S11' PAPER. Some JEeople OFFICIAL CIRCULATIOH MAKES Buy advertising space because rates are low generally the circulation is a sty if 'ower. Circulation determines the value of advertir'ng; therein no other standard. The Gazette it tcilling to abide by it. The Paper. Without it, advertisers get nothing for their money. The Gazette, Kith one exception, has the largest circula tion of any paper in Eastern Oregon. Therefore it ranks hiqh as an advertising medium. vs HEPPNER, MORROW COUNTY, OREGON, FRIDAY, JANUARY 26, 1893. KNTIi YEAR WEEKLY NO. 815. 6EMl.ttfci.kLY KO. 4o3. lenief mi o rb O - SEMI A hEKLY (.AZIiTTL. PUBMBHXD Tuesdays and Fridays BY THE PATTERSON PUBLISHING COMPANY. ALVAH W. PATTERSON... ..'...Bus. Manager. OTIS PATTERSON M,tor Ar t8.i per year, 1 .50 for six months, 1.00 lor three lnouuis; if paid for in advance, 2.6U. Advertising Rates Made Known on Application. The -EJLO-IjE," of Long Creek, Grant County. Oregon, is published by the ame com pany every Friday morning. Subscription Erloc, W per year. Foradvertlsinjt rates, address buirr Xi. FATTEKSOT, Editor and Manager, Long Creek, Oregon, or "Oazette," Ueppner, Oregon. THIH PAPER is kept on Hie at E. C. Pake s Advertising Agency, lit and 65 Merchants Nxclmng,8au traiicisuo. t:aliformn, where Co. tracts for advertising can be made for it. TIIK UAZKTTK'S AG iNTS. Wagner, Arlington Lous t;reek .... Kcho Camas Prairie, Matte on, Nye, Or Hardman, Or., Hamilton, Grant Co., Or.,... lone, Prairie City, or CHiiyon City, Or., Pilot Kock, uayvtlle, Or John Day, Or., ' Athena, or : Pendleton, Or., Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or. Shelby, Or., . .. B. A. Hunsaker Phlll llepinier 'I he Kngle Bob ohaw . i . . Oscar be Vaul ....Allen McFerrin H. C. tt right J. A. Woolery ...Mattle A. Itudio T. J.Carl R. K. Mcllaley 8. L. Parrlsh .......G. P. skeltou J. li. snow F. 1. McCalluin , . . John Edliigton Win. G. McCroskey ,. . . . Postmaster ...MIsb Stella Flctt vox, i rani io., ur., KiBht Mile, Or., . I .u-r Uheu Creek, HoiihIhb, or I.,ne Kock, or ' lionet-berry . . l.'iHidoh, Oregon . . . J. r . Allen .Mrs. Andrew Ashbaugh B. F. llovluud s. White U. M. Johnson .... . P. nnvder Herbert Hulstead ..W. B. MiAlister l,e.iiiKtou ltTWATUI 111 BVKUV rSktlMT. Inch FACfic Railway-Local card. Ni . It), mixed leaves llepmter lOflOa. in. in. " ar. at Arlington 1 In a.m. " , " leaves " a'-' P- m. " U, " ar. at lleppner 7:10 p. 'U. diulj xee.i rlumlio. Knal hound, main line ar. at Arlington 8:12 i. m. West ' S . . ' ' " leaves " S p. "t. Night Mains are running on sanio time as before. LONE ROCK STAGE. Leaves lleppner 7 n. in. Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays, reaching Une Kock at 5 p. 111. Leaves Lone Hock 7 a. in. Mondays. Wednes days and Fridays, reaching heppner at 5 p. 111. Makes connection with the Lone llock-rossil tri-weekly route. ! Aiteuta.oloouui-Johiistoil Drug Co., lleppner, " . 0. ' Vuuun J. . United States Olllclals. 1'iesident Vice-President Beo'Wa'y of eli ale beer, larj ni Treasury... Secretary of Interior... becri'iiiry of IV ar rie retar of Navy. ...... PosluiUiler-ljeuenu Benjanitn Harrison ....Levi P. Morion ....John W. FoBt r C'barlcB Foster J. VV. Noble ..Stephen B. Whins H. F. Tracy lohn WanauiMk-r Attor ey-Weueral Attor ey-ueuerai... " " , v bWetary of Agriculture.. Jeremiah llk ..W. H..H. .uillwr State of Oregon. Governor .... BeerMaryof State Treasurer.. bupt. Public Instruction. Senators Congressmen Printer. .. .8. Pennoyer ...0. W. Melinite Phil. lelsrlian K. 11. sicfclroy I J. H. Mitchell i J N.Dnlpk Bmger Hermann I W. It. Kins .Frank C. Baker I F. A. : . W. P. ( II. 8. 1 e. A. Moore Supreme Judges.. P. laird Bean Seventh Judicial lllatHel. fv.-ilit .indue W. L. B'adshaw r.,,,t ,,u Aliornev.... i W. U. lls n Morrow Coouty Officials, join Maaator... . Henry Blackman Kepr'-SMitative i- c wn'i mJ i ounti Jndm) Julius Kellhly " ' Commiiioner;:: Pet.r B.enner n.rkM- J. W.Morrow Sberiir Treasurer Aasesaor ' cjurveyor... ... . .School Bnp't... t'ornner ..Geo. Noble, ...W. J. L ejer ,....K. L. haw laa Hrown . . ,W . L. rialing T.W.Ayei. Jr ueppnku tows ornoiBs. ,.., T.J.Matlock l ouniMhiieii" O. E. Famswnrth. M Lichteuthal, Otis Patterson, 1). P. Garngues, ,t:leo'r:le,""r',",' ""i. A. Hoherts. rasuri K- o- 'K"a PrreluetOIBre". Jurtiee of the Peace F tonstable J.J.KolwrU United states Land Ofhcem. TUI DALLES, OU 1. W. Lewis T. 8. Lang LA OHAMIIK, OR. A I 'leaver, A." MH'lelli.nd ....It gis'' r HVceiv r ..Itcgl-tei . Heceiver SECRET SOOIETIEE. Ooni Ijodore No. 20 K. of P. meets ey- ery Tnewlay evening at 7.80 o clock 11 fc - il.ol, lull. National llauk build va in. Sojonrning hrnihera.-ordiallv in- K vitedt.iallflld.H.t-OHERZmoKB. 1.. ' . fJ E. K. bwisnuBM. h.ot a. a a. w KAWL1NS POST.N .i, . A. K. ,1 ets at Leiington. Or., the last Saturday of month. All veterans are Invited to join . ( '. Ho Geo. W. Smith. Commander. Adjutant, tf FSOFESSI01T.AL. A A. KUiJtKia, neaicaiate, iuoui- sues and Collections. Office iu Conreil Chambers, Heppner. Or. swtf. J. W. DiWSOM. riAWBON T. R. LYONS I.YONB. ATTORNEYS ino Counselors at Iaw. . Prompt attention given to all collections an d no aria 1 o, a o trusted to them, omce in Matlock block, west aide Main street. 0BE0OS, HEPPNER. I. N. BKOWN, Attorney at Law j A3. D. HAMILTON Brown & Hamilton u , i .11 nhrta of tha atata. Insurance, real esuta c.lleoti.m and loan ",i. . Prompt atlaution ifin to ah boaineas entmst. ad to them. Omoa. aLua oraarr. HarrMa. Oaaaoa. ML1 I) A Year's Subscription to a Pop ular Agricultural Paper GIVEN FREE TO OUR READERS By a special arrangement with tbe publishers we are prepared to furnish FEEE to each of onr readers a year's subscription to the popular monthly agricultural journal, the Am KB I CAS Farmer, published at Springfield and Cleveland, Ohio. This offer is made to any of our sub scribers who will pay up all arrearages subscription and one year in advnnoe, unci to itny new subscribers who will py one yeai in advance. The American Farmer enjoys a large national oircnla liirn, anil ranks among the leading agricultural papers. By this arrange ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to te ceive the Amkuican Farmer for one year, It will be'-fo your advantage to oall promptly. Sample copies can be s en at otir office. The Original Webster's I'nakiW 0V DIGTIOHHRY. V' -, r 3- ? h BY SI'KUIAL AllKAMiK.Mli.Nl Hllll lltK publishers, w e are able to obtain a number of tl above book, and proiiose 10 lurui&u a copy to each of our suoscribers. '1 ne dictionary is a necessity in every home, school ui,d business house. It tills a acaiicy, and lurnlblie knowledge which no one It it 1 1- reu other votunies 01 me cnolccsl ooosa cotilil supply, ouligaud old, educated and ignorant. rtcn ano poor, suoi.1.1 iih,cii h iiiiu, ii-utu, mu reler to lis colilenis every ouy 111 me jeur As some have asked 'I this la.u-ally the orig inal WcbBler's Lnab' ged.J);(Jii,ary, W( bre able to stale we bawl.' reel ronl"he pplilishera Ibe I'icl, t, ' ihe very work coi,i'teie on which abuul lor anf the best years 01 thu authors lite vveresuw. i employed In writing. It contains the entire vocauiliary of about HHI.IAIO words, including the correct spell ing, derivation and dctiuluuii 01 satne, and is the regular standard si.e, containing about fJOU.OUu square inches of primed sill'lacu, and is bound in ciuth half morocco and sl.eeu. Until tortner notice we will, tutnish this valuable Dict onary Fitst lo any new subscriber. Second To any tenewal subscriber. Third To any subscriber now 'n anears who pays up and one year in advance, at the following prices, viz: Full Clotn bound, gilt side and back stamps marbled edges $i-oo. Halt Mo occo, bound, gilt side and back stamps, matblea edges. $1.50. Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled edges, $2.00 Fifty cents added in all cases for express age to Heppner. stflr-As the publishers limit the time and number of books tliey will uruisli at the low prices, weadxiseall who desire 10 avail them selves ol ilils great opportunity to attend lo it at once. T HE iiocky-. Mountain-i-Ncws THE DAILY-BY MAIL Subscription price reduced as follows: One Year (by mail) : : $1 Six Months " : : I Thr, e Months " : : : J One Month " fhE WEEKLY BY MAIL One Year (tu Advance) : $1 00 The Ne-.M 1b the only consilient cjairplon of silver in the West, and should be in every home in the West, aud in the hands ol every miner aud business man lu Colorado, Heutl tu your subscr.ptious at once. Address, TII33 3T3D'W r3. Denver, Colo, LUMBER! ,E HAVE KOli SAl.E AM. KINDS OF UN T dreBBeti Lumber, lOiullesol Ueipuer, SI a hat Is kt as the SOOTT HAWMIUlj PER l.UW FEET, KUl'UH, CLEAR, - (10 UU - 1; SO I F DELIVERED IX HEPPNER, WILL ADD I to.uu per l.tMi leet, audllloual. L. HAMILTON'. Prop. Hamilton, tvian'ifr FBEETO THE EFFLIGTEB. All who are suffering from the effects of Youtbfnl Errors, Lose of MaDhood Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet Striotnre.Syphilisand the many trouble rbicli are the effects of these terrible disorders will receive, FltEe op Chargb. full directions how to treat and cure tlwmselres at home by ritinif to tb CaLIPIKNIA MKDIC'AL ANT) Rl'BOIOAL In ftkmart, hX$X Murket Street, ban Francisco, California. 1 y-fffr,tf1i!B in its early stages can be cured by tho prompt use of Ayers Cherry Pectoral It soothes the inflamed tissues, aids expzetoration, and hastens recovery. Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. Lowoll, Mass. Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights, And all F&teat business conducted for MODERATE FEES. Information and advice gf ven to Inventors withes barge. Address PRESS CLAIMS CO., JOHN WEDOERBURN, Mannging Attorney. P. O. Dox 40S. Washisqtok, D.Q SThts Company Is managed by a combination of the )ar?eBt end most influential newspapers in tt I nlt il stntcs, for theexprcBS purpose of protect, lng their sulMertbera ngniast unscrunuloaf mil luiompctnit Pj'cnt Aseats, and each paper printing thU adrcrtliirmcnt vouches for tho rcsponsl. btllty and high standing of the PreBS CiaUns Couipaaf . Flso's Itemedy for CatarTh Is tho Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. " f 1 Xs Mi Tl IB 11. Sold by Druggists or sent by mall. 50c. E. T. ilueltlne, Warren, Fa. Write for our Mammoth Catalogue, a linn -page hook, plainly HltiKtrat cd, giving Manufactur ers' loweBt price with matiilfiicturera'diBcount on nit goods manufact ured and imported into the I'nlted states. Ja to SO cents on every dollar you spend. We sell only first-class goods llroccrlcs, Furniture, rlolhing, Dry llnods. Hats, Ceps. Hoots and tihoes, Nottona, Crock- tlaTnJ.7 Je,wetry, H'r;;;f tural . Implements:' rii MONEY ! iaci rttiyminir you wniu Saved by bin tup of lis. seiid 2ij cents to pny ex- pri'BKiifrc on catuHKiiie, h luyer'8 cuifle. We nrc the only concern thtit st'lls nt ninnufrH'tureri price, nllowinfr the buyer tlie 8ine discount tlint thu liiHtiiifacturer trivet? to the wholewile trmle. We jriiarnnlee all poods lo bo enual to reprcpentntioiiH or money refunded. (Jonas sent by exprcsf or freight, with prlvilegeof exatniua tiou before paying. A. KAHT'EN CO., 122 Qulncey at, ChicHgo, 111. 0 . W3I. I'KNLAM. Kl. H BISHOP. I'l-eMlilent. Caxhier. fHANSAGTS A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS COLLECTIONS Made ou Favorable Terms. aECHANGI-BOUGHT & SOLI) HEPPNER. tf OREGON The Sower Has no Moond cbance, Tbe llrstiiiDDtiea tibi dmhIsi If he hakes Lua wi.ie precautioa of , piantiug Ferry's SeedsJ krerrynMirq Annual ior 1 contsiiris uii me iuiwji ana oe i ' fnrornJttlioualioutUailrtisind Ounletiins. It Is a reuoiznlted fciubority. K very plan tr Hbould have IL Sent free on reaueaL D.1L FEItnV A DO., letr.t, Mlek.1 AjlK K-ut.: "Wiifnl U 0 elhauiud by t,; in 11 urior. itner. uru. om-lwlfhl MMb mibiSfllbe It"' (toil.... iHin. ft in. 11 1b. lt VV.nu. 40 In. Win, 11 la. I 1UIH nn won. I ri tr rnyini ftrurts ihow the reii minth' uittn-it. I ima Ukfttnew rmnc. IlUaad nali IIHIm... Tta. wis. tin. enne Will cheer fully r-ply to Inquiries iritb naunp incio.jn." PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL CONFIDENTIAL HaralsH. So gtan Inc. IVatl 6e in stamps for raarUc-clin it Oft. 0. W. r. BE IDE 8. iVIWEI'S THUTF.I.M1CACX CRRPBSNff-Dtce Seslwl luulJo- n M as Y if F A cuntrol the Iri.-,.r 'j'.uidi'.for BctiKtuz Crap tiataes only. Markfd Back I'layi' l: C.irrts. Lo;"1-.i ei-e .wi .vLT.vililnir m the it,,'; v wri i!i,,r vvlrie ihs ninnf'V. Snalid .-' llii? ,-'!. '- .1 11, '(.IS fri'. :'r!f t. -.I,'., -i 11: . . ' ,-,!.. p , K.T SlVXj'-'- . . : 1 . '1 '.-. .', -1-0 IV O BETTER PROOF. Health Officers Speak, City, State and National Authorities report the Royal Baking Powder in every way Superior to all others. STATE CHEMIST, CALIFORNIA : The Royal fulfils all the requirements. Our tests show it has greater leavening power than any other. STATE CHEMIST, WASHINGTON: There is no question but the Royal the strongest, purest and most wholesome baking powder in the market. U. 5. GOV'T FOOD REPORT; Royal Baking Powder is shown a pure cream of tartar powder, highest of all in leaven. ing strength. CANADIAN OFFICIAL TESTS; Royal Baking Powder ia commended as of highest excellence, and shown to be greatest of all in leavening strength. SAN FRANCISCO BOARD OF HEALTH ; We cordially ap prove and recommend the Royal Baking Powder. " It is absolutely pure and healthful, composed of the best ingredients, of the highest strength and character. BOARD OF HEALTH, SEATTLE, WASHINGTON; Finding in analysis uttat it is entirely free from any adulteration, we heartily recommend the Royal Baking Powder for its great , strength, purity and wholesomeness. BOARD OF HEALTH, TACOMA, WASHINGTON; In our judgment the Royal is the best and strongest baking powder before the public, ' BOARD QFVc&ALTH, SPOKANE ; Certainly there is no bak ing powc e known to us equal to the Royal. DR. B1NSWANGER, UNIVERSITY OF OREGON; It is also ! my opinion that there exists no purer, better or stronger baking powder than the Royal.. I confidently recommend it. Do not permit the slanderous stories of Inter ested parties to influence you in using any other than The Best, The Royal. CHILD SOVEREIGNS. Ihe Statu of Royll Min nor Iu tha OM V , ' t.i... m jf.."K, t no fewer taan t.y Byu'opean thrones are occupied by'J( rcu.ra i ' o "ie abdiisation of """'"wni paJHini?r AKL v ider, ' wh ' ""PP"". ur-' "4 ) yarsold, has bjfi IP Servia, tliouirh 4 u w reaiiy 9. The present Kiuff of " io XIII., is an infant, nn'I I minority the normiil hivitl monnrchy will be his mother, t!io Quocn-Itcfrcnt Christina. liy the death of King William III. tlie crown of Holland de volves on his ilitn-fhtor, Wilhclmina, who is in her eleventh year. Here again, tho cliiM'snvilher. Queen Emma, is temporarily invested with the royal functions. What likelihood, aslcs the New Yorli Ledger, is there that these children will ever rule in their own names? The young Kinr of Servia has evidently the poorest chance (if reigning1. The quarrel between bis father and his mother, the ex-Qucen Nathalie, has divided his parti sans, while the pro-Uussian party, now dominant in Servia, aims to displace the Obrenoviteh dynasty to which King Milan and his son belong, and substi tute the pretender Karitffcorgevitch. As to tho infant Kins of Spain, his sub jects have been hitherto withheld from revolutionary outbreaks by a certain sentiment of chivalry. But as the sov ereign grows older, this feeling will disappear, and it will prove extremely difficult for his supporters to make head against tlie Spanish Republicans on the one hand and the Carlists on the other. I The close approach to universal suf frage which liip; recently been made in Spain must jrreaily strengthen the pop ular lenders who regard a monarchical system with contempt and detestation. The girl-Queen of Holland has the best chance of retaining her position, but her hour of trouble will como when her marriage is discussed, iter mother, who is a German, will naturally wish acr to marry a Uerman Prince; but Buch 1 project is certain to be resisted by Russia and France, nor Is it likely to be riewed with favor by the Hollanders, who dread ubsorption in tho German Empire. On the. whole, there is some thing pathetic iu til'.- situation of thima ;hild sovereigns. now the President Is l'nlo The president's salary is paid to him in monthly installments of 84, 100.07. The warrant is brought to the white house by a special messenger from the treasury department, and after the president has indorsed it us he would n ordinary draft bin privnt! secretary deposits it'at the Columbia bank. When the president is out of town the draft in mailed to him. The same method itt pursued in paying the justices of the luprctne court. One Smatt Ttllo ITean every nnrbt fori week aruuao Toryiu Livers. 2ou. our bottle. MILRUTi mirrufl u.j a arrun tht Editor fth Nrm Yrk World t " Mn inhn Carnmili. of this Dtace. was thrown from wagon, suiiainiog a mon ciiuu liiju. uuc. oun,auU A HFIPIFW PRIPPIF FOR 19 YEARS. .. sis.ai a,s.ww ... . - ------p unable to walk. Her daughter providentially procured two bottles of ST. JACOBS OIL, which Mrs. Ceramill used. Before the second bottle was exhausted, she was able to walk about, and has been COMPLETELY CUBED." Very truly, M. THOMPSON) PoaTMAsrrM. WOES OF THE BRIDE. I . . . . - ' run man j:uoiu miu men triuneo 07 1 1,11 t.iyiuu4iiun. ... "Maria," said the young and band- Bonlu uuiuur iu 1110 prvbby ueiuu, ..jiutr ia iuiino isiuoDas coming onr Tho lady in question was suspected by his better half to be an old flame of he. hiyibiinA's, -iyfl tho Phtladclu.Vil& Times. She hod dined with them the evening before. i "I havon't seen her, Alfred, so I can't say," with a touch of pique in her tone. Tho next evening and the next Mr. Leihor repeated his inquiry. This per sistence finally roused his wife's jeal ousy. "Alfred Loiber," she retorted, "I Wish to know why you arc so anxious to hear ibout Millie Iilunbas. Here, we're only 1 month married, and yet you " Fur ther utterance was stopped by a burstof tears. ' . "Why, my darling," said Alfred, hon ostly surprised, "I was only anxious for our dear sake. I noticed that she ate :.wo pieces of your cako at our little din ner, and, knowing tho fast, I naturally wanted to know the consequences." CofTee as a Disinfectant. It Is asserted by men of high profes sional ability that when the system needs a stimulant nothing equals a cup af fresh codec. Those who desire to rescuo tho dipsomaniac from bis cups will find no hotter substitute for spirits than strong, newly-made ooffoo without nilk or sugar. Two ounoes of coffee, 01 )no-cighth of a pound, to one pint ot boiling water, makes a first-class bevor tgo, but the water must bo boiling, hot merely hot. It is assorted that malaria md epidemics aro avoldod by those who irink a cup of hot collco beforo ventur ing into tho morning air. liurncd on hot coals coffee is a disinfectant for a sick room, and by somo of tho best physi :ians it is considered a spoeific In typhoid lever. , A WALKING PcSTILENCE. rhe rerson Who Sie..k. Ills or H.r Mad Always an, I l:vory where. The man who speaks his mind always ind everywhere littlo realizes bow .bankf-.il many of his hearers aro that hey havo not such an uncomfortahlo, inhappy, malodorous mind clamoring or expression, as Is evidenced by the inkind judgments and . uncharitable voids which are usually on tho lips of ,his frank person. For have you nover loticed that this quality la rarely .laimed and insisted upon other than pologetically? Tho Home Magaiine lays: "Have you ever met the man who trides himself on tho fact that he 'al ways says Inst what ho thinks?' You javc? Then you will agree with me ,hat he is a good deal of a walking, .allting pestilence. Thero is no truer laying than this, that speech was given M disguise one's thoughts. Tbo reflne nents of civilized lifo melt away before ,he man or tho woman who Bays what jo or she thinks. Mortals of that kind lo not even observe the good old rule .bout thinking several times before .peaking. No. But, ignoring such a ,hing as tact, which Is tho fair offspring if thoughtful speech, they betray the tact that they speak what they havo no justness to think in a way that makes ivcry one about them dismally uncom lortubli! and ready to vow that the man Alio thinks and speaks not is incom parably preferable to the follow who hinivs and speaks simultaneously. I'hoce who work their chins and thoir jriiins synchronously, those who blurt jut tneir thoughts, and pride them telves on so doing, may be well-mean- .n;; p"rsons, but they a-e none the less jul.t -ar J,!e. I'hey grossly abuse the me t,i't which lifts them above the plane of animals tho gift of speech thev 'sav lust what the. think Ripans Tabules : a standard remedy. THE AUSTRALIAN " LARRAKIN. Tara Applied to .j.awleiu Member t Upper-Tendom. Ho Is meat-fed, and is thercbv in spired to ferocity. Darwin, If I remem ber rightly, says a writer in Contem porary Review, tells of a sheep which was gradually accustomed to a ftes) diet. Its wool bciran to take the char acteristlcs of hair and the mild beast srrew savage. The forerunners of tht larrakin were never very sheep-line if. all probability, for if one could trac his pedigree, it would, in most cases, bt found that he is the descendant of the true British cad. But he has improved upon the ancestral pattern and has be come a pest of formidable character istics and dimensions. The problem he presents has never been faced, but It will have to be met in one way or another before long. The stranger is forced to the conclusion that magis trates are absurdly lenient. I recall a ease of some few months ago, where a gang of well-fed ruffians assaulted an old man in Melbourne. The attack was shown to have been utterly unprovoked, and the victim's injuries were serious. Three of the most active participators in the sport were seized by the police and were each sent to prison for six weeks. A sentence of six months, with a brace of sound flogging thrown in. would have gone nearer to meet the ex igencies of the case; but there is a wide spread obj 'ction to the use of the cat, the argumont being that it is wrong to "brutalize" these refined young men by its application. Tho same spirit oi false sentiment exists In Lugluud, but in a less marked degree. A KING AND HIS 1 SQUIRTGUN. Why Altonao, of Spain, nat Exchanged a Governeaa .or a Tutor. The decision of the queen regent of Spain to supplant the governess of lit tle King Alfonso with an able-bodied tutor has a short and curious history. Last winter, says the New York Sun, one of the king's relatives took to him from Vienna a toy squirtgun which he was expected to use in watering his garden. The squirtgun became at once the king's pet toy, and he did not hesi tate to find all sorts of uses for it which were not conducive to the comfort of his little playmates or to the dignity of the women of the court. A few weeks ago at a garden party Alfonso had hid himself behind a shrub and shouted to : a blir general in a lWht-hlue and irold - " , - -- - - , -. - - o - - 1 i- - f V. , A 1 . 1. .1 1 . L .... 1 ... 1 am auuuw nm uV . UUiuiu ot flowers to Induce htm to come nearer When close to the shrub the point 01 the king's Viennese squirtgun suddenly appeared In the leaveB, and In a second the ne l!ght-Mi:e and goljl uniform was spotted and dripping. The general backed quickly out of range, and be fore Alfhonso could reload and follow tin his victory, was safe from furthei hostilities and under the protecting eye J of tho queen regent. Alfonso then tried to lure into am bush Mgr. Raffaclle Merry del Val, aor of the Spanish ambassador at Vienna but the young prelate had seen the gen eral's plight and was wary enough te keep several persons between him and his sovereign all the rest of the after noon. On the following day It was decided at the royal palace that a masculine hand was needed to lay heavy ou Al fonso, and the cautious Mgr. Merry del Val was selected to train his majesty. ifwalllnfs of Belgian Worklngmen. The results of the official inquiry into the condition of the dwellings of tlie working classes in Belgium have just been published. According to the re turn there were in lirusscls on Decem ber 31, 1890, 49,019 families, of which 19,284 were the families of workmen. The number of houses in the city was 19.594, inhabited by 108,108 persons. There are 4,001 houses Inhabited by the working classes, 105 common lodging bouses, and 3,430 places of business. The rent of a room for a workman averages 1 If. 08c. a month. The average daily wages of a workingman is 3 f . 14c. Of the 19,284 worlcing-elass families in Brussels 10,40'J ' have occasional re course to public charity. Of working class families 491 occupy an entire house, 1,371 qpcupy three rooms, 8,058 have but two rooms, and 0,978 have to be content with only one: 2,180 fami lies lodge in garrets, 1,200 in cellars. In 1,511 cases a family of five persons live in a single room. In 400 families the boys and girls sleep in the same bed. truck tha Wrong One. A womsn in Helena, Mont., wai struck by lightning tho other day. li banged her against the wall, jammed her into a cupboard and knocked her senseless, leaving on her skin the exact pattern of a tree that grew in the front yard. She was not seriously hurt, and when asked what she thought at the time, said she supposed her husband was enforcing his usual method of dis approving with ber housekeeping. The lightning- always hits the wrong fellow. AOKICQLTUK U COLLEUK NOTM. The enetneerimt department has been an milted with necessary instruments, in- eluding a compass, transit, plane table, level, roc, chains aud tapes. A new 10 inch sorew catting lathe for maohine work has been received this last week from the Putnam Msohine Co. Fitobborg. Mass. It cost :W0. OS The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum. Used in Millions Homes -40 Yaars the Standard. The department in obemistry baa late ly been divided. Professor Shaw haa beeo made professor ot tbe ubumistry in tbe oulieice, aud frof. Luiz bus uliare of tbe experiuieut station. The college library is soon to be in creased by tiie addition uf the library of tbe old Adelpuian literary society. This will be quite a valuable addition, and is heartily welcumod by tbe college author ities. Tbe pnlpit which was designed and made by J. K Smttb, a student ot the O. A. 0.. h completed by tiiin last week and placed ou the rostium iu the o ,llei;e obapel. It is uue of tbe finest in tbe state. At a reoent meeting of tbe board of di rectors of the Atbletiu association, it wus atcided to have a ouniesi between the meinoer, lu liitloreut athletic sports, aud to offer Ural aud teuoud pritea to the beat lrlormers. Jucu Ural pilZa will oouut tan uotuU, and eaob aeuuud pnza live. the una holding lue larireat uumuer ul poiuli will be awarded a gold medal, ahtle a silver uue will be givea to tbe aeaoud b.st. MatdemHties, J. D. Letoher, 0.' E., prolessor The ooarse iu mathematiaa mcludrsouly suou uf its brooches at Ins distiuetive alma ot this iuututiou rj- tjuire, aud ooutoruis ltoelt iu genetal to mat in use iu the most auuetuatul col leijrs. Iu iiure mattieuiulios it iuuludea algebra, plane aud solid tfeomotry, pluue aud spberioul Irmuuouietry, auaiyttuul neometry and oalouiu, aud unapplied iu milhematc8,surveylul(,ie?efll,u.'Jrlt, making. Upeoial atteuuoii ,g pasa tu lua ' field workuUurveyiuganJjjeTaijmr The students' themselves use v iMtameuti oiHke the maasuremeula,! reuord , H8lJ uotea, aud then plat auj Wulk uy ,u8 notes thus obtaiued liiuu, ,,CU(tl neUj praolioe. ' The list uieetius ot; the board of re-fe-euis was au lui(K.i il ,)UB m tuiutBr. c.H ut tUe Ouliesje, S..U18 tU0Ulust important deoiaj.jha reaoliud were, first, to diaooutiuue the preparatory depdrl meut altar (he proooot achoul year; and aeouud, K usk the ieKislature for au ap proprmlit,n o( fc0u,oiw. i'ua money la to complete the aciiiou buildiurf, build a aim, double tbe size of (tie uieuhutiioal department tu ktv proper aucommoda iioup tu tho increasing uumbet ot stu deutii, tile-Irani tho (,irui aud to provide uew ueattu apparatus tor tbe ladies' nail, college aud aiatina buiidiua Crum uueoeutraUomt. A ual Uaa been iu lioduoed iu tne legislature for Ibij amouut.and a w earueaily hoped thut una awpeai wi Ua miauled, (or tlie ool- ieK ia aroaiiy U ue8ll o( tUBa8 jmruy,,. jan. xu, 1070. J Pi.Mt ui ry 1 itkiii. Mr. Lenio has aa,. Ask him what it ia. Auk John Suiw 'jm he kimej on New Tear . ,., , bneep air' looking wen, generally speaking, , O. H. Pilsgo, one of Butter creek's swells, ia breaking horses for li. VV. Viuueul. Mr. George Viuoent was over to Mr. Howard's, vmitiug lug lovely dtiuguter. duuiay. J. M. Shiw will deliver a lecture on the weakuens of m.iii lu ktiouiru sua ruts. All are luviteil. G. YV. Vinoeut is still itnproviug his much, it is Very hard to liud biui at lluulo here I.itely. There is talk ot a Scotch settlement on Saud hollow. Mr. J. Al. e)ja is at the tiead ot the uulouy. The tniJost AIns Lull VVilnon uu.l lioyal liitiua; Pjli'H ojt4lei;a ridiu. inert) la a ru iijr all ,il. John UaLiiister, tiuuw Bros.' herder, has a habit uf talking in his sleep, wuioh auuoy the sheep iu (Ue eorral. Alee Lnuny, the high toned dancer, is found very often at Mr Audrewa'tlresiUe. we all kuow wual takes iiiui tuere. A Lyusiii, L Howard's partner, has miruduued a uew p,ess here. Isaao tiowai d saj it woi ks like a oharm. J. M. Shaw is at Ejlio at preneul. Bu rn ir has it that be ia looking niter a cer tain youug lady. Jim is still in theriug. The youug folks ot this oomtnuniiy have bad several eutertmuuieuta tuia winter. Al eauh a uice suuuer was .v- eu, which proved a Vei enjoyable iiffjir. We are having some very disugreeable srtather, but the etockojou are iu Ko,,d spirits as there ih plenty ot any ou tbe oreek aud Oan be bought at rensouuuij dguiea. Mr. li L. Baird, tbe Butter creek dude, is just baok from Millou, wbera Ins lu leuded is stopping. iVlr. tijiril lias a hue raneU ou the oreuk. Ue has built a Hue resilience ju tbe same; he bus tUe uuuie t belug the blgiteat beau consumer lu tbe state 01 Oretrou. Mr. J. VI. ribaw for some time past bus ueeu giving bis uudiridid aitoutiou to iue 01 a.iliil bullow prettiest girls. Uil preeaiug his ami lie received a prompt answer, "1 will be your frioiul." Jim uaa uue consolatiou, be has a frieud iu dnud hollow that shares bis trouble. Mr. John Hbaw has returned from Pen- Jletou where he bail beeu to deliver some mutton sheep. The rlliaw biys luive .ouie tine mutton uuit beef Oat tie hereon tbe creek feeding. Hev. J. K. Houkius, presideut ot tbe Butter ('reek rilieeii and Land (Jo., ia supertutendiu,; tbe feediug ol bis flocks. Mr. Tom Mathews, one ot our suooest ful sbeepmeu, gives his viewn ou feeding iheep, that may interest some. He says teeding in mangers saves half the feed . f huinas says tie has seen one hundred bead est out ot a teu foot mauger. Ac cording tu this, nje hundred feet of mnu cer would be sullijieut to feed a baud of sheep, but we leave this tor yourooumil erstiuu. Success to the QiiZittn. We will come again. Cul bbhb. Baking Powder V ( ... 'A 1 r 1 1 bA, u. 7