Wl 1 . V Tt P I I7J On Sale OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Clxicaffo, St. Tvonlsi, ANI Al-li F0IST8 est, m p scon. leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. Arrives 620 p. m. Pullmon sieeoerii Colonist Siaeperi, Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Sttamen Portland to San Frsnoisoo exerfour dsyi. Tickets TO .aViTO Europe. Tor raUa and imeral Information call on; Dapot Ticket AfODt, J. C. HAET Heppner, Oregom. W. H. HCBLBUKT, Aast U.ul. Paaa. Aft 9M Waahlnfton St., POETLAKD. OMOOX. From Terminal or Interior Point! the EAI LBOADI la tbe line to take 7 111 It ia trie PinlrmCar HrDte. It rona Thronsb veatibuled Tramt every day id tlie )ear lo St. Paul and Chicago (No CbiinRO of Cora) Composed of DINIXO CMS aiisurjiassed, 1'L'LLMAN DRAWING BOOM SLEEl'i Of l.illl'Sl Kqu TouristSleping Cars Beat fhnt can be onnptrurtod nnd in whirh ac commodations ani both Iree and furnished (or ho Id ore of lint or eecund-claaa tickets, and Elegant Day Coachs. A Goutinnous Line connecting with all Lines, affording Direct and Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservations can be any auent of Ike road. through!" tickets Tn and from nl rinlnta in AmerM'n. Knirlairl and Kurop 1 4111 bo purcliUBod ul uuy Tiekul utlioe tit Una Cmimny Fall information concerning .rutes, time of trains, routes and other details luruisued on application to uuy agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Arwiatant Genera PaflHtmaer Agent. No. 121 f irst St., Cor. Washington, tf. PORTLAND OREGON WISCONSIN CENTRAL LINES (Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Letsee ) LATEST TIME CARD Two Through Traint Daily. 6.2ApnvLv.UtnneapollsArl SO'iam l.lpm lllpm 10.16am 7.1.r,pm 4. lma) I.V...M. l'aul...Ar d.4Upill u,&upiu H.aipin Lv...luluth . .Ar l. ., Ashland.. Arl 11.40" 7.25im 70K1I1 5.4Vam V.ldein II. 6uaui Ar...tlilca(O...Lv Tlckete sold and bam-aft checked through to all point! In the United status and Canada. Close connection made iu Chicago with all traini floing Kail anil Uonth. Kor full Information apply to your neareal ttektt agent or J AH. C. POND, lieu. l'au. and Tkt. Agt. Chicago, 111. QUICK -I-XlVltZ I San Francisco And all point In California, via Urn alt, tthaaUi rvttto of Ui. Southern Pacific Co. The great highway throagh California to all pointa Kaat and Mouth, (irand Hoenio Hout of the l'uclfio Const. Pullman Ilnffct rJleapere. Second-claae Bleepera Attached to express trains, affording anperior accommodations for second-elaae pwaengerl. For rntfa, tickets, sleeping oar reservations, etc., call upon or address R. KllF.lll.KU, Manager, E. P. ROGKR9, Ant. Gen. K. A 1. Agt., Portland, Oregon. THE DICTIONARY HOLDER nlul fnliulom roul f Uia 4ii mot ti t,iMti' whit li lUiU it ,m U C5 cold In PG3 fi,233 cold In 89 G,IaS3 GoJd la 'S3 aV.JA 8tel Wlndmi:. ur.d titee , Towor overv J minutes. V." id'1.'? 8ttol Aerniotar. Whor s: , On9 Hoe others follow I 1 and we " Tuk the Country, ' Will, ll:t f-'V l.,iiiint .mlumn . tml,lit ui.i. i... -J l.nfil Vi ffl fr'i 'frt ' D.tttou.y tu.uifi l.M.itut lhia II Iiii U ba.-h l I'm H.-I.lfr. J II--. i. no. .rc..,lrH.i)f.. .r,.t.,C. (1 i .;. J i.thil tUMtt inrftKt. kltlt-lt). Kllti ii.ll Utltlfil d ,j,lnni 111 ittktti i itittrit of Uim llltl-lll' (ill J tU iW .ll(4 t.,rti..ll.r. li.Jda fcaVt lUttrilr twl4 atalUt4M, IM liiueHffalg'iaui. I4M liaAl mall tn-St tB Mh 19 b matlt tl wull t"u. mttiliiH.a.l. n.rl....,-.lo.l...,l...r7 aittiabl putttun ol ll (latlxo yMa Ul- inoia WUudi u( Northern Pacific p i ' p ri TATTC3 MAfiKS. Nothlns Yet r -., ,! Which Wll. iJr.i.H'itn '.'Iicul. It lias oftoa liaca c!..i::icd that tattoc marks i:::.y ba r. :r.:iv.'il by prickias overthcra a'oaf r.i:i!:. Thiu i: a mis taken i-'.ea, nays V:a Iloaton Ilalk-tia. Cheiaias and iV.ic.-.i havo for year:; cx pcrimcnt'od with vcriot-.o preparations in the hope of ili:;eovcri:irr 'Mil'-' a.Tent to wholly remove iudia ink-inarkri from the human ul:iii. Xotliiaff, liowevcr lmc oc vof IwmTi ff,nnd 1h.it will remnvi a portion even of the ol.jc'aonablc I marks, unler, ;, posd'jly, tlie attempt l.c i made immediately followia;; the tattoo-1 Inor nroeoss. At Mount Va:,!in;rton I university hospital, Baltimore, a:i ex periment wati tao yc:tra arro m-ido in pre.v.'nee of the ivrit.-r upon 11:0 f irearm of a not-.Kl tharaeter i f t'.iat city v.-hc died there. IJeforo his death the man granted per;ni:.:.i;a t- the atudents of the univer: ity to experiment as thej mm- lit with Ids dead body. One ol these students, curious to learn every thing possible connected with the prac' tiee of tattooing, cut from the deat man's arm a fatrip of skin upon which a coat, of arms appeared. Heneath the skin the design remained visible, lij decrees the ilesli was removed, the de Bi;oi in imlia ink still rernaininrr ir Biffht until (in illy the bone was reached After a thorough sponrrin"; for the pur pose of removing the blood and piecet of flesh remainin;,', it wah found that the representation still appeared. Af ter cutting away a small section of the bone, the india ink mark was found U have not penetrated beyond. ' A fiat Saorifleea a Leg. A rat got caught by the log in a store and squealed loudly for mercy, say a a Maine exchange. Tho proprietor of the .tore watched the rat, which continued so squeal. Finally another rat crept .autiously out and walked up to bis un 'ortunato companion and evidently took ,ho situation in, for they seemed to talk with each other and arrived at tho conclusion that the captured rat's chances were desperate, for tho second one bejran to gnaw tho unfortunate rat's leg off, allowing it to escape, which it did, limping away on three legs, the other leg remaining in tho trap. It al most seemed as if they had deliberated jver the caso and had reached tbe only possible means of escape. Denervlinc lvalue. We desire to say to onr oilizenn, that for yearB we have been selling Vr. King's new discovery for consumption, Dr. King's new life pills, Bucklen'i arnica sulve and electric bitters, and have nev nr handled remedies that Bell as well, or that bnve given snob universal BHtisfuc linn. We ilo not hesitate to guarantee 'hem every time, and we ainnu rendy to refund the purehnse prioe, it satisl'olor resuIlM do not follow their use. Thesi remedies huvrt wou their great populari ty purely on Uieir merits. Slocum Johtisou Drug Co. l'ut People. The only safe nnd reliable treatment for oliesilv, or supei Annus fat, is the "LeverHlte" Obsit) Pills, whioti radu dly reduce the weiuhtnud metisureineut. No injury or liicniiveuiancB leaves no wrinkles acta by nbnors'ion. M liisonre is founded upon the most rcLuiIiUo prm oiples, and ba4 been used by one of the most eminent phynioiiins of Europe in his private prnotice "for five years" with the moBt grntitving results. Mr. Henrj Perkins, 29 Union Park, Huston. rit: "From the use of the 'Leverette obesity pills my weight has been reduoed ten pounds in three weeks and my ijuupriil iienllh is very ninoh improved. The principles ol your treatment are I'ully iu dorsed ly my fmiiily physioinn. Iu prool of my gratitude I berewiih give yon per misuiou to use my uiime if yon deture to do s i." Pi hie .f'2.00 per paekit!S, or three prick lues for Si) Ol) by mail. All onlerii inpplied direct from our ofliue. The Levis iircTTU apncirro Co., 175 Tremonl Street lhistou, Mass. SILK DRESS FREE! We will (tive Away hIjk lately Free ol coit, 101 ele gunt blilek or colored sit, HrcM puttern of It, yunlH ti uny youlij? la-ly in cvcr town in America, who i, willing to iniro.luec ''Till: IWUSEHOU) I-lhOT," h large 8 page, 40 column il lustrated houiehold and farm journal, one of the beat ptiblUhed. now In ill 14th year. VA'e make thla great oiler tn order to Introduce our paper at once into many thou sand new homes. Be lure to lend 25 cents for the paper one year on trial and sample ol silk to select from. PILOT PUB. CO. 648 S59 Center St., New Haven, Ct. S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! ITKPPNKK. OHEGON. Cattle branded and ear marked as ahown above, Hornee V on rittht ehontder. My cattle ranne in Morrow and Cmat.Ua eooa- tien. I will ray $10!00 for (he arrwit and cor viction of any poison a teal i if my atook. trCf&r 1 Highest Germinating Power. PUREST STOTS.' send Fen CAIAlOSliE. hess,Geo. StarreltTASHAL1A Scientifio American Agency M CAVEATSt ADC MARKS. DESIGN PATENTS. COPYRIGHTS. ctoJ For Information and free Itnmlhook writoto MtINN A CO., ISoi UlUiAtiWAY, NEW YOUW. OKti'ut tmrpftii for eoouvtivK: luttontt in America. Wvery vat .ml taken out bj it l.rouuht before Umj puWtti by a uouoe tf.vtw (roe oX ohargo tu (lie ,f ricufific Jlntcrinw tanrast ctrcnlatlon Of any srlentlfta paper In the worto. VrliHiilidly lllu.uauai. ho liitollut man snouiu Dm wiinuuv n. week! Weekir ftj.uo a Tflart slbusiz inouina, Adoraft fciiinyiat. atil AWgaUwM.Ti GRASS and fiARDcfi SEEOS A SAVAGE mEMJOiC Description of a Banquet Hold li Ear!ar7. Cables Covrcd with Dlshea and Onu luouU or Solid Gold-A Sl-nt to Uollglit tho Heart of a i'awnliroker, The following letter has been for warded to us, says the Pall Mall Ga tette, by a frcntleman who has com oiereial relations with the gold coast: Cape Coast Castle, June 8, 1891. Dear : I have just got down to tht 2oast after an unusually, long trip in land. Tbe region I have traveled ovci I will cull Itarbary for short, because it due south though a long way soutb of the strip of coast that used to frighten our forefathers. All this is low French polished, and there is nothing to be seen there except the ro dection of ourselves. Inland there is still some interest. The tribes arc in dependent and keep their own customs. They are prosperous, too, many of them, and have acquired ideas of luxurious living that one would not ex pect to find in the heart of Africa. Just before making ray way down to the gold coast I was present at a most interesting function that would have given your pressmen "copy" for a week. It was a gigantic banquet given by the ancient chief of the tribe among whom I was staying to a young warrior, the ruler of a neighboring tribe. All the swells i.: tribe were there, of course tha chief's sons and daughters and other kinsmen, and the principal counselors and fighting men. Some of them had their too, wives, and they were very much got up. Not being a professional reporter I cannot describe the costumes, except to say that there was a barbaric profusion of gold. But the gold worn by the guests was a mere speck of dust compared to the gold displayed by the old chief. There must have been enough gold in that African hall to buy up the Hank of England. Where it all came from I have no notion, but our pioneers in Bouth Africa, now that they have been ousted from the Transvaal, had better make a trip to my Ilarbary. To begin with, all the vessels out of which the guests ate and drank were of solid gold. The table, too, was thickly covered with the quaint ornament s that savages delight in. Some of them were cleverly wrought, so far as the art of the people goes, but for the most part their only merit, if it be one, was their solidity. It was the style of thing that would have delighted a flash pawn broker from Whitechapel. The most gorgeous objoct of all was a golden bird. The body of the bird was solid gold, and its feathers were built up with precious stones. I am not good at guessing values, and will not try; but I could guess nearly enough to know that if I conld have carried off that uru, or even a bit of ono of its wings, my fortune would have been made for life. Apparently the old chief had a notion that such calculations might pass through tho minds of bis guests, for he took care that tho bird was not brought out till he yvas there to watch it, and had it shut up again in a strong chest directly his back was turned. The golden bird, I was told, had been originally taken in war from a distant tribe, and another trophy taken from a tribe in the same region was produced to show tho guests what a mighty sov ereign they were dining with. This was a lion's head, also of solid gold, witli diamonds for the teeth and eyes. But it is no good continuing this list. I think you would have felt, as I did, more disgust than pleasure. And as I came away after a really good dinner, but with my pockets empty on my word of honor I hadn't lilted even a salt spoon my principal feeling was one of gratification that in Europe we had got beyond this savage ostentation. RUINED BY A CIPHER. AY Man's Life Wrecked by a Moment oil Forgctfulness. "Thero goes a man whose Hfo wa ruined by forgetting the simple charac ter 0,"aid a prominent railroad man to a San Francisco Examiner reporter, pointing to a ragged, besotted man shambling along the street, unmindful of tho rain. He was a train dispatcher on the Ohio 4 Mississippi railroad once, having worked up to that position from messen ger boy in the telegraph office. One Sunday he had only two trains on hit division, an express train Westward bound and a fast stock train running East The day was warm and aultry, and Bill, for that was his name, had hard work to keep awake. He knew that at goon as he mado the meeting point for the two trains ho could doie and he impatiently awaited tho timej Whon tho trains were close enough to gether for him to figure a meeting point he tent an order to the passenger train to meet and pass tho stock train at a little station called Willow Valley, fixing the time at 14.50. To the itock train he sent an order that it could have until 1:S5 to make Willow Valley for the passenger. Seo the mistake. He forgot the 0, and hence gave the itock train thirty-five minutes more than he should. Hill saw his mistake ton minutes after ho had made it, but there being no telegraph station botween the points whore thu trains wero given tho orders or at tho meeting point ho could do nothing to rectify it. Ho sent for the superintendent and ordered out the wrecking crew, then eat at tho key pale as death, tho cold perspiration running down his face in streams, awaiting neyvt of tho collison. It camo. The passenger train reached Willow Valley on time, waited tho re quired thirty minutes under tho time card rules for the freight train and then pulled out. Three minutes later tho two trains met on a curve, both run ning at a high rate of speed. Fourteen lives wero lost in tho collision, beside 8100,000 worth of property destroyed. Hill resigned at once, and tho next day disappeared. For a long time it waa thought he had committed suicide, but I Piet him on the street here one day just as you seo nun a total wreck." A Milium Friends. A friend iu need is a friend indeed, and not leas titan one million people nave Muna jimt eueu a irieuil iu JJr. King's New lbseoverv for consumption, eoliths and colds. If yon have never used this great conuh medicine, one trial will oenviuee you tlint il bus uoudeifnl curative powers in -II diaeaaea of throat. ohe'-t nnd Itint'B. Each bottle is gnaran teed to do all that m i-lamied or money will bs refn ideil. Trial bottles free at Slocum-Johnson Drug Co. Large bot tles 60c and $1 00. Prevent and core Constipation and Sick Haailtiilie. Small Uilu Umuib. fined I7imclf. Perhaps the most disgusted man in Somerset county, says the Lewiston Journal, is a justice of the peace who is the owner of a fine garden, the pride of his heart. The other day he was informed that an unruly cow had wrought desolation in his Eden, and at once ordered t!i2 animal usat t3 the pound. Then ho went up to view the wreck ' and after noting tho vacant places where the beets and corn had been, the trainpled-d:v.vn squashes and cabbages and demoralized pea vines and sunflowers, and ascertaining, as he sup posed, the owner of the coiv.be made out a writ a'rainst the individual, con taining fourteen diirei-ent and distinct counts, iiela.lin ti-j.ns:, fi-eibl: entry, raalieious mi.ehi.'f, nui saaec, riotous and disorderly e-md.u-t. and as sault and battery with intent to kill. It was then that he learned that the trespasser was his own env, anil his ire cooled as ho meehly paid a li 'Id driver for getting her out of i V; ivmnd. Collection of Jowlsh Art. Baronua Nathaniel do KothschM lately purchased a remarkable collec tion of objects of Jewish art, gathered j together by Strauss, and these she hoe presented to the Museum of the Cluny, where they arc now exhibited in a room specially arranged for their reception , A tablet has been put up recording tht ' gift. Some of the objects date from tht ' twelfth century, but the majority art of the. sixteenth and seventeenth centu ries; they include, for the most part, ar ticles used in tho synagogue lecterns Candlesticks, incense boxes and an ark ornamented with fifty-four panels ii earved walnut wood of great beauty. Bucklra's Arnica Salve. Tbe best enlve in the world for call bruises, toree, aloern, salt rbeum, fever ores, tetter, chapped bands, obilblaint coma and all tkin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. Il ia guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction nr money refunded. Prioe 25 cents per box. For tale by Slooum-Jobnsou Drug Company. One Small Ttllo Bean every niffht fort vevJt aruuae Torpid Livora. ISu. por buttle. DRUNKENNESS, or the LIQUOR HABIT Cared at Home In Ten Days by Adminis tering: Dr. Haines' Uoldcn Specific. It can be given in a glass of beer, a onp of ooffee or tea, or in food, without tbe knowledge of the patient. It is absolute ly harmless, and will effect a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient ip a moderate driukeroraoalcoholio wreck. It bus been given iu thousands of canes and in every instance a perfect cure b e followed. It never fails, 'ibe system onoe impregnated with the upeeiflc, it becomes an niter impossibility for the liqnor appetite to rust. Cures guaran teed. 48 page bonk of particulars free. dnress the Golden hpscinc Co., ISo Uace Street, Uinciuunti, Ohio. Where? At AbrHhnmpickV Iu addition to hit liloring business, he hnx added a fim ne of underwear of nil kinds, regliget uirts, hosiery, etc. Also has ou hand me elegHiit pattern ior snitB. A. ' hraluimaick. May street. Heppner. Or. SUoKMAKKU. Ed UiiliecK. a tdioeniali r and repairer ok many yeiirs' expert nee, bus Just located iu Ilia Abraham -lol' l;iiiduig, ou May street, nlieie hr ts prepared to do evei v Ihiug In Ids line. i liirbeck is stnctly a first-class work . lunn nud warrants all work. Qive him a call 14 tf Collin & McFarlaniJ Iihvo just received a car loud of Milcsell Wagons, tlncks, ec , n n have alo a large supply of farm ng implements of all kinds. a LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Summons. TN THE CIRCUIT CoUItT OF TT1E STATE X of Oregon, lor the comity of &I arrow. It. L. Hug Ill's, 1'luiiiiiit, vs. SUMMONS. Geo. W. Thomiis, Defendant TO (iEo. W. illoMAri, the above named de fetnlant: In the name of the 8'ate of Oregon, Yon are hereby required lo appear and aimwer the com plulnt tiled tiguititit jou in the above entitled uit upon the tirst duy o( ibe next term of thli court, to-wit.: I pott Monday, the Kith duy of March, lhlia. And if you fail no to answer, for want, thereof, the plaintiff will take I judgment ngHinii you ior ine principal uum ot ff-uu.uu ana interest thereon at the rute uf six (6) percent, per annum from the lit day of January 189, and lor the further sum of lt.OO and inteiest there on from the lot day of July, IWHj, at the rate of per cent per annum, ana tor the further sum of t-M.uu y 1th Interest at the rate of 8 per cent, per annum from the 1st day of January, IW, and for the further sum of 124.00 and interest thereon at the rate ofSoercent. tier annum from the 1st day of July, 1H9i, and the further sum of $00.00 as attorney's fee iu this suit, and for the costs ana disbursements of this suit. And plaint lit' further asks for a decree foreclosing the mort gage upon lots 5 and 4, and the bKta of the KVU ot i?ec. UO, in Tp. 2, S K 24, E. W. M containing oir ana tu-iuu acres, more or less, being situate in Morrow county, state of Oregen, and that the land detcribed be sold as upon execution to sat isfy whatever judgment the plain tilt' may ob tain, and that the proceeds of said sale be ap plied, tlrst in the payment of said judgment, costs and attorney's fee, and costs of sale; and second, that the remainder, If any, be turned over to the defendant, and that defendant be forever barred and foreclosed from setting up or maintaining any claim or demand to said land or any part thereof, except as redemptiouer under the statute, and tor such other and fur ther relief as may to the court seem meet aud equitable. This summons li published pursuant to an order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and entered ou the loth day of January, 1893, KITMAiN BKOS. it HOKNOR, 662-574-w Attorneys for Plaintiff. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. NOTICE IS nSJll-'BY GIVES TIIAT THE l'artncrship . xlstli g between J. A. Wool ery, 8 W. Adams, Ed. 8 Cox and ti. II. Cox, un der the tlrm name of J. A. Woolery & Co., was dissolved May is, iwtt, by mutual consent, J. A. w oolery retaining the bmdiietta at lone, ( ir.. col lecting nil accounts due and ptiying alt liabili ties ot said branch of fit in t business, up to date above-mentiuiicd.tlie remaining partners retain ing the Hardniau busliuu, colliding all ac counts contracted by tvaid branch ol the butl iteas up to said date, J. A. Wuoi.khv, H. W. ADAMS, Eb 8. Cox, 52-" t. H. Cox. Notice of Final Settlement. T0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN TO ALL FKR 1 sons intcreuted that I have filed my final report in the mutter of the estate of John Hnrrat. deceased, and that the court basset iheiiihdHV of March. lisv;i, at the hour of in o'cUn k a. m. of aid day for the hearing of the in id rejrt nnd objections thereto, if nv there be. at which time nil persons interemed are hereby notified to be at the ottu e of the county Judge, at the court hoime in Heppner. Oregon, lMcd this aut day of Jan. 18'.3. .Vo-.7i-w Mahuahkt B a mutt. Administratrix estate of John Karratt deceased. Notice of Teachers' Examination. VOTlt-E IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOK t the puriwse of nuiklni! an examination of iui pemtns , no may oiler themselves ns candl ilrttt-s lor t'mmtv or STnta eerlirlr.ti'S. Srnto 111. ploinas, or state UlePlPlnnma. the Superintend vat l this County III hold a nubile examina tion. In lleppii,T, at the eourt house, beginning- ....n-.-n.,,,,. rv". ,ui, at i o ,-liM'K p. ui. butiHl this .'1th duj- oi Jan. A. 1) l.vti. W. L. Sii.io, 5u-5) Superintendent ol Schools, Notice of Final Account. VOTICE IS HEREBY (ilVKN Tn AT THOMAS J. Allyn. exeeiitor of the estate of Ann Kltraheth A II Ml. ,1, ,'::-,! has IiI.hI hla flnal aeeount therein as snrh executor, ami the Hon. l ounty court ol Morrow state of Hreeon has set Monday Ihe hth day of Mareh. ly. at the h.'urof 11 ,,'eUa'li A. M. for the hearlnj thereof. All neraoiia havim, ohip,tln,i. tn .i,,., will present them to said Court at that time. THUilAS J. AI.LYN Executor. For Boils, Pimples carbuncles, scrofulous sores, ec2ema, and all other blood diseases, tako Ayer'sSarsaparilla It will relieve and cure dyspepsia, nervous debility, and that tired feeling. Has Cured Others will euro you. i IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT AiilrP a lcttir or n-stil curd to TIIK I'KIKS Ll.AI.nH con PA NY, I0HN WEDDERBURiM, - - Manaoiag Attorney, l". O. Box 403. WASHINGTON, D. C. VVSIOSS PBOCUKED re- SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. All", f-r SoMlpri nnd Sailors rtlMttlefl In the line of fluty tn the regjular Arm? or Na-v ulncethf? war. Survivors of the Indian warn of 1832 ti 1H42. and hfr w!r)ows,now entitled. Oldanrl relertcd claims inert t)ty. Thosiandl entitled to higher rotes. eni for new taws- cHargo for advice. No fee SUMMONS. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE BTATE X of Oregon, for the county of Morrow. O. W. Harrington, ad-l mluistrator of the es tate of James stew art. Deceased, flalulitt' SUMMONS. vs. G. W. Stew art. I Iiftfendant. J TO 0. W. STEWAKT. Defendant: In the name of the Hate of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the above-entliied action, on or before the 27th day of March, niJ'i, that being tbe first day of the next regular term of iaid court. And if you to fail to answer, for want thereof the plaintiff will take judgment against you for the sum of Five Hundred and Kighty-Nlne and 79-100 f.rD 79-KHI) Do 11 ant, with Interest from December 21, lKul, at Tei. per cent, per annum, and Mxty Dollars attorney's fees. And the sum of Six Hundred and Fifty Dollars and Interest from April 10, lHOl.at 1'en per cent, per annum and Sixty-Five Dollars attorney's tees and costs and disbursements of this action. This summons ia served by publication, by order of Hon. VV. L. Bradshaw, judge of said court, made in chambers on Deeeinber.il, lo'J2. FUANK KELLnliU, 559-71 w Attorney for liulutiir. Sheriff's Sale. VOTICE IS PEHEHY GIVEM THAT UNDER I and by virtue ol an e.vectition inaued out o' the Circuit court of the State of Oregon for the County of Morrow, nud to nit directs I and delivered, upon a judgment rendered ami enter ed iu siii'l Court on the 5th day of September H2, in favor of ('hiirha K. Kirk, plain titl", and ariliihtc. O. IIhIiu'b. defendaiit, for the auni ol inree hundred dollars, w iih intercut thereon at I he rate of In per cei t. per niinmn from thu 27th day of May isil; lm a hundred dollars, w ith inlen st thereon nt the rate of a per cent, per annum I mm the 27th t'ny of Mav and the further sum oi f o nltoriie 'k fece, and twenty nine ard ii-UKt dollaiR contH. ninl, w hcreiih, by Buttt judgment it u as oidt rid and adjudged that the following dcr'crihcd real properiy, lo-wlt.: 1 he t-outh W eft qnarier of .-ection three in I owtiHliip four ( i). nth of linngo twenty-live (2r), Kaat of W. M., all in Morrow county, Oie jnii, be hoM to catisty nald judgment, coum and iiecruing coal a. I . ill, on the ith d.iy 4tf March, l.i:i, at I o'clock p. m. of said day. at the front door of tJie court house in Heppner. Morrow county. Oregon, nell the right, title and interest of the anht u. o. Haines in and to the above de seiibed pro eny at public auction to Hie high est and bebt bitiiler lor ctudi in hand, the pro ceeds to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution, and ull costs, und cohts that may uc crue. ' Oko. Nom.b, Sherill'of Morrow County, or. Dated .Ian. 23, 5m-5;.-w Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT, FOR THE COUN ty of Morrow, state of Oregon, W. H. KlllB, l'laintiii; vs. ! SUMMONS. T. C.Aubrey. Defendant.!) TO T. C. AUHKKY, defendant. In the name of the State of Oregon, You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed agtiiiiBt you in the above entitled action on or before the -'7th dav of March. lMtii. the said day being the tirst day of the next regu lar term ol the above entitled court, and if you fail so to answer or otherw isu nlead. the idaint- iu" for w ant thereof w ill take judgment against you, (for money due and owing from you to pitunuiij tor ine sum oi three hundred nud eighty (;teo.O0) dollars, and for ten per cent, in terest from Sept. 7, and for costs and dis bursements. '1 his summons is published by order of Hon. W. L. Bradshaw, Judge of said court, which said order w as made and dated atchambero iu Dalles City, Wasco county, Oregon, the 2tith day ol January, A. D. mi. W. R. Kllih, t)4-7ti per $e. Summons. TN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE J of Oregon. The First National Bank 1 of Arlington, Or., Plaiuti IT t3IJMM0NS 0. W. Stewart Defendant, j TO O. W.HTEWAKT. defendant In the name of the State of Oregon, You are nereDy required to appear and answer the com filaint filed against yuu In the above entitled ao ioti on or betore the 27th day of March, A. D liftM. the said day being the first day oi the next regular term of the above entitled court, and If vou fall so to answer or otherwise dead, the plaintiff will take judgment against you for IJmw, on a promisaory note given Dy you to fdaiutitt ou May 19, ltsQl, due on demand, and or ten per cent, interest from Nov. 18, Wtt; for $.i5.u0 attorneys fees and for costs and disburse ments. This summons is published by order of Hon W. L Bradshaw, Judge of said court, which said order was made and dated at chain bets ju Dalles city, Waaco county, Oregon, iheutith day of January, IWS. W. R. Kl. i-. 1)4-76 Attorney for Haintiff. Notice. UNITED STATES LAND OFFICE. T.A Uraude. Oregon, Jan. 9, 1893. Complaint having been entered at thii office by henry Mossie against Luther Baldwin for abandoning hii homestead entry No. 4116, dated March lusti, upon the E' NVVU Sec. 10, and the E4 Stt'n tec. 17. Tp 5, S K $ , E. W. M . iu Uinutilla county. Oregon; with a view to thecancellaiion of said entry the laid parti s are hereby sum moned to appear at the ottice of Will C. Stimaon, at 1'ilot l04-k, oreKon. on the 1st day or March, l.w. at 10 o'clock, a. m., to respond nnd furnish U'Stiitiony concerning sid aliened abandon uient, to be Hied at the final heating In thin otnee on (he 'Jth day of March, at ttii o'clock a. m. It Is further ordered that this notice be served by publication for four cniiecutive weeka In the Heppner liazette. and by iHiti g upon the tract as iu United ntatea lami cases. tH7i a. C. MtCi.r.u.A:.D, Receiver. Notice of Intention. T AND OFFICE AT l HE DAI.I.EP. OFEGON I j Jau 25. Itett. Notice is hereby given that the follow iug named feiiler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in Biipnort of hi" claim, and that said prooi w illbu made be lore. I. U . iiorrow, t ouutv Clerk at llc-uDuer. ur., or., on at. March IS. lsi:t. v iz. : At'i.rsT i:Hlil..siuN. Homestead application No. for the E4 N U Vi. and lots 1 and 2 of bee. 7. 'i d. 3. S It v K W. M. He names tbe follow ing witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and culthatiou of. hi lanu, viz : Krank A. Lnndell. John E. Petprnon Jnlm Johnson and Audrew Carlson, all of toose ber ry, .trecou. W4-."i74 John W. Lewis, Register. Notice of Mention, s TAND OFFICE AT La GRANDE, OREGON, s January '24. I v'-'i. Notice is htrehv given that the following-named settler has hied notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before V. H. Kills a United Mates t ornmission er, at Heppner, "reg-m. o March H, iSua, vii : PA I KE1.EGIIKK. D. S. No. 10135, for the M V NU i and N4 NEU and SEV NEv -0. Tp. 1, S R K. v. M. He names the following w itnecses to prove hit continuous residence upwu and cultiatiuu of, John Kenny. Felix Johnson. TomGiltiHinand i James Doherty. all of Heppner, Oregon. I Albert Kiug tafce uutue. ' A. Clb.wer, 664-574 Keitr. NOTICE OF INTENTION. LAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON. December 5. lK;r. Notice Is hercbv sriven that the follow inir-iianted settler haa hied notice of his intention tn make final proof in supjKirt of his claim, and that mid proof will be made dim ore . u juiievtMin u.a. t ircuu t;ourt at Heppner, Or., ou January Jl. 18'.i;j, viz.: .iu.-r.ru . .;,'.unm, Hd. Nrt. 4S57. tor the N WW tec. 20. To. 2. S R 27. E. W, M. He names the follow inc w ltnespes roprovehis continuous residence upon and cultivullou of, taut lanu, viz.: Nehou Junes. Frank Sloan. . G. Dover and J. N Kltlcr, ull of lleppiu r, Oiegon. iw-.ou a. u- KAVKB, itegistcr. Notice of Intention. JAND OFFICE AT THE D U.I.F3. OREGON, December 17. lwrj. Notice if- hereby given that the follow lug-named Fcltlcr inib riled notice of liii intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that paid proof w ill be made before J. W. Morrow-. Cntint Clerk, at Heppner, or., ou an turd iv Kebruarv I. viz.: Ai t.ivn S TAY LOlt. Hd. Application No. 2.U lor tbe NE! of Pec. 31, '1 p. 2, a li JO, K W M He names the following witnesses to prove his coniinuous nidcmjc upon and cultivation of, said hind, viz. : o. E. I nrusworth. W. F. Dutton, A. A. Wren and ii. J. How ard, all of Heppner, Oregon. 5jj-.'rtii Jujjn VV. LawiB, i.egister. Notice of Intention. TAND OFFICE AT THE DAl.l.ES, ORE0OV, 4 Dec if't, lsu2. Notice in heieby given that tbe follow lug-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore W. It. I'll is. U.S. Commissioner at Heppner, Oregon, on Wednesday Feb, 15. WKi, vii.: MILION S. MAXWELL, Hd. Application No. 2845, for lots l and 2, and E!4 NW of Sec. 31, 'J p. 3. 8 K 24 E W M. He names the following witnesses io prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz.: N. ii McVey, T. P. Graham. Jacob Johnson and F M. Holmes, all of Gooseberry. Oregon. 555-565 Jorni W. Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. I AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, 4 January 2, IHtti. Notice ia hereby given that the following-named aetiler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before the County clerk of Morrow County, at Heppuer, Oregon, on Feb. 13, 1K92. via,: JOHN MtCCLLOUOH, D. 8 No. 101G0. for the E', SW$tf and SWk NWk and NVVI4 b Sec 20, TpS, 8 R 28. K. W.M. He names tbe following witnesses to provehls continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz.: James W. Leaner, Mat Hughes, Arthur Daly and W. U. Scott, all of Heppuer, Oregon. A. Cleavkr, 550-506 Register. POW lsftAjL,I. HARNESS-8H0P, stock and fixtures. Good business; established In tbe midst of good farming and stock-raising country. Also for sale a good house and two lots with or without the business property. For further ln ormatlon address Gazette. Heppner, Or. 483 tl STOCK BRANDS. While you keep your subscription paid up yen can keep your brand in free of charge. Allyn. T. J.. lone. Or. Horaea Q(i on loft shoulder; cattle "nme on left hip, under bit on right ear, ai,d upper bit on the left; range, Mor row county. ArrnKtrona. J. t .. Alpine, Or. T with bar nn der ii on left shoulder of horaea; cattle aoine m ot hip. AMtHon. O. D Kight Mile. Or.-CBttle brand. ODnii left hip and liorana auine brand on right ahonlder. I. mure Eight Mile. AdkiriH, J. J,, Heppner. Or. Honea, JA con . wicii of nit riai k: cut t in. aiuueon ltft hip, Ayera. Johnny. Lena, Or.Horaen brai'ded riniigienn leu hip; ctfjttle aamu on rigljt hip; ilHocropnfT rich' par nnd np pr bit on phuih. llartlio'nmrw, A O. Alpine, Or. Hn-sen Branded 7 K ..n either si oulder. Range iu Mu -n w onniy. liieakman, Geo., llHrdmnii, Or.llorfia. n flag hi Ipft fliouldcr: catllp "nine on ritrht Mhoulder. 1 aetuVtei-.J. W., Iliiiilmmi. Or. Cut Ilo brand, ed H on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. lfrenner. Peier, ho. H'herry Oregfni Horsea brnnied PH on left ehoulder. Cattle same on right nine Burke. M Ht C, Long creek, Or On cnttlo, MAY connected on left hip. ciop oil left ear. un der half crop off riyht. Horaea. wune binrd on htft HhoumVr. Range in Grant and Morrow lOUDtj. Itroaman, Jerry. Lena, Or. HorBPB branded 7 on righi shoulder; cattlf U on the left aide. Left ear half crop and right ear npper Blopo. Hart on. Win., Heppner, Or. -lioines. J Hull r.ght tiiia, cattle. Bitme on right hip; split in each ear. Hrown. Isn, Lexington, Or. Horse- IB on tlie right t-title; cattle name on rightiiip; range, Mor row couuiy. Hrown, J .P., Heppner. Or. -Horaea nnd caltle branded S witi- ox-joke above on left rmonlder. Hrown, J. C Heppuer, Or. Hornet, circle C with dot in tprou loft hip; cattlo. same. Brown, W. J., Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left h I p. lioyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or. Horaea, box brand or r.gn hip cuttle, same, with split in each ear. Uorg, P. 0., Heppner, Or. HoraoB, P B on left shnnlder; caitle. same on left bin. Bronlee, W. J., Fox, Or-Cattle, JB connected on left Hide; crop on left ear and two splits and middle p.ece cut out on right ear; on horses same, brand on the left thigh; Range in Fox valley, Orant county, t'uiBiiei' W arren. Wagner. Or. Horaed brand ed if on light stifle; cuttle (three hnrs) on right riba, crop nt.d split in each ear. Range iu Grant and Morrow counties. Cnin.E., 0aleb.Or.-K D un horses on left stifle U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder, and on left etitle on nil colts nnder ft years; ou left shoulder only on all horses over 5 years. All range in Grant county. Clark, Wm. IL, 1. a. Or. Horae WHO con nected, on left shoulder: cattle name on right hip. Ra- ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. i'Hte, Chaa. H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow and Umatilla no untie, Cecil, Wm.. Douglas. Or.; horaea JO on lef shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Curl,T. H John Day. Or. Double cross on each hip on cattia, swallow fork and under bit in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant county. On eheep, inverted Aaud apear point on shoulder. Ear markoa ewea, crop on left ear, puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in right and under half crop iu left ear. All range in Grant county. Cook, A. L.Lena.Or, Horaea, 90 on right shoal Jet. Cattle, same on right hip: ear mark square crop off left and split in right. Currin. K. Y., CurriuBTiUe, Or. -Horses, CC on left atifle. Cox Ed. 8.. Hardman, Or. Caitle, C with in center: horaea. CE on left Md. Cochran, R. Monument. Grant Co, Op tionee branded circle with bai beneath, on left nhoulder: cattle same brand on both hips, mark under elope both earn and dewlap. Clmpin, H.t Hard tn ho, Or. Horsea branded Con right hip. Cattle branded the same, Dickt-na, Ebb Horaea braided with three tlned fork cn left stifle Cattle na-ne on left side, i Doouan. Wm Heppuer, Or. I.orwe branded OU with bar over them, on tuft shoulder; cat tle same on left hip. OougiaBB, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, R Don right aide, awa low -fork in each ear; horses, It D on left hip. Duuglaa, O. T., Don-las, Or Hone TD on inw i ikiii aiine; cattle Bame on right hip. Duncan, VV. P., John Day, Or. Quarter clrcl on right shoulder, both on horaea and cattia. hunge Grant county. Eiv. J. b. aV &om. Donalaa. Or. Hoi-hm hrand. wl ELI oi. left ahoulder, cattia name ou lf nip. noie ir ngni ear. Elliot), Waaii,, Heppner, Or. Diamond on right ehuulder. blei'k. JacEBon, Heppner. Or. Hones, 7F connected oi right ahouider; cattle antne on riiilii liu. Eur mark, hoia iu nuht and rmt. ufl left. Florence, L. A Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on right hip; honm F with bar under on right Horence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horse. V on right Btioi ide. ; cattle. 1- on right tup ur thigh. Gay, Henry, Heppuer, Or. GAX uu left plmiilder. Oilman-French, Land nnd Livestock Co.. Fua. ; ail, Ur. Horapa. anchor b on left ehuulder; vent, wuue on left Btitie. Cattle, same on both ., I ear marks, crop oil right eurandunderbit iu left, j ltane in Giiluuu, Grant, Crook ai.d iiorrow ' Counties. I Gentry, Elmer. Echo, Or. -Hones branded H. S. with a quarter circle over it, on left etitie iiaugp in tttorrow ami umatiliacoutitiea. ! oiitwater. J . t ' rrainp t nv. ir -iin Ur. 0 -U on left Bliuutdt-r and btitie; cuttle, ou right aide. Haute in (iiant cuunlj, Hajes, Oeo., ina, Or, lirnd JH connected, with quarter cirei" ovr it. on Ipit bhuulder. Hialt A. 11.. Hid ire. Or. Httle. n,iinil.ii.n 1 witiiquaiter circle ui der it on the right hip. tlanaeiu Morrow and Umatilla counties. Hin ton iV Jenkn. Miimilton. Or Cattle, two bars on either hip; crop in right ear niid split in left. Hursea. J imrudit thigh. Range in Grant county. Hmrhea. Samuel, Wagner, Or (T F L coniiected)on rurht shoulder on horts; on cattle, ou rignt hip ai d on left side, twailow fork in nnht eur and slit in left Ranee iu HavtttaL-k district. Morrow county. liule. Miltou, VV'Hgiie'. Or. Horsea hrarded -O- ( 'irele ith j aral.ei tai'i) on left shoulder, i r ti le same un le(i hip ; aUo lai ge circle on left side- Hall. Edwin. John Day.Or. Cattle E H on right h'p; horsea earn ou right akuulder. iangeua Giant county. Howard, J L, alloway. Or. Hora. (eross with bar ibcva it) on right ahouloer ; rtt e Hitieuii lea aide. H&ngsw Morrow aud Uma tilla ronntied. Hugtipe. Mat, Heppner. Or. Horae. shaded heart on the left thoulder. Range Morrow t o. Hunaaker, H , Wagner. Or. aonas, V on left aliouliir;c,U, fi m Utl tup. Hardiatr, Albert, Nye. Oreson-HorRps, AH connected, on lft ahonlder; Cattle on ths left hip, crop off left ear. Humphrey. 4 al. Hard man, Or. Horaea. H on lef - flank Ha) ph, J. M., Heppner. Or. Horsea, wineglaaa on left fthonldoi rattle, aame on right hip. Hnatcn. t.mher, fciaht Mile. tr. Hori Hon tbe left ehouidprand heart on the left stifle Oat. Up wtrm n lft hip. Ranim in Morrow pint"tf. Ivy. Alfred. Long Creek. Or --4 'at tin 1 Don ripht hip. crop off left ear and bit in right, Horaea same biand on left shoulder Kanga u Grant oonntv Jnukin, 8. M., Heppner, Or Horeea, horaa shoe J on left ahuuider. Ca'tle, the lunii, UantfA on Kiirhi Mile. Johnaon, Felix Lena. Or. Horaea, circleT wn left Btitie; cattle, Bamo on right hip, under half crop in ritiht and sulit in left par Jenkiim, D W.,.VIt, V union, Or, J on lioreeaon left shonlder; on cattle, J on left hip nnd two smooth crope on both ears. Range iu Fox and Hear vall.-sa Kenny, Mike. Ileppnpr, Or. Homes brntulod KNY on left hip caitle name and crop off left war: iindpr nlopp on (he riifht Kirk J. T., Heppner. Or. Horses K9 on left ehnnlder: rati 1p. on Ml hip. Kirk. J (', Heppuer. Or. Horses. 17 on either Her k : earth- 7 on ritiht side.. Kirk Jeppp, Hem ner. Or.: horse 11 on loft shnnlder: cuttle same on light bide, uuderbit un lighi enr. Kumberlnnd.W.G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on cat lie on right and laft Bides, nwaiiow fork in if ft ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses sums brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant county. Keeney. Kli, Heppner, Or.-Horses J L and ace of cluba on left stifle. Range in UmutilU and IV nrrow counties Ixahey, J W. Heppner Or. Homes branded L wnd A on left shoulder; cuttle fame on left hip; WHttle over right ey three elite in right ear. Loft en, Stepnen I ox. Or. 8 L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Hones same brand on left shoulder. Kanga Grant 0011 nty. Lieuallen, John W Lt- Or. Horses branded hulf-cuole JL connected on leftehoul der. Cattle, saint on left hip. Range, near Lex- in at on. Lord, George. Happnsr. Or. Horses branded double H coi.nect Sometimes called swing H. on left shonlder. Markhnm, A. M.. 'Heppuer. Or. CattU largs M on left side, both nan cropped, and plit in boh. Horses M ou left hip. Range, Clark's canyon. Minor, Oscar, Heppner, Or. Cattle, V Doi right hip; burse. Mon left ahouider. Morgan, ti. N., Heppner, Or. Horses, U ) on left should! cattle aame on left hip. McCnmber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with bar over on right ahouider. Aiann, ti. H., Lena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on right hip; young stvck, small as on Wft shonlder. Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or. Hones, sirels T on left ehuulder and left thigh; catUe. L on right thigh. Mitchell. Onoar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 ou right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. McClareu, D. G., Brownaville Or, Horses, Figure ft on each ahouider, cattle, M2on bin McKern.W.J. Mount Vernon. Ur XI on cattU on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop m loft aame brand on horses on left hit.. Raute in Grant county. McCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded DM connected, on the left ehuulder; cattle earn un hip and aide. McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mole ahos with toe-cork on cattle on riba aad nnder in each ear; horaea Bame brand on left stifle. McHaley. G. V., Hamilton, Or.-On Horses, 8 with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattls. four bars connected on top on the right aids Kange in Grant County. Koala Andrew. Lone Rock, Or. Hones A N con nected on left shoulder: cattle aame on both hi pi. Nordyke, E., tSilverton. Or. Hones, circle 7 am left thigh: t;ai tie. same on lef t hip. Oliver, Joseph, Canyon ity, Or. A 1 on cattls on left hip: on horses, aame on left thigh, lUngs in Grant county, Oiler, Perry. Lexington. Or. P O on left Bhou,1ei. Olp, Herman, Piairie ('ity, Or. On cuttle, O LP connected ou left hip; horses on left atitts and wanle ou nose. Kange in Grant county. Puarmiu, Oiuve, Eight Mile. Or. Horses, quar ter circle shield un left shoulder aud 24 on left hip. ('aide, fork iu lef: ear. right cropped. 3M un left hip. Rang on Kin I it Mile. Parker dt Gleunoii. llaiduian.Or, llorsue lPon b ft whonldur. Piper, En e t, Lexington, Or.- Hor es brand e L (L E cuniitm tu) u iwtt hlnadder ; cauls r- me on iiguiiiip, liuuge, Jiuri-ow counii, lifer, J. ii., Lt-xihgLoi.. or. 11 mot, ur. con. noeuu o. Jell shoulder; cattle, auuie on loft hip. ui iter bi iu each ear. lvttya, A. C lone. Or,; homes diamond Pon - tfl.uuider; ct lie, J it J eonnueieu, ou the left hip, uipur slope in luft euruuu slip in Ut nglit. Powell, John T., Dayville. Or Horses, 4 P cotu uec edou left shoulder. Cattle Oli connected o0 leii hip, two under half crops, olio on each ear, vvaitio under throat. Rui ge 111 Grant county. hickaid. G. D.. Canyon City, Ur.--l V ou left diouJder, 011 liurt.es only. lt.aige Cauyuu creek mid liear valley. Grant county. Rood. Andrew, Hardinan, Ur. Horses, a(,uars eio-- Willi quarter-circle over it un left slille. deini'ger, fhrw, Heppuer, Ur.llurst-B. C It on lett stiHiiioet. Rice. Dan, Hardmon, Or.; horsea, throe panel worm fence ou ielt shoulder; ca.tle, U A IN on light Bhouider. Itangu near llardinaii, ItojBe, Anion. Heppner, Or itcrsus, plain V ou left, Bhouider; cattle, amu brand reversed oa right hip uud crop ull 'right ear. Raima iu Mor row county. Kuhli Hros., Uenpner, Or. Homes branded 2 du therighi ahouloer; cattle, IX on the lef t nip, crop oil tell ear and dewlap on neck. Range u Morrow and adjoining countieri. liiibt, William, Pendleton, Or. Homes K oa left shoulder; euule, U on left hip, crop off right ear, under bit ou left ear. blmep, H on weaiheis. roiunl crop oil nyh ear. Range Uma tilla and jVIoiTowo am lien. iteaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or.-Horses branded A R un right shoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. Range Morrow county. Royse, Wm. H, Dairy villa. Or Hit connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip aud cmp off rijf.it ear and split in left. Horses same bruud on left ahouider. Range in Murruw, Grant and Gilliam counties. Rector. J. W,. Heppuer, Or.-Horaea. JO vi lef t ahouider. Cuttle, oou right hip, Spicknall. J. W., "Gooeeberry, Or.- Horsss branded dlou left shoulder; langs m Morrow county. m Sailing, C C Heppner, Or Homes branded ' on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip. Swaggari. H. F Laxington. Or.-Horsss with dusti under it ou left stifle, cattle H witja uaBh under it on right hip, crop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. Kange ui Morrow Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Swaggai t, A. L Ella. Or Hones 'brand" 1 un left shoulder; eat tie same on left kip. Orosj un ear, wattle on left hiad leg. Straight W. JC, Heppner, Or.-Horsss shaded J S on lei. stifle; cattia J Son left hip. swallow fork in right ear, uuderbit in left. Sapp, Ttma., Heppuer, Or. horses, S A F m left hip; cattlt same on left hip. left Btitie and over 2 on left shoulder. Shrier.John, Fox, Or. MC txiineetsd on bones on right hip; cattie, earns on right hip crup off right ear and nudur bit iu left ear. IUiiais in Grant county. Smith Bros., ttuasnville, Or. Horses, bran dad a. L. onehyulder; catt.a, ame on ief t ahuuldir. bqmreB. James, Arlington, Or,; horsea braudud JSun left ahouider; cutile the aame, aiao noss waudle. Kaiige in llurrowand Gilliam 00 atiss. .Stephens, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses Sboa right stiiie; cattle huriaontal L on the right aide Stevenson, Mrs A. J.. H noun or in- u.,t u on right hit ; ewailow-furk in left sar. owaggan.u. n.. Heppner, Or.-Horsss, 44 oa left shuuide. ; cattle, 44 uu left hip. Smith. E. E. Loue rtouk. or. Hunm KMnj a orossed aeveu on left shoulder; cattle sauis niitDiuoi AMuitfH, uuiituQ county, Sperry, E. G.. Heppner, Or. - Cattle W C oa left tup, crop off right and uuderbit in toft vsax. dewlap; burses VV Con left shoulder. Ihuinpson, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horsss, I oa left ahuulQ. r; cattle, a ou left shonlder. riUsetB.H.!' f mamritu I Ir ll...u . t.AU. ehuulder. ",w" Tumor R. W Heppuer, Or. Small eapital 1 lelt shuuldei, hones; caitla aams 00 ift hip Ihirntun, H. M., lone. Or. -Homes branded li I connected on left aurie; sheep same brand. Vanderpool, H. T.. Lena, Or-Honee HV son uected ou right ehuulder;cattle, same on right Walbridjre, Wm.. lleppnar. Or. Horses. U. L, on the let! shuu.der; uattle same on lighi hio. crop utt left eur aud rigiit tar lopped. Wilson, John (J,, Salem ur Heppner, Or. Horaes branded Jvou tha left ehuulder. Kaoix Morruw counli'. WarreU. W H. Caleb. Or IVtf Ia W -iff. nn.rM w.jvic uidi 11, (tu it)n niue, spin U HoroeN bame brad ou lwft bhouider. Grant cuuuty. rignt iiar, Itaugeia HikmI, F L, Dayville. Or Heart on homps oa left btitie; ou cat Lie, 2 on left ante aud uxdor bit in left ear. Range in Grant county. Wright, Silas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle btaaded S W uu the right hip. square crup oil ngui ear and apLt in lelt. W allace, Francis, Mount Vernon.Or Square on cattle on the left hip. upper slope in he left ear and under slope in right ear. Same brand ou hurwa un riuht ehuulder. Kuitue m Harnc, and (iraut countv. Wade, Henry, Heppner, Or. Hunee bianded ace wt BpnUm un leit shoulder and left hin Caltle branded same on left siue and left hip. Wells. A. S., Heppuer, Or. Horsea, w on left shouhler: can e wane, VV olhuger, John, John Day City, Or On horaae three parallel bare- ou lef t shoulder; 7 on sbeepj bit in both ears. Rungs in Grant aud MalUaui counties. VA 011 ward, John, Heppner, Or. Hones, TJP counpcteil on left shoulder. Watkiiis. LiBlie. Heppner, Or. Hones branded UE connectp ou left tidp. Waiiuce, Charies, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on right Uob-h, hut. in left eur; hunea, W on right ahouider. wnn. sameon left shoulder. Wlnuier Bros., Dreway, Harney county, Or -HorMw t'nindpd W R. eonnectl on lfi ..';oQldrr Williams, Vasco, llamiltun Or. Quarter cir cle uver three ban on left Lip, both cattls and homes. Range Grant county. 1 Williams. J o. Lung Creek. Or Horses, qua ter circle over three bare un left hip; cattle same and Kin m pu'h par. liana in Gram noon 17, VV ien, A. A., 1 eppuer. Or. Hones nuutiug A A on ehuulder; Cattie. same on nahi hio. iiHuig. J. S., iiipirr7.0r.-HiwbraUd Younr. W. A.. OfVAbhttn- ii UA. 1 vu a . iuuuu i oui: nscteu oa iui t WUW tUtW OW MEt SaaO.