NOTICK TO ADVEBTlrJERS. 'pHOSKdeslrlni the Insertion of display ds , I or change of name, inuit jet their copy In not later than Monday evening for Tuesday's edition, or Thursday eveulng for Fridays edi tion. Th PaTTIUOK PUBLISHINU CO. H0T1CK. L The sum of tit cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists o( wedding presents and donors, sad obituary noticea, (other thau thoae the edit or shall himself give ai a matter of newi,) and notices ol special meeting! for whatever purpose. 2. Noticea of church and society and all other entertainments from which revenue ii to be de rived, ihall be charged for at the rate of five tents a line. Theae rulei will be strictly adher ed to In every instance. Advertising ratea reaaonable and made known upon application. We hold each and every correspondent re tpomlble for hit or her communication. No correspondence will be published unless the writers real name is signed as an evidence of good faith. ADVKRTIrt. Merchants exchange bun r-raucisco, is onr authorized agent. This paper is kept on file In hisomce. T P. FIBHER, NEWSPAPER ing Agent, i Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build vp Hepp--ten Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Damon and Pjthiaa. Mrs. J. F. Oorlaa on tha siok lilt. TUTrS PILLS agreeable in taste. Damon and Pythiaa on the 15th and 16th lusts. - City eleotion today and a hot one it proves to be. Born To tbe wife of Jerry Oobn, in Heppner, tbe ttth inat., a girl. On next Sunday evening, Rev. Shulse will preaob on "Marriage and Divorce." The Gem and Palace saloons for fine liquors, MoAtee Bros., Props. aw Henry Holden, of Heppner, recently went baok to Iowa to remain a short time. Stockmen are happy in tbe assurance that there is several weeks' teed yet in i(fht. Towns Mathews is reported to have loBt a few bead of sheep last week in a pile-np. Yesterday young Leyde and a Swede were arrested for drank 8Dd disorderly conduct. Tbe weather is something wonderful to behold, changing every fifteen min utes in the day. Tbe Morrow County Land and Tiust Company have an unlimited supply of chop for sale. il-tf. Hynd & Barratt's aheep, over on Sand hollow, are doing well, with a loss of only five bead since Nov. 1st. Only first class work turned out at Fred Miller's tailoring establishment east side Main street. Paul Boulon writes . L. Matlook from Montague, Calif., that he hopes to visit Heppner again in the near future. The Keeley institute, at Forest Grove cures liqnor, opium, morphine, oocaine and tobacco habit. See ad. Every man who takes any interest in fast stock should subsoribe for Tbe Horseman. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now runniDg a stage be tween Heppner and Lone Rook. See ad. for days of leaving and arrival, tf. One hundred tons of hay for Bale, situated near lone, at $6 per ton. In quire of Dawson & Lyons. 665 tt. One of our patrons from tbe moun tains writes down a very interesting epistle which will appear in our next issue. Found A revolver, near Heppner's warehouse. Owner can nave same by proving property and paying obarges. 60-63 Bobert Hynd has returned from bis visit to Pendleton, where he remained three weeks. He says Pendleton is quite dull. Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to dc all kinds of nursing. Call at ber home in north Heppner, or address her at this place. 010-11 Word oomes up from Geo. Swaggart's abeep camp tbat be has been feeding six weeks. The lower pan or me country have bad tbe most winter, so far. Hivu ketcbum whiskers. Hatt Mathews, at tbe city barber shop the plaoe to get a first-class ehaye, hair-cut or shampoo. Friday and Saturday's Oregonians and the letter mail from below failed to get through last week, bnt indications are that tbe blookade win not last long. Master Clay French is tbe authorized aeeut for tbe Oregoman at this place. Subscribe through him, and have your paper delivered free of charge. tt To keep the beard from turning gray, and thus Drevent the appearance of age use Buckingham's Dye for the Whiskers, the best dye made. Newer and neater quarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Jonea the baber, wants to see bis old friends there, satba in oonneo lion. Job work at the Gaiette offioa oan be done on short notioe. We have a first class job printer and tbe facilities for do ing the work. All those knowing themselves in debted to Kirk & Rasmus are requested to settle od immediately, as they are in need of money. 2 8. sw. A. W. Sating and Isaac Enighten were in from Eight Mile yesterday. Tbey say Eight Mile is principally devoted now to keeping stoves warm ana eeaing siuck To the young folks During tbe next two weeks, Wm. Rasmus will give lessons in reading, reoitations and dra matic art. Leave word at tbe Gazette ofiioe. - 564 67 F. O. Buokaum and family are mov ing into their new residenoe on D street. Tbey have one of tbe neatest little oot- tages in Heppner. A week ago last Friday, Clark's oan . yon sobool, Mr. E. A. Miller, teaober, had a spelling match which was largely attended. Mr. Mat. Shaw and Jaepar Walker were the victors. Tbe latest dentistry, crown and bridge work, most successfully accomplished by Dr. B. F. Vangban. Gaa administered when desired. Thompson building, Heppner, Or 1-a-w- Tbe latest reports from Elleoebnrgb tat that owing to tbe judges illness. court has been postponed indefinitely. A strong sflV rc is beina: made to conviot tbe prisoners. Tbe Gazttt) is in receipt of a neat World's Fair folder, a present from the Union Pacific railroad. It is gotten up ' in tbe most elaborate way, and is splen didly illustrated. F. O. Bucknnm got in last week from tbe Eastern Washington country. It was 20 degrees below zero tbe day be left Pendleton. He will remain till the storm breaks up. The dual Kansas house has got down to business and quit rowing. Tbe re nnhlinana meet in the morning and tbe populists in tbe afternoon. A tangle of affairs will result. Tbe twenty-ninth anniversary of Pyth-1 iaoism, the lain insl., coming on onnusy (bis year, wilt doubtless be celebrated must places previous to tbat date. Doric Lodge have decided that their anniver sary doings shall occur on tbe 15th and 16th mat., at which time thay will put on ''Damon and Pythias," or "Tbe Test of Friendship," undei the direction of Mr. Wm. Rasmus. Down at Oamera & Hughes' place yesterday, tbe boys got "wild and woolly," and adjourning to the back yard quite a filibt was indulged in, no one getting hurt mucb, however. Phill Heppner was in town over Son day last. We wonder if there is not a greater attraction in Heppner for Phill than his brother and sister, whom be os tensibly oomes to see quite often now. Messrs. J. B. Hunt and Tbos. Driskell were oallers at the Gazette offioe last Saturday. Tbey report tbat Clark's can yon was somewhat snowed under, with early evidences, however, of a general breaking up. Wife(angrily) My dear, what's this, pray ? Hubby (glancing at bis article in tbe Sunday Suouper on the aubject of ''The real inside of Woman's Rights") GoodUawd! they have printed it "Tights" instead of "Bights!" With a bottle of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral in the bouse, you have an effective rem edy for all sudden attacks of throat and lung troubles. An hour's delay may lead to serious consequenoea. No household should be without this wonderful medicine. The play of "Damon & Pythias" is of such a high order that most of our people will seoure their seats early in order to have au advantageous position on tbe evening of the reuditioa of that drama. Seats can be seoured at T. W. Ayers, Jr., & Co.'a. Nels Jones came in Sunday from bis Dig Butter creek sheep ranob. When Nels left fair town, it was sbinooking at his place, but he bad not proceeded far btfore he found some winter. Nels says that bia sheep are doing well, and that so far this winter, he has fed very little. By a very ingenious and original pro cess, Dr. J. (J. Ayer & Co., of Lowell, Muss , are enabled to extract the essen tial properties of tbe materials used in the preparation of tbeir famous "Ayer's Sarsapanlla," thus securing a purity and strength that can be obtained in no other way. Mart Riohardson surprised his friends Saturday by visiting Heppner. Mart used to be a resident of Morrow county, but for some time has been located up in British Columbia. He is down on bus iness, and still retains his Morrow county ranch. He will remain till the storm is over. Friday and Saturday the obinook got don into the foothills, but not as tar as Heppner. SuDday evening there was some evidences of a obiLook but it froze up befure it had hardly gotten into town. Reports from the outside indicate that tbe stockmen have feed enough for three or four weeks yet. Frank Gentry brought in Saturday a squirrel in that oumatose state wbioh they assume through tbe oold months. It was found in a hay-stack, and upon being warmed showed signs of life but being exposed to the cold did not long survive, it looked in its winter home, nut unlike a ball of fur, and was, to ye loroe, somewhat or a ouiiosity. Joseph V. Dory, of Warsaw, 111., was troubled with rheumatism and tried a uumberot different remedies, but says none of them seemed to do bim any good; but ho ally he got hold of one that speed! ly cured bim. He was mucb pleased with it, and felt sure tbat others similar ly afflicted would like to know what the remedy was tbat cured him. He states fur tbe benefit ot tbe publio tbat it is oalled Chamberlain's Pain Balm. For sale by Slooum Johnson Drug Co. SuDDH Death. Word was brought in yesterday morning that T. L. Dorman's wife, who resides over in the Eight Mile oountry, had died Saturday from pneu monia. Mrs. Dorman's illness was of short duration, and when the physioiam Dr. Fox, was oulled, it was too late to do anythiug for her relief. Mr. and Mrs. Dormao had two daugbtsrs who were attending sohool at Heppner this winter, who did not know of their mother's seri ous illness until she wss dead. Tbe in terment occurred yesterday at the Hard- man cemetery. Mr. Albert Favorite, of Arkansas Citv Kan., wishes to give our readers the ben efit ot his experience witb oolds. He says: "I contracted a cold eirly last spring tbat aettled on my langs, and had hardly reoovered from it hen I caught another tbat hung on all summer and left me with a backing cough wbioh 1 thought I would never get rid of. I had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy some fourteen years ago witb mucb success, and ooncluded to try it again. When I bad got through with one bottle my cough had left me, and I have not suffer ed with a oougb or cold since. I have recommended it to others, and all speak well of it." 50 cent bottles for aale by Slooum-Joboson Drng Co. Funeral of Mns. Dokman. Tbe funeral services of Mrs. Hannah Dor man, wife of Thomas Dorman, oocurred at Fairview school bouse Monday, Feb. 6th, at 11 o'clock, tbe sermon being preaohed by Edwin Parmer. The large attendance ot neighbors and friends shewed the high regard oherished for the deceased. We commend tbe bereaved husband and daughters to the tender mercies of Him who is tbe "Father of mercies and the God ot all comfort." E.P. Amntvebsabi Doings. - Confidence Lodge, No. 25, K. of P., of Arlington, will on or about tbeir anniversary, tbe 19tb inst., give a mook initiation at the opera bouse at tbat plaoe. Members ot Doric Lodge, No. 20, and others, will endeavor to attend, it a special can be procured on tbat occasion wbioh will prevent them from being absent from home two days. Tbe Arlington boys are energetic rustlers, and their entertainment promises to be a complete aucoess. Cm Eleotion. City eleotion passed oft to-day without mucb exoitement, ex cept in the matter of selecting council- men. Tbe tioket is as follows: For may or, J. R. Simons; for recorder, A. A. Roberts; fur treasurer, E. G. Slocum; for oouncilmen, Frank Gilliam, S. P. Garrigues, Tbos. Morgan, Julius Keitbly, W. A. Johnston and J. L. Yeager. As will be notioed, tbe mayor, recorder and treasurer have no opposition, but a strong effort is being made to defeat the outgoing councilman, Gilliam, Garrigues and Morgan who are candidates for re election, three to be obosen at this time' Tbe fight, while ostensibly on tbe ground tbat tbe old coaucilmen have been too extravagant, is nothing more than an outgrowth of the water fight last August, Two-thirds of Heppner's taxpayers have said for certain things to be carried out, wbicb tbe oouncil have done to tbe very letter. This is not satisfactory lo some, hence tbe contest. Tbe Gazette hopes that tbe best men may be aeleoted, those who will stand square up "to the rack' and assist in oarrying out the town's contracts which hare been legally enter ed into. It is impossible to say at the hour of going to press who have been chosen. Leads Them All. There are many plays in this country tbat stand well be' fore tbe public, and be repeated as often as tbey may, will never laok for tbeir ad' mirers and devotees. But no historical drama in the world has so taken the hearts of the people as that of "Damon and Pythias." Being tbe story on wbiob is founded the order ot Knights of Pythias, it ranks seonnd to none in the drsmatic field. The remarkable exhibition of friendship between the principal oharac ters; tbe sentenoe of Damon by the ty rant, Dionysius; Pythias' subsequent incarceration in plaoe of Damon, that he might see bis wife and child before oruel death should part them; Damon's return at tbe last moment and bis subsequent psrdon by the tyrant, who, being struck with this, to bim, new ideal of friendship, asked and was admitted into their sacred fellowship, all form a pioture that will call forth an unusual attendance on tbe 15th and 16tb, at the opera bouse, where this play will be put on by Dorio Lodge assisted and and directed by Mr. Wm. Rasmus. Found Guilt T. A dispatoh from Phil Heppner states that Cal Hale bas been fonnd gnilty as indicted, over at Elleneburgh. Tbat Hale is not guilty, is confidently believed by .many in Eastern Oregon, for numerous reputable people were willing to swear that be was in Gilliam county at the time of tbe bank robberymen whose good stsnding snd reputaticn for truth and veraoi'y is unquestiored. But doubtless alter the Oregonian't articles about the "Holy terrors" of Eastern Oregon, there evi dence was ot little avail. Tbs result is a surprise to the people of Heppner. How Kuosey and Zuibary will fare, is s matterof conjecture. Kinsey is inno cent ol the charges against bim, and if be is convicted it will stand as tbe black est fieoe of business ever perpretrattd in fee Northwest. Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom- field, Iowa, Farmer, says: "I can rec ommend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to all sufferers with colds and croup. I have used it in my family for tbe past two years and have found it the beBt I ever used tor tbe purposes for which it is intended. 50 cent bottles for aale by Slooum-Jobnson Drug Eo. A Neat Thing. The Union Paoifio have publiabed a very neat pictorial World's Fair folder, containing oolored lithographs of the various exposition buildings, birds eye view of tbe grounds, with a complete map of the city, abowiog location ot the Fair, hotela, railway depots, street car lines and city parks. Copy ot same may be bad by addressing W. H. Hi ELBDin, Ass. Geu. Pass. Agent Portland, Or. 566-69 Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank bas lately leased tbe hostelry known tbe Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throngbout. Board and bed. Der week $6; board without bed, 84.60; meals and bed 20 cents each, Mr. Crank asks a portion of the patronage, believing that be oan give as vooa ser vice as anyone in Heppner, and for lees money. 4o-sw. G. A. R. Doings. On tbe 21at, Raw lins Post U. A. K, will install tbeir officers for tbe ensuing year at Liberty sobool bouse. Tbe post meeting in tbe afternoon at 1 o'olook will be followed by a oamp fire in the evening. A grand time is expected, and all are invited to oe present. 67-1 G. A. R. Meeting. On the last Satur day in February, the 25th nit., Rawlins Post, G. A. R, of Lexington, and tbe Re lief Corps, ot that place, will meet in Heppner. All members, and those de siring to become such, are invited to be present 56o-71 rum ansa rM aur MILES AVf. Caf hi tm-u safi ' 'n But since Kolman has opened up in Heppner, the r people do not hare to send away to the Bast, West, North or South for their goods. - TMJ CYI My Prices are Not Out of Sight, But are within easy reach of all. It is the Talk o the Town. The crowd all day at Kolman's is a eight worth seeing. 1r 1 BOSTON GASH STORE Never before have such bargains in In I Good BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, ETC ' Been offered to the publio, And tbe orowded store shows too plainly when the publio know where tbey get full value for tbeir money. We deserve your patronage, as we have demoralized tbe high prices in Heppner. What we sell yon for 81 would cost you $2 elsewhere. -f We do Business to Live, and Live to do Business, Remember we represent one of the leading MERCHANT TAILORING firms in Chicago, and have on hand over 500 samples to aeleot from. A perfeot fit guar anteed. I have made a large number of suits sinoe I have been here, and every one has given entire satisfaction. Remember you oan save money by giving me yourorder J. H. KOLMAN. (JLEARANCE fcjjALEl Fall Goods Fall Goods -SUCH AS- Overcoats, Women and Misses' Newmarket CI aks3 WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, DRESS GOODS, ETC., ETC. At Reduced Kates FOR CASH- m- General Merchandise, e- HEPPNER. OREGON WE -:- WANT -:- MONEY ! And in order to get it, we will, daring the present month, EsFOR CASH ONLYs At 30 per eent. off regular price, oar immense stock of Gents' Winter Underwear, Top Shirts, Scarfs, Mittens and Lined Gloves. This is an bonest proposition and no trap, for we have an overstock of these goods that we must realize on. So you can benefit yourself snd confer a favor on na by taking advantage of tbe opportunity offered by H? ppner. o regon. HERE IS THE PLACE To Get JEven on Your Life. ARDWARE STORE ! I JUST COMPLETE LINE OF OPENED. Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, Wood and Willowware, Blaoksmilhs' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and npe, isnss, oatDtuos ana sings, numoing Materials, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds ot Repairing quickly and neatly done. PEE CELEBRATED Bain Wagons, Hacks and Buckboards :- -:- Tou will save money by getting our prices before purchasing elsewhere. -: -:- :- : :- -:- Odd Fellows' buildiug, Main St., 534-tf HEPPNER, OREGON. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. ATTENDED TO -IN k- Business-like Manner REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near the Depot: HEPPNER, OREGON. Leading Hotel of die City I'.uililiiig. Wired for Eleotric Lights through out. This hoiiRo Is run in first-class style in every par tlcular. Kxtm liming Service during the holidays. MR M. VON CADOW. Proprietress An Apprehensive Subject by Means of a Prehensile Tail The Monkey is Not Afraid be cause his Tail is a Oood One. We are Not Afraid because our Tale is a Good One. ItisNoTaleof Woe! WE TELL OF Splendid Goods, Fair treatment ; satisfaction to custom- era, and of reasonable prices ana good money value. It is a Tailless Tale. A tale without end, because it is a tali tbat will bold. A pleasnre to show goods. Special inducements to cash buyers. Call at EQII0I BI0S The Heppner Wood Yard. RIP HAS GOT AROUND At last, and has opened up a Wood Yard, from which he will deliver wood, sawed or unaawed. Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 ets Per Cord, twice in two ; g 1 .00, three times. Wood sawed and delivered at $7.50 p r cord. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at Sloan & Howard's. 528-sw RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cash Talks. JEWELER! Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Etc. Trust JJusts. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. h Ksshy I&slitub -OF- For the Cure oA Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It it located at Forest Urov, Or., The Moat Beautiful Town on the Coatt, I CkII at tb Gazkttk office for particular!. ; Ktri;tly coufiaeiitial. Treaimeut private aud mre 1 cure. ARTISTIC JOB Fill ON SHOET NOTICE AND REASONABLE TERM Change of Ownership HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET. wbiob we propose to oonduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on bands at all times the ohoioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. SHAW & McCAETY, 85-tt. Pronrietors. DR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. S. , London, England. Veterinary Surgeon Chronic Diseases a Specialty. ua prepared to do all kinds of Veterinary Burgery, Emasculating Horses and lifelines a Hpeet alfr. (This Is the only true method of operating on horses.) Bpeyliifr ot Cuttle mid Uoas on short notice. I will treat all animals in the most approved procedure of Vuter. luarv Uurgery, If you have any sick animals It will be to your interest U BECFrlKR, call on uie at Htewart's staples. tM sw ORKUOM Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Miss ox Shokt Notics akd at PoruLAS PlICH. t& Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. m AS nnn Til 111 Dl. TAFT'S lnhad of flvlnf' to the door gasp ing for breath, seeming as If each I one would be your last, you nave am w as as as as si sa ansa sua aa sa mm only to take a few doses Atthmalene when the spasmls broken, the breathing becomes easy and you feel as If an angfl of mercv had unloosed the Iron grasp of the fingers of death. The happiest moment of your life will be when vou have used a few bottle of Dr. Taft'a ASTHMALENE and It has cured you of f mm mm mm od pro.e Asthma. Ws mail to any asrnma sunwrwra irai oomb asr bjbbi bbbbi met n aoes .is by aruapits. Dr. Tift Bros. M. Co., Rocbe.ter.N.Y I Cure Asthma. The Lancashire Insurance Co. OI MANCHKttTKH, KNQL,A1D 1 W. flTTEBSON, AGENT o, ofjh- e-t wo!,