2 1 MEHT WHYARE YOU tar"? ma kave a relief and cure In roar Ignorance of eftectl ar.d vitality which is ytem the elements thus lirength and vigor will fol. cure or money refunded. Dr. Sanden's Electric 5. after all other treatments testify, and from many TH F ' AW Wa rjfLj WJfl BUI BE . VI BaJB IM is a eomolete galvanic battery, made .mo a oelt so as to be easily worn durine work or at rest, and It gives soothing, prolonged currents which k Prts or we ,orfeit $5 00- 11 h" " ImPr'f Electrio Suspensory, the rate lT2 given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any ot the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken hmbs, or parts, or fioney Refanded. rThey are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness in young, nnddle-agedvw old men, and will cu't th. worst eases in two or three months. Address gANDEN ELECTRIC CO., 172 First St., PORTLAND, OREGON 115 iahl is On sale TO OMAHA, Kansas City, St. Paul, ciiiofieo, St. Xotils, ank all points T. Leaves Heppner, 8 a.m. 6:50 p. m. Arrives Pullmnxa Sleener., Colonist siesrera. Reclining Chair Cars and Diners. Bt tamers Portlnnd to Han Franoisoo every fnnr days. Tickets TO JLITD TBSM hurope, For rate! and general information call on Depot Ticket Agent, J. C. HAET Heppner. Oregon. W. H. IIURLBUKT. Al Uenl. l'asl. Agt. 2SA Washington at, I'oKTi.AHn. Oscoon. from Terminal or Interior I'oiuts ths MniillinTn P HiVILliOA-D! Is the line to take n. Hi. the Pining Car KonU. It ran. Through tost! baled Trains .lery day in tlx jear to St. Paul and Chicago (No Change of Oars) Compost cf DINING CARS unsurpassed, PULLMAN DRAWING ROOM SLEETEKS Of Latest Equipoieit TouristSleping Cars Bast that can he eonstrocwd and In whioh ae eouimodaliima are both free and furnished for holders of first or weund-elaas tickets, and Elegant Day Coachs. A Continuous Line oosnecting with all Lines, affording Direct sad Uninter rupted Service. Pullman Sleeper Renervatiom eastbs oecureis i any atent of the road. Tiinouan TICKETS To and fromal point, in America, Kngla id and Kump ' fan be purchased at any Ticket ollio. of this tympany. Full information concerning- rates, time of trains, routes and other details furnished on application to any iitfont, or A. 1). CHAKLTON, Asaistnnt Denersl I'nsseiiapr Agent. A'o. Vil first St., Vor. Wtmhinnton, tf. 1'OKTI.AM) OHt'.dON 0AVIAT8. TRAD! MARKS, OESION PATSMTS.I OOPrSIOHTS. wtOJ for Information and free Handbook writ, to NliNN A COv vl BuoauwaT, Naw Tone. Oldest bureau for Mcurlng patents In Amerloa. Krerv patent taken out be us Is brought bvtor th. public by a uouo. sit.ii trs. ot obarg. lu u jYmttiit wttixan Larreat etreulatlon ef anr srtentlfle parr In t orli a.uJidlT llln.trmleu. No lulellliwit ..in should b without It. Weekly. S3. 00 Sail II Mttx montha Address Mt'rJN CO, rcsuaiiuu, Uul llroalaj,iNul VottUtJ. FRAZERcIe BEST IX TUB WORLD. ItwarinRqUaiittTttriiaiurpaaard. nctuftlly iHlutlnff two boxna of any othnr brnnrt. No tlKLstlLybsLtrGtliilL.lll.lv. I; U B) W TRAD! MARK. LECTRIC AND SUSPENSORY FOR, irsp3 ar-i tfinkirVTbni mi pc MrDm icmfcc oLEEPLESSNE55.FboRMEMORV& GENERAL ILL HEALTH the effects of abases, excesses, In our marvelous invention, which requires but a trial to convince the most skeptirsl, or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve force electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into ym drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health, In. at once and in a natural wav. This is our clan and treatment, and we guarantee a Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; Blt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and visjor, Viir- ' I l I 1 I I I- . (LmkaIihi, .hi. Ka wht WAIi rl frl.rllV "IMTjT rriT . . .. . '. - t. J- : .'.u-; ...,;,., Ftolf jiit.u m laiipn. H can DC hiiuwii i,t iiumiictm ui .tmrm iiiivukiiuu, .. . 1 of f nanir wnom we navs strong letters Deanng icsumonr iw men nu;ra; ..s A Ilui-glnr'a Outfit. Over one hundred tools and processes have been invented by safe burglars, which are marvels of ingenuity and sci entific knowledge. A recent burglar's outfit captured by the police consisted of a little giant knob breaker, a dia mond drill and a high explosive of the nature of dynamite, but put up in the form of a powder. It would open the strongest bank safe in a half hour, and without noise enough to disturb people In the next house, while the entire out fit could be carried in the pockets of an ordinary coat For psins id the ehect there is notliinie better than n fltnnel elntbsatnratrd wilu Chamberlaiu's Pnin Biilm and bntind ou over tU-m-at of pnin. It will produce a oiiimter irritation wiilinnt Wintering, Hi'fl is nut soiliiHgrppHblB BsmnRturil; lu raoi it is innnli superior to liny plaster on no count, tif its pain relieviim qunlities. If n-ed in time it will prevent pneumonia. 60 ont bottles for sale by Slocum-Juhn-siin Druii Company. SHILOHS CONSUMPTION CURE. Ths sncceis of this Oreat Cough Cure Is without a parallel In the history ot medicine. All druggists are authorized to sell it on a pos Itiv. guarantee, a test that no other cure can successfully atand. That it may become known, the Proprietor., at an enormous ex pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free Into very horn. In the United Btates and Canada. If you have a Couirh, Bore Throat, or Bron chitis, us. it, for it will cure you. If your child has th.CrouD. or Whooping Cough, use It promptly, and relief in sure. If you dread thatinsldlou. disease Conmimptlon, use it. Ask your Druggist for SHILOH'S CURB, Price 10cts..50cts. andll.00. Ifyour Lungs are sore or Back lame, use Shlloh's Porous Plaster. Price 25 cts. For sale by all Drug gist, and Dealers BileBe&ns Small Guaranteed to cure Bilious attacks. Sick Headache) and Coastipatloa. 40 in each lottlo. Fries 25c. For sals by druggists. Pictnr. "T, IT, 70" and sample doa. free. i. r. SMITH s TO., Propriaters, ilW YORK. THE DICTIONARY HOLDER Did r l" whnt febttlooi remits tw on at IMaufietur r Hr Moyrtcf Hi otfistiHnUl sund to beU IM iMtiaiisrrf TUstorj tvls li It fsbis, btil WUII it una tnnsl Mi Moth' question . llait you ar noriraxi in so .flaat iaiiBM" t''iiiatij , whii'b UiU out a fulLm. 45 so.d ill '83 2,280 cold in '89 6,260 cold In '90 20.040 co!d IntH I 60.0COw::it3soitiin'02 I A Oteol Windmill or.dtitwl I s AAtS-l'V Towor o.r a minutes. WeS .'? C j' Theeo tlguroe tc.i ih fcSaa'JrV?V ovor-uoloK. oyorljct.na "-ilVv- bieel Aormotor. Wtiora) ono goo. othore follow. I nnd wo " Tuke the Countrn." ,r::,i;'r,";.; i VssasfS oal y sh'-.l i: Vr""""l .-..i.stoitu.. .tettry ettn to Ltm r, in. r i .if tt au. .r ki t.y su RECULATE THE STOMACH. LIVER AND BOWELS, aVUH PURIFY THS BLOOD. A RELIABLE REMEDY FOI I.Alf.slM, lllluaM, Bl.la.at, CsaMi. J MUM, lyapataw Chraals Utlff Tewik-lM, IMsslasss, Bm C.B.U.IM. DsM.eg, . SsaUr. Braaak, a4 all lu.ra.ra l U. Suk, Uw mm U.wsls. . Itlpsns TatmlM conuta anlhlnr lnraHMU m S th must delu-ttl cmuUtutlnD. 1'leaMUI W taka, T saA. ttrcu&l. UtT. lr a., d bj dnmlnta. A An mip( of L nua Audn THE SIANS CHEMICAL CO. n srsocc rrnirr. ytn tokk cttt. 5-U WEAK.? MELT 3 g ja,""- 0 laaopv -. WHO ARE DEBILITATED. AND SUFFERING from Nervous DebilitV Seminal Wf a NESiL0SSESkPRAlN5.lMP0TENCY,ORJ I.n?rr MANHnnn Phfwmati.sm 'ia,vif worry and exposure. For such sufferers sent by mail, sealed. AMERICAN ENTERPRISE. Ths Slmple-Mlndedness of Mexican Rail way Ofliclals. An amusing story is told in connection with the building of the tramway be tween the towns of Zacntccus and (Juad alupc in Mexico, which are a few miles apart. The way from Zacatccas if down grade. The cars go at great speed by their own gravitation: no ani mals arc attached, for the descent is as steep as a toboggan slide. It requires six mules, however, to draw each oar back again; The animals are harnessed three abreast, like the : horses in the Paris omnibuses. I Even tho projectors of the tramway j had no fixed idea as to how it should be j operated, and an American overseer has ' been in charge from the beg-inninf . The cars were ordered from LMnlndel- phia, an 1 while they were beinf built, the steel rails, which came from Liver pool by way of Vera Cruz, were laid i down from one end of the route to the other. When the cars arrived it was found that they would not run on the track, as the rails had been laid on a gau';e three inches narrower than that for which the cars wore designed. Ths Mexicans, in their ignorance, saw but one way out of the difUculty, that tva- to rebuild tho cars, make the bodie: narrower and cut off the axlctrccs to fit the gauo of the rails. The present snprmtondent, a practi cal American cn'inocr, was in Kacntc cas at the time and took in the state oi affairs at a glance, lie offered for five hundred dollars to show the owner: how to get over the trouble withoul Altering an article on tlie cars, lln money was paid, and with twenty men and proper tools the American took n a few rods of the track, made a gaugi for the rest, and in one day had the cars running over tho short distance! The managers of tho road at once put the American in elxirgc, and be lias held the position ever sinca. THE SUMMER YOUNG MAN. A Word of Advice to the Susceptible Ynnug r.adv. lie is an awfully nice boy. lie may wear a very poricous Mazer, and he may talk athletics in the afternoon and , sentiment at night, but he is off for a vacation. Won't you just remember, says a writer In Ladies' Homo Journal, that it's vacation with him? At tho office or tho shop they have let him off j for two weeks and he is having a good time. You are a pretty pirl, and a bright girl, and he likes to laugh and talk with you, take you out rowiucf, j teach you to play tennis, mid at nijht sit on the veranda and toll you how a man really can love. All of this is de- llghtf ul. But you will please be good enough to remember that love worth having docs not come in a week or o month, and that In his watch-case there may be the face of a pirl whom he loves with all his heart, and whom he thinks about every night before he closes his eyes. You arc just part ol his vacation, and won't you be wise enough to make him a part of yours' If, when his vacation is over, he should como to your home, what was merely a summer acquaintance may ripen into friendship. Well, that's another thinfr. Hut just for tho sunshiny time don't al low yourself to think much about what the summer young man says or does. Tr.ata a Sick Chlok.a. At s farm In tho district of Fnraa Hall, Eng., one of a brood of cliiekeni was lamed. Unablo to follow the hen In search of food it was soon half-starved. The chick was recently missed, and next day was found lj injr with three kittens, the mother of which jravo tho fledtro-ling- every attention, livery day the cat has curried the bird in its mouth into the farm-yard, where it has obtained food, and as regularly conveyed it in tho same manner back to lie with the kittens. Through the care of puss the Injured limb is growing stronger and tho chicken is thriving. Tho conduct of the cat has been a matter of great interest to the inhabitants of tho farm, who havn carefully watched puas in all her proceeding. I:'5,0tl0 IN IIKWAKDB. Heventh llalf-Yearly Literary Competition of The Canadian Agriculturist. In accordance w ith t' elr usual custom for some years tast. the puhlleilierH of that old and reliable publication, the Canadian Agricultur ist, now presents its "111 CrcHt Half -S'cttrly Lit erary Competition lor the w Inter uf Imu, to the people of the I' nlted states and Canada. Ihe following Is theprlc list: lsturand rri.e 12.600 In Gold and " " l.tluo In tiold 3rd " itn In tiold St Is " " 2.W In Uold 6l h " " KWIiiUold 5.1XXI KlegantfllverTca Services. Munos, Organs, liold W atchea, d:c, :c., making a total ol over lu.tmo prUes. H. w roKccat a Patia. Take a few sheets of paier and make all the words yon can out of letter, contained in the words, "ColA'NaMN Exposition." and send them to us. enclosing one dollar for six month's subscription to the Aartcwlturist or th. 1 a, lies' Home Magsliiie two of the best home monthlies In the world. KI'lki. 1. Foreign w ords a-e not allowed 2. Letters cannot tie used oitei than thev annear in ine two Honii, t.oiiiiuciaii axiKisiiiou. s. Kameaof placs and liersoi.s barred All lists eolltaliili g oer lui correct words a ill receive a valuablespeclal prlie. tend post al catd tor list ui ptize winners lu former com petitions. Address, Tua ABicri-TURisT Pt;b. Co.. 1'eterborough, Canada. Ripans Tabulei cure beadsohs. STEAKUiS HlfJJSlUIATllW. The Queer Way In Which Some Fishes Pass the W-ntor InMrmtlnf Observatl.na of a Student ol HacJoutture Some Remarkable f haae. of Hubmarina Ll.'e. '"'We have heard of toads that have been imprisoned in solid rock for cen turies and that were found alive when their abiding place was cleft open. This reminds me of things I have ob served about certain fishes in winter, says a writer in Harper's Young Peo ple. A large number of fishes, some of them living in deep ponds, brooks, or out in silent nooks of the sea, will re main for four, five, or even six months in the samo position without eating or so much as moving fin or tail. In the government fish hatchery, un der the management of Mr. Wilmott, superintendent of pisciculture for the Dominion of Canada, at New Castle, Ont., I had much opportunity to study certain fishes in winter, for they could be clearly een through the glass sides of the tank. In one tank, about one third of the way up from the bottom, were half a dozen Ocrman carp, all facing the direction from which the water flowed. I noticed their positions about Christmas, saw them again in January, twice in February and two or three times in March, ana in au uiai time not one of them had changed its ' position or moved a fin or tail. Mr. Wilmott told me that this is quite usual among these fishes. He per mitted me to raise the cover of the tank and poke a couple of them with my stick. Each one made a slow, lazy movement and relapsed into stillness. Just above the carp, in the same tank, was an eel about three feet long. When I first saw it in December it was curved like a perfect S, and all through the winter it preserved that shape without, so far as Mr. Wilmott knew, once mov- This, I may add, Is how many kinds of fishes spend tt" winter. So long as they remain perfectly still there is no waste of animal tissua, and they do not need food. Put a frog in a tank at the beginning of tho winter, then place a small piece of wool in the tank; the frog will got upon the wood, with his eyes looking straight up, and never so much as move until the weather begins to get warm in the spring; h3 will then begin to jump about and look for some thing to cat. But the strangest case of hibernation that I know has bsen related to m: by Dr. Ferguson, the pathologist of New York hospital. In one of the small tanks belonging to the hospital museum a carp of a particular description had been placed. One very cold niglit the water where the fish was kept was frozen through and the fish imbedded in it. The caretaker took the ice from the vessel and placed it on top of the ash-barrel where rubbish was put away, j The cylinder of ice remained where it was put for about two months till the ' hot spring sun one day melted it down to the place where the fish was frozen. Some attache of the hospital then was surprised to notice a fish wrig gling in a piece of ice. The carp had survived the imprisro1 ment, passed the period of hibernation, and resumed his old activity. "BROKE UP THE BAND. low th Sight of Lemon. Demoralise Blowers la ft Weatera Town. "Did you ever try the plan of sucklnf an orange or lemon before a band that was playing?" asked a theatrical man of a reporter of the Pittsburgh Dis patch. "Well, if you want to see a set of performers go to pieces, try it some time. I hod heard of the trick, but never believed it would have such an effect Not long ago I was in a small town in the west. The village band was serenading s newly married couple, when I thought of the triek. i r j.tt j cnnnlied several bovs with lem- I onSi atM instructed them to suck the 1 fruit where the nlavers could see them. 'The effect was very laughable. The man with the brass horn caught the first sight. His mouth commenced to twitch nervously, then his dry throat suddenly exDressed a desire for lemon juice, and between it all he lost his place and quit playing. Other players hafi the same experience, and they ! eouldn't blow together to save their j iiTes. The boys were clean off and the i music was recommenced. I have been told by several band men that a lemon sucked where they can see it while play- lng is very exasperating, as the blowing makes their lips dry and s lemon would afford them great relief." One Smofl Ttlle Ttesn rrrry nirht for vMl aruusvTurpul Lavera. uu. pr botue. Large rumlllea. The Government of Quebec last wbv r provided that every father of a fanv ly having twelve or more children living liiould be entitled, under certain condi tions of se ttlement, to one hundred acres )f land. Since the day appointed for re !civin; claims, there have been no less man five hundred and forty-seven duly jroven applications, and fresh claims ire coming in, which, it is expected, will raise the total to between seven ind eight hundred. The notable fact ibout this is that, while the burden of :he birth and care of children comes to Jie mother, all she gets from the Gov smment will be the use of one-third of Jic land if she lives longer than he! lusbaud. 'I lit) rurCvBi- ul UuauilK rlsin's Counh Remedy in ffeotit"B s jpeedy cure of colli", oronp soil wbfHiptug ccnuh baa hronglit it into itrent (irmauii. aier. I oniiiiH A Hon", nf Cameron, Ohio, aay i bat it has sained s repntstinn aeound ' none in that vn-inity. Jhs. M Queen, of Johnatnn. W. Vh.. aays it is Ihe beat lie aver used. B F. Jmies. druggist, Winn na. Miss , Bays: "Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is ivetfpctlv reible. I have si am warranted it and it never failed to bivp the moat perfect satisfaction " 5(1 nent bottln for sale by Slocum-Juknano Drug Company. Cure for Colda, Fevers and General De Wliu .Siaoll B' Baauis. i6t. pr butUa. Woasen Who Die Farljr. Many of oor most beautiful and re complished ladies die before they have reached Ibe prime of life. Of those who live to middle age only one in two bnnd rtd is sound; Ihe other one hundred aud nitiett nine sre snnVrers. Vhy is It? Sell-neglect. The slmtlerrd health can lie rrsdued; the home made happy aud onr life lengthened if you commence at once, ''B-se bads" bave bjen used for twenty years in the private proioe of one of the most rmineut phyaiflians of Parie, and will sbsolnle-ly enre any Urm of female disease. Price. II 00 at drng liists, or we will forwanl by mail pout laid. (Send for onr little book free.) l.everette Speoiflo Co., 175 Tremont Ut Boston, ilaaa. RHEUMATISM neuralgia, and sciatica can always be successfully treated with Ayer's Sarsaparilla A cure is sure to follow the persistent use of this medicine. Has Cured Others will cure you. F TOU WANT INFORMATION ABOUT ...i n letter nr nrHtl ruM to TIIK PRESS CLAI9IS t'OSPAWT, JOHN WE00?RBURN, Managing Attorner, P.O. Boa 8. WASU1MOTOK. D. C. i""VSIONS PROCURED r" SOLOITRS, WIDOWS, CHILDREN, PARENTS. Also, fir ftoxKen mid Ssllors illssnM In the line of Stitvln the regular Annfor Nsvy .lnethe war. SurVlvori ot the Indlsn sr of to 1842, and their widows, now entitled. Old and relfrted claims s ineclfllty. Thousands entitled to hleher rites, end for nfw laws. charge far adTlce. No tt H1 anfx-MMfill GRASS and GARDEN SEEDS Highest Germinating Power. PUREST STRAINS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. uuvi viuiiu.i) HASH. LEQlb ADVEkTISEMENTSL H0Tir.E OF INTENTION. rAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE. OREOON. j December 5, ISli-J. Notice is hereby given that the follovvine: named si-ltler luiti tiled notice of his Intention to make filial proof In Ktifpnrt of his claim, and that said proof 111 be made before W. II Ellis. Cum U.S. circuit Court at Heppner, Or., on January 'il. lftti via.: JO.SKl'll W. HECTOR, Hd. No. 4857, lor the KX bee. J9, Tp. 2, S R 27, . W. M. He names the following witnesses toprovehls continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said land, viz.: NeNon Jones, Frank 81oan, W. O. Boyer and J. N Elder, all of lieppner, Oiegon. o.x-."00 A. C tAVtR. Register. Notice of Intention. I ANT) OFFICE AT THE DUXES, OREOON, i December 17. lon'J. Notice is hereby given that the following-named settler has tiled notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. V. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner, or., on Saturday February . 1 8 3, viz.: AtOUBTI'S TAYLOR. Hd. Application No. 2-.0C for the NE! of Fee. 31, Tp. 2, It fl, E W H He names the following witnesses to provehii continuous residence upon and cultivation of, said laud, viz.: O. E. rarnsworth. W. F. Dutton, A. A. Wren and K. J. Howard, all of Heppner, Oregon. Johk w. Lawia, Keglater. Notice of Intention. FAND OFFICE AT THE DALLES, OREGON, 4 Dec 16,1X112. Notice Is heieby given that the following-named settler has filed notice of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made be fore V. K. Kills. I', s. Commlsslonerat Heppner, Oregon, on Wednesday Feb. 15. 193, viz.: MILTON 8. MAXWELL, Hd. Application No. 2845, lor 1 ots 1 and 2, and EK MV! of Sec. 31,1 p. 3. S R !A E W M. He names the following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laud, viz.: N. K. JlcVay, T. P. Graham. Jacob Johnson and F M. Holmes, all of Gooseberry, Oregon. 665-565 John w. Lewis, Keglater. NOTICE OF INTENTION. FAND OFFICE AT LA GRANDE, OREGON, j January 2, 1893. Notice is hereby given that the follovvlna-named settler has aled notice of his inteiitiun to make tinal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be mad. before the County Clerk of Morrow County, at Heppner, uregou, on ?eu. id, muz. via.: J(WN MtCI'LLOUbH, D. 8. No. 10100. for the Etf SWA and SWi; NW)t and NH U nil Sec 20. To 8. 8 K 2. E. W. M. He names the following w itnesses to prove his continuous residence upon ana cultivation oi, aald land, viz.: James W. Iahet, Mat Hughes, Arthur Daly and W. Q. Hcolt, all ol lieppner, Oregon. A. CLKAVga, (66-666 Keglater. SUMMONS. f N TITF. CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE X of i iregou, for the county ol oiorrow. u. w. itarringion. aa mlnitilriitor of the es tate of James.-ti-wart, Deceased, I'laiutitt'. SUMMONS. vs. O. W. Stewart. IWendant. J TO O. W. STEVVAit'l'. Defendant In the name of thetate of Oregon. You are hereby required to appear and answer the com plaint filed against you in the abiive-etittiled 'tcllon, on or before the 27th day of March, 1M93, that being the first dav of the next regular term if said court. And if you ro fail to answ er, for want thereof the plaintiff w ill take judgment .igaiust you lor the sum of Five Hundred and KIghty-Mhe and ;10O lt-! TtMiu) Dollars, w ith interest from December at. 1ki, at Tel. per cent, per annum, and sixty Dollais attorneys iets. And the sum of bit Hundred and Fllty Hollars and interest I nun April 10. lsui.at leu percent, per annum and M-ay-Five Dollars .itioruey's lees and costs and disbursements of .his action. This summons Is served by publication, by order ot nou. . i.. rirHUsnaw, juuge or saur i-ourt, made iu chambers on Peoeinber 31. lalti. FKANK KEI.IKiO, 550.71 w Attorney for I'lalutlff Notice. T7N1TED STATES LAND OFFICE, LA ttraude, Oregon, Jan !l, 1803. Complaint having been entered at this olbce by lienry Mossie against Luther Baldwin for abandoning his homestead entrv No. 4116, dated March 30. lass, upon the Sn. an, and the Kt4 sV"a tk-c. 17. Tp 5, S K S-.', E. tv. M . in Umatilla count v. Oregon; with a view to the cancellation of said entry the said parties are hereby sum moned to appear at theottice of Will C. titimson, at Pilot kock. Oregon, on the 1st day of March. lh3. at 10 o'clock, a. m., to respond Muti furnish testimony concerning said alleeed abandon ment, tone used at the final hearing lu this nmce on the 2th day of March, imu, at wu o'clock a. ni. It is further ordered that this notice be served bv publication lor four consecutive weeks In the Heppner uazette. and by posting upon the iract as in Llittcu Males lano cases. 61-71 A. c. Mi clklla?- d. Receiver. Dissolution of copartnership. NOTICE 19 HERFBY GIVEN THAT THE fartnershlp eiislli g between J. A. Wool ery, 8 W. Adams, d. rt Cox aud S. H. Cox, un der the firm name of J. A. Woolery dt Co., was dissolved May 16, iwj, by mutual consent, J. A. W oolery retaining the business at lone, ( ir.. eol. lectlug all accounts due and payleg all llablt. ties of said branch of thm's business, up to dat. above-mentioned, the remaining partners retain ing th. Hardman busliitss, collecting all ac counts contracted by aald branch of the bus! uesaup to said data. J. A. WooLxay, 8. W. A Pa us, Et 8. Cox, 62-60 S. H. COX. fKOW NALK, HARNESS-SHOP, stm-k and Bxture.. Good business: eatabilsheil lu the midst ot a good larmiug and stia-k-raislng country. Also for sale a good house and iwo lota with or without th. business nrooerty. For further In raaatlos address Uuatt., ilsppaar , Or. ill tf MM S. P. FLORENCE, STOCKRAISER ! HKPPNKK. OREGON. Cattle branded and Htr marked as thown above. Horses K on riht shoulder. Uv cattle ran ore in IMorntw and Umatilla conn, tie. 1 will l ay $100.00 for tho arrtt and cod. fiction of Htii tittiii t-lealiHir my clock. WISCONSIN ChKTKAL l.INLii ( Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee ) LATEST TIME CARD Two Through Trains Dai'y. 12.45pmt6.25pni Lv.MlnneapolisAr I Mlr.ml? Knmll u Ut Pulll Ar ll.O'Kim 4.15pm S.40pm k.3i am 10!i5amlL15pmLv!'.'.Dulnth.'. .Arj 11.10 6.5opm 2.50pm J7.-.'5pmlLv.. Ashland.. Ar 7.16am U. 50am Ar. ..Chicago. ..Lv 20am !5.47am 13 KOpin I Tickets sold and baggage checked through to all points In the united states aun t aiisna. Close connection made in Chicago with all trains ttolng East and South. For full Information apply to your nearest tleket agent or JAS. C. POND. Cen. Pass, and Tkt. Agt. Chicago, IU. QUICK I'XIMI. E ! TO iS-tiri Francisco And all point in Califurni, via ihe Mu bluuta route of the Southern Pacific Co. rhe great hisfhwajr through Cattturnia to all points East ami Smth. Grand Uoecitc Route of the Pacific Cotuit, Pnllman Boffet bleepera. Secondlaei Bleep re Attached to expreea train , affording enperior ccommodationi for ecordclaea paMengera. Fr ratea, tfeketa, deeping car reeerration, fte. call npon iraddreM K KOEHLEH, Man a per. E. P. ROGERS. Awt. Oen K P Ant.. Portland. Oretron. mTOCK BRANDS. While yon keep f onr oabMription paid np yri oaii kiep your brand in free of chanre. Alln. T. J.. lone. Or. HoreeH Gtt on left nhnnldpr; ci(ttf -nmp on left hip, nnder bU on riRtit par, aijn upper Dit on tne leit; range, jMor row county. ArmatroDiT. J. .. Ainine. th. T with bar no- der ii on left Bhonlder of horses; cattle ain on pf' hip. All on. tJ. jU.. Kiffht Mile. Ur. t'att brand. OD'in left hip and horeee saine brand on right shoulder. Itantre EittlitMile. Aukiue, J. J., lieppner, Ur. Hortee. JA con .'tt I on ts t flank; cattle, eametiu left hip. Ayeri. Johnny. Lena, Or. H or see branded riiitigieon lort hip; cattle uame on right hip: leo crop off rifzhi ear and upper bit on name, Bartholnmfw, A O , Alpiue. r. Hotgpp branded 7 E on either BLoulcter. Hune in Mo rowfounty. hleakman. Geo.. Hardman. Or. Horaee. a tiai: 01 left hhoulder: cattle faaie on right ruhnuUW I anniHter, J. W., Hardman, Or. Cattle brand ed H on left hip and thigh: split in each ear. itrcnner. jreter, do senerry uregou Horses brntidrd P B on left shoulder, ('aula same on right eiae Hurke. M 8t C, Long t.reek, Or On cattle, MAY connected on left hio. cioo off left ear. nn- dtr half crop off right. Horses, same brand on let ft shoulder, iiange in Grant and Morrow i uunty. biimman, Jerry, lenn. Or. Uoreee branded 7 on rigln ehoukW; cattle H on the left side. Left ear half crop and right ear upper slope. Barton, Win., Heppner, Or. -ilorsea, J B on right thigii. cattle, same on right hip; split in ach ear. Brown, lea, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the right stifle; cattle same on right hip; range. Mor row county. Brown, J .P., Heppner. Or. -Horses and cnttle branded IS with ox -yoke above on left shoulder. Brown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Hureea, circh r with dot inj tor 4iti lft hip; cattle, name. Brown, W.J. , Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar over it, on the left shoulder. Cattle same on left hip. Uoyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or. Horses, box brand or r.gn Lip cattle, same, with split in each ear. Borg. P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left shnnlder; cattle, same on left hio. Bmwnlee. W. J., Fox.Or-Cattle. JB connected on left side; crop on left ear and two splits and middle piece cut out on right ear; on horses same brand on the left thigh; Kange in Fox valley, Grant county. Car sner Warren. Wagner. Or. Horse brand ed O on light stifle; cattle (three ban) on right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range in Grant and Morrow counties. Cain.E., ;aleb,4 lr.- If I) on horses on left stifle; V with quarter circle oyer it, on left shoulder, and on left stifle on all colts nnder 5 years; on left shoulder only on all horses oter ft years. All range in Grant county. Clark, Wm. H., Lei a. Or. Horae WHO con nected, on left shoulder: cattle same on right hip. tta g Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cats, ('has, H Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip. Uange Morrow and Umatilla counties. Cecil, W m., Douglas. Or.; horses j V, on lef shoulder; ca'tie same on left bip, waddles on each jaw and two bits in the right ear. Carl, T. H., John bay. Or. Double cross on each hip on cattle, swallow fork and nnder bit in right ear, split in left ear. Iiange in Grant county. On aneop, inverted A aud spear point on shoulder Ear markoai ewes, crop on left ear. unnahed unoer bit in risht. Wathers. enm in right and under half crop in left ear. Ail rang in Grant coantv. Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90 on right shoul det. Cattle, same on right hip; ear mark square vri'l uu itjii, iuu ill riKUW Currin. h. i, CurrinsTiiis, Or. -Horsss. on left stifle. Cox Ed. H.. Hardman, Or. ditto, C witl ' in center; horsaa. CK on left Md. Cochran, K, Monument, Grant Co, Or. Horses bianded circle with bai beneath, on left shoulder: cal tie same brand on both hipa, mark nndtr sIoim) both ears and dew Ian. Chapin, H., Hardman, Or. Horses branded A on right hip, ( 'attle brsuded tbe same. Dickons, t bb Hoi see braidtd with three ttneo fori- n h-ft stifle Catil ti nr on left side. aOoouan. wm.. u eon tier. Or. Lori bnujdtNi OO with bar over thou, on left shoulder; cat- ue sam on ien nip. Doutflasb. W. M .Galloway. Or. Cattle. R Don right eidet.awn low-fork in uach ear; horsss. K h on leit nil. Douglai. O. T., Doiulat, Or Hordes TD on the t lati.l t.t l flu: cuttle same on riirht hir. iJununii, W. P., John Day, Or. Quarter droit- n on rigui snouiaer, noin on uorsus sua cattle. Itauge tirant county. ti, J. H.itboiik, Donglas, Or. Horses brand ed r.Ll uu left shoulusr, cattle aums ou lfl hip. hole ir right ear. fclltoti, Watb., Heppner, Or. Diamond on right ohouldvr. rlet-k. Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horsss. 7r coi i nee led ui right shoulder; cattle sams on right hip. Earmark, hols iu right and crop oil left. Florence, L. A Heppner, Or. CattJe, LP oa right hip; uorstM F with bar under on right houlder. Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, K on right shot !dt; cattle, 1" on right hip or tiiigh. bay, Henry, Heppner, Or. GAK on left shoulder. Gilman-French, Land and Live Stock Co., Fos sil, Ur. Horses, anchor tt on ltft shoulder; vent, same on left stint. Cattle, same on both hips; ear marks, crop off right ear and nnderbit in left. Kunge iu Gilliam, Grant, Crook ai d Morrow Comities. Gentry, Elmer, Echo, Or. Horses branded H. 8. with a quarter circle over it, ou left stifle Hhii K1 in Morrow and Umatillscouuties. Giliwater, J.C, Trains Ciiy, Or. On horses, O -O on left shouldt-r and stine; cattle, on right sidr. HangDiii Grant count. Hajes. tieo.4L"na, Or, Brand JH connected, with quarter circl" ovt-r it, on lef t ohunlder. Hiait A. ii., Hidgt-, Or. tattle, round -top 4 with quarter circle order it ou the right hip, KangH iu Morrow and Umatilla counties. H in ton A Jeuks, Hamilton. Or t attle,two bars on either hip; crop in right ear aiid split in left. Horses, J on right thigh. Bangw in Grant county, Hughee. Hamuel, Wagner, Or J" (T P L comiecied)oit right shoulder on horws; on cattle, on right hip ai d on h-ft Bide, swallow fork in rial hi war and slit in left. Uansa in Hai stack district, Mom w county. Hale. Milton, Wugne . Or. Horses branded -O- ( irele aith )ralel tai's) on If ft shoulder. 1 1 tile same on left hip ; air a iaige circle on left aide. Hall. Edwin. John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon right hip; horeea sams ou right shoulder, range in Grant ooonty. Howard, J L, silo way. Or. Hordes, (cross with bar sU ve it) on right shooloer ; cnttis Maieon ie.t aids. Hang in Morrow and Cma tiioi iatitie. , , , Hugh, Mat, Reppnsr. Or. Horaea, shaded heart on ths left shoulder. Kaage Morrow Co. Hunsaksr, B . Wagner. Or.-Uoraea, I on left ahoiLkW; oaiUsv ten bit kip. Hard is tv. Albert. Nre. Oreaon -Horses. AR connt-cted. on left shoulder; Cattle on ths left hip, crop off left ear. Humphreva. 4 si. Hardman, Or. Horses, B oa lei- flank Hayes, J. MM Heppner. Or. Horses, wineglass on left shoiildHi cattle, same on right hip. Hunt on. bnther. ma-tit nue. 1 ir. Horns tx on the laft shoulder nnd heart on the left stifle Cat U1 Mmf on left hip. Kanira in Alorrow oonnty. Ivy, Alfred. Lrma Creek. Or-H'atMe I Don riirht hin. cmooff left ear and bit in right. Horses same brand on left shoulder Itange n Grant coantv Jan kin. 8. M., Heppner, Or Horses, horns shoe J on left shoulder. Cattle, the earn. Kan ire on hnrhi Mile. Johnson, Eelix Lena. Or. Horses. circlsT on left etitie; cattle, same on right hip, under half ernri it) risht and nidit in I ft wr J-ukins, D W.,lt. Vmuiu.Or. J on horseson left shoulder; 00 cattle, J on left hip and two smtHiih crops on both ears. Uange in Eox aud Bear vaJl.-yH henny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left Mr: nndr nlope on the risht Kirk. J. T-, Heppner. Or. Horses 69 on fcft shonldr; cattle, aft on left hip. Kirk. J O, Heppner. Or. liorsss, 17 on either Art 1 k : cati l 17 on right side. Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left shoulder: cattle same on light side, underbit on right eir, K umherland. W, G.. Mount Vemon, Or. I L on cattle on right and left sides, swallow fork in It ft ear and under 01 op in right ear. Horses earns brand ou left ahoulder. Bangs in Grant rountv. Keeuey. Eli, Heppner, Or.-Horses J L and ace of clubs on left stifle. Hangs in Umatilla and jVorrow counties Ijeahey, J W, Heppner Or. Horses branded h and A on left shoulder; cattle sams on left hip; wattle over rinht ey three bHis in right ear. Loften, Btepnen, Tox, Or. 8 L on left hip on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses same brand on left shoulder, Kange Grant oounty. Lieuallen, John W.. )Wf Or. Horses branded half-ciiole JL connected on left Bhonl der. Cattle, same ou left hip. Itange. near Lex. inston. Lord. George, Heppner. Or. Horses branded double H ooi.neou Sometimes called a swing H. on left shoulder. Markham. A. M.. Heppner. Or.-Cattle large M on lef 1 side, both ears cropped, and plit In bo h. Horses M ou left hip. Itange. Clark's canyon. Minor, Oscar, Heppner. Or. Cattle, H Dion right hip; horse. M on left shoulder. Morgan, li. N.. Heppner, Or.-Horses. M) on tefi should, cattle sams on left hip. Mo Comber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with bar over on right shoulder. ftiann, it. B., Lena, Or. Horses old mares ZZ on ruiht him va-rantr r.lr small t nn sbonlder Morgan, Thoe., Heppner, Or Horses, oircle T on left shoulder and left thigh; cauls. Z on nin iiiiiKU. Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right hip; cattle. 77 on right side. nicwaren, u. t BrownsviBe. Or, Horses, Future ft on each shoulder, cattle. M2 on hip McKern.W.J. Mount Vertum.dr XI nn MttU on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop in left same brand on horses on left hio. Kanaa in iru county. Alccarty, Uavid H., Kcho.Or. Horses branded DM COnneatfHl. fin th Ittf t atwmlHar? foattla. on hip and side. fticGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Muls shoe with toe-cork on cattle on ribs sad under ia each ear; horaes same brand on left stifle. McHaley, O. V., Hamilton, Or. Ou Horses, 8 with half circle nnder on left shoulder; on Cattle, four bars connected on top on the right side juuige iu urani county. N nal. An drew. lxne itock.Or. flnmw A N mm. nected on loft ahoulder: cattle same on both hips nuiujso, c, mjver. on, vr. norses. oircte 1 urn left thigl : oM'kle. aameon left hiu. Oliver. Joscuh. Cannon Citv. Or. A ton m)si uu left hip: on horses, same ou left thigh. Haute in tirant county Oiler, Perrv. Leiinnton. Or. P 0 nn lafi sliou.de . Oip, Herman, Piairie City, Or. On cattle, O LP connected on left hiu: hortuM on (Uft mini and wanle on nose. Iiange in Grant county. Pearson, Oiuve, Eight Mile, Or. Hon., quar ter circle shield on left shoulder and M on left hip. Cattle, fork in lef; ear, right cropped. H on left hip. Hang on Eight Mite. ranter ot uieason. Hardman, Or, Horses IPoa 1' ft shoulder. Pipt-r, En e t, Lexington, Or. II or es brund s WE (L E cuhiieu ed) left thou. der : i-aiiie moon ngnt hip. hange, Alorruw counif. 1 jper, J. ii JUexiiigUft., or. Iloii9uo, jc uon uected u. left shoulder; cattle, same ou left hip. under bi iu each ear. Pfttys, A. C, ion, Or.; horses diamond P on shoulder; cutie, J ti J ctuneuied, ou the left hip, upptr slope iu Wft ear aud slip in lbs tight. Powell, John T Dayville, Or Horses, J P con uec edou ifi shoulder- Cattle OK coutiucted on lefthip, two under half crops, one on each ear, wattle under throat. Kaigein Grant couuty. Itickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or. Jf' 0 ou left .houlder. on horaes on I v. k..i.tr Cmivim c.ruMlr and Bear valley. Grant county. jiooo, Anuiew, uarumau, ur. Horses, square urof with quarter-circle over it on left stitie. Beninger, Chris, Ueppuer, Or. Horses, C K on leflsltouJUej. liice. Han, Hardman, Or.; horses, throe panel worm fence on left shoulder; cattle, DA5i on right shoulder. Kange near llurdinaji. Koyse. Aaron. Ueuuner. Ur n.-r i-i-iin t eft shoulder; cattle, same brand reversed on? right hip and crop off right ear. Kange in Mor Bush Bros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded 2 on the right shoulder; cattle, IX ou the Inft nip. crop oft left eur and dewlap on neck. Hange Ic Morrow and adjoining counties. Bunt, William, Peuuletoii, Or. Horses It 01 lef t shoulder; cattle, It on left hip, crop off right ear, uuderUt on left ear. bheep. K on weathers, round wop off righ ear. Kunge Uma tilla and Morrow c unities. iteaiiey, Andrew. Lexington, Or Horaes branded A It on right shoulder, vent quarter circle over brand; cattle same on right hip. Hange Morrow county. ltoyse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HR connected with quarter circle over top on cattle on right hip and crop off right ear and split in left, llorses same brand on left shoulder, itange in Morrow; Uraut aud Gilliam counties. hector. J. W-, Heppner, Or. Horses, JO oa lef t shoulder. Cattle, 0n right hit. Spickiiall. J. W., "Gooseberry, Or. Horsss branded HI on lsft shoulder; laugs in Morrow oouuty. , Bailing, CO Heppner, Or Horses branded on left shoulder; cattle sams on left hip. waggart. H. E Lexington, Or. Horsss with dash under it ou left stifle, cattle H with uash under it on right hip, orop off right ear and waddled on right hind leg. Bangs ui Morrow, Gilliam and Umatilla counties. Bwaggart, A. L., Ella. Or. Horses brands' 1 un left shoulder; est tls sams on lsft kip. Crow en ear, wattle on left hind leg. Straight W. E., Hsppner, Or. Horaes shaded 4 B on left stifle; cattle J B on lsft hip, swallow fork in right ear, nnderbit in left. Bapp. Tho., Ueppusr, Or. Horses, B A Pea left hip; cattit same on left hip. bhirts, James, Long Creek. Or. Horaes. I ea left stifle and over 'i on left shoulder. bhner.John, Eox, Or. ISC connected on horsss on right hip; oaitis, same on right hip, crop off right ear and under bit is toft ear. Hangs in Grant oounty. Bmith Bros., banville, Or. Horses, branded H. Z. oa shoulder; csitis, amsonlsft shoulder. Bquires, James, Arlington, Or.; horses branded JB on lsft shoulder; oaii Is the same, also nose waudle. Uange m Morrow and I Gilliam co ntiss. Stephens, V. A., lisrdman. Or-; horses Be oa right stifle; cattle hnsontal L on ths tight sids bteveusou, Mrs A. J., Heppner. Or. OattJs, U on right hi. : swallow-fork in left ear. Bwaggart. G. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, 44 est lsft should : oattls, 44 on lsft hip. Bmith, E, E. Lous Hoc, ur. Horses brands a crossod seven on lsft shoulder; eattle sams ea leu. jiub. ik&ngs, unions oouuty. H perry, E. G., Heppner, Or. Cattle W C ea left hiu. crop oi right and underbit in toft year. dewiHa-, iioi-MM W ton left shoulder. lho: .psou, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses, t oa toll sjiiouiu r; cattle, ou left shoulder. Tipteu.B.T.Enerpnsw,Ur. jUorsea. Cm left houiUer. lam it K. W., Heppner, Or. Small capital T lelt shouldei, horses; cattle same 00 itt bip with split in boil. ears. i lu r mon, U. il., ions, Or. Horses branded H i t'oiineuuid on left stills; shct-i same brand, Vanderpool, H.T.. Lena, Orp-Horses UV con nected on right shouldsrwattle, tame u right hlLs. Walbridae, Wm.. Heppner, Or. . Horses. C. L. ontheiett shoudsr; cattle same on light kip. crop oil left eur and right tar lopped. Wilson, John (J,. Salem or Heppner, Or Horsus bran dud Jy on the left shuuldsr. Uauge Morrow county. Warren, V H. Caleb, Or-dttl. W with quarter circle over it, on left side, sput iu right ar. Hoibos same brad on left shoulder. Kaugsis GruuL uuuuur. Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Honrt on horses 01 ieftstibe;on cattlo. oii left sid and under bit in left ear. Hange in Grant county. Wright, Bilas A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded 8 W en the right hip. square crop oil right ear ana rtpt.tin leit, Wallace. Francis. Mount Vernon .Or Squarson cattle on the left hip, upper slope in he left ear and under slope in right ear. 8ame brand on horsee on nht shoulder. Kange in Harney and Grunt count v. Wade, Henry, Heppner. Or. Horses biandsd ace ot spaajo on leit shoulder and left hip Cattle brunt led same ou left sins and left hip. Wells. A. B., Heppner, Or. Horses, ov ou left shoulder: uati e same. W oihngtor, John, John Oay City. Or On horsss three parallel bars on lsft shoulder; 7 on shnep, bit in both ears. Kange in Grant and Malhuer counties. Woodward, John, Heppner, Or. Horses, DP connected on lef t shoulder. W atkins, Lishs. Heppner, Or. Horses branded Cfc oonnectei on left stitjf. W allace, t banes, Portland, Or. Cattle, W oa nghi thigh, hoi in lef t ear; horeea, W on right shoulder, aoirn aameon left shoulder. V till tier Bros., Drewsy, Harney cimnty, Or. Hurt tinuuled W B. cmtitctei on left shoulder Williams. Vascu, Hamilton, Or. juattr cir cle ovr three bars on left hip, both catUe and borM. Hange Grant county. Williams. J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, quar ter cirri over thrse bars on left hip; cattle same soil tdit in wh r Kana rn iimat evwnty, Wien, A. A., eppner, Or.Horsea run mug A A un shoulder; tattis. same on nht nip. loong. J. B.. tKKJssiwTy. Or. Hon braadsg Young, W. A.. Gooseberry. Or. Horses bra ad. cd XX (doabie X col use led) eat sft ik"iHat mm Mt wit uu. 0