Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 07, 1893, Image 2

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    -m o me myp to sell rou ! j-
Oiv$ your butinett to Heppner people
ltd therefor atritt to build up Hepp
ner. PatronUe thot who patronize
We hold each end every correspondent re
sponsible for hli or her communication. No
correspondence will be published unleu the
writer reel uame is signed u en evidence of
good faith.
Tm sentiment of the American peo
ple is (or annexation ot the Sandwich
T president has signed the bill ex
tending the time of payment on forfeited
lands. This was oonoeded from the start.
- It is openly asserted that Mrs. Minnie
Tester, who Is on trial for getting away
with her husband's will, poisoned her
Thus of Multnomah's senators voted
for the Celilo portage, one against it.
Portland and Eastern Oregon ought to
stand together on this proposition.
Thb World's Fair appropriation for
$60,000, to have Oregon represented,
bas passed the senate, but will probably
be vetoed if it ever reaobes the governor.
Oob people abould not forget that If a
telephone Una ia built into the interior,
it should not fail to pass through Hepp
ner. It we allow ourselves to be side
tracked we should be everlastingly
kicked. m
Ths legislature ot Alabama has recent
ly passed a bill prohibiting the sale ot
cigarettes, cigarette tobaooo and papers.
It is a misdemeanor punishable by fine
or imprisonment, or both, to , smoke ci
garette in a publio plaae in that state.
Tbi bouse of our legislature has
passed a combined repeal of the moi t
gage tax law and deduction for indebt
edness olauae. A poll of the senate
shows that it will also pass that body.
Our senator and representative are
taading "pat" on the proposition.
A Salim dispatch eays: There is a
well-defined feeling here tonight that
Harry Grady, of Pendleton, has the
inside traok on the United States mar
ahalsbip; that George Noland will be
diatriot attorney ; T. P. Blaok, collector
t oustoms; Henry Blaokman, colleotor
internal revenue, and Pat Powers, ap
praiser. Poetland got share ot the recent
blizzard, enow falling to the depth of six
inches. The storm is said to have com
menced 1,000 miles off the Washington
coast, and ita approach was wholly unex
pected. Several coasting accidents are
reported and the street car linee were in
terfered with to some extent, but by dil
igence the blaokade was raised.
Bona leading republicans of high stand
ing view askance Qeer'a bill to make the
railroad commissioners elective. The
result will be, they say, to ring rairoad
oompanies into the state conventions and
eventually to the polls with money to de
feat a candidate inimioal to them, says a
Salem dispatch to the Oregmian. Mot
half so apt to corrupt the viiole people
as a legislature. Qeer's bill is not in the
interest of the "short card" politicians,
that's the tronble.
Tub president hsa raised somewhat of
a furore in the ranks ot the republicans
by nominating as successor to Justice
Lamar, Judge Howell Edmunds Jackson,
ot Tennessee. Judge Jaokson is a dem
ocrat of the old school, lienoe the objec
tion. It ia said, however, that he stands
high as a judge, and that the president's
selection waa brought about by the threat
that the republicans in the senate would
ot confirm the nomination of a repub
lican, and as he desired to make the nom
ination during his term of ofBoe, conclud
d that ths seleotion of a demoorat would
be acceptable to the senate's democratic
members, and with the aid ot a few
republicans, he would be confirmed.
President Harrison is strongly condemn
ed by his party in every quarter. He is
ertainlv not wholly to blame for the
Thb correspondence of our Sand hol
low friend on the subject of assessments
taxation and the repeal of the mortgage
tax law, aa expressed in the bill now be
fore the Oregon legislature, is to the
point. And doubtless the new law, if
pained, will, tor a time, show up a tew
inconsistencies and evils. But tbey will
be small in proportion to those existing
under the old laws, and, in time, will
pass away. We have bo objections to
the enforcement ot the new law being
deferred one year, but probably at that
time very many people whom it would
affect unjustly would be no better pre
pared for the new system ot assessments
and tsxation than now, tor very many
have debts standing against them that
will not be due then. The repeal ot the
mortgage tax law would relieve immedi
ately those who pay directly the taxes of
the leader, but those who are doing so in
the form of Interest will, of course, have
to pay the same old rate till the debts
CTJND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there are 140 acres good farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good spring of water on it, all under
JX. fence. Situated two miles West ef Hardman, ,
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $300.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on
are wiped out. It would be strange in
deed if suoh a law could be put into eie
ouion and not, for a time, be a little em-
barraBaing to some, but these are business
propositions which can not well be got
ten around. Yet the Band hollow cor
respondent shows that he is a student of
those praotioal propositious whioh are
before us every day, in every department
of life, and his remarks are well worth
Henry Wade crossed our river with 68
head of oatlle on Tuesday. He took them
to Butter oreek for the winter.
Jim Shaw has not been seen in this vi
oinity for some time. His "mend at
Alpine wishes to know why be goes so
often to Echo.
S. N. Morgan and Clyde Baling, our
two enterprising neighbors, are feeding
160 bead of beet oattle on the Sloan
ranch. They intend to ship a oar-load
next week.
Towns Mathews and Mike Kenny have
moved their sheep to "the Forks" to feed.
Both report their flocks in good condi
tion. Towns lost five head the other
night in a pile-up.
Mrs. Parsell, who bas been sick for
some time, is improving rapidly. One
of our young men was beard to say that
he was sorry to note the improvement.
We know the reason, and will tell any
one who wishes to know, but don't, p-l-e-a-s-e
don't ask Bob about it.
Your correspondent from this diatriot
appears to have thrown np the sponge,
as we hear nothing more from him in the
only Gazette. There ia very little of in
terest occurring, but our river ought to
be represented occasionally in your pa
per, so we take up the pen to write you
a few items.
Hynd & Barratt claim to have the best
sheep shed in the oounty size 100x60 ft.
Rill Barratt was architeot and Harry
Powell master workman . Any one think
ing of building will do well to call on
these gentlemen, as their work is a good
reoommendation. At spotting rafters,
Harry takes the cake.
The past fonr davs have been the odd
est we have experienced in Oregon, and
the wiud blowiug at the rate or 40 miles
an hour, reminded one ot an Eaatern
blizzard. Hay is plentiful and stock do
ing well, so the storm has no terrors for
the stockman. The Eouo stage bas been
delayed, owing to bad roads, and has lost
a ronudtrip. Billie Andrews, the driver,
had his feet and fingers frozen between
Heppner aud Alpine last Tuesday morn
ing. We notice that the press of our slate
are a unit ia advuoating the repeal of the
mortgage tax law aud the indebtedness
clause. If tbe bill passes, as no doubt it
will, should it be eutoroed immediately r
In two months the aesessors will be at
work, and as all notes and mortgages
have been drawn np with the understand
ing that tbe lender is to pay all taxes
thereon, should the law take effect at
once the borrower will baye to pay the
lender's tax for the ensuing year. Given
another year, money can be bad cheaper
and eaoh party will know what he is ex
peoted to do, but to assess under the pro
posed law this spring, would, in our opin
ion, be an injustice to the borrower.
Sand Hollow, Feb. 4, 1893.
Lone Rock is badly in need of a
Lewis Davidson, of Eight Mile, is here
attending school.
Uncle Bilaa Browu is somewhat under
the weather at present.
Wm. Bcott, of Hugene, is here visiting
his sister, Mrs. Wm. Brown, and family.
Tbos. Barton has been lambing quite
successfully the past few weeks. He
saved about 60 per oent. of 160.
Kobt. Kobinson, Jr., and Odo Wiok
are attending the Koslyn bsnk robbery
trial at Ellensburg as witnesses.
Tbe largest snow of the season ia now
on, with tbe mercury lingering about
zero. All bae plenty ot feed and no
uueasiuesa is experienced.
Jno. M. Brawn and wife will leave
shortly for the East to visit relativea and
old friends. They will take in tbe
World's Fair before returning.
Numerous are those ot our people who
are wrestling with the la grippe or mis
erable, bad colds. As we have no M. D.
we are uu able to make a distinction.
There seems to be no doubt or ques
tion but what there will be erected in
our village the coming spring a good
school building and a ohuroh. Let the
the good work goon.
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lucas, Mrs. Sr.
Nioklin, Mrs. A. Henshaw. Mrs. Young
L. W. Darling and daughter, Goldie,
Miss Namie Clark, and others of Con
don, attended the revival meeting here
last week.
Our school under tbe management ot
Prof. Htratton, is more than a success,
aud the amount ot good being done is
soaroely to be comprehended. Our
trustees, A. Neal, Juo. M. Browu and
Geo. Perry are the right men in the
right place.
Nate Hoott, the veteran sheepman and
prevaricator, returned last week from a
visit to his aped mother and familiar
scenes in fittsburg, Fa. Nate says the
World's Fair buildings at Chicago are
immense, and great orowds visit them
daily who are glad to drop a two-bit
piece in lb slot for the privilege.
Tbe infant son of Cal. Robinson died
last Wednesday night, the exact hour
being unknown, the child being cold in
death when the mother, with whom the
child was sleeping, awoke at 8 o'olock in
the morning. It bad been ill for a few
days with a cold, bnt was considered
out of all danger on the evening of its
death. . J.
lOSt 1TKM8.
Mora snow and in addition, good pros
pects. Our school olosed Friday, the teacher
(One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County.;
being ill. He bad contracted a severe
Lynx hunting is all tbe rage now. A
party weut np tbe oreek, during tbe first
part of last week, and after the firing ot
a few shots, Mr. Joe Woolery finally
brought one down. It waa worth seeing
and simply a monster.
Several hunters were also notioed a
few miles above Douglas, near the
residence of Mr. Tbos. League, and
after closer observation were found to
be the sadly disappointed sportsmen,
Messrs. Ed Holloway, Harry Sayer and
Gus. Glock, from Douglas. The lone
boys are hard to beat.
Tbe officers of our Sunday aohool for
tbe present year are aa follows: A. W.
tialsiger, Supt.; Fred Balsiger, Asi't
and Sec. ; Mr. Perkins, Trees. Owing to
the want of teaohera tbe Sunday school
has not been able to divide classes as
desired. All are invited to attend.
At tbe Green College school district,
all is quiet. Tbe school olosed some
time ago, and will not start again nntil
more favorable weather. The teaober is
at present engaged at revealing tbe
mysteries ot a few text books. He in
contemplating making application tor a
stute diploma in either this or a neighbor
ing oounty at the coming teachers'
examination. He is at present a mem
berof our Baohelor Club and evidently
takes advantage of tbe situation, be
lieving it is well to be alone, at least at
bis present occupation. But our talk
must cease, for fear of disturbing him,
as he informs us, obtaining a diploma
may be a bard pull, consequently not
admitting of too long a chat. Jake.
January 30, 1893.
In Stockholm a married oouple were
fined 20 kr. for talking too loud outside
their house.
Tbe export of Swedish iron ore from
Jan. lnt, '92, till Nov. 30th, amounted to
314,038,000 kilograms. The import of
tobacco during the same period was 4,
046,000 kilograms.
The Methodists of Amerioa intend to
expend 70,800 kr. for their mission in
Sweden, and the Baptists will spend 25,
000 kr. in trying to get the poor Swedes
right. (If this money was used in Africa
or China for enlightening the people, it
would eur'ly do some good. Tbe Swedes
have sobool facilities.nnd in and under the
Lutheran churoh, religiousfuithanddoo
Iriues whioh are secondary to none in
tbe world.)
Nykoping will build waterworks, and
for that purpose has issued bonds for
250,000 kr.
A Lapp, 70 years of age. was sent to
jail because he refused to pay tax tor bis
For building the Northern R. R.line to
Butlen, King Osoar will ask the riksdag
for an appropriation of 3,700,000 kr. and
800,000 kr. for rolling stock.
The "Joltonitnr" in Golhenburg, pro
vided clothing tor 151 children last Christ
mas. Au 80 years old man in the poorhouse
at Skara is getting new teeth In both bis
jaws. (Pretty tough on tbe poorhouse.)
J. F. Nordlund, bailing from Gefle, and
now lodged in mil at Linkoping, has con
fessed to a ki a t number of thefts. In
Vernamo be k!l o love with a wheel
barrow, and toother tbey eloped; in Tag.
geryd lie ooaxed a big ram to help pull
tbe cart up hill and take turns riding
down bill. Leaving Smaland be turned
to Ostergotland and there ho stole a good
many horses before he was captured.
At a farm bouse in Veetra Ryd, Oster
gotland, several ohunks of meat disap
peared from tbe kitchen at different times,
always after it waa put in the pan for
cooking. One day tbe hired girl surprised
the thief at it. . He was a good-sized fox
and did not Btop to apologize but retreat
ed gracefully through tbe open window.
A young man from Stockholm came to
Oskarsbamn in 1854, fell in love with a
pretty girl and married her. Two years
later the husband deserted his wife and
a little sick child. Many years after
wards the woman applied for and got a
divorce. .Now a few months Bgo the man
oame to the neighborhood and inquired
tor bis wife and ohild, but was intormed
that the ohild dies soon after he left, and
that tbe woman, his former wife, had
been married to another man for these
last 31 years.
"Foram," the ship in which Dr Nan
sen intends to sail to tbe north pole, is
now moored at Alters shops, Christiana,
for completion.
. The Viking ship whioh Norway will
exhibit at tbe World's Fair, will be
brought to Chioago by Oapt. M. Ander
son. A Leader.
Sinoe its first introduction, Electric
Bitters has gained rapidly in popular fa
vor, until now it is clearly in tbe lead
among pure medicinal tonics and alter
atives containing notbiug which per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant.
it is recognized as tbe best and purest
medicine for all ailments ot stomaon,
liver or kidneys. It will ouresiok head
ache, indigeatioo, constipation, and drive
malaria from the system. Satisfaction
gnarsuteed with each bottle or the money
will be refunded. Sold by Slooum
Jobnson Drug Co.
' Look Oct.
At zero or below it is a dangerous con
dition of temperature to those enfeebled
oonstitntious. either from age or inftrmitv.
It is just such a condition of the weather
aa increases ten-fold tbe intensity or
spread ot rheumatic pains and aches.
But the remedy and cure is so simple
and sure it ie to be wondered at that
any permit themselves to suffer a day,
or an hour, when at any drng store St.
Jacobs Oil can be bad, which not only
cures rheumatism, bnt there is no re
turn of tbe trouble.
Tbey tnoreaae appetite, purify the whole
system ami aoiQmueuver.uue Means;
easy terms.
further information call at our office.
From our Long Creek Paper.
John Day flour is being freighted into
Harney county where it finds a ready
Northern Grant bas experienced a
thoroughbred Kansas blizzard during
the greater part of the week.
Supt. Booham was again taken ill
Monday ot last week, but is again on tbe
mend and hopes to be able to enter the
school room again Monday.
The Blaok Butte Tunnel Company are
still pushing operations on their property
in Fox. One ledge has been discovered,
but no assay of tbe rook has yet been
made. Tbe company antioipate tapping
a rioh ledge before work ie suspended
next May.
Gas Smith was down from Soeanville
Saturday, returning Sunday. William
Smith, bis brother, who went to Mani
toba with horses some time ago, left
about three weeks sinoe to visit his home
in England, it having been six years
sinoe be visited his home country. He
will return in the spring and finish dis
posing ot his band which he is having
wintered in Manitoba.
Two miners by the name of Patton and
Parker came over from Heppner last
week in searoh of work in the mines of
Grant county. Tbey returned to Hepp
ner, fearing that the trip conld not be
made to Greenhorn owing to tbe condi
tion of the weather. Mr. Patton is well
asqusinted with the camps of Western
and Southern Oregoo, and also of Cali
fornia, but after examining tbe ore from
Grant county's mines, thinks we have as
good a mineral oountry as any of them.
The revival meetings at this plaoe,
conducted by Rev. Geo. E. Rawlins,
commenced tbe 16th inst., and quiokly
assumed a revival spirit. Penitents
thronged the altar and God's power waa
One marked feature of the meeting is
that so many adult persona have been
seeking the Lord. Among the oonverts
are some prominent people, viz., John
M. Brown and wife, Robt. Johnson and
wife, Myron Clark and wife, Obns. Ste
vens and wife, George Perry and wife,
R. G. Robinson and wife, Fiank Stevens,
Ed. Wineland, rjad many others. Tbe
meetings were noted for their spiritual
power. A deep conviction settled down,
upon tbe community, and strong men
sought mercy at the foot of tbe cross.
Rev. Geo. E. Rawlins is a plain though
forcible speaker, always speaking to tbe
point, and is filled with magnetio fire
that leaves tbe gospel fire burning in the
heart and soul. We look upon bim as
one possessed ot more than ordinary
evangeliatio gifts and a workman whom
Uod Donors.
May God bless his servants.
Lone Rook, Or., Jan. 28, '93.
Guaranteed Care.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to Bell Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds, upon
this condition. II you are amioted with
a oough, oold or any lung, throat or
chest trouble, and will use this remedy
aa directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex
perience no benefit, you may return the
bottle and hay your money refunded.
We could not make this offer did we not
know that Dr. King's New Discovery
oonld be relied on. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at Slooum-jobnson
Drug Co. Large size 60c, and 51.00.
Do Ton Wait a Public Office.
There are 180,000 offices within the gift
of tbe new administration, and now is
the time for those seeking public employ
ment to take proper steps to secure one
of those lucrative positions. All who are
interested sbonld at once seud for a copy
of the United States Blue Book. It is a
register ot all federal offioes and employ
ments in eaoh state and territory, the
District of Columbia and abroad with
tbeir salaries, emoluments and duties ;
shows who is eligible for appointment,
questions asked at examinations, how to
make an application and how to push it
to suooees, and givee besides a vast
amount of important and valuable infor
mation relative to government positions
never before published. Handsomely
bound in oloth. Price, 76 cts, post paid.
Send all remittance by draft, money or
der or registered letter. Addieas J. H.
Soule, Publisher, Box 43, Washington,
D. C.
A Popular Conpetltioa.
We desire to oall the attention of
those who take an interest in Bible study,
to the popular competition of the Ladies'
Home Magazine, a first olass illustrated
magazine, published at Peterborough,
Ontario. Tbe competition is open to
the world, and is free to all who care to
compete. All that is neceesary is to
sand answers to the following qnestions:
1. Which is tbe longest book in the
New Testament? 2. Which is tbe
shortest? 3. Tbe longest verse? 4.
the shortest? Mail your answers to
I The Ladiea' Home Magazine, enclosing
i or six momns suosoripuon to tnis
popular and handsomely illustiated
magazine. If your answers are correct
you are sure of a reward. Tbe following
nthe prize list: 81.000 in gold, $500
in gold, $250 in gold, $100 in gold,
pianos, organs, gold watohea, 2,500
elegant silver t a sets, to. Tbe public
may rely on fair and square dealing as
Tbe Ladles' Home Magazine is an old
and reliable concern. Addrea, Ths
Ladies' Home Maoaeinb, Peterborough,
Ontario. 63 6
Agents to sell our choice and hardy
nursery stork. We have many special
varieties, both in fruit and ornamentals
to offer, which are controlled only by as
We pay commissions or salary. Writ
us at onoe for terms, and secure cboie
of territory. Mat Bbotuem,
562 671 Nurserymen, Roobeeier.N. X.
. Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay
for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it
The Btndebaker wagon beads them all.
For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a
Why go hungry when tbe City hotel
furnishes you a good meal at living
rates ' a
"Hardware" did yoo say? Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson & Co.'b stand, and the
plaoe for bargains. a
Oall on Rip to do yonr wood sawing;
same old prioe. Also delivers wood to
any part of Heppner. Bee ad. a
Kuhl, tbe baker. Buy your bread and
oakes and save money. Try it. a.
Tbe Palaoe is tbe leading hotel in the
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Smith, tbe fnrniture man, is prepared
to sell fine goods at low figures. Full
line ot undertaking goods on hands, a
M. Lichtentbal & Co. bave a fine lot of
winter wear, including ladies' winter
shoes, overshoes, rubber boots, etc Drop
in. a
Borg, the jeweler, is the man to fix np
your watch or clock. Lie keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to his
business a
Don't overlook T. W. Avers, Jr., tbe
loading druggist. Choicest perfumes,
purest drugs and the finest toilet articles
always on hand. a
Tbe Bucbler beer, 6 cents per glass, at
the Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers &
Hughes, piops., next door to M. Lioh
tentbal & Co.'s shoe store. a
The M. L. & T. Co., sinoe tbey have
roofed all tbeir platforms, have an im
mense storage capacity. This oompany
now deals in grain, lumber nud wood, a
Since Shaw & McOarty purchased the
meat market they bave always endeavor
ed to keep on band tbe freshest and
oboioest meat!, sausages and bolognas, a
Tbe general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned hy Coffin & McFar
land, has lately changed hands, now be
ing under tbe control and management
of Tbe MoFarland Mercantile Companv,
wbioh continues business at tbe old stand
with a larger stook than ever,' a
What will perseverance, pluck and en
terprise avail in this wild west, it you
cannot get big bargains? However, be
fore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros.'
emporium. a
Thompson A Binns own tbe buss which
goes to and from the City hotel, but will
oall for parties desiring to go to train in
any part ot the city. Leave orders at
City hotel. a
Gilliam & Bisbee, the hardware and
tinware merobants, carry everything ap
pertaining to their lines, even agricul
tural implements. Don't you need a
plow this full? a
Don't overlook Kirk & Rasmus for
bargains . They have purchased tbe bus
iness of J. W. Matlock & Co., but will
soon remove to tbe Mallory corner, oppo
site the Palaoe hotel. a
Dr. Grant's Oloalo, the great dyspepsia
oonquerer, will positively oure dyspepsia
and all its kindred ailments. Every bot
tle sold under a positive guarantee to
effect a oure or money refunded, See ad.
in this issue. a
The most popular and beat known
weekly newspaper printed in this country
is the Toledo Blade. For more than
twenty years it bas bad a circulation of
100,000 to 200.000, going regularly into
every state and territory of the union.
From fifteen to twentyflve tons of print
paper ia consumed in each week's edition,
and ia regularly mailed to more than
half tbe postoffices of the United States.
It ia a peculiar fact that the Blade is the
only weekly newspaper published that
has regular subscribers in all parts of the
United States. It is edited with special
reference to the wants of all people in
all sections. It ia also made to interest
every member of tbe family. Besides
all the news of the world, it has Serial
and Short Stories, Wit and Humor, Po
etry, Campure, farm, Sunday Sobool
Lessons, Young Folks, Poultry, Puzzles,
Household, Answers to Correspondents,
etc. As a special feature for 1893, Mr
Robison Locke, editor and proprietor of
the Blade, baa just sailed for Japan, and
will contribute a series of illustrated
letters on the manners and customs of
that peculiar oountry and its people.
These articles will be commenoed some
time in February or Marab, and will be
worth to tbe readers or tbe .blade many
times tbe subscription price. Every
reader ot this paper ie invited to send for
a specimen oopy. The publisher ot the
Blade would be glad to send a specimen
copy to every reader in Ibis country.
Subscription price ot tbe Blade, one
dollar a year. Five dollars in cash will
be paid to any person sending iu a small
olub ot subscribers. Write for agents'
terms, giving particulars. Address "Tbe
Blade, Toledo, Ohio."
Tbe Blade and Semi-Weekly Gazette
to new aubsoribers, and tn old subscrib
ers paying in advance, S3 25. sw
The Seat of Government
The well Intormed eitlien should (rein all the
Information poitible concerning the detail! of
hit state government. This can best be done by
reading a reliable newspaper published at the
state capital, and men ii looked upon as a ne
reaaitv hv the belt citizens. It Is inexpensive.
especially when you consider that 11.50 will pay
lor a large eitrnt paae wrri pnprr. w iiivm wu
tAlnt the full teleeraDhic dtsoatches ot the world,
all the news about state and county atValrs, and
liberal editorial discussions ot all vital Issues.
Such a paper is the "Weekly Capital Journal" of
Miem. t'lner vaiuauie iwiutr, bits vr. m-
mftffe's sermon everv week, a complete story.
and good literary and home reading, always
fresh ana up to me times, i ne journal a euitu
rlals upon current reforms aud all publlo mat
ters are from the standpoint of the people, and
possess a freedom enjoyed hy few papers. It is
republican in politics, but la always lint to ex
pose wrongs perpetrated by public officials of
any party, vu trial lour muiiuia lor i-cuia.
HOFER BROS., Editors,
fialem, Oregoa.
Guaranteed to cure Bilious Attacks and
Gooetipauoo, Small Uile oesuia.
Cure for Colds, Fevers and General De
tiiity. Small Bile Bains, ttc per buttle.
put up in neat watch-shaped bottles. sural
Seated, imoii UU) Meatus, 10. xar uuiUo.
v w ii ii ii
RnMitft.". H
Are you all rundown? Scot? s Emul
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Boott's Emulsion cure Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases.
Prevents wasting in children. Al
most as palatable as milk. Getonly
tbe genuine. Prepared by Bcott et
Bowne, Chemists, New Xork. Bold by
aD Druggists.
W. J. LBEZBRi Prop,
rpHIS HOSTELBY has been Befitted and Kefunibhed throughout, and now
is one of the most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to step
with him, feeling that he is able to entertain you in the best of style.
First Class House. '
Thta. PiTiAfit: ii-i T .nrtri
Oyster Season
OfBoe in National
.t WORKING THE innocents.
1 Train. H07 Who Waa a MlKhty Ooed
Judge of Human Nature.
The experienced train boy, says the
Chicago Horald, was apparently giving
instructions to a youth whom he was
breaking in as an assistant.
In the seat directly in front of the
two sat Mr. and Mrs. Harrison Ker
punk, of Georgeson's Cross Roads. It
was their first trip away from home.
"You can goner'ly toll by their looks,"
said the peanut boy, oracularly,"wheth
er it's goin' to pay to try to come any
little game over 'em or not. See that
chap half way between here an' the
other end of the car? Well, you could
sell that man a dime novel for a dollar
and a half and ropo him in on the dollar-ln-the-box
trick just as easy as look at
him. You'd be wastin' your time.
though, to try and play any tricks on
suoh people as these two in front of us.
They're old travelers. No use to show
them any thing but what's bang up gen
uine an' cheap. If you've got any thing
that's fresh an' wuth the monoy, them
folks is the kind of customers to take
'em to tho first thing. Snide goods
won't go down with such customers as
them, I tell you. Well, I must work the
train now. Remember what I've told
"That boy is a mighty good judge of
human nature, Jose, isn't he?" said
Harrison to his wifo, after the exper
ienced peanut boy had gone into the for
ward car to get his basket. "He thought
he wasn't talking loud enough for us to
hear but I've got pretty sharp cars. 1
heard every blamod word he said. Well,
it's a fact, Jose," ho added, "it wouldn't
be much use to try any of his little
tricks on mo. I've got my eye toeth all
jut. Here ho comes. If he'a got any
thing worth buying he'll come straight
to us. You see if ho doosn't."
And before the peanut boy was done
with Mr. Harrison Kcrpunk he had sold
him half a dozen prizo packages, five
boxes of list year's maple caramels, a
lozen sour oranges, three tn-cnty-five-;ent
books for half a dollar each, un
loaded his entire stock of moldy Dgs on
him, and cleaned him out of a two dol
lar bill on an innocent little trick with
a pill-box and a gold coin.
"Jose," said Harrison, after ho had sat
looking out of tho window for about flvo
miles, "durned if don't begin to think
he said all that to the othor boy on pur
pose for me to hear it!"
To Ooxtaumptl'rea,
The undersigned having been restored to
health by simple means, after suffering for sev
eral years with a severe lung affection, and that
dread disease Consumption, Is anxioua to make
known to his fellow sunerers the means of cure.
To those who desire it, he will cheerfully send
(free of charge) a copy of the prescription used,
which they will flndasure cure for Consump
tion, Asthma, Catarrh. Bronchitis and all throat
and lung maladies. He hopes alt sufTerers will
try his remedy, aa it is invaluable. Those deslr
lug the prescription, which will cost them noth
ing. and may prove a blessing, will please ad
dress. Kiv. Edward a. wilsok.
l-i a w
Brooklyn, New York.
after eating-. S6c. per bottle.
hlfju Tubules : see advertisement.
' Reasonable Rates.
and -:- (jip
Also is about ripe. We -will let you
know about that in the near future.
V. L. Matlock & Co.
Commissioner of the U. S. Circuit Court. All land
f matters attended to promptly and aconrately.
Bank building.
By Prof. John Clark Ridpath, LL. D., America's
greatest living historian ; and General 8el
den Connor, ex-Governor of Maine, and
Mr. Blaine's life-long boiiom friend.
On which the authors have been engaged lor
over a year.
bold Only By Subscription.
We sincerely warn book canvassers and the
public against allowing themielres to be led
astray and cheated by any of the "catch penny"
so-called "biographies" of the great talesman,
which will be thrown on the market In a verr
short time, and which consist of nothing but a
u y.u au uutciiauie newspaper
clippings. Don't be carried away by any flarlnr
and attractive circulars that you may receive
relating to any such books, because what you
want is '
On the life ot the Illustrious Statesman
21AII ji 1 O Bteady workers can make
sure of earning 100 a week for the next three
months. Send at once for special circulars and
further particulars (or send 11 for outfit) to the
PUB. Co.
Seattle, Washington
M . EaXystio,. Iowa.
Notice of Intention.
r 1 I'Tt nrnv ik hiiu t . v . ... . .
-La Tub. a, lew. Notice is hereby given that
... ..mn ov.iict iu, uieu nonce w
his Intention to make tiiial proof in support of
.... "-"' ' m Liivu, h 111 oe niaae oe
loreJ. . Morrow, County Clerk at Heppner.
Oregoa, on Saturday. March '25, lMj, via.;
Pre-emption Declaratory Statement No. 7268. tor
the NH NE)4, SVt t Nil,, and NE NWJa of
bee. 24, Tp. 3, d R 25 E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
said land, via. :
James Jones. O. B. Hatt, O. D. Fell and Nute
Jones, all of Heppner, Oregon.
fc"-" Joan w. Liwts, Register.
Feb. t, 1693.
Aubery T C Breckghl J A
Monroe Riley McCumber Mrs Emma
Murray John Thomas Lucy
Walker Geo
PI... ... , A 1 .
lattaara. a. MiXLoav. P. M.
Bipins Tabules ate always read.