Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, February 03, 1893, Image 2

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CTT ND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim
yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman.
Price for the
Oivt your business to Beppner people
mnd therefore assist to build up Hepp
ner. Patronise thou who patronize
We hold each and every correspondent re
sponsible for hlior her communication. No
correspondence will be published unless the
writer's real name Is signed as an evidence of
good faith.
Gov. PixnoTiit has signed King's di
reot tax appropriation bill.
Kioht How. A. J. Baljoub, ot England,
ii a pronounced bimetalist.
It is said that Henry Villard will be
Cleveland'" seoretary of tba interior.
Thb Oregon legislature baa pasted a
resolution favoring tbe annexation of
Tbx legislatures of theTariona Western
states are yet at a dead look on the sen
atorial queation.
Thi Virginia City (Nevada) Enterprise,
one ot the pioneer pepers of the coast, is
no more. It literally starred to death.
Not very flattering for Nevada.
Thb Walla Walla Union-Journal says
that the jute mill in tbe Washington pen
itentiary has reduced tbe best quality of
grain Backs to 6, oents. It certainly
It looks as though the dual organi
sation in the Kansas legislature is going to
eansn trouble. Efforts to force them
from the chamber will be resisted, and
nothing short of the militia will more
A diamond thief, with an accomplice,
broke into a show window of a jewelry
store in Baoramento Tuesday last, in
broad daylight, and abstracted $6,000
worth ot diamonds. Tbey were not
To. TPaat mml in sanutum this
etlV-Matioof drab 8Dd pfot
laonin fouf pages of enoii. "'It
is piotnresque and shows that a true
newspaper man will be neara, even it ue
bas to come out on wall paper.
Thi Sandwich Islands hare deposed
Queen Lilinokolaui. The provisional
government are for annexation with the
United Btates. There is one thing
eertaln, the United Btates will never
permit tbe islands to get into possession
of a foreign nation.
Bum dogs appeared over atEllensburgb
last Tuesday. The sun dug is an Eastern
production often seen in oold weather,
but this oobs t rarely bas such oold weath
er as to eooonrage even tbe remotest sign
of thie "animal." Tbe weather over the
hal Northwest, last Tuesday, was a
"pincher," the coldest for years.
w inimwLiDiii tbe receipt of an in
vitation from tbe World's Congress Aux
iliary, upon the nomination ol lion. Joun
H. Mitchell, to attend the World's Con
gresses in the department ef tbe publio
press, to aonvsne in Chicago during the
week beginning May 22, 1893. The Oa
cette hopes to be represented there on
that ocoasion.
Govebkob PtNNoriR's attorney gener
al wanted tba stale's brass oannon for
use on inauguration day. Tba governor
refused the same in Ibe following terse
language : "No permission will be given
to use slate oannon for firing a salute
over tbe inauguration of a Wall-street
plutoorat aa president of the United
Couswill's sheep bill, published In
laat issue, is dead. Ita demiee dates
from yesterday, when 24 votea in the
senate oleaned it np. Cogswell is the
senator who so bitterly opposed Raley's
portage measure. He is politically dead
and hasn't enough Irienda to get through
meritorious bill, muob less a one-sided
affair like his sheep bill.
In this issue we mention that iuas
mnch as tbe bill to distribute tbe 5 per
cent, fund ol 895,000 has passed, the
John Day bridge stioum now be omit.
Thia ia a mistake, as tbe money can not
be need that way, but as it will save
Grant oouuty tbe expenditure of a good
many dollars of their present fund, they
ought to be able to help tbe Northern
Graut people by building this bridge out
t tbe general fund. We speak aa a tax
payer of Grant county.
Eastjun papsra show that tbe repub
lican party leaders are still making pro
tective tariff speeohes. If th. principle
wsa right last ampaign it is right yet,
.thongb the people W don't want
at. It's dollars to d"j.,,hnaU ,t, ,he
tariff lawa are not maUri.,.,. ehauged.
The money question is forcing ilaui '
rfore Ibe people, and tbe party in power had
ibetter take Ibe cue and enact something
(or the relief ot the people and let tariff
tinkering go to Davy Jones'.
It IB hoped that the present legislature
will pass a bill repealing tbe tnoi tgage tax
jBW and, also, one allowing no exemptions j
whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, 1
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on
for indebtedness. The former is a faroe,
for it matters not how muoh ot tbe debt
bas been paid, so long as tbe mortgage
stands, tbe whole is taxed. The borrow
er pays tbe taxes anyhow. The present
system of taxation, allowing exemptions
of indebtedness, allows the rich to escape
taxation, while those ot smaller holdings
have to pay the taxes. Let them all ride
in the same boat.
The Irish World published in a reoent
issue the following prayer to oongress
from tbe National Wool Growers' Asso
ciation: "That tbe wool manufacture,
standing fourth in importance among all
our industries, oonsuming annually a
volume ot raw material almost equal to
that consumed in Great Britain, employ
ing a quarter of a million persons, to
whom are paid 830,000,000 in wBges, and
supplying all bat about ten per cent, of
tbe clothing of our people, is an industry
whioh baa vindicated its right to exist in
the United States, and has approved it
self to tbe friendly and considerate treat
ment which we ask at tbe hands of oon
Thb elevator aooident at Portland
early this week, in wbiob Mrs. Avery
lost her life in the Marquam building by
falling seven stories, was the results ot
carelessness. Tbe man who bad tbe
elivutor in oharga knew nothing about
handling one. While be is guilty of
criminal negligence aodoarelessness, the
owners of the building are not altogether
free from tbe sami charge for allowing
a man to handle an elevator who knew
nothing about it. Hum nut reight should
be in experienced hands.
Bi.aokman'b bill to divide the 5 per
cent, fund, amounting to $95,000, among
the counties of the state for public im
provements, has passed both hoaseB.
It is estimated that Morrow, Grant and
Barney counties will reoeive an amount
aggregating $18,000 or (19,000. Tbia is
ntor tljia Mr. Blaukmen asked last
session for roads,by direot appropriation,
and he is to be congratulated on tbe
successful termination of his efforts in
this direction. That bridge aoross tbe
North Fork ought to be built now, and
the Wagner road oan be completed on
into Dayville. Tbe governor, it is sai d
will sign the bill.
From an English Journal.
The Marquis of Queensberry lectured
on Tuesday evening at Baskerville Hall,
Dirmingbaui, on "Marriage and tbe Rela
tion of tbe Sexes." Tbe noble Marquis,
who suid be was aware that tbe views
contained in bis address would bring up
on his head a perfect storm of reproba
tion and odium, to say nothing of ridi
oule, contended that among tbe necessary
conoomitanta of our rigid monogamatio
system must be reckoned immorality,
murder, dishonesty in the relations be
tween the sexes, sooial rivalry wbicb
warps the nature of marriageable girls,
and a number of other evils. He was of
tbe opinion that mousgamy represents
the highest ideal of tbe sexual relation
ship, but thai tbe raoe ia far from having
attained to it, and that compulsion in the
matter breeds a great deal of evil without
achieving its purpose or bringing Ibe
achievement ot that purpose any nearer.
For tbe divorce whioh is obtained by de-
Ulibeiate infidelity be would substitute
tbe liberty to take another wife or a seo-
ond husband, without ridding one's self
of tbe first ; and would do away with
illegitimacy. That liberty being given,
be was of the opinion that sexual immor
ality would disappear, and might be dealt
with more strictly; and thai moral de
pravity and malignity, aa well aa phys
ical deterioration also, would cease to be
so freely perpetuated. It was of course
a question for women. He was assured
by a Mormon lady in particular, and by
world-wide evidence in general, that
jealousy la very much a product of eioial
custom; and bis hope was that when tbe
wives of Eugland realized how their priv
ileges rested upon tbs degradation of
hundreds of thousands of their sisters
tbey would be tbe first to advocate a
more natural law. In his proposal there
was no danger that tbe monogamatio
ideal would be forgotten, or would oease
to actuate tbe majority. Tbe experience
of an Indian tribe, in which it was adopt
ed, showed that not 10 per cent, ot mau
kind oould avail themselves of it, for
men would not lightly burden them
selves with a seoond partner dii! tbey
know that tber would be saddled with
ber during the rest of their lives. In
this matter tbe Roman church still bound
us in shackles as strong as tbe iron chains
ot tbe Inquisition. Surely the giving
birth to children the most important
event ot human existence should be
kept from anything like serfdom, and
shoulu ,B' ou(,oae f unalloyed sffec
tion and pe.4cl barmony between bus
band and wife.
Ths First Law of 'atars.
This self-preservation is ack."1,,d8'J
to be, aud people who adopt again' 'f
enoroaohea of disease a genuine medioinai
:One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County .:
adjoining, of which deeded land
safeguard accredited by experience and
tbe sanction of physicians, afford a hap
py illustration of the wisdom ot tbe say
ing, in tbe health tbey restore and con
tinue to enjoy. Among maladies, against
the growth of wbich Hosteller's Stomach
BitterB affords efficient protection, dis
eases of tbe kidneys, and bladder are
fraught with tbe utmost peril and exhib
it great obstinacy wbeu opposed by ordi
nary means. Tbe BitterB can and will
subdue them. N. testimony is stronger
tban this. Used at tbe outset and per
sistently, tbe best results may be expect
ed. This medicine also eradicates liver
oompluint, constipation, dyspepsia, ma
laria, rheumatism and nervousneea.
lilfe of James G. Rlaloe.
The melanoholy death of Mr. Blaine
bas oaused a shook to every citizen ot
this great republio, regardless of political
allegiance, and every intelligent man,
woman and child will be eager to know
tbe secrets of tbe success of this truly
great man. They will also be eager to
know how it has been possible for a
man of snub humble origin and pre
tensions aa the desceased statesman to
rise to the point of playing so importaut
a part lu wielding the destiny ol his
oountry aa he has done. As is always
tbe case when a great man dies, tbe
market will be flooded with what will be
oailed his "biography." Many ot these
will be sb they usually are in such oases,
very little more than a collection of
clippings from old newspapers, and we
warn our so-called "biographies" of tbis
description, because they are compara
tively uniustructive and generally unre
liable, if not misleading. Whenever
there are several books written on ths
same subject, aud particularly when
that subject is the life of some noted
public man, there is always one of such
books that at once stands out head and
shoulders above all the others and that
is superior to them in every way. This
particular book beoomea the "standard
work" upon the subject treated of. We
think that "The Life and Work of
James i. Blaine," published on the
Pacific! ooaat by ibe Dominion Publish
ing Company, of Seattle, Wash., is
destined lo be the standard work on tbe
subject of which it treats. We tnhes
itaiingly express this opinion from Ibe
maguitioeut authorship associated with
it. The book itself is written by Prof.
John Clail. P.ic'palh, L L. D , who is
unquestionably Amerioas greatesl living
biatoriau, and who baa been engaged
on tbe work for over a year. In bis
great and laborious work Piof. Ridpath
lias been ably assisted by General Sel
den Connor, ex-governor of Maine, who
bas been a life long personal friend ot
Mr. Blaine, and is the one man through
whose instrumentality Mr. Blaine was
first sent to the United States senate.
Gibers so arcelv less distinguished than
tbe illustrious statesman bimaelf have
been engaged ou the work, by wbioh
means tbe book iB replete with illustra
tions and material that could not other
wise have possibly been secured. Tbe
illustrations are beautiful, and consti
tute of themselves a National Portrait
Gallery of the leading men of our time,
The book is altogether magnificently
gotten up, and both in literary and
artistic merit and in meohamcal skill,
it dues ample justice to that truly great
American, J nines U. Blaine, ibe book
is sold only by subscription, and tbe
publisher's advertisement will be found
in another column.
Report ot school in district No. 17,
aforrow county, Or, for tbe term ending
Jan. 20: Term, three mouths; number
enrolled, 22; average attendance per
montb, 17. Besnlt of final examination
Spelling, class B Ethel Gentry, 100
Msck Gentry, 80.
Class C Harry Brown, 85; Maud Mis-
sildine, 80; Mary Gentry, 80; Burt Mis-
sildine, 86.
Geography, class A Barah Gentry, 90;
Lulu Brown, 90.
Ueog., class B-Etbel Gentry, 90; Mack
Gentry, 85; Burt Misslldine, 85.
Physiology Sarah Gentry, 95; Lulu
Brown, 95; Ethel Gentry, 90.
Grammar Sarah Gentry, 85; Lulu
Brown, 9o.
Arithmetic class A Barah Gentry, 100;
Lulu Brown, 100.
Class B-Etbel Gentry, 90; Maok Gen
try, 90.
Moral tone of school, medium.
W. F. Gx-ntbt,
At M. E. church South, Sunday, Ftb.
Bib, the following subjeot will be dis
cussed: At 11 a. m., "The working
Savior;" at 7 p. m, "The Entreating
Saviour." Everybody invited.
Edwin Palmbr,
At the M. E. churoh next Sabbath,
preaching at 11, followed by communion.
l!ev. It. C. Xloter will preach both morn
ing aud evening. His evening sermon
will be on "Tenineranoe." No Dreaobing
j Saturday eveuing, but quarterly con
ference instead. J. At. BHrtLSB,
The subject for the Epworth League
at tbe M. E. church next Wednesday
eveuing iB "No Neutrality." Tbe young
people or lieppuer are especially invited
to attend.
Child Poison id.-Fred Asbbaugh's
baby boy, aged 19 months, on Tuesday
last got bold of a two-ounce bottle con
taining a twenty per ceut. solution of
chloral bydrate, bromide ot potash and
other poisons, drinking half of it. A
messenger was immediately dispatched
to town and Dr. Fox called out, who,
after bard work, saved tbe obild. When
tbe dootor readied Mr. Asbbaugh's be
found the obild entirely paralysed in
tbe Jower limb.
there are 140 acres good farming land,
easy terms.
farther information call at our office.
A Strange Case as Fonad by an English Paper
as Oecurlng in America.
The following is sent us by an old
Boitonian, residing in Montreal, who
heard the case tried at Chicago: Council
was retained the other day in Chioago
in one of tbe strangest oases ever
brought to the notice of tbe public.
The facts ontdo those of Rider Haggard's
novels, and verify the old adage that
truth is stranger tban fiction. Tbe law
yer in tbe oaae is James W. Drouilleard,
and tbe client ia Samuel Clinton Willets,
who asks the lawyer to decide for him
whether a woman whom be married
about two years ago ia bis daughter.
About forty-five yeara ago, according tc
the story told the lawyer, Mr. Willets
was married to Miss Mamie Evana at
Erie, Pa. He was only 17 years old, while
she was just turning 16. Tbey went to
live with Mr. Willets' parents, and for
a year tbey were happy. At the end of
that time a baby girl waa born, and tbe
young couple were filled with joy. As
time passed dissensions arose aud quar
rels were frequent. A crisis waa at last
reaobed. One night when young Mr.
Willets returned from bia work bis wife
and little child were gone. Shortly
afterwards he beard thai bis wife bad
died. Six years after his wife had de
serted bim Mr. Willets married Caroline
8tevenB, a voucg girl whose parents
reside in n email town adjoining Erie.
In less than two years a son was given
to him, but his wife waa taken away.
He named tbe obild George. It grew
and prospered in health aud when 17
years old George entered ths employ of
Harding, Davis & Co, wholesale bard
ware dealers in Pittsburg. In a few
years he was sent on .tbe road by the
firm. Ou Christmas night, 1860, Mr.
Willets aat waiting in his apartments
for tbe return of bis son, who bad been
on tbe roadjbr three months, finally
the door (firjmt,h0$ tbejeloome visitor
came in. Til was ctotfs.-orie. With bim
be bad brought a young and beautiful
wife. She was a Miss Helen Wright,
and young Willets hsd met and won ber
in Cleveland, while traveling for the
firm. Both her parents had recently
died. Mr. Welleta took a strange fancy
to bia son's wife, and aa time flew on
it was difficult to say which loved her
the most, father or son. For twenty
eight yeara tbe couple lived happily
together, and old Mr. Willets seemed
contented. On December 18th. 1888,
George Willets died, after a painful
illness of aix months. A few months'
after bis son's death Mr. Willets and
his daniihter-in-law went abroad. A
singular attachment had sprnng up
between them and on January 1811 1890,
ther were married in West Kennington,
London, by Wayne MoLeonard, an
Episcopal minister. Shortly afterwards
they returned to America and devoted
considerable time to travel. Muoh of
their time they spent in Chioago, as
they eventually intended to make that
city their home. A few mouths ago
the possibility that be bad married bis
own daughter, began to dawn upon the
mind of Mr. Willets, and he was foroed
to believe that bis wife was the little
girl who bad been born to bim many
years before in Erie, Pa. Binoe then he
bas learned that bia first wife, after
deserting him went to Cleveland, Ohio,
wbere in less tban seven yeara, she
married a map named John Wright.
She brought ber little girl up under tbe
name ot Wright. Shortly after her
marriage ber newly found husband de
serted ber. She was left alone with her
dnugtter and iu a short timedied. Miss
Wright, left alone, sought employment
and earned her living until sbe met
George Willets iu a house In wbich sbe
was boarding, and fell in love with him.
Mr. Willets and his wife, or bis daugh
ter as be now calls her, are living on the
North side. Mr. Willets said that he
has sent a private detective to Cleveland,
Ohio, to trace the oateer of his first wife,
and that be daily expects news from bim
Tbe station agent bad for bis assist
ant a short and squatty oolored man
about 40 years old, and the latter was
unloading a freight car down the plat
form when a very ancient-looking
dsrkey oame along with a bnndle on a
stick. He would have passed on, but
the assistant hailed bim with:
"Heab, yo' man, what yo' all gwine to
now ?"
"Gwine up to Sparata on de kivered
kyars," replied the old man.
"How do yo' know yo's is ? Ole man,
what's your manner's f Doan'yo' know
who am talkin to yo T Takeoff dat olo
hat with the quickest kind of o' sudden
ness 1"
The bat cams off and the old man
stood in a very bumble attitnde.
"Now, sab," oontinued tbe assistant,
as be stood on ths edge of the platform,
"doan' yo' oebber disrerkolet de fark
dat I represent de great Louisville k
Neshville trunk line o' railrode! Yo'
ia a Strang niggsr, an I kin sous yo'
dil time, bat doan' maka no mo' dis
and the balance A 1 pasture. The
Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay
for it with first crop raised on it. Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no U6e for it.
tinguished mistakes. Now, den, I un
derstand yo' wish to make use of our
railrode to go np to Sparata ?"
"I does, sab."
"Got de money to buy a ticket, bev
"I bas, eah."
"Is yo' of respectable charaoter?"
"Won't make no fuss an' sue us if de
ingine runs off de track?"
"No, sah."
"Won't keep gwine up to de water
cooler in tbe kyar and ewillin' down
all tbe water?"
"No, eah."
"Well, ole man, I'll let yo' go, but
let dls be a mighty solemn wa'nin' to
yo'l De nigger who doan't atop to see
me 'bout gwine on dia railrode will be
frowed off de train np dar in de swamp,
an' dey won't be a bit keerful bow dey
frow him either I Yo kin now put on
yo'r hat an' go up to my ticket office an'
buy a ticket to get on my kyars, but do
it mighty quick an' step as softly as it
dere was a dead man in de house!"
Deafness Cannot be Cared
By local applications, as tbey cannot
reach tbe diseased portion ot Ibe ear.
There is only one way to oure deafness,
and that is by constitutional remedies.
Deafness is caused by an iuflaiued con
dition ot tbe mucous lining of tbe eus
tachian tnbe. Wben tbis tuba gets in
flamed ynu have B rumbling sound or
imperfeot bearing, and wben it is entire
ly closed deafueas is tbe result, and un
less the inhumation oan be taken out and
this tube restored to its normal condition
bearing will be destroyed forever; nine
cases out of ten are onused by catarrh,
wbiob is nothing but an inflamed condi
tion of the mucous surfaces.
We will give one hundred dollars for
any oase ot deafness (caused by catarrh)
that oannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh
Cure. Send for circulars, free.
F. J Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.
J3TSold by druggists, 75c. 8
Agents to sell our choioe and hardy
nnreery stock. We have many special
varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals
to offer, whiob are controlled only by ns.
We pay commissions or salary. Writ
us at once for terms, and secure cboio
of territory. Mat Bbothkbs,
562 571 Nurserymen, BocheBter,N. T.
Aocidbnt on ths Slide. John Dixon,
representing Cunninghame, CurtissA
Welob, of 'Frisco, concluded he would
take a ride on the slide Wednesday
night with Geo. Thornton. All went
well till they neared the bottom of the
hill, when the sled was upset in front
of E. Minor's, badly spraining Mr.
Dixon's leg. Mr. Thornton esoaped
The Stndebaker wagon heads them all.
For sale at Gilliam St Bisbee s. a
Wby go hungry when tbe City hotel
furnishes you a good meal at living
ratea a
"Hardware" did you Bay? Why, yes
at P. C. Thompson A Co.'s stand, and the
plaoe for bargains.
Cnll on Rip to do your wood sawing;
same old prioe. Also delivers wood to
any part ot beppner. See ad, a
ltuhl, tbe baker. Buy your bread and
eakes and aave money. Try it. a. ,
Tbe Palace is tbe leading hotel in tbe
city. Well furnished rooms with plenty
of light are provided for everyone, a
Smith, tbe furniture man, is prepared
to, sell fine goods at low figures. Full
line ot nndertaking goods on bands, a
M. Liobtenlbal & Co. have a fine lot of
winter wear, including ladies' winter
shoes, overshoes, rubber boots, etc Drop
in. a
Borg, the jeweler, is tbe man to fix np
yonr watch or clock. Lie keeps a full
stock of everything pertaining to bis
business' a
Don't overlook T. W. Avers, Jr., tbe
leading druggist. Choicest perfumes,
purest drugs and tbe finest toilet arliolee
always on band. a
Tbe Bncbler beer, 5 cents par glass, at
tbe Columbia Beer Hall, Osmers A
Hughes, props., next door to M. Licb
tentbal A Co.'s shoe store. a
The M. L. A T. Co., sinoe tbey bave
roofed all tbeir platforms, have an im
mense storage capacity, Tbis company
now deals in grain, lumber nnd wood, a
Sinoe Shaw A McCarty purchased tbe
meat market they bave always endeavor
ed to keep on band tbe freshest and
ohoioeat meat!, sausages and bolognas, a
The general merchandise establish
ment formerly owned by Coffin A McFar
laod, has lately changed hands, now be
ing under the oontrol and management
of The McFarland Meroanlile Coinpanv.
wbicb continues busioess at tbe old stand
with a larger stock than ever. a
From the Telegram.
The Telegram's aooonnt ot tbe ac
cident yesterday was oorreot iu the par
ticulars, and tbe detailed statements of
tbe witnesses made afterwards sub
stantiate tbe facts then given. Mr
Davenport, an artist, who bas his studio
in the building, gives his acoouut ot the
aocident as follows :
"I waa standing with Mr. McC irmsck
nn tbe sixth fl ior waiting for the ele
vator to go down. As the car came np
the elevator man slid the door bark
sod reversed his lever so aa to bring the I
oar to a standstill; bnl aa the floor of
tbe car waa about a foot above tbe level
of the ball door he again reversed, this
deeded land has a good spring of water on it, all under
That dreaded and dreadful disease I
JWhat shall stay
'say Scott's Emulsion of pure Norwegian
cod liver oil and hypophosphites of lime
and soda has cured us of consumption in its first
stages. Have you a cough or cold acute or leading
to consumption? Make no delay but take
Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula,
and all Anaamlo and Wasting
Diseases. Provents wasting in
Children. Almost a palatable aa
milk. Get only the irenulne. Pre
pared by Goott A Eowne, Chemists, New
Sork. Sold by all Druggists.
V. J. IvBBZBR, Prop.
THIS HOSTELRY has been Befitted and Kefcnihiied throughout, and new
ia one ot tbe most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to Hop
with him, feeling that be is able lo entertain you in the best of style.
First Class House.
The Finest in the Land.
Oyster Season
Also is about ripe. We -will let you
know about that in the near future.
1 W. L. Matlock & Co.
Office in National Bank building.
time dropped the car with a uick jerk,
so that iia floor was about two feet be.
low the level of tbe ball floor. The man
then manipulated bis lever so tbat tne
oar rose gently until its floor stood level
with tbat of tbe ball. Mrs. Avery stooped
down to gather up the train of ber dress,
at tbe same time starting to get out,
when suddenly tbe elevator bounded
upward. I sprang forward, stretching
out my band to punh tbe woman back,
but, to my horror, saw her head strike
Ibe top of tbe doorway and her body
pilch forward out of the oar. I aeiz-d
bold of her dress and attempted to draw
ber forward, but her combined weight
and momentum were so great that she
was wreocbed from my grasp, throwing
me against the wirework, and then ehe
pitched headlong down tbe shaft. The
oar went on up tbe shaft."
A Popular Competition.
We desire to oall the attention of
those who take an interest in Biblesiudy,
to tbe popular competition otibe Ladies'
Home Mngezine, a first class illustrated
magazine, published at Peterborough,
Ontario. Tbe competition is open to
tbe world, nnd is free to all who care to
compete. All tbat is necessary is to
send answers to tbe following questions:
1. Which is the longest book in tbe
New Testament? 2. Wbiob is tbe
shortest? 3. Tbe longest verse? 1.
Ibe shortest! Mail your answers to
The Ladies' Home Magazine, enclosing
SI for six months subscription to this
popular aud handsomely illustiated
magazine. If your answers are oorrect
you are sure of a reward. Tbe following
is the prize list: $1,000 in gold, $5u0
in gold, SSO in gold, $100 in gold,
pisnoB, organs, gold watches, 2,500
elegant silver ti a sets, ia. Ti e public
may rely on fair nnd square dealing as
Tbe Ladies' Home Magazine is an old
nnd relmble concern. Add res, The
Ladies' Hons Maouzins, Peterborough,
Ontario. 63-5
A Smart Han
Will not hobble around on crutobes when
he can oure hi rheumatism with one
bottle of Dr. Dmmmnnd's Ligbtnine
Remedy, costing onlv fo, but worth $100.
Enterprising druggists keep it, or it will
be sent to auy address "n receipt of price
by the Drnmmond Medioine C ., 48-60
Mniden Lane, New York. AgeotB want
ed. 65
Schenectady, R.Y.
Prevent anil cure Constipation sad Sick.
B name, Small Uii Bceuak
its ravages? TliOUSands
Reasonable Rates
anil fliirarc !
s ItUU jllMU S
Commissioner of the U. S. Circuit Court. All land
f matters attended to promptly and accurately.
By Prof. John Clark Ridpath, LL. D., America's
greatest living historian ; and Gsneral Bel
den Connor, ex Governor of Maine, and
Mr. Blaine's lile-long bossom friend.
On which the anthon have been engiged for
over year.
Sold Only By Subscription.
We sincerely warn book canvassers and Die
public against allowing themselves to be led
!Xh . b,l08.rl'hl of the great staiesman,
which will be thrown on the market in a very
short time, and which consist ol nothing but a
collection of old and unreliable newspaper
clippings. Don't be carried away by anrflirfni
ana attractive circulars ibat you Lay r""iV
want is11 7 ,UCh b0k' "ou
On the life of the Illustrious Statesman.
AGENTS ".'"i"111 e " -
PUB. Co.
Seattle, Wuhlogtoo
5' . IVLsrstio, Iowa.
What Will noNnvarann. v.l.,l. - a
, .,r piuua buu en,
terpnsa avail in tbis wild west, if you
canootget big bargains? However, be
fore giving up entirely, visit Minor BroaJ-
Thom DfiOn A Rinna. nnn ik k l.-s.
, .-ubvwuiuc uim wnictt
goes to and from the City hotel, bot wli
um iifi yam aesiriog to go to train im
any part of the city. Leave orders at
City botel. m
Gilliam t Bisbee. the hardware and
tinware merohauts, carry every tLing an
pertaining to their lines, even agricul
tural imp ements. Don't you need a
plow this fallf ,
Don't overlook Kirk 4 Rasmtu for
bsrgains. They have purchased I be bos
mess of J. W. Matlock t Co. bot will
sewn remove to the MaUory corner, oppo
site the Palaoe botel. ,
Dr. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia.,
oonqnerer. will nnsiiiuis a'. I.:.
nd all its kindred ailment.. Every bot-
tie Suid nnHor a rvs. tti7,a ... a
effect a cure or money refunded. 8m L
in thia iautiA "
fcMMiaMS. ill I J