ill BE On Sale TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, Chicago, St. Ivotiis, AND ALL F0INT8 EAST. KORTH BHD SOUTH. Leaves Heppner, 8 a. m. 6:50 p. m. Arrive Pullman sieeoef ColonUt Sleeper! Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. ttamers Portland to 8an every fonr dayi. Franoisof Tickets Europe. Fer ratal and general Information call on Depot Ticket A Kent, J. C. HAET Heppner, Oregon. W. H. HUELBUKT, Aut Uenl. 1'aM. Agt tM Washington 8t., Ponn. nt. Ossoow. From Terminal or Interior Points tbt EAILEOAD! Ia tbe line to take DrtmTflli'i It Is the PintngCar Roots. It nina Throng I Vestibuled Traina every day In the year to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Can) Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEEPERS Or Latest Equipment TouristSleping Cars Bt that can be comtrtirtod and tn whirh ao eoinmodatiuLS urn both free und furnished foi holders of firat ur tuHmnd-oluBS ticket), uud Elegant Day Coachs. 1 Continuous Line connecting with all Linea, affording Direct sad Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Reservation! can be Secured in advance through any agent of the road. THROUGH" TICKETS To and from nil points In America, Kngln id and Kurop i ran be purchased at auy Ticket otliue or this company. Tall information concerning rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any agent, or A. D. CHARLTON, Assistant General Piisaenirer Alien I. tfo. 121 First Ht., Cor. Washington, it. PORTLAND OHEdOb CAVEATS. TRADE MAnarfl. DRSIOM PATENTS, COPVB OUTB. I 37"! S1.a.;rM Handbook write to alllNN A CO- M HnoAliWAT. New Yotlff. Oldest bureau for securing patents In America, rery patent taken out by us Is brought bpforo tha publlo byauoUoe siren free of charge la tbe gi tmiitit JUumnw Lanest elrenlatlon of any sclentlOn paper In tne wwld. Splendidly lllustrauti. No lutalllcoul Buui ahould be without It. Weekly, 83.00 a Mart SIM six months. Ailitrep, SlfiNN A CO. rvauauuu, 301 liroadway, JNaw xork City. GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS Highest Germinating Power. PUREST STRAINS SEND FOR CATALOGUE. rGeOsStarreilTAsT11 THE DICTIONARY HOLDER Did vov Irnrn vtiAl fkbltl rwrtlts - out t tW SMn u tmc tut kHI h.) r-i n( kit rn-intnul mninl to IjM Uw AtctiPitsirv I Tlir '" tAU likf ft Ibl, lnt to trll it oim niu. Mi niiif i.t'' i. listo yi'U netirthl tlio i ' iriinsiMi ft UM aVaiiuoti'r l ominjr, wtm b (UrU out u follow j 45 sold In '68 2,200 COid in '89 G,2G0 CCld In '90 20,040 co!d in '90 60.CC1 will be Mid to '92 .LA . A 8twl Windmill und uteel ZZ- i Towef every J minutes. Mivf erBOlnB, '.!itk 6tel Aerrmtor. Wlver one. .Soea Others follow. Ill and w "Take ttis Country.'1 U thkl uti iiuTsiiiM -) i, .11 j jMmith wlnttil fA .lit. i it ii ! tl'"J Uil sjm' ufitofHnfha Ml tlx gTMt UaJ-Vartlrr riniiBi avi whull luiiiibd 1I hctiMrr Holt!. tiutinvfJl ains rl m -mjjiweU loq.iitjj w lo hu ssd .11 J -till hnldi it isfMsiaitt rmpJIy trwa 1' TtivtMitt .1 th r. -r hU Disvt. oalt arit M s4 aneutwnetii 'U Sum okinUJood a lnah tWMiisitc oil upiili' m Hf Tha niaril i.tliaMi.r Holder hu mi thr uur.ii Mm 1 n4 in nurh(rig'"ntl. lltt iiuall Ti'fll on tvk an. h ninU tl Mull intmiiurtstl. thmt (oiistoAlniuAttt.ry WbiuhU Ktiisn of tli(abi m tottit riufH llami t tmM Norton Pacific ltjflo American ail. m a as T r i la"""" 1 Vtom i srttsla J i V f IhM I V MnMt I I 4 y kw i THE LONGFIELD APPLE. A Fine SecBlawld Winter TaiietjrThst Is Attracting Attention from Pomolog-fsta. The Longfield npple attracted a irreat deal of attention at the meeting of the Western JNew York Horticultural so A SECTION OP THE LONOFIELD APPLE. ciety, where it was on exhibition. It is one of the most promising of Russian apples and was highly recommended by Vice President WillanL nomologist Van Oeman, however, thought that western New York growers could grow other sorts of more value, because a red apple sells better than one of the color of the Lonfrtieid, which is of a rich golden hue, with a faint blush on the stem end. A member present did not think it true that a red apple always sells best, and stated that last season some nicely selected Greenings, carefully packed, brought just as much as other sorts hav ing more color. The Longfield is a line, semiacid winter variety, that is winning much favor among men desirous of growing something better than ordinary grades of fruit for the continually in creasing funcy fruit trade of our cities, says Country Gentleman, from which this cnt is reproduced. Single Dahlia. The growing of dahlias from seed is one of the pleasures of gardening, and the wonder is that the practice is not more universal, since it is attended with so little trouble in proportion to the suc cess attained. A correspondent in The American Agriculturist explains that seed sown in a hotbed or in pans in the house will make good flowering plants by the middle of J uly, in fact, they come into flower nearly as soon as when tin roots are planted out in May Tbe plants should be set in rows three feet apart and a foot apart in the rows, so that if one-half of the plants produce flowers that are not desirable they may be thrown out, and the remainder will amply cover the ground. A great causa of fuilure in planting dahlias, as with most other flowers, comes from plant ing too closely. Plants must have room for their perfect development. This rule is generally disregarded, and as many as twenty plants are allowed to occupy the space that ia but sufficient for one. Diseases of the Plum. The black fungus or knot, as a rule. attacks plum trees growing in grass and ncirlei'tpil Tha ripttt itravAntio. fi trnnt neglected. The best preventive for knot is good clean culture, and the best remedy, cutting away of the diseased parts as soon as discovered. As for the curculio there is only one safe plan. Just as soon as this pest begins its opera tions spread a large sheet prepared for the purpose arountl each tree and . jar it eu ua iu nimae uowu an iruits tnat uave been stung, as well as all the cnrculios. Both insects and stung fruits i an then be destroyed. This work must be per. formed daily to insure a full crop. Let those who desire to grow tine crops of plums try this jarring system; if follow ed up rigidly they will be successful. The Heat Pour Peaches. At the last annual meeting of the New Jorsey Horticultural society, in reply to the query, "Which are the best four peiiches?" four answers were elicited. President Blackwell replied. Moun tain Kose, Moore's Kavorite, El her ta and Beers' Late. Mr. Creely answered, Mountain Rose, Old Mixon, Crawford's Late and Foster or Wheatland. Mr. Black's preference for light soils was Mountain Kose, Keeves' Favorite, Btiinip and Crawford's Late; for the heavy soils. Stump, Crawford's Late. Stephens' Rarepipe and Beers' Smock. Mr. Carheart said, Mountain Rose, Stump, Crawford's Late and Keyport White. The country roiuls in r ranee are ou good that each horse hauls from two to three tons. The tires of wagons for heavy teaming ate six inches wide. The forward axles are shorter than the hind ones, so that there is uotsoumch danger uf ruts from wheel after wheel after rolling iu the mime .track. If we had such country roiuls here farmers would not ueed to keep so many horses. Lord Kllroni'sie Mpeaks. We desire to cull sltenlion to the great winter comnetniuu of 1S!i3, winch is unw being oouduoted by the ChuhiIihii AgiicultiiriHt and Hume JouruHl, pub lished at Peterborough, Canada. The Agriculturist ha Kiuued a reputation in the past for fuir ileulitig- in oouueolinn witli ihese oompelitious, and the fultue will be nu i-xceptiou to the rule. Tlinae whe desire to oomiiete cu do so free of ehariie. All Ihey have lo do is to pre eure a list ot Entilmti words mnile from the Idlers iu Ibe two words, "Columbian Exposition." The rules aie that uo Idler can be used oftener than it uppears in the two words above named, or oan the mimed of persons or places be used. FureiKii words are slan barred. The leading ptizea are: 1st, S'i.fiUO cash; 2nd, 1.1KK); 3rd, 500 ; 4ih, 4.Uj ftth, .1110; besides pianos, oriiiius, uold watulien. o.uoo eienaui silver tea services, eto , milking a total of over 10,0X10 prizes. . All who s ud in 100 coricot words will re ceive a special prize. Take a few sheets of paper, prendre a list made up from tbe letters in tbe two words above quoted ami etialoee $1 for ix months' subaorip tion to one of the choicest aud best pub lieations on tbe eouliueul, aud you will have a really first fllnas magazine to read, and may eeotire S'2,500 in gold into the bargain. Tbe Agriculturist always car ries out lis promises to the very itter aa the following, from Lord Kiloourme, the Cli'veruor-Ueueral's sooretKry will lesitiy; GoVKRNMRNT HorsB. ) Ottawa, Out., Jan. 6th, 18V2 Hm "It will iiive me great pleasure to recommend my friends to enter your ' competition, I am Sir, " I our iiheilient aervnnt, "KILCOI'KSIE, A. 1). 0." To the Editor of Ibe Canadian Agricul turist, I'eteiborougb, Canada. 62 64 NEW WAY TO MAKE MONEY. Beggars Wu A. Uiilnt: to Take Blow In the Line of iluKlneai. There is a volume at police headquar ters, In what may be called the census bureau, which is so rare and valuable that in comparison with it all other books, whether from the presses of Al lien or Elzevir, fall into utter insignia canoe. Curious as it may seem, this book is not so highly prized on account of its age as for its freshness. It deals in a certain way with the census of New York, but its contents are not con fined to this city alone. The peculiari ties of certain gentlemen living in licrn ton, Philadelphia, Chicago and San Francisco, as well as persons resident in London, Paris and other cities in Eu rope, are set down with great care and at considerable length. The facts were not gathered in a day, says the New York Mail and Express, but are the result of years of patient Investigation. The volume is richly illustrated and is kept as securely locked up as many of the heroes who figure prominently in its pages. Many of the entries are in the fine Italian hand of Inspector liyrnes, and are based upon ."lis own experience. One of the most recent of these re fers to a man called John Gaunt. Mr. Gaunt is at present enjoying himself at a well known wutcring place in the vicinity of New York, lioats leave foot of Twenty-sixth street every day. The entry reads thus: "New consump tion trick. IJcggar meets lady and gent out walking. Asks for money. Refused and grows persistent. Gent gives him slight shove and he falls in the gutter. Appeals to lady, who makes gent fork out monev. . Look out for them." This entry is perfectly intelligible to those for whose benefit it was mode. A detective said that this trick had been worked in this city recently by several individuals with a high degree of suc cess. The perpetrators were artists at the business, and they were assisted by nature in the part they assumed. The method of operating was to fol low a lady and gcntlaman, especially if the couple seemed to be in a hurry. Alms were solicited, and if forthcoming well and good; if refused enough per sistence was shown to exasperate the gentleman to such a pitch as to induce him to shove the fellow away, and it is surprising what a slight amount of force is required to knock one of them into the middle of ti e street. There the beggar lies, or if he moves at all it is to cast an imploring look on the lady. The latter begs her escort to see if the poor man is killed, but a small sum of money quickly brings him to lifo almost as soon as a policeman's club would. Both parties to the transaction are satisfied. The gentleman has demon strated to the lady his prowess, and the beggar has a salve for his injuries. The amount of acting which the prostrate beggar indulges in is based entirely on circumstances. If his victim be obdu rate he frequently finds it necessary to irroan or mumble something about heart disease. ,..riuithy riiHiii'-s. The health society of St. Petersburg recently appointed a committee to in vestigate the sanitary condition of those who are employed in tho rag business. The committee submitted its report, de nouncing tho rag business as highly in ,urioU8 to tho hcalth of those engaged ' . . . . .... in it. Tho rags are piclceu oy cmiuren, aver seventy-live per cent, of whom suf fer from contagious diseases, and less '.ban half attain a mature age. An Enemy Battled. r." ",",1 3, 7, n"."L" , nu : , :ii, u they are born with a tendency to bilious ness. Witli tuiH enemy they are con stantly buttling with imflVctual wennons. Hoetetter's stomnch bit, era will baffle it. Mere purgatives will not reform a dis ordered condition ot the liver iodioated, not by oonstipatinn alone, but also by sick headaches, yellowness of the skin mid eyeballs, nausea, furred tongue and uneHsiuess, more particularly upon pressure ou the right side, upon and be low the short ribs. Avoid diartio purga lives which (iripe and weuken the intes tiiie, and substitute this world famous auti-bilious cordial, which likewise re moves malarial, stomachic nud kidney complaints, rheumatism and nervous ness, As a laxative of the bowels, paiu leas but efleotnal, it improves appetite, sleep and the ability lo digrst, aud pos sesses the additional advautiiKe of a standard tnnio. Fat People. The only safe and reliable treatment for obeBity, or giipeiBnnus flit, is tho "Leverelte" Obesit) Pills, which gradu ally reduce tbe weight nud meiiaurrmeut. No injury or lnoonvenieriee leaves no wrinkles aots by absorption, 'ihisonre is foutided upon the most scientific pr.n oiplea, and bai been used by one of the moat eminent physician of Europe in his private praotioe "(or live jenra" with the most ifrHtilxing resnlia. Mr Henry Perkins, 29 Union Park, Boston, rite: "From the u ' f the 'Leverelte olweitv pills my Wright baa been reduoed ten pounds iu three weeka and my (jeneral lienllh is very much improved. The principles of your treatment are fully in dorsed ly my family plijsioian. In proof of my gratitude 1 herewith nive yon per misMion to u.e mv name if you desire to do in," Prioe $2.00 per paekiiirs, or threw puck iiies for S3 00 by mad. All eiders supplied direct from mir office. The Lkvkhkttr Hrmrio Co., 175 Tremont Htreet Hostou, Mihm, DltUNKF.NNFSS. or the LIQUOR HAR1T Cured at Home In Ten Hsys by Adminis tering, 1)1'. Ilaillea' lioldeu pecltio. It rau be giveu iu a glass of beer, a onp of coffee or tea, or in food, without tbe knowledge of the patient. It is absolute ly harmless, ud will effeot a permanent and speedy cure, whether the patient is a moderate diinkeror sn alcoholio wreck. It has been given in tboiiaands of cases, anil in every instance a perfect cure bus followed. It never fails. 'Ibe system ouoe impregnated with the specific, it becomes an utter impossibility for tbe liquor appetite to exist. Cures guaran teed. 48 page book of particulars tree. Address the Qolpkn Sckoific Co., 185 Itaoe street, Cincinnati, Ulno. Where' At Abraharnsick's. Iu addition to hi tailoring business, be has added a fine line of underwear of all kinds, negligee abirts, hosiery, etc. Also hits on band Some elegant patterns for suits. A. Ahrahauiaiek, May street, Heppner, Or. Shokmakkh. Ed Birbeok, a shoemak er and repairer of niBny years' experi ence, has just looated in the Abraham Slot tnilding, on May street, where he is prepared to do eveiything in bis line. t Birbeck is strictly a first-class work, man and warrants all work. Give him oall 14 tf Coffin A MoFarland have just received j oar ioad of Mitobell Wagons, Hacks, j etc , ana have also alargesupplyof farm-1 jng Implsmsnt, of all kinds. a RHEUMATISM neuralgia, t and sciatica can always be successfully treated with Ayer'sSarsaparilla A euro Is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. IF YOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT AnrircM n letter or pntftl cnr1 to THE PRRM CLAISIA COlPArTT, JOHN WEO0ERBURN. - - Managing Attorney. P.O. Box 463. WASHINGTON, D. C. ppvmosi PROCURED F SOLDIERS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. A1i, f r RrV'ttar and Sallori rflishM In the line of uty In the rea-nlar Annynr No' slncethe war. Survivor, of the Indtnn warn of lft!2 to 142, snd their widows, now entitled. Old find relprtrd elnlms l snerlnlry. Thousands entitled to Mrher mtei. wm for new laws. No charge (or No fee .nl JiKVAMfq) SPANKED OY HIS WIFE. A TVarn'nv to Husband THio May S Married to Muscular Wumon. A curious story is told at the eapito' at tho expenso of a member of Congress who, whilo of no small caliber Intel lectually, has not born blcsssctl witn ar abundanco of avoirdupois, say.) thi Washington correspondent of tho Ne York Tribune. Ho has a wifo who li much taller than ho is and who is als well-known to her children as a stric disciplinarian. One evening, so th story goes, sho heard a noiso in th nursory after bed-timo. Sho promptly seized her slipper and started for th scone of tho uproar. Just as sho roacher) the door tho children extinguished the light. Stretching out her hand she captured ono of tho boys and to judgt from tho outcries ho made tho spanking was thoroughly effective Uut thf mother was somewhat surprised at the conduct of tho second suHerer. Instea: of sobbing, ho yelled protestations lr a strong voieo and a t last sworo roundly The mother, astonished, jumped up and, lotting him fal' from her knoe U the floor exclaimed, tenderly: "Is that you, hubby?" Overwhelmed with confusion, he ad mlttcd that it was her ''hubby" sho hoc been spanking. After thev had retired mid tho muCled laughter of tho chil dren, who wcro trying to restrain it bj stuffing pillows into their mouths, ex planations followed. Ho too had heard tho noise and with tho samo object in view . as his wifo, had gono to the nursery, whore ho had boon caught hj his spouse. -i Hereafter ho vows tliat he will allow bis wifo to discipline his children un aided. ea-i v ,.G 1,4 UAHAN. Some Heform Inat.tuted by the Rmperof of Japan, Who " Rulea lu Person." A censor attached to the imperial court in Pcltin having suggested that the emperor should take up the ancient practice of having the classics and other sacred writings expounded to him daily his majesty published this decree; "Since wo have undertaken the task of governing in person we have daily re ceived in audience tho officials of the metropolis and the provinces and done our very utmost to rigidly discern the the proper men and pass judgment on their actions. Such time as remains at our disposal after transacting the mul titudinous affairs of state wc devote to the study of the classics and historical records, often engaging in discussion with the imperial tutors and never per mitting ourselves for a moment to in dulge in luxurious case." Kien Lung abolished the reading on the ground that the readers took the opportunity to indulgo in general advice and in triguing. He listened for ten years and then called a halt. The present em peror continued: "Two emperors have thus expressed their views with regard to this matter and the conclusion they arrived at was that these expositions were a mere fraud; that they do not advance a true understanding of the principles of government; that those concerned endeavored to put forward the private views and by flattery carry out their false designs. VVc sec through all this quite clearly, and it would be well were the censor to reverently pur sue the views of former sovereigns in regard to this matter. His memorial is ..... in many respects obscure and his arguments are not to the point. Ilia proposition need not be entertained." flrlcd Itiinanas. A new industry is gaining headway In the tropics, by which bananas are dried for shipment. The fruit in dry ing loses one-third of its weight, and when dried readily sells at sixteen cents i a pound. Ihe dried fruit can be trans ported over bad roads without injury, and it retains its flavor. The cost of producing bananas is very little, as a bunch weighing fifty pounds requirce as a total outlay f jr clearing, purchase of land, and every other expense neces sary even to boxing for the market, the small sum.of fifty-three, cents tho re sult of an actual test in the island of Trinidad. When one considers that the productiveness of the banana is forty two times that of the potato and oue hundred and thirty-one times that of wheat, and that when once planted it Deeds little care, the profits ot the In dustry will be readily seen. There is more catarrh in this section of tbe country than all other diseases put toffether, snd until the last few years was suppose! to be incurable. For a great many years doctors prnuonnced It a local disease and oresonbed local rem edies, snd by constantly failing to enre witn looal treatment, pronounced it in ourable. Scienoe bs proven catarrh to be a constitutional disease, snd therefore require constitutional treatment. Hall's Catarrh Cure, manufactured by F J Cheney A Co.. Toledo, Ohio, is the only constitutional eure on the mirker, It is taken internsllv in doses from 10 drops to a teaspoon ftil. II acts directly on the blond snd morions snrfaoes of the svs teui. Thev riffer one linndred riiillara f.. any case it fails to enre. 8nd foreiron lars and teafimon'nlsj Address, F J. Casket t Co., Toledo, O. WSold by druggists, 7fj. 7 Mil LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS. Summons. 2.N THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the county of Morrow, k. L. xinghes, Plaintiff, i va. SUMMONS. Geo. W. Tbomal, Defendant ) To GEO. IV. i UoMAa, the above named da fendaut: lu the name of the State of Ore.Sbn, Von are hereby required to appear and aiiBw er tbe com plaint tiled against uu lit tbe above entitled ault ujkju tbe first day ot tbe next term of tbla court, to- It.: I pou Monday, ibe l:;ib day of March. Isltf. And if you tall so to answer, for aitt thereof, the plaintiff w 111 take a Judgment against you lor tbe principal sum of 4.-U1.0U and fulcreil thereon at Uie rale of tlx 16) per cent, per annum from the 1st dtty of lanuar lnSll.and lor ihe further iuiii ol$J(. ou and iuteiest there on from the istdsy of July. 1M41, at the rate of a per cent per annum, and for tiie further sum 01 fcll.ou with interest at thv rate of a per cent, per annum from tiie lit day of January, Is'.ll, and for the further sum oi $24.1X1 and iuleiei: thereun at tbe rale ofbperceut. perannum iroiu the 1st day of July, lhyi, and the lurther mm of fMl.ou aa attorney's fee in this auit, and for the costs and disbursements of til la auit. And plaint ill further asks lor a decree loreclosiug the inort guge upon lots 5 and I, and the cK! ol the bVt ! 01 nee. 30, inTp. i, H K 24, E V. M containing loo and 40-100 acres, more or less, being situate iu Morrow county, state of Orcgeu, and that the land described be sold as upon ex-cutlou to sat isfy whatever judgment tbe plaintilt may ob tain, and that the proceeds of said salo be ap plied, brs iu the payment of sufd Judgment, costs and attorney's lee, and cosis of sale; and second, that tbe remainder, if any, be turned over to the deieudaut, and that delendaut be forever barred and lorccloscd Iroiu selling up or maintaining any claim or demand to said laud or any part thereof, except as redeuiplioner under ibe statute, and l,T such other and lur ther relitl as may to tbe court seeiu meet and equitable. Ibis summons is published pursuant to an order ol Hon. W. L. bradshaw, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and entered ou the 10th day of Jauuarv, iw:i. KUUA.N Bit OS. & ROKNOR. 5T.2-5T4-W Attorneys lor Plaintiff. SUMMONS. IN TFIE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE X ot Oregon, for the county of Morrow. u. u. Harrington, aa inluUtrator ol the es tate oi Jauiestteviarr, Deceased, Plaintiff. SUMMONS. vs. G. W. Stewart. Defendant. J -TO O. W. Slk.,1 a,. i, Uefendant: Iu the name of tbe .-tale of Oregon, You are hereby lequlred to appear and ai.sivcr ibe com nlaint fiiv'd against you In the nbove-eiitMi-d rtctloii, on or before the'iilh day oi March, lsu:i, that being the brsl day of the next regular term of &id court. And if you ,o fall to answer, lor want thereof the nlaintllt will lake indtouciit ngiiiiist you lor the suiii of Kite Hundred and hignty-Mne and 7.i-1 (mj (s,:i tii-iki) nullum, with interest from December '1. Ism. at 'lei. ner cent, per annum, and hixty Dollars attorney s tecs. Alio me sum ot alx Hundred uuu rilty Dollars and interest from April 10. 1w.ll. at I en per cent, per annum aud i-ixty-Klve Dollars ittoruev's lees aud costs and disbursements of this action. 'Ibis summons Is served by publication, by order of Hon. W. L. Hriidshavv, Judge of said court, made in chambers on Ili-ceinber ill, l&ir'. FRANK KKI.I,"litl, 650-71 w Attorney lor I laiulill'. Sheriff's Sale. VJOTICE II HEREBY OIVEV THAT UNDER IV and by virtue ot an execution issued out ol the Circuit Court of the Slate of Oregon for the County of Morrow, and tome directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and enter ed in said Court on the 5th day of September ow, in favor of Charhs K. Kirk, pliilntiil, mid against. c. J. names, oeieunant. lortne sum three hundred dollars, wilb interest thereon at l he rate ol in per cent, per annum from the 27th day of May IH'.ll; also two hundred dollars, with interest thereon at the rate of a per cent, per annum from the 27th day of May ism. and the further sum ol f attorney's fees, and twenty nine and H-lotl dollars costs, and. whereas, bv snid judgment it was ordered and adjudged that tne loiiowing oeserineo real properly, to-wlt.: The South West auarler of section three Cil. In I'mvuship four fl), s,.ulh of Haugo twenty-five t-o, r.asi oi w . j., nil m .Morrow counlv, ore won, be sold to satisfy said judgment, costs and accruing costs. I will, ou ihe Ith dav of March. IH'.I.'!. at 1 o'clock p. in. of said day. at the front door of the court house in Heppner. Morrow county. Oregon, sell the right, tide and interest oi ine sain c. u. naliics in and lo the above de scribed property at public auction to Ihe high est and best bidder for cash in hand, the nro. ceedB to be applied to the satisfaction of said execution, ana all costs, and coids that lmiy ac crue. ;ko. N- bi.k, Sheriff of Morrow countv, or. Dated tan. 23, Ml. 5fc'-6;i-w Notice. 11 KITED STATES LAND OFFICE. I.A Lj (irande. Oregon, Jan. , 18!):). Complaint having been eniered at this otbee by Henry Mossie against Luther Baldwin for nhttiidnufuir uis iioinesiena entry mi. 4llt, anted .March iio. INK), upon the E!. Ntt'V Sec. al, and the K'i SH 4 Sec. 17, Tp 5. S R 32, E. W. M . iu Umatilla county. Oregon; w ith a view to thecancc Hanoi of said entry the Bald pnrtl. s are herebv sum moned to anocnr al the otlice of Will c. Stitnaon at Pilot Rock. Oregon, ou the 1st dnv of .March. W.i:l, at 10 o'clock, a, in., to respond and fiirniBli lesiiiiiony concerning ssiu alleged annlidou inent, to be used at the iinal hearing in this omce on the lh day of March, 181)3, at tell o'clock a. m. It is further ordered that this notice be served by publication for four coiecntive wei-ks in the Heppner Oazette, and by posting upon the iinut u. in oiuieu oiaies lauo cases. tll-'l A. C. MtCLM.i.A.'.D, Receiver. hOTICE OF INTENTION. rAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON, -J December 5, ltwi. Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing nsmed settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before W. R Ellis. Com U.S. circuit Court at Heppner, Or , on January 21. 18!l:l viz.: JOSEI'H W. RECTOR, HdNn. 4857, lor the NWI4 eec. 29, Tp. 2, S R 27, He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: Nelson Jones, Frsnk Sloan, W. G. Boyer and J. N.Elder, allof Heppner, Oregon. Mo-5M A. C. kavxr, Register. Hotice of Intention. IAND OFFICE AT THE D LI.E9, OREGON, 4 December 17. la'J2. Notice Is herebv given that the follow lug-named settler hat tiled notice 01 01s intention to make final proof In support of his claim, and that said proof w ill he inude before J. W. Morrow, Countv Clerk, at Heppner. Or., on Saturday February 4. 18 1:1. viz.: AUGUSTUS TAYLOR, lid. Application No. 2ti06 for the MS Is of r-'ec. SI. 1 p. 2, S R 26, K W M He names the follow tne witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of. Bald land, viz.: O. E. larnsworth. W. F. Dnttnn, A. A Wren and R. J. Howard, all of Heppner, Oregon. &a5-o8i John . Lswis. beglster Notice of Intention, TAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, J Pec. IK, MU. Notice Is heieby given that the following-iiamed settler bus tiled notice of his intention to make final proof lu suptsirt of his claim, and that said proof will he made be fore W. K. Kills U. S. Commissioner at lleppnef, Oregon, on Wednesday Feb. IS. ltl, viz.: Hd. Application No. 2K4, lor loisV'nnd 2, and Ml 1. 1 OK S. MAXWKI 4 NWt, of Sic. S, 1 p a. S R 24 I He names the following w itnes, E M g w itnesses lonrove bis coiitintioiiB residence upon and cultivation of snid laud, viz.: N. R. MrYsy, T. P. Grnhsm. Jacob Johnson and F. M. Holmes, all of Gooseberry. Oregon. 6,Vi-56A John . Lewis, Register. NOTICE OF INTENTION. T AND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREGON, I J January 2, 1!W. Notice Is herebv given that Ihe following-named sctiler has filed notice of his Intention lo make tiltal proof lu support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before Ihe County t lerk of .Morrow County, at Heppner, Oregon, on Feb. 13. laa-j, viz.: JlllIN MitiillU P. 8 No. 10160. for the E, SW'i and SW14 NW'K and NWI4 !, sec 20. Tp 3, S R 2s, E. V M. He natUCBtlie follow illir W Itnensi.. to nmt ahl. continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz.: James W. i-eahey, Mat Hughes. Arthur Daly and W. G. Scott, all of Heppner, Oregon. , . A. cuuvra, ssfi-Ka, Register. DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. fJ0TICK IS HERKBY GIVEN THAT THE 1 arioersnip existing oetween J. A. Wool ery. 8 W. Adams. Ed. s Cox and S. If. Cox, tin. der the Srm name of J. A. Hoolery Ji Co., was dissolved May 16. iS'.i-J, bv mutual consent, J A Woolery retaining the business st lone, dr.. col lecting all accounts due and paring all liabili ties of said branch of thm's business, up to date above-mentioned, the remaining partners retain ing the Hanlman business, collecting all ac counts contracted bj said branch of the busf. uess up to said date. J. A. Woolsrv, 8. W . Aoahs, . m El 8 Coi 8. H. Cox. KOW HALK, AKNEns-HHOH, Btork and flxturet. UooA diiih,m: wtabliBhtM in the midt of a TOOd firmtltlF rih. itli.niiiliiwoniiiitpi- Alw for sale a fttiod house and two ltti n ith or without the busiuess urouertT. For forther in. rauUea address Ussstte, Uspsasr , Or. tu at S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HKPPNKK. OREGON. Tattle branded and earmarked as shown above. Horses K on riirht shoulder. Mv cattle renire in Morrow and Umatilla coun ties Iwill i ay HOf.un for the arrest and con viction of any person hlealihg my stock. WISCONSIN CENTRAL L1NLS ( Northern Pacific R. R, Co., Lessee ) LATEST TIME CAIiU Two Through Tra:ns Dai y. lS.l.ipmTvWpm l.v.MitincnpotisArtl.05am l.Kupm7 l'Hil...ArH.:iam 10 l.'iainll liiii)ll,v...liilnti . .Ar" 2.50pin7.'J5pni:l,v.. Athlaud.. ArX20am 7.16am !i.5'Jam Ar. .. Chicago. .Lv 5.47am L I 4.15pm JU0pm ti.fmpm :l :0pni llcketssold and baggage cheeked through to all points in the United tatos and Canada. close conni'cllnu made lu Chicago with all trains fining East and South. For full Information apply to votir nearest ticket uncut or JAS. (!. POND. (len. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Chicago. IU. C? UICK Ti.lVl ES t TO San Pronoisoo nl all points in I aliforma, via the Mt. Miasta mule of the Southern Pacific Co. I be great highway Ihmngh California to all pninle hast and Sontb. (Irani Kcenlc Route of the Pacific Const. Pullman Buffet Sleepers. Second-class bleepers Attached to express trains, affording superior accommodnlioDs for secord-claee passengers. For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations, to. call niMin ir address R KOEHI.EIt. Manager. E. P. ROOERS. Asst. Oeti F .VP Agt Portland. Oregon. KIIK BRA NHS. While you keepyonr subscription iaid up yei can keep your brand in freeof charge. . Allu,. T. .1 . lone. Or. Ilorsea Of) on lef .hnulder: Cl.ttle -nme nn left hip, nnder bit on riulif ear. 111, il upper Ml on tbe left; range, Mor- rnw cool ly. Arnislronu. .1. I'.. Alpine. Or. T with bar nu. dor 11 no left sbonlder of homos: cattle same on i..i' 11111 Allison. O. D.. Eicht Milo. Or. Cntrlu hH O IJ on left hip and horses same brand on rigid' "in -r. narai- cigm nine. AdkiliB, J. J., Heppner, Or. Horses, JA 0011 . ei-ii-n ,,1. ii. 1 nana; cattle, eaiueou left 1 11. Ayers. Johnny; Lena, Or, Horses branded riangieou itm nip; came same on right hip: lien crop off righl ear and nnper bit on same, Harlhnlam'w, A O, Alpine, dr. Hoises Drandeti 1 & un eltner sl.oulder. ltunge lu Mo n-w roonly. lileakiuan. Geo., Hardman, Or. Horses, a flag in ien Mioiiiuer: came t.nma on right shoulder I annister, J. W., Hardmnn. Or. Cattle brand. en 11 on ien nip and thigh: split in each ear. Hrenner. Peter, hoi seberry Oregou HorBes oninueti fit on lett shoulder. Cuttle same un rigui. aiue. liurke. M 8t O, Long Creek, Or On cattle, mn 1 voiiiicuit-ii un inn nip, ciop on leit ear. un der half crop off right. Horses, same brand on letfl shoulder. Range in Grant and Morrow lonuiy. Hroaman, Jerry, Lena, Or. Horses branded rigiu snouider; cattle H on the left Bide. ,ri ear nair crop and right ear upiair slope. t right thig.i 1 each ear. , u, ,,111., neiioner, "r. -jioreea. J a cattle, same on right iip; splii, in ,"w"j ,B"' Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the mini Mine; came same 011 riglitliip; range. Mor row county. Hmwii, J P , Heppner. Or. -Horses and cattle branded tj with ox-yoke above on left shoulder. Ilrown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle wKbdol iiij.. ler on Infl hip; cuttle, same. Brown, w.J Lena, Oregon. Horses W bar oyer It, oil the leit shoulder. Cattle Banie 011 left "'I'- ... lloyer, W. G Heppner, Or. Horses, box uiniiu i nip cai.ue, same, with split each ear. Boris, f. o., Heppner, Or.-Horsee, P B on left shoulder: caille. same on left bio. BronIee, W. J., Fox.Or-l'attle. JH connected 011 left side; crop on -left ear and two solits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same orm.u 00 me ien ungti; itange in Fox valley, Caianei- tt'arrep. Wngner. dr.-Horses brard. ed O on llglil stiflHi caltle (throe bnra) ou right ribs, crop and split in each ear. 11, u,nu,a,i,( u.,,1 l,,w UI'UIIlieB. t'ain.ll., aieb.l r.- Jj 00 horses on left stifle: V will, quarter circle over it, on left shoulder, mi. ..11 it-ii eune ou all colts under a years; leit snouider only on all horses over 1 5 years. All inuitu 111 uram countv. Clark, Wui. H. Lo. a. Or.-IIorBes WHO con. ueiied. on Ien shoiiloit: caltle same on rigid hip. Ha ge Morrow and Umatilla counties. ate, t hus. It., Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses I, v' "o rigin sniiuidcr; cattle nans on right hip. Itange Morrow and Umatilla counties, lecil, Win.. Douglas. Or.,- horses J If on lef snouider; caile same on left lop, waddles un each jaw and two b,ts in the right ear. Curl, 1'. H John Liny. Or.-Double oroes on w.i-11 nip ,ii emue, swallow rora and under bit 111 right ear. spill iu left ear. llunge in Grant couniy. On sheep, inverted a. aud spear point ou shoulder, tar niarku.i ewea, crop on left ear puuchwl upper bit in right. Wethers, croo in right and under half crop iu left ear. All range 111 brunt countv. Cook, A. J..Leiia.Or.-Horeee, soon right sbonl- r, si T i- T ear marx square .,. .nu dpiu in rigm. (urrin.H, K., Currinaville, Or. -Horses. 00 left anno. cox td. B Hanlman, ()r.TCaltle, C will ... ' ""rr"- c- on ien -up. t iKiliran. It. K.. M nmm ijpUn r rt. Horses biainlt'd circle will, l,u, lu.,.,.,1. i.'... ru,u,7, . vniiif Mime onuia on ootli fiios. mark lllidl r alone bol Mm i,,l,lulu.. K 1 nupin, ll., Itardniaa. Or.-Horsee branded rui right lop. Cattle branded the same. UlCkil,,. l,h li,.iuM h,.J -.:.. .1 out., ,,,, r ,111, l Mine I Ul IHMI II. lul .1, ,i,l. -"unai, ,, ui.. iieooi er. (,r. uti-u. i.n.,..i. .mi im, ver ineiu, on lert shoulder; cut. ur iuir ,,ii ien mo. Douglass, W. iM .liallowav. Or. Citl 11 li.. rigin auie.awa low-fork 111 each ear: horse.. K 1) Douglas. O. T., Doutlaa, Or-Horses TD the light stifle; entile same on nghl hip. uuncnii. n. r., John lliiy.Or.-yuarter circle ., 1,1, iikiii niiiiuiuer, uiiui on noraea and cattle. liniiKe lirimt iounty. Ely J , b. A hons, Oouglaa, Or. Horses brand ed r.Ll ol. lef I shoulder, cattle anine ou lefl hip. hole ii rigid ear. Elliot', Wash.. Heppner, Or. Diamond on nghl shouider. Heck, JucXbou, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F cotiuocleii in right slioulder; caltle same on rigid hie Earmark, hole iu right and crop oil left. Florence, L. A. right hip; borsu. shoulder. ..Heppner, Or. Cattle, LF on r with bar under on right Florence, B. P. Heppner, Or Horsea, F on right .hoi Ide, ; cattle, b ou right hip or thigh. Gay, Henry, lieppuor. Or. UAt ou left shoulder. Gilman-Frenrh. fjoid nod f.i. ftowk Cn Vn. sil. Or. Horses, anchor b on left shoulder; vent, same on left stifle. Caltle, same on both hips; ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left. Range iu Uilltaui, Grant, Crook and Morrow oountjes. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H, ith A miHrlMr finla ovor it nn In ft at I Ho Kail tie ill Murruwand llmAttllinnnnttM (tilttrufop .1 l' Pssisia cite Ik. in km.. 0 -o on ift huuider and stitle; cattla, oa right side. Kautxe iu Urant cunnu. j Haiea. beo.. jLeua. Or. rJrand JH oonniMftiMl wit h quarter cirol" over it, od left ahoulder. Hmit A. B., Itidtre, Ur. t attle, nmud-top K vith quarter circle ai der it ou the nght hip. rUnjie iu Morrow and Umatilla counties, Uiti ton S Jenks, Uamiltuu, Or t attle, two bar on either hip; crop in riht ear aiid split in left, Horsea, J on riprhi thigh. Hange in (Mint oounty. Hufrbea, 8an)oel, Wairnfr, Or "T" (T F L con nected) ou nubt shoulder on honws; on cattle, ou riKUl hip and on left aide, swallow fork in riitht ear and slit in left. Kaiige in HaystacJc district, Mom-w county. Hale, Milton, Warner. Or. Horse branded -O- (circla ith parallel taHa) on left shoulder. ( tile aame on lefl hip ; alo large circle on left side. Hall, Edwin. John Day.Or. Cattle E H on ris:ht hip; horses same on right ahoulder. range in Uraut county. Howwrd, J t. alloway. Or. Hoe, 4- (cross with bar abtive ii) on right shouiuer; exit' Milne on lei t Hide. Kange in Morrow and Uma- tlllH IN-QlltieH. Hugbtw, Mat, Ksppner, Or. Horaps, shaded heart on the left shoulder. ruin ire Morrow , shoulder; est tie. s oalart kip. MuldViMiU. Dm, Uftkin. 1 Hunsakar. M Wiir.r. lis Ho. lii.unUll - ,jk?I' f0.'"" biasd Hsrdlstj, Albert, Kye, Oregon - Horses, AR connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on lbs left liip, crop off left ear, Humpbreva, al. Hardman, Or.-Horsea. H os let' flank Hayes. J. M., Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass on left shouldei cattle, same on right hip. Huston. Luther, Eight Mile. I lr. Horse H oa the left shoulder and heart on the left stifle Cat II" same no lft hip. Ilwinra in .Morn., enmity. Ivy. Alfred. Long Creek. Or -Cattle 1 Don tight hip. crop off leftearandbil io right. Horses same brand on left ahoulder Range n Grant countv Jotrfcin, 8. M,, Heppner, Or Horsea, horse shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the aamt. Range on Klghl Mile, Johnson. Felix Lena. Or. Horses. circieT on left stine; cattle, same on right hip. uadnr half erne io riaht and sidit in left ear J-nkihs, D VV.,llt. Vernou,or. J nnhorseson left slioulder; on cattle, J on left hip and two smooth orops on both ears. Haugo in Fox and ear vail 'i a Kenny, Mike. Heppner, Or. Horsea brand,! KNV on lefl hip cattle same and crop off laft aar: under nIhim. im the right Kirk 1. T., Heppner, Or.-Horsee 88 on left sbonlder: on Ien hip. Kirk. J O, Heppuer. Or. Horses. 17 on either flan k : call le 17 on right aide. Kirk Jesse, Heppner. Or.; horse 11 on left shoulder: entile same on tight Bide, uuderbit on right ear. Kumlierland.W. G.. Mount Vernon. Or. I L on cattle on right and left Bides, swallow fork in 1, ft ear and under oiop in right ear. Horsea aame brand on left ahoulder. Itange in Grant county. Keeney. Eli, Heppner, Or.-Horsea J L and ace of oluba on lett stifle. Range in Umatilla snd B'orniw counties Ijeahey, 0 W. Heppner Or.-Horsee branded L snd A on left shoulder: oatt le same on left hip; wattle over right ey three slits in right ear. Lorten, Stephen, I ox. Or, H Lou ieft hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses Donnty a 'boulder. Itange Urant Lieuallen, John W l- ' Or. Horsea branded half-oiioleJL connected ou leftshoul der. Caltle. sain, on lefl hip. Itange. near Lex. maton Lord, George. Heppner. Or.-Horsee branded double Ii coi.nect, MometuneB called s swing H. on lefl shoulder. IMiirkham. A. M. Heppner. Or.-Cattle large Jl on lef! side both ears cr.-pped. and split iu bo Ii liotbea U on left bin. k. , cunjou. .Minor, Oscar, Heppner. f lr. Cattle, M Dlos right hip; horse. Moll lef t shoulder. Morgan. S. N Heppner, Or-Horses. M) on lefl shouldi oattle aame on left hip. McCumlier, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horsea. M with bar over ou nght shoulder. fnann, H. H., Lena, Dr.-Horaee-old mares ZZ shonl'Ser y""" t"Ck, .mull u on left Morgan, Thos., Heppner, Or.-llorBes, oirole 1 011 lefl shoulder and left thigh; uattle. L on nght thigh. Mitobell. Oscar, lone, Or.-Horsea, 77 on right hip; caltle. 77 011 nghl side. McClaron, D. (,., Brownsville. Or-Horsos, Figure fioneaoh shoulder, cattle, il'2 on bio McKern.W.J. Mouut Veruou. Or XI ou cattle ou rigid hip, crop iu right ear. half crop 111 left same brand ou borate ou lefl hi, . Itatiga in Graul county. SloCarty, David H., Echo, Or. Horses branded DM connected, ou the left shoulder; cattle same on hip and side. licGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or.-Mnle shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs aad under in each ear; liorsns aame brand on loft stifle. Mcllaley. G. V., Hamilton, Or.-On Horses, S with hall circle under 011 lef t shoulder; on Cattle, Jour bars connected on top oil tile right aide Itange 111 Grant County. Neal.Andrew. lame Rock.Or.-Honais A N con heeled on left slioulder: caltle same ou both hips. Nonlyke, L Silverlon. Or.-Horsea. oirclo i ou lefl thigl : ca lie. same 011 left luu. Oliver. Joseph. ( aujnii ( ity. Or. A 4 on cuttle on ien hip; ou homes, same ou left thigh. Ituiure iu lirant county Oiler. Perry. Lexington. Ur. I' ( on lefl shi'li.iie.. Olp, Herman, 1'iuirie Cily, Or. Ou caltle, O Ll couneclod 011 lefl hip; hurses 011 lefl atille and warlle on nose. Itange in Grant county. Pearson, jlve, Eight Mile, tlr.-llorso., ,iuMr ler circle sliielo 011 left slioulder aud a4 on lefl hip. I atllo, fork in lei; ear. right cropped. U on lefl hip. ltng. on Eigln Mile. larkor it Gloasou. liardinaii.Or. Horses IP oa I- Ii shoulder. 'I'l'r, tri e t, Lexington, Or.- Hor es braud e E (L E coiiuec ed; 0. leit shou. der ; . aula s me ou i imn hip. Range, Jlorcw couuu-. liner, J, 11,. Lexlnalu,,. nr. iiiiim. .is. ....... lleclwd leit ahoulder; caltle, same un left flip. under bi iu each ear. JMtyB, A. C, lone, Or.; burses diamond P on shoulder; cnltle, J 11 J couuecled. oil the left tup, upper slope in left ear uud slip in tb light. Powell, John T Duyville, Or Horses, .1 f con. tiec ed ou left shoulder. Cuttle OK couiieelwl a lefl hip, two under half crops, oue oil each ear, wattle under lliriait, l(a, ge in linmt couul j . Ilickard. U. D., Canyon l ily, Or.- F C ou loft shoulder, on horses only. Ituge Canyou creek and Hoar valley, Urant county. Hood. Audrew, liardmau. Or, Horses, square cms, with quarter-circle over it on lef t stiile. Iteninger, Chris, Heppuer, Or.-Horaes, 0 It on tef I siiouidei . Rice. Dun, Hardman, Or.; horses, three panel worm fence on left shoulder; caile, DAN un right shoulder. Range near Hardman. Itoyoo, Aaron, lleppiier. Or He 1 sen, plain V on left shoulder; caltle, snuie brand revcrebd on right hip and wop oil right ear. Itanga in ,ior rowcouniy. Rush llrus., Heppner, Or. Horsea branded i uu the nghl shoulder; cattle, IX ou tho left tup crop oil left ear and dewlap on neck, hunge a. Morrow atid-adjoinliigcouiilies. 1 !iu I1' V,'11'""1' I'eiidleton, Or.-Horses If oa lef shouldei; cuttle, It ou left hip, crop oB right oar, underbit 011 left ear. Sheep. It on weaUiers, rouud crop off righ ear. Itange Uma tlllaand Morrowu mnlies. i,-l.1'1"?,i Audrew, Lexingum, Or.-llorsel branded A H uu rnd,t. H ,l.L.n Zl circle over brand; cattle same on right bip. Itange Morrow county. Itoyse, Win. ii Dairyville, Or Hit connected Willi quarter clri-lo over top 011 cattle ou right bin and orop off right ear aud split in left. Horses same brand on left shoulder. Itange iu Morrow. Grant and Gilliam counties. Rector J. W Heppner, Or.-Horsea. JO 01 left shoulder. Cattle, o du right hip. SDicknall. J. W 7i,.UDk. ... n branded al ou left sh.,ulder; inn go in Morrow county. u" Dailiug. C t ; Heoonnr. 014. 1-.1 on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip bwaggun. It. F Lexiugtou. Or.-Horses with dash under 11 on iHr, .,.h ..,,iu u :.l uash under it 011 right hip, orup off right ear and waudled on right luud leg. Itange in Morrow. Ullllumaud Umatilla couutiea. owaggan. a. ii rjiia. Or.-Horsea brands ' 1 on loll shoulder; ceitle same 011 left luu, Croti on ear, wattle on left hind leu. Biramlil W. K. ,1 ir . . . J B on lei slide; cattle Js'011 ieft hip, swallow furk in righ ear, underbit iu left. "w bapp. Tboa., Heppuer, Or.-Horsea, 8 A Pes left hip; cattl. same on left hip. aliiru. James, Long Cnk. ur.-llorses. ua ieft stifle auil over i ou left shoulder. bhrier.Juhu. Fux. ur mi ...... . . horsea 011 right hip; cattle, same,,,, rll,i l,. crop tt right ear and under bit iu left r. IU,, in urant c-ouuty. Bmith Broe. busanville, Or. Horses, branded a. L. uu ahoulder; cait.a, ameoul.ft ahoulder. DOUirOH. jHmMM Arli,,.,,.... Ik- . 1 ..... . . u . ,.7. , , vi., uorses uranuea Jbouleft abouiiler: oati a tlm ui,. .1 waddle. Itange in Morrow and Uiliian, m, btepheua. V. A.. llAni,nM . ... right stifle; cattle u, nzonul L on the light side bteveuaou, iun, A. J.. limmn.r tir ,.,. M on nghl in. ; swallow-fork in left ear. bwaggart. G. w.. IIni,Ui. 11. u .. .. lett should, ; oattle, 44 ou lefl bin. Kiniii, k: b" I... .. , . ..uuk, ur. nuraes orauded a crossed seven 011 left shoulder; cattle same ou ,0,1 Diue. niuige, uiuiam county. Hperry. K. G, Heppner, Or. - Cattle tV C on Eatthip, crop off right and ui.iIhpI.ii i lri dewiup; horsea Vl t on leit shoulder. ' ihuuipsou, J. A., Heppuer, Or. Horsea. t on left shiiulo r; cattle, i on lefl .iiuul,lr ilUi,eta.S.T..I-.n.MriiriiiM.llr li..uu. ' ....,-. slioulder. luiuer It. W.. Hi.tii,i,Ms (I. S...H uapiral T mn biiouiuui. nurses; uattle same on lefl inn wun split in both ear.. .... ... . .w, r.-niirm orauded H I connected ou lei I slide; she, p same braud. I 1 rl II 41 1 1.. 11 yanderpooi, u, x Lena. Or:-ll,,r.. 11 v , liecleu ou riglit sboulder;caiUe, same uu right Walbridae. Wm.. Heuonar Or. U.. n , ou Hie left shouider: ciutlH ui,,, . .... . :..,'.. orup off left ear and right tar lopped. Wlleon. John Li.. Mwlum mu . Homos branded J9 ou the left shoulder. ' iUuge Morrow county, Warren, W B. t 'aleb, Or-(ttle. W with quarter oircie over it, ou left side, split iu riglil oar. nurses same ora-m uu leit shoulder. UnUgein Wood. F L. Davvill. Or Uu,rt ..n k eftBtitle:on cattlK ' lri .i.i. in left ear. Range in Urant countv. W right, Bllas A . Heppner. Or. Cattle branded W on tiie right hip. square orup oa right ear .1(1 tfLyliLlD ICIC. Waildc. Fraucifi. Mnnnt Vomnn f u. oattle on lbs left hip. upper siW in he left ear and uiider aittiMt in nt.t u i J ou horeou tikU timaldwr. Huu in Hmmmr and (4rtnt rvniiitv Wade. Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horset biandad ? ."laie on leit slioulder and left In.. Cattle branded same on left side and left hin. wells, A. a., Heppner, Or. Horsea, on left shouider: chu e same. Wolniiger, John, John Day City.Or-On horsas three pMralJel bars on left ahoulder; 7 on uieeu bum both wra. Kange in Urant and Alaiiiu,i SOUIltiea. muiumr Woodward. John. Heppner, Or. Horses, DP oonnectod n left shouider. Watkins, Ushe, Heppner, Or.-Horas branded Clt connected on left stifle. Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattle, W on nght thigh, hoa in left ear; horses, W on hah I shouiaer, sonv same on left shoulder Whituer Bros Drewsy. Haniey connty, Or.- hnVH tiimv;bArB on tt hip, boti, catUs iid Williams, j O. Unirt:rMk OtwR. ter circle oer three bars on left hip; cattle L ai.d Klir id enrh mr Kanav in Hmut ...! 'D' A: A.. eppner, Or.-Horsea running & A on shouider; ( attie, same on right hip ioung. J. 8 t.j-oLry.tAr.-Hnrhmnrtev. Young. W. A.. ,, L . . , ' so left sials. left ssamidsr