N0T1CB TO ADVEBTIMKRS. pHOSK dMlrlur the insertion of display ads., . i . .t T. """ mu" iel tneir copy lu not later Uutu Moudaj evening for. Tuesdays editlou, or Thursday eveniiiif ior Kri.l.v. Jh. UOU. l'UI PlTTIUilM IJl1i.lrUU.u., NOTICE. I. The mm of Bve centa per line will be charged lor "carde ol thaults," "resolutions ol reaped, UiU ol wedding presenta and donors, auu obituary notices, (other than those the edit or nhall hlunell jive aa a matter ol uewa,) and notices 01 special uieellnga lor whatever purpose i. r.ollces ol church and society and all other entertainments Iroui which revenue 1 to be de rived, hall be charged for at the rate ol live " "" ineae ruiea wtu be trlctly adher ed to io everv instanpn. Advertlalug ratoa reasonable and made known ujwu apfmvaLiuu. We hold each and every correspondent re- sponsiDie tor ma or her cnmmuiiitintv Mr, correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name ia signed as an evidence of suuu lauu. T P. FIHHER. KRWRPAPWR im-VUTiu JsJ lng Agent, 21 Merchants Jixcliuige, ban t ranclsco, ia onr authorized ageut. This paper is Kept ou ale in his office. Give your business to Heppner people. ana inerejore assist to ouila up Uepp tier. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Chas. Burnett was up from Lexington Wednesday. E. H. Clarke, the indefatigable rustler (or wool, ii in town. A. 0. Pettys wag up from Pettyaville Wednesday ol mis week. The Gem and Palace aaloona for fine liquors, Mo A lee Bros., Props. aw J. L. Beymer and J. W. Beokett, of Eight Mile, were lrj Tuesday. Tbe snow ia rapidly disappearing- and the baokbone of winter is broken. Mayor Matlock returned Tuesday night from Halem and Portland. Don't foil to be present at the play of Damon and Pythias on the 15tb and 16th. Bill Estes was in Wednesday. Be aays that there is plenty of snow on Social ridge. Brownsville Times: Hugh fields and wife returned from California Tuesday erening. Perry Houser, Shaw At McOarty'a effi cient butoher, is oyer at Pendleton for a few days. Mr. and Mrs. H. MoFarland entertained a few friends at their borne Tuesday eve ning last. U. . Farniworth got in Tuesday from bia sheep camp, and we learn all ia well up there. Born On Feb. 7, in Clark's canyon, to the wite of Alonzo Markham, a 9 pound boy. The Morrow County Land and Tiust Company hare an unlimited supply of ohop for sale. 41-tf. Only first class work turned out at Fred Miller's tailoring establishment east side Main street. The Keeley Institute, at Forest Grove cures liquor, opium, morphine, cocaine and tobacco habit. See ad. 0. A. Rhea was in Sunday from his lower rauobea and says bis sheep have done exceedingly well, so far. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subscribe fur The Horseman. Gaxette Bhop, agents. N. Nielson is now running a stage be tween Heppner and Lone Book. See ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf. Found A revolver, near Heppner's Warehouse. Owner can have same by proving property and paying obarges. 60-U3 Joe Woolery was in Tuesday to at tend a aession of Dorio Lodge. We learn that all is prosperous down at lone. Mrs. A J. Stevenson is prepared to dc all kinds of nursing. Call at her home in north Heppner, or address her at this place. 518-tf Dr. Fox reports that Bay MoAlhater is quite sick witb tonsilitis. Also that Mrs. W. B. MoAlister has been ill. Both re better. Hiyu ketohum whiskers. Hatt k Mathews, at tbe city barber shop tbe place to get a first-class shave, hair-cut or shampoo. tf. F. T. Hulburt, assistant eashier of the National Ban k of Arlington, was in H epp Ber Wednesday and Thursday of this week on a business trip. Master Clay French is the authorized gent for the Oregonian at this place. Subscribe through him, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tf To keep the beard from turning gray, and thus prevent the appearance of age, use Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers, the best dye mads. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths in sonneo tion. Johnny Morgan and Charley Hornor created considerable merriment on Main street Wednesday, by running raoes on sleds drawn by their dogs. We believe Johnny was winner. All those knowing themselves in debted to Kirk k Rasmus are requested to settle up immediately, es they are in need of money. 2-8. sw. To the young folks During tbe next two weeks, Wm. Rasmus will give lessons in reading, reoilations and dra matio art. Leave word at tbe Gazette office. 66167 Wm. Penland was in yesterday, and reports the sheep in splendid condition. Barring a loss of 80 bead by s pile up in the early part of tbe storm, bs has had do losses. The latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, most successfully accomplished by Dr. b. F. YaogbaD. Gas administered when desired. Thompson building, Heppner, Or With s bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral In the bouse, you have an effeolive rem edy for all sudden attacks of throat and lung troubles. An hour's delay may lead to serious oonsequenoes. No household should bs without this wonderful medi cine. ' Owing to the snow blockade, J. H. Kolman, of the Boston Cash Store, did not leave for San Franoisco last Mon day, as he expeeted, bat will start next Monday. Mr. Kolman will lay in a full supply of spring and summer goods for bis store before returning. The play of "Damon k Pythias" is of ucb a high order that most of our people will seoure their seats early io order to have an advantageous position on tbe evening of tbe rendition of that drams, bests can bs seonred at T. W. Ay era, Jr., & Co.'s. Fred Miller was taken in by the mar shal a few nights sgo for disorderly con duot, oansed oy tbe over-indulgence of that which cheers but otteo mskes drunk. Fred is a good fellow when not under the influence of tbe over-joyful. By a very ingenious and original pro sees, Dr. J. C. Ayer k Co., of Lowell, Mass., are enabled to extract tbe essen tial properties of tbe materials used in the preparation of their famous "Ayer's JSamparills," thus seen Hog s purity and strength that ean be obtained in no other war. Jeff Hayes was thrown out of a aleigh fioniar last while out riding with some friasds, (ailing under the heels of some kicking owes. After the disturbance had somewhat subsided, an inventory was taken of the injuries received, wbioh, lurtunattiy, jen lounu to be slight. The Oregon World's Fair bill has passed hotn bouses of our legislature, but will probably be the recipient of tbe governor's displeasure. John Hayes got In from Lone Rock Tuesday last. His sheep had been doing well, the thermometer not going below zero iu that vicinity. A protracted meeting has been in prog ress down at Lexington tor some days, Rev. M. Bramblet conducting it. They closed last Tuesday night. Roseburg Review: Rev. R. G. Oglesby, the M. E. churob, South, minister for thisdistrict, is petitioning for the appoint ment of Indian agent at Klamath ugenoy. Wm. Rasmus and the editor of tbe only Gazette are under obligations to Messrs. Thompson & Biuns tor a fine ride iu their outter yesterday afternoon. Ed. Holland's fine, $200 mare got over a baiter rope a few days ago and was not released until more than 21 hours had elapsed. He despairs of saving tbe ani mal. Dan Hornor got back from the El lensburgb bank robbery trial Thursday of last week. He expresses some sur prise that Cal Hale was found cuilty as charged. Tbursdav it "chinooked" in rood shane. The stookmeu say that we have had enough winter, and we guess that's about right. Tbe farmers, however, are not complaining. A delayed passenger train Dluneed ovei an embankment twelve miles east of Huntington, last Tuesday, killing one person outright and seriously injuring several others. Supt. Saling is holding teachers' ex amination at the court house. The ap plicants are Misses Maud Glassoock, Alice Glaseoock, Wilmot, Miller, tjchott, and Mr. Roy Glassoock. Pendleton had a biir tire Tnnsrluv loot four buildiuus beinir destroyed. The loss was $16,UO0, only about $8,00 being covered by iusuraooe. Htjuouer aan well be ou the look-out for a like visi tation. Times-Mountaineer: Mr. Raamns. nf Walla Walla, assisted bv Doric lodge, K. ot P., will nut ou the histrionic boards the drama of Damon I and fytbias. it will be given under the auspices of the Knights. Heppner has had no Portland mail since the first of this week, and none of the trains have been on time for ten days. Now that tbe storm is breaking up, it is hoped that mail may be re ceived more regularly. Thos. Sapp is down from Walla Walla where his family are now stonuinc that his children may take advantage of tbe opportunities for schooling. Mr. Sapp is residing in the suburban hamlet of College Place, where the Advenlists' school is looated. Al Binns and Marshal Rasmus tock a little turn around town election day in Al's cutter, and iu making a corner down ou lower Main street, both were spilled out without injury to either. Mr. Binns hung to the strings, and though dragged some distance, pre vented, a runaway. Frank Fletcher, who has been on trial for the murder ot Petre, near Weston, has been convicted of murder in the first degree. His partner, Uaskeil, was ac quitted, and as both were supposed to be togetner, it is likely that tue whole will reault in a new trial and acquittal. Most people consider Flmcuer not guilty. The Dalles Chronicle: Mr. John Van- duyn, ut Clinton, Indiana, died on-Jan. IfcUu, aged D3 years. He was the lather ot Mr. U. J. Yanduyn, ot Tygu valley, and leaves a family ot four sous and two daughters, only one of whom is on the Pacific coast. Mr. Vanduyn was a pio neer resident of Indiana, and was highly respected all over the state. Hs was in good health until a few days before his death, and apparently died from old age. were chosen by good majorities. Tbe result of the vote is as follows : Gilliam, 96; Garrigues, 79; Morgan, 44; Johnston, 148; Keithly. 152; Teager. 129. J. R. Simons, mayor, reoeived 200; A. A. Rob erts, recorder, 202; E. G. Slocum, treas urer, 210. The last three named bad no opposition. According to the vote, the old members of the council, Gilliam, Garrigues and Morgan, are not sustaiued in their efforts to better the conditiou o' the town. It is a significant slap in the faoe, figuratively speaking, to every mem ber ot the board. Tbe position ot town oounoilman is not an enviable one for the next year, any more than it has been during the past one, but tbe Gezette be lieves that matters will move along to the satisfaction of all reasonable people, in the matter of town affair, during tbe year 1893. Radical measures have been talked of, but when it oomes to actual work, we are sure that better council will prevail. Damon k Pythias . Reserved seat tickets for the drama, "Damon k Pyth ias" will be on sale all over town, and when you buy your tioket, take it to the drug store of T. W. Ayers, Jr., 4 Co., and have your seat marked on the coupon of the ticket. Reserved seats are 75 cents; general admission 60 oents; children 25 cents. The entertainment occurs on next Wednesday and Thursday evenings at the Heppner opera bouse. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. STILES UIPP6EDEISED. WHY? Onh Mobh Boabdbb. The old chair repairer, who has been around town for some time, was hauled up before Justioe Hallock Wednesday for the larceny of a coat from Mat Hughes' room, said coat belonging to John Kilkenny. His bonds were placed at the Bum of $300, which failing to give, be reposes as a boarder at tbe Hotel de Noble, where be will doubtless remain till his case is disposed of next oircuit court. He gave tbe name of Chas. LsfTerty. M. E. church Sabbath services morn ing and evening. Morning text, "For brass I will bring gold, and for iron I will bring silver, and for wood brass, and for stone iron; I will also make thy offi cers peace and thine exactors righteous ness." The evening subjeot will be, "Marriage and Divorce." Text, "And tbe Loid God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make for bim an helpmeet." "Wherefore they are no more twain, but one flesb. What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder." To these serv ices you are invited . J. M. Shulse, Pastor. Services at the M. E. church, Soutb, Sunday, Feb. 12. Subjeot at 11 a. in., "Immortality of Man." Text, "If a man die, be shall live again." Subjeot at 7 p. m "Antagonism as seen in the experi ence and words of Jacob." All are in vited to oome and bear our excellent ohoir music and participate in our sere ices. Edwin Palmbb, Pastor. Deafness Cannot be Cured By local applications, as tbey cannot reaoh the diseased portion of the ear. There is only one way to oure deafness, and that is by constitutional remedies. Deafness is oaused by an inflamed con dition of tbe mucouB lining of the eus tachian tube. When this tubs gets in flamed you have a rumbling sound or imperfect bearing, and when it is entire ly closed deafness is the result, and un less tbe infiamation can be taken out and this tube restored to its normal condition bearing will be destroyed forever; nine oases out of ten are caused by catarrh, wbiob is nothing but an inflamed condi tion of the mucous surfaoee. We will give one hundred dollars for any oase of deafness (oaused by catarrh) that cannot be oured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for circulars, free. F. J. Chknbi & Co., Toledo, 0. I9Sold by druggists, 75c. 8 When The Heart Is Affected By rheumatism, or any of tbe muscles near that organ, it is like tampering with an eleotric wire, for death may come at any moment. If life is worth 85, go to the druggist and get Dr. Drummond's Lightning Remedy, or send to the Drum mond Medioine Co., 48 50 Maiden Lane, New York, and tbey will send you a large bottle by prepaid express. It is not as quick as electricity, but it will save your life if you take it in time. Agents wauled. Fin our Amputated. Yesterday Dra. MoSwords und Fox amputated the third finger on the right hand of Mrs. Mollie Johnson's (nee Gilliam) little, eleven-months-old child. Mr. and Mrs. John son were very desirous of saving tbe fin ger, and the dootors made strenuous efforts to do so, but without avail. An injury was the primary cause of the fin ger becoming diseased, Osteo Sarcoma setting in, wbioh necessitated amputa tion. Badly Bubnid. Miss Matilda Hel- strom, the lady who was so frightfully burned by tbe explosion of ooal oil lamp at tbe residence ot J. F. Lawrence in Sisson on Sept. 28th, died last Satur day after four months of intolerable suf fering. Mascot. These parties are well known by some of our residents, and is a warning to those who will persist in the use of coal oil wheu better and safer lights can be bad. Death at Lexington. The wife of Jas. Leach, of Lexington, died Wednes day morning from prematurechild birth, aged 45 years. Dr. A. L. Fox was called late Tuesday night, but bad not gotten out ot town till another messenger ar rived announcing her death. She was a most estimable lady, beloved and re speoted by all who knew ber. Her interment took place today at Lexington. WANTED. Agents to sell our choice and hardy nursery stock. We have many special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, which are controlled only by us. We pay commissions or salary. Writs us at once tor terms, and secure choiot of territory. Mat Brothkbs, 562-671 Nurserymen, Rochester, N. T. A Neat Thino. The Union Pacific have published a very neat pictorial World's Fair folder, containing oolored lithographs of the various exposition buildiDgs, birds eye view of ths grounds, witb a complete map of theoity, showing location ot the Fair, hotels, railway depots, street car lines and oity parks. Copy of same may be bad by addressing W. H. Hublbcbt, Ass. Gen. Pats. Agent Portland, Or. 566-69 The City Election. The city elec tion last Tuesday passed off quietly, with a fair vote, but nothing like the number that would have been polled bad it been warmer weather. The successful men are new and untried in tbe matter ol oouncil work, but ths community doubt less have full confidence in them aa they HAT TEES Itfo O til or ait'l?C5 medioine yVtvt the VWn-07 tlLinsoftlxo Cures JfS 3P" r$lJ7&y when CON t$hS& 003NTOO Has. O.W.R. MFG. C2 PORTLAND. ORC. is XJoci. x WHY ? XI ocauso IT. 1x euxao- tiavxnt cb ciatica, WE -:- WANT -:- MONEY ! First Month's Sales, 720 Bottles; Second Month's Sales, 3300 bottles BOLD EVERY W HEHE. PRICE, 'Dec 16 $1 and 02 a. Bottle H. A. Thompson A. E. Bluns THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS Tie Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stalk Below CoSln & McFarland's, Main Street. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to hay per day, t! ots. Hay and grain per day. 81. 25. Meals 25 cts. a at O. C Hargeant's, next door to l'Ved Stable. Urain and baled buy always on haud. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. Footwear Footwear ! The f.nly boot rtfid whop egtahlisiiiimjit nf TTonpnor has (?f store room, iioxt. ritmr to H. Hljirkur'n A (!o.'n. . There you will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Main Street, llejipner Or. S. C. Smith, THE Keeps a full line of EVERYTHING In the way ot Furniture. Undertaking goods a speciality. May Street, Beppner.Oi 5'5'lf You will catch Mouxtain Hotjsb. Mr. Joseph Crank has lately leased the hostelry known as the Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board and bed, per week 86; board without bed, $4.60; meals and bed 25 cents each, Mr. Crank asks a portion of the patronage, believing tbat he can give as vood ser vice as anyone in Heppner, and for less money. 4d-ew. Q. A. R Doings. On tbe 21st, Raw lins Post (J. A. K, will install their officers tor tbe ensuing year at Liberty school bouse. Tbe post meeting in tbe afternoon at 1 o'olook will be followed by a oamp Are in the evening. A grand time is expected,and all are invited to be present. ot-l O. A. R. Meeting. On the lest Satur day in February, the 25th alt., Rawlins Post, Q. A. R, of Lexington, and tbe Re lief Corps, of that place, will meet in Heppner. All members, and those de- siring to become euob, are invited to be present 665-71 8HOEUAZIB. Ed. Birbeok. a shoemak er and repsirer of many years' expert ence. has lust located in tbe Abraham. sick cuilding, on Msy street, where be is nrerjared to do eveiything in bis line. Mr. Birbeck is strictly a first-class work, man and warrants all work, (live bim oall. 14-tt . COPPER HXYETED y XIXS,ZS Sr KiiiSBITJS, At the Mallory Corner. Buy your Groceries and . . . . . . Read their new ad. soon, TTEPPNER and LONE ROCK STAGE LI3STIC. IV. IIEIvS01V, Prop. Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Rock on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Makes connection with toe weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable charges for both Passengers -:- and -:- Freight. 643-tfsw SLOC0M-JOHNSTON DKDO CO., Agents, Heppner, Or. DON'T BE -:- BAMBOOZLED. By traveling fakirs. C. C. Wildey 4 Co., of Walla Walla, Wash., are the largest import ers direot from the Eastern factories in tbe Inland Empire of AND We can save you from $25 to $100. We ship subject to approval to any responsible parties. We handle tbe very best mski s of instruments, and warrant them for five years, and guarantee lower prices than any house on this coast for same quality. We buy direct from Cliickering & 8ons, Weytuan A Co., Conover Bros. & (Jo., amitu & .Barnes, pianos. 1'm kard, Story A Ulurk and Cihioago (Jot tage Organs. Hell Organs from 8100 to $300 ; I'iimos from $300 to $7u0. Write ns Tor catalogue and pnoes. it will pay you. (J. U. Wildey OO Uo. 535w Walla Walla, Wash And in order to get it, we win, during the present month, FOR CASH ONLY At "0 per oent. off regular prioe, our immense stock of Gents' hh Winter hh Underwear, Top Shirts, Scarfs, Mittens and Lined Gloves. This is an honest proposition and no trap, for we have an overstock of these goods that we must realize on. So you oan benefit yourself and confer a favor on us by taking advantage of the opportunity offered by JJ I J pner. Qregon, " 1 1 3 FOR S-S- Gilliam & Bisbee, BEFFsrim, on. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. ATTENDED TO IN A Business-like -:- Manner -AND AT- REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near the Depot: HEPPNER, : : OREGON. Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, whioh we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will wn on hands at all times the ohoioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tl; ProDrietors. DR. JOSEPH J. I31XL, Graduate M. E. 0. V. 8., London, England. Veterinary -m- SUrgeon Chronic Diseases a Specialty. m prepared to do alt kinds of Veterinary Surgery, Emasculating Horses and Reelliira a Sd1 alty. (This Is tbe only true method of operating on horses.) Bueylng of Cattle and Hoiia on short notice. 1 will treat all animals lu the most approved procedure of Veter- u" ou,i" 7- " jw r " miiiiiaiB it win o to your interest to call ou me at Stewart's stables. HEPPNER, - KM aw ORKUOK Keeley Iniute -OF- OKEGOM For the Oure ox Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., Tlie Must llmuiiful Town on the Coast. fall at the Gazttr office for particulars Btriclly coulidentlal. Treatment private and surs cure. ARTISTIC 1 Pill ON SIIORT NOTICK AND KEASONABLK TEKM8 The Lancashire Insurance Co. BOTTOM rAl QI' MANCIIISSTUM, IC.VUI.A.XD W PATTERSON, -AGENT o ti. jot i., t. wrirt LEGAL BLANKS. Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OK. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Madi on Short Notics aho at Porous Pbicss. BaT Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. 'km u u as 31 Hf ET lj &1 IDT DR. TAFT'S Instead of flying to the door gasp- inc? ror Dream, scchjiiiie asn cacu a? iw w bs u hi n. would be vour last, vou have InSW S& M El m a It' only to take a few dose Asthraalene when the spasm I s broken, the breathing becomes easy and you feel as if an angel of mercv had unloosed the Iron grasp of the fingers of death. The happiest moment of your life will be when vou have used a few bottles si ut. i ait no i nssunc ana n nas cured you of BaaH mk Uwsm RBSBI and prow awn ma. ft man ro onr nsrnma sujrsrsr a trial oorrs M Kstr mm mm thatltdoas ia w arutiMta. Dr. Taft Bros. M. Co., Rooheter,N.Y I Ct ASHjsj