Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 26, 1893, Image 3

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    WOi'lCK TO ADVKlt'naiilM.
'pHOSK dealrlug the imertioo ol dlaplay ada.,
I or vintugu ui same, uiuat gut tlieu copy lu
not later lu.u Houdiiy evening lor ruewiuy'e
euillou, or luurauay eveulug lor t'riuuye tsdl
tiuu. Imnraiuu l'ou.ui.o(,u.
I. The lum of lire ceuta per Hue will be
uuurguu ior "tarda ol lliuiik,-' re.oluuuiie oi
rtapcvt," liataui MeUuing preaeule and uuuura,
aiiu uuiluury nullctsk, turner uiitu Ujune llie edit
or elitill luu.kull giieae umuer ol tiettN.j aud
uolicea 01 pci-ial Uieuliiigi, ior hnujvur purgioMi.
fulitue 01 cliuitti and kocluiy ana alluiuer
emeruiliiujviiu Hum mauli reitsuue u 10 1ms ue-nvt-u,
klmil ue chained lor ml uiu rale ol uve
tenia a line. 'Hh-m.- luleb v. 111 be Dliictly adher
ed Lo lu every luvutuce.
AdeiUiiiiig luLua leaaouable aud uiadukuowu
Uliou appnuiiiuu.
"I P. Flolilill, NEWSl'Al'EK AUVEUU3
I I liK' Abeul, u Aitu-liuiils jxcuaiiKe,
but. nat.cibco, . rT uuilioiueu aiteul. iuik
paper lk ktl'l on tU. lu hlb olni-e.
(Jive yuur 6uiei to hepynerpeupie,
and Utei tjuie waist lu buna vp iiepp
ner. t-u,irunize lioe ultu pMiumie
Here and There.
W. A. Kirk is on the sick list.
Homy Futberii was up I rum Lexington
lleubier's ice L arte at is about over
fur iUih Beaeou.
Wui. Bjriou made tbia offije a call
early turn week.
Mien Ada Kbea baa returned from a
visit lu UUUUuro.
. Wm. Durau, of Black Horee, baa jual
refloveiea iroiu a severe iliueas.
Tile (Jem aud taluue ealoous for tine
liquor., AiuAtee bior., tious. sw
W :e cuat 61 jta & Z itler are in tbe
reui eeiule ouaineea lu fu.tlaml.
lr. K K. tia-iubuiue was at Arlington
Fiiiiu kjI last week ou busiueas.
Only lio centa per jeer. UurYoutb,
I' O. lioX i.3-lt, Sau Fi audio j, Hal.
8. Wbitt. formerly of IKjug-las, but
now f Almou, Oi , u lu town ou bui
beae. i M. 8. Mimtll, cf lbs GuoEebeir)
Couu'rj, Viki.id ill 1 1. lit r ou Luailieu
'Hie lizelte ill shortly begin a war
atui , "CbaiiaLookO-' Kei p jour eje
(teitil ior n.
'iiiui Iiucklty got back Wedui-eduy eve
frini A'knuiaw, wbeie be bail bteu aiuce
Lit Ootober.
iiic iUrrow County Land and Ti na
Colnpabj bave au uuiiuiiled supply o'
Obup lur eale, 41-lf.
Only Cibi clans work turned out al
Frea fuiler'a lailoiiug eatabliBbueut
eat-t aide Mam alreet.
Tue K.eliy Xnsliiute, at Forest Grove
ourta liquor, opiuuif moipbme, cooaiue
au d tobacco liabu. See ml.
Urppuei's bgbt eeiyice, all join in Buy
iug, ia the liet lu Ibe couuuy, aud our
wuterwoika ia aeooud to bone.
bi-ud 25oeuta today for one year's sub
oriplmu lo Our Yuuib. AdOnss, Clem
cua I'ub. Co., Ultu Fiuuoisco, Cat.
Every inau wbo takes any iuterest in
fust atoik sliould bubt-oribe for Tbe
Hureeniau. Gazette abop, agents.
N. NielBim ia uow ruuuiug u sta);e be
tweeu riipputr aud Luue Kook. Htu
ad. tor daja ot leaviuK aud arr.val. tf.
Toe boad oarts, recently purcliused by
tilt) city, bivt) arrived. Five liuudreJ
feet ol tbe lube )et uuiaiba to come.
Mra. Judy Mitcbell baa jut received
woid ibal bcr tatner la lu a daugeroua
couuiuuu, at bia borne lu iba valley.
Agents wauttd iu every scbool for Our
Yi.uiii. only 25 ccuib per yrar. Clemeus
I'ub. Co , liul 29.9, Sau Franoikuo, wal
J'ouu'l A revolver; near lleppner a
itartboui-e. Owufr cau Lave same by
provibg i.iopeiiy and payiug obarges.
CO 63
tyTbe largest ond brat juvenile
j iuiuuI ia Our Youth, ouly 25 ceius per
ear. Cleuieua Jf ub. Co., iiot 2329, Sau
Fruucito i, Cal.
Mrs. A. J. Bleveneon is prepared to d'
all kinds of nursing. Call ut ber buuiw
iu oortb Htppuer, or address ber at tins
place. 618-lf
Hiyu ketohum wbiskers. Halt &
Mulbewa, at tbe oity barber abop tbe
place tn get a tirst-class Bbare, bair-out
or sbumpuo. tf-
Boys oan make money. Our Youth,
only 25 oeuls' a year. Ageuia warned,
Addreaa, Oieoieua Fub. Co., llox 2329,
bau Fiauoiaco, Cal.
Married-At HardmBn, Thursday Jan.
19, ls93,Jaa. W.Hiltou to ltoaa Lealbera,
bquue tioiivuer, oilioiatiiig. Our beat
wishes gi wilb tbem.
Died-Near Heppuer, Thuridny, tbe
inlaut Kin ol Mr. aud Mrs. VVasb. El
iiott. Tbe luteiuieut ucoured Weduea
day in tbe tltppner oemetery.
A few of our citizens telegraphed Bep.
Blown, Tuesday, duwu at rialeiu, lo
send up a copy of bia bill for tbe relief
of tbe town, before pasalug It.
Masler Clay Freuch is tbe authorized
gent for llie Oregouiau at tbia place.
Subscribe Ibiouub bim, and bave your
paper delivered liee ol charge. tf
J. II. and Erueat Piper came in today
to piove up on their railroad lnd, but
bearing lue good uews of tbe passage
of tbe eitensiou bill, went home happy.
Newer and ueater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room,
Charley Jones, tbe baber, wants to ear
bia old irieuda there, cams iu eonueu
All thrrne knnwine themselv-a in
debied to Knk & Rariuua aie nquealed
to settle up immediately, i.s they are iu
Leed of nioue. 0 sw.
The laieat dentistry, crown aud bridge
work, most aucceasfully acoompliabed by
l)r. U. F. Vaugban. Uua adiniuintered
wbeu desired. Thompson buildiug,
hlcppuer, Or la-w-
Wednesday Dight quite a fall of snow
viai.ed these uoled, etemal Heppuer
bills, sud Ibe cbaucea are that the fall
will eoutinue till we have wiuter in dead
a r beet. Fleuty of time yet for that.
AH who are troubled wilhoonntipation
will Bud a safe, sure, and Bpeedy relief
io Am's Fills. Unlike mont other
oatbaiticK, these pills slrebgtbeo the
atoiuaoh, liver, and bowel', and restore
tbe oigaus to normal aud regular action.
Don't experiment wilb ynnr health.
You may be sure of the quality ot )onr
tnediciue, eveu if yuu have to lake much
of your food upon I mat. Aak your
druggist for A) er's Sarsspatilla, aud uo
oilier. It is the standard blood purifier,
tbe most iflVouve abd economical.
' It is rnmored that Ibe Adveutist minis
ter, Kev. HUeriill. aud I tie presidiug eld
er, Kev. Muter, will have a j nut debate
u religion out iu the G' nseberry Coun
try BMu. TbH is probably mce a mat
ter of repnit lhao auyiniug else. Belig
ions debates rarely do muob guod.
Wm. KaHrue and wile arrived Werlnea
dav and, wiib tbe H6sitHnoe of Done
Lo'iWe No. 20, K. ot P. will hke:y put on
tbe historical drams, "Dami'ii auri Fj tb
las " b-ior letorning I" tbeir home at
Walla Walla. Toe milter will be a. tiled
dcfluilely ut an early date.
Tom Morgan says tb it inasmuch as
tbe council are at the eud of their row,
nd tbft Heppuer has a complete water
od light plaut, Ibat ibe ntlt thing to
.do is t give the eotiDCil. w mra'tle
joI tba whole, a cbauce to visit baker
for enlightenment and to advertiaa
our town. Tom baa an abuudance of
saio iin stored up, but we beg of bim to
be eay.
Dm Rice, of Hardman, wnt a guest of
tbe Palace Wednesday. Dan looks for
good crops next year.
Geo. Lulrell bas been in from Wm.
PeMaud'a big raucb, above town, for the
past wei k, to be tieated for deafueaa
b. ought uu by exuoauie aud cold.
Sileni Stateamnu: Sunalor Ulackmau,
tbe pupuhir legiBlalorol Eastern Orrgou,
apeut buuday at hia home in Heppuer,
loukiug alter biavaiied lutereata there.
Dau lioruur left f.ir Portlund ) ester
day. Wmle down below be will viail
Elleu;bur;ih, Wash., where be is called
aa a witutaB iu tlie Kualyu bank rob
bery cuee.
Frank Hale, ! ell Simison, Cbas Elder,
anil Wea Marlatt Irlt this muruiug for
Elleiisburgli aa n'itutsiea in the ltnlyli
bank rubtiery case. They will beabaeut
till utter Feb. Ut.
Mai ried Near Karview, Morrow Co.
ou buuday, Jau. 15, 1893. Cbas. Valeu
tiue to Aruiiuta .VI. Waitleld, Bev. King,
performing tbe the ceremony.
Joe Uteaoli and wife arrived Tuesday
on atage from Long Creek, leaving
Wednesday for Salem and Albany. Mr.
Uleaoli will, wuile at the Capitol, look
alter tba iuiermts of Hamiltou county.
Miss Ze Patterson, last Saiurday
afteruoou, invited quite a number of
ber little fiiende to epend tbe alternoon
with her, it being ber leutb birthday.
From au "old folks" Btaudpoiut, tbey
had a royal, guod lime.
lieury Heppjer is having built 'on tbe
Mullury coruer, rcoeutly purchased by
bim, a frame structure w hich, we are in
formed, will be immediately occupied as
anon ub rjnim.ed. Tbe new building in
h-ttveen Kuk & Bisiuus' store and Fell
Bro.' eHiabliaumeut.
Salem Statesman: Judge Brnrlsbaw.
Wm. hughis, ix-Bt-pieseutative Welch.
Uou. 8. A. L)a" sun, of Liuu county, D
It Murphy of Pojtlatid, and ix Senator
Hamiltou were invited to peala within
the bar of Ibe seuate yesterday.
Married In Pendleton, Jan. 20lh,
1893, Mr. Fred W. Steniloff aud Mis
Claia Blair, li t. v. E Kitwme per
forming the ceremony. Mr. and Mr .
Slenalnff will live iu Ualim, Or, wbere
Mr. Sieiish ff has large interests. Suc
cess to tbem.
The Town nt Heppuer Accepts The Waler-
workk AiFire llrpai'tuieul tut m.
A special meeting ot Heppner'a coun
cil was oalled Tuesday evening for the
purpose of accepting tbe water woiki, re
cently HuiBlied by the Heppuer Light &
Water Co. Mayor Matlook presided, and
all eie present.
finance Committee's bipobt.
Tbe following report ot tbe finance
oomuiitteu was adopted:
Council Chambsds, Jan. 24, '93.
We. Your bounce commute bave ex
amined tbe bills ot tbe Heppcer Light k
Water Co., lur material, labor aud ma
chinery used bv said Co , in constructing
the light mid water plant in ibe cilyol
Heppuer, and are fully satietied ibat the
said Light & Water Co. bave fulfilled the
contract wiib tbe city. We figure the
amount of bills to be over twenty-tuur
thousand dollars.
O. E. Fabnswobtii,
Otis Fattkbion.
Tbe report by the oounoil as a com
mittee of the whole, waa read. It ia aa
tollowa: , l
WeJ the mayor and council of the town
of Heppuer, as a cumuiittee of tbe whole,
bave this (lay inspected and tested lue
plant of the UHppuer JjigLt & Water (Jo.,
assigns ol H. V. Gates, aa provided foi
by oidiuatioe No. 5U, and fiud that there
bus been consti tided one domeflic reser
voir, CHpHCity 150,1 CO gallobs; one file
reservoir, capacity. 180,000 gallons; one
engiue, boiler and pump uouee, suo
tbereiu, properly erected, set up and in
operation, one pump, with capacity ol
250,1 00 gallons in 24 hours; one boiler,
raied ut 78 burse power; oue Corliss en
gine, dynamos aud eleotrio light plant
That there baa been laid aa water mains
7,000 feet of 4-iuob O. D iron pipe, 2,500
o(6 nu ll O. U. iron pipe, 1,500 feet of 8
inch O. D. iroii pipe; also ereotedou said
mains 12 double uuzzle h)druuta, all in
good win king order.
The ooudiliona ot urdinnnro jmo. ou,
sections 3, 4. 5, 6, 15, 17 and 23, having
beeu complied with to tbe full salisfao
liou of the aaid mayor and council, and
the tests ot section 17 bave beeu made in
suob a manner as to satisfy tbe said may
or aud council that tbe pressure, power
aud capacity of the reservoirs are sum.
cient aud complete.
Relative to text condition of section 17,
in wbn h water is rt quired to be thrown
through one inch nozzle 80 feet high for a
period of three hours, we haveteBted the
pressure with two stream from hydrant
on corner of Main and May streets, run
ning at tbe same time, and find tbey
throw through oue inch n zzles perpeii
dioular streams over 100 feet high, aud
hor z iutally oyer 151) feet. Before lest
ing we measured water in reservoir,
limed I Ibe lest and measured water iu
reservoir after list; satisfying ourselves
Ibat there is sufficient water in tb" res
ervoir to throw two itreems for five oou
In. nous hours, and that tbe rraervoir ca
pacity is siifticieut for quadruple that
amount. Aa It would be against public
oecunty to empty reseivoirs, and against
public health aud comfort to imply wa
iur n mm the afreets hv testing for tbrer
bouis, we believe it belter to aooept the
est as made, as meeting all requirements
nf the aontract.
Aud e hereby recommend tbat tbe
works he scoepted aud tbat the hnal
paymeut of $10 000 00. s provided for in
sect inn 10 ol ordinance No. 50, be paid to
rieppuer Light & Water Co., the assigns
of H. V. Gates.
Major, fT. J. Matlock,
j Frank Gilliam'
I O. E Faknswobth,
Ccunciimen M. Lichtknthal,
'I 111 8 MliBQAK,
S. P. Gabbiquis.
Councilman Fsrnaworlb made tbe fol.
lowing motion : Thstthe report of the
whole onuucil be approved and acoepted,
And tbe water plant of the Heppner
Light 4 Water Co. be sccf pted as com
plying wilb the ounditiona sud require
ments of Ordinance No. 50, and that an
order be made for the final ('payment ot
ten thousand dollars (810,000.
Seconded by Morgau and unanimoua-
ly carried.
On motion ot Liohtenthal. seconded
by Morgan, tbe reports were all made a
matter of record.
Ou motion, counoil a journed.
Tbe ladiea of the W. C. T. U. will give
a Gospel Temperanoe meeting next tjab-
batb evening, at 7 o'clock p. m , nt tbe
E. cburob, South. All are oordially
invited to attend.
Mbs W. P. Scrivkeb.
Recording Secretary.
These figures represent the number nf
bottles of Dr. King's New Di'oovery for
C.ineuniptlou, Cough and Colds, which
were sold in tbe United Males rrom
March, '91 to Match, '92. Two million,
two hundred and twenty-eight thousand.
six hundred and seventy two buttles sold
iu one year, a' d eacb and every bottle
was sold on a positive guarantee tbat
money would be refunded if satisfactory
results did net follow its use. Tbe secret
of its sucoegs is plain. It never disap
points and can always he depended oo
as tbe very best remedy forcougbs.oolds,
etc Price 60c and SI 00 at Slocum-
Johnaon Drug Co.
From TJuif illa. Jas. Muir and wife,
formerly of Morrow oounty, Dear Lex
ington, arrived Tueaday from Athena, to
remain till after Feb. 1st. Tbey are well
pleaaed with tbeir reservation farm.
There has been oonaiderable plowing
done tl ie winter and there will be a great
deal of grain sown iu tbe spring up tbat
way. Jas. is superintending A. W.Swee
ney'a big ranch, who baa io 4.000 acres
of summer-fallow. Tbe Gaxelte ia al-
waja (lad to bear of tbe prosperity of
one ot our people.
Dr. Drnmniund'a Ligbtnlag
Remedy for Rheumatism bas received
the unqualified endorsement of Ibe med
ical fraternity aa beiug a safe and re
markably effiaient preparation for tbe re
bel and speedy cure or rbeumatism Us
woik is an speedy and miruculoua that
benefit ia felt from tbe first dose, and one
bottle will cure any ordinary case. Hold
by druggists. 1'iioe, $5 for large hot lie.
or sent by prepaid expresa on receipt nf
price by Dmmmoud Medioioe Co., 48 DO
Ma den Laue, New York. Agents waul
ed. 65.
Agenta to eell our choice and hardy
nnreery stock. We bave many special
varieties, boib in fruits and oruameutala
to offer, whioh are controlled only by na.
We pay commlaeioua or salary. Write
ns at onoe for terms, and secure choice
nf territory. Mat Bbothbbs,
562 071 Nurserymen, Rochester, M. I.
Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank
baa lately leased the hostelry known sa
tbe Mountain House, refitting and re
furnishing it throughout. Board and
tied, per week 86: board without lied,
$4.50; meals aud bed 25 centa eacb. Mr.
Crauk aaka a portion of the patronage,
believing tbat be can give as lood ser
vice aa auyone in Heppner, and for leaa
money. 43-iw.
Q. A. R. Doings On tbe 21st, Raw
lins Post i. A. K, will install tbeir
officers tor tbe ensuing year at Liberty
school bouse. Tbe post meeting m the
afternoon at 1 o'olnok will be. followed
by a oamp fire in Ibe evening. A grand
time is expected, and all are invited to be
present. 57-1
Guaranteed to euro Bilious Attacks and
CoDsiipaiiou, Small llile beans.
Cure for Colds, Fevers nnd General De
aUlty, Small llilu Beuus. 2&c- per butUe.
CompiBteive ; sun
An Apprehensive Subject
Means of a Prehensile Tail
The Monkey is Not Afraid be
cause his Tail is a Good One.
re are Not Afraid because our
Tale is a Good One.
Splendid Goods,
Fair treatment ; satisfaction to custom
ers, and of reasonable prices and
good money value.
It is a Tailless Tale.
A tale withont end, been use it ia a tale
tbat will bold A pleasure to anow
goods. Hpecial inducements to
cash buyera. Call at
lipoid BROS
WA A - - "
I .4 DC a i
k I f
oM rA
EiW:il nja UAKANTED.
tbo Yyy' tiiixiotiie
Cures Fam
Has. O.W.R. MF'C C2 PORTLAND. 0 Rt. is TTaed.
FirBt Month's Sales, 720 Bottles; Second Month's Sales, 3300 bottles
PRICE, - Dec in $x nnd $2 a, Bottle.
A. E. Bluus
H. A. Thompson
The if er Livery, Feed and Sale Stale.
Below Collin & SIcFarland's, Slain Street.
Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men.
Teams to hay per dny, 75 eta. liny nnd erain per day. $l 25. Mesls 26 eta. a
at 0. 0. Sarifeai.t's, next door to Feed Stable. Grain and
baled buy ulwava on baud.
Footwear Footwear!
mcvti from th" HitjI "''' Ntrwy, tothpir t'fW
There you will find the Best and Cheapest
in Heppner.
IVInlt-t Street. Hernne' Of.
S. C. Smith,
Keeps a full line of
In tb,e way ot Furniture.
TJndertnklnir goodi a speciality.
May street, Heppner, ur. va-i
WE -:- WANT -:- MONEY !
And io ordtr to get it, we will, during tbe preaent month,
At 20 per oent. off regular prioe, onr
immense stock ot
Gents' Winter Underwear,
Top Shirts, Scarfs, Mittens and Lined Gloves.
This is an honest proposition and no trap, for we
have an overstock ot these goods that we must realize
on. So you oan benefit yourself and confer a favor on
na by taking advautage of the opportunity offered by
F. (5. : Tr?orjQPsoi : (Lo.
Gilliam & Bisbee,
iiEPrNEii, on..
You will catch
ISIIRB: & 2E-aS3KrJ255,
At the Mallory Corner.
Buy your Groceries and ...
. . . Read their new ad. soon.
3V. IVIIIvSOIV, Ajrop.
Leaves Heppner on Ttiesdnrs, ThtirsJuys nnd Katurdaya. Leaves Line Rock on
.Mouauje, Wednesdays and rrutays. Miikes oonueciion witn tlie weekly
line to Fossil. Keusouable oliurijes for bulb
Passengers : and -:- Freight.
643-1 f aw
BLOCCM-JOHNSTON DRDG CO., Agents, Heppner, Or.
By traveling fnkiis. 0. 0. Wililev & Co, of
Walla Walla, WhbIi., are tbe largea! import
ers direct from the Eastern factories in tbe
Inland Empire of
We oan save yon from 8-'r to f lnO. We ship hiiI j-ot to approval to any responsible
parlies. We bundle tbe very best miikee of inatriimeuts, and warrant tbem for
five yeara. snd uiiHrmitee lower prices thiin any bouse on tbia coast for same
quality. We bny riireot fioui Cbickerini; i Huns, Wejinan A 0., Conover
Jttros AC", Smith & Barnes, piann. Pxrkaid, Story A Clark and CbioagoOot
taire OrgHUS. Hell Orirans (mm $100 to $3U0 ; 1'innos from (3(10 to S7(X). Write
na for catalogue and prices. It will pay you. (J. J. WllUey o& (Jo.
635w Wuilu Walla, Wash
Otis Patterson
Plenty of them at the
Gazdte Office
The Kc:Uy In:ti4.ut:
Ior the Cure oi
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It Ib located at Foreit Crove, Or,,
j The Mont rimutifid Town on the Coast.
full nt tln Gazkttk ofllre for tttrticntira
st rlt tly tuiifidfiitiul. '1 reHiuiiit private aud ur
; cure.
Business-like -:- Manner
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Change of Ownership
whioh we Dronose to oondnet in the moat aatlafaatnrv mannar Will tun
on hands at all timet tbe cboloest
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
Shaw & Mccarty,
85-tt . ProDrietors.
Graduate M. E. C. V. S. , London, England.
Veterinary Surgeon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I aa preparer us da all klndi ol Veterinary giirferr, Kmawnlatlnt Horiei and Resllnai a Ipaat
mlty. (Thta It the only true method ol operating on horaei.) Upeyins of Cattleand Hoga
on ahort notice. I will treat all animate in the moat approved procedure of Veter
inary Hurgery. II you have any sli-k aiiliuali it will be to your luterett to
call ou me at atewart'e atablee.
O. RUHIal,
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Midi ox smobt Hotici and at tarVLAM Paicaa.
J3" Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
5?u noiM
U aJuuVULiiia
batl n MKavJ I.laLGlGtcBL.
W UEI'I'.'EI-.'3
Office, Reaideuca
Instead of flvlne to the door gasp
ing for breath, seeming as if each J
one would be vour last, you have aa HV Uaauaiaa KaaUHH
only to take few doiea Asthtnalena when the spasmlsbroken, the breathing becomes
easy and you feel as if an anel of mercv had unloosed the Iron grasp of the finger
of death. The happirst moment of your life will be when vou have used a few bottle
f Or.Ttft'a ASTHMALENE and It has cured you of Mam mm mm andpra
ASUlull. lev mull IV Bny aimmn .urrwr.rti iriar wiir. paBBl BSKr wjmm mwm ma I 11 I
I 1i mm tmm
i ky ancftats. Dr. Ttft Bret. Ct., RocbMttr,N,Y
tars aaftafc