Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 24, 1893, Image 1

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x-WfiBUtfc PAPER.
Sortie People
Buy advertising space because rates are
low generally the circulation is a sight
lotcer. Circulation determines the value
of udvertis'ng ; there is no other standard.
The Gazette is willing to abide by it.
The Paper. Without it', advertisers get
nothing for their money. The Gazette,
with one exception, has the largest circula
tion of any paper in Eastern Oregon.
Therefore it ranks hiqh as an advertising
WEEKLY NO. 515.)
i!ftiNP liI d&iftffft
i 1
- i
f I
Tuesdays and Fridays
A. Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular Agricultural Paper
11 em nor vnar. ll.SOfor six months, $1.00
for throe moutna; If Paid for in advance, 2.60.
Advertising Rates Made Known on
- Application.
County. Oregon, Is published by the same coro-
Manager, Long Creek, Oregon,
Ueppner, uregou,
THIM PAPER i kept on file at K.O. Dake's
AdwltUiM Aginey.M and 65 Merchants
tracts for advertising can be made tor it.
B. A. Huninker
...... Phill Heppner
ine r-agie
...... Oscar De Vaul
Allen McFerrln
; H. C. Wright
J. a. Woolerv
.'.Mattle A. Rudio
I. J. ari
K. B. McHaley
...AL Fairish
O. P. Skelton
J. B. snow
,...F. I. HcCallum
' John Ellington
Wm. G. McCroskey
Mount Vernon Grant Co.,Or.,.....PoBtu.jter
AhAltiV Or MJaW OLciin A
I lr linea r.e - - -, .
lugl.,Ur... AVii.JohniS
. V. Snyder
Herbert lialstead
,.w. a. 3U:AUSlur
Long creek
Camas Prairie
Nye, Or t-
Hardman, Or
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or.,..?
Prairie City, Or
Canyon City, Or.,
Pilot Rock,
Day vllle, Or.,
John Day, Or.,
Athena, or
Pendleton, Or.,.
By a special arrangement with the
publisher we are prepared to turaitb
FP.EE to each of onr reader a year's
subscription to the popular monthly
agricultural Journal, the A mm cam
Farmer, published at Springfield and
Cleveland, Ohio.
Thia offer is made to any of our sub
scribers who will pay np all arrearage'
on subscription and one year in advanoe,
and to any new subscribers who will pa
one year in advance. '. he Amekicak
Farmer enjoys a large na.tonal circula
tion, end ranks among the leading
agricultural papers. By this arrauge
ment it COSTS YOU NOTHING to re-
oeive the America Farmer for on
year, It will he to your advantage to
call promptly. Sample copies oan be
swn at our office.
Lone Kock, Or
Condon, Oregon
Lmcn Pachc Railway-Local card.
No. 10, mired leaves llepnner lOflO a. m.
" 10. " ar. at Arlington 1 It a.m.
" U, ' leaves " P. m-
" VI, ar. at ileppner 7:10 p. v.
juneiii Hundav.
East bonnd, main line ar. at Arlington 8:12 p. m.
-wt " leaves ' P B1-
Might trains are running on same time as before.
tv. IIrr,miir 7 a. m. Tuesdays, Thursdays
and Batiirdays. leaching Lone Koi'k at 5 p. in.
Leaves Lone Koek 7 a. m. Mondays, Wedues-
Makes conniption with the Lone Kock-lossll
WA?eMV. hSm-Johnston Drug Co.. Heppner,
1'niteil Ktiites Officials,
, Knnianiin narrison
f iffi'ii-iit. ,
a, .JWI
Vice. President..
Ke,i "e'aiv of Slate..
rier.ri lary ot Treasury
Secretary of Interior
fctecrotary of War
Hwrolary of Navy...
Fostui aster-General
Secretary of Agriculture..
.John W. Fosfcr
Charles foster
J. W. Noble
Stephen a. hlkins
H. P.Traci
. John Wanamaker
...W. H. H. Miller
....Jeremiah husk
Secretary of State
Supt. Public Instruction
Supreme Judges
State of Oregon.
S. Fennoyer
..G. W. Mc-Hride
..Phil, lletschan
K. a. Mcturoy
( J. 11. Mitchell
(J. N.Dulpn
..ifrana u. c
( F. A. K
.... JW. P. 1
tt. S.B
J w k. Kills
..ifrana u. naaer
. juoore
. Lord
. Bean
Seventh Judicial District.
Circuit Judge KJ"
1-rna.eut.na Attorney W. H. WllSuB
Harrow County OfitciaU,
. Henrv Hlackmao
J. N. Brown
Julias Keithly
Jolut Senator
' Commiasionera.
J. U. Raker.
' Surveyor. ,
" School Bup't...
" Coroner
wU,iiOi't!! b fJ
iii its
eerlv &:zti:s
can bcs cured
by tha prompt
use cf
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
it soothec
the irvi'lcunod tissues,
aids tsp-ctoration,
and hastens
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
The Orlsinal
Webster's Unabridsced
Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Patents, Copyrights,
And all Patent bailees, conducted for
Ufontutlon ud adrlc ffvem to UfMrtonwlttkMl
feftrt. AddreH
Managing Attorney,
P. 0. Box 403. Washington D.Q
y Tlili Com pan 7 la managed by a combination of
(he largest and most Influential newspapers la tb
I'nitwl States, for the express purpose of protect
Ins their aubcrlr against unacrnpuloast
ind iocompetcut Patent Agenu, and each paper
printing this advertisement vouches for the responsi
bility and bigb standing of the Press Claims Compoaf.
Plio's Bemedr for Catarrh la tha
Best, Easiest to Hie, and Cheapest.
Sold by Druggists or sent by mall.
80c. E. T. Uazeltlne, Warren. Fa.
1,Y Sl-KOIAL ALiitAMihaUfcA I "lltl lilt
1 publishers, we are able to obtain a number
Oi IP tt WIVe UUtla, nuu Pi"Hu lu,ulou
copy to each oi our auuscribers.
1 he UlCUUliary n iiwicmhj tucicij uvuic,
school and bualneu hoiiBe. It tills a vacancy,
oiM furniHhPR knowledtre which no one hun
dred other volumes of the choicest books could
supply. Young and old, educated and ignorant.
ncn ana pour, miuutu uoc 11, mwiu .ol,i., ...
n.ivr tt iiR I'm i tun is everv dav iu the year.
ah anniH have HBHua li in IB jh reauv me vriK-
tntii warttr'i UnabridEed liictioitary, we are
able to state we have Warned direct 'run the
... is. ir-H t .ii net. turn to is is lie ver-'worj.
complete on which about forty of tht bes years
oi the author's liie were so well employed in
writing. It contains the entire vocanulary 01
about lUO.OUU words, including tlie correct spell
ing, derivation and definition of same, and it
the regular standard size, containing abou.
ifcW.OOU square inches of printed surface, and is
Until further notict wt will furnish this
valuable Dictionary
First To any new tubscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any subscriber now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz:
Full Cloth bound, gilt side and back
stamps, marbled edges. $1-00.
Half Mo-occo, bound, gilt side and back
stamps, marbled edges, $1.50.
Full Sheep bound, leather label, marbled
edges, $2.00
fifty cents added in all cases for express
age to Heppner.
jHp-As the publishers limit the time and
number of books they will furnish at the low
prices, we advlae all who desire to avail them
selves ol this great opportunity to attend to it
at once.
The Gelo'&rated French Cure,
srraiited A DUtfinlTIWC" or tnoncr
tocurs riruiiuuiiiHi.
to euro any
form of nervous
disease, or any
disorder o the
BEFORE generative or AFTER
taut ol either sex whether arising from tbs
excessive use of 8tiinulants, Tobacco or Opium,
orthrough youthful iudiscretiou, over indulg
eucc, tlx., such as toss of Bra'u Power, Wakeful.
Deal, Bearing down Pains In the Back, Seminal
Weakueas, Uystsrla, Nervous Prostration Nocturn
al Iraiaiou. , '.sacorrhaw, blssiuess. Weak Mem.
ery, Loss of Fewer and Impoteney, which If nr.
fleeted often lead to premature old age and lnsan
lir. Pries ll.M .box, tanas for 9.0S Sent by
Bail ou receipt of pries.
A WHIT-TEH GtTAItANTBB for every si 09
rder, to refund the money if s Permanent
curs it not effected. Thousands of testimonials
from old and young, of both sexes, permanently
(tared by ArHxoDiTtiti. Circular free. Address
Bold In Heppner by Blocum-Johnston Drug Co
The Prevention of Insect Injuries and
Fungus Diseases.
Some of tha conclusions reached at
the Hatch (Mass.) experiment station,
as the results of the work of the past
season in regard to the prevention of in
sect injuries and fungus diseases, are:
That the apple scab, pear leaf blight and
cracking of the fruit, the peach and
pluin fruit rot, the plum leaf blight
and plum black wart, the grape pow
dery mildew and black rot, the rasp
berry anthracnose and the potato leaf
blight and rot may be wholly or largely
prevented when the solutions of copper
are properly applied.
That by the combined use of the bor
deaux mixture- and paris green fungi
are prevented, tent caterpillars and
canker worms are killed and the injury
to the apple and pear from the codling
moth and to the plum and peach from
the plum curculio may also be largely
That the peach foliage is very suscep-
I tible to injury -from copper solutions,
and that these must be applied at from
one-third to ono-f onrth the strength used
upon the apple and the pear.
That the amount of copper adhering
to apples and grapes that have been
properly sprayed with copper solution is
so small that no injury can possiuiy oc
cur from their free consumption.
That girdling the grapevine, as demon
strated in a vineyard during the season
of 1890, resulted in u weakened growth
and in a diminished trop in 1891.
That young tree3 may be protected
from injury by mice by painting with
Portland cement andiparia green.
Peter Brenner
.....J. W.Morrow
fteo. Noble.
W.J. Ia ezer
B.L. haw
....Iaa Brown
W.U Baling
,...T. W. Ayers, Jr
Hxrpwxa towk omens.
m, T. J. Matlock
"oirTriimen O. K. Famsworth, M
Lichtenthal. Otis Patterson, A. P.Oarngues,
Taos. Morgan and frank UUliam.
Keoorder.... nSSSSJS
treasures iEwiS
Usxakal W.JUemus.
Justice of the Peace F-
Constable. J.J.MoUrU
United )Utes Lead Officers.
v w Lewis R gis"r
Tir...... ijei"
. I.A OXASDX, oa.
A rieaver rgi"ter
Donr lod No. JO K. of P. meets ev
ery Tuewiay evening at 7.30 o clock 11,
r ia tueir uastie nnii. i-, -
1HK. DIJ"U,I1'K .-
vited Ui attend. H. hourjtzisoxa. t. .
. H.bWINBUBM, K.of It. 4 8. tf
Kocky-Mountain News
, Bubscriptlon pries reduced ss follows:
One Year (by mail) : : ,' $6 00
Six Months " : : 3 00
Three Months " : : : 1 SO
One Month " : ; SO
One Year (in Advance) : $1 00
The Newt Is the only consistent cjarrpion of
silver In the West, and should be in every home
In the West, and in the hands of every miner
and business man In Colorado.
Hend In your subscriptions at once.
TJonver, Colo
a. a. k.
wets at Lexington, Or., the last Saturday of
act. month. All veterans are Invited to join,
. J. Hin.
Uko. W. Smith.
A A. ROBERTS, Real Estate, Insur-
ance and Collections. Offioe iu
Couneil Chambers, Be()pner.Or. swtf.
At Abraljameick's. Iu addition to his
tailoring business, be has added a Bne
line of underwear of all kinds, Degligee
ibirta, hosiery, etc. Also has on band
some elciiHut patterns or suits. A.
AhrahnrnRi'-k. May street. Heppner, Or.
Shoemaker. Ed Birbeok. shoemak
er end repairer of many years' experi
ence, has just located in the Abrahsrn-
sio cnilding. on May street, where be
is prepared to do eseiytbing- in his line,
a i Hirheck is strictly first-class work,
man and warrants all work. Oive him
call 14 tf
Wysndottes, Plymouth Books, Light
Brsmabs, Rose and Single Comb
Brown Leghorns, Partridge
Cochins, Houdans and Sil
ver Spangled Hamburgs.
1.000 YODHi! FOWLS
Beady for Delivery.
Send for Catalogue.
Box 65. com.896. Forest Grove, Or
What Was lonov. E on Old Hand Saw.
A corresTrtA!.!S in American
Gardening says: k ' '
I took the handlotl ana presentea it
to a carpenter. I then had the blacksmith
cut tho blade crosswise into three parts.
Of the first and widest piece, 7 inches
long, I made a sod ax, as seen in the
central figure. Of the second or middle
piece, lOJi inches long, I made a straw
berry path cutter, shown at the left; and
the remaining piece, 1 inches long,
was transformed into a strawberry
pruner, as seen at the right of illustra
tion. The last named is used for cut
ting off runners in the early part of the
season. It saves stooping and backache,
and is useful also for cutting off the
roots of large weeds sometimes found in
strawberry beds. These implements
were all made sharp on the grindstone.
Cultural Notes from Welt Known Fruit
Next to early spring transplanting.
Country Gentleman has found the season
immediately succeeding the bearing of a
fruit crop a good time for setting out
garden beds. Even in seasons of drought
plants do well if the work of transplant
ing be well done. Lift the plants with
tho spade, shake off the earth without
pulling or tearing them, cut off such of
the roots as are over three or four inches
long, leaving a circle six or eight inches
in diameter, spread these in setting,
cover with fine earth, settle with water
if the soil is dry, add an inch or two of
crumbled earth, and another inch or
two of fine manure. If necessary drench
the whole. The manure will keep the
surface from crusting and maintain
needed moisture. All the old and large
leaves should be cut off before setting
and the young opening leaves only re
main. These plants will grow vigor
ously through antumn and bear another
Barry recommends for family use
planting in beds four feet wide, with an
alley two feet wide between. These
beds will accommodate three rows of
plants, which may stand fifteen inches
apart each way, and tho outside row
nine inches from the alley. The bed
can be kept clean and the fruit can be
gathered from them without setting the
feet upon them.
Tho following are described under the
head of "Six Big Strawberries, by
Lovett: Beebe, a prolific bearer of very
larire berries that ripen in midseason
Jucunda Improved, a reproduction of
of the good old Jucunda, that begins to
ripen early, continuing until late; Iowa
Beauty, exceptionally perfect in form
and color and ripening in midseason
Lovett's Early, one of the most valuable
of the early varieties; bhusters Gem.
very productive and a good sort for
main crop; Gandy, extra firm, latest of
all to ripen, and unequaled for canning
- Roraesy for Ivy Poisoning-.
This remedy was sent to Mehan's
Monthly for publication. The sender
says: "Not being susceptible to this
poison, I had occasion to observe in sev
eral severe cases the excellent effect of
the following application which I learned
five years ago from a correspondent in
Popular Science: Saturate a slice of
loaf bread with water, cover one sur
face of the bread with finely scraped
washing soda, apply this side to the af
fected part, and if the bread becomes
dry drop water on the outer part, sq as
to keep it thoroughly moistened; ire
move this poultice in about twenty or
thirty minutes, but if necessary it may
bo applied a second time in tne course
of a few hours."
Fancy Gourd Baskets.
Fancy gourds have all at once as
sumed unusual importance. These are
grown in many gardens for an orna
mental effect, and now, Vick tells us,
in his illustrated magazine, how to
utilize the gourds by transforming ihen
into baskets and vases for flowers and
ferns. He says:
Apple or cherry boughs of odd shape
are first wired or otherwise formed into
a sort of cradle or standard. Into this
Plants of Easy Growth That Afford Orna
ment al fie re ens.
Numbered with hardy climbers, few
of a woody character surpass the well
known Virginian creeper for fast growth
and for the rich tints of its decaying
leaves in autumn. Ampelopsis veitchi,
Japan creeper, possesses one great
advantage over the first named, as it
clings to walls securely by itself, while
the other needs attaching to them. Aris
tolocbia sipho (Dutchman's Pipe) be
longs to a large genus in which this is
by far the most ornamental. When
growing vigorously its huge heart shaped
leaves make it a conspicuous and dis
tinct climber, and its brownish blossoms
add to its singularity.
The varieties of clematis are now so
numerous, that many shades of color
are represented among them; C Jack
mani is still the best of its class, taking
into consideration flowers, freedom of
blooming and good constitution. Other
species of clematis, too, are beautiful
climbers, as for instance, Alexandria,
the republicans be sent to the springs
and the democrats to the Forest Grove
Keeley Institute, which created a great
deal of laughter, after whioh the resolu
tion was passed ss first presented.
Senator Blnckman presented in the
senate, bill 109, which, one can see by
studying, has for its sole aim the promo
tion and tbs inoreasing ot the efficiency
ot the special school for the education
of deat mutes. The measure aeks for a
$50,000 appropriation from the state,
for additional accommodations to be
constructed fur the above . institution.
Tbe measure also states thai as now this
inatitutioD is almost under the control ef
the state, except in form, so asks that it
be plaeed in charge of the state, with
speoified state officers to compose a board
to govern same. In all, this ia quite a
move toward the promotion ot the cause
ot education in Ibis state, by the cham
pions of whioh the senator ia looked up
on as an aotive worker for all matters of
such a nature.
Henryi and Sieboldia. Ivies are valuable
evergreen climbersand will thrive where
little else will keep alive. The common
hop is one of the most attractive as well
easily grown of hardy climbing
plants. Planted over arches, etc., and
Intermingled with the clematis, the
effect is decidedly attractive. An Eng
lish fad consists in the employment of
gourd vines for decorative purposes.
Several varieties of the gourd familes
are selected so as to insure gourds of
varying size aud form. i
Scientific America
Agency for
have for sale all kinds of un-
TT dressed Lumber, lb miles ol licpprier, al
a hat is know u as the
- 10 00
- 17 Ml
to.00 per l,uuo feet, additlouaL
r. A. Homllton, Man'ur
All who are suffering from the effects
of Youthful Errors, Loss of Manhood,
Failing Powers, Gonorrhoea, Gleet,
Strioture, Syphilis and the many troubles
which are the effects of these terrible
disorder will receive, Fhxx or Cbakos,
full directions how -to treat and curt
Coffin k MoFarlsnd bsve just received themselves at home by writing to the
a oar .oad of Uitobell Wagons, Hscks, CAuroHKiA Medical and hcbqioal im
etc., and have also a large supply of farm- prjufABY, Kr29H Market Street, San
mg implements of ail kinds. . a I Francisco, California. 6o-ly.
. s.sJAA .
m ' nEH un eh
for Information ard free Handbook write to
MUNN 1 CO.. Sil IiKOAliwAY, Ntw Yonrr.
Oldest bureau for seriirtntr patent" In America.
Bvory parent taken out t.y ns is brriiisht before
tbe public by a notice given free or charge in the
. Jtientlftf gmencau
lnrcst rirrtj.ttlon of any urientliV paper tn tht
world. Splendidly tllustrattnl. No lntelUtrmt
oiin phouirt tie wtttinut It. WMlrly, 93.00
rein; f 1..VJ mi monthB. Addrt-wMuNN A CO,
PDLLiauEiw,at;i BruaUwaj. Nun York.
The smallcit Pul in m World!
Tuft's TinvPil
On vlml of th pill, will mt many
dollar ia doctor'a bills. Tliej rej,
KIMcltUly prepared m m family tnri Q
Joints, and npplk's wnot hmg tVlU
OTUmy remove unhealthy isvccumiila- 4fc
tionfi from th body wlthotft nanrrp
Kriplnif. Adapted to id aad yonnr
A Price, !-fi3. Omre, 30 l ark Place, N. 5. A
O a perfect Imitation of natnre; ImpoiwI
ible to deter It.
Price, ftl ir box.
Desirable Carranta.
The Cherry currant is credited with
being the largest of all the red currants:
the bunches are short ana the plant vig
orons and productive. Fay's Prolific, a
new variety, is more proline than the
Cherrv and with larger clusters. Black
Champion, an English variety, is con
sidered one of tho finest of black cur
rants. The White Dutch is a well known
currant of medium size and good qual
ity. The White (irape currant is a fine
table variety on account of the large size
and excellent quality of its fruit. Ken
Dutch is an old variety of medium size
and quality. Versaillaise is a French
sort resembling the Cherry; it is pro
ductive. Prince Albert and Victoria
are both valuable on account of their
ripening late and thus extending the
Lawn Mowing.
Lawn mowing with tho hand machine,
whenever practicable, should be done
soon after the grass lias been well
washed by a rain, and the grit and dust
removed which so often dulls the cutting
blades. For the same reason set the
knives so as to cut rather high, avoiding
the sand near the ground, allowing the
grass stronger roots and better growth
than by clee cutting. This advice is
is given by Country Gentleman.
Floral Notes.
Polyautha roses bloom profusely and
continuously, embrace a variety of color
and are more or less fragrant.
Hardy pyrethums form valuable ad
ditions to the list of hardy herbaceous
The Thomas Hogg hydrangea bears
white flowers.
The Florists' Exchange says of the rose
Mmo. Pierre Uuillot: "It is a beauty,
and its petals of yollowish cream, tinted
and edged with carmine, mark it as a
superb flower for decoration and a ready
: -s
Legislation Assnmlsg Shape Attempt to Stop
Movement of Htock From One County to
Another Heppner's Charter Looked
After A Muve to Legalise Election.
Special to the Gazette.
Legislation is now assuming shspe in
both houses. Wednesday's work was
mostly that of resolutions, and bills for
second and third reading, though some
new bills were presented in both the sen
ate and the house. Two senate and three
bouse bills were passed, all relating to
incorporations, enlargement ot oily lim
its and charter amendments. Thursday's
session was a short one, very little matter
of any interest invited the attention of
either branch, exoeptiug perhaps the bill
whioh was presented in tbe bouse to le
galise Heppner's special election, though
this was, of course, only of local interest.
In the senate Blackman moved that tbe
courtesies of tbe senate be extended , to
0. A. lilies, president of tbe First Nation
al Bank, ot Heppner, and that he be in
vited to a seat within tbe bar. Mr.Itbsa
then oooupied a seat beside tbe senator
duriDg tbe remainder of tbe session.
Both houses adjourned at noon until
Monday at 2 p. m. In the mesutime the
committees appointed for tbe examioa
tion of the state Institutions, locks, port
age, soda springs, eto., will lake advant
age ot the vaoatien and visit and inspect
je varieus places and prepare their re
port tor the early part ot next week's
session. i
a gourd is securely fastened and lined
with tinfoil to prevent tha moisture
from leaking through. It Is (hen filled
with sphagnum or moss and the flowers
arrayed therein.
In making tlie baskets two or three
can be combined in one group, one for
live ferns and two for flowers. The old
fashioned dipper gourd and the Her
cules' club are the test for the larger
vases. The gourds form a numerous
family, and are exceedingly dissimilar
in character, thereby affording a wide
selection as regards size and form. They
should be planted in different parts of
the garden, and will grow in almost any
odd place where nothing else will suc
ceed. As a rule, after the strawberry bed
has given two full crops it should be
ar,all or clowed down, a new one in
the meantime having been prepared to j
take its Dhv.
Everything was merry in the senate
Weduesday morning and each member
took advantage ot every opportunity to
get olf a joke or pun ou uuotbur. When
absolution was read providing lor a
oomiuittoe of three to visit, examine and
test the stale's soda springi over iu Lino
oounty, Senator Cogswell, of L.ike coun
ty, and, by tbe way, the deinooratio
wueel-horse ot Southern Oregon, ex
pressed himself of the opinion that such
a committee would be of little use, but
if it were thought advisable to sen J
over three to test the many good quali
ties of the springs, be believed iu giving
all a chance to test tbeir virtues, so sug
gested that tbe oommittee be increased
to 3j from the senate aud i0 from the
house. Several demoorats snugested
that only republicans be sent to tbe
springs as only water was to be tested.
Seuutor McUiun, of Portland, took ad
vantage ot this leader and suggested that
' Representative Brown is also looking
after the interests of his section in an
appropriate manner, Immediately upon
learning that Heppner's bonds had not
been disposed of to tbe Portland parties,
owing to a technical error, be at oi.ee
presented s bill ia the bouse to legalise
the eleokiau for the issuance of bonds to
supply tbe town of Heppner witb wster.
Should this measure pass, aa it will with
out opposition, there will then be no ne
cessity of another election aa some bare
feared and some hoped. Mr. Brown's
bill also provides for tbe amendment of
Heppner's oburter, where an error in the
puuotuatiun ocours which entirely
changes tbe meaning and effect from
what was intended.
Representative King, of Malheur ooun
ty, presented a measure in tbe house
providing (or tlie distribution of ibe mon
ey derived from the five percentum of the
sales of publio lands within tbestate pro
portionate to tbe area of tquure miles in
each oounty, said distribution to be used
for tbe building aud improving of tho
publio roads aud bridges. Senator Black
man has also presented the same bill in
the senate. Should this measure become
a law, Morrow county would reoeivefrom
the said fund about $5,000 and Grunt
couuty about $7,000. Now since the
governor has pronounced wagon roud
bills unconstitutional, and the supreme
oourt sustained bim in tbe decision, this
seems to be about the next best step,
and one in the right direction, and will
. undoubtedly pass. ,,.,.
Senator Cogswell has presented bill
in the senste providing for tbe preven
tion of driving or transportation of ani
mals from one oounty to another for tbe
purpose of herding or grazing tbe same
on the puulio or unenclosed lands with
out first obtsining from the county clerk
a lioense or permit for tbe ssme, for
which be shall oollecl from 6 to 25 cents
per head as tbe oounty oourt may deoida.
Should this bill become a law it would
become a great drawback, bindranos and
nuieanoe to the s took men ot Morrow, as
well as many other oonntiei of Ibis state.
though as measures similar to this one
have been presented at almost every ses
sion of the legislature and defeated, it is
quite likely that the Cogswell measure
will meet tbe same fate.
Your representative, in company with
Messrs. C. A. Rhea, of Heppner, and T.
J. Williams, ot Lonz Greek, bed the
pleasure of visiting Oregon's slate peni
tentiary Wednesday, and , was shown
throughout every part of it, also the stove
foundry whioh is run in oonnsction with
same, where conviot labor is employed.
Tbe total number of prisoners now con
fined there is 87a, moat of whom looked aa
though they were enjoying their rasuions.
Among the numbar met were Stall, of
Heppner, sndCs) Smitb.of Grant county.
Wo also learned that Joe Veal sod Mai
Churoh were getting along very nicely,
though we did net gelto talk witb them.as
they were with Ibe shift that was al work
in tbe foundry. Here you see tbe work
of stove manufacturing, moulding, nick
eling, putting together, boxing and load
ing for shipment in the various apart
ments of the building. Supt. Donning
seems to have every thiug perfect uudtr
bis muuagement, aad in all a very etli-
oient officer.
Was present at tbe preliminary hear
ing of li. 0. Carter, alias Rose, who was
arrested here ss a fugitive fium justice
from Missouri, where be killed a man,
aud while being ouutlued in jail nUo kill
ed tbe guard and esouped. Althuugh it
ia not )et positively kuown that this mau
arrested is Carter, yet several responsi
ble parties of this oouuty recoguiztj him,
notwithstanding the fuot that six years
have elapsed since the deed was enm
mitteil. However whether guiliy or not
a look at this man's face is sutliaieut to
oouviuce any uue thut be is uiaile of the
proper muterial to commit snob a doed.
Job Lots.
8a LKat, Or., Jan. 20, 'U3.
The only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; Vo Alum.
Used in Millions Homi 40 Years the Standard