Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 21, 1893, Image 3

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IHOSE deBiriug the tutertion of display silt.,
or change 01 name, uiuBt gut their eoiy Id
i.ut later tliuu Monday evening for Tuesday
ttdiLiuu, or Thurmiay evening lor Fridays edt-
1. The sum of live cents per line will be
charged lor "cards of thanks," "resolutions of
respect," lints ol wedding preneute and donors,
and obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or shall hiinbell give m a matter of news,) and
notices ol upecial meetings lor whatever purpose.
2. Notices 01 church a Md society and all other
entertainments from which revenue is to be de
rived, shall be charged lor at the rate of live
tents a line. These rules w ill be strictly adher
ed to in every Instance.
Advertising rates reasonable and made known
upon application.
We hold each and every correspondent re
spoublble for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unions the
w ater s real name is feigned as uu evidence ol
good faith.
1 J. ing Agent, '21 iMerctiants .exchange.
biiu tianeiHCo, is our authoiueu agent, liiis
paper is kept ou tile in hlboihce.
Stage for Hardmati, Monument, Long Creek,
Jobu ilay and canyon City, leaves as fallows :
Every day at ti:;fl) a. ni., except buutlay.
Anivesevery day at.j:iwp. in., except Monday.
'ilie cheapest, quickest and beat line to or
from the interior country.
J. S. DELE VAN, Trop.
Slocum-Johristou Drug Co., Agents.
Cft've your business to Heppner people,
and therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
Condon, baa beoome bii incorporated
TDTT'S FILLS adapted to old and
The M. Co. L. & T. Co. baa mill feed
for aale. a
Felix Johnson is over from bis Butter
oreek rauoh.
Andrew Reaney has a fine stallion for
sale. bee ad.
German knitting yarn 25o per bank, at
Ladies' Bazaar. 58 -t(
J. H. Allyn was in Saturday last from
the lone seotion.
The Masonic boys are having a great
"skate" this week.
Lane Matlock is confined to his room
witu rheumatism.
Our friends from the outside report
good range pioepeuts.
The harder the times, the more the
necessity to advertise.
Miss Maud Glassoook is teaching
school on Butter oreek.
The John Kenneys, the two oousins,
Wiere in Heppner yesterday .
J. JJ. Hamilton left Tuesday for
lan)d, to be absent some days.
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, MoAtee Bros., Props. ew
' A. A. Wren says his or ops never looked
better at this time of the year.
Andy Tillard and wife moved into the
Bedington property last week.
See new ads. of Andrew Beany, Heppner
Furniture Co. and Smith fe Chapel
Oilliam county thinks that they have
pretty good proepects (or a railroad.
Harry Woods, formerly of the Hepp
ner brunch, wits in town over Suuduy.
"Cavuse" Bevnolds, of Walla Walki
was in town over Friday of last week.
The HeDiiner Canyon stage line is the
beBt, cheapest and qicukent to the i n
terior. '
Srv Bennett and Dave MoAtee are
over at Walla Walla, looking alter Say's
, nice stock. - -
Only first claBS work turned out al
Fred Mil'er's tailoring establishment
east side Main street,
John Billinsbrook, John Evans, Bruoe
Haines and Staoy Koberte, of Eight
Mile, were in yesterday,
The Keelev Institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocniue
and tobacco iiatni. Dee uu,
Marlin M. Donald, J. W. Moreland
Sam Adnms and other Headman boys,
attended the show last night.
Everv man who takes any interest in
fast stock should subscribe for Tbe
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. Nielson is now running a Btnge be
tween HeDDner and Lone Book. . See
ad. for days of leaving and arr.val. tf.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc
nil kinds of nursine. Call at her brum
In north Heppner, or addrees her at this
place. oio-u
Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Halt &
Mathews, at tbe oity barber shop tbe
plaoe to get a first-class ehaye, hair-out
or Bbampoo.
All those knowing themselves in
debted to Kirk A Rasmus are requested
to settle no immediately, as they are in
need of money. 2 8. s.
The knigbt of the cleaver. Perry
Honser. who officiates down at Shaw &
MeCarty's establishment, returned from
Pendleton last night.
Messrs. Dittenboefer, Grant and
Friendly, knights of tbe grip, were in
town this week. They pronounce the
drama a complete success.
Master Clay French iB tbe authorized
agent for tbe Oregonian at this place.
Subsoribe through bim, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
The Heppner Light A Water Co. are
now pumping about 150,000 gallons of
water per day, about bait tbe capacity of
tbe pump. The well is inexhaustible.
Be wise in time. You have to many
gray hairs for one so young looking.
Use Hall's Hair Benewer, the best
preparation out to oure them. Try it.
Newer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel'B north business room.
Charley Jones, tbe baber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. John Gentry brings in word that the
health of the Black Horse country was
never better. Sohool oommenoed there
yesterday, under the charge of W. F.
Andrew Eeaney was in today while up
from Lexington, and he thinks that tbe
prospects for a good crop are very en
couraging. He lost no stock during the
recent storms.
Our nnlnmna are our only hope of
making a living, and we must hBve pay
lor space. Yet we are always willing to
extend all possible favors to our patrons
and friends.
The latest dentistry, crown and bridge
work, most successfully accomplished by
Lr. B. F. Vaugban. Gas administered
when desired. Thompson bnilding,
Heppner, Or 1 1-a-w-
Alleu Evans and Mr. Thompson, of
IUO BIlCVp 111 Ul UL , I,aUD Auvmpnuw,
were in irom the Alpine section Satur
day last. Their loss tbe past winter was
one-half of one per oent
Tbe W. C. B. Literary society will
r've an entertainment in tbe opera honse
liday eveninz next. Admission : Re
served seats, 25 cents; general admis
sion, 15 eents; children, 10 cents. Tbe
young people deserve to be enoouraged.
Hons. H. BIsekmaD, Will E. Ellis
nd Mr. A. A. Roberts returned from
Salem and Portland yesterday. Tbe
but named had an operation performed
on bis eye while below, and though it it
living him some inconvenience, tbe
distressed optio bids fair to be all right
in a few days.
Subscribers can help ns out wonder
fully now. We need money to run the
C. A. Rhea fed his sheep forty-five
days this winter, down at his lower
Rumors from afar leads the Gazette
to believe that shortly a wedding will
oeoiir in our midst.
Mrs. II. C. Freooh returned from a
visit to relatives and friends at The
Dalles last Saturday.
Geo. Swaggart fed sixty days down at
bis ranch below town, and says that
winter broke just in time.
A. B. Niles, representing the marble
firm of Niles & Vinson, of Walla Walla,
wm in the oity yesterday.
Rev. Edwin Palmer preaobed a very
interesting sermon last Sunday evening
at the M. E. churou, South.
Very interesting revival services are In
progress at the Baptist church, under
charge of Rev. M. Bramblet.
Chas. Bnyse got in town yesterday
from the Idea country, to attend the
meeting of Boyal Arch Masons.
Uncle Jaok Morrow is enjoying pretty
good health, and may be seen around
with our people nearly every day.
Isaac Blum, representing the North
west Syrup Refining Co., was in town
over Sunday, the guest of the Palace.
Miss Annie Godley, daughter of Mr.
Godley, W. B. Potter's efficient assistant,
is expected up from Portland this week.
Mr. F. B. Watson, representing Hib
bnrd, Spencer, Bnrtlett &Co.,of ObicBgo,
was the guest of the City hotel over
The "pink eye" was reported among
tbe horses of Umatilla county, but on
examination it was found not to be that
I. G. Bichardsori, a Pendleton "bilk"
and bogus check operator, has been cap
tured, and will be returned. He was
captured up in Idaho.
Messrs. Gill am &Bisbee, the hardware
merchants, are having constructed in
the rear of their store a very commodi
ous warehouse. This looks like business.
Mr. Baling, of Sand Hollow, was in
town yesterday. He says that the
ground out his way is frozen more than
be had anticipated, and is not yet thaw
ed out.
Mr. Phill Cnhn, of the drug firm of
T. W. Avers, Jr., & Co., returned on Sat
nrday'B train from a viBil to relatives and
friends at insco. Phill reports a very
pleasant time.
The Waterons hydrant, sold by Messrs.
Long & Scott, of Portland, has been
adopted by the fire commissioners of our
metropolis, lately buying a car-load for
immediate nse.
Uzz Frenoh is down from Mi'tlock's big
horse ranch where he has been BBsistiog
to take care of tbe stook during the late
storm. Uzz says that they all gut through
in good ooodition.
The recent entertainment, given under
the auspices of Doric Lodtre, No, 20, K.
of P., netted them over $70. The lode
is indeed grateful to the public for the
interest shown in their efforts.
Geo. Conser, cashier of tbe Fhst Na
tional Bank, iB receiving, considerable
encouragement in the sale of his railroad
indicators. Railroad Deople are looking
upon them with much favor.'
Rev. Shnise authorizes ns to ssy that
owiug to the fact that he has for several
days past been suffering with a severe
toothache be is unable to bold servioes
at Black Horse, as nrinonnoed. How
ever, lie hopes to be able to do so in the
near future.
To the quesliou, which is your favorite
poem? there may be a great vaHety of
answers; but when asked. "Which is
your favorite bloojd-purifier?" there can
be only one reply Ayer's Sarsaparilla.
because it is the purest, safest, nnd
most economical.
Don't waste time, money, and health,
trying every new medicine you may see
advertised in the papers. If tbe onuse
of your trouble is iu the blood, liver,
stomach, or kidneys, take Ayer's rjaraa
pnrilln at onoe, and he sure of a cure.
Take no other.
Jhs. Neville Iibb just received a letter
from E. S. Biildridge, formerly of Hepp
ner, hut late of BiHto City. Montana.
"Baldv" thmks that Montana is just tbe
place, but congratulates the people of
bleppner on their progress. Chas. Lewis
is now sojourning at Butte.
In our write up of the play last week,
we forgot to say that soldiers, senators
and lord high exeoutionerdid their parts
well. In the successful putting on of
the play, they were as essential as other
characters, thniiin perDsps tneir pans
were not so difficult as others.
Messrs. J. P. BuBhbee and W. M.
Beagle, of Pendleton, arrived last night
to assist Heppner Chapter in the work
before them this week. Both are well
pleased with our town, and doubtless
will have a pleasant visit. Other promi
nent masons are expeoted in this week.
Mr. O. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom
field, Iowa, Farmer, says: "I can ree
ommend ChBmberlain's Congh Remedy
to all sufferers with colds and croup. I
have used it in my family for tbe past
two Tears and have found it tne Dest I
ever used tor tbe purposeB for which it is
intended. 6U cent homes lor sale oy
Slocum-Jobnson Drug Eo.
nary constitution and from bis appear
ance is likely to live to eelebrate many
more anniversaries of bia birth. The
ladies of tbe party had prepared an
excellent supper which was appreciated
by all present. Tbe evening was passed
until after midnight in playing varions
games, and in singing, alter whioh all
wished Mr. Chance many more such
pleasant surprises and departed for
their homes. Among those present
were Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hyatt, Mt. and
Mrs. Wm. Pieroe, Mr. and Mrs. T. J.
Davidson, Mr. and Mrs. Coleman, Mr.
and Mrs. E. A. Wallace, Mr. and Mrs.
J. W. Scrivuer, Missel Nora and Bell
Coleman, Minnie Royse, and Ada Wal
lace, Messrs Clans Johnson. Ed. Boyse,
Wm. Clark, Chas. and Jim Wallace,
James Coleman and Chas. Boyse.
Council Meeting. Council met in
regular session last evening, all council
men present and Mayor Matlock presid
ing Minutes of previous meeting
read and approved Bills allowed:
J. E. Grover, 83; Long A Soott, $1,598.
33; B. F. Perkins, $1; Heppner Gazette,
39.50; Lee Matlook, $4; S. P. Garrigues,
828.90: J. W. Cowins. $11.07; J. W.
Cowins. 97.82; J. W. Basmus, (60; A.
A. Roberts, $18.41; Kirk & Rasmus, $14;
Cbas. Cola, $2 Tbe committee on
streets and public property were instruct
ed to examine county records regarding
legality of road running from W. R. El
lis' property to city limits, and, it neoes
sary, to make a test oaae of tbe matter.
But since Kolman has opened up in Heppner, the
people do not have to send away to the East, West,
North or South for their goods. -:- -:-
My Prices are Not Out of Sight,
But are within easy reach of all.
It is
the Talk ol the Town.
The crowd all day at Kolman's is a sight wortb'aeeing.
Never before have such bargains in
Visited tub Pex and Ahtllm A. A.
Roberta saw G. D. Dasey in tbj asjlum
while below. He is in very poor health,
and will hardly reoover. Also saw Crump
in the same institution. He is looking
well and bis mind seemed strong. Down
at the "pen" Mr. Roberts saw Deal,Stnll
and Oburcb. All seemed penitent. Hal
Church is well thought of among the
prison officials. In faot, they gave them
all a good repoit, regardless of reports
of Stul's bad behavior.
A Nbat Thing. The Union Paoitto
have published a very neat pictorial
World's Fair folder, containing colored
lithographs of the various exposition
buildings, birds eye view of the grounds,
with a complete map of the city, showing
location of the Fair, hotels, railway
depotB, street car lines and oity parks.
Qopy of same may be had by addressing
W. H. Hublbcut, Ass. Gen. Pass. Agent
Portland, Or. 566-69
A Pboorkssivb Firm. The firm ot
Kleokner & Sheldon have re-leased tbe
Aroade saloon for another year, and will
therefore be found at this well-known
stand. They have recently added elec-
trio lights. Messrs. Kleokner & Sheldon
are the princes of good fellows, end know
how to entertain their friends. Tbej are
aUo live and progressive, and they will
always be found in tbe front rank.
Was Cleared. The trial of Joe Vey,
for having scabby Bbeep without report
ing it, was tried vesterday before Judge
Hallock. He was defended by Messrs.
Dawson & Lyons and given a jury trial.
He was cleared. We understand that
another charge moving scabby sheep
without a permit will be brought against
Joseph, tbe trial to come off tbe 23rd,
Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank
has lately leased the hostelry known as
tbe Mountain House, refitting and re
furnishing it throughout. Board and
bed, per week $6; board without bed,
$4.50; meals and bed 25 cents each, Mr.
Crank asks a portion of the patronage,
believing that he cn give as tood ser
vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less
Dry Goods,
Been offered to the publio,
And tbe crowded store shows too plainly when the publio know where they get
tul value for their money. We deserve your patronage, as we have demoralized
the high prices in Heppner. What we sell you for $1 would cost you 2 elsewhere.
-f We do Business to Live, and Live to do Business,
Remember we represent one of tbe leading MERCHANT TAILORING firms
in Chicago, and have on hand over ouu samples to seieo. i
..S i k... mH a la number of suits sinoe I have been here, and every
I,,! .mir. Mtisfaotion. Remember you oan save money by giving me
your order. fl KOLMAN.
Anything New of Real Merit
You oan Generally Find
For :-: Sale :-: by
"Who are
Noted for beinsr
The Leaders.
We don't run a third-olass junk shop where you oan buy eboddy goods at twioe
their value, but we keep first-class goods at honest prioes, with
no baits or trap. We keep
Mi Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinware,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old oustomera how we treat them. : ; : : : :
Corner Main and Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
To Qet Even on Your Life.
S U J -A
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs and Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done.
Fall Goods
Fall Goods
Overcoats, Women ani Misses' Newmarket Cloaks,
At Reduced Rates FOR CASH.
Notice to Chapter Masons. All Chap
ter Masons ate requested to meet al
Heppner on the 20tb inst.,for work. Geo.
E. Chamberlain and other Mbsoos of
bigh repute are expeoted. All those
who desiie to become members of Hepp
ner Chapter are also requested to taka
notice. 668-9
Cure for Colds, Fevers and General De
tulty. Small Bile Bouis. He. per botlls.
MM era jjompy.
General Merchandise, m-
Meeting or Pythian Sistebs. The
members, or rather those intending to
beoome members of the temple of Pyth
ian Sisters, soon to be instituted at Hepp
ner, met yesterday afternoon in the cas
tle ball of Borio , Lodge. The name
ohosen by the temple, Omega, having
already been given to Roseburg Temple,
tbe name of Dorian was chosen. This is
a very pretty name, and no doubt will
please all. As Mrs. Hochstedler will
arrive Saturday eve next to institute the
temple, it was decided to bold a meeting
then to be followed by a banquet. The pre
liminary work will be completed on tbe
first evening, and on the following Mon
day, tbe 27th inst., the work of institut
ing will be consummated. Mrs. Hoob
stedler is the wife ot a very worthy mem
ber of the order, and is, herself, very en
thusiastic in all work appertaining to
the Pythian Sisters. We doubt not that
tbe knight's and ladies will give ber a
oordial and fraternal welcome.
Head the Procession. In every de
partment of business there are always
firms who lead in prices, designs and
quality of work. This is only the case
where there is a large assortment to
select from. Niles & Vinson, tombstone
dealers ot Walla Walla, bead the pro
cession of the entire Northwest, in their
line of business. This is conceded by
all. Thev have enroute three more oar-
loads of monuments whioh will be de
livered within the next thirty days.
Write to them for designs and prices.
Scrpbise Party. -Thursday eve Feb.
1G was made memorable by a pleasant
surorise given Mr. John Cbanoe,
rmncroi o.ilrh it beinz lib C8tb birtbd
Mr. Chance is a man of extraordi
GompreiWivs Survey
An Apprehensive Subject
Means of a Prehensile Tail
The Monkey is Not Afraid be
cause his Tail is a Good One.
We are Not Afraid because our
Tale is a Good One.
- "V
Bain ffaps, Hacks Bockkrils.
:- -:- You will save money by
getting our prioes before purchasing
elsewhere. :- -:- :- -: : -:-
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Leading Hotel of the City
Building Wired for Eleotric Lights through
out. Thii home li run In flrst-claM ityle In everr par
tlcular. -Extra
Dining Service Jurlug the holidays.
MR M. VON CADOW. Proprietress
The Heppner Wood Yard.
At last, and has opened up a Wood Yard, from which he will deliver wood,
sawed or unsawed.
Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 ets
Per Cord, twioe in two ; 81.00, three times. Wood sawed and
delivered at 87.00 per cord. Yard near the depot.
Leave orders at Sloan k Howard's.
B28-sw RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor.
It is No Talej)f Woe !
8plondid Goods,
Fair treatment ; satisfaction to custom
ers, and of reasonable prices and
good money value.
Out for
Cash Bargains
Cash Talks.
Etc, Etc
Trust Uusts.
It is a Tailless Tale.
A tale without end, because it is a tale
that will bold. A pleasure to show
goods. Special inducements to
oasb buyers. Call at
Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays, Leaves Lone Rock od
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes oonnection with tbe weekly
line to Fossil. Reasonable charges for both
Passengers -: and -:- Freight.
BO-tfsw SLOCCM-JOHNSTON DRUG CO., Agents, Heppner, Or.
Plenty of them
Gazette Office.
of Ownership
on hands at all times the oboionet
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
85-ti. Pronrietors.
Graduate M. E. C. V. 8. , London, England.
Veterinary SURGEON !
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am prepared to do all klndi of Veterinary Surgery, Emasculating Hortei and Keitllufi a Speci
alty, tillli II mo uniy irim iuhuiuu ui updating uu uui.en. opry niK 01 i.ame urm HOfa
on aliort notice.
luary Burgery,
1 will trent all anlmali In the mont approved procedure of Veter-
Ji you uave any lick animals It will bv to your lutareal to
call on me at Htowart'a atablei.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Made on riHoivr Notice and at Populah Fricm.
8- Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
Li A
Instead of flvinK to the door gasp
ing for breath, seeming as if each 1
one would be vour last, von have I
only to take a few dosea Aathmalene when the spasm Is broken, the breathing becomes
easy and you feel as if an angel of mercy had unloosed the Iron grasp of trie finRers
of death. The happiest moment of vour life will be when vnn have used a few bottle
of Dr.Taft't ASTHMALENE and it has cureJ vou of mm an mm PML'nd p.
Asthma. mail to any Asthma tuffertra trial bottle pm B bai Saa thatltdoea
told bT irureiu. Dr. Taft Bros. M. Co., Rochestcr,N.Y I 9. Wm mmi tiiir.a-
BtMaiMBai lata Bt Ellfllliai ON
An m wim