MHICK TO ADVEKTI8EBS. T -HOSE desiring tbe Insertion of display ada., or cUange ui Mime, must get tiieir copy hi nut laier Umu MonUay evening fur Tuesday'! edlliou, or 'lUuraday evening lor Fridays eUl UOU. 'IUK fATCaUMlM lUU1..8UiauUO. NOl'lCK. 1. The mm of five centa per line will be Charged lur "card of Uiauka," "resolutions ol ruapvcl," lists 01 redding presents and donors, anu obltuar uulltea, turner mau Ulnae the edit or shall utu.fteii give aa a matter ol tiews.J aud notice ol special uieetinga lor w hatever purpuse. 2. rtullces ol chuieh and society and allother enierutiiniieiiis iruui wnicn revenue is to lie de rived, bhall be charged lor at the rate ol live tenia a line, j uee ruiea win ue atrlutly adher ed to In every Instance. Advertlaiug rates reasonable and madeknown upou application. LP. FIollEU, NEWSPAPER ADVERTU lug Ateut, zl Aicrcliunts jLxi-haiige, bu t lai. Cisco, is our aulliuiued agent, 'luis paper is acpi on sue in his ouice. Give your business (o Heppner people. ana inerejoi e cmsiti to ouna up tietn tier, tutruiiize those who patronize you. Here and There. F. M. Courier was over from Eight Mile luiluy. bid (i. Hanson, of Arliugton, is iu town ou uunnets. T K Huberts returned to Pendleton but u i an v Ihet. A. Andrews, Alfjiue's post uaster, was Id towu Friday. The family medicine of the world TUjLT'S PILLS. J. L. UohuiU, of Galloway, was iu Heppuer jtcitruu)'. Laiirandeie pirgS'240 per month for tit utile lights aluUe. Mr a. Bud bpivey is uu the list of those ol our pe. pie alio are ailiug. The lieiu and Palace saloons for flue liquor a. blur., Props. aw 0. A. Rhea returned lust week from bis trip to Soldi! aud Portland. George Su-iili aud Tom molially are iu touu, rpeuuiua! a abort Vuoatlou. Tom Burnett aud Kd Holland were up frirulue Lfxiugtuu uouutry yesterday. Ex hetiulor Hamilton, of Hauiiltou, arnved uu his win tu Salem, last t'riday. AltXauder Kuuz, of the firm of Kuuz & oueluy, Purilaud, was iu Heppuer lust Keek. Justice Uhlkck has moved bis office fioiu l he oouuoil chambers tu the Oourt house. Mrs. H. C. Freuob, we are pleased to late, is oouvalesoeut from a reoeul iliuess. J a'. Wyland is in town today. He sas ihe weather up about Hardrnun has been tine. Ephralin Williams, of Lexington, was in town Saturday to ounsummute proof ou bis laud. i Bom 'J'o Ihe wife of W. P. Danoan, Jau. 2Uib, in Heppuer, a boy weighing H pouuus, The Morrow County Land and Tiust Compauy hare au uulimued supply of chop lur sale, il-tf. Miss Auuu Ayera visited the family of Air. and Airs. Newt Jones, of Newtou rauvb, last week. Clius. Cunningham, the Pilot Bock sheepmau, was iu Heppuer, Friday aud Saturday of lust week. Only first class work turned out at Fred Mil ei's tailoiiug eslablisbmeul east side Main street, Egbert Yonug brines in word that bis lailier, J. U.Koung, who lives overou KUea creek, la quite HI. Hurry Phillips is troubled considerably wttu a aoie throat, wUiuU he says has the y uiptonis ol diphtheria. A. H. Ham, who ii successfully con ducting a bcuool in the Juukiu tiistriot, wua iu Heppuer Saturday. V. Q. Scott, supeiiuteudent of the Lit. tie Laura uiinu ou upper Willow creek, W..8 iu Urppaer yesterday, Tue Kieley Institute, at Forest Grove, CUits liquor, opium, niorpbiue, cocaine aud tobacco liauil. bee ad. Joe Rector made proof on bis laud Buluiilay bifnie W. K Ellis, oouiuiis Sluuer ol tue U. S. cncull court. Every mau who take auy iutereet iu fust block, should subscribe lor The Hurseuiau. tjUzeUe shop, agents. N. Nielsen is uow ruuuiug a stage be tweeu Hippuer aud Luue Kook. 8eu d. lor days ot leaving aud arrival, tf. Jerry rosnau was in town yesterday. He reports all the allow It' e ou liis part of Butter creek, aud stuck doiug well. Found A revolver, uear Heppner'a warehouse. Owuer cau Lave same by proving propti ly aud payuig charges. 6UB3 John Sorivner, a conaiu of W. P. Sciiv oer, ol this place, cime in this after noou Iruui the Idea oouutry on business. Jas. Hurt, ol the Matlock stock ranch, dropped iu Stiurday. He says the horses are not doing very well this witter. Fred Wiluiarth's paper, the Prineville News, is uow au all home print, six col umn sheet, aud it looks better than ever, Mrs. A. J. Sievensou is prepared to di all kinds of nursing. Call at her boriK iu north Heppuer, or address her at this plaoe. 618-tf Himi ketchum whiskers. Halt & Matuews, at the city barber shop the place to get a Bret-class suave, uair-out or shampoo. " Miss Henrietta Sinsheimer returned to ber Portland bomj M'iuday last, after a pleasant visit ol a few weeks with (rieuti9 here. Fred and El Ashbaugb, Cy Fuqun, OliTAr Cox. Luther Huslou aud h. G. Kobiusuu, of Eight Mile, were in our midst jesterday. Huu. W. B Ellis and Mr.'A. A. Bob arts jesterrtay purchased Ihe Payne prop erty iu tue western part of town. Heal estate is looking up. Master Clay French is the authorized agent for the Oregonian at this place, bubaonbe through bim, and have your paper delivered liee ut charge. tf Emanuel Hawyer, Bill lugrnm, and bis aou, Uniut, recently Irom the East, were callers at the Ur.zette office yesterday. Eight Mile ia djunshiug, tuey say. Tbe Episcopal tntertaiuuient, last Saturday evening, was a decided suooess, many ol Heppner's people beiugpresent. Tue gross receipts auiouuted to It ia Baid thata visit frcim tbe miyor ot luue. Tom Cirie, always leaves mire or less sadness aud UiB pp dutuieut with it i'oui is a Ueavy weight at solo. A re purl from Graut couuty h is it that Bill Luuobl.iid is in a daugeroua Mudi tiuu fn m the ttfeds ut the bullet wuuud received ni the bauds of John Ambrose. Coudou Globe: Mr. sud Mre. W. P. Sorivuer, of H'Ppuer, came uver Fri lay and viaiied tueir relatives iu this v.oiu ity several daya, returuiug home Tues day. Fred Gilliam, who is successfully band lino lii laihei'a ranoU ou Bnea oreek. call. don ue haiurdy. He Saya all is propitious lur the farmer so far this sea Bon. Newer ami neater qnarters at the Palace Hotel's north business room. Charley Junes, the baber, wauls to see bis old trieuda there. Bulbs iu Connec tion. AU thope know inn thf maelvs in debted tu Kirk & Baamaa are requested to settle up immediately, as tbey are in need ol mouey. 2 8. sw. A'bert nilil Jumna Willi flan w Hui ills and Ins sou, Frank, were up from lower Clark's cajyun yesierduy. billy Barrutt aud H. E. Powell, two Saud tiollnw sbeepineu. were in Hepp uer Saturday. Tbey have beeu quite successful, so far this winter, with ineir herds. A meeiiug of Rawlins Fust, G. A. E., and the V. 11. C. corps, will be held iu rieppuer the last (Saturday in February. All members should bs present ou this occasion. Tbe latest dentistry, orowu and bridge work, most successfully accomplished by Dr. B. F. Vaughan. Uaa administered "hen desired. Thompson building, Heppner, Or 1-a-w. Engineer McOnne came up Sunday to take J, A. Patterson's place on the brnnob. Mr. . urtersou is detained at home this weak, owiug to tbe illness ot .Urn. P.ittersou. J.19. Friatoe was iu last week from the stuck r.uisfe ou the ''breaks ot the John Day." Ha says that the winter over that way his beau exosptioually mild aud tu it stook are doing well. Mrs. S irab Geutry celebrated ber 78'b birthday last Sunday, at tbe home of her daughter, Airs. J. P. Brown, A m re extended hoojiiiiI ot this plsasaut ati'iir will appear tu our next istsue. Jack Parker has j ut returned from Graut oouoty. Uver uear M iuumeut. lynx are kiUiug a number of sheen, and luck says the sbeepmeu are "raisiug Ned" with tbe lynx family in return. Cue G. A. R doiugs ut Liberty school house last Friday uiglit, oauii iu to J late tor extended mention iu tlrs lame. Iu mr uext we sh ill give the full particu lars, us fiirnistie i uy members of tue post. Hun. J. Northrop, of Hillsboro, an ex representative of Washington county, aud at present euguged lu tbe hotel Dusiuess in the above named town, is in rieppuer atleudiug to some lund bust uess. The Gazette offiue was the recipient yesterday of a visit from Mesdames Ball, Kelly and Perkins. Mrs. Perkius intends In leave shortly lor Oaiita Uruz, Califf , ami bas already ordered ber UuZette to that place. Jubn Obance, of Idea, and W. M. Pierce, ot tbe same locality, were iu today to prove up on their railroad lauds, but ascertaining that there was uoueed to hurry, did not consummate the purchaaea. Geo. (Jo user inform the Gazette that be is reoeiviug considerable enoourage uient in tbe matter of his railroad iudi- aator for the me of engineers and con ductors. We hope George will make u million out of it. F. E. Southard, representing P. Shar key & Son, horse ooilur uiuuufuoturers, was iu town over Sunday last. Southard has some old Iowa cbnuis here, Al and Frank BobDrls, aud be always enjoys his stay iu Uenpuer. , Bill Ingram snys that Blackman's bill, to divide the 5 per oent fund among the oouuties of Oregon, is meeting with much fuvor over ou Eight Mile. It is doing no good where it is now, and the measure is a just one. Tbe baby daughter ot Mrs. Johnson, who was mentioned in a recent issue aa having a badly injured linger, is get ting along uioely. We forgot to state that Ir. A. L. Fox assisted Pr. Mc bivords In the operation. All who are troubled with constipation will Bud a sale, sure, aud speedy relief in Ayr's Pills. Uulike most other catbaitics, these pills strengthen tbe stomach, liver, and bowels, aud restore the orgaus to uormal aud regular action. Alvah W. Fritters in, oi this paper, bas beeu appoiuted as one uf tbe experts to eximiue the treasurer's books, reporting Hie results ol their work tu a joint uom ruitteu uf representatives and senators. Ue will remain at Sulem till the end of the session, Acdy Stevenson and wife, Mrs. W. W. Smead, daughter aud sou, Mi-B Alice and H iy Ulassoock, were among inn deppuentes who atleuded the G. A. B diiuns at Liberty school bouse Inst Friday evening. Tbey report a very pleneaut linn. Wea Brannnn, of Eight Mile, was in Saturday. He says Einhc Mile is pret ty lively revival nieetiugs iu progress, a j iok inbbit buct a few days ago, one aide aeuuriug 51 BOHlps, Ihe other 40. aud uext Friday evening, an oyster supper at Eight Mile Centre. Dou't experiment with your health. Yon may be sure uf tbe quality of your mediciue, even it you have to take much of your food upon trust. Ask your Irnggist for Ayer'a Sarsaparilla, aud uo other. It is the staudard blood purifier, tbe most effective aud economical. All in tub Same Boat We are apt to net off on the subject of eleotrio lights. Oue of our own household brought in the startling intelligeuoe, a few daya agn( that oue of the incandescent lamps re fused to burn, and added that perhaps a knot in the cjrd was tbe oame of it. It wsb oaused, however, by something quite as simple, but a little rmre in tbe liue ot tbe practical application of eleotrioity. There is one thing that all should studi ously avoid, and that ia the handling ot any wires that might have oonneotion with tbe lines. The death of tbe young man iu Eugene, a tew weeks agi, should be a warning to be satisfied with just looking on, leaving tbe manipulation of wires to those who know their business. Special Council Meeting. At a spe cial meeting of the town oouncil, last Friday eveniug, all council men were present except Patterson, Mayor Mai look presiding An ordinance creating fire departments was read and referred to the committee on ure and water Proposition of Henry Heppner, to leaee for tbe term ot five yeais, grounds on which the ooucoil may erect suitable buildings for town purposes, wss taken nnder advisement. Mr. Heppner asks ouly 1 for tbe use of his ground for the time specified. Water I'EST.-Yesterday and today Heppner's council have been busy in spectiog the waterworks, with a view of accepting them, which will doubtless be done at a special meeting this eveotug. Tbey ure found to exceed tbe oontraotin almost every particular. Tbe oapaoity of the reservoirs is 38900,) gallons, while tbe contract calls fur ouly 180.000. A test with two lengths of one and one-half-inch hose, each fifty feet long, throngb one inch nozzles, at tbe Palace hotel oorner yesterday, lasting ten min utes, louered tbe smallest reservoir three inches, aud there still remained enough water to ruu one hose 12 bnurs. With ' all reservoirs full, as tb4 water oompiny j are rrqnired to maintain, and to keep iu giod u'der, will furnish enough water to drown out the biggest fire Heppner will ham. Tiia water was thrown at yesterday's test to the heigbtb of 140 feet, while tbe contract calls tor heigbtb of only 80 feet Tbe pipe laid from tbe station to tbe reservoir and then down aa far aa the Palace hotel, is eight inch es in diameter, tbe contraot calling only for six inch pipe. The capacity of the pump is nearly 400,009 gallons daily, in stead of 2o0.000 gallons, aaoording to contract. The engiue aud boiler exceeds the requirements ot tbe contraot in many respects. Aa examination of the hy drants today showed them to be in good working order. A length of boae was fastened to a hydrant near Pap Simons', throwing water equally aa high as yes terday at tbe corner of May and Main. Tbe light plant worka well, anl the ser vice given is first-class, go there should be notbiug in tbe way of acceptance of plant. Weather Talk. Cbas. Frey was down from Hardman Saturday, and says that tbe Cuiuook was an the eve ot get ting in its work in that vicinity. Sunday it reaobed Heppner, and very little snow remain? in this vioinity, while the weath er is much warmer. Sunday night, however, but a few miles below Heppuer, it mis quite cold, while here iu towu it was barely down to fret zing. All kinds uf climate cau often be experienced in the same locality at the tame time though sudden ohanges from warm to cold weather are not frequent bere. It looks now as though wiuter was at an end. Backlen's Antics Salve. Tbe best ealve in tbe world fur cuts bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbeum, frver sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains our us and all skin eruptions, and posi tively oures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give periect satisfaction or money refuuded. Price 25 cents per box. Fur sale by Slooum-Johnsou Drug Company. A Special Tbain Sunday. Messrs, J. N. Brown, Henry Blaokmau aud Alvah W. Patterson returned from Salem last Friday, leaving Sunday, a special being provided for them as far as Arlington. Tbey were accompanied by Hon. Wm. Hughes, ex-Senator Hamilton, of Grant county, and tbe editor ot this paper, the last named, boweyer, going only so far as Arlington, returuiug early Monday morning. Valise Stolen. L. B Fairobild, rep resenting Murphy, Grant & Co., of 'Frisoo, arrived at Heppner Saturday night last, minus bia valise aud $100 worth of olothing. Tbe grip was taken out of tbe Pullman when but a short dis tance out of Portland. A drummer out ou tbe road without a valise is like a la dy traveling without a trunk. "Iu buying a oough medioine for chil dren," says H.A.Walker, a prominent drnggiat ot Ogden, Utah, "never be afraid to buy Chamberlain's Congb Kemedv. Tbere ia no danger from it and relief is always sure to follow. I particularly recommend Chamberlain's bpcause I have found it to be sate and reliable. It is intended especially for aolds, croup and whooping cough." 50 cent bottles or sale by SlooumJuhnson Drug Co. WANIUD. Agents to sell our choice and bardy nursery stock. We have tnauy special varieties, both in fruits and ornamentals to offer, whiob are controlled only by as. We psv commissions or salary. Write us ut once for terms, and secure choioe of territory. MayBkotherb, 502 671 Nurserymen, Koohester, N . X. Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crank tins lately leased the hostelry known as tbe Mountain House, refitting and re furnishing it throughout. Board aud tied, per week SO; biiHrd without bed, $4.50; meals aud bed 25 cents each, Mr. Crauk asks a portion of the patronage, believing that he can give as tood ser vice as auyoue in Heppner, and for less money. 43-sw. G. A. R. Doinos On tbe 21st, Raw lins Post G. A. It, will install their officers for tbe eusulug year at Liberty school bouse, Tbe post meeting in the afternoon at 1 o'olnck will be followed bv a obuiu fire in the evening. A grand time is expected, aDd all are invited to be present. 57-1 Ripans Tabules are alwat I ready. An Apprehensive Subject BY Means of a Prehensile Tail The Monkey is Not Afraid be cause his Tail is a Good One. We are Not Afraid because our Tale is a Good One. It is No Taleof Woe ! WE TELL OF Splendid Goods, Fsir treatment ; satisfaction to custom ers, and of reasonable prices and good money value. It is a Tailless Tale. A tale without end, because ft is a tele that will bold. A pleasure to show goods. Hprcial inducements to cash buyers. Call at ITQIOT BROS f, i i Gomjni Sanreg I CUT ASK ;VHAT WE Or wbat we say. Convince yourself ; the proofs are before you. Come to oar store, look at oar pricea and then oompare tbem with tbe prior of otbera. We bave an immense orowd of customers every day. Ask any ut them whether tbey obtain bargains or not. They will tell you. If yon don't know KOLMAN of tbe BOSTON CASH STORE -Tour neighbor Kolman AdvertisessTruth The idle words of the falsifiers are like chaff. The terror ot our competitors is pitiable to behold. They are paralyzed and, with blanched faces, stare at the crowds pouring into our store to secure goods at tbe exceptionally low prioes. It seems to be a great mystery to our onstomers why we can sell them goods at just one-half wbat tbe other films ask, and at the same time makea fair, legitimate profit. WE ARE YOUR FRIENDS and you should remain witb us, aa we bave exploded tbe outrageously bigb ptloea yon haye paid iu Heppner heretofore. I thank you very kindly for the liberal patronage you have bestowed upon your true friend sinoe be has opened up in your city. I must admit my sales bave been twice as much as I anticipated. I intend to looate perma nently in your oity, end shall in tbe future, as iu the past, conduot my business in an honorable way, ao aa to gain the confidence and respeot ot all. Wishing you all : A HAPPY NEW YEAR. I remain, respectfully, J. PI. KOLMAN. CLEARANCE Fall Goods ! -8UCH Overcoats, fan and WOOLEN UNDERWEAR, DRESS GOODS, ETC., ETC. -At Reduced Rates FOR CASH- M arland General HEPPNEE, : : This I n mm m y s fti "if; HL'i mm wimmm The Heppner Wood Yard. RIP HAS GOT AliOUNL) At last, and baa opened up a Wood Yard, from which he will deliver wood, sawed or uusawed. Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 ets Per Cord, twice in two ; 81.00, three times. Wood Bawed and delivered at 87.50 per cord. Yard near the depot. Leave orders at riloan k Howard's. 628-aw RIP VAN WINKLE, Proprietor. BORG, : THE Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Casli Talks. SEE BORG, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. nun Olis Patterson LEGAL BLANKS AN YOU TO BELIE ADVERTISE will tell you - OF Fall Goods AS- Misses' Newmarket Cloaks, -N- 0 ALE ! ercantile (Jwiipanj. Merchandise, m- : : OREOON PAUSE BOTH . I Hotel of the City Wired for Eleotric Lights through out. house la run In flrst ctaaa style in every par ticular. Extra Dining Service during the holidays. MR M. VON CADOW. Proprietress : JEWELER! y Watches, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, Etc, Etc. Trust 13 usts. ON SHORT NOTICE AND REASON ABLK TERMS NOTARY PUBLIC CONVEYANCER (JM Plenty of them at the Gazette Office. . . . . WE -:- WANT -:- MONEY ! And ia order to get it, we will, during tbe present mouth, FOR CASH ONLY At 20 per sent, off regular price, our immense stock of Gents' -sjr- Winter Underwear, Top Shirts, Soarfs, Mittens and Lined Glovea. This is an honest proposition and no trap, for we bave ao overstock of these goods that we must realize on. So you can benefit yourself and confer a favor on ue by taking advantage ot tbe opportunity offered by P. ! (5. ! Toeqpsoi ; 60. HEEE IS To Get Even e ? Hardware Store ! 1 JUST OPEHSTED.: A COMPLETE LINE OF Hardware, Stoves and Tinware, QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, 4 Wood and Willowware, Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Goal, Pumps and Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs and Sinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple ments. All Kinds of Repairing quickly and neatly done. TOE CELEBRATED : -:- Ton will aave money by getting our prioes before purchasing elsewhere. -: : : -: -: -:- Odd Fellows' building, Main St., STORAGE AND ATTENDED TO IN A Business-like AND AT REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near HEPPNER, Change of HAVE TAKEN CHARGE wbiob we propoae to oonduct in on bands at all times tbe cboioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tt . Proprietors. DR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. 0. V. 8. , London, England. Veterinary -m- Surgeon Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I m prepared to d all kinds ot Veterinary Surgery, Kransciilatlnj Horses and Kriillmi a Bum! alty. (This is ths only true method of operating on horses.) Kpsyinx of Cattlssnd Hogs on short notice. 1 will treat all aulinuls lnarr ftureery. 11 you have any sick can ou me ai HEPPNER, Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAY STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Midi ok shout Kotici ixd r Potolas Psicss. 8Si Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. LflM L.J 11 lii, s er s Instead of living to the door gasp ing for breath, seeming as if each J one would be your last, vou have I only to take a tew doses Asthnalene when easy and you feel as If an angel of mercv had unloosed the Iron grasp ot the fingers ot aeatn. I ne nappiest moment of your lite will be v of Dr. TatYt ASTHM ALENE and it has cured you of leath. The happiest moment of your Asthma. Wt mail to any Atthma tuHertra is r oniggisu. Or, Tift Bros. M. Co., Rocheater.N.Y I II mm 1m"" '"ti The Lancashire Insurance Co. Of MANCHUSITKM, IINQLANU 1 W FAriTiRSUN, AGENT ?-??-vWi J JrIier. j reg; 011. THE PLACE on Your Lite. Bain laps, Hacks Buckboards 634-tf HEPPNER, OltEQON. FORWARDING. -:- Manner the Depot: : : OREGON. Ownership OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, tbe moat satisfactory manner. Will keep in the most approved orocednre of Vetur. animals it will 'HI be to your interest to mewari a stables. OREGON nn HMD mm lASTsllAL EJE the spam Is broken, the breathing becomes life will be when vmi have used a few bottles I and pro trial battlt Wm hf Wm that It doss