? Nol'lUli TO ADVKHriSUW. 1 'Husk desiring me Insertion oi display ads . L or cluuge ui Mime, Must get their cony ia uutuwr uiau Monday umuiiig iur Tuesday's edluou, or iliursday evening iur Fridays edl- IMS t-ATTIiKauK PuuLlBUI.SIiCO. NUTIC'IS. 1. Tus iuiu of nve cents per llim win be cnarged iur "cards of Uiauks,"Tesoluuoiis oi reiwt, lists oi wedding uruseuts and duuora, uu ouituary nonces, turner uiau tuuae the eiiu or aliall luiusell give aa a mailer oi uea,l and uollees ul apeeiat meetings tor wUalever purpose 2. Notices oi church alio society and allutlier entertainments iroiu which revenue is ui bo de rived, shall be charged lor at tlie rale oi live wie. niene ruiei win do strictly adher eu ui in every instance. Advertising raws reasonable and made known upuii application. W e hold each and every correspondent re spoiulhle lor his or her communication. No correipoiiueiico will be puoli.hed uuleiia Hie w iuei real name la signed aa au evidence oi food iailil. LI'. MsHEK, NEWSl'AI'ER ADVEUHS- lug Afceut, 21 ticicliaiits jiUcUauge. bu.. i-ianciscu, i our uuiuoiued Skeul. iuis paper la kept uu ble in hit uluce. TIME TABLE. Btage for Ilardmau, Monument, hong Creek, Joliu llay aim canyon Uiy, leaves aa loilows : Jivery day at b;jo a. m., except auunay. Aruvea every uuy ulo:.ajp. ui., except jlonday. lue cheapest, quickest and beat line to or , from tlio interior country. J. a. CKLEVAN, Prop. blocum-Johtibton Drug Co., Ageuls. (Jive your buuiuena to heppner people, and theiejore asstut to buua up Mepp tier, fulrvuize those who patronue you. Here and There. TUTT'S PILLS do not nauseate or gne. John Royse was iu from Hsrdman Fri day lust. Win. Campbell, of Social ridge, was m Satuiduy last. A. (i. Bartholomew was np from Al piub Sutuiduy. C. 8. Van Duyn Lai an uuola .visiting liiui at pieaeut. Geiiuuu knitting yarn 25o per batik, at Ludlce' iliiZuar. fc8-tt W. P. Hayden and wife were in ilepp tier over Sunday. Ed. K. Bishop and wife relumed Inst evu iinui Portland. Ed. Holland was up ftom Lexington Saturday ou business, Chris. Boiohera bus about recovered from liia recent sick spell. Mr. Albert WrigUt returned from a visit to ttie valley laat week. CUus. MoDeruiitt got back from Sao milieu to, Calif., ilriday laat. Mrs. Harry Qodley returned from her Portland visit Saturday last. The Gem aud Palace suloons for tine liquore, McAfee Bros., 1'iops. sw Jobu ller uud IS. F. HeWaud were iu Morrow's metiopolia Satuiday. Mrs. Lttzer, sisteriu-law ot W; J. Letzer, la over irom Eouo ou a viait. A. W. Baling, Bud Ingraham and Isaac Kuigbleu were iu town Monday. li. L. Beard, U. W. Vincent and J. L. Howard were in fruni Uulloway jester cay. The Heppner Cauyon stage line is the beat, cheapest and qicukeot to the lu tenor. Beu Mathews was in town over Sun day, taking part iu Saturday's K. ot P. ooiuga. The Putt and Belief Corps meeting brought iu quite a number ot people lust Saturday. "Mrs' Molhe Crawford uee Stevenson) is over 1 rum Pendleton ou a visit to hei relatives. Pat Quaid informs us that the Cunning, bauie hul has beeu lepaired and is past able again. Died-On the ?2d inst., the Gazette dog, Lew. We uever had any luck rais ing dogs, anyhow. Rev. VV. K. Pol Mine held services iu the M. K. oburou laat evening aud re mained over today. Tboe. Khea has turned his cattle dowu ou the B.nd near the Columbia where they are lustliug feed. Mies Annie Uudley, daughter of Mr. aud airs. Hurry (iodly, arrived from Portlaud laat Jb'iiday. Only first class work turued out at Fred Mil'er's tuilonug establishment east side Maiu street. loe Keeley luslitute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphiue, cocaine and tobacco habit. See ad. Tbe farmers are beginning to oomplain already about the squirrels. They will be thicker thau ever this year. Mrs. Kinsman, mother ot Sam Kins man, returued last evemug from a visit to her daughter across the river. Every man wbo takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe for The Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nieleon is now running a stage be tween Heppuer aud Loue Book. See ad. for days ot leaving and arrival, tf. Dennis Spillane was with us Saturday last, calling on this otiioe. Dennis Buys that Clark's canyon shows up all right. Mrs. A. J, Stevenson is prepared to dt all kinds of nursing. Call Bt her bonn in north Heppuer, or address her nt tins place. 518-lf Phill Heppner, of Arlington, was with his relatives and friends here over Sunday, aud attended Saturday's K. of P. bun quel. Dr. McSwords is oarryng bis face in sling, aa it were, this week. It if not serious, however, and tbe Doc. is able to get around. Meisrs. J. P. Bushee and W. M. Beagle returned to Pendleton Monday last, after a pleasant week's visit with old frieuds here. The entertainment of Confidence Lodge E. of P., of Arlington, last week was a complete sucoess, from what the Gazette learus. Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt i. Mathews, at tbe city barber shop tbe place to get a li rat-class sbave, hair-cut or shampoo. ti. Master Clay French is the authorized geut for tbe Uregooian at this place. Subscribe through bim, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones the bsber, wants to see his old friends there. Batbs in connec tion. Tbe farmers are anxious that the ounly oourt supply them with squirrel poison. It will do B sight more good than any bounty, and prove less expeu- ive. Tbe latest dentistry, erown and bridge work, most successfully accomplished by L'r. ti. F. Vanghan. Gas administered when desired. Thompson bnilding, Heppner, Ur l-a-w- Jay Ball was in from Gooseberry Sat urday, n says grain is eomiug up, aud though frozen out soma will yet be thick nougb to a good orop. Plowing is now in progress over there. Mtss Annie God ley, one ot Portland's iwteiest contralto singers, entertained the large audience at the M. churoh Sunday eve with two beauti.ul solos. Miss liodley's Voioe shows natural talent and culture. Chas. ToUDggreao arrived Saturday from Alb.iny au l is circulating around Willi old frieuds. A very pleasant party was given at the residence of luos. iNelsou, the Guzettes ioreuiau, Saturday uight last. Rev. E. D. Palmer weut over to Yea dlelou yesterday to assist lu revival services. He will be back the last oi this week. B. L. Akera was down from Goose berry yesterday, to meet his sister Mrs. M. A. Beutou, of Iowa. JShe arrived laat eveuiug. Premature gray whiskers should be coioied to prevent the uppearauoeof age, and Buckingham's dye is by far the beat preparation to Uo it. The entertainment given by tbe W. C. B. Ljoeum ut ths opera house lust Fri day eve was well uttended, and, we uu- aw-rstuuu, much appreciated. Our town conuuil met lust night and ouuv.isseu tue votes oast at tUe reoeut city eleciuiu. T'uiy fouud everything as per the relume of the board. Loren Gentry baa had a dry well out ou his rsuch ou tbe Cuuninghame flat til1 tbiu spring when he reports seven teet ot wuter. He would be pleased to see it last. Tribune: J. P. Bushee and W. M. Beagle, promiueut Masons, are in Hepp uer assisting the diteit les of tbe square and compass iu that oily during tbe present week. B. B. Maun got in from lower Califor nia, Mexico, last Friday, leuviug this morning lor home. He finished up his Blue Lodge Masonry lust eve by takiug the Master Mason's degree. Kirk & Bufmus have removed to tbe storeroom auj duiug the corner which they have occupied for some time. We uuderataud the old corner buildlug will be replaced by a better structure. Look for Phill Cobu's ad. He is now proprietor of tbe diug business for merly owned by W. A. Johnston aud E. J. Slooum. He is iu the field for busi ness aud you will bear from turn soon. A. D. Uourter was iu from Eight Mile Sutuiduy last. The soil is pretty well soaked up, though Mr. Courier thinks hut much of tbe gram will not come up owing to the fact that it bus rotted. Cbrouiole: John Kennefick, of Kent. whose ueuth is reported elsewhere, is thought to have beeu murdered by a persou who had had u diuukeu quarrel with deceused a short time previously. A. C. Pettys was up from Pettysville last Tuesday, aud while iu the uuy left ut this oliice one of the tiueBt Bpples we have Been lately oue of the Tolpa Mock ing vuriety. Mr. Pettys bas a tine oiuhard. Saturday last I he PoBt and Belief Corps meetings here brought up trom Ltxilig tou the follotviug persous: Mrs. Tib betts, Mr. and Mrs. Boou, Mr. aud Mrs. J. S. Bool b by and daughter, Miss Luella, uud Cupt. T. J. League. MuioObserver; Oue day last week the dead body ot Jobu Keuuelick, ubaohelur who resided iu the ueubborUood of Kent, this cuuuly, wus lound on a private load or trail leading (roin deceased's house to the residence of Joe Elliott, auother of Kent's citizens. L ist week Oj. Mitohell sold SO head of out Ue to Shaw Si Daughtrey. This firm also piucuased from Jas. F. Khea li head of stall fed c utile. The former bunch averaged I,2bo pouuds per head, he latter Liw. luey were driven to Peudletou for shipment. ' Women wbo suffer from nervous and physical debility find great help lu the use of Ayer's baisapunllu. It produces the rapid illect ot a stimulant, without rencliuu the result being u permanent increase of streugth aud vigor, both ot uimd uud body. People troubled with sick and nervous headache will find a most ethoacioue remedy iu Ayer's Cathartic Pills. They atreulbeu tbe stomach, stimulate tbe liver, lestore healthy action to the di gestive orguua, und thus afford speedy uud permanent relief. While out ut his ranch last week, Billy Douglass took the precaution to go over ins orchard. He fouud his apple trees iu fair couditiou, but cberry trees have nut tared so well. He Buys it is impossible so far to tell anythiug about tbe oouiiug crop of fruit. This tveniug will ooour the marriage of Mr. Max M. Shillook, formerly a re porter ou tbe Oregoniuu staff, but of late deputy clerk of tbe circuit oourt of Mult uomab county, and Mtxs Auuie Uoiiley, oue of Portluud's sweetest siugers. Miss Uodaty's pareuts uow reside at Heppner. Joe Keeney, of Pendleton, now oper ates the stage line from Canyon City to Mouumeut, us well as that trom Monu ment to Heppner. GruutCounty News. This is a mistake. J. S. Deleven now bus charge of the Hue from Canyon City to Heppuer. Tribune: Yesterday Frank Parton, muyor ot VVaitsburg, died in tbnt place. He wus one uf the prominent men of the couuty and well known throughout the Fortbwest. He was aged sixty-four years. The funeral takes pluce today uuder the auspices of tbe Masonic fraternity. I. R. E-teb, tbe venerable postmaster of Gooseberry, was iu Friday last. He reports much ot the grain frozen out, but what remains is looking well, The grain was sowu tolerably thick, and it may yet be tbe better for it. Mr. Esteb reports tbe health of Gooseberry people to be good. Probably a Mistakb. Ou Friday lust Sberift Noble apprehended T. K. Roberts at Albany, Or., where be was engaged in pushing some novelties in tbe soliciting field, arriving here Saturday eveuing Mr. Roberts at ouce gave bail and was released, awaiting examination some time Ibis week. Mr. Roberts' arrest was tbe result of a warrant sworn out by 0. E. Jones, of Eight juile, charging Mr, Roberta with forgery and obtaining money under false pretenses. Mr. Jones bases bis complaint upon the represent tations of tbe present manager of the Alliance Publishing Co. Mr. Roberts bad full authority from tbe former man agor to consummate sales of stock, which will doubtlees be proven at the pxaniiuu' tion. The arrest is the result of some misunderstanding, and from what we know of tbe case, cannot help but tbink (but the blme reals with tbe Alliance Pub. Co. It is a serious thing to haul a man up on such oharges, unless there is good reason for the same, and tbe A. P. Co. Bh mld have been a lit tle more exhaustive in their search for crooked work before acting. Mr. Rob erts worked for tbe Gazette several mnntlis and be proved reliable and striot ly honest ia every particular. Bona BcsiNKsS Cbaroes. Yesterday morning Alexander & Co., of Toronto, Canada, tbe firm enmpnsed nf Jas. Alex ander and Frank Bankenbuler, consum mated tbe purchase of tbe drug store of Sloourn-Jobnson Drug Co. Liter iu tbe day PLill Cuho t.iok Alexander & Co.'s bargain at a slight advance, aud it is now bis property, having dissolved with T. W. Ayers, Jr., iu the drng fiim of T. W. Ay an, Jr., & Co. Also yesterday, J. M. Waddell bought out the interest of 'Gen Slooum in tbe Heppner Furniture C. All tbe new additioua Bud auooesr ors In our business field are well knowu and will doubtless snuoeed, as have their predecessors. Pythian Sisters. Mrs. Sarah E. Hoohstedler, ot Albany, Deputy Supreme Chief of the Pythian Sisters, arrived last evening to institute Dorian Temple, of this place. Thirty five knights and la dies presented themselves for initiation and the rank starts out with bright pros pects. Mis. Hochstedler intended to have been here last Saturday evening, but owing to a heavy fall ot snow in tbe Blue mountains, was unable to make con nection with tbs Heppner train. She will remain over till tomorrow morning to assist the ( flic-era in becoming thor oughly acquainted with their work. The supreme deputy expresses herself aa be ing much pleased with the start made bv tbe knightly representatives at Heppner, and we bespeak for Dorian Temple a grand and glorious future. R. A. M. Wobk. The Royal Arch Masons, on Friday night last, took Frank Sloan, B. L. Bbaw and John Mo- Carty through the mysteries of tbe B, A. degree, which was followed on Saturday night by a team oomposed of T. W. Ay era, Wm. Ptnlnnd, and Mr. Vaughan, of Lexiogtou. This closed tbe week's work, a very pleasant oue for Heppner Chapter. The boys are under everlast ing obligations to Companions Bushee and Beagle, of Pendleton, for their valuable ass stance and counsel. Each evening's work olosed with an elegant supper at the Palace hotel. Masons do eat the same as other people. Ofkm Installation. The Installation ot Blue Mountaiu Div., U. R. K. ot P., occurred at their oastle hall last Satur day eveuing, a number ot knights auJ ladies beiug present. The following were installed: F. J. Hallook, Sir Kuight Captain ; W. B. Potter, Sir Kuight Lieu tenant; E. P. Voruz, Sir Knight Herald' W. li. Saliug, Sir Kuigbt Treasurer; W. V. Crawford, Sir Knight Raoorder; W . W. Smead, Sir Kuight Guard; Chris. Borchers, Sir Knight Sentinel. The cer emonies were followed by au elegant banquet aud a royal good time. Auction Saljs E. H. Slocnm will oflVr at public auction at tbe old Record office, May street, Saturday March 4, 1893, the household furniture and f fleets of Hulmes Hayman, consisting ot a bed room set, beds, lounge, obairs, carpets, tables, dishes, etc , all to be disposed of to the highest bidder. Anctiou will be gin at 10 a, m. Come early snd secure a bargain. E. L. Matlock, 572 3 Auctioneer. Dtjpkd Them. Willimson, a special agent of the New York Life Insurance, duped this valley iu great shape about three years ago. Several of onr citizens, well fixed financially, were led iuto the proposition, and iu no instance has the company complied with bis verbal con tract. It is sate to say that this smooth tongued Insurance agent will not put in appearauee again soon. f.agle. The Babbit Hunt. Tbe Eight Mile rabbit hunt resulted in Cupt. F. P. Vaughn's side winning -the prize an oyster supper, which will occur next lliursduy ut Liberty school house. Tbe captain n tbe losing Bide was Sylyanus Wright, aud bis forces will have to pay for the entertainment. The total of scalps taken was '111, the wiuners taking Ltd uud the losers b'J. Kainu iw Pabty. Tbe Bainbow party, given by Mesdamea J. D. Hamilton and Arthur Minor last Friday eveuing was a complete success, a uumberof Heppner's elite beiug present. The oouple cap turing the first prize were Mr. Willie Spenoer and Miss Janet Ingraham, while tbe booby prizes were awarded to F. li, Lyons sod Mrs. A. J. Harris. Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw. III., was troubled with rheumatism and tried a uumberof different remedies, but says none of them seemed todo bim any good; but finally be got hold ot one that speedi ly cured bim. He was much pleased with it, and felt sura that others similar ly afflicted would like to know what the remedy was that ourei bim. He states for the benefit of tbe publio that it s called Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For sale by Slooum-Jubnson Drug Co. Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crunk has lately leased the hostelry known i s tbe Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board and bed, per week 8G; board without bed, 84.50; meals and bed 25 cents each, Mr. Craukasksa portion of the patronage, believing that be can give aa food ser vice as auyone iu Heppner, and for lees money. 43-sw. A Fink Hobsb The imported run ning stallion, Sir Henry, bas been brouisht over to Heppner, and will stand the ensuing season at this place. He is the property ot "Cayuse" Reynolds, and is a fine borse. 570K Tuiiket Eoas. Bowman & Wilson bav thoroughbred Mammoth Bronie turkey eggs tor sale at their Butter creek rancb. Leave orders at Minor Bros., or address them at Echo. 572-89 w Sold Oct. E. H. Slooum has disposed ot bis interest in the Heppner Furniture Co. All outstanding aocounta ot tbe company are now in bis possession and must be settled immediately. 572-3 81 ALIOS rUU SALE. I have for sale a full blood Feroheron Norman stallion, dappled gray, wsighs 1600 pouuds, 17i bands high. Hs can be seen at tbe stables of Thompson k Binus. Pnoe SjOO, and will give time with approved note. For further partic ulars call ou Thompson k Bions. Andkkw Kiaket. 570-71 Lexington, (Jr. A Urcal Hallway With its branches rnnning in every direc tion, are tbe arteries and veins which convey the blood to every part ot tbe human system A sold, sudden changes or exposure may eause poisonous acids to clog the circulation, and then oomes rheumatism. Beware 1 If you value life' remove the obstruction with Dr Ilrnnimond's Lightning Remedy. Yon can gel a butt's at the druggists for 15, or it will be sent to you by prepaid ex press if you send to tbe Drummond Mediciue Co., 4S-60 Maiden Lane, New York. Agents wanted. 73 una omen ir.yi people, do not North or South w My Prices But It is the Talk 'mm The orowd all day at Kolman's is a sight worth seeing. 1 BOSTON CASH STORE Never before have J BOOTS, SHOES, H..TS, ETC. Been otTered to the publio, And tbe orowded store shows too plainly when the publio know where tbey get full value for tbeir money. We deserve your patronage, as we have demoralized tbe bigb prices in Heppner. What we sell you for $1 would cost you $2 elsevbere. hh We do Business to Live, and Live to do Business, Remember we represent one ot the leading MERCHANT TAILORING firms in Chicago, and have on hand over 500 samples to select from. A perfect fit guar anteed. I have made a large number of suits sinoe I have been here, and every one has given entire satisfaction. Remember you can save money by giving me your order. J. PI. KOLMAN. CLEARANCE Fall Goods -8UCH Overcoats, Women and WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, DRESS GOOD,S, ETC., ETC. At Reduced Rates FOR CASH- jjcfarliil mercantile jjipiy. m General Merchandise, sg- HEPPNER, : : : : OKEflON THF T -Have in stock eppner mm mm C:. m : anil Jap From 20 to 50 eents. Still in the field in the line ot Furniture, Upholstered Goods, Etc. Undertaking a Speoialty. B70w Repairing Done. D The Heppner Wood. Yard. llir HAS GOT AROUND At last, and has opened up a Wood Yard, from which be will deliver wood, sawed or onaawed. Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts Per Cord, twice in two ; 11.00, three times. Wood sawed and delivered at 87.60 per cord. Yard near tbe depot. Leave orders at Sloan A Howard's. 828-sw RIP VAN WINKLE, Propristor. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN J ewelry, Cash Talks. BEE BOIta, MAY 8TP.EET, HEPPNER, OR. LEGAL BLANKS. .But since Kolman has opened up in Heppner, the have to Bend sway to the Kant, West, for their goods. r- - are Not Out of Sight, are within easy reach of all. o the Town. such bargaius in Fall Goods AS- Misses' Newmarket Cloaks, a full line ot Wl HOTEL Clothingr ZgN; QALEJ anesc In Leading Hotel of the City Building Wired for Eleotric Lights through out. This hnn.e Is run In flrit-claH style in every pax tlcular. I itra Mulug service during the holidays. MR M. VON CADOW. Proprietress : JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL IN8TBBMENT8, Etc., Etc. Trust 13usts. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office Anything New of Real Merit You can Generally Find For Sale :-: by We don't run a third-class junk shop where you can buy shoddy goods ut twice tbeir value, but we keep tirst-class goods at honest prices, with no baits or trap. We keep Gents 1 Itaisi Goo is GROCERIES Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition, -STATIONERY, CONFECTIONERY, KTO- Ask our old onstomers how we treat them. Corner Main and HERE IS To Gret Even p Hardware Store IS JUST OPENED.-! A COMPLETE LINK OF Hardware, : QUEENSWARE, Woort and I Willow ware. Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and pf, Tanks, Bathtubs and Siuks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple Pi ments. All Kinds of Kepuiring quickly and neatly done. THE CELEBRATED : -:- You will save money by getting our prioes before purchasing elsewhere. -:- : :- ;. -:- -;- W. 33. POTTER, Odd SVllows' building, Main St., STORAGE AND ATTENDED TO IN A Business-like -:- Manner AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Wool G rowers' Warehouse Near the Depot: HEPPNER, : C Change of Ownership MAltMa4MkMUMAAAss W1 K HAVE TAKEN CHARGE which we propose to conduct in on bauds at all times the ohoiccst Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW & McCAETY, 'tt Pronrietors. D1L JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. S. , Loudon, Euglaud. Veterinary -mm- Surgeon i Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I sin prepared to do alt kinds nf Veterinary Btinrery, Kmasi-ulating Hones and Keicllnsi . Speci alty. (This Is the only true method ol operating un horse..) Hpeytni of CattleanuHois on short notice. X will treat all animal. i u,0 most approved procedure ol V tLr. lnary Surgery. If you have any sick animals It will hu to your interest to n call on me at Stewart's stablcN. nr.rr.-vs.it, Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR, Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Mads oh eaosr Notics and at Porous Paicss. I Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. DR. TAFT'S Instead of flvlntr to the door easD- Ing (or breath, seeming as if each M,! r H tjj-ij one would bevour I ait. vou havellHW H QsfHffa only to take few doses Asthmalcne when the spasm I s broken, the bn-athlne becomes asy and you (eel as if an aiifjel of mercy had unloosed the Iron grasp ot the ringers l 2eaLhvTh! J?5r,ir.s.,r,ment, 'rVour life wi" be wh'n vnu "av used a few bottlea f Dr. Taft ASTHMALENE and It has cured vou of mm ipsa mm snd prove AStnma. irsmorro any tsrnma tumrtratriai tottle M thr mm Bksst that It dota Said by arugguu. Dr. Taft Bros. M. Co,, Rochester.N.Y I Otis Patterson i I A). Who are Noted for being: The Leaders. 70 11 lid tl : : : : : : Willow Streets, HEPPNEIt, OREGON THE PLACE on Your Life. Stoves and Tinware, GLASSWARE, AND 534-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. FORWARDING. : OltEGON. OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, the most gatisfaotorv win v.' Kia sw OUKGON H orIn Tinware, inn k juyvyiSiEjEa NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER