sxztTt t way Aitg- yoty we have a relief and cure In your ignorance of effects and vitality which is system the elements thus strength and vigor will fol cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric after all other treatments testify, and from many of TH is a complete galvanic battery, made into a belt so as to be easily worn during work or at rest, and it gives soothing, prolonged currants which are instantly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the greatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or money Refunded. jThey are graded in strength to meet alLstages of weakness in young, middle-agedor old men, and will the worst cases in two or three months. Address f f 8ANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON TICKETS On Sale TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Chicago, St. Louis, AND ALL POINTS EST, NORTH P SOUTH. Lesvss Heppaer, 8 a. no. Arrives 6:50 p. m. . Pullman Sleeper! Colonist Sleepers, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Steamers Portland to Ssn every four days. Friinoisco Tickets TO.A-1T13 Europe. For ratoi and general Information call on Depot Ticket A tfoii t, J. C. HA-RT Heppner, Oregon. W. H. HUK1.BUKT, Asst. Uenl. I'ass. Agt. 264 Washington St., 1'OHTI.IND. OimaoN. from Terminal or Interior Points the EAILEOADl Is the line to tnke It is the Dining Car Routs. It run. Through Ysatibuled Trains eyery day in the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Cars) toipei of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Of Latest Equipment TouristSleping Cars HuKMhnf nan hA cmistructftd and In which 80- eounnodiitlons are both free ami furnished for bolder of first or second-class tickets, auu Elegant Day Coachs. k Continuous Line oouneotiug with all Lines, nffordiug Direct nud Uninter rupted Bervice. Pullman Sleeper Reaervationt can be Ovcurcu in uui'U7ice innwyi any agent of ihe road. THROUGH! TICKKTS To And from .11 iiolnta In America. Kngland .lid Kuropo can be purchased .1 auy Ticket otlioe of this Company. Full iniormHtion concerning .rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHAULTON. Assistant Oeneral PansFniter A gout. Ko. lUl Mrat St., Vor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND ORKOON WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES ( Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee.) LATEST TIME CARD Two Through Trains Daily. Itpml6.1'pm l.T.NImieilliAr.(Vwmi.lSpm i iiiiiil7.rimill.v I'Klll. ArH.:Htaluj:t.-(OpHi .Dulillh. .Chicago. .Ai'llMO" i..'p" Ar8,0ftn:l.:tt'i'm 2.atipin7."J.'pm l.v. 7.11am .Stism Ar. I I .LvM7mujlO.5" Ticket, lolil slid h.Kk'iige checked through to J! point. Ill 1116 I'lllica MRU'S aim liiinun. Close coniH'ctlon imule in Chit-ago Willi all trah.a Hnlllir kill Alld EMltlUl. For full liilorniaiiou .ppij m J'"" tl.ket auei l.tagentor J.". v. w',1'' li.n. l'i . and Tkt. Agt, Chicago, 111. FRAZER GREASE BEST ITT THE WORLD, towMrlDgqu.lltlMu.tin.urpaHl, actuallf utlaetiaf two bo. of Miyothwr Not roBgiLEBTpIAURSOK.NKIt.UJ.T. J Iff Northern Paci LECTRIC AND SlJS PEN SOfty FOR. 5LEEPLESSNE55.&ORMEMORy.S GENERAL IllHeALTH t),e effects of abuses, excesses, In our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptical, or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve force electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent by mail, sealed. Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and vigor, failed, as can be shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly whom we have strong letteis.bearing testimony to their recovery after using our Belt. DR. SHNDEN ELECTRIC BELT iNo poison but prussic acid, ana that only in a concentrated state, would have had this effect. The prussic acTd that Is sold in drtijr stores is only diluted stuff, containing a small percentage of the real add. Pure prussic acid is made only in chemical laboratories, and is so powerful that -were a person to inhale the fumes arising from it in one good whiff he would drop dead. "Another interesting poison is the dhatoora of the Hindoos, a species of belladonna which these people adminis ter to persons of high rank to produce imbecility. It is distilled from the seeds jf the common thorn apple, which jprows as plentifully in New Jersey as t does in India." . ,, Prevent and euro Constipation and Sick Headache, .Small Uilo Uc-aus. euro i,,r writer1, cramp. John llrown, stfiiiirsiyilior, lolls the Olobn-Doniiir.rut: "i'oople often ask me when I Kit down to do a lonff job ol' jhort-band why I lay boforo mo so many pencils of dill'erent. sizes. Mj reason for it is that by picking up pen ills of different sizes, and consequently weights, I am enabled to rest my hands wbilo euntinuing to work. Kaon lilTeront pencil brings into active play liiTnront muscles, and I nevor suffer from cramps, as might bo the caso if I used but one sine pencil. A horse ?oing over an ordinary turnpike, up hill and down, will bo in belter con iition at tho end of a day than a horso irh lob has traveled tho same number o aiilon on a raco track." tiiioil Looks. Good looks are msre than skin Jeep depending upon a healthy condition of all the vital organs. If the liver be in aotive, you lmve a bilious look, if your stomacb be disordered, you have a dys peptic look and if your kidneys be affeol ed you have a pinched look. Secure good bealtb nud you will bave good looks. Electric bitters is the great alter ative and tonic and fiots directly on these vital organs. Cures pimples, blotobes, boils, and gives a good complexion. Hold at Slocum-Johusou Drug Co., 50a per bottle. Womeu Wild Die Karly. Many of our most beautiful and ac complished Indies die before they bave readied the prime of life. Of those who live to middle age only one in two hund red is sound; the other one hundred and ninety-nine are sufferers. Why is it? Self-neglect. The shattered health cud be restored; the liome made happy uud your life lengthened if you commence at once, "ltose bads" have been used for twenty yeorB iu the private prnotioe of one of the moat eminent physicians of Paris, and will absolutely onre any form of female disease. Price, 81.00 at drug gists, or we will forward by mail post paid. (Send for our little book free.) Leverette Hpeoillo Co., 175 Tremont Ht lioHton, Mass, Intelligent Eeaders will notice thai utt s Pills- are not "warranted to mtr" all clan-ies or fIiNifN, but only Niifh a ruault from ikdiNoriluretl liver, ximt Vertigo, Headache, Dyspepsia, Fevers, Costiveness, Bilious.' Colic, Flatulence, etc. For thefto they are not warranted n fallible, but are an nurly ho an it In juoa ible to make a remedy. lrl'e, H5eta SOJUU liVJiKXVVUJEHU. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! NK1TNKK. OREGON. Cattle branded and earmarked at shown abore. HorBMi K on riitht shoulder. My cattle mime in Morrow And Umatilla coun. tie. 1 will iwiy $tOiU) for the arrest and con Tii'tion of any person stealing my etook. QUICK TX1VI13 I xo JSf i ti Prnnolsoo Aud all iointa in Califurnia, via the Mt, Hhaata rout of the Southern Pacific Co. The great hiahwHy through California to all puinU Kaet and hiuUi. (iraod ricenic Koute of the Facific Oiaet. rutluian UurTt Hloniwra. Heoimd-oljuie Mlwpera Attached. to axiinwa traina, affiiriling euiierior awommodatimui fur et'cutid-clRM imasouKor. Ftir rates, ticket. eliennK car reeervatioue, etc. call upon or addreea K. KtiKlllJiK, Manager, 8. P. RIX1ERS, AmU Uen. F. A V. Agt., 1'orUaml, Orcgou. watA'? HELT: 3 M' Jg;""" Q IS who are debilitated. and suffering from Nervous DebilitY Seminal Wea. . ness. Losses. Drains. Impotency .or. L'ostManhood. Rheumatism, lame MdneY Iroubles. Nervousness worry and exposure. For such sufferers MIIiVKU AND ITS HiOSPrXTS. From the Salt Lake Tribune. We tuke it that silver legislation is over for this session in congress. ' It was a most pertinent remark made by Mr. Bryan regarding the so-called Sherman law : "It is a hostage Riven tree coinage men by the goldbugB, and tbey will bold the child, ugly and deformed as it is, until they are given free coiuage." That exactly states the truth. The silver men did not want the Sherman law; it was all wrong in the beginning, and accented, first, beoause that was all they oould get, and second, because they believed that, imperfect as it was, it would lead up to the point where free coinage would meet no more opposition. In the face ef the work of the democratic, house, we think even Mr. Cleveland will hesitate about calling an extra session of congress for the purpose of repealing that law. We think so, because be will not want to be beuten at the outset of his administra tion on a pet measure, and we think if he bns not the discretion to see the truth some good friend will advise him not to test the temper of his party aud congress just now on that account, and so the law will go on until December, at least. If it does, then we think the tendency of silver will be up rather than down, be oimee to buy four and a half million ounoes per month will take about all the produot of this country and Mexico; and India counoil bills that are sold every week in Loudon ought, before Deceuiber, to advance in price. That, really, is what controls the prioe of silver, those sales of India counoil bills. When silver was run down last summer to 82 cents, and there wnsfear that the very bottom would drop out of the price, the deoline was ar rested by simply pnsting a notioe where those bills were being sold that tbey would not be sold any lower than a oer tain prioe, nnd thathaBdeoided the value of silver ever since, oud we would think our gold friends iu the East, when they insist that the present price is governed simply by the law of demand and sup ply, would tnke into account the fact that that little company of men last summer were able to dictate that silver should not go any lower, nnd then would nat urally reach the conclusion that if two or three government officers had' the pow er to arrest the downward price of silver certainly if one or two great governments should declare that henceforth silver should be received for all debts at a cer uun valuation, mere would be no power to break that edict. In point of fact, sil ver has only been beaten down by legis lation ; all it needs is legislation to lift it up. It must have governmental recog mtion, and until it shall have, it will simpry oe a oommouity like corn or wheat, and the inconsistency of the gov ernment declaring that it is but a oom modity nud still shall puss for money is one of the marvelous things of this world' We do not, in point of fact, think the government has any more right to say it shall be money in the niarkst and nnload it upon the people for apparently double what it ousts, than it would have to say the same thing of wheat or oorn. Just bo soon as it denies the divine right of silver to be considered a measure of val ues and make it an article of nierobnn dise, it may make it, o( course, a substi tute for mouey, but it will not be real money, and no permanency will attach to its value. Silver is valuable simply because it has always been esteemed as money, a full measure of values aud full legal tender for debts; without that, it would bt less valuable thau copper, and how the government can expect to continue to treat it merely as acommod ity, and yst to oompel the people of the Cuited States to receive it as money, and at the same time expeot anything like permanency in price, is unaccountable in the (ace of reason. The question will never be settled that way. On some ratio silver must be deolsred the equal of gold, and then it will be, and business will respond accordingly. Mr. Albert Faronte, of Arkansas City Kan., wishes to give our readers the bent-lit of his experience with colds. He bbvs: "I contracted a cold eirly last spring that settled on my langs, aud had hardly recovered from it when 1 ranht suother that bung nn all summer nnd left me with n backing couth which 1 tboniiht I would never get rid of. I hsd used Chamberlain's Connb. Remedy soma fourteen years 8ro with much success, and concluded to try it BRain. When I hsd got through with one bottle my cough bad left uie, aud I hare not Buffer ed with a couch or oold since. I have recommended it to others, and all speak well of it." SO rent bottles for sale by Slocuiu-Jobnsou Drug Co. One Stnd-JI Tlilo Bmn every night for a. Wee, arouaw Torpid Liveni. 25c. pr '-"My HANBINa. in swains. Aj BbteUt If tt" ot utla Crtra. Inula. One of the last instances of an order being made for hanging in chains ds that of a chimney sweep, who in IHi'i miftdercd a man on the highway on the east side of Brifg. The culprit war tried by Mr. Justice Best, at LincolD assizes. At this time, says the Athente um, what used to be called the new law courts were building, so the Dean nnd chapter lent their ckupter house for the purposes of an assize court. The trial lasted all day. The poor wretch's body never underwent the proposed in dignity. The inhabitants of Brigg took frightthought, it has been suggested, that the gibbet standing so near the highway would terrify people and hinder them from cominj to market; they petitioned against the judge's order being carried out, and the authorities remitted the horror. Jlr. llurtshorne believes, and we have no doubt cor rectly, that the lafet person hung- in chains was a man named Cook, who suifered for the murder of a Mr. Paas. This occurred at Leicester in 1834, the very year that the custom was put at end to by statute. Klck-Namea of Authors. Some one gives the following as nick names of certain authors: Emerson The Sphinx. Schiller The' Republican Poet. (Joethe The l'oet ol ranthcism. Shelley The Eternal Child. Keats The Itesurrectionized Greek. Byron The Poet of Passion. Moore The .But terfly. Jeremy ihe Shakespeare oi Divines. .Coleridge ine insuiatea Mor of Reverie. Bunyan Sponsor of the People. Shakespeare The Myriad Minded. Ben Jonson The Divint Bully of the Old English Parnassus Spenser The Poets' Poet. Chaucer- The Well of English Undefiled, or th Morning Star of English Poetry. Caed moa The Milton of the Forefathers. Cure for Colds, Fevers and General De billty, Small Bile itouua, 2ta. per buttle. hi-rtir in l.lnn.Tnmlnir, The me o. ohicu'i-.'ity is offered to tht lim-u!;;rr iii tho form n( a light wnnd. wiili ;ti inriiHnt-irijr jrrip from ths hand, eonntrM ti.v n flnxlblo wirs with ! tnryof which the purnr n rti4 at will, An experiment with thin mm of applied science hm boss sSBBsfuH) tried. All Free. Those who bave used Dr. King's New Disoovery know its value, and those wbo hove not, now have the opportunity to try it free. Call on the advertised drug gist, and get a trial bottle, free. Send your name and address to H. E. Bucklen & Co., Chiongo, and get a sample box of Dr. Aing b JNew Lure puis free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and House hold instructor, free. All of which is gnaranteed to do you good and cost yon nothing. For sale by Slooum-John son Drug uo. SILK DRESS FREE! We will Oive A way abso lutelv Free of cost, an ele gant black or colored Silk urent pattern ot lb yards to any youiie lady in every town in America, who is willing to introduce -'THE HOUSEHOLD PILOT.' lare 8 ptige, 40 column 11- uistratea noiiBenoia ana farm journal, one of the best published, now in Its 14th year. We make thi great offer in order to introduce our paper at once into many thou sand new homes. Be sure to send 2f cents for the paper one year on trial and sample of silk to Beiact i rum. PILOT PUB. CO. &18 859 Center St., New Haven, Ct. SHILOHS CONSUMPTIQ CURE. Tlie success of thia Great Cough Cure Is without a parallel in the history of medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell It on a pos itive guarantee, atestthatno othercure can successfully etand. That it may become known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into every home in the United States and Canada. If you have Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron chitis, use it. for it will cure you. If your child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough , use It promptly, and relief Is sure. If you dread that insidious disease Consumption, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURE, Price 10 eta.. SO cts. andJl.OO. IfyourLunga aresoroor Back lame, use Shiloh's Poroua Plaster. Price 25 eta. For sale by all Drug gists and Dealers. Guaranteed to euro Iiillous attacks, Sick Headache and Constipation. 40 in end! nttlf. 1'ncfl 23c. For sain by dni'."!ii:-ts Pi.-TUM "? 17. "0 ' ami samiile sc tree. J. f. SMITH A rO., Prunrieturs. KtW VOhit. Aildreaa W. SMITH & CO., 06-74 Myaitic, Xo-cvn.. OOPYftrOHTS. ataj ror mformatloa and free Handbook write to ftlU.NN A CO- U Bkoauwat, Niw Tors!. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America. Krerr patent taken out br us Is brought befor Ibe puUto by auouoe given free ol ooarge in thm lmt etreqration of ray urientlSe paper tn the world. Splendidly illustrated. No Intelligent u should be without iu wmiT, 4.00 Iesri L6D1X months. Address 111 NN k CO t auaiiiuu. 3 1 Uroaawaj, aw lark Ctty. BueE A STOMP FILER "T Scientific American TO. TJ SAVEATf. Ii VSr TtJADi MARKS, iJ OtSIOM PATIHTS. That Your Hair ' may retain its youthful color, fullness, and beauty, dress it daily with Ayer's Hair Vigor It cleanses the scalp, cures humors, and stimulates a new growth of hair. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowell, Mass. !F YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT KUlre-as i k-ttf-r or nnstrtl card ip TRK PRKB Ct.AI.HS) fOMPAlIT, I0HN WEDD6R8UKH, Managing Attorney, j" O. lioi 433. WASHl-N&TON, D. C. "VSIOSS PROCURED F"" SOL0!-F!S. WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Alsn, fur -so HHr :nci Snllnra iMitil(fl fn the line of dim-In the i-etfitlar Armyr Xm v iiincethc war. "nrvtvur of iii - Indhn wars of 1W2 to 1K42, and tiii It v i flows, now entitled. Old and rejected cJnlins 4 spcclMtv. Tlmuhtinda entitled to hlsher rtiteu. end for new laws. Ho charge for advice. jofee LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, The First National Bank 1 ., of Arlington, Or., I'laiiiUH UuMMONS. G. W. Stewart," Defendant. J TO u. w. BTJfiWAKT, deiennant. In the name of the State of Oreiron. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled ac tion on or before the 27th day of March, A. 1). 1393, the said day bein; me nrst nay oi tne next ri'irular term of the above entitled court, and If you fail bo to answer or otherwise plead, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for $J53 DO, on a promissory note given by you to plalntlD on May v.)t lBtfi, due on demand, for ten per cent, interest from Nov. -18, W2; for $:t6.oo attorneys fees and for coBta and disburse ments. This summons is published by order of Hon W. L. Bradshaw. Judee of said court, which said order was made aud dated at chambers in Ualles City, Wasco county, Oregon, the 26th day of January, 18113. W. R. Ei,ub. M-o Attorney ior riawmu. Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the county of Morrow. R. L. Hughes, I'laintlir, vs. SUMMONS. Geo. W. Thomas, Defendant.) TO GEO. W. THOMAS, the above named de fendaut: In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above entitled suit upon the nrst day of the next terni of this court, to-wit.: Upon Monday, the liith day of March, 1893. And if you fail bo to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will take a judgment against you for the principal sum of U0.U0 and interest thereon at the rate of bIx (0) per cent, per annum from the 1st day of -January lS9,and for the further sum of $24.00 and interest there on from the 1st day of July, 18W), at the rate of 8 per cent per annum, and for the further sum ofl'24.00 with interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 1st day of January, 1891, and for the further sum of $24.00 and interest thereon at the rate ofSpercent. perannum from the lat day of July, 18(Jl, and the further Bum of $80.00 as attorney's fee in this suit, and for the costs and disbursements of this suit. And plaint ill' further asks for a decree foreclosing the mort gage upon lots 5 and 4, and the of the SWitf of Hec. 30, in Tp. 2, N R 24, E. W. M., containing 4f)0 and 40-100 acres, more or less, being situate In Morrow county, state of Oregen, and that the land described be sold as upon execution to sat isfy whatever judgment the plaintiff may ob tain, and that the proceeds of said sale be ap plied, first in the payment of said judgment, costs and attorney's fee, and costs of sale; and second, that the remainder, if any, be turned over to the defendant, and that defendant be forever barred and foreclosed from setting up or niaintainiuu anv claim or uemaiia to saiu land or any part thereof, except as redemptlonor under tne statute, ana ior sucn outer ana iur ther relief as may to the court seem meet and equitable. This summons is nublished tmrsuant to an order of Hon. V. h. Bradshaw, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and entered on the 10th day of Januarv, 1SH3. K1TMAN BROS. & HOKNOR, fl62-W4-w Attorneys for Plaintiff. Sheriff's Sale. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT UNDER li and by virtue oi an execution issued out of the Circuit Court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and to me directed aud delivered, upon a judgment rendered and enter ed in said Court on the 5th day of September 1812, in favor of Charles E. Kirk, plaintiff, and against C. O. Haines, defendant, for the sum of tnree hundred dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 10 per cent, per annum from the '27th day of May 18H; also two hundred dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 27th day of May 1811, and the lurtner sum ot $.to attorney s lees. ana twenty nine and 9-100 dollars co'sts. and. whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that me lonowing described real property, to-wu.: The South West quarter of Section three (a), in Township four (4), South of Range twenty-five (0, East of W. M., all in Morrow county, Ore gon, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing coBts. I will, on the4th day of March, 18!3, at l o'clock p. m. of said day, at the front door of the court house in Heppner, Morrow county, Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the said C. O. Haines in aud to the above de scribed property at public auction to the high- cm aim ucbl uiuuer lur i-timi in uuiiu, m pro ceeds to be RDDltpd to tin satlRfHCtinn of said execution, ana all costs, aud costs that may ac crue. UKO. PJOBLE, Sheriff of Morrow County, Or. Dated Jan. 23, 502-572-w Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT "coinS. FOR THE COUN ty of Morrow, State of Oregon. W. R. Ellis, Plaintiff, vs. S SUMMONS. T. C.Aubrey, Defendant,) TOT. C. AUBREY, defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby req mred to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you In the above entitled action on or before the 27th day of March, 189a, the said day being the first day of the next regu lar term of the above entitled court, aud if you fail so to answer or otherwise plead, the plaint iff lor want thereof will take Judgment against you, (for money due and owing from vou to plaintiff) for the sum of three hundred and eighty (fttO.00) dollars, and for ten per cent, in terest from Sept, 7, lsy-2, aud for costs and dis bursements. This summons is published by order of Hon. W, L. Bradshaw, Judge of said court, which said order was made and dated atchambers in Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, the 26th day of January, A. D. 1893. W. R. Ellis. 64-76 per . Notice of Final Settlement NOTICE TS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL PER sons interested that 1 have filed niv final report In the matter of the estate of John Barrat, deceased, and that the court has set the 6th day of March, ly3, at the hour of 10 o'clock a. m. of said day lor the hearing of the said report and objections thereto, i( any there be, at which time all persons interested are herebv notified to be at the omce ol the countv Judir-p t tt, court house in Heppner, Oregon, i'ateu mis siai day ot Jan. lHi. StWS-574-w MtRr.iHFT Rinn.Tt Administratrix estate of John Barratt deceased. GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS Highest Germinating Power. I.if PUREST STRAINS. . SEND FOR UTALOGVE. rTO Geo. Star Ml!yu IgflaawawM Nothe, tTNlTED STATES LAND OFFICE, j Grande. Oregon, Jan. 9, 1SW1. Complolnt having been entered at this office by Henry Mossle against Luther Baldwin for abandoning his homestead entry No. -lllli, dated March fll. l&ss, upon the NW Sec. and the T.'i B See. 17, Tp 5, 8 R 3j. E. W. M . in Umatilla county, Oregon; with a view tothecancellatioll of aula enlrv the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at the office ol WHlC.Stiiuson. at Pilot Kock. Oregon, on the 1st dsy of March, lie names the following w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz.: 1-run k A. Lundell, John E. Peterson. John JohnBon and Andrew Carlson, all of Gooseber ry, Oregon. aw-574 John W. Lbwis, Register. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, Feb. x, lh!;t. Notice is hereby given that the following named settler hus filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support ol his claim, and that said prootwlllbe made be fore J. W. Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner, Oregon, on Saturday, March 2;, 181)3, viz.: U l J A it I) UOWMJIM. Pre-emption Dec In rat or v Statement No. 72fi8, for the Nf NEfc, 8V'4 NKHj, and NWfc of Sec. 24, Tp. 3, S R 25 E. W. M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation ol, Baid luud.viz.: James Jones, G. B. Hatt, G. D. Fell and Nutc Jones, all of Heppner, Oregon. 00-70 John W. Lbwis, Register. Notice of Intention. I AND OFFICE AT La GRANDE, OREGON, j January 24, I8H3. Notice 1b htreby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before . R. Ellis, a United states commission er, at Heppner, Oregon, on March 14, 1898, viz.: PAT KELEGHKR, D. B. No. 10135, for the NKJ4 SW' andNNEJi and SE4 NE V Sec, 80. Tp. 1, S R 28, E. W. M. lie names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upou stud cultivation of, said land, viz.: ' John Kenny, Felix Johnson, TomGilfillinand James Doherty, all of Heppner, Oregon. Albert King take notice. A. Cleaver, 504574 Register. Notice of Final Account. XTOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THATTHOMAS Xi J. Allvn, executor oi tne estate oi Ann Elizabeth Allyn, deseased. has filed his final account therein as such executor, and the Hon. Countv Court of Morrow State of Oregon nas set Monday the 6th day of March, 1898; at the hour of 11 o'clock A. M. for the hearing thereof. All persons having objections to Baid account win present mem 10 said i:ouri ac uiai tune. &61-572. THOMAS J. ALLYN Executor. t t ARESS-SHOP. stock and fixtures. Good r"l business: established In the midst of a irood far mlnir and stock-raising country. AIbo for sale a good house and two lots with or without the business property, ror runner in ormation address Gazette, Heppner, Or. 483 tf STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up yon can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horses GG on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip, nnder bit on right ear, ana upper Dit on tne leit; range, mor row county. Armstrong, J. C, Alpine, Or. T with bar un der it on left shoulder of horses; cattle same on left hip. Allison. O. D.. Eiaht Mile. Or. Cattle brand O D on left hip and horses same brand on right shoulder, itange. night Mile. Adkins, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA con nacted on left flank: cattle, same on left hiu. Avers, Johnny, Lena, Or. Horses branded also croD off right ear and nooer bit on same. liartholamew, A. G., Alpine, Or. Horses branded Hon either shoulder. Range in Mor row county. Rleakman, Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag on left shoulder; cattle same ou right shoulder. Bannister, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed B on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. Brenner, Peter, ttocsoberry Oregon Horses ranueu r a on lert snouiuer, uattte same on neht side. llurke, M 8t C, Long Creek, Or On cattle, max connecien on leit nip, ciopott lettear, un der half croD off riuht. HoraeH. sumn hmnd nn letft Bhoulder. Range in Grant aod Morrow county. HroHinan, Jerry, Lena, Or. HoreeB branded 7 on ngnt snouiuer; cattle on the left side, Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Wm Heppner, Or. -Horses, j B on right thigh; cattle, same on right hip; split in Bach ear. Brown, Isa, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the ngnt. stine; cattle same on right hip; range, Mor row countv. Brown, J .P., Heppner, Or. noreeB and cattle branded 8 with ox-yoke above on left Bhoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner, Or. Horses, circle C with dot in cei tor on left hip; cattle, same. Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W. bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle Bame on left nip. Boyer, W. G Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand on rih. hip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shoulder; cattle. Bame on left hip. Hrownlee, W. J., Fux, OrCat tie, JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cot out on right ear; on horses same oranu un me leil tnigh; itange in Vox valley, Grant count', Carsner Warren. Wnimer. Or. HnrnnA hmnH. edOon right stifle ; cattle (three bare) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in uiHiu hiiu aiorrow counties. Cain.K. Calfth.Or. V Dim hnronn nnlflft at if a U with quarter oircle over it, on left shoulder, and on left stifle on all colts under 5 years; on left Bhoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant county. Clark. Wm. H.. Lena. Or.-RnraAt, WHf! nnn. nected. on left shoulder: cattle sam' on right in i. nuhgtj aiurrow hhu u manna coanues. t'ate, Chas. R Vinson or Leu a. Or. Horses n k on right Bhoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil. Wm.. Douirlfis. Or.: hnmoa .Jr. nn lflf: shoulder; cattle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bita in tho right ear. Curl, T. H., John Day, Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant county. On Bheep, inverted A and spear point on shoulder. Ear markoit ewes, crop on left ear, puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop iu left ear. All range Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, Won right shoal- aer; i.atue, same on right hip: ear mark Bquare uuru uu iwiv auu spin in ngni. Currin, R. If., Currinsville, Or. -Horses, B on It) l L D11I1W. Cox Jid. 8., Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with t in i-Buier; corses, on Jen .up. COChran. R. K.. MufinmAnt. Urar, . HorBOB branded niri'ln with Imr hunanth An Lft shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark unuci Biujie uuiu ears una aewiap. tihapin, H., Hai-dman, Or. Horses branded on richt hin. Cattle hramlo tha aama DickenB, Ebb Horses branded with three lined fork on left stifle. Cattle Ba-ue on left side. Ooouan. Wm., Heppner, Or. Horses branded OO with bar over them, on left Bhoulder; cat- Douirlass. W. M.. Gflllownv. Or. Puttie H Tn right Bide, swailow-fork in each ear; hordes, K D Douglas, 0. T., Douglas, Or Horses TD on the rinht stifle: cattle same on ric-ht hin Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or.-Quarter circle ti vu i.ikiii Biiuuiusr, worn on norsee and cattle. Range Grant county., J. B. & Sons, Donglas, Or. Horses brand, ed ELY on left shoulder, cattle same on left hip. hole in right ear. Elliott, WaBh., Heppner, Or. Diamond on ngiu Huouioer. ieek. Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F wuuwiBuuuriKiii snouiuer; cattle, same on right hip. Earmark, hole in right and crop oil left. Florence, L. A., Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; horses, F with bar under on right shoulder. Florence. 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on right shoulder; cattle, F on right hip or thigh. I- rench, George, Heppner. Or. Cattle branded W,with bar over it. on left side; crop off left ear. Horses, same brand on loft hip. Gay, Henry, Heppner,, Or. Galf on left Bhoulder. Gilman-French, Land and Livestock Co., Fos sil, Or. Horses, anchor H on left shoulder; Tent, same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in loft. Range iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook aud Morrow oouutles. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or.-Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, on left stifle. Range in Morrow and Umatillacounties. (j lit water. J . (' 1'rmrm ( 'itv Itr nn OO on left shoulder and stifle; cattle, on right side, lianfce In Grant coonty. nayee. tieo., Liena, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter circl over it, on left shoulder. Hiatt A. B., Ridge, Or. Cattle, round-top K with quarter circle under it on the riht h,n Range in Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hmton A Jenks. Hamilton, Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear and split in left. nurses, w onngmungn. itange in It rant county. Hughes, Samuel, Wagner. Or r- (T P L I connected on right shoulder on horses; on cattle, i on right hip and on left side, swallow fork in ! riuht ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack i district, Monvw county. Hale, Milton, Wagner. Or. Horses branded ! -O- (circle with parallel tails) on left shoulder. Csttle same on left hip ; also large circle on left , side. Hall, Edwin. John Day.Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; horses a&ine on right shoulder. Lange in Grant county. Howard, J L, ailoway, Or.-Horee, (cross ! with bar above it) on right shoulder ; cattle I same on left aide. Range in Morrow ana Uma- j tilla counties. Hughes, Mat, Heppner. Or.-Horses. shaded j heart on the left shoulder. Kuige Morrow Co. Honsaker, B A. Warner. Or.-Horses, 9 on left shoulder; em tie, on left hip. Hardiat. Albarl, Drafton-Hom. A H connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the Wt hip. crop off left ear. Humphrevs, J M. Hard man, Or. Hnraw, H on let- Hank , Hayes, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horww, wineglaiw on left Bhonhlpr cuttle, aame on rixlit hip. Huston. Luther. Eicht Mile. Oi. Hon H od the left Bhoiiiderand Imart on the left stifle t at tie wmp n left hip. Kmim in Morrnw conmy. Ivy, Alfred. Long t'rwk, Or--Cattle I Don ritrltt hip. crop off It'lt oar Hiid In I in right, noraes name hnuid ou left shoulder Ifanw n Grttnt countv Junkin, B. M., Heppner, Or Horse, horse flioe J on left shoulder, i 'at tie, tlie awu!. Hanre on Kiarhi Rlilo. Johnson. Felix, Lena, Or. Horses, circleT an left Htifie; cattle, same on right hip, under halt crop in rieht and snlit in Ift er Ton Una Tl W. . M t. Vermin. Or. Jonhorsesoo left ahonlder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and Hearvall.'i-H Kaiuiv. Mike. Henoner. Or. Horses brandtvl tk KNY on left hip cattle aame and crop off left ir: under slope on the rijrnt Kirk. J. T.. HeDDner. Or. Horses 89 on left ahonlder; cattle. nH in left hip. Kirk. J (.;, Heppner. or. Horses. 17 on either Hunk: cattle 17 on right side. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.: horse" 11 on left Bhoulder ; cattle Bame on 1 iglit suie, underbit on right enr. Kumberland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or, I h on cattle on right and left sules, ewailow fork in it ft ear aud under ciop in right ear. Horses Bame brum! on left shoulder. Hange in Grant county. Keeney. Eli. Hnuoner. Or. Morses J L and aco of clubs on left stifle. Itange in Umatilla and Morrow counties Ivoatiev. J W. lleuuner Or. Horsos branded 1 snd A on left slioulder; cattle same on left hip; wattle over right ey. three slits in right ear. Loften, Stephen, ton, Or. H L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder, llange Grant county. Lieuallen, John W., L-vtv'"' Or. Horses branded half-circle JL connected on left shoul der. CatUo, nanif on left hip. Range, near Lex- Lird, George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double H coi.iiecU Sometimes called a swing H, on left shoulder. Markham. A. M., Hoppner, Or. Cattle large M on left Bide, both mru croppod, and split in bo h. Horses U on left hip. Range, Clark's canyon. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, M Dfon right hip; horse. Mud ieftshouluer. Morgan, ti. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, M ) on left ahoalde cattlo same on left hip. McOnmbe Jas A, Echo, Or. HoraeB. M with bar over on right shoulder. Alaun, B. ti.t L,ena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on right hip; young stock, small u on loft shoulder. Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Horses, oircle T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle, L on right thigh. . Mitchell, ORcar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. MeCiuren, D. G., HrownsvilJe. Or, Horses, FiKure Son each shoulder; cattle, M2on hip AfccKern.W. J.. Mount Vernon, Or XI ou cattle on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop in left same bra"d on horses on loft bin. Range in Grant county. McCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded DM connected, on the left Bhoulder; cattle same on hip and Bide. McUirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs aid under in each ear; horses same brand on left stifle. MoHaley, G. V., Hamilton, Or. On Horses, S with half circle under on left Bhoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top on the right side Range in Grant County. Neal. Andrew. Lone Hook, Or. Horeefi A N oon- uti-wii t,u .on, Buuuiuttr; cmue same on ootn nios- rtordyke, K, Bilverton. Or. Horses, circle 7oi H1 left thigh: cattle, same on left hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon City, Or. A 9 on cattle on left hip; on horses, same ou left thigh, Ranxe m Grant county. Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or. P O on left shoiuder. Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on left hip; horses on left stille and wartle on noBe. Range in Grant county. Pearbon, Olave, Eight Mile, Or. Horses, quar ter circle shield on left Bhoulder and 24 on left hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped. 24 on left hip. Range on Eight Mile. Parker A GleaBon, Hardman.Or, Horses IP on left shoulder. Piper, Eruet, Lexington. Or. Hordes brand 6 .E (L E connected) ou left shoulder; cattle s me on right hip. Range, Morrow county. Piper, J. H., Lexington. Or. dorses, JE con nectwd oiileft Bhoulder; cattle, same on left hip. under bit in each ear. Pettys, A. C, lone, Or,; horses diamond P on shoulder; cattle, j 11 J connected, on the left hip, upper slope in left ear and Blip in the right. Powell, John T., Dayville. Or Horses, JP con nected on left shoulder. Cattle OK couueoted on left hip, two under half crops, one on each ear, wattle under throat. Rat ge in Grant county. Rickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. F C on left shoulder, on horses only. Range Canyon creek and Rear valley, Grant county. Rood. Andrew, llardman, Or. Horses, square criwc with quarter-circle over it on left stifle. Reninger, Chris, Heppner, Or. Horsos, C R on lef t Hhouldor. Rice, Dan, Hardman.Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DAN on. ngnt Biiouider. itange near llardman. Uojea, Aaron, Ilupuuer, Or Horses, plain Ton left shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on right hip and crop off right ear. Range in Mor row county. Kneli tiros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 3 on Uie right, shoulder; cattle, IX on the left nip, crop off left ewr nnd dewlap on nock. Range il Morrow and i djol ling counties. llust, Willi) in, Pendleton, Or.-Horaes K oi left shoulder; oaiXle, R on left hip, crop ofl right ear, underbit on left ear. Sheep. It on weathors, round crop off righ ear. Range Urns tillaand Morrow counties. Rennoy, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses branded A 11 on right shoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow county. Koyse, Wm. H, Dairyville. Or HR connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right bin and crop oft right ear and split in left. Horses Bame brand ou left shoulder. Range in Morrow Grunt and Gilliam counties. Rector. J. W.. Heppner, Or.-Horees. JO os lef t shoulder. Cattle, o on right hip. Spicknall. J. W., Gooseberry, Or.-Horses branded HI on left shuuider: lange in Morrow oounty. Bailing, C O Heppner, Or Horses branded on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Swaggart, R. P., Lexington, Or.-Horses wun oasn under it on left, stifle; cattle H with d'h under it on right hip, crop off right ear and wumuiw u iiKUL i uu ie. itange in Morrow, Gtlliamand Umatilla counties. Swaggart, A. L.,EUh. Or. Horses branded I on left Bhoulder; cattle same on left hio. Cron on ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. E., Heppner, Or.-Horses shultwl J S on left stifle; cattle JS on ieffhirswow fork in right ear, underbit in left. bapp. Thos., Heppner, Or.-Horses, 8 A P on left hip; cattle same on left hip i 8hl'' Jfime8' Lonf (;rtiek- Ur.-Horses. 8 on left stifle and-- over 2 on left shoulder. Shner.John, Fox, Or.-NC connected on horses on right hip; cattie, same on right hip. crop oft right ear and under bit in left ear. Ranie in Grant county. nio Smith Bros. Susanville, Or. Horses, branded H. Z. on shoulder; cattle, dame on left shoulder. Squires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded waddle. Range in Morrow and Gilliam counties. .Stephens, V. A.,Hatdman. Or-; horses U oiy . right stifle; cattle horizontal L on the riht sia i ' MlAvetiHiin. Mm A. .1 Manr.n., r j.. 1 . tie. i Bwntarart. G. W.. Heppner, Or.-Horse, left sliuuldei: RRtt.ln. U nn lof. kln 1 on Bmith. E. E. Lone kittb. llr 1 .1. j a crossed seien on left shoulder; cstUe lame on left side, linage, Gilliam county. Bperry.K . .Heppner. Or.-CatUe W C on left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year, dewlap; horses W C on left shonlder. 1 ?.hoi.np8, j"' J- A", uPPner, Or.-Horeea, 8 on left shoulder; cattle, 2 on left shoulder. hjJP.'i.T.,Enierpriiw,Or.-HonieB. C-on left 1 lI'ur',er P; w-Heppner, On-SmaB capital T leit shonlder, horse.; cattle same on left hip with split in both ears. .Thornton, H. M.. lone, Or.-Horses branded a 1 connected on left stitie; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T., Lena. Or; H V eon. nected on right Bhoulderjoattle, same on right Walbridee. Wm., Heppner. Or. Horses, U. L. on the left shoulder; cattle same on right hiu orop off left ear and right ear lopped. Wilson, John Q Salem or Heppner, Or. Horsos branded Jj on the left shoulder, liaune Jlorrow county. W arren. W B. Caleb. Or Tnttu w -v. . circle oier it, on left side, split iu right ear nurses same brnuH ..n lfr u..n - - Grant conuty. Wood. F L. Tnwilla rir H, (eft stitie; on cattle, . on left side and under bit in left ear. Kange in Grant county. W right. Hilas A. Hennnnr. I)r ('ntlU Kn B W on the right hip. square crop off right ear and split in left. Wallace, Vruncis, Monnt Vernon.Or Square on cattle on tlie left hip, upper slope in the left ear and under slope in right ear. Bame brand ou horses uu right shoulder. Kange in Harney and virunt coanty. Wade. Henry. Heponer. Or. Homes hn. ace of spades on left shoulder and left hip Cattle branded same on left side and left hiD W ells. A. 8.. HeDDner. Or. Homo. u shoulder; cat! e same. Woihnger, John, John Day City, Or On honua three parallel bars on left shoulder; 7 on sheep bit in both ears. Kange in Urant and Mih; counties. Woodward, John. Heppner. Or. rrnHu. nn connected on left shoulder. Watkins, LiBhe. Heppner, Or.-Horses branded UK connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle W rurhtthiah.holi. in left TrTTvr shoulaer, some same on left shoulder nV! jf i, dw"' Hr county, Or. Horeee branded R connoted on left shoulder W liliams Vasco, HamUton, Or.-uarter oir. cle oyer three bars on lef t hip, both oattl. id horses. Range Orant county. u Williams, 1 O. Long Creek. Or-Horses ouar ter c.iTle oyer three bars on left hip; card. and slit in each ear. Ranee in Grant oonnf? W len, A. A., heppner. Or. Horses rummS A A on shoulder; Cattle, same on right bin Ifoun, J. S., Gooseberry. Or. BnnKrmw.At T r,n 'h Haht .hm, ore branded Younc, W. A., Gooseberry Or Honu K.j d X-X idoable X connected) on settle earn en left deT sbeejder