r4 WlE WH$ TO SELL YOU BPHJ ! CTTND 160 Price for the Oive your butinett to Heppner people mnd therefore assist to build up Hepp ner, Patronize thim who patronize fou. A hiqbwaymak took 823 from a Ger tleirmn who wn working for Del Zaclmry orer near Condon, a few da ago. Okb more year in wbicb to prove up on jour railroad land. Hud the bil. patsed two weeks ko, many a dollar would have been keut in oar midst. A "Bia Foca" iiaiienger train, by ao aideut, ran off on a siding at Alton june tion, near St. Louii, laat Sutiirday, oraeh lag into iooie oil tankt. Many were fa lilly burned. Mow that the vole of all the ttatea baa been canvaaaed, a oomplete table of tbe electoral vote ie possible and gives Cleve land a total of 276 votes, Harrison, 144, and Weaver 'U. One of oar eicliaugea ajs that wbeu Uoveruor AHyeld whb iuHUurated as Un file! democratio ttoeruor of Illinois in 40 years, t lie other dny.it whb indeed, literally ppeaking, a cold day for the re pablioani. Tbe thermometer registered at 10 degree below zoni. Sunday's Oregonian snis: Senntoi Diilph's bill to extend nutil Juuimry 1894, the time of payment for foifeluvi railroad Innde between Walluln, Wash . and Portland, which paased the eenate tbeother day and was speedily reported from tbe house committee on public land, waa called np by Mr. Ilernmm and paaaed through tbe houae today. It will be aigued by tbe president iu i. day or two. Trims is ome talk of tbe Inland Tele pbone Co. extending their line frun, I'endleton to Canyon City, via Lout Cieek. If our people will Uke th matter in baud, they onn net this ex teneiou built by the way of Heppner It i a great convenience, and weoauuoi afford to be without It. ' Besides, il telephone Connection is had with II interior, we cani'ot, as the nearest rail Toad point, allow ourselves to he side tmok.d, at least without some effort on our part to prtvent it. The state bos id oi charities and cor net ions have just finished an investiga tion of the, afi'uiis of the insane asjlnui. Matters appear to have been going rath er reckle.s in tbat institution of late, though all the obargea were not substan tiated. Tbe son of tbe manager of the asylum, then a guard at tbe penitentiary, In oompaby with a young unmarried la dy, caused a meeting between a convict named White and hia wife, oontrary to tbe rules of the "pen." This, and auother that keys were loo freely given out, were tbe only charges substantiated. Tuxiti ia a proposition on foot before tbe legislature to change the judicial districts of Eastern Oregon so tbat Mor row and Umatilla will he throwu togeth tr. Ho far as the Ouzette can learu, our people oppose any snob move, as in that case Morrow would be at the mercy ol her sister aoross tbe way. However, there is too much work iu Eastern O re go u for the judges alieudy apportioned to us, and it ia suggested that the ooun ties of Eastern Oiegou be merged into judicial districts as follows: Uixth dis trict, Wasoo, Hhermau, Crook; seventh, Umatilla, Union, Wallow; eighth, 11m ney, Malheur, Baker; muih, Mnrrw, Gilliam, Uraut, and if the lutter county is div ded, l' million. Tins will not give over eight nor less ibuu seven tcuus ol Couit yraily to Buy iliatnot, and is n more equitable apportionment Hum the one now befoie the legislature. It lcm KB now as ibi.iigb congress would be Galled together iu sptcial seHhiou ioj. rutdi.iUly after Almtli 4u, but "tur.il reloriu" will not oause such am too. IV. -pie aie beuiuuig to unilemtHiul lliui financial legislation is uioie i.trm-r; thuu tariff luikeiiiig; iliut the muff n not the no of the evil by any weans. We think that it will be oleaily di uiou sliHtid to the satisfaction of nil during tbe coining adiuiuistratiou, that the preseut tariff system, leaving the balance of trade iu our favor, ia a good our; ttint it baa nothing at all to do with t.ringiug about a condition of things iu wbioh fin uis ud faim pioilucis are Ooutiuiiull) ou the dow n grade, w bile tne money ol tbe country is growing deaierand haidci to gel. Silver has beu legislated out ol its place as money bj the money power, reducing the tniuuul of tbe ciioulaiinn; now tbe people are dtmaudiug its retain lo its old place, and justly, too. Tbi passage of tie bill to extend to l-t'Urs time of payment ou forfeited railroad lands betwteu Wallula, Wash., and Torilhud, Or., came at au opportuue period. A lailuie in crop was e P"rieiiord in this section last year, and il became the next thing to an iuipoa ibility for aetllei to get tbe roomy Wuh which to make IL puuhases. As 160-ACRBS DBB13' D160 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded land there are HO acres gord farming land, and the balance A 1 pasture. The deeded land has a good spring of water on it, all under yl fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardman. ... 1 -V t rtrt Ml II L I. whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, $300. ANOTHER Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch it was, douhtlDg that congress would come to their aid, the settlers have raked end scraped the country of its rash, and it has been drained of every dollar. As it is, settlers will bave another year in wbicb to consummate payment on their holdings. Senator Dolph and Congress man Hermann have the thanks of a large number of our people, regardless of politics, for their timely assistance. This statement is made with tbe assur ance that the president will sign the bill as soon as it Is presented to him. IT MUST PINCH. The Oregonian takes exceptions lo our crilioiims on their Corbett correspond ence, w bich, however, amounts to nothing more than an attempt to belittle the bumble efforts of the Gillette, by making an implied comparison between our one-story frame and their eleven-story brick. While our little office building only cost, ground and all, 81.900, theirs oust $500,000. While we pay taxes on plant slid shop property at Heppner to the ii moil ut of 84,000, tbe Oregonian, we are informed by competent authority, are Hssessed at only $22 000. Now it is uppnrent that I he great monopoly, the Oregonian, would readily ssseut to the teipetnatirm of a money system that is impoverishing ihe people; that it would recognise these "oeilaia facts" as iu di.iputatile, even though contuiuiug uoibing but rank injustice, because Us owners are so blunted to tne sense oi right and wrong that it takes away out of sight nearly all its property, leaytug ilmr more honorable neigbhui o pay iu tuxes what they themselves should near. The Oregoulan's building, plant, news monopolies and ottwr propeity are eil north a million dollars, and while our ifforia (uinuate from a less preteu nous source, in after years, when our warehouse gels "loaded to the gnmda" Miib puuipkius, tumits aud 'posaum kins, we cau feel ttiat to "live and to let live" Lu.B uctuatid i ur every aoliuu; that we have spoken our houost couviv- tious irgvery instance bave not en d mri'Kod and uurtured into existence, olood sucking vampires tbat are iuttui only ou tilling their ou pookets; and above ull. have paid Ihe commonwealth all that whs duo it. The rewind will be nuall, perhaps, but it will beone swi etei by fur thuu that whiob our dear frieudh iu the big brick will bave oilid up b.i following Ihe bidding of monopolists, who seek to euhauoa the value of the money uf the oouutry that It may com uiuud a greater rate of interest, aud that Ihe common people may still be continued in flunnoial bondage. We would rather go down to a ripe old age with nothing but a larder full of bacon aud beans and the respect ct out ueighbors, than all the money tbat the Oregonian has succeeded in piling op iu its nefarious way and tbe supreme cou tempt of niu '-teutliB of tbe people. It is uot the bruins of tbe Oregonian that niakeB it the leading paper of the state, but its perfect williuguees to become s tool of capital agiiust tbe people, there fore its ability to keep and crowd out nil opposition. Its apparent competitor the Telegram, is but the shadow of tbat sheet, disguised in demooratio clothes Iu tbe miud of our great Oregoniun's editor, he feels sorry for Ihe little flab who are trying to eke out sn existence Iu spile of himself, he wanders back over the past, even amid his insincere wnihugs iu behalf of tbe capitalists, lo the period when the Oregouiau was a small sheet; when itowed "It cky Mono laiu" Hioith more waxes thau it could pay, he becoming a puriuer lu the business, but immediuta'y selling out to one of the pieseut proprietors; lieu ii ttniygled aloi g for yenrs, not making h cent, till finally it Ooiildu't help bin grow, and villi success came gree-.i. combinations w iih ospital and it vvut then installed ns their nrgui'. 11 n1 while they are coasting around for e chance to get sorry for the oouuliv editors, they oan very consistently savt a goodly portion of it tr a class ol people who are vuslly more iu need of ii the pnniury producers of the United .Slates. As good authority as thai winch Mr. Oorbctt mid tbe Oregonian accept ns law and gospel, says that tin reiiionet i ition of silver whs nothing bin a soheme of tbe lioh, and sutim quenl results prove it conclusively. Suppose In 1874 h fanner made a d-bl of $." OiMJ due lu tire years, lu t73 silver diegriicid as mouey aud the enhance meat of gold followed. As money grew ileiite, the farmer had to raise and sell just that much more lo get a dollar of the mouey of the couuiry. The same di-oon tit that was legislated on silver was put on the farmer's cereal, and every dollar o( the moucy leuders proportionally euh:inoed at the farmer's expense. Everything produced by thai olass bears Ihe same discount as that put upou silver. It is uot by nature any more of a coinnii dlly thau gold, il it be tr.-a,ed as it was from the begin niug of the rrpnb'io up lo 1873. l'leuli of "competent autborit)" txists lo poiui oat ci ucusively that while the aul ol 'One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County. BARGAIN. in Morrow county, cheap and on For 1873 dethroned and dishonored silver as a moniy metal, it bus a divinity of its own about it, and tbat sn ounce of it will buy as muoh as it bought before it was panoplied with all tbe recognition wbioh our great government oould give it when it bore the stamp of sovereignty frnm the mint of tbe United State, aod WD en it really commanded a higher price than gold Itself. They realize, Ion tbat when tbat dishonor was cast upon silver, financial troubles began in earn est; that lands began to full, tbat prices generally began to fall, and there hat been depiesion, aud, in many plnoes. despair ever siuoe, and tbat tbe remedy is lo restore ihe metal to where it was But to bea real smart person "oompetent suthnnty" one must agree with the Oregonian. Will i sy that snob papers as tbe Salt Lake Tribune, the Rocky Mountain News aod its own sweet, caudal appendage, tbe Telegram, are any the less competent authority be cause they are in favor of free coinage ol silver, or legislation approaching II? The sweeping, implied assumption that every man is a foul heoanse he does not swallow this mouometalistic idea of mouey, does not answer tbe argument at all. It has been often remarked thai when the Oregonian resorts to ridicule iusleud of good solid argument, it is cornered, llulicule is a strong weapon, but it refutes nothing. A large an j Tit) of Ihe peoi le in Oregon are on the side uf silver, and the Oregouiau is making more advocates of silver thau a less number, by its iuoouaisteut oourse. Let it keep up its loik. Strength and lira'th. If yon are not feeling strong and healthy, trv Eleotiio Bitteis It "La Urippa" Iihs left you weak aud weary, use Elecliic Bitters. Tins remedy acta directly on tbe liver, stomach aud kid neys, gently aiding thorn orgauts lo per form lUelr (uuuiious. If you are fHiuled with sick headache, you will Hud apeedy and permanent lellei ley ti.klng Electrio outers. One trial will oonvinoe yon that t Ins is Hie remedy you need. Large tiot- 1 s only 60u ul ISIocuai Jobusluu Diug Compacy. Wll. LUNCIlFlHiU SHOT. From the Eagle. Win. Lnuuuford received a very pain ful wouud at a d uoe at Ibe lower l'uss creek school house last Friday evening, the result of a pUtol shot from Ihe hand of John Am ti rose, of Kilter. Whether the two men bad ever enter tained au ill feeling toward oue another previously, the Eagle has not been able to learn. An ulteroation took plaoe be tween them on the evening mentioned, wbioh resulted as above stated. Dr. Nichols was called to administer to Ibe wants of the wounded man, and ssys tbat while tbe wound is a bad oue it is uot necessarily a dangerous one, the bullet entering tbe lower part of the groin, aud passing through to the back part of the hip. Since, Mr. Lnnobford lias beeu getting along as well a could be ex peeled. Mr. Ambrose at once onme to Liong Creek to give himself up, but owing to tbe absence of Justice Ooff, be did not succeed until yesteidsy, when he was placed under 200 bonds to appear be fore tbe uexl grand jury. Bonds were readily given. g,2L'8,t)7x. These figures represent Ihn number of bottles of Dr. Kiug's New l)iooverv for (JoUBUiuplion, Coughs and Colds, which were sold in Ihe United Stales from Maroh, 'VI lo Maicb, Two million, two hundred and twenty. eight thousand. six hundred and seventy two bottles sold in oue year, a u each aud every bottle was sold ou a positive guarantee that money would be refuuded if satisfactory reeults did nut follow its use. The seorei if its success is plaiu. It never disap points Hud cn iilwavs be depended ou s IheV-rv bet remedy for coughs, o olds, lo. Price 6lKi aud SI 00 ut Slocuui Johuson Drug Co. LOCAL MAIiM.I ItKl'OUT. Wheat, bu CO Kl..ur,bhl 4 20 Ueeves, enw s A two-year-olds, pwt. 2 tH ' tltree Sheep, muttons, head.. " stock Ho'S, on hud, cwt Hons, dressed Wo.. I Horses, slow sale. Hotter, roll Eggs, doz Chickens, di z Turkeys 2 35 ...3 0008 25 3 1)0 U 3 50 4 75 6 (i li ',! 12 14 75 80 2 50 (it 3 00 1 00 ui 1 50 CAl.lFOIiNIA M.VMKKT. H heat, cvv I r lmir, hhl Ueeves, stall fed Muttons, out Hons, cwt Wool -Fasteru Oregon. HuMer, R) Kggs, doz Chickens. di Z Turkeys, lb 81 25 Vi 1 30 3 00 j 4 75 5 till ot 5 50 6 110 (d 7 110 4 50 kit 6 25 124' Id 20 iu; 30 HO it 45 4 00 if 6 00 15 uj 17 PORTLAND UAKKtT. Wheat, cwt fl 03 a 1 15 Klitr, bbl 3 00 3 65 Beeves, owt 2 00 ( 8 75 " dressed 4 50 ) 6 IK) Muttons, live sheared .. 3 75 (J 4 20 " dressed 7 00 tj S 00 Hogs, on fisit 4 50 ( 5 00 ' dressed 6 bO tjl 6 60 WikiI Easteru Oiegon... 10 (J 11 Hntter XX) 60 Kugs, doz 30 of 40 Chn keus. doz 2 50 oi 4 00 Turkey lb 18 tg 15 easy terms. further information call at our office. 8011 E KAULKT8. From our Long Creek Paper. The fii st Masonic Commsndary of Euigbt Templars, of Eastern Oregon, will sorn be established at La Orande. This will make only the fifth lodge of tbe nature in the state. Dr. Pillkiogton, of Pendleton, bss been appointed government phvsioian at tbe Umatilla agency. . Tbe Dr. is a bright, voung pbysioiau and tbe appointment is a good one. Dr. J. H. Fell, formerly cf this plaoe. came over from Prairie City la.t week on a short business visit, returning home Saturday. Tbe Dr. reports but little sickness about Prairie, but considerable down tbe river. Mike B-weuilorf and A. Hirsohbarg, formerly merchauls of Ibis city, have lo cated in Iudepeudenoe, O' , having pur chased tbe generul merchandise stock of Z-d Itpsendorf. The Eagle and Ibeir many acquaintances io Grant, couuty wish them Bucoess in their new field, Geo. Madden, who has been stealing borses in the Haystack country, and who, it is said, was the means of causing young Smith a term in the penitentiary for the same business, has beeu captured by Sheriff Combs and is at present iu Canyon skooknm bouse awaiting trial. ADDITIONAL LOCALS. Tbe Stndehaker wagon heads them nil. For sale at Gilliam & Bisbee's. a Wby go hnngrv when tbe City hotel furnishes you a good meal at living rates a 'Hardware" did yon ssyt Why, yea at P. C. Thompson 4 (Jo. 'a stand, and the plaoe fur bargains. a Call on Kip to do your wood sawing; same old price. Also delivers wood to auy part of Heppner. See ad. a Kuhl, the baker. Buy your bread and cakes aud save money. Try it. a. For cash yoa can get inoreal the East ern Clothing house, with Levi ou deck, thau any other plaoe iu Heppner. a Tbe l'alaoe is the leading hotel in tbe city. Well fnrniFhed rooms with plenty of light are provided for everyone, a Smith, the furniture man. is prepared to sell fine goods at low figures, Full line of undertaking goods on hands, a M. Lichleuilnil A Co. have a Hue lot of winter wear, i0Tding ladiea' winter shoes, oversioeK; rubber boots, etc Drop in- '' xJi 8 Borg. the Jeivr js the man to fix up your watch or- ciuok. '..e keeps a full stock of everything pertaiuiug to his business a Don't overlook T. W. Ayers, Jr., tbe leading druggist. Choicest perfumes, purest drugs aud the finest toilet articles always ou baud. a Tbe Btn-bler beer, 6 cents per glass, at tbe Columbia iicer Hall, Osmers & Hughes, props., next door to M. Lioh tenthal & Co.'s shoe store. a Tbe M. L. 4 T. Co., sinoe tbey have roofed all their platforms, have an im mense storage capacity. This company now deals in grain, lumber and wood, a Since Shaw A McCarty purchased the meat market they bave always endeavor ed to keep on hand tbe freshest aud oboioest meat I, sausages and bolognas. I What will perseverance, pluck and en terpris avail in this wild west, it you oauuot gel big bargams However, be fore giving up entirely, visit Minor Bros.' emporium. a Thompson & Binnsown the buss which gues to aud from tke City hotel, but will call for parties desiring to go to train in any part of the city. Leave orders at City hotel. a Gilliam 4 Bisbee, the hardware and tinware merchants, carry everything ap pertaining to their lines, even agricul tural implements. Don t you need plow this full? I Don't overlook Kirk k Rasmus for barguius. They have purchased tbe bus iness of J. W. Miitlook & Co.. but will soon remove to tbe Mullory corner, oppo site tbe l'alaoe botel. a Dr. Grant's Cloalo, the great dyspepsia conquerer, will positively cure dyspepsia and all its kindred ailments. Every bot tle sold under a positive guarantee lo effect a on re or money refuuded. See ad. in this issue. a The general merchandise establish ment formerly owned by Ci ttin & Mi-Far laud, has lately changed bauds, now be ing under the control aud mauagment o The MuFsrlaiid Mercantile Companv. wbiob continues business at the old stand with a larger stuck than ever. a A lumUu-mwpeillloa. We desire to Onll the attention of those who luke au interest IU b.biesludv , to ibe popular compsiitioii of the Ladies Home Magi zn e, a tlrt uIhss illustrated iiiHgaziii. published at Pel e Thorough, Ontario. Tbe uoiupetltiou is Ojieu to Ihe world, slid is tree to all who oaie to compete. All that is necessary is to send answers to tbe following questions: 1. Which is tbe longest book in tbe New Tes Hmeoi? 2. Winch is tbe shortest? 3. The longest verse? 4. Ibe shortest? Mail Jour answers to I'h Lad pb' Home M igsz up, enclosing 81 for six months subscription to this popular and hands, uiely illustrated (UHfiiZitie. If your answers are oorrecl )nu are sure ol a reward. Tbe following is I lie pnz Iim: SU,00 in gold, $5u0 ugili, $250 iu Kold, $100 in gold, planus, oigaiis, gold watches, 2.500 elegHut silver t- a sets, &o Ti e public may rely ou fair aud square deahug as Ibe Ladies' Home Maaaziue ia an old and reliable concern. Addres, Th Ladiis' Hums Magazine, Peterborough, Ontario. 63 5 Lord Kilcum He Speaks. We deeire to call attention to the great winter couimtilion of 1803, which is now being conducted by the Canadian Agiictiltunsl and Home Journal, pub lished at I'eierbiironah, Canada The Agriculturist has named a leputatiou iu Hie past for fair dealing in connection with these competition, and the future AND SXIM, ANOTHER. Deeded ranch, 160 acres, boss wheat land. Will sell on easy terms. A good rustler can pay for it with first crop raised on it. Eeason for selling, owner lives in the Eabt and hns no use for it. will be no exception to the rule. Those whe desire to cooipete cau do so free ol charge. All they have to do is to pre pare a list of English words made fruin tbe letters in the Iwo words, "Columbian Exposition." Tbe rale are tbat no letter can be used ofteuer than it appears iu the two words above Damod, or cau the names of persons or places be ued. foreign words are also harred. Toe leading prizes are: lt, 82.500 cash; 2nd, 81.000; ord. 8500; 4th. &4c0; 5th, SL00; besides piaaos, organs, gold Watcnee, 6,000 eleguut silver tea services, etc , making a total of uver 10,000 prizes. All wbo s uu in 100 conect words will re ceive a special prize. Take a few sheets of paper, prepore a list made np fn m the letters In tbe two words above quoted, and enclose 81 for six months' suusonp tiou to oue of the choicest and b -st pub lioutions ou the ooutiueut, and you will have a really first class mageziuetoread, aud may secure 82,500 iu gold iutu the bargain. Ibe Agnculturta' nlwajs car ries out its promises to tbe very letter, as tbe following, from Lord Kilcoursie, tbe Governor-Generals societary will testify: (jOVERNME-NT HOUSE. ( Ottawa, Out., Ju. 6,b, im SlE "It will give me great pleasure to recommend my friends to enter jour competition. I am. Sir, "lour obedient servant, ' KILCOURSIE. A D. 0." To the Editor of Ihe Canadian Auncul turist, Peterborough, Canada. 62 Gi UPPER RHEA CRRKK CIIEEKLETS. Mr. Frank Baiid was in our neighbor hood last (Saturday. Mr. David Buird was in oar neighbor hood last Thursday. Mr. Wui. Floieon has just returned home after au absence of a week. We understand (but Allie LVnew is going to winter iu the mountains. We are bavintr quite a little snow storm today. It bas snowed about oue inch. Mr. Nosh Mn I key commeno-d berdiDg sheep for Win. Feuland last Tuesday. Misses Mary and Norn Floreou have goue to Claik's Oauyou to no to school. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. Hevland has beeu quite siok, bat i now oouvu lescent. Fakoaeu. Jan. 15, 1893. OHITIIAItY. Died near Ebea oreek. Jnn 12, 1893, the infant daughter of J. U. aud Ada Hayes, age six mouths and two days. Its illness was Bhort, but suffering intensely, a physician was summoned and everything iu the reach of medical aid was done tbat could be, but death bad claimed it as its own, aud little Mamie passed quietly away. With aching heart and throbbing brow, We watch each parting breath ; Till the spirit tied from the dying bed Across the river of death. . . SIHGIlusrnu, The Lucretia dewberry and Early Harvest blackberry are ripe first, nearly together. The latter is rather small but hardy aud productive and valuable for market because of its earliness. Ago warn, Wallace, Knox and Erie are Urge and productive and hardy enough for tbe lake shore region. Minnewoski promises to be the same, but is not well tried yet. Wilson and Wilson, Jr., are nearly identical and profitable for mar ket if covered in winter. Michigan Sta tion. Things That Are Told. New varieties of narcissus are grown from seeds, which give flowering bulbs in three or four years. Ordinarily tbe narcissus is from bulbels, which flower the second year. Professor Fernow, in a recent address before the Kansas state board of agri culture, laid great emphasis on the value of shading the ground' for forest trees. It is as much, it would appear, an ele ment in good forestry to bave shaded ground as in fruit culture. The oriental spruce, says Rural New Yorker, is a shapely little beauty, and one of the most desirable of all ever green trees, particularly for small gar dens. One of its best points is its habit of keeping its branches right to th ground, even in large specimens; and one of its worst points is that it is one of the most difficult of spruces to trans plant successfully. 8. Miller, a progressive Missour'an, ays: "As to peaches bndded on plums, I have yet to make the first success in that line. In the first place it is difficult to get them to take, and next no plum stock 1 have grows strong enough to support the peach, though the Marianna xoay do so; but I have not yet tried it." Floral Hrevltle. Phlox, when the shoots are pinched in Jnne and again in July, will Uower in September. For a low, ornamental hedge, the Tom Thumb arbor vita? is useful. I Rnffuln Rill a n,n iruruninm niv. duces immense spherical trasses of semi double flowers; color, white shaded blush. A good bedding variety. Mme. Crozy is still queen among Can nae. Clematis Fremontii is not only per fectly hardy, but adapt itself to auy garden soil. The American Agriculturist advises planting spineas iu vineyard and orchard as a bait for rose btigs. The best species for the purpose are tbe sorbus leaved (S. Sorbifoluv). a hardy, early blooming shrub from Siberia, aud the gouUbeard (S. Arnucns). a native vigorous growing herbaceous specie. Miue. Ed liiaert is the name of n summer Uowcnng carnation of unusual size and attractiveness. One reason why Scott's Emulsion of Pure Nor wegian Cod Liver Oil and Ilypophosphites of Lime and Soda has had such a large sale is because it is "Almost as palatable as milk;" but the best reason is that its curative properties are unequalled. It cures the cough, supplies the waste of tissues, produces flesh and builds up the entire system. Scott's mulsion cures Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula, and all Anaemic and Wasting Diseases, Prevents wasting in Chlldron. AI;not as palatable a milk. Get only the genuine. Pre pared by Scott A Bowne, Chemists, New lork. Sold by all Druggists. JHE CITY HOTEL, W. J. LrBBZER, Prop. rpUIS HOSTELRY has been Befitted and Eefunisiied throughout, and now is one of tbe most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer iuvites yoa to stop with him, feeling that he ia able to eutertain yon in the beet of style. r First Class House. '5 1 prints dandle WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oyster Season. Also is about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near futuxe. W. L. M.itlnck- & Co. ' h Mi Institute -OF- I I ELLIS, Offioe in National : HEPPNER, L. D. BOYED 1 Nerve Blood Tonic Builder Br1 for Dr. WILLI KS' 00c KEDICIKE CO.. per box. Schenectady. K.Y. 0 for 83.30, ana Bi ociiviile. Out, To Cou sumpti ves. The nndemiKned having been restored to health by simple meaim, alter Buttering for pev eral vear with a severe lung nHVetlou, and that dread tiiru'He Consumption, is anxioui to make kuowu to hit fellow Hiiti'ereni themeaua of cure, io thone who Ui sire It, he w ill cheerfully tend (free oi rharnei a copy of the prescription luted, which they will riurt amire cure for Consump tion, Asthma. Catarrh, Itrouchi ls and nil throat aud lung maladies, lie hopes nil sullereri will try his remedy, us It is invaluable. 'I hose cieslr iug i ho prescription, which u li cost them nuth ing, and may prove a blessing, w ill please ad dress. Rev. howAKD a. Wiln, l-t a vr Brooklyn, .New York. Sheriff's Sale. N OTICE U PEKEUY OIVEN THAT UVDER and by virtue oi mi e edition issued out o' the circuit court f the btate of Oregon lor the County uf Morrow, and t int directed and delivered, upon a judgment rendered and enter ed 1 ti tiiM Court on the 5ih day uf September JfcJ, in favor of Charhfl K. Kirfe, plaintiff, and up tint C i . Halites defendant, lor the sum uf three hundred dollars, w iih Interest thervon at the rate of It) percent, per annum from the 27 th day of May 1n91; also two hundred dollars, w ith interest thereon at the rate or a per cent, per ammiti from the 7th tiar of Mav iwl. and the further sum of ) Attorney's fees, and twenty, nine and lMoo dollars costs, and, whereas, by said judgment it was ordered and adjudged that the following described real property, to wit.: The Mihth Vtet quarter of section three in Township four (), suth of Kange twenty. five (23), hast of W. M., all in Morrow countv, Ore tcoii, I e sold to satisfy said judgment, costs aud accruing costs. I will, on the uh dy of March, 1MW. at I o'clock p. in. of said dav. at the front door of the court house in ilt-ppner. Morrow county. Oregon, sell the right, title and interest of the sab! L. o. ilaines iu and to the above de scribed property at public auction to the hlnh est aud best binder tor cash In ha'd. the pro ceeds to be applied to the saiisiaction of said ee utiun, and all costs, and co.i that may ac crue. ,KO. i BL1, Sheriff of Morrow countv. ur. Dated Jan. 23, Ipua U-oi;:-w Guaranteed to cure Rilfotrt Attacks CoqauimUoo, Smad iUle Hvns Scott's Emulsion Reasonable Rates :- anil -:- (Jiprs ! For the Cure oi Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits It Is located at Forest Grove, Or., The Mtl Beautiful Town on the Coast. Call at the Gaikttk office for partlenlnri. Strictly confidential. Treatment prl vats aud tur cure. ATTOnNEY AT UAW And Commissioner of the V. S. Circuit Court. AU land matters attended to promptly and accoraUly. Bank building. : : OREGON Contractor Builder. Summons. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE STATE of Oregon, for the county oi Morrow. R. L. iiughes, Plaintiff, , vs. SUMMONS. Geo, W. Thomas. Defendant TO GEO. W. iUoMAS, the above named de. fendant: In the name of the 8late of Oregon, Yon are hereby required to appear and answ er the com plaint filed agaiitst you In the above entitled suit upon the first day of the next term of this court, to-wit.: I pou Monday, the 13th day of March. ir3. And if you fall so to answer, for want thereof, the plaintiff will lake a judgment agaiiiBt you lor the principal turn of c0.U0 and interest thereon at the rate uf six (6) per cent, per annum from the Ut dtty of lanuary la89,and lor the further sum of $.'i.oo and ititeiest there on from the 1st day of July, 1H3, at the rate of per cent per annum, and for the further sum oi24.yy with interest at the rate of e per cent, per annum from the 1st day of January, and for the further sum ot $24 .00 and i met est thereon at the rate of s percent, per annum (rum the 1st day of July, li, and the further i-im of fu.uo as attorneys fee in this uii, and for the costs and disbursements of this Miit. And plaint lit further asks tur a decree foreclosing the mort gage upon lull 5 and 4, and tne sK) ot the bWU ot sec. SO. In Tp. 2, N K4,E VW M., containing 460 and 40-100 acres, more or less, being situate in Morrow county, state of Oregen. and that the land described be told as upon excuilou to Sat ibiy whaiever judgment the plaintiff may ob tain, and thai the proceeds of said sale be ap plied, urs. in the payment of said judgment, costs and attorney's tee. and cosia of sale; aud second, that Ihe leniaiuder, if any, be turned oter to the defendant, auu that ueieudatit be forever bat red aud foreclosed trout setting up or tuaiutai..iug auy claim or demand to said land or any part thereof, except as redeniptioner under the statute, and U T auch other and fur ther relit f ms may to tbe court aeeiu meet aud equitable. 1 his summons Is published pursuant to an order of Hon. V. 1,. bradiihaw, Judge of the above entitled court, duly made and entered ou the loth day of Jauuarv, ii KUMA.N BiiUS. & HO it NOR, 562-574-w Atiorie lur Plaintiff. LIST OF LETTKHS. A DVBRTlsKD AT HEPPNER PoSTOFFICB ' i January li, la'Xi, Claydo i Frank Devon Mr Howard Iaac Loch tier Henry Nelson Manby M J Pfease say "Advertised" w heu calling for these letters- a. Malluky, P.M. Tbey IncreMte Appetite, purify the whole TSteataAdaviuit Utehvcr. liik- UtnuaSmaJL To aid Dtgeetlnn take one Small Bile Beta ftftr eUiig. X5u. per botiiv. Prevent and run Cnnvf Ipsttioa and Sick BeadiuMHf, Small UiW Itcsuia, Pti up in riet WHtch-ittitin1hottea,irai oXmumU, sihoU UifU Uvuim. l&v. i unw. VAt a:is Tabulea cu e scrofula. Kiviins TabuUs euro dy spepsia. Eipans Tabulet : boat liver tonic