Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 20, 1893, Image 4

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On Sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. Iotils,
ebst, nw m am
Leaves Ileppner, 8 a. m. Arrives
6:50 p. m.
Pullman Mleei)eri
Colonist Bleeper
Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
BUamera Portland to Han Fmuoiso
every (iar day,.
For ram and general information call on
Depot Ticket Agout,
Heppner. Orefon.
W. B. BUBLBUKT. Asst (Jen., l'au. Agt.
JM Washington Bt.,
PnaTi.san. Oaaoow.
From Terminal or Interior Poiuts 11).
Is the line to take
11 IK Uin I'llliUKi Hr i' nm. n imiio iiiuua.f
Testibuled Trains every day in t) e jear to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No Change of OiirB)
Composed or DINING CARS unsurimssed,
Of Latest Equipmru-
TouristSleping Cars
Best that can be constructed mid in which ac
eommiHlafioi s an ImHIi tree and furnished foi
holder of tint or second-class tickets, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
A Continuous Line oounectiuu with hI
Line, allordiuif Direct and Uninter
rupted Service.
Pullman Sleeper Henervatinnt can L.
Secured in advance thnmuh
any ugent of the ruad.
To and from el points In Amer'ca, KiikIm .it
and Kurop can be purchased ai any Ticket oliioi
of this Coinpauy.
Full information oonoerninn mtes. rirui
of trams, route and other details
furuiulied on application to any
agent, or
Assistant Oetieriil l'liaaenifer Aiieni
Ko. til tHrst St., Vor. H'tmmiffim,
tf. I'UHTI.AM) ORMiUfi
IVo Will Give Away fibso
.Intel) Free, ol co-,1. a i elo
gaol blaik or colored Silk
I ltjei.it patient ot It, yarns n
any voting lauv in every
town In AmiTlrH, who it-
I v 1 1 1 1 K to introduce Tilt.
. lHiVxt.lHH.lt lll.HT," a
1h rge s page. 10 column II
. Insiratcd household and
A 111 J 1 J .
farm Journal, one of tbe best pnblLhed, now it.
Itl Itth year. We nuiko this great oiler in ortlel
to introduce, our paper at o ce Into ninny thou
aaud new homes. He mire lottetid 25 eenlt, tor the
pape r one year on tllul and sample of nil to
viet from.
PILOT l'l'lt. C.
Ma .') Center St., New Haven, It.
Old 1r. lh-iiniiiinnd
After years of piitieni study ami i xperi
men! baa i-iveu to tl e- wiiiM a prtpnra.
tmn wliuth in hu Hlisoliile ami -a-riiiniieni
enre for every kind of rlieiitiialis i. A-V
four drniiKtnla for it. Toe prine i tfo
but it ia a large bottle and will relit-v.
tbe worat oaae from the tirat doaa. II
yon are. ofTored aouiotliiiiK elae, write di
rect aud we ill send .ton a liniHe lit
eipteea prepaid. D'tiiiinionil Mi iln itn
Oi, 48 50 Maideu Lue, New l'"'k
Aiienla wauted CI
Tbe miit-t popular Hitd beat known
weekly uewf piiper priutt'd iu tints ccuulr)
ii tbe Toledo Itlade. For more ll.i.i'
twenty yrara it haa bad a lirotilntiou i t
l(XI,0UOtu 200.CHK), K"i"K reunlarly into
every ataie and territory ot the tiuimi
From tiiteen to twenty five tone of prim
paper U couaimed iueni b week'a edition,
ud ia reiiuluily mailed to more tbau
balf the piiatofliitea of the United Stntea
It il peculiar fact that tbe Blade is tbe
only weekly newannper published that
has rrular atibarriliera in all iiartsof tin
United Statea. It la editl with aecial
referenoe to tlm wants of all people in
II sections. It is also m nle to intervnt
every member of the fnuily lleaidea
II the news of the world, it haa Serial
and Short Stories, Wit and Humor, 1',,
etry, Camptire, Farm, Sunday olpail
Lsaon, Yoimif Folks, Poultry, Puzzlee,
Household, Auawera to Oorrespondents,
etc. Asnapeoml feature for 1S'.3, Mr
Kobiaon Liieke, i ilitor Hinl proprietor ol
Ibe lllade, baa juat sailed for Japan, and
will eoulributv a aeries of illustrated
letters nn the maimers and ruatouis of
that peculiar o ointry aud i'a people.
T' eee arltelea will tw nuuiiienoed wime
time iu Febtnar) or Maioh, and will lie
worth lo luv readers of tbe Ulade many
times tbe subscription nrioe. Ever)
reader of Ibis paper is invited to send for
a specimeu copy. Tli pnhlii-ber of tbe
Blade would be iflad to send a specimen
eopy to every reader in this cmuitrv.
Hnhsi r ntion nrioe ot tbe Ulade, one
dollar a year. Five dollars in cash will I
be pai to any person seudinu in a small
Inb ef subscribers. Write for nuenls'
terms, tiitiiiK particulars. Address ' lbe
iilnle. Toledo, Ohio."
Toe Ulade and Keiui-Weekly Oni-lta
to new sub'cribers, ai d I" old subecnb
ri paying iJ advance, S3 26. sw
Northern Pacific
To all PointsKast and South
Mums ixTEiiioit.
Thofttfht to Co Storod with Pro
oioua Motola.
Sohsme ef Co i?mi to lnvmtlirati
Uu Matter nr IXorln for te
Ailaernli Work la
A seientiflo tshemo of mnch Impor
taniws has been aoitatod In Washing-tor
recently, says the Star. Dmiti f t!
last two congresses there have been i
number of representatives and two oi
three senators who have used their in
fluenco in favor of an a;;ropri:it ion f i
boring a hole in the earth several rail
in depth. It has lon;r been reeo rni.:
that an inconceivable amount of vali
In the shape of precious metals nv.
other mineral substances ia loc'.ied v.
out of reach beneath the crust 't.f t
planet. All the rubes da r out of it r.
resent merely tho most superficial am
ineffective scratching of the surface.
Once render accessible the internal re
cesses of the sphere and it is plain thtf.
every human beinpr mi'ht be a thousanc
times a M onto Crista.
(Jeoloists arc agreed that the inte
rior of the earth is largely co:npo'.l o
metals. Whereas the surfaec imtttr o
the planet wcijhs only about two an
one-half times as much as water, it i
known as a fact that toward the cjnte;
the average weight of t'lin'js is cljve:
times that of water. This i:i due to the
circumstance that while this sublunar-,
orb was coolinj and conden-jinf t!r
heavier particles sought the middlt"
Therefore it is probablo that the rjren
mass of tho sphere is iron. I!ut then
arc other metals more heavy than iron
and these would naturally form an a.
cumulation immediately about the on
terof tho plobo. Amon r them may b.
mentioned most important snld. Oeolo
;rist Gilbert, of tho geological survej
said the other day that ho would rathei
expect to And n vast accumulation o
?old at that point than anywhere else
his notion bcinj that such of tho yellov.
metal as is found on tho surface of th
earth is only an accidental dctritu-.
However, there are two or threo sub
stances known even more weighty that
fold, and ono of them is platinum
which has doubled in market valu
within the last year or two, owin'tc
the increased cost of production.
So it is not unreasonable that certain
members of congress and other person
of keen judgment should consider th
advisability of boring a hole in tin
earth for tho purpose of extractor
somo of its metallic contents. Fo.
seientiflo purposes a pit has recently
been sunk at Spelhrr. in Germany, to
tho depth of a mile. Unfortunately,
water has been struck, and no results
which add very materially to human
':nowlede have thus far been obtained.
Ynother well has been driven at Wheel
ing, W. Va., as far down as three-quarters
of a mile, it is dry and the borin;;
process is proceeding at the rate oi
about ten fe-jt a day. The management
will bo disgusted if oil or something i
not struck before the hole comes out
tho antipodes and somebody tumble:
into it at tho other end.
No roally seiontilic person has been
so foolish as to ima-fine that possible
results, commercially speakin.T.coulcl be
secured without di.ffinj much farthei
than this. Estimate is made that a
twenty miles from tho surface of tin
earth every known substance metah
oeks and nil becomes fused anc
ictuid. Once let this point be reached,
md naturally whatever is below mttsl
ipout up of its own accord, without ex
pense of mi.'liiitf. Immediately the
price of metals in the market would be
-educed to little or nothing and a new
tyc would dawn upon civilization. Il
'ins been su'T(,rested that such an arti
ficial conduit would be, to all intents
and purposes, a volcano, but any dan
Tors which it would otherwise threaten
miht bo obviated easily by establish
ing the worlci on tin open prairie.
llonr a i;l follow Tuintilo I Overboard
nod Lout Ills i-e:h.
An nmusing accident happened one
day lat week to a participant in a sail
inff party at liar Harbor, tho true in
wardness for which is even yet un
known to the other members except
)ne, snys the New York World. There
were four couples. Among them was
a charming voting widow whoso little
boy was Icept carefully in tho back
ground. Her escort was a big, brawny,
Tood-nntured fellow, for all tho world
like the ideal man thS lorn woman
.vould cling to. The boat ran a consid
erable distance out, and thou tho happy
pairs nestled closer to each other, con
versation lagged and became half
whispered. The widow and her beau
were in the shadow of the sail. A gust
of wind caused the craft to roll and in
stantly a heavy splash startled the ex
cursionists from their reverie. The
big fellow hud fallen overboard. lie
was lishcd out, but tho sudden morose
ness which ho had apparently ac
quired iu tho water mado him a
veritable damper on the company and
tho party was headed toward the
shore. Tho unfortunate took the ex
press north the next day. The widow,
learning ho had gone, told a friend iu
(Treat confidence and with many blushes
that tho poor man was just about tf
kiss her when the boat rocked, und ir
his excitement his false teeth becumr
loose and sank in the sea. Sho knew
it, for she saw them flash in tho moon
litfbt ere they disappeared forever.
There is more catarrh in this section of
the oouiitr than all other diseases put
toirether, and until the last few vears
was suppose I to be incurable. For a
ureal many years doctors pronounced it
a loonl disease and prescribed local rem
ediea. and bv oonalantly failing to cure
with local treatment, pronounced it in
curable. Science baa proven catarrh tn
be a constitutional ilieae. and therefore
requires constitutional treatment. Mali's
Oatarrb thtre, manufactured by F.J.
Cheney A Oo . Toledo, Olii.i, is tbe only
constitutional cure on tbe market. It is
taken internnllv in d 'aea from 10 drops
to a tvaspniinfiil. It sets directly on the
hl'ind and mnootis surfaces of the sys
tem. Tliey offer one hundred dollars for
any case it fail to pure. S-nd forciron
lara aud testimonials- Address.
F J. CitRNtT & 'o., Toledo, O.
tySold by drugirtsis. 7io. 7
' A Itrwanl of f,00
Will lie paid for any oasa of rhenniatism
which cannot b cured by Dr. Dnm-
mood's Liiibrnintr remedv. This nff-r i
made in ifood faith by tbe proprietors.
and there is no reasonable eionae for any
one to suffer lontrer. An ordinary case
wid be cured by one bottle, and it is
poor eoountny lo mttTer when relief can
be sei-nred so certainly. Tbe price of a
bottle i $.", and that is the iW of a ou-e.
I'mntnionil oedieine Co., 4 DO Maiden
Lime, Now Yotk. A units wauted. CI
Kipaus Tubules euro luusca.
' .ua tjueor lilUiiiT. 1 1 toe of a Cejirar'i
I Every day for years past might hav
I bee ud the steps of the church o1
St. Sulpi.e, writes the Paris corre
spondent of a London contemporary, s
, venerub'e mendicant with a bump or
i hi& back, -which, by tho way, did not
I d'-t-iish tit, a ayo. out, on the eon
' trary, rrrow In a most abnormal man
ner. It was not until the beg-frar was
gathered to his fathers that an ex
planation of the phenomenon was forthcoming-.
Pore Antoino was a canny
old man who did not make ducks and
drakes of tho alms which he received,
lie spent very littlo and invested his
steadily increasing capital in shares,
which, with a certain amount of gold
and silver,' he kept in a batr securely
tied over his ragged coat. Mysteriouf
hints as to the importance of his sav
ings led several people to show him
considerable attention, and among them
was a neighbor to whom he hod promised
the whole of his little fortune. A few
months ago he was taken ill suddenly,
and one night while delirious he
jumped out of a window and so put an
end to his days. The neighbor im
mediately possessed himself of the bag
and found that it contained share cer
tificates and money to the amount of
nearly twenty thousand dollars. Un
luckily, however, for him he soon as
certained that I'cre Antoino had two
relatives to whom he had bequeathed
his savings in a will. Tho good neigh
bor sent them tho contents of the bag,
With the exception of four thousand
dollars which ho retained for himself,
and the words: "Your uncle is an old
rascal" whi.-h he forwarded on a piece
of note paper with tho parcel led tc
his discovery. He was prosecuted foi
theft and was condemned to two years
And tbe Fittnons Man Milliner Felt Bit
Dignity Seriously Outraged.
Every man has his price, though it Is In
the case of renowned persons occasion
ally high. No man understands this bet
ter than Worth, the man milliner, at
any woman who wears his confection!
can vouch for. There is a good story,
says the New York Recorder, told ol
how one misguided woman ventured tc
remonstrate with tho faiseur de chif
fons because he charged her six hundred
dollars for a dress, which at first sight
seems to ordinary people rather an inex
pensive gown.
"The material," said tho lady, "conld
be bourht for one hundred dol
lars, and surely the work of making up
would bo well paid with twcnty-flve
dollars more."
'Madam," replied the outraged tailor,
In his loftiest manner, "go to M. Con
stant, the painter, and say to him:
'Here is a canvas and colors, value one
dollar. Paint ine a picture on that can
vas with these paints and I will pay
you thirty-three and one-third cents.'
What will bo the answer? 'Madam,
- no payment for an artist' No,
but I say more. If yon think my terms
aro too high koep tho dress and pay me
nothing. Art does not descend to the
pettiness of haggling."
History does not record the lady's re-Ply-
How a Poor Ynuiit- Man Got a Diamond
j for Ills (ilrl.
I A charming girl had a fine pair of
solitaire diamond earrings and she lost
one of them to her infinite sorrow. She
could not find it anywhere, and after
months of grief and spasmodic search
she resigned herself to doing without
diamond earrings. Having lost the
mate of it she did not know what to do
with a single stone, but she was full of
womanly invention. She was engaged
to a struggling young man without
money except what he earned, and un
able to bestow diamonds upon his
fiancee. One day, says the New York
Press, sho was walking with her sweet
I heart, and suddenly pausing she pointed
! to a point of light in the street and said:
, "What is that a diamond?" He stopped
i and picked it up with delight and sur
prise. "I suppose whoever lost such a
gein will advertise it," he said. "Well,
you keep it," said Bhe, "until it Is ad
vertised for, and if it is not you can
have it set In a ring for mo." She
wears tho ring now and he docs not
know yet why that diamond was not
, idvertised for or that his sweetheart
I lroppod it in the stroet for him to find
uid have set into the ring she knew he
was not uble to buy.
J Itallim Itrltfands.
The Infamo Lcggo, which was dis
covered a short time ago in Andria, is
nn organization similar to tho Mala
Vita, although far less notorious. The
confiscation of its account books in the
house of a member led to the revelation
of interesting details of Its manage
ment. A caudid'ito for membership
received instruction in fencing and
shooting for two dollars monthly. After
acquiring the necessary amount of skill
for his murderous calling he became a
"neophyte." The chief, during the cer
emony of admission, cut the candidate
iu the breast with a dagger, and then
the candidate, with his hand on tho
bloody weapon, swore loyalty to the
society. The steps of promotions were
indicated by the titles "neophyte,"
"regi-lar," "the initiated" and "chief."
In liarletta tho Infamo I.cgge had a
woman's branch organization. The
first arrest of members of the society
took place on June 'JO in Andria. In
one hour fifty of these declared high
waymen and murderers were captured,
and the work of hunting them down is
atill in progress. Tbe name of the soci
ety uaeuus literally "infamous law."
Aa Enemy Hunted.
There is an enemy with whom thnu
snnda are familiar all their lives, because
they are horn with a tendency to bilious
ness. With this enemv they are Con
stantly batllititf wiili in ff ct.ial wesnons.
Hosteller's stom ich bit ers will baffle it.
Mere purgatives will not reform a dis
ordered condition of the liver indicated,
not by constipation, alone, but also by
sick headaches, yellowness of the skin
and ejehatla, nausea, furred tonuue
ami uneasiness, more particularly npou
pressure nn tbe rihfht side, upon and be
in the ehott r bs. Avoid ilrartio purna
tives which yripe and weiken the intes
tine", and substitute this world f-tmnus
anti-bilious oordial, which likewise re
moves malarial, stomachic aud kidney
complaints, rheumatism ami nervous
ness. As a laxative of the bowels, pain
less but . fleolual, it improves appetite,
sleep and the ability tn diif'st, and pos
sesses tbe additional advantage of a
staudard t inc.
Collin & McFarland have just received
a car ,oail of Miicbell Wawons, Hacks,
etc. nno have also a large supply of fanu
intr ion 'omenta of sit kind, a
Kipau Tabula arc uJwaj t rtadj.
bda aoainst LidN.
tb Caalne Woa nnd Ills Oirn-r Poeketed
Several Hundred Dollars.
The recent attempt of Texas men to
get np a fight between two bull-dogs
and a puma reminds mo of a queer pro
ceeding in our old mining camp in Ne
vada, write a correspondent of tho
New York Sun, There wcro plenty of
mountain lions prowling around in thoso
days, and one ell day wo set a dead
fall in hopes to make a capture Tho
fall" was a heavy log which was in
tended to break tho lion's back, but one
night a varmint was caught in such a
way that ho was simply hold down and
not a bit ini'in-d. He was full grown
and as savne as a meat axe, and wc
had an awful time getting him down to
camp and caged up. We calculated on
selling him for a good round sum, but
after about a week along camo a man
with tho meanest looking cur dog nt his
heels you ever saw. Tho r.nira.l -'tis
gaunt, wild-cyed. homely and awkward,
and ho didn't weigh over twelve pounds
at the most. The man had heard about
jur lion, and after looking him over ho
"Boys, hero seems to bo an opportun
ity. I think my dog can lick yi-ur lion
Inside of five minutes."
You could have heard xn latt'vh and
yell a mile away, but the man pre-c-rvod
a very serious face and added:
"Anybody kin holler, but money talks.
Oentlcmon, 1 11 bet a hundred cve;i that
my dog licks your lion!"
Wc jumped onto him awfully rapid
under that proposition, and when ho of
fered to make it two hundred dollars
we jumped tho faster. After tho stakes
were up we set about fi::ing for tho
fight. There wa? a natural sink near
by about as largo as a circus tent, but
as wo had no way to incloso it wo had
to get a collar around our lion's neck
and send seven miles for a chain to
hold him. By the use of f orked sticks
and blankets ws pot him out of tho
cage and chained him to a stake In the
oen'.er of tho sink. My! but wasn't ho
rip-.ring madl Ho rolled over an lovcr
1,0 stood on end ho howled and
screamed, and nono of us would havo
gone within reach of him fo'.- a thou-
sand dollars.
I Tho fight, was set for Sunday, and
there wer-. four hundred men there,
j At nine o'clock In tho morning every
I thing was ready, and the master of
ceremonies announced:
j "Gentlemen, the bet in that this 'ere
' dog licks that 'ere lion in five mlnits."
The owner , f the doer ,!vnr" vith
the canine umter his arm, : id the lion
screamed. The dog was Hung at him,
and then wonderful to relate, tho lion
gave him one look and turned tail. The
i dog ran him five times around that
rink, biting at his heels, and then,
scared half to death, the big beast
twisted his head out of tho collar,
broke through the crowd and dusted
for tho cedars. The dog ran him out of
sight, and then came back as if nothing
had happened.
"Gentlemen, the dog wins!" shouted
tho referee, and the stakes were handed
Wo offered the man one hundred dol
lars to explain how it was done, but he
"I couldn't do it for a thousand,
'cause I don't know. All I know is
that every thing gets out of his way."
And not one of us could fiver foel
satisfied as to why that raffing old lion
turned coward the way he did.
jr-" Chinese fciucr In CallTnra..
California grape-growers are said to
be feeling the stoppage of Chinese im
migration severely. There has bxn a
constant drift eastward of the Chinese
from California, until now there are not
enough left to do tho work required of
them. In most industries white labor
can be substituted, but among grapL
growcrs this is not possible, as white
men cannot do tho work that China
men have hitherto performed. No
one can realize, unless ho has bad ac
tualexperiencchow delicately the celes
tials handle fruit, and how roughly it ia
treated by whites. In shipping grapes
out of forty boxes packed by Chinnmen
only ono on an average is injured
while ono out of twelve is spoiled b
whiU! handling.
Hoo.len' Arnica ."aire.
Tbe best salve in the wiir'd f i cntF
binises, sores, ulcers, salt rb urn. f vei
sores, tetter, chapped bands, nhid laiiis
ooriis anil all skin etnptions, nnd pis
lively enres piles, r no pay n qnind I
a uuaratiteeri to give perfect atisf cim
or more) refunded. Price 25 oeiits pi-i
box. For sale by Slootiin-J dmaou Dm.
Ono Smnfl Win llenn evi ry nnrlit for a
week aruusu Torpid Livcit. :&. t.-r bouie.
Fat People.
The only safe aud reliable treatment
f'.r obesity, or sniietfliioiia fat, is tin
Leverette" Oliesity Pills, which uradn
lly reduce the weight and measurement.
No injury or inconvenience leavea no
wrinkles nets by absor lion. 'I bin cure
ia fonudi d upon tbe most sci?ntiHo pr.n
tuples, and hat been used by one of the
moat eminent pbsioiaDa of Europe in
his piiv-te practice "for fivejeais" with
'he most iiratifyieg resnl'a. Mr Henry
Perkins, 29 Union Park, Boston, writes:
"From the lis i f tbe 'Levere-lte' obesity
pills my weiiibt has been reduoed ten
pounds in three weeks and my teu,rnl
nealtb ia very mnch improved. Tbe
iirinciples ol onr treatment are fully in
dorsed ly my family pbysioian. In proof
of my gratitude I herewith give jon per
miaeiou to uae mv name if yon desire to
do so." Ptbie tfiOf) per package, or three
pack ges for 85 UO by mail. All otdera
sni plied direct from nr office. The
Lkvkkfttk Spfcifio Co., 175 Tremout
ritieet Boston, .Mine.
Cared at Honir la Tea Pays liy Adailnis-
leriiux Dr. Malaes' (ioldra h- ilir.
It cau br giveu in a glass of beer, aonp
of ooffee or tea, or in food, without the
knowledge of the patient. It is absolute
ly harmless, and will i fleet a permanent
and speedy cure, whether the patient is
a moderate diinkeror an aleohobe wreck.
It has been given in thousands of ease,
and in every instance s perfect cure bus
followed. It never fails. 'Jhe system
once impregnated with the specific, it
becomes an niter impossibility for the
liquor anpetile to rxiat. Cures guaran
teed. 48 page Imok of particulars free.
Address the QoLPBN bl'SXUFlc Co., 185
Kace Street, Cim-iunali. Ohio.
W brre?
At AbrHhamKick'n, Iu addition to his
tailoring" buaiueen, he hn ndded ft fine
Ihip of atulerwcHr of nil kinds, neK)itre
shirts, hosiery, etc. Alto but no baud
PutDH elettmit pHtteron for enits. A.
Ahrabaiaaipk. Mhv ulrfft, Heppner, r.
SBtiKUaKKH. Ed B.rbeck. ii ehoeniak
er nnd lenNuer tf tDHny yeHr' expert-
enoe, baa juat hoatwl in the, Abraham
aiok i i iUtniif. on May etrt, where he
it. prei nred to do evpij thintf in Id line.
HirlitH-k ia mnrtly a firHt olaaa work ,
niai, and warrautn all work. Give hiai a
call. Hit
scrofulous humor
In the blood,
ulcers, catarrh, and
Tho most
safe, speedy, and
effective of all
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
nr)rirf li'ttT nr noKt 'I rnrt If
I0HN W5i RaURiw. M-maiiiig Attorney,
.-' lBf t Pi '"nri -i I Siliors 'isAhi"'l In ,r,p Mrmof
intv n the reirnlar Armyrr jVp'-v (slnce'tv war.
urvlvoM of Tndim war of f 1H42, Tid
tb Ir nidowB-noir 1'iit'tlPd. O'darirl relfr-tt-rl cJ-iims
steel )v. Ti-niManrU entitled to M'-rter rtei.
'eni for riw laws- charge for advice. No fee
I j Di't-diiber r. lssi'2 votice In hcreiiy iriven
hut tlie lollnu loir mimed settler Inn. tiled notice
il his Intention to make tllml proof III iinrt
ol his i-liiim. noil that fiiiil pronl Mil he niuile
,ie fore V. It Kills I '..in f. . i Ircnlt Court at
ileppner. Ur . on Jannnrv '21. IKtw xl..:
.Ill-Ki ll W. HKOTOH,
lid. Nn. 1M7. lor the MVIj sec. 21), Tn. 2, S It 27,
K. W. M.
He tinmen the follow loir u itnerM1!. tn prove hi
continuous rehiileiue upon and cnltivution of.
Mtid lnnd. ix.:
Nel-on Jones. Frnnk Blnnn. W. (1. lioyer and
J. N Elder, ullof Ileppner. tiMTon.
aiO-fioO A. 0 KAVKlt, Ifeirlster.
j Notice of Intention.
I ' December 17. Iwr. Notice li hereby iiiveit
: Hint the follou iiip-titimctl settler tins, till d notice
of lili-Iniention to niMke flnsl proof In support
of his ehiini. mid that soiel proof will lie made
before J. W. Morrow-. County Clerk, at Ileppner.
, ur., on riiitunlrtv Kebruarv 1, isi;t, viz.:
I Afoivrrs tayloh,
ltd. Application ho. 2i.CC for Hie NE! of Pec. 31.
I p. 2, s It -ft, K W M
He names the follow Ine witneiseli to prove his
coniiinious resilience upon auu cuiuiauon oi.
mid hind, viz.:
O. E. I nnisuortli. W. F. Duttnn. A. A Wren
and It. J. Howard, all of Ileppner. Oregon.
&5-.rt6 Julia . Ltwis. i.euigter.
liotice of Intention.
J Pec itl, ls'.ri. Notice Im lieieby iiiven that
the following-named settler bus tiled notice of
his intention to ituike tilinl proof in support of
lits clniin. nnd that snid proof wilt he inmle he
fore W. K. I llis. l.s. Commissioner nr Ileppner,
Oregon, on Wednesday Feb lo. Is!:i. viz.:
Mll.ltiN S. MAXW F.I.I.,
lid. AppllcHtion No. 2Mfi. lor I ots I sod 2, and
K'-i N VVI, of a c.l, 'I P S. It 21 IS W M.
He names the follow in); w ttnesses uiprove tils
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
laid Intnl. vi.:
N. K McAsy, T. V. tJrnham. Jflcob .lohnson
and F M. liol'mes, all ol t;ooneberry. oreuou.
5.V)-5ti.r) John u. Lkwik, bculster.
. January 2, 1 '.:?. .Notice Is hereby given
that the following-named set ier lias tiled notice
oi his intention to make final prot In support
of bis claim, and that said proof will l-e made
before the County t lerk of Morrovi County, at
Ileppner, OreiiOii, on Feb. l:t. I!2. i. :
J. II n Mi cl I.I.Ol oil.
D S No. 101CO lor the Fl'jSWt. and SW14 NWH
and Ntt ( ntt ! fee -.0, 1 p S, 8 K 2s, K. W. M.
He names the follow ing w itnesses tn ptovellls
continuous resilience upon and initiation of,
said land. tz.:
James W. Leahey, Mat Hughes. Arthur Daly
and V. (j. gcott, ull of ileppner, Oregon.
A. Clkavpm,
55t'.-560 kegistcr.
of t ireg for the county of Morrow'.
O. W. Harrington, ad-1
mitilstmtor of the es
tate 01 James.-tea art,
Deceased, l-laintilt'. (SUMMONS,
G. W. Stewart. I
Defendant. J
TO G. W. 8TEWAUT, Defendant :
In the name of the ;tnie of Oregon. Yon are
hereby lequired to appear and answer the com
plaint Hied airainst you In the above-entlied
action, on or before the 27ih day of March, 1MI3,
that being the first day of the next regular term
of said court. And if you ,o fail tn answer, for
want thereof the plaintiff will take judsmeut
against von tor the sum of Five Hundred snd
Eighty-Mlie and 7t)-!tX) (IViNl 7U-1W) Dollars,
w ith interest from December '21. lM'.d, at Tei. iier
cent, per annum, aud rdxty Dollats attorney s
fe s. And the sum of Six Hundred and Fifty
Dollars and interest from April 10. Istn.st
Ten percent, per annum and f-ixly-Five Dollars
attorney', lees and costs and disbursements of
this action.
This summons is served by publication, to
order of Hon. W. L BradsliHW. judge of said
court, made ill chambers 011 December :il. latrj.
55(1-71 w Attorney lor lialutlir
tiraude, Oregon, Jan 9, 1S'.1:. complaint
having been emored at this oltiee by henry
Mosaic sgaiust Luther Baldwin for abandoning
his homeBtead eutrv No. 4llti, dated March
ls8, upon the K1 NM'ii Sec. 20, slid the K4
SWVi See. 17. Tp ;. S It a.', E. W. M . In I'tiiatllls
cotuity. t tregon ; w ith a view to thecancc Llaiion
ol said entry the said parti, s are hereby sum
moned 10 appear at the office of W ill C. Sltuison,
at Pilot tiock, Oregon, on the 1st day of .March,
iNiM. at 10 o'clock, a. 111., to respond and furnish
testimony concerning said alleged abandon
ment, to he used at the final hearing lit this
ottice on the 2t'th day of March, IMlit, at ten
o'clock 11. m.
It is further ordered that this notice be served
by publiearion lor four consecutive weeks In
the Ileppner (iarette. and by posting upon the
tract as in United States lain) cases.
tii-71 A. c. Mi Ci.s:i.i.a: d. Receiver.
Partnership exfstli g between J. A. Wtail
ery, 8 w, Adams. Ed. Cox and s. H. Cox, un
der the fir in name id J. A V tailery A i 'o., was
diuohetl Mny 16, ir, hy mutual couseiit, J. A.
Woolery retaining the business st lone, i r. col
lecting all accounts due and paving all UhMU
ties ot said branch of Mi in s business, up to dnte
above-ineiitloned, the retualulug partners retain
ing the Hardiiieu bnetotss. collecting all ac
counts contracted hy said branch of the busi
ness up to Mid date. J. A. U mi sky,
M. W. A da us,
Ed 8. Cox,
K-rtO tt. H. Cox.
HARNESS Hop, stni'l and flttures Oood
btiritiicN; eMahlisbeil Iu the tnhlst of a
gotnl lariiilng and stoek-rsMng eonntrv.
Also (or Nile a goiNl bouse and iuu lou niih or
without the tMislitves i-Mpertv. Forlurther ln-
onuaiiou address Gaieite. Uppuer, Or. UA U
Cnttle t'ttwrtfri nnd r marked anahuwri above.
rJnrivB mi rittht .hoalifor.
Mv cuttle rr!K in lUnm-wand Umatilla enun.
w, I will 1 ay $UI.(1) for ihp Rrrwt ard cor.
ifiiontif hii (ft ci n fiiHlit-atrri tiirk.
( Northern Pacific R R. Co, Lessee)
Two Through Tra'ns Dai y.
U'.4"p u'fi 'jripiii lJv.Nltiiiu'npoliBAri).(iiiTii4.1"'pm
.:h,im7 l')iitil.v..r. l'Hiil....ArK.:fc Hini.H.Ojmi
; lrMinh.1.iiniLv...lHilutli. . .A rll 0" f.fiipm
'2 .ipiiiiT.'.'.Oimi.l.v. . Ai-IiIhikI. . Ar 'JOitmjH Utpin
7.l6diiilit.5,.'inilrr...(.hU'ttgo. .Lv 547hiu 0.4o"
'Hrkelf soltl nnd ImiKraEe rheckwl through to
nil d ints tn llie t'liilfd .-lMtoi hi id ada
inhe Ciiiii'i enou niune in tuiciiiiQ wjin an
tmi i ft Hi ill itr Khhi and South.
Knr full linorniatioii apply to your tteareBt
ttekct at;em or JA". '. I'ti.ND.
dpi- Pno. and Tkt. At chlcano. III.
v u ick 'i-j
Son 1 vet noisoo
Irid all points in ( alifi inia. via ibe Mt, btiaata
ronte f the
Southern Pacific Co.
hpfrreat hiirhway thmntth 'aldnrnia to all
point Khki and South, (irand Hcenic Houte
of the Pacific t 'oaat. rnHman Unffet
ISlwpera. Becord-f'UtMt ISleeperw
Attached to express trail's, affording pnperior
MCt'omniodatii'na for m-oi d-cias passengers.
Ki-r nt-a. ticketH. sleeping car rerervatlons,
tn. call nHin r address
K KoEHLKK. MatiHirer. K P. ROGERS. Asst.
ien K .VP Aet Portland, t-reiron.
Hilll h fUtAMlH.
While you keep your mirwpription paid up yet
can keep your brand in free of charge,
Alhn. T. .! . lone. Or. Horses GO nn left
-hoiihter: citille -Rnie in h-ft hip, nnderh'tnn
'ifhi enr. ai.d upmr hit on the left; range, Mor
r w cmi ty.
Arnir-tronir, .F. .. Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
ier t- on left ahonlder of horses; cattle same
n IpP- hip
Atliw.n. O. D Kitrht Mile. Or.-Cattle hrand.
Oloit tttft In) ami horses aauie brand on ruclit
honlder. liai'tfe Kik'ht ftlile.
Adkiua, J. J., Ileppner, Or, Ilon.nn, JA con
.- m oi i- f Hai k: rati le. Maine on left hip.
Ayers. Johnny. Lena, Dr. Uoraea branded
riHhjfieon leu hip: cattle amne on righi hip;
d crop off rit'h' maraud upper bit on same.
HartJiotmmw. A G. Alpine, r.--Ho.8Pe
braudtnl 7Kt,n either si oulder. l.ange in ilo -r
w i ouniy.
hieitkuihii. Opo., Harriiiian, Or. Xorsea, a flag
i.i left fhmihlpr' pHttln -niiip on right Hhoulder.
I Hiinifter.J. W II ard man, Or. Cattle brand
t'd R on left hip and iIiikIi: split in each ear.
llrenner. Pner, io Hpherry Oreuou Horses
tirHridnd P H on left ehoulder. Cattle Bume on
rit-'ht aioe
Hurke. M Bt C. Lnng t reek, Or On cattle,
MAY nuinuctpd on left hip. ciop off left ear. nn
der half emp off right, llorrtet. aame brand on
It-ifi ishouhk-r. Uange iu (Jrant and Morrow
lineman, Jerry, Lena. Or.- Horses branded 7
u riglit shnunhT; cattle H on ihe left aidw.
lifft phi IihIT crop and right ear upper hIoim,
Harton, Wm.( Heppner, Ur. -iloraea, J Bon
right ihu.i cattle, twiue on right hip; split in
urh ear,
Hrown, Iua, Lpxington, (r. Horse" IB on the
right ft itl e; cattle aauieou right hip; ruuge, Mor
row county.
limvMi.J .P, lieppnnr. Or. - Hornet and cattle
branded IS witt- ox-yoke al Hive on left shouhler.
Hrown, J. C, Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
t" w id- Htit in n - ter on lefi hip: cattle, i-aine.
Brown, W, J., Lena. Oregon. Horses W bar
over it, on the leir shoulder. Cattle siunc on left
Hoyer, W. O., Ileppner, Or. Horses, box
branu o- r g . hip cuttle, aaiue, with split in
each ear.
lioig. P.O., Heppner, Or. Horeee, P B on left
shiiultlr; cm tie. hhiiih on left hip.
Hrnwnloe. W. J., Vox.()r-ratUe, JH conneoted
on leFl witle; .Top on left ear and two splits and
middle p.ece cut out on right ear: on horses siune
briti.d on the lefl thigh; Hange iu Fox valley,
Untnt county,
( aisi er arren, Wi gi er r - Hoit?erj Vrat d
edtioti ligi.t st He; caiile E (tl ree burs) on
nghi ribs, urop hi drtplit id edch eur. Kaiigeiu
Grunt ai.ti .Morrow enmities.
Chili. h., i aleb.t.r.- 1 h un horses on left stifle;
U Wilh uuarler cucle over it, n left ehoulder,
and on lefl stitle on all colls under ft years; on
left ohonlder only on all horaea over 5 years. All
ruuge in Uraut couuiv.
Clark, Vm. H. Le a. Or. Horaef WHO con
net ted, on left thouloer: cattle wane on rhjlit
hip. Im ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
t ate, has. H Vinson ir Lena. Or. Horses
1 1 C on right shoulder; cattle aame on right hip.
liaime lloirow and Uuiatllla nounties.
Cecil, in.. Douglas Or.; horsea J (! on lef
shoulder; ca tie same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two b.ts in the right ear.
Curl, T. IL. John bay. Or. Doub e cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and uuder bit
in tight ear, split in lefl ear. Hange in lino it
county. On sheep, ii verted Aaud Hpenr point
ou shoulder, feiar uiarko.i ewes, cnp on left ear,
puuehed upper bit in right. Wethers, crop in
right and uuuer half crop m left ear. All range
iu Oram count v.
Cook, A. )Lena. r. Horses, Wion right shoal
Jei t attle, Hameon r glit hip: ear mark square
Ciop off left and split in right,
t urnn. K. Currinaviiie, Or. -llorses, CC on
left stitle.
Cox Ed- 8.. Hardman, Or. Cattle, C wit
ii center; liitres. C1l on left Sip.
Cochran, It. E Monument. Grant Co, Or.
llortee biandeO circle with bat beneath, on left
shoulder: cattle f-anie brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
t Li a pin, U. Hardman. Or. Horsea branded
- on right Ihp. Cattle branded the same.
Lick us, Lb l-oisett braid, d with lhwe
tine.. U.t ti 1. f i Mjfle Cat i le i-a ne ou leftside.
Uoouhd. Vm., ITeppner, Or. I.nie branded
OO with bai over thein, on lefl shoulder; cat
tle same ou lef) hip.
Oouglatta, W. M .Galloway, Or. Cattle, H Lon
right side, swtt low-fork in each ear; horse. K i)
on left hip.
Louglas,0. T., Dimilas, Or H or fee Tl on
the light stifle; cattle same on right hip.
Luncan, Y. P., John Uny, Or. Quarter circle
W ou right shoulder, both on horses aud cattle.
Uange Giant county.
hi), J. b.k bono, Douglas, Or. Horaea brand
ed fc-Ll ol left Mhoiiiuer, cattle aame ou left
hiti. hole ir right ear.
Warti.. ileooner. Or. Dijtmnnfl nn
ngiii fiiouiuer.
Ileek, JacKson, Heppner, Or. Horsee, 7P
Coiiuected oi right shoulder; cattle same on
right hip Eat mark, bole in right mid crop
oil left.
Florence, L. A., Deppner, Or. i'attle, LP on
right hip; horse K with bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner, Or Horsea, F on
right shot lde ; cattle. F ou right hip ur thigh.
Gay, Henry, Heppner, Or. OA t on left
Gilman-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil, Or. Horsen. anchor t on left shoulder; vent,
same on left stifle. Cattle, same on both hips;
ear marks, crop off right ear and underbit in left.
uange in tiiUi
lain, Grant, Crook aid Morrow
0 m nt lee.
Gentri. Elmer. Echo. Or. Horaea branded U
8. with a quarter circle over it, ou left stifle
Uange in Morrow and UniatiUacounties.
Giltwater, J . C, Prairie Ciiy, Or.-On horses,
0 -O on left shoulder and stitle; cattle, on right
aide. Ifauae in Giant count.
Ha)PS. t.eo.,Leua, Or, Brand J II connected,
wii h quarter circi over it, ou lei t houtder.
Iliuit A. o., liidge. Or. tattle, round-top K
withquaiter circle aider It ou tbe nght hip.
iini i a " iu jioiuiw auu vj ujdijiin viiuuiin,
Hm ton A JenkH, Hamilton. Urt at tie, two bare
on either hip: crop iu right ear ai.d split in left.
: Horsea, J on right thigh. Hange in Grunt county .
I H unties. fSamopl, Wagner, Or J" (T P L
cuunecMfujon nghi Uiouioer on nortwe; on cattle,
on nghi hip at d on left side, swallow fork in
riaht ear aud slit in lefu liange in Haystack
district, MufMr county.
Hale. Mittou, Wsgne . Or. Horsea hranded
-O-t ircie miih i aial.el tai's) on left shoulder
r tile same on left bip ; alto laige circle on left
Edwin. JohnDay.Or. Cattle E Hon ri-ht
hip; horses same on right shoulder, r ana-em
Grant county.
Howurd, J U alloway. Or.-Hore. fcroea
wit. i bir at vp ii) on right shonkur; rit e
mm eon ie i Mde. Uange in Morto. j,nd Uma-
tliiM ti Uiitiet.
Hughe. Mat, Heppner. Or. Home., k ha. led
heart on the left shoulder. Hange Mom w h
tiuuaaker, B , Magi er. Or. -UorhM, If OO lefl
boulder, ca.Ua, il on left iui..
HartJiirf.ilbert, Rya. Orepon-Hurwa, Aft
etiniD-cted. id left ahouidar, Cattle im th left
lilp.crup off left ear,
llumplirvvii.tf 1. Uardm&n, Or. lluraea. H oo
let fUuik
Hn.. J. M., (leppner. Or. Honvea, wiaafflaaa
or leri (stioulriH) cati.ft. naiiie on right hip.
Hanton. l.oth-r. fc-ikfln Mile. 1 r. Hon lion
the left shiialdpraud htart oo the left Bfifla ('at
f,l tvrnif lfi hip. ItUtiim in Alorrr. 'unnty.
1t Alfred. ('reek. tr -t atHij 1 0 ob
rirht hip. crop iff left ear and bil n riifnt. Htirnea
Bme bnuid on left ahouider KauKt n (iront
Jmikin, B. HeppLr, Or Honea, horn
hue J uo left Hhuolder. i'attle, the aami.
Kantrp n Kiirlii Mi la.
Juhnsun. I"elii Lena. Or. Horaea. oirrlaT oa
left atitie; cattle, aame on rinht hip, under half
nnti ifi riirlit hth anlir in left mr
J-tikliift, L) W.,Mt. Vrjion,or, J on horanaon
left ahoulder; ot caitle, J on left hip and two
ermkuih cropa on both eara. liaiiKein Foxaud
Bear vail.' a
Kenuy, Alike, Iieppner, Or. Horaea brands
KNY n left hip cattle name and crop off left
war: nndnr Iip m tli r.tiht
Kirk J T . Ileppner. Or. lloraee Htf on left
ehnnliWr; call le, t-H nn lull hii.
Hirk. J I-, Heppnar. Or. Horaea. 17 on either
lti.k!CBillH 11 on right nide.
Kirk Jepaa, Hppi rter. Or.: horae It on left
ahoQldcr; cattle wiDie ou tight aide, nnderbit on
riKtti enr.
knm.mrlaiid.W.n.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 L m
cat I le un riKht and lei t bhh. awa hiw fork in it ft
ear and nmler omp iu riht ear. Honoa same
' bralld III! left Hhoillder. Itftllim ill IJru.d .-nnnta
Keeney. Kli, Ileppner, Or.-Horn en j L aud
ace of clubtj on leftratifle. liange in Uinatilia
and orrtiw counties
Uahey. J W. Ileppner Or. Horn branded L
and A ' left ftinuliler; cati le arae oit left hip,
whUIm ver rinht ey three aliie in ruihtear.
Lnrtpn, Btepnen, It.jt, Or. Lou lefi hip
on cattle, crop and apiit on riKht ear. Ihtrht
anme brand on left atiuuldar. Itanga (irant
Liieuallen, Jolin W. j--t Or. Ilfiraes
branded half-oimle JL connected on left houl
der. ('utile, mum uu leli hip. Kongo, near Lex
frd. Georite. Heppner. Or.-Horttee branded
double li cm iieeti JMnneiimes calltHl a
Bwii'ir II. on Ml nhouider.
Mi.rkham. A. M. Heppner. nr.- Oattly Inrrt
M on ief h de b"th mi cr.-pp4i, hi d plit in
bo It lion M it . left hip. Uuuiie. t iurk'a
Minor. Oscar. Hennner Or. Cnttiu M
light hip; borne, M on left shoulder.
Morgan, ti. N.. Heppner. Or. Horsea, )
on leti ehoniii' cattle samp on left hip.
McCuuiber, Jas A. Echo, Or. Horstw. M wnh
bar over on right shoulder.
ftiann, H. H , Luna, Or. Horaea old mares '&
on nght lap; young stock, small zz on left
Morgan. Thus., Heppner, Or. I torsos, circle
T on lefl shoulder and left thigh; cattle. L on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on nghi
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
MuCiaren, Jj, G Hrownsville, Or, Horses,
Figure ft on each shoulder, cattle, t nn but
McKern.W.J. Mount Vemoii, Or XI ou oat'le
on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop in left
aame brand on hursts on lefl hi, . Uauge in Gram
MeCariy, David H., Echo.Or. lloi( branded
1) st connected, on the lull ehoulder; cattle ame
on hip and side.
McGirr, Frai k, Fox Valley, Or. Mule shoe
with toe-cork on cattle on riba ad under in
each ear; horses same brand on left stifle.
Mr Unity. 0. V., llamillou. Or. On Horses, 8
with halt circle under ou left shoulder; on Cattle,
four bare connected on top ou the right aide
Hange in Grain County.
Neal.Audruw. lme Itock.Or. Horse A N eon
uected on left shoulder: cattle aame on bothhipt-,
Nordyke, L., ISiiverton. Or. Horsea. circle "t on
lefl Ihigl : ca1 tie, same on left hio.
Oliver, Joseph, Caujon iiy, Or. A ion cattle
ou left hjp: ou horses, same ou left thigh, Hauge
in Grant couuty
Oiler, Perry. Lexington. Or.-P O ou lefl
Olp, Herman, Piairie City, Or. Uu cattle, O
LP connected ou left hip; horses on left slide
and wanleou uose. hange in Gram county.
Peaitsou, Ohive, Eight Mile, t ir. Hordes, quar
ter circle bhielo on iefl shoulder and i oi. left
hip. t at tie, fork in lef ; ear. right cropped. U4
on lefl hip. Kangi un Eight Mile.
Parker j( (il.iHt.uii. Haiiluian.Or, Horses IPoD
! ti thoiilder.
Pi pel, Er. e t, Lexington, Or.- II or as brand,
e E (L E coiiimu edj o. lelt -hou der ; aiUe
s me ou .jgiiiiiip. Kange, Aion-ow comm.
1 H-er, J. il., LeXli.gLoi.. xtr, tlmnea, j coil
necteU o lelt shoulder; cattie, same on left hip,
under bi in each ear,
jpettya, A. C, loue, Or.; horaea diamond Poo
et.oulder; cue, JnJ connected, on the
left hip, upper slope iu left ear aud slip in the
Poirvell, jotii) T Day ville. Or Horses, J P coru
tiec ed ou lett shoulder. Cattle OK coUii;t.tHl oD
left hip, two under half crops, oUe on each ear,
wattle umteilhrout. Ha. gein Grant county.
hickard, G. D., Canyon City, Or.--F C ou left
shoulder, on hort.es only, ii.mge Canyon creek
ami bear vuiley, Grant county.
Hooii. Auurew, Hardman. Or. Horses, square
ui'or. with quarter-circle over it on iefl stitle.
Heninger, t hns, Heppner, Or. Homes. C H on
letl sto-tiiliie..
liice. lan, Hardman, Or.; horsea, three panel
worm fei.ee on lelt shoulder; ca:tle, DAN on
right shoulder- Uange near liardiuun.
Hojse, Aiiiou. lieppiiui. Or Hcrsen, plain V on
left shoulder; cattle, aame brand reversed ob
right hip and crop oil right ear. Uange in Mor
row county.
huoh liios., Heppner, Or. Horses branded It
nu the righ. shouiiier; cattle, IX ou the left hip
crop oil Mi ear aud dewlap ou neck. Uange it
Morrow and ailjnming counties.
ituot, William, I'enolelou, Or. Horses It os
left shoulder; untile, U on left hip, crop oil
right ear, underbit on lefl ear. Hieep. U on
weaiheiti iouud crop oil rml, er. Uuuge Uma
tilla and Moiiowc tunties.
heaney, Andrew. Lexington, Or.-llorfle
ttrauded A It on right shoulder, vent quaitei
circle over urai.d; cattle same on right hip.
Uange Morrow county.
Uojse, Wni. 11, Uuryville. Or II II connecter'
with quarter cin-h) over top on caltloon right hip
aim crop oil right ear aud Hplit iu left. Horses
wiiue brand on left shoulder. Uauge iu ilorrow
Grant ai.o Gil nam counties.
Uector.J. W Ileppner, Or.-Horses. JC oi
lefl shoulder, ( aitle, uon riglit hip.
pickmdl. J. VV., Gooselwrry, Or.-Horses
branded 41 on left sh uldei ; muge u -h or row
uouoty. t
hai.iug, C 0 Heppner, Or Horses branded
on left shoulder; cattle name op left hip
hwuKgur, Ii. f Lexington. Or.-Horsee
wab oasii under it on lef t stitie cuttle 11 with
uash Ui..ier it on rigid hip. crop oil ngnt ear and
waodied ou right hind leg. Hangu in Morrow,
Guiiam and umutiila counties.
Kwaggarl, A L., Ella. Or. Horses bramlp ' 2
on lelt houldcr; eei lie same ou left hip. Clot
on ear, wattieou left hind leg.
htraighi W. E., Heppner, Or. Horses shaded
J ft on lei stitle; cattle J ti on lefl hip, swallow
fork in righ ear, underuit in left.
bapp, Ihob., Ileppner, Or. Horses, 8 A Poo
left tup; cm u ruueou left hip.
Shiru. Jfuues, Long t reek. Or.-Horses. on
lelt stine aud over 2ou left slumlder.
bnrier.Jonu, Fox, Or. N(J ,tonuec(eil on
noi-seeoit right hip; caitie, same on right Inn
crop ..il right ear and under bit in left ear. Uange
In Grant county,
binith Bros ., iWnville, Or. Hordes, branded
II. L. on shoulder; cait.e,- ame on lef t shoulder.
bquiree, James, Arlington, Or.; horse, brand.-d
J8..uleft siiimiiier; cattle tlm same, also nose
waudie. Hange in Morrow and GH.iara co ntiea.
btephens. V. A., i.ftrdmau, Or-; horses bsou
ngia sutte; cattle h- naontal L on ihe nght side
bteveuson. Mrs A. J., ileppuer, Or.-Uttle. tl
on right iu ; waliow-fork in left tmr.
bwaggart.U. W Ileppner, Or.-Hrs, 41 on
L l'"u"1,t, s on left hip.
Binith, E. E. Loue iwajk, or. Horse, branded
a croshed seven on lef i shoulder; cattle aame oa
leftside. Itange, Uiliiam couuty.
hperry, E. G. Hrpppr. Or. - Cattle W C on
lett hip. crop off right and widerbit iu left year,
dewlap; horses VV C on left shoulder. '
Ihompson, J. A., Heppner, Or.-Horeea. K on
lett aiumlo r; cattle. on left shoulder.
BhJtnJ-o.i'.,tnierprise,Or. Uoraas. C-on left
Turner H W., Heppner, Or.-SmaM oapiul T
toll ahouidsi. horses; cattle same uo left hio
with eplitiu boll. ears. v
Ihirnioh, H. M., lone, Or.-Horses branded
H I connected on lelt stitle; aheep same brand.
Vanderpool H.T.. lna, Or-Horses H V cod
neoieu on right shoulder .cuttle, same ou right
Walbridge, Wm Heppner. Or. Horses. U. L.
on the lelt shuu.der; cattle aame on light lull
erop oit lef t ear aud right ear lopped.
Wilson, John y,. alem or Heppner, Or.
Horets branded Juouine left shouidsr. iUuira
Morrow county.
W airen, W Ii. Caleb, Or-Cattle, W wiUi qoarter
circle over it, on left side, split iu right er.
horM. same braad a.u ta.f -n....laj ir ..
Grunt couuty. "gei
iJTo1, F L'DaTi,le' Or-Hearton horses on
left st ine; on cattle. -on left side and under bit
in left ear. Uange in Grant county.
V on the right hip. iuare crop ott ngui ear
uid apl. tin lett. ' w
Vaimce. Francis, Mount Veruon.Or-Sqnareon
cattle on the left hip, upper slop inheTft
ear and under slope in right ear. Same brand
ou horses on right shoulder. Uauge in Harney
and Grant county. ruejr
W ade. Henry, Heppner. Or.-Horses bianded
ace ot suatle nn In. ..!.,.., I..-. j .
t liitl o "'"IW.Mime ou left side and left tun.
W ells. A. 8,, Heppner, Or.-Horses, ,fl on left
shoulder; cat) p same.
W olhnger, John, John Day City.Or-On home
three parallel bars on left ahonlder; 7 on sheep.
bbotn ears. Uange in Grant aud Maihuer
Uoodward. John, Heppner, Or.-Horse, np
ooiinecled on left shoulder.
W atkma, Liahe. Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
13 E oonnet-tw on lef t sude. r.ui
Wailace, Cuartes Portland. Or.-ttle, W on
right Uugh, hoi. in left ear; horaea, W on riirht
ebooluer, s.im. sameon left shoulder.
V uittier Bros Drewsy, Harnej county. Or.-HT-t,rntti?
a- '-'"iei on lefi .Snider
Wihuims Vasco, Hamilton. Or. -gosr ter cir
"VOf. three bam on left hip, botii cat Us and
horsea. Kange Grant coonty.
V iliiams. J 0. Long Creek. Or-Horsea, qoar
ter circle over three bars on left hip; cattle same
and .in ineaeh ear ltai.g in ttrniu eonnty
Tn . : PPner- or. Horaea running A A
on shoulder; ( sttie. same on right hip
J.auiK. J. tisetsiry.tir.-HoiC. brands
J'y'x'.-J" kA" ?00-a'rT. "r.-Horsbt. d
ed i X idoob e X oo. luMiurUi ua lait sto-Usr