Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 17, 1893, Image 3

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THOSE desiring the Insertion of display ads
or change ol same, must get their copy Id
axit later than Monday evening- for Tueaduy'i
stimuli, or Thursday evening ior irldaya edi-
I. The sum of fire cents per line will be
charged for "carda of thauka, " "resolutions of
respect,' Hat. ol wedding preaentl and douora.
ana obituary notices, (other than those the edit
or ahall hiiuicil give aa a matter of news,) and
notices olspeclal meetiuga for whatever purpose.
I. itotlees ol church and aociety and all other
entertainments from which revenue i to be de
rived, ahall be charged fur at the rate of Ave
tents a line. These rulea will be atrictly adher
ed to in every instance.
Advertising ralea reasonable and made known
npou application.
We hold each and every correspondent rc
apontible for his or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless Ihe
writer s real name is signed as an evidence oi
good lulth.
. lug Agent, iil Merchants Exchant-e.
bun r rancisco, is our authorized agent, 'this
paper is kepi on lile In his oUice.
Stage for Hardman, Monument, Long Creek,
John Day and canyon Cily, leaves as follows
livery day at U:ao a. m., except Sunday.
Arrives every day at li-.Mf. in., except Monday.
'lha cheapest, quickest and best line to or
from tile interior country.
J- 6. DKLKVAN, Prop.
Slocum-Johnston Drug Co., Audits.
Give your business to Ileppner people,
and therefore assist to build up ilepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Here and There.
It looks like spring now sure,
0. 0. 8argeut ii on the sick list.
John Madden ii over from Lone Rock.
Our people have plenty of feed left
A. A. Robert! ii in Portland on buai-
Obas.Tildsn is In from Little Wal'
Billy Joces got in from Malheur last
Mrs. J. B. Manning baa returned from
Ed. Holloway was in town Wednesday
on business.
O. T. Douglass, of Douglass, was in
Marion Evans was a visitor to Ilepp
ner Wednesday.
German knitting yarn 25c per bank, at
Ladies' Bazaar. 68 tf
J. W. Vaughan was up from Lexing
ton. Wednesday.
Ben Swaggart was up from tbe lower
oountry yesterday.
Geo, Conser made a busiuess trip to
Arlington Taesday.
The Gem and Palace saloons for fine
liquors, McAfee Bros,, Props. sw
J. F. Willis oalled on us today. He
reports Oy Sbinn on tbe sick list.
Uam Oox, of Hardman, bas been on
tbe sick list for tbe past three weeks.
Mr. J. B. Hunt, of Hood Biver, was
in town over Wednesday on busiuess.
Ed. CuX wss in Wednesday and yes
terday, taking iu tbe drama while in the
In Clark's oanyon, on Sunday
tbe 12ib iust., to tbe wife of Ed, Hunt, a
H. Caldwell, Stacy Roberts and
Moses Aebbaugb were oyer from Eight
Mile Tuesday.
People from tbe oountry ssy that tbe
squirrels ere getting out again. Good
sign of spring.
Up toward tbe mountains, some snow
yet remains in drifts which will stay
on some time yet.
Only first class work turned out at
Fred Miller's tailoring establishment
east side Main street,
Tbe Keeley institute, at Forest Grove
cures liquor, opium, morphine, oocaine
and tobacco babit. Bee ad.
Martin M. Donald, J. W. Moreland
Sam Adams and other Headman boys,
attended the ebow last night.
Every men who takes any interest in
fast stock should subsoribe for Tbe
Horseman. Gazette shop, agents.
N. Nielson is now running a stage be
tween Heppner and Lone Rook. See
ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf.
Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc
all kinds of nursing. Call at her bonn
In north Heppner, or address her at this
place. 618-tf
The Heppner-Canyon stage line is the
best, cheapest and quickest to tbe in
Hiyu ketobum whiskers. Hatt &
Mathews, at the oity barber shop the
place to get a first-class shave, hair-out
or shampoo. tf.
All those knowing themselves in
debted to Kirk A Racmus are requested
to settle np immediately, as tbey are in
need of money. 2 8. sw.
Messrs. Dittenboefer, Grant and
Friendly, knights of tbe grip, were in
town this week. They pronounce tbe
drama a complete success.
Master Clay French is the authorized
agent for tbe Oregonian at this place.
Bubsoribe through bim, and have your
paper delivered free of charge. tf
it. W. Bobison, of Eight Mile, called
In on us today while in town. Eight
Mile's snow is a thing of tbe past, and
moat of it soaked into tbe ground.
Born Id Hay canyon Feb. 10th, to
Ihe wife of Anson Wright, a 9 pound
girl. Mother and child getting along
nicely under tbe caie of Mrs. M. J. Baling.
Sewer and neater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Jones the baber, wants to see
bis old friends there. Baths in connec
tion. Attention! If you desire a fine bead
of bair of a natural bus and free from
dandruff. Hall's Hair Eenewer is the
best and safest preparation to accom
plish it.
The latest dentistry, orown and bridge
work, most successfully accomplished by
r. B. F. Vanghan. Gas administered
when desired. Thompson bnildiog,
Heppner, Or 1-a-w-
Rev. Mr. Woodall, of Goldendale, was
(roien to death daring tbe blizzard re
cently, just opposite Blalncks. His body,
partly eaten by coyote, was found alter
tbe snow had melted away.
Mr. L. L. Ormsby and wife, of Boise
City, Idabo, arrived Tuesday and were
tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Cooser
till tbis morning when tbey departed
for borne. Mr. Ormsby will likely visit
this section in quest of sheep later on
thia year.
People who use arsenical preparations
for tbeir complexion, do so at the risk
of their lives. Ayer's Barsaparilla is
guaranteed free from any injurious drug,
and is, therefore, tbe safest as well ss
tbe most powerful medicine in Ibe world.
It makes lhajSkio clear. .
Ayer's Hair Vigor keeps the scalp
jeer from dandruff, prevents the hair
from becoming dry and barsb, and
makes it flexible and glossy. All tbe
elements that nature requires, to make
' tbe bair abundant and beautiful, are
supplied b) this admirable preparation.
The city hotel baiber shop bas follow
ed in tbe wake of other progressive bus
iness bonses and put in electric lights
Mr. W. J. Leaser, the City hotel propri
etor, bus also lighted his boute through
out wnii emoinoity.
Sam I filer reports that Cark's canyon
gut tuoie man her share of snow during
the last full of the "beautiful."
Oscar Shaffer was in Tuesdsy last
frcm tbe foothills. The sheep over bis
way are wintering in good shape.
Rev. Sbulse will oomm9noe protracted
meeting at Black Horse aobool house
Mouduy evening. All are invited.
The GLzette acknowledges tbe re
ceipt of a hue package of seeds from
D. M. Ferry & Co., .Detroit, Mich.
Tbe baptising, tvbicb v. us to have oc
curred next tiuudiiy at A. J. Breeding's
plaoe, bas been postponed iuUetimtely.
Milt Maxwell, W. R. McVay and T.
P. Graham were in from Gooseberry
Weduesday. While in, Hut made proof
on bis homestead.
Mr. Niles, of the well known Nlles &
Vinson, maiule dealers of Walla Wallu,
is taking orders for spring and summer
deliveries iu Morrow couuty.
A. Roderick Graut, representing The
O. W. K Manulaotunng (Jo., of Portland,
was iu Heppner Wednesday, looking
after bis oustumers at this plaoe.
Dav'd Baird finds that the Six Dollar
neighborhood gut through the winter iu
raiber prospeious couuition. All look
for good crups there the cuming summer.
The Ruasell family, of Adams, wete
arrested as accomplices in tbe murder of
Mattie Russell last week, who died from
premature child-birth. Dr. G. W. Car
lisle, bus been arrested charged with
The Arlington National Bank elected
officers fur tbe coming year last Tues
day, with Joe Thomas at the helm as
cashier. The institution is prosperous,
aud bas a bright future before it. It
oould not be iu better hands.
E. O. : T. G. Boyd, a well-known
raucher of tbe Ridge neighborhood, bas
sold his farm up there to Charles Our.
uingbam. Mr. Boyd expeots to remove
to tbe vicinity of Peucueiou, where he
expects to engage iu hog raising.
Omega Temple, Fythiau HiBtera, will
be instituted in the Castle Hall of Doric
Lodge on the eve of the 27th inst. Ah
member?, and those wishing to be
come suob, should be present. Mrs.
liochstedler, tbe deputy, has appointed
that day to be here.
Numerous people from the country
attended the pluy of Damw and Py
thias. Among tbe koiituts from the
outside district, we notioed Jus. Wil
liams, J. O. Woolery, Win. iiarratt,
Towns Matbewa aud others, all of wkoni
prououuoed the drama a success.
Marrikd. Uu last WeduesJay even
ing, at the M. E. parsonage, oconrred
tbe marriage of Mr. David M. Presley and
Miss Julia Ferguson, both of tbis city, A
number of friends and neighbors were
present at the oeremony. Rev. Sbulse
in bis usual impressive manner, pro
nounced the words whiob made them no
more twaiu but one flesh, and tbe happy
pair took their departure, followed by
the best wishes and congratulations of
those present. The coutraotiug parties
are both well known to Heppner people.
Mr. Presley is a prominent stockman.
and Miss Ferguson is a daughter of Mrs.
Clark, of this city. Tbe Gazette extends
congratulations. May your journey over
life's sea be a happy and peaoeful one,
unmarred by the waves of time, and when
at lust your feeble limbs refuse to per
form tbeir proper funotlons, may tbe
band of tbe All Wise bear you safe to
that last dwelling place where none are
married or given in marriage, but all are
angels of God. P, B.
En Rcuxb Fob Tub Pen. Frank
Fletcher aud Ben Newell were taken be
low on Sunday night's train, being es
corted by Deputy Sheriffs Hailey and
Frszer. Newell will serve out a sen
tence for stealing a saddle. It is said
that Fletcher, while in tbe oounty jail
after his conviction, seemed much dis
tressed in mind, as be believed that be
would be cleared. A fellow prisoner
states that on one occasion Fletcher wss
moved to tears and remarked to "the
boys" that it was surely bard luck to be
condemned for life for a crime that be
did not oo mm it. Fletcher was generally
very quiet about bis case, and in refer
ence to it said, only, that be was inno
oent. Gaekell was invariably as silent
as a mummy. E. O.
Just tub Samb. An old Germao, wbo
bad a horse stolen from bis barn, ad
vertised for it as follows: "Von nite, de
oder day, ven I vas ben avake in my
shleep, I heare sometiugs Tot I tinks vas
not yust right iu my paru out, and ven I
vas dere coom, I seez dat my pig gray
iron mare be vas ben tide loose, aud run
mit the stable (iff, and who ever will
back pring I yust so much pay bim as
vas kustomary." "The old man" got
there, just like his Euglieb brother.
Will Attend. State Superintendent
McElroy has reoeived and aocepted an
iuvitafion to deliver an address before
tbe World's Educational congress, to be
held at Chicago during tbe Columbian
exposition tbis year. This congress will
oonvene during the montb of July and
tbe address will be given July 17tb.
Superintendent McElroy has selected
tbe following subject: "The Rise and
Growth of tbe Public Schools on the
Paoifio Slope."
A Rare Case. Drs. Swinburne and
Gagen, last week, removed from tbe leg
of Isaao Giles, a bone an inch or so long,
It was of osseons formation, and was
found in the gastrocnemius muscle.
Suob are not often found in tbe human
body. '
One Small Bllo Henri rery niirht for a
We arouse Torpid Uvera. ilo. per bouia.
Discharged. The Gazette did not
bave an opportunity to say in its last
if sue that Harrison Hale was discharged
bv Justioe Hallock last Tuesday. Tbis
was a foregone conclusion of those wbo
heard the evidence pro and con.
atmsT i , k w - msb tm m sc BBBBs . rrr.
Special to the Gazette.
Saleh, Or., Feb. 17. Blaokman'f in
sursnoe bill has passed the bouse. The
governor favors it, and it will become a
law. Mr. Blackman feels considerably
elated over tbe success of tbe measure.
A Neat Tuinq. The Union Pacific
have published a very neat pictorial
World's Fair folder, oontaining colored
lithographs of the various exposition
buildings, birds eye view of the grounds,
with a complete map of the city, showing
location of tbe Fair, hotels, railway
depots, street car lines and city parks.
Copy of same may be bad by addressing
W. H. Hi'BLBTjiit, Ass. Geu. Pass. Agent
Portland, Or. - 566-69
Deafness Cannot be Cared
By local applications, as tbey cannot
reaoh the diseased portion of lbs ear.
There is only one way to onre deafness,
end that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is osused bv an inflamed con
dition of the mucous lining of tbe eus
tachian tube. When this tube gets in
flamed you bave a rumbling sound or
imperfect bearing, and when it is entire
ly closed deafness is tbe result, and un
less tbe incarnation can be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal oondition
bearing will be destroyed forever: nine
cases out of ten sre caused by oatarrb,
wuiou is nothing put an innamed condi
tion of the mucous surfaoes.
We will give one hundred dollars for
any case of deafness (caused by catarrh)
that cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J. Chenet A Co.. Toledo. 0.
l"Sold by druggists, 75c. 8
Regular aervioes at the M. E. churoh
next Sabbath. Morning text, "When
He Marked." Luke 14:7. Evening
text, "And you hath He quickened wbo
were dead in trespasses and sin, where
in in times past ye walked according to
tbe course of tbe world." To these
jervioes you are invited.
J. M. Shulss, Pastor.
Services at M. E. chnroh, South, next
Sunday. Subject at 11 a. m., "Tbe
Church Founded on a Rock." riubieot
7 p. m. "Earth's Greatest Magnet."
We are greatly gratified to see our con
gregation growing. Come and fill up
all our pews, Fdwin Palmer, Pastor.
Specimea Cases.
S. H. Clifford, New Casael, Wis., was
troubled with neuralgia and rheumatism,
bis Btomach was disordered, bis liver was
aSeoted to an alarming degree, appetite
fell away, and be was terribly reduced in
flesh and strength. Tnree bottles of
Eleotrio Bitters oured bim. Edward
Shepherd, Harrisburg, 111., had a run
ning sore on bis leg of eight years stand
ing. Used three bottles of Eleotric Bit
ters and seven boxes of Buoklen's Arnica
Salve, and his leg is sound and well.
John Speaker, Catawba, O., bad five
large fever sores on his leg, doctors said
he was inourable. One bottle of Elec
tric Bitters and one box Bucklen'a Arni
ca Solve cured him entirely. Sold by
Slocum-Jobnson Drug Co.
A half-breed Clyde, onming two-year-
old, light bay, both bind feet white, white
spot in forehead. Branded small onpital
T on tbe left shoulder. Will give $5 re-
ard for her return, or for information
leading to tbe same. Residence, Sand
Hollow. Address, Heppner.
568-71 R. W. Tubnbb.
Asenta to sell oar choios and hardy
nnrserv stock. We bave many special
varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals
to offer, whiob are controlled only by us.
We pay commissions or salary. wnt
us at onoe for terms, and secure ehoiav
nf territory. M at Brothers,
662-571 Nurserymen. Rochester, N. X.
Mountain Housb. Mr. Joseph Crank
bas lately leaaed the hostelry known as
tbe Mountain House, refitting and re
furnishing it tbronghout. Bosrd and
bed, per week 86; board without bed,
84.60; meals and bed 26 cents eaob. Mr.
Crank asks a portion of tbe patronage,
believing that he can give aa good ser
vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less
money. 4-sw.
Notice toChaptkb Masom All Chap
ter Masons are requested to meet at
Heppner on tbe 20tb inst., for work. Geo.
E. Chamberlain and other Masons of
bigh repute are expected. AH those
who desiie to become members of Hepp
ner Chapter are also requested to take
notice. 608-9
G. A. R. Doings. On tbe 21st. Raw-
liDs Post G. A. K , will install tbeir
officers for tbe ensuing year at Liberty
school bouse. Tbe post meeting in tbe
afternoon at 1 o'clock will be followed
by a camp fire in the evening. A grand
time is expected, and all are invited to be
present. 67-1
U. A. B. Mxktino. On the last Satur
day in February, tbe 26th alt., Rawlins
Post, G. A. R, of Lexington, and the Re
lief Corps, of that plaoe, will meet in
Heppner. All members, and those de
siring to become snob, are invited to be
present. 66511
ScoDirt Death. On Wednesday last
L. J. MoAtee telegraphed down to bis
brothers, Will and Dave, tbat bis
brother-in-law, John Sherman, bad
died tbat a. m. at 10 o'clock. Mr Sher
man was married to Miss Mary Mo
Atee on tbe 30th of last month, and tbe
sudden termination of tbeir short lease
of wedded happiness is most sad in
deed. '
Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom'
field, Iowa, Farmer, says: "I can rec
ommend Chamberlain a (Jougn Remedy
to all sufferers with colds and croup. I
bave used it in my family for tbe past
two Tears and have found it Ihe best I
ever used tor tbe purposes for which it is
intsnded. 6U oent bottles for sale by
Slocum-Jobnson Drug Eo. 1
Violitioe of Scab Law. Jos Vey, of
Butter creek, was arrested yesterdsy for
the violation of tbe scab law. ilia rx
amination comes off before Justioa Hal
lock next Monday.
No OttLexr
First Month's Sales, 720 Bottles; Beoond Month's Sales, 3300 bottles
PHICE, Dec 16 $x and $Q a. Sot tie.
H. A. Thompson
Tie Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stale.
Below Coffin & McFarland'l, Main Street.
Good Conveyance for Traveling Men.
Teams to bay per day, 75 ots. Hay and grain per day, $1.25. Meals 25 ots. a
at 0. C. Sargeaut's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled hay always on hand.
Thw r.nly h.-K)t and nhow e'tnhlinhmnt of Hpmwiprhna
irioTPd from thft Kwt atrip of Main Htr?fttf to thoir nnw
utore room, Tint "nor to H. Blackm-'n A Co.1,
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
Main Street, Ileppner Ox-.
S. C. Smith,
Keeps a full line of
In the way of Furniture.
Undertaking food! a speciality.
May Street, Beppnr,Or. 623-1
You will catch
At the Mallory Corner.
Buy your Groceries and . . .
. . . Read their new ad. soon.
-:- BE
By traveling fakirs. C. C. Wildey 4 Co., of
Walla Walla, Wash., are tbs largest import
ers direct from the Eastern factories in tbe
Inland Empire of
We can ssvs you from S25 to $100. We ship subject to approval to any responsible
parties. We handle tbe very best makes of instruments, end warrant Ibem for
five years, and guarantee lower prices tbsn any bouse on this coast for same
quality. We buy direot from Ohickering k Bona, Weyman A Co., Conover
Bros, as Co., Smith & Barnes, pianos. Packard, Htory A Clark and Chiongo Cot
tage Organs. Sell Organs from $100 to $300 ; Pianos from $300 to 8700. Write
ns for catalogue and prioea. It will pay you. O. O. Wildev & Co.
636w WallaAValla, Wash
h Keeley Institute
Fob Assault William Floreon, or
"Butcher Bill," as be is commonly known,
was arrested yesterday (or sasault on
tbe person of A. E. Mikesell. The weap
on used waa a good sized club of four
yesrold tendencies, which, reports say,
William used not sparingly, striking Mr.
Mikesell twice oi. the arm end once on
tbe shoulder. William is being tried in
Judge Uallock's court today.
Joseph V. Dory, of Wsrsnw, III., was
troubled with rheumatism and tried a
Dumber of different remedies, but says
none ol them seemed todo him any good;
but finally be got bold of one tbat speedi
ly cored bim. He was much plesxed
with it, snd felt sure that others similar
ly afflicted would like to know what the
remedy was tbat oured bim. He states
for the benefit of tbe publio tbat it is
called Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For
sals by Hloeum-Johnson Drug Co.
H b. euxua
tlsm, siciatica,
are a
tlxizxcj; of tlao
la TTavocl.
A. E. Blum
Footwear !
Leading Hotel of the City
Building Wired for Electric Light! through
out. Thij house li run In flrit-clftii style Iu very par
Extra Dining Service during tbe holiday .
MB M. VON CADOW. Proprietress
For the Cure o
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It is located at Forest Orove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast
rail at the Gaektts office for particulars
Strictly confidential. Treatment private and iur
First-Class Boast Coffee
Get This Brand.
Java blended
P. C. Thompson Co.
The Leaders.
Anything New of Real Merit jxv
You can Generally Find r1 r
For .-: Sale :-: by ( 7 v(
, ' - Who are
Noted for being
- The Leaders.
We don't run a third-class junk shop
laeir vaiue, uui we Keep nrst-ciaas goods at bonest prioes, with
no baits or trap. We keep
Gents' Furnishing Goods, Hardware, Tinwnre,
Wood and Willoware, Guns, Ammunition,
Ask our old oustomers how we treat them.
Corner Mum and
Grilliam & Bisbee,
Business-like -:- Manner
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
whiob we propose to oonduot in tbe most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on bands at all times tbe oboioest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc.. Etc.
Graduate M, E, 0. V. 8. , London, England.
Veterinary -m- 5urgeon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
1 am prepared to do all kind of Veterinary Hurnerv, Kmaiculating Horaui and ReKllngi a Ppect
ally. (Tbli in the only true metlio'l oi oneratliiK on homed.) HpeyliiK of Cattle and Hoga
ou short notice. I will treat all anliimla lit tlio inoit approved proved tire of Veter
inary Hurgery, If you have any niuk anlrnali It will be to your In tor wit to
cull on me at Htewart i itablei.
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Hid ok Short Notics axn at torvi.nn Puicas.
SST Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
Instead of flvinff to the door gasp
ing for breath, seeming as if each
one would be vour last, von have I
u u
only to take a few doses Asthmalene when the spasm Is broken, the breathing becomes
easy and you feel as if an angel of mercy had unloosed the iron grasp of the lincers
of death. The happiest moment of your life will be when vou have used a few bottles
of Dr. Taft'l ASTHMALENE and it has cured you of anal nat sosa ansa and pn
Asthma. Ws mail to one Asthma suHersr a trial bottlt Isa kr Ksa Haw that II doss
! a? arusansu. Dr. Tft Bros. N. Co,, Roehester.N.Y I 11 Ikaai baac
where you can buy shoddy goods at twice
: : : ; :
Willow Streets, HEPPNER, OREGON.
& Mccarty,
aCura 4sttis-
wis i niMfaaxys