services, which will be
continued indefinitely, as they are prov
ing very profitable.
Chus. Lord and Wm. Parsons were up
from the Ella neighborhood yesterday.
They had the "lions share" of Morrow's
snow this year, and their crops are look
ing exceeding well..
E. 0. : Miss Letha Matlock is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Matlook.
She is on her return to Heppner from a
pleasant visit to her sister at Pullman,
Wash., and will remain a few days in
this oity.
E. O. : A pleasant dance was given
Monday evening by Miss Inez Hill in
the Masumo hall at Helix, for the en
tertainment of invited friends. Miss Hill
lately returned borne from her studies at
St. Joseph's acadumy.
W. G. Scott, tbe former sawmill man
of upper Willow creek, was in town
yesterday. He reports tbat tbey have
struck the ledge on tbe Little Laura,
but fears that it is of such low grade ore
tbat it will never pay for working.
Died At the home of W. W. Kirk, on
Tuesday, Feb. 8, 1893, Mrs. Nanoy Cof
fey, mother of John W. Coffey, formerly
of Heppner. Her death was caused by
paralysis brought about by being thrown
irom a hack about a week previous to her
0. B. Roberts, of Pendleton, in an in
terview with an E. O. Kdporter says:
"T. K. Roberts, I also desire to say, is
not a relative of mine." From what the
Gazette could see, Mr. C. B. Roberts
hasn't any margin to brag about in the
paper difficulty.
Frank Shipley is canvassing for some
very excellent books. Frank is unable
to earn a livelihood at any employment
outside of work at soliciting where there
is no exposure, aud therefore deserves to
be encouraged. We are glad to say tbat
bis health is improving.
People troubled with siok and nervons
headache will hud a most emoacious
remedy in Ayer's Cutbartio Pills. Tbey
strengthen tbe stomach, stimulate tbe
liver, restore healthy action to tbe di
gestive orgaus, and thus afford speedy
aud permanent relief.
Harry Woods has taken his old place
on the brunch. Mr. A. J. Harris who
bas beeu ou the line for some time, de
parted for The Lalles Wednesday ac
companied by Mrs. Harris. Mr. Bnd
Mrs. Harris made many friends in Hepp
ner during their brief btay.
Osoar Montgomery and Ortbo Ward
came in Weduesdny night for medicine
fur Geo. Montgomery who is quite siok
out at Eight Mile. Mr. Montgomery
shortly arrived from the valley, and
though better for a time, is getting worse
aud will return as soon us uoie.
MeBsrs. Wenner & Snow, of Arlington,
have sold out to Cuthn Bros., and C. M.
Green, of Poitlnnd, combiuiug the two
stores under thj firm name ot The
Arlington Trading Co. Mr. ired Snow
is at present iu our oi'y and tbe Gazette
hopes that he may find reasons to looate
with us.
Am Elopement. Yesterday's train
took away fiom Heppner B. F. Perkins
and Winnie Latbrop. There had doubt
less been some iutimacy existing between
tbe pair for some time, for reoently Mrs.
Perkins applied for a divoroe which will
be granted at the next term of oourt.
Perkins leaves behind a wife and seven
ohildren, who made no effort to atop tbe
eloping pair. Mrs. Ferkiuf, so far as tbe
Gazette knows, is au excellent woman
and deserves tbe sympathy of all in her
trouble. Her son bas oharge of a deliv
ery business in Heppner and is an hon
est, bard-working bay. He will doubt
less continue in business at this place.
The Perkins family came from Idaho
last summer and for a time had charge
of the Lichtentbal restaurant. Miss
Heart Failure.
The epitaph on many a tombstone is
"heart f.iilure." No wonder, when we con
sider the immense strain which is put on
that small organ. Marvelous as it is, beating
100,000 times and exerting a force equal to
5,181,000 pounds daily, it has iti limit its
endurance often is too severely tested. So
common are diseases of the heart though
eften for a considerable time without the
suspicions of the afflicted person being in
the least excited that it is stated that one
Srjon in Jour hat a bad heart Dr. Franklin
liles, of Elkhart, Ind., has for Tears made
a special study of all diseases of the heart,
and his remarkable success has made his
name a familiar one in all parts of our land.
He has found the most common symptoms
of heart disease to be pain, diitrtts or tender
nea in the chest, baei, eitmach, bowel; left
ihoulder and arm, thortnett of breath, another
iny upellt, fainting, etc.
Mr. George R- Smith, of Barnes, Yates
Co, N. writes: "De. Miles' New
Heart Cobb hat worked mmderfuliy m
mind and body 1 tan do a good dati mrk.
J feel ten years younger and take more interest
in affairs. I had shortness of breath, palpi
tation, pain under left shoulder blade, paia
around tha heart, 1 could not uleep on my right
tide. Since I have taken Dr. Milt Sev
Heart Cure I sleep uelL and have no palpita
tion. It has made my Aeart stronger. I wish
vou would print this, because I want all to
know what Dr. illicit Heart Cur bas done
for me."
" For months my wife suffered' with palpi
tation, tmotheriny spells, and was unable to
sleep on her left side. She tried several
doctors without relief. Your Heart Cure
was recommended. After taking three
bottles, she fully recovered her health.
Your medicines do what tou claim." Ceas.
Christman, Toledo, O.
Dr. Miles' New Cure for the Heart is sold
by all druggists on a positive guarantee. It
is safe, agreeable, epctive, and does cure.
Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
For sale by T. W. Ayers, jr.
Winnie Latbrop came with them, and we
learn has lived with tbe family for the
past four years.
Was Released. At tbe examination
Wednesday, not enough evidence was
adduced to warrant Judge Hullock in
binding over T. K. Roberts, in the Judge's
opinion, so he was released. From what
the Gazette conld see, the blame rested
principally oo C. B. Roberts who hired
T. K. Roberts to go out in tbe field, and
gave him authority to sell stock. Mr. 0.
B. Roberts took up all the stock issued
and returned the notes. Mr. N. H. Ten
nery, one of the stockholders in tbe Alli
ance Publishing Co., gave it as his opin
ion tbat neither Roberts was guilty of
intentional wrong. A number of Eight
Mile's people attended the trial, return
ing borne yesterday. The deputy pros
ecuting attorney, G. W. Bea, was assist
ed in the proseoution by Messrs. Dawson
b Lyons, while Messrs. Brown and Ellis
looked after the defense.
K. of P. Doings. The Lenten season
is baving s deoided effect among the
society people of Walla Walla, and
daring tbe past week there have been
but a very few social gatherings. Mon
day evening the publio installation ot
officers and inspection of Walla Walla
Division No. 17 Uniform Rank Knigbts
of Pythias, furnished considerable en
joyment for the Knights, their ladies and
friends. Tbe oeremonies whioh were
oonduoted by Mayor Stogdill, of Pasco,
were very beautiful and tbe Sir Knights
acquitted themselves in a splendid man
ner. Tbe tnusio program was excellent
and the dancing to the musio furnished
by Mr. and Mrs. Charles Parris was
greatly enjoyed by those present. W.
W. Journal.
How's This.
We offer one bnndred dollars reward
for any oase of catarrh tbat cannot be
cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Props., Toledo O.
We tbe undersigned, have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
bim perfectly honorable in all business
transactions and financially able to
carry out any obligation made by tbeir
West & Tbdax, Wholesale Druggists,
Toledo, O.
Waldino.Kinnan k Marvin, Wholesale
Druggists, Toledo O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally
acting direotly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of tbe system. Price
75o. per b ttle. Sold by all druggists.
Testimonials tree. 9
A Great Kailway
With its branches running in every direc
tion, are the arteries and veins which
convey the blood to every part ot tbe
human system A cold, sudden changes
or exposure may oause poisonous acids
to olog the circulation, Bud then oomes
rheumatism. Beware ! If yon value
life remove tbe obstruction with JJr
Drummond's Lightning Remedy. You
can get a bott'e at the druggists for 85,
or it will be sent to you by prepaid ex
press if you send to the Drummond
Medicine Co., 18-60 Maiden Lane, New
York. Agents wanted. 73
I have for sale a full-blood Peroberon-
Norman stallion, dappled gray, weighs
1600 pounds, 17K bands high. He oan
be seen at the siablea of Thompson k
Binns. Prioe 500, and will give time
with approver) note. For further partic
ulars call on Thompson k Binns.
Andrew Kkanet.
570-74 Lexington, Or.
Biktbdai Paety. Miss- May Smith
entertained a nnmber of ber young
friends last Wednesday afternoon, tbe
occasion of ber tenth birthday. Tbey
bad an excellent time. There were
present: Emma Farnswortb, Fannie
Sbulse, Bertha Adkins, Mary Farns
wortb, Zoe Patterson) Nellie Shnlse,
Maudie Keeney, Muriel Jones, Edith
Jenkins, Olivs Adkins, Carma Perkins,
Ora Hale, Ordra Donahoo and Edna
S. C. Smith,
Keeps a full line ot
In the way of Furniture.
Undertaking goods a speciality.
May Street, Bsppntr.Or. KM
H. A. Thompson
The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable.
Below Coffin A UcFarland's, Main Stnwt.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to hay per day, 75 cts. Hay and grain per day, $1.25. Meals 26 eta. a
at 0. C. Sargeant's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled hay always on band.
Foot wear
The r.tily hot and fhoe eatwblirmmPTiT nf Hrnipnpr hwi
iflovwt from tha Kant aide of Mnin Htreer, to their new
tore room, npxt ffoor to H. Blackiir'n A- '-o.'w.
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
IVIcain street, 1 1 eppner Or.
Reserved for
This piece of advertising space belongs
Slocum-Johnston TJrug Qo.
PHILL COHN, Pbopriktob.
There is not a winged inseot hovering
aronnd Phillip.
Want Bucks to Herd !
Mahogany Ridge and Little Wall Creek. AH sheepmen who
want their bucks in a herd can make it known by mail.
TERMS : Sl.lO Per Head
And a pass to the mountains. One
them, and the balance when we deliver them ; salt furnished.
670w if
71 71 7
IV. NIE1SON, Prop.
Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays
Mondays, Wednesdays and f ndays.
line to Fossil. x ttensonable charges for both
Passengers -:-
643-tfiw BLOC CM-JOHN 8TON
h hkj Institute
yilE Q1TY J-jOTEL,
W. J. LKK.KH, Prop,
rilHIS HOSTELRY bss been Revittxd and Rejunibiiiid throughout, and now
is one of tbe most inviting places in
with him, feeling that be is able to entertain you in the best of style.
First Class House.
A. X. Sinus
1 T a a4- r-rv-aT
is TUUL Wtdl
Will herd bucks this summer on
- third to be paid when we receive
Hardman, Oregon.
OX li-UJ Li 1 L J3j.
and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Rock on
Makes connection with tbe weekly
and -:- Freight.
DRUG CO.. Agents, Heppner, Or.
For the Cure Ox
Liquor, Opium aod Tobacco Habits
It Ii located at Foreit Gror, Or.,
The Aloit Beautiful Town on tht Coast.
Call at the Gaiktts office- for particular!,
fltrlctly confidential. Treatment prirttte aud lure
Heppner. Mr. Letter invites you to slop
Reasonable Rates,
Anything New of Real Merit
You can Generally Find
For:-: Sale:-: by V)V3
Ws don'l run a tbird-olass junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods at twice
tbeir value, but we keep first-class goods at honest prices, with
no baits or trap. We keep
Gents Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old onatomers how we treat them. : : : : : :
Corner Main and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
Business-like -;- Manner
Wool G rowers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Change of
whioh we propose to conduct in
on hands at all times the cboioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
Graduate M. E. 0. V. H. , London, England.
Veterinary -m- 5uheot7
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am
n Prepared to do rill kind; ot Veterinary (turnery, KmucnlatliK Ilorien nd KeKlliiK a Speci
alty. (Thll ll the only true method of niHimtliigoii horw;,) apeylnir of Cattle and Ho,,
on short notice. I will treat all RnliuaU
...... ..... -. Ju.Un ...M,,,ailliuaiiii.iii u. mj your lutereat to
call on uie at Htewart'a itubleii.
For the enterprising establishment of-
W. L Matlock & Co.
Instead of flying to the door gasp
ing for breath, seeming as If each
one would be vour last, vou have
onlytotakea few doses Asthmalene when the spasmlsbroken.the breathing becomes
easy and you feel as if an anp;el of mercv had unloosed the Iron grasp of the fingers
of death. The happiest moment of your life will be when vou have used a few hnttlna
of Dr. Taft's ASTHMALENE and it has cured you of mm mt m aw and rW
Asm ma, ni man to any Mnmasunersr
tu kr ervifiata. Or, Taft Bros. H. Ca., Rochester.N.Y I
Who are
Noted for being
The Leaders.
Grilliam & Bisbee,
niErruEii, on.
the most satisfaatorv minnti- w,n
In the moHt approved procedure of Veter-
nlliw .
atrial oomo sjssl BBsr Bass Hksa that It dots
1 I USB ftsaaCiita Uomj.
t 1 r 1 1 1 1 t 1 n a otj j stms