NOl'ICK TO AUVKHTIBEIW. f ir (he beuofit of (be pnulio Ibnt It ! called CliHiubcirlHin'i Pnin Blra. For or ohunire ol Mine, luustitut their copy In " " oiuouu.. juuriBOU Uin Uo. lotlaier Uiau Monday eveuuuj lor TuesUay's 8ome iif our vallev frieuiin writA that mere oas rieoo 'f HUSK desiring the insertion o( display ads., s. edition, or Ihursday evening lor Fridays edi tion. 1UI rATTJEKSON rUULlHUINO U. NUI'ICE. 1. The sum of five cents per line will be charged for "cards of thanks," "resolutions of respect," lists ol wedding present and donors, and obituary notices, (other than those the edit or shall htiitsell give as a matter ol ueua,) and Ha immense amount of rain mid fog tuero tbia year. They Bay they would prefer a little more enow and less mod. Wm. H. Clark, one of onr Lena friends, m in Wednesday on business. He re marked lo onr reporter that the weather uuticeaoi special meetings lor whatever purpose, i tiHd been intld ou Butter oret-k, as oom l. Jotlccs ol church and society and aliother nured with other oarta of I ho n.,n,,irv entertainments Irom which revenue is to be de- v ' pHrls 01 ,ue 0uU'ry- rived, shall be charged for at the rate of live tents a line, i nese rules will De strictly adher ed to in every instance. Advertising rates reasonable and made known upou application. We hold each and every correspondent re sponsible for his or her communication, bo correspondence will be published unless the writer s real name is feigned as an evidence of good faith. LP. F1SI1EK, NEWSPAPER ADVERT1S- lug Agent, '21 Merchants exchange, ban laucisco, is our authorized agent. paper is kept ou nie in nis oince. 'Ihis Give your business to Heppner people. ana tnerejore assist lo buna vp Hepp ner. Patronize those who patronize you. Here and There. Damon and Pythias. Mrs. Hick Maibews is ill. Mies Effie Wurieu bai been on the sick list for some days. Mies Lillian Khea departed Wednea day for Portland. "Wednesday waa a "olinoher" though a rex alar Dakota blizzard. Balem Statetman : Ben, T. J. Matlock, mayor ut Heppuer, is in the oity. M. Booher who Buffered a broken leg a few weeks ago, is doing well. lira. Judy Mitchell is visiting ber son, Oscar, at the mouth of Khea creek. Business men reported oolleotions pretty slow the first of the month. The Gem aud Palace saloons for fine liquors, McAlee Bros., Props. aw The Morrow County Land and Tiust Company bars an unlimited supply of ebop for eale. il-tf. The thermometers showed Tuesday re from 18 to 26 below zero, the coldest weather since 1888. Only first class work turned out at Fred Mil'er's tailoring establishment east aide Main street. ' Tbe Kteley Institute, at Forest Grove euies liquor, opium, morphine, oocaiue aud tobacco habit, bee ad. C. M. Mallory writes up from Califor nia to biB tathor, Judge Mallory, that he in steadily improving iu health. Miss Ellu Uibbs, who has been a resi dent of tleppner aud viouiily for some time, will leave fur California. Every man who takes any iu tercet iu gust altck should subscribe for The iiortemau. Gazette shop, agents. N. Nielson is now runuing a stage be Itween tleppner aud Luue Rock. See d. for days of leaving aud arr.vul. tf. - Oue hundred tons of hay (or sale, ituated near lone, at 86 per ton. In quire of Dawson & Lyons. 605 tt. Tbe Heppner traiu was delayed quite two hours last Wednesday evening, (j'Mise, train ou main line behind time. ,,nud A revolver, near Heppner's use. Owuer can have Bauie by proving .'TOP"" ttud P"yinK oharges, llOUH 'dress ber at this 518-11 60t3 We have h 8rd 00 rePorts 'rom tne heepmenof o.' county, but presume that no leases, u" ", are had as Mrs. A. J. Stevens,''" prepareo. to ut all kitiHa nf nllrainir. VU" "er in north Heppuer, or uu nluoe. to w pt-in. iie Episcopal chuieb, will bold servi'oes iu e ehuich next Monday evening, invited. Hiyu ketohum whiskers. .Halt MatuewB, at the oity barber sbi y 'ue place to get a first-class shaye, ba t'-out or shampoo. " The cast for Damon and Pythias Sas been effeoted. anc is being brepared lor presentation under tbe dramatio eye oi Wm. Kasmua. The Elleusbnrg bank robbery case is progressing si jwly. Cal Hale baa been identified an tbe mau who took tbe money out of the saie. Master Clay French is tbe authorized agent for the Oregonian at this place. Subsoribs through him, and have your paper delivered tree of charge. tf Tbe merry shouts of tbe coasters, old and young, are beard every eve till well along into tbe dead watches of tbe aighl. Let them have a good time. Newer and neater quarter! at the Falao Hotel's north business room. Charley Jones the baber, wants to see bis old friends there, tfatna in oonuec lion. All thnae knnwinir themselves in debted to Kirk ft Basmus are requested in aetila no immediately, as tbey are in need of money. 2 8. aw. To the young folks-During tbe next two weeks. Wm. Rasmus will give Lunns in rxadinir. recitatloos and urn- matio art. Leave word at tbe Gzette office. 664 67 With bottle of Aver's Cherry Pectoral in tbe bouse, you have an tffeotive re medy for all sudden attacks of throat and lung trouble. An hour's delay may lead to serious consequences. No household should be without this won derful medicine. The latest dentistry, crown and bridge irk, most successfully accomplished by li- u V Vanohau. Gas administered when desired. Thompson building, Heppner. Or 1-a-w- Wedneeday's etsge, on runners, how ever, did not getout of lo n till 11 o'clock, a. m. owing to the severity of the sloim The blinding snow and deep drifts made it altogether an uudesirahle, aud what seemed early iu the day, an impossible trip. By a very ingenious and original pro cess, Dr. J. C. Ajer'e & Co., of Lowell, Mass., are euabled to extract the essen tial properties of the matenala used in the preparation of their famous "Ayer's Hurs.r.urilla." thus securing a purity and strength that can be obtained iu no other way. Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of tbe Bloom field, Iowa, Farmer, says: "I can rec- .-J r'l.umharluin'a Coiiih Remedy ir, ull .ntT-rem with colds and CruUD. I have used it in my f-imily fur the par-t two years and have found it tho best 1 ever uaed for the purposes for which it is intnden. 50 cent uoltlea for sale by Slooum Johnson Drug Ea. The beBUty of Blnokman's distribution villi. ti,.in(nnli ilia acournulntiona of tbe 6 per oent. fund are given to the -counties in proportion to their area, but tbe amount received every year thereafter -will also go the same way. Tbe fathers -who framed our oonstitution thus inteod- -td it. Tonh V. IWv. of Warsaw. III., was ...nhirl with rheumatism and tried a number nf different remedies, but sat si ;noue of them seemed todo him any good; but finally begot hold of one that epeedi ly cured bim He whs much pleased it .tt felt sure that others similar Ou Tuesday last the thermometer Tea- istered 12 degrees above zero iu Portland, the coldest weather for years Yet that is severer weather iu that olimate than 10 degrees below in the Heppaer country. The Gazette received a telegram yes terday from Salem anuounoing that the Cogewrll sheep bill tvxs defeated iu the senate, there beieg 24 v-i'es against it out of a total of 28, presumiug that no one was absent. John L, Ayer, of Portland, represent ing the New England Building, Loan & Investment Association, was in the oity over Wednesday night on business. We are informed that Mr. Ayer appointed an agency at this place. J. M. Waddell, cne of onr old-time Heppnerites, returned Wednesday from Iowa, and was glad to get baok again. He says that there is no comparison be tween Iowa and Orenon. The weather has been very severe back east this win ter. Some time ago this office reoeived some correspondence from Clark's can yon which waa mislaid until a few days ago, when, of course, it was too late for publication. On looking it over, we find that the writer had forgotten to sign bis or her name to the same. Prof. Albert 8. Furnell. formerly of Morrow county, but now of Creaswell, Lane county, Oregon, writes that be lias bees nimble to fill his book contracts ow ing to bad health. He Bays be will get around before long. He orders tbe Ga zette to his present address. Mr. Albert Favorite, of Arkansas Gitv. Kan., wishes to give our readers the ben efit of his experience with oolds. He says: "I contracted a cold eirly last spring that settled on my lungs, and had hardly -recovered from it when I caught another that hung on all summer and left me with a hacking couth which 1 thought I would never get rid of. I had used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy some fourteen years ago with much success, and concluded to try it again. When I bud got tiirough with one bottle my ootigh bad left me, aud I have not suffer ed with a oongh or oold sinoe. I have reonmmeoded it to others, and all speak well of it. 60 cent bottles for sale by Sluoum-Johnson Drug Co. Rottbn SBRVtcB. Senator H. Black- man telegraphed Ihis office, last Tuesday, that his bill, distributing among tbe oouuties tbe 5 per cent, fund, bad passed both honses, which wss intended for publication that day, but was not receiv ed Bt the Gazette office early enough for Tuesday's issue. The great telegraphic service of our couotrj U about as fast as a cay use, and not nearly so faithful. Not long ago, by delaying an important mes sage, oue of our leading telegrapbio mo nopolies was oinched several thousand dollars in damages. Many people con tinue to insitt that the government own all telegraph lines, which we are quite sure, wonld make the matter no worse than it is now, and the obanoes are would giye us a obeaper and better service. Where our message was delayed, we do not know, but we do know that it left Salem in time to have reached us at 5:30 p. m. The publio are entitled to the news of the oountry, but a small paper ou a branch oau never hope to do much in the line of telegrapbio news till there is a general and thorough reform. Camcisftive : Survey An Apprehensive Subject BT Means of a Prehensile Tail Tie Monkey is Not Afraid be cause his Tail is a Good One. We are Not Afraid because our Tale is a Good One. It isNo Tale of Woe! WE TELL OF Splendid Goods, Fair treatment ; satisfaction to custom ers, and of reasonable prides and good money value. It is a Tailless Tale. A tale without end, because it is a tale that will hold. A pleasure to show goods. Speoial inducements to oash buyers. Call at PIiES UlPflE0EDElSED. WHY Beoause igro Otlaor IVToclioixio 33 vet" - Effootod the Cure ss CONGO OIIi I .! TO p0 If iti It. a jot Becauae H It. o um a. sciatica. PiM, N rS XmZ . J r tvlTC2, when ciATic V3 . oiii . J is Used. WHY ? OW.R. MFG. C8-PORTLAND. ORC First Mouth's Sole", 720 Bottles ; Second Month's Sales, 3300 bottles BOLD 33VEIlYWIIEriE. FRICSi - Dec16 " $1 xxcl 0St a. Dot tlo. H. A. Thompson ' A. E. Blnns THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPKIETOKS Tie Heppner Livery, Feed Sale it le Below Coffin Si MeFurland's, Main 8treet. Good Conveyance for Traveling Men. Teams to bay per dav, 75 ots. Buy and grain per day. $1.25. Meals 25 cts. a at O. C. Bargenut's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled bay alwavs on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. Footwear s Footwear! 4 Thp r.nly hfnt nnd "tinp osthlifVimpnt of Honnnor hnn mnypd fr.m thft Kant Bidp nf M'i.ti Stn-p. to their new nor to H. Hlnckm n A I n. w. WE -:- WANT -:- MONEY ! And in order to get it, we will, during (be present month, sell SFOR CASH ONLYsS At 20 per oent. off regular prioe, our immense Block of Gents' Winter Underwear, Top Shirts, Scarfs, Mittens and Lined Gloves. This is an honest proposition and no trap, for we have an overstock of these goods that we must realize on. So you can benefit yourself and confer a favor on us by taking advantage of tbe opportunity offered by 11 eppnen Qregon, store reoiii. npxr AKailwai TknThousand Milks Long A railway system, embracing mure thi.n ten ihousand miles of traokage, is tbe subject of one of tbe articles in tbe Feb ruary Cosmopolitan. The story is told of tLe Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, which t one time formed the only means ot access' t mure man one iounu ine territory of the United States of the despotio aw.V wbioh its ruled this vah ' area, keepmg their private armies and po'l'" 'orce, waging war, electiug state governments and being, in fact, the autoorata ot many states and territories. Gaskell Rs ARRESV'ED -Pe'8' ttS" kell breathed tbe air freedom about two minutes. Immediately' Jade Fee had ordered the dieoirge of tbe prisoner Deputy Sheriff Johns stepped up and arrested him on a bench warrant for tbe crime of assault with a anger nni weaDon . It waa issued under . "n in- diotment by the laBt grand jury. Hii ' ennrse. was aeain taken to his cell b ' low, to once more go through tbeprooees ot being tried before a jury. Tribune. Mouktaik Hodsm. Mr. Joseph Crank haa lately leased tbe hostelry known as tbe Mountain Honse. refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board and hed, per week 86; board without bed, (4.50; meals and bed 25 cents eacb, Mr. Urauk asks a portion of tbe patronage, hjalievinu that he can eive as tood ser vice as auyooe in Heppner, and for less monev. 43-bw. ft A TL Doikos On the 21st. Raw lins PBt (. A. K.will install tneir oBicere for tbe ensuing year at Liberty school boupe. Tbe post meeting in the afternoon at 1 o'olnok will be followed by a camp fire in the eveung. a grana time is expected, and all are invited to be present. - (J. A. B. Mkktinq.-Ou the last Satur- day in February, the 25th ult., Kawline Post, G. A. R, of Lexington, and tbe Ke- lief Corps, of that place, will meet in HeDDner. All members, and those de- . . : ..uA sn u siring to oecome suuu, are iuiru uv present. . 56071 Bm-nnii Bis Honof, Judoi Hallook. Ben Swaggart was the plaintiff and Geo. Muir the defendant. It was over a boree BDd oalf trade. Ben bad swapped Geo. seven head of horses for 35 bead of cat tle. One yearling calf wns afterwards replevied by Mart Rhhardsjn, who olaimed the calf, and whose property it proved to be. Falling back on George for a readjustment of tbe matter, they oould not agree, and thus the ease was brought into oourt. Mr. Muir olaimed that he traded it as a stray, while Mr. Swaggart set up the opposite in the evi dence, but it waa decided in favor of Muir. Preliminary. Mbetinq. The ladies who have applied for charter to institute a Temple of Py tbian Sisters, or, at least, a goodly representation of them, met at the residecoe of T. W. Ayers, last Wednesday evening, eleoting the follow ing officers: Mrs. Thos. Quaid, P. C; Mrs. J. W. Rasmus, M. E. 0. ; Mrs. J. J. R iberts, Senior; Mis. Emma Voruz, Junior; Mrs. T. W. Ayers, Manager; Mrs. H. MoFarland, M. of F. ; Mrs. Otis Patterson, M. of F. & C; Mrs. 0. C. Sar gent, Protector; Mrs. W. W. Smead, Guard. Tbe organization s'arts with a membership of eighteen, which list will be materially angmeuted at the time of the institution in the course of a few weeks. The name chosen is Omega Temple, a very suitable and pretty name, we think. A C0A8UNQ Mishap While ooaeting on tbe Hallook hill at tbe head of May street yesterday, Chas Sheldon bad the misfortune to collide with some substance harder tban snow, cutting quite a gash over bia left eye. Dr. McSwords took four stitches iu the wound and it will shortly be all rigbt again. Coasting is fun it you get off right, but when it comes seme other way it reminds ye writer of the Irishman's whiskey, who said, "it's the divil himself, bed ad." There you" will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., IVInlrx street, II epimer Or. S. C. Smith, THE ,1 fiM KfM jfs mmmwMMWM. Keeps a full Hue of EVERYTHING In the way ot Furniture. UniJertnkinii goods a speciality. May Street, Heppuer,0r. 5-s3f 1 - fl FOR SALE B-S Gilliam & Bisbee, IIEPPNEIl, STORAGE AND FORWARDING. You catch At the Mallory Corner. Buy your Groceries and ... ... Read their new ad. soon. Tuesday our justice court was some what enlivened by a suit at law in which How Did it Get There? Tuesday Dr. MoSwords took from the left arm of Mrs. T. W. Ayera, Jr., a sliver of bone about inches long. It was firmly imbed ded in tbe biceps muscle, and ot late had been giving ber much pain, though at I that time the canse was not known. How it got there la a mystery wbioh is as poz-1 ling to the physicians as any one else. X)xatb of Littleton Youhqeb. Lit tletoi Younger, father of Mra. Judy Mitohell, died at Lafayette, Yamhill e runty, on tbe 23rd ult, aged 81 years. Mr. You.'B8' crossed the plains in 1853, and was well-known among the pioneers of Oregon, imoog whom he always bore an excellent iame. One by one these old landmarks, who have made our state, are passing away. But for their energy, bravery and push the state of Oregon would be yet nothing more then a howl ing wilderneas or 8 bUak and lonely desert. Dr. Prumrnond's Llgntnlog Remedy for Rheumatism bss received the unqualified endorsement of the med ical fraternity as being a safe and re markably efficient preparation for tbe re lief and speedy cure of rheumatism. Its work is bo speedy and miraculous tbat benefit is felt from the first dose, and one bottle will cure any ordinary case. Sold by druggists. Prioe, 85 for large bottle, or sent by prepaid express on receipt of price by Drummond Medioine Co., 48-50 Maiden Lane, New York. Agenta want ed. 65. TTEPPNER and LONE ROCK &.:j';f ' STAGE IjUSTIi. IV. NIBLSON, Prop. Leaves Heppner on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves Lone Rock on Mondays, WedoeedBys and Fridays. Mukes connection with the weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable charges for both Passengers : and -:- Freight. 643-tf sw 8LOC0M-JOHNSTON DRUG CO., Agents. Heppner, Or. DON'T BE BAMBOOZLED. By traveling fakirs. C. C. Wildey & Co., of Walla Walla, Wash., are the largest import ers direot from the Eaatern factories in the Inland Empire of AND We can save yon from $25 to $100. We ship subject to approval to any responsible parties. We handle the very beat makes of instruments, and warrant tbem for five years, and guarantee lower prices than any house on this coast for same onalitv. We buv direot from Chickering & Sons, Weymnn & Co., Conover Urnn. A Co.. Hmith & Barnes. rjiHnos. Packard. Ktory & Clark and Chioago Cot tage Organs, bell Organs from 1(J0 to 300 ; Pianos from $300 to 8700. Write na It ir cHt.ulnane and uncta. It will nay you. (. Cj. WildfiV &. CJO. 535 Walla Walla, Wash COPPER iIYETEIr r w w m m-r . -fev-Eftv: -OF- For the Cure Oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or , The Musi flcautiful Town on the Coast full at tlie (iAtmr. office tor partlcnlsrs Ktricllyconlulcntlal. I reatment private and sure cure. ATTENDED TO Businc like Manner REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near the Depot: HEPPNER, OREGON. Change of Ownership w, HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, which we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all times the choicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn-, ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 8 5-tt . Pronrietors. DR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. 8. , London, England. Veterinary Surgeon Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I an m prepared to do all kinds ot Vfte rlnary Surirery, Emasculating Horses and Rtullnis a lty. (Ihis Is the only true method ol operating oil horses.) ripfjinn ol Cattleanil 11 a Speel- on short notice. Inary UurKery, 1 win in-at all animals lu the most approved procedure ot Veler- 11 you have any sick animals it will U to your Interest to OfS HEPPNKR, call 011 me at Htewart's stables. ox sw OKIUOM Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAX STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. BOTTOM rAN' ARTISTIC J Am m,vimnmn.zxffl on 1 filil'Il SHORT NOTICE AND REASONABLE TKHUA WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Mni ok Hhort Notici mo n Porcuta Psicss. Ji3 Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. LEGAi BLANKS Plenty of them at the Gsz.tte Office ft alVllaFjra n a fj" rai mr iThe Lancashire Insuka-xe Co. i w. mmm, mi . . r iiAvi-ll KMTKHi li.NCJI-.ANU Uno of tJag-ll?1 Woni 7 ar.fiiJU.BP.Tin Bro. . U.,HO0qMWr,H.I DR. TAFT'S Instead of flving to the door gasp ing for breath, seeming as if each J onr wrtuld be Vour last, vnn have I only tofaUea few dates Asthmalene when the spasmlsbroken.thebreathlni? becomes easy ana you reel as ir an angel ot mercv naa uruooseu trie irun Kiap ui uiciiukch of death. The happiest moment of vour life will be when von have used a few bottles I of Dr. Taft't ASTHMALENE and it has cured you of IF" P ' . .f!"- shm. Va A.ik. ., r tna bonis mm wtkt mm mm ly afflicted would like to know what the remedy waa inai oureo aim. ' . . , Ha states