1 I THE rap TO SELL YOU J EOT ! ?One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County. 160 ACRES DBBDSD3160 CTTND 160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there are 140 acres good farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good spring of water on it, all under fx fence. Situated two miles West ef Hardmsn. Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, 8800. ANOTHER BARGAIN. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terms. AND STIIIy ANOTHER. Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat laud. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay for it with first crop raised on it Reason for selling, owner lives in the East and has no use for it. Pi K r F J Give your business to Heppner people and therefore assist to build up tlepp ntr. Patronize those who patroniz' fOH. Mills baa been ohusen by tbe Texas legislature to fill a seat io tbe U. 8 senate. Bmatob Jonas Hods that the leading men of England are growing in favor oi bimttaliem. . William M. 8tbwabt, the able silver ebampioo of Nevada, baa been returned to tbe U. 8. senate. Suatobial affuira in many of tbe Western states are at a standstill, but tbe expenses are not, by a sight. "-'vy Th Western senators, republicans, stood ont i cauens a few days ago for tbe edmisei,00 ' Utah, Oklahoma and New Mexico'." tlea- Thb EJison Electric Company have been forced Vf ,n order of tbe oourt to sell their lamp! to th Sunbeam Eleo trio Co. Tbe sait pending. Btambool's record, 2.07, was de clared rejected for record, owing tbe some teebnicBlity, and now Kremlin. 3 :07 bears tbe title of "king of trotting stallions." Stamboul will not rest long in bis present position. Washington's legislature is doings lot of fooling over tbe elation of bu TJ. 8. senator, which is oorting tbe psople of that state a whole If' ' money. A candidate who won't a:de by tbe choice , of bis party should betbrown aside. 8. R. RBBvis.TormJrly of Heppner, is making a strong p for the railroad commissionership. Mr. Beeves is well V qnaliBed lor the ple, and his Morrow eoun'v friends hot? ue win -get mar. V Thi onmlsg inauguration of G rover Cleveland promises to be tbe grandest event, of the kir.d, ever witnessed io Washington. We predict that his going in will be a sight brighter than the coming ont. Stick a pin in here and see if it is not the esse. Fiiank Dhktm is oneof Portland's very rich mu, notwithstanding bis posseiiainn of property worth $1,500,000, he pays no taxes. The law a lows hirn to deduct bis indebteduss from bis assessment. This is why he pays no taxes. The law is to blume, not Frank Dekuin. Tbe rem edy is to repeal tbe law allowing de ductious for indebtedness E O. That's our opinion, ' Jaok " It looks now as though tbe populists nd democrats of Kansas would eleot John Martin, s demoorat, to the posi tion of U 8. senator. It will result in contest in the C. 8. annate, which will likely be decided in favor of Martin, though, it is oonoeded by many popu lists in that state, he will not be reg ularly elected, lio vever, b'lth sides in that state have not been entirely free from ohicanery. i Tkstihoay's Oiegonian says that the Kansas populists have elected Judge Martin as U.S. senator. Mrs. Lease Is disgusted, and says (bat, as a populist, she renounces the wbole busiuess. Mar tin is a demoorat, and tbe republioaus now.lt is said, will combine with the democrats and elect a straight out demo orat. They will have some populist sup port. This souditioo of affaire is brought about by the fact that Kansas has tw bouses, owing to tbe faot that the repub lioana organised tha house, which the populists wouldn't staud. Ralsv's portage bill was defeated in the senate last Wednesday by a vote of 11 to 17. It is generally conceded that tbe U. F. is at the bottom of it. Cogswell led tbe opposition. Let some of those fel lows from Eastern Oregon, who opposed that measure, come up for office and then you'll bear "sutbin drap." They'll know it, too. Tbe state could have done oo better thing than to bave passed this measure. Tbe growth and prosperity it would bave brought about would have increased wonderfully the tuxable prop erty of the state. It is a mutter of fact that a wbole lot pt legislators are not down to Salem for their health It is not likely that tbe Sherman silver law will he repealed this sessiou of con gress. The West won't agree to its re peal unless there is something done for silver io return a little nearer appronch towards tree coinage. From what we an learn, tbe republicans in oongress are not favorable, as a msjoritr, to its repeal. Why should tbey be? A olause in the republican national platform com mended it as wise measure, and it it was good then it ought to be now. But the troth about the matter is, the Sher man law is just a little better than n Silver bill at all. It was a compromise measure, eudorsed by those who would ot stand by free coinage, or anything approaching it. The Sherman law is in creasing tbe circulation, bnt is doing 1 1 1 He towards bringing silver back to where it stood previous to 1873. But witbal, it was given to tbe country by the goldites, and now let them stand "up to tbe rack" until tbey can consent to better snd more favorable measure for silver. The oonutry needs silver as money. The mine owners, slime, ought to bave no parctioulnr consideration in the work of remnnetization. There is plenty of de mand outside of that for its retnro to the old place, and from classes of people that are infinitely more in need of being freed from the fioanoial fetters wbicb the present money system is riveting more seourely every day. Mits Paul D'Heibbt, a daughter of Wni. Overboltzer who was drowned io Cluik'e canyon seven years ago, ran away with a musio teacher named Morse last week, finally winding up in New York D'Ueirry followed them and brought back his ohild, and newspaper reports say that tbe oouple bave became reconciled again. Those who ought to know say that D'Heirry is wholly to blame for the trouble. A biil to rot sllow ebeeptopsss from one oountry to another for grazing pur poses, without first proouriog a license, and paying from five to twenty cents per head, has been introduced in the senate by Cogswell. This bill will be opposed bitterly. In tbe eyes of Uncle dam, government grass belongs to the person wbo gets there first, though a just division of the taxes on euoh prop erty would not be out of reason. For mstanoe, if a baud of sheep winters in Morrow oounty and summers in Grant half tbe taxes, by rigb!s, ought to go to the latter county, But to pay taxes, and an expensive license too, is rather heavy on tbe sbeepmen, and it won't go. Tub price ot wheat still remains at a disouufagiugly low figure, regardless ot the fao that there has been a change in tLe political complexion uf tbe country, aya the Dalles Chronicle. Yes, and the price of wheat will remain low, with all the tnnir tinkering that might be in Dieted upon the country. As long as ihe money of uur country is ooufined to a single standard, so 1 mg will it con tiuue to grow dearer and harder to get And as the inouey appreciates, wheat, uud all other cereule for that matter, will grow cheaper, for tbe premium on gold brings hbont a like discount on all our (arm produola. The country has de manded "tariff reform." It looks now as if they bad partially rued their bargain, and wish tbey had olsmored a little mure for money legislation. Barring au almost total failure iu Europe, we cannot expect more than s gradual decline in the prioe of wheat. Justice Lauah died at Macon, Oo. on Mouday last, caused by heart disease. Justice Liinar was one the Booth's most illustrious sons, a lawyer, soldier, states, man and jurist. During Cleveland's administration he served as secretary of the interior, and waa afterward ap pointed to the positiou which he held at the time of his death, assouiate jus tice of the United States. At the break ing out of the rebellion, he took up tbe Confederate cause aud entered their army, lie afterwards served two terms i i oongress from Mississippi, and also one term as senator from tbe same state Though Limur unod represented tbe construction ot the constitution that brought about the rebellion, he put himself in full accord with tbe now ao oepted idea of a oouutrr of the people aud not of stat3S, and, as associate justice, served his oountry bouestly aud faithfully, meting out justice as he found it interpreted iu the laws. THIS (J. A. K. DOINGS. The O. A. It. snd W. R. C. met with the citizens ot Eight Mile at Liberty school house, on Jan. 21st, for the pur pose ot installing ollicers aud Uavmg a onmptlre. As the hour arrived, 2 o'clock p. in., the house csmmenced filling and was soon crowded to its utmost capacity. The ofhoere were installed by Comrade Browu. &i snout i ociook the tables were spread for nipper, and to aiy that it wn- grand would not express it. It was just lovely. We osnnot express Ihe praise we feel for the ladies of Eight Mile iu the qnaulily and quality oi theiroookery. aud their tasle iu sprruding the tables, aud it was appreciated, judging from the way the "grub .disappeared. Nevei bave we been better welcomed nor enter tained thau we were at Liberty school bouse. The people of Eight Mile will long be beld by us in the highest esteem tor lUeir llutluesa aud patnotism maui feated oo tbstorcasion, and may we have many snob reuoioos. After the sppper was cleared awav tbe oampfire program was carried ont. Open ed by song, "America;" prayer, by Com rade Swifi; welcome, by H. C. Gay; re spouse by Ojtnrade Unwn; soug, "Pat riotic Ulee;" declamations, by Harlan For Stanton. Moees Ashbsugh, Arthur Gay; song, "1C0 Years From Now"; deolama tions, Clara Young, Warren Ashbaugh. A piece selected by Mrs. Carter, she not being present, Ira Brown whs selected to read it. Title, "OurCountry Saved roth Loyal and Legal"; song by Anna Hill ; select reading, Egbert YoUDg. Tbe eoldiera' program commenced with song, "We are a bund of Uuiou Broth ers;" short speeches to tbe point by Com rade Biiothby, Mrs Hill, president of Ih VV. R C, Comrade Brown, Swift, Youoge and Willi; deolaraatious) by Harlau Stanton and Anna Hill, interspersed with songs by the choir nod Comrades Dump- man, Willis aud wife and Mrs. Stevenson. An essay, sent iu by Comrade Ashbsugh, was read as he was unable to be present. The wbole woudi! up with "Marching Through Georgia," by everybody. Thus closed a pleasant evening. We offer our thanks to Mrs. Coffey for the use. of her organ and the pait she took in tbe leading of the singing We thank tbe people for the order maintain ed all through, considering; tbe orowded condition of the bouse. L. A. R. LEGISLATIVE NEWS. Senate And Honss Again in Session, With Nearly 600 Bills Before Them. Special to the azette. Tbe members ot both bouses was again in their seats yesterday morning st roll oall. Many reports were ready for those wLo bad visited the various places as per their appointment. Several bills were present! d in both the senate and house yesterday snd tuday, Bud the total num ber is now nearing the 500 point. Tbe governor's veto oi tbe "omnibus road bill" of the last set eiou was again brought up in the bouse Monday and made a speoial order of busiuess for Thursday at 10 a. m. Tbe Monument bridge bill, presented by Blackman, was defeated in the sen today by avuteot 11 for and 15 agaiot This was not a nurprise tu moy, us predicted before, for tbia was purely' local measure, aud in the minds of some, not even constitutional, though consider ing every tlnug, it received quite a com plimentary vote. Senate bill 134, presented today by Seuator DkIbiuj, hsks that tlieGreenhorn portion of Urnut county be taken from Grant and lidded to Baker couuly. The seuat it claims that he bus u petition iu bis possession bigned by evi ry resident in that seotiou asking fur this measure, though as he did not show same up, it is questioned by several iuterexted parties. At any rate, it is safe to any that a large umjority of the v iters of that oouuty, regardless ot division measures or ena bling uot propositious, would oppose this bill. Through the efforts ot ex -Senator Ham ilton a bill was presented iu the senate Monday by Senator Cogswell, of Klam ath oouuty, prayiug for the division of Grant couuty, with Hamilton as the county seat. As will be eeeu, this meas ure ouuflioh with the one preseuted in be hou with L ug Creak as the tem porary oouuty seut, aud uuless the Long Creek aud Hamilton ites ouu oome to some compromise iu this matter, it is possible that both may die together. Senator Blackmau'a insurance bill passed tbd situate today by a vote of 26 to 3, with oue abseut, aud now goes tu the bouse where it will have several champions, aud, notwithstanding the tact that it will be strongly fought by different insurance companies, there are strong inJiontious that it will pass that body, regardless of the opposition. Re quests areoouiing in from every portion of tbe stats asking tha representatives from the different oouuties to support this measure aud do all iu their power to pass it. Haley's portage bill has been made a speoial order of business tor tomorrow at '2 p. m., wheu it will coma to a vote. From s rote taken for referring same to committee today, it is evideut that there is some opposition to its passage, coming priuoipally lioui the valley, though it is thought that it will surely pass, regard less of this, aa it bts ixtitny strung friends in tbe Eastern Oreg u senator. The valley solous seem to have forgotten that Easteru Oregou sto id by them iu their tights during the last sessiou, en pecially the ' $00,OOJ dome" bill whioh they at that time prayej for earnestly. Jo I Lots. Salbii, Or., Jan. 24, 1893. Strrniith and Hra th. If you are not feeling strong and healthy, try Electrio liillets It "La Unppe" ia left ynu weak aud weary, use Electric Bitters. This remtdy acts direotly on the liver, ftumscb and kid neys, gently aiding those organts In per form their fuuotious. If you are tfHioled with siok headsobe, you will fiud speedy and permanent relief by taking Electrio Bitters. Ont trial will convince you that ibis is the remedy yon need. Large Dot- ls only 60o st Slooum Jubustuu Drug Cotupacy. For essh vnn flan cret inoreslthA Fab.. ern Clothing house, with Levi ou deck, than any other plaoe in Heppner. a JE r further information call at our office. ItEDUCED TO THE BANKS. Captain llcAtee Succeeds John B. Wheels as Assistant Cliief. John B. Wheelage, assistant shief of tbe fire department, appeared before tbe board of fireaOOffittiBsiuuers yesterday to answer to a charge ot neglect ot duty and abaeuticg himself without leave. Wheelage bus always been one of tbe most popular men In tbe department, and when he was made assistant chief the promotion was considered well de served. During the holidays be got' to drinking and left the city without leave of Bbaenceanil remained aeverafdays. The judgment of the board was severe, Mr. W heelage was reduced to the ranks of a oommou fjremau and Captain Mo Atee, ot station No. 2, was promoted to his place. Foreman Alorri-on, of Station No. 2 .was promoted to oaptain toautoeed iVJc Atee.-Spokane Review. Mr. MoAtee is a brother of Dave and Will MoAtee, and formerly resided at Heppner. fiie Gizette congratulates him on bis gondJortnue. EIGHT 11 ILK LIBERTY NEWS. There has been quite a enow during the past week; all enj.iy the sleigh rides, especially ihe young folks. Kev. Swift delivered a very interesting sermon bundsy.evening toalargeorowd. The Libert J spelling sooiety meets every Tuesdajf reuiug. All are invited to atteud. Tbe meeting of tbe Q. A. B,, held at the soliool house the 21st of Jan., proved to be a very eni iyable eveut. Every oue seemed toenj .y the delicious supper spread belore them, woudenug if they would ev-r see such another as fine. Mosi of the people ibongli they Oould have had a better time it there bad not beeu such a lare crowd. There were preaeut about 175, aud hardly room enough to turn uiouud wheu you got luto the house, but never mind there is talk of enlarging the school house before the G. A. L. boys meet with us agaiu. A certain fanily of Eight Mile bad quite a frigh1 ight or two ago. There were only breH at borne at Ibe time but the b ohms a short time si lei wards. .ure tie elder mtmueis uf I lie uttr re rending, some one d, tbey siiuAosed it waiteMCJiuu to o iVbi!B the old folks tM i their surpjisee- t it oould be, children ist be a ghoBt, some of it tue lantern sbonldared eclared If there waa a uiau on the rauoU be would find him. but soon he relumed Hud reported bat he oould not find any signs ot auy one. TLe mxt day tie mystery was cleartd, and the wonderlul burglar proved to be a small boy aud a member uf tbe family. Tobmkntob. EIGHT 1I1LE LETTER. Delayed Correspondence. En. Gazsttk: The new year, f resb and bright as soliool boy's shining morning face, is with us aud it is another mlle-stoue on he road to eleruity, upon whose walls are writleu good resolutions, and may these resolves to improve be iudelible enough to withstand at least the com. iug April showers. The last year, though not a fruittul cue, from a tiuau oial standpoint, had its pleasures, too, and as good reoblleottous ouly survive the archives of memorv, ooutain only the b' ight and pleasing features of tbe past, aud tight Wile today is full of good oheer, b pe, ooutideuceaud euergy Never in the niaiury or lis career as a grain pn.duoiug oonutry has it pre seined such a solid front and never bus there beeu so large an acreage iu graiu or a belter proBpeot at this aeasou of ihe year. Eich farmer has been busy plow ing anil seeding siuce Sep., with ouly a brief pause during the reoeut snow storm Only a fair season will b necessary in order to redeem this vast graiu field from the tfTjOti of tbe past seasou. Leaving the onrrent issue ot crops, one Duds a vast n -ld to explore of social nature, which to cluoiurle might exhaust in re of your valuable epo thau wul be allotted. Country life has many chaims wiib which your city fnlKs are strangers. Oat, Willi spelling schools, lyceums, social hop, and to i hose who look farther into the future. religious meetings, the long winter eve- uiugs Are turned luto profitable seasons ot pleasure, aud now and then a wed ding graoea tbe rural scene and adds the nnishiug touch toour homemade picture. Events ot interest have followed in such rapid succession that an occasional cor respondent knows hardly where tu Oom menco or when to desist. Among notable reforms beginning with Ihe New Year are to be reoorded the cases of Q. R. ami P. L. Jours, two beietofore unswerving members ot the Bachelor's Club. Uu Jan. 1st, (J. H. Jones promised to love, cherish aud protect Miss Susie Ashbaugh, while at the same time aud plaoe P. L. Jon resolved that it la not good for mau to h alone, and us il snub tffective argn rueut that he aud Mies May Aasbbjiigh i became a nnit on the same question. 1 1.... T. - I - , uiunusy eew nil. uu n icraim sour unp was inaugurated at Eight Mile Center to celebrate the Mew iear. It was large ly attended aud everything passed off pleasantly as oould be expected were tuere is no police protection. S 'inn of tbe brightest affairs of conn try life have tu biiITt the wauton mean uesa of h minority who take nudue advantage of the situation. But it is Hoped that Ibe party will always have plenty to eat, as bis appetite seems very crsving. This is not intended as a "dm" at any one, as past rowdyism must be relegated to tbe past. But in future, let it be known tnat unbecoming enoduvt will secure tbe public notoriety it so justly merits. The parties referred to are well known, and future good conduct on their part will alone save them from disgrace. Lyceum in full blast at Kicky Bluff sobooi house. Also legulsr Sunday (V f i t w oi a i WO It deo In ihe A 11 the riMsJI services at sama pi . Spelling schn I at Lihety sobooi hone is the order uf the day. At tbe Post, Grand Army meeting of the old soldier pesis, whioh bave "robbed" this generous govern ment of so much mouey. Will have a meeting at same place on Saturday, Jan. 21st. AM and every one are invited. We are going to try and raise our pensions, but not at this met ting, we will wait until alter toe' 4tn, ot marcii, when all of cur good Union friends get in power. Fine snow on tbe ground today, which insures good crops. Haiibo. ARLINGTON NOTES. S Q Hawson has gone to Heppner on business. Snow has nearly all gone. Coasting is disoontiuned by our young folks, anil ekating has been imugirated by both young and old. Ice on the iieautiiul Columbia is solid euougb on the ede for over one mile fro u tbe foot of Maui street up the river to bild up all the ekaters iu this county, and gives those that participate iu such amusement a good course to skate over. Miss r Winnie iviclteeney relumed yesterday from Portland where she I ue been during the past week. Miss Win uin looks ae happy as a lark. Last evening at about nine o'clock special train came in from Utppner bearing Senator Blackman, Represent ative J. N. Brown, Mr. Alvab Patterson and the old war horse, J. H. Hamilton, who were all on their way to Salem. Seuator D dpli's extension bill passed the senate and was epeedily reported from tbe house committee. This will ceitainly knock a ue horse country store keeper out of some money. It is reported that some parties could have burrowed the money on whiob to prove np fiom him, providing he could get nearly as much in boons as tbe amount they would borrow from hin Joe Lehman was bound over to ap pear before the grand jury yesterday by Justice Zsigler, for the orime of larceny. Joe was employed some time ago b' Uollln & Mcfarland Mouday morning he paid them a visit sealing hiiustlf iu the ofliue, perusing a paper. Mr.Stanl-y Coffin was ont. Mr. Watt, Ihe clerk, was iu another part ot the house when be heard some rattling eouud. Thinking Joe was looking over some skates, he l...,i,.l,t n.itlutwi nl i Wliunfiim.Lv rrt 'ivKasumcovereu imu inero waer missing. r. wan was-caiieu upon. tie maieu wuiii muses ue unu ileum Stanley haying bis suspicions, got .Marshal Carlisle and ulaced Lehman under airest. Tu n Lehmuu plead guilty and returned toe money. A good trade, such as stove making, is staring bun iu ihe face. Space permitting, allow me to make some reply tu the "typo," who has taken exceptions to Dennis Hogan's criticism iu legard to uiUMO. It is au old saying, .that whoever (lie shoe tics, they should wear it. tlogaii knows enough about the violinist who was called upou to play iu tleppuer for a dauce, that bis dance music is beyond oriticUm, aud worth as, "typo" has it, a round sum It will be a cold day when this "typo" will get a r-quare sum paid him lor his violin playing at a cat's funeral, muou less theu for a dauce. tiis executiou ou tbe guitar is so fiue that be broke the heart of a fair young lady. I pre sume he wanted tu mabe himself, vul gany speaking, "solid" with her, ou account ot bis fair fingering ou the instrument. Poor girl; she oouid not bear it; she felt she wub uot titout enough to staud the punishment any longer. So obnoxious was his music to her, that she did wrap a little blauaet uround her shoulders aud sallied lor lb aurues Ihe river, "lypo" should go aud purchase a hall born, practice ou it awhile before be foolishly culls upou auy of the music-talented ladies ot this tu.mjiJod bless them, nous of them bad takeL exceptions to the arncle in the Gil tie. They, I peisume, all kuew well enough woo the musical crunk is. Dkknis UoQan. Aklinqton, Jtn, 21, ISM. FltOil ULAL'K. HOUSE. Kditok Gazettb. As 1 haveu'i seen auy news from these parts, I will pen you a few li .es. T.uies are dull here at present, bu htuitu is good. Mrs. Doherty, who baa been oouumd to her bed tor about six weeks, is able tu be up. She had a hard attack ol inn miatory rheumatism. Wilbcuie and close attention she w ill soon he hersell egiiu. Tue Black Horse sohool closed on Friday last with good results, wnh W. F. fjentry as teacher. T'uis is his second teim at the same place, which speaks well for him. Ue oalue lately Irom Nebiaska aud is a wide-a-wake leaouer. Well, we had quite a large gathering at the bead of Uiack Hone, at Mrs. J P. Brown's, iu honor of Grandma Gentry's "dth biribday. There were three daugh ters aud two sous preaert aud a hoei ol friends aud their children. After greet ing each other aud having a frieudly oujt, we were iuvitel into the diuiug room bere a long table was spread aud loaded duwu wiib good things tu eat enough tu gladden the hearts ot all present. After thirty had eateu dinner there was plenty left. Oraudma git some presents, which she will hod sacred aa long as she lives, for she has passed her three score years aud ten Alter diuuer we had some siuging. At ibeoloMilhe song was suu, "God be with you till we meet again," whiuti ss very appropriate for iheocoaaiou. Long may she live aud prosper, was tbe wisu of all preseut On Who Ksjw Black Hoasa, Jan, 21, 1U. lUMK I.NhlUNlis. Steady oold weather daring lbs past week. We have still a small attendance at school. Since ctiioken p n has mule a sweep HUiongst (he children of our little village. our Suuday-sohool has a smaller attend ance. Mr. Bogtrd bad the pleasure of killing Ail 1UkfLJUK& I BoocL One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil and Ilypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is "Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces flesh and builds up the entire system. Scott's Emulsion cures Coughs, Colda, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaomio and Wasting Disoasos. Pfovonts wasting in children, iitno t as pataiauic m:tk. Get only the Genuine. Pre pared by Scott & Bowne, Chemists, New York. Sold by all Druggists, --HE Q1TY HOTEL, W. J. LEKZER, Prop, rimiS HOSTELRY has been Befittbd aud RsarnNtsiiKD throughout, and now is one of the most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invites you to stop with him, teeling that be is able to entertain you is the beet of style. r First Class House. Wi . I A. We WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oystr Season. Also is about ripe. We will let you jw,,.? .. know about that in the near future. if. i mi Offioe in National : HEPPNER, 6fie en rabbits while on a bunt, one day during the past week. Boys, can you beat that? Frank Willis rendered his band use less, by giving it an ncoidental cut while butchering. Ernest Reitmao ditto. It is, however, uot serious. Let us bear in mind that it we will en deavor to raise a few more bushels of stick to-itiveuess, in connection with our grain, we will he lota better off. Last Monday evening wo were pleas antly surprised by tbe arrival of Mr. (ius (Slock, oue of our boys, who, after a two months' nb-ienoe has returned from tbe Willamette valley. While there he whs employed by ilulluway & Co.. of Rillsboio. Though he thinks the valley nice enough, aud experienced a few weeks oi tbe m 'fit beautiful weather, (which is au uunsual thing at this time ot the year), he has nriived at the same conclusion as the rest of ns boys, that the obauces here exceed those of the val ley, hy far. Uus has renewed bis fuitb iu this country aud has come to stay. Jaki. Jan. 23, 1S93. CHUUCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Regular -services at the M. E. oh u roll next (iabbsth. Morning text, "For the Kingdom of ''eavouisas a man travel ing into a far country, wliocallrd his own servants and delivered uuto tuem his goods. Aud tu one he gave five talents, to another two, arid to anolner one; to every mall acvordiug to bis several anil ity; aud straight' ay he took his jour uey." Evening texr, "And the Lord said unto C ,iu, 'Why art thou wroth, aud wiry is thy coiiuteuauce fallen f If tboii doest well sbnlt nut thou be aocepled? Aud if thou doest not well, sin lietti at thy door'." We strive to innkn our ser viora worthy, both as to profit and euter tainmeut, and cordially inviie all, es pecially strangers. J. M. Suulsb, Pastor. At M. E. church. South, Sunday, at 11 a. in. preaching by lbs piBtor. Sub-j-ot, "God is love." At 7 p. m. there will oe a union gospel temperauce mretiug by the W C. T. C. wi.li vsrid aud in teresting program; all are invited. Edwli Palm kb, pastor. Notice of Teachers' Examination. T0TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT FOR t ihe purpnae of making an examination of all persons who may oiler themselves as caiidl dates lor County or Slate cenhieates. state L"l dtmiiHH. or state Lile DiDlonms, theSnpernitend- ent uf nils County will bold a nubile examina tion. In Heppner, at the court bouse, beginning Meihiesuay, t'eb. Mh, 1mm, at 1 oclock p. ux. Dated this iiih day of Jan. A. 1) It'J-i. W. L. SALItO. 5&-5&1 Superhueudant of schools. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. The Studehnker wagon bends them all. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a Why go hungry when tbe City hotel furnishes you a good meal at living rates a "Hardwa'e" did von sayf Wbv, yes at P. C. Tuompsou 4 Co.'s stand, and the plaoe for bargains. a Call on Rip to do yonr wood sawing; same old price. Also delivers wood to any part of Heppner. See ad. Scott's Emulsion Reasonable Rates. and -:- Jiprc ! ATTOrtTJEY A.T IrAW And Commissioner of the V. S. Circuit Court. All land f matters attended to promptly and accuratily. Bank building. OREGON UNION 80LDIKK&. By Mrl. F. M. Courier and read bv lis Brown at the U. A. K. Meeting at Liberty scauol bouse, H)ii the 21st of January, isua. In eighteen hundred and alxty one, Die cruel civil wardld begin; And then the president did insist Un men and boya to enlist. They did enliat, to war they must go, And take their guns and face the foe. 1 his free America we muat save 'though it costa us mauy s grave. They cheered and beat the drums and said We soldiers now must face the lead. Uncle earn dressed, so guod and true, With caps and costa of navy blue. Qood bye, old and young, dear ones at home, 1)0 the best you can fur weare uuuud to roam. Eiuce we uiubt part w 1th friends so dear, We'll letters w rite ao you ail can hear. They marched away seeming happy and gay. They sang "Union for ever, for uniuu w e pray." 'lo bathe they went, bullets new like hail, The enemy back'd do wu aud our col'ri did aail. Emancipation proclamation on Jan. 1st, 1S63, Issued by Abe Lincoln; thesiegroes are free. The cry went up, "bod bless Abe." In heaven you know White men and negroes both are w biter than now. Soldiers on duty muat be wide awake, And now to hlchmoud we'll go the city to lake. Grant and his troops in April. 1865, AudLeesurreudered aud this republic la alive. This war is over, the Lord did wield, He gave strength and wisdom tous fora shield. To the th Wisconsin Uod sent a bald eagle, To show that they saved the country loyal and legal. Baeklrn's Arnica Salie. The best salve iu tbe world for cots bruiser, lores, nlcers, salt rheum, frver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains onrns snd all skin eruptions, and posi tively onres piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perleot satisfaction or money refunded. Prioe 25 oeuts per box. For sale by Slooum-Jounson Drug Company. MONTHLY KWURT Of Heppner Public ckbools For The Month Eudiag Jataary 20, 1893. i 3 8 S-3 : I f 3 ' : o ; s ; 5 : 9 : 97 s 89 7t :i i i 5S 'J 56 SJ W 3 66 53 68 i ii S9J 331 a 313 290 i ROOM. Eici no lug those transferred from the room. A. W. Wna, J-rtn, A Baurt Mas Will not bobble amnnd on oratories wbea he can sure hi rbenmatiam with on bottle of Br. Drummond's Lightning Hemedy, ousting only .-, but worth tUOO tiiteri.rismg druggists keep it, or it will be sent to any address i n receipt of prico Msiden Lane, New lork. Agents want- as r c