kUi'lUH TO ADVEIUlMtUS, THOSE dellrlng the timertlon of display (!., or change ul iaiiie, luut get tlteir copy in not later than Monday evening tor Tileinltiy'l elitiou,or IhurHituy evening for FridttyH eiii tluu. 'Ill 1'ATTiiKau ruuu&llisuUu. 1. The lum of five centi per line will be charged tor "carda ot llnuiki," "reiiultlltulil of r-Aiei-tt" liata ol vieildlliK reaelita and donora, Him uhitnur) notn-ea, (other llian thoae tlieelit of ft'Hil hin.M-li she ah a ii.ulu-r ot ttewa.) and uotieehul ci'enttl iiieelli.su lor w hateer nurpoite. 2. Nout t-b ol tlnmli tthtl society HliU all other elilerluli.ii.elilb liinn which lexenne ia to he de rived, aliali he elialgt-d lor at the rale ot live leno a line. 'Ihene rulea u ill be atliclly adher ed (o in rtery intlanee. Adveitibing ratea reaaoliable unci uiadeknowli Upon a'iiteuiiou. FlsIlElt, NEWSi'AI Elt ADVEUHi- -t v. ru J-J. li'S bu.. a lUnclBL-u, ia onr amhniueu alieiti. pufer lb kvpl on l.le In hU olhc-e. 1 hia (Jive your business to Ue)ipner people, and tlieiejoie u.vsi.vf tu buna vp 1jj iter, luiroutze those uho pauohue U"- Here ana There. Hepprjet's lights ato dazzlers. llnnpner is nothing i( uut progressiva. ' Ui tic" I Li s. CocLit.u is uplioin low er mow uieck. Mm JU' sxtove. the prince of traveling men, 18 lu the vll. Out limners Buy that (be ground IB (licit)' well miuked. Lit uiipue ia urevnleat id the family of P H iiuioii, of lnue. Our lueiclntuis, most of them at any rule urn ' mkiiiK si. ek." is. Troeiloi, i f Douglas, wus iu Hepp ner Tuesday uu buoiuens. TLe baby sou of bick Matthews is quae ill nu I'LeUuioblu. J.ts iloherty relumed Tiiestlity from a plettsaul Vlalt lu PeUtllelou. Dry and Dick AloUiiirnu left yester day tin' lueir Urowuavilie Ujiud. Frank 11 . Sao id over lit JLexingtoD looking alter bin ruuuUltig nucleoid. The Gem and Palace saloous lor flue liquors, iHeAlee blue., 1'iups. . sw T. K lii'bt rip, the solioitor of sultci tort, got iu VVeiiuesdiiy liuui i'eudletou. Kcv. Piunier is back Ir.iut P.-uJIetou bete lie litu beeu ansisuutf lu revival worn. Fool pads autl burglars ere working other tonus. Load up your howiueta, ttud look out. I tie Morrow County Laud aud Ti ust Compuuy have au unlimited supply ot chop tor sule, 4i-l(. Foodli tm Tribune: VV. F. Matlock in omd to od the wealiuiesc uiiu lu toe Oregon seute. (Jui) fiisl class work turned out a l ied Aid er'a miloiliig tsiaullsliUieut eaot side alaiu sireet. A case lo icplevj a borsr, Si Bennett t luouipiou ot bonis, is befoie Justice llalluuk ibis ul.euioou. Miss Eit t .Vliu ir, last Tuesday eve euteruiuej a uul.nl parly of tueuds ut her home oil May street . Ack Ike Kubis, of ibe Ueppner Water & Liglil Co., how liiniiy "idlcli aliuka' it lakca to iiut au aiu libt. The Ki-elc) InBlllillc, at forest Grove, Ctill s liqut l, p bUJ, Uioiphluc, cuculbe ki d lolaccu liaLli . bread. Send ill some corieBpoiidenoe, folks. It' ou have auyibiiig lu a polt.lcal Hue to air, lei us be ir liotu )ou. Coltuubiis A. Ubca, president of the FllM Mauoual buuK, Is SeelhK the slgbtd iu I'liilliiud aud Suieui mis week. Every uiau who tukex any iuterest iu fast slot k abould aubburibe for Tue U'irBeuiuu. (Juzelte shop, axenlu. The new school bouse aud Ihe water end lii.Lt Bjt.ii in bae iui.de mauy a Sen leaidcul lor ileppuir Ibis fall. N. Nielauii is now nuiuihg a stage be tweeu Ut ppner aud Loue Kouk. ISeii ad. loi dii)s ot leavuiK aud an.Val. If. Lfdpp itr'i U ne 0 iris aud the remain der of tue UiHe Uuvi arrived, and qiur teis (or entile will oe teuuied soon. Cm. Miiirl, (ii-un.-ly of tins ojuu (y b it I ne of li twienoe, Mub-i., is eu j y lug hicu-ell overiu li ir ipellits wiuter. Found A revolver, near Ueppner' Maici.oU-e. Owucr cau have saute by uiovn u binbtii) and om ilk cIiihucb. 6UB3 Mrs. A. J. Slevensou is prepared to il all kinds ol nuiHlig. Call at her Inuiv in imrtli Htppuer, or address her at tins place. 518-lf lit n- la f nife i f CI is lildn. nn Bd ii ii cinK n 3bh. 13, a hoy. Ti e ch Id, Ubfoiiuuately, only livtd a lt Lours. liivu kelchniri whiskers. Hatt & Uathews, at the city barber shop the place to net a b'rst-class shave, bair-out or shampoo. tf. Master Clay French is the authorized BKcut for the Ureitoniau at this place. Subscribe Ihroti-h him, aud huve your puprr delivered dee of charije. tf Ueppner basu't any itoh, or "Tcxus digs," or anything of that sort within iu hums, but a little noli medicine would work a mighty reformation iu our midst. Newer and neuter quarters at the Palace Hotel's nortb business room. Charley Jones, the baber, wants to see his old friends there. Baths iu connec tion. Tuerditorand wife ark nrwledgcs the reeemt of au inviiaiioD to be prei-i ut at the W. C. B. literary tonight. aie much obliged to our jouug frieuds for lame. The latest dentistry, crown and bridgfl work. ninBi kucuessfully accomi linen uy lir. B. F. Vauiihaii (Jus kdmiiiifli red hen desirtd. Tbonipsuu hmldiug, HcpiDer. Or 1b-w- A. W. P.itlerson, of this pnper. is on (he legi-lalivc committee of tiie O'eaon J?nes AsBiicialion, wbnaie working liaid for the passage of Ibe Ualey portaue bill, and oilier legislation iu Ihe line of pro glees ion. Mr. H. Godlej's wife and daughter bae arrivil Irnm Pnriliid, mid iw oc cupy Mr. J B. S-rry ' Gale street ptop eity. Mr. Godiey ia W. B. foltei'i. tflj cieut aud ai comiiiodntiiig uicchanio. An entertaii mebt niveu by the ladies of tue Epii-copal chinch, will oo ur at the opera hon-e ou S ilurilny evening. A prt gr-im uoua a'iuir uf many novel and entertaining features, will lie introduced. Admission fiee. The G z 'tie would like for the literary sooiety ot oar towu 'o appoiut me of their number as reporter to this par. It is iu the line of their work, and would be an excellcut opportunity to get some practicj iu repjrlonal duties. A very remarkable oaae. Mr. Walter Wheeler, uf the Washington Mills. Law rence, Mi ss., for two yeais i ffl cted with Tancate veins, HfOomp-itiied by a trouble some eitiption, was cnupletely Cured af ter taking only eight bottles of Ayer's BaMxpnriilB. ' To preserve a youthful appearnneo as long as possible, it is luilispeusible that the hair sh'ald tetain iu natural color and (ullueKB Tlicr is m preparation so iff ottv as Aei's Hair Vigi r. It pre Tens ba due?, and keeps the scalp clean, cool and healthy. Will V.in Cadow got in Tuesday from (beoity if Alexic-, where he says ba Lnds a deligbiful olimate. He will start to ratnro I Us laat of this week or first ef j nexi, bul may (aims buck to Oregon In lu course of a fe weeks. Our O. A K. boys should not forget but liawliiia I'cibi u 1 1 1 hold a oniuptlie ut Libel ly fcbool house lomoirow eve. We are informed that, services were held in the j ll, lust Sunday afternoon, which was anpreoi -ted by the pnaouers. L. O. : W A. Jobofni . n( IbeSlncum- Joiioson 1) ii; Co. H-uniier. is in ibe ci'y. making the aoqualut.iuoe of Fendle tou druggi na. I'endletoh 1'rilinne: Edward Bishop, Cashier of Ihe Nalioual Ii nkol Htppuer, cam' over laat cveutug to attend the fu iieml of Ins brother. l)r. Bill, the able veterinary snrirenn of llepinicr, wh 'Be card apoears iu Ibis issue, receuily made a vimi to the llay- stHt-K couutiy ou professinual business. A young uiau being asked the defini tion of "proui iiei, said: A promoter aells som-iliiug that he hasn't got, to a peianii iliat d.Hi'f kno what he is get ting. He got a j id at once. Wo uegleoied to stale in onr last issue that the leiuaius of lio. W, Bishop wete taken to Peudletun Tuesday, for inter inent. Tney were, accompanied by K I. Ii. Bislnip and W. A. JuhuBtun, who etnriit-d laat evening. FoutpHils are gaitiiug In their wrk over at Heuilleiuu. and, ftom newspapei reports, there aie mote ot ibctu iu Fort land than lloue-t men. the polioe down there are weaiiug citizens clothe Hint Ihey my be able to do more effective work. IViiilletou tribune: The rim tins of Qenrge W, Bndiop were tiroiignt from Mepp. er jiBtenlay by E Iward B shot and w. A. JoIiiiaou. 1 bey will no In terred this alternoi'ii, Kei vices b-iugcou diinn d at Ihe hiu e at 1 o clock by He v. W. E. I'otwine. Electhio Liquts ilituy people have but a tery ub.-cun- idea of the priuoiple of the nic and iiiciiudeeoent lamp, re spectively. In the arc lamp eleciiio dircl.arge takes place between two pieces of bald coudtictiug carbons sepa rated from each other by an interval which is kep iisneailyas possible con stant by Hnh matiu dr vices. An aic ol light of iuteute biilliancy called tilt voltniu arc is thiiB obtained. Iu the g.ow or iucaiidet-oent lamp a filament of chi turn inclosed iu a glotie exhuusted of air by it mt renry pump strvee as a patb along which the cuireu' pHssca. The recisiaiioe the electricity meets with in passing through this filament is suf ficient to raise the latter to luoan desoence, and a light is tbns obtained more suitable for the illumiua iou ot interiors geueially. Ccmpr6ii:jns;vG ; survsy An Apprehensive Subject BY Means of a Prehensile Tail Ihe Monkey is. Xot Afruid be cause his Tail is a Good One. We are Not Afraid because our Tale is a Good One. Sdes uotesedeped. WE -.-WANT -.- MONEY ! WHY ? RTo O til or Modlolno II EfXootod tho Ouroai ooNao OILi Baa. HAT TEES yllV vStF fib Vt sioiniica, Mg0K OIU . I im Used. OWR. Mr'G. C2-P0RTLAND. ORE WHY Fiist Mtutb's Sales, 720 Bottles j Hccnnd Month's Sides, 3300 bottles SOLD EVEnYWIIEIlE. PIIICE, - Bee 10 $1 auci 0a a. Bottle. WE TELL OF Splendid (Joods, Fair treatment ; satisfaction (n enstom era, and of reasonable prices aud good money value. It is a Tailless Tale. W'okk Well-For three evenings past Heppner's citizens have been treated to light, and plenty of it. The Heppner Water & Light Co. are testing their machinery, and with such good results that no ciiy or towu on the coast is getting belter service. The arc lights, eight iu number, il nininate the town thoroughly, casting on Ihe neighboring bill i-ides a lich, mellow light Ihut uiaj be Been for mills. The store aud resi dence lauips are winking satisfactorily. Water is now in the mains and ihe wotka are well nigh ready for acceptance, and, when completed in detail, we will war rant thai no towu ou the coast will get more or better eeivioe for the money. A tale without end, becinse it is a tale that will bold A pleasure to show goods. Hpeoial inducements t cash buyers. Call al works, says, "Onr prices are below livii g rates for sny rompan." For commercial lighting, iucandesceut lights, the following are the rates: Pendl't'n. Walla W'la. H'p'r. Id-candle pr. 10 p. m. 11.10 ll.SO 11.10 10 midnight 1.50 J.OO l.ou If, " 10 p in. 1.45 IJ.UO 1.-I& 16 " midnight 2.00 H.40 li.10 SEblbKKCC LIGHTING. 10 " .80 .86 .00 16 " 1.23 1.36 .'J8 Tendleton and Heppner rates for com mercial lighting are the same except Hurt the Old HioKonr. Hbbm Hon. W.B. Ellis, congressiuau eleOI from the Inlaud Em pire district, is iu Ihe city today, return ing from the oupitol oily. .He has so fur recovered as to be able to walk wilh the support of a staunch hickory o.me. It Was uuixpeoieil, of ooilise, but entering o uigresB as he w ill i.fier the3rd of .March next, withaoairoiigademocraiicnii j rity ugaiust him, his "old bickorj" otigbt to b ol i si tue heivioe to bun. It may l e Ibe coneol ft d to cIhbs our po ular In laud Enipiie Cougn sxuiau Kids "Old Hickorv," who knows. Chronicle. It. A. Thompson A. E. Blunt THOMPSON & BINNS, PROPRIETORS The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable. Bclotv Coflin A MrFsrland's, Jlaln Street Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men. Teams to hay per day, 75 ols. liny and grain per day. $1 25. Meals 25 cts. a at C. 0. Sargesot's, next door to Feed Stable, (jraiu and baled bay always on hand. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. . Footwear i Footwear! Th f.pTy hunt nn1 'hnp potnhUBhniftn nf TTfprTipr hnn m'Vi fri-m th lwwt " tt' M "in Sernx". tothftir 'fW utMre rnm. t-pxf "or tfi H. B "I'kin n tt ' There you will find the Best and Cheapest m Heppner. . M. LICHTENTHAL- & CO., Main Mtreet, Heppner Or. S. C. Smith, THE Uepiner rntes give a line of discounts after rising five lights or more, ARC LIGHT BATES. Fendleton. Walla Walla. Heppner. 10 p.m. 110.00 ll'J.OO 110.00 Midi lent 12.00 H.10 into All night H.10 . 16,00 ll.OO As fuel is ti e lareest item of expen-e in operalinn of ilectrio light plants, we ii rlurle the rtisiket pricts fi r istro. Terdletori, wood, pr cord, ILK. coal, pr ton, $6 00 Walla w a, la, " " 5.00 " " . 6 00 Hemnier. " " 4.60 " " S-50 On the score of economy, the Heppner nlnut will use coal. Therefore a com purison of the piid a paid for the same at P. ndle'nn, and Walla Walla will afford pome inteiesting rending. At The Dalles wood coi-ts !3 00 per curd, and rales f. r Hro lights are $12.00 and $15 00, incandescent lights bing lower than any ot the rates quoted above. Ii bas been claimed (bat the Pendleton and 'Ihe Dalles liable are losing iuvest inents. This has to some extern been mlistaiilihti d by s'ock holders in A Oknekal InviiatIoN -Mr. H. V. tbe Pendleton pla t. We also learn Gates, of the Heppner Water Lilgbt I tri m goon ainnoriiy iiiai unaer onjr nuu Co., luf s us that their plant ben g in I) Keeps a full line of tbe way of Fnrui'ure. I'ndcrtnklnir goodt a iperiallty. May Street, Heppner, Or. 524-f And in ordtr to get ir, we will, during tbe present month, soil F0R CASH ONLYs At 20 per cent, off regular prioe, onr immense siuck of Gents' nf- Winter Underwear, Tup bhirts, Bcaife, Mittens and Lined Gloves. This is an honest proposition and no trap, for we have au otersiox k ut tin so goods that we must realize on. So you can benefit yourself and confer a favor on us by taking advantage ot the opportunity ofiered by F. (3. : Tjoeqpsoi ; do. ii ppner, Qregon. T. S.A.X.Z1 BTT Qilliam & Bisbee, IIEPPNEIT., on. opeiaiioi , ihty w. uld bepltaied lo have all residents of Heppuer, and of Ext-tern Ougoniind olber parts, nj utuing iu theoiiy, to cull any tveuwg ut their power hoiite. The ladies are es; eciallj invited. As this compuuy's macbiueiy is nut i x tiled auywl.ere on iLe ooast, it is woilh wtile to see it. Dou't call iu the day time. The workmen are busy, and )OU cannot see Ibe lihht plant In operution. Fikokii Opkhai au UN. List week Dr. Mcrjwords was oalled upon to ntteud the leu miitbR old child of Mr. end Mis. Johnson, Ihe latter a daughter of Onole Hilly Gilliam. He louud the Bnner next to tbe little one, bidly infl .ined, presumably by a bruise. I. MoSwotds removed some dicaji-d bone, and Ihe infant is getting along well. Mountain House. Mr. Joseph Crauk bus lately leased the hoatelry kuowu as the Monutuiu House, refilling aud re furnishing it throughout. Hoard tied, per wnk $6; bond witnout g4fln; nieida and o. d 26 cmts each. L,r..uk i.ek a (irluu ol ihe patronage, lielitving that be can give as , ood sei vice aa aujoue lu Heppner, and for less UldlieV. sntl tied, Mr. 43-sw. G A P. Dingo -Ou He 21st, R-w-ttnx ' !' ft li. A. It , iH li flail , ffici ts fur II e eumii.g year al Llbeiiy n-hool hoiife. '1 be ost meeting in ILe allen.iam at 1 o'cl-ck will be follow.d li. a csmi" roe in ihe evening. A grand lime n, ,x.tcled,aiid all ateiuvited to be p.tsent. A t'OMHAHI-iiN Uf MATE-. As there hue been n me roniment en Huptr elictnc liibt lattB. we bav Ink. n tbe tionl.le to spcerlain rales in Pmdltlon BLd Walla Walla fur comfar- Pendleton Ni rth Tfakama charge heavier rates than we enjoy, yet fuel is very much oheaper. Electric Bitirrs. This remedy is becoming so well know aud so popular as to need nn ape cial mentitiu. All who have used Elec trio Bilters sing the same Bong of praii-e A ptner medicine does not exist am) it is guaranteed to dn all that ia cUlmed. Electiio Bitters will cure all diseases of he liver and kidneys, will remove pirn pies, bons, salt rheum and other affec tions caused by impure olood win liive malaria from tbe system and pre veut as well as onre all malarial fevers. Knr cure of beadachn, constipation aud indigestion tiy Eleotrto Bittere entire sntiefsi-tion guaranteed, nr money refund eH. Price 50c an. I 9100 per bottle at iSlocum Johnson Drug Co. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS. Regular servioea at the M. FS. elm rob nut Habbath. Morning text: '"There has no temptation taken yn but snob a is common to man; but Go I is faith, fnl, who will not anff-r yon to b (emot ed above that ye are ahle, lint will w hh lbs temptation also make a way lo esnse that ye may he auie to hear it." 'I he evpuing Bervioe will lie a temperance address, at which time Borne reference will tie nis'le in tbe origin and work of the W. C. T. U. and the blighting cause known ss the "Manor traffic." To these seivicie yon are iuvi'ed. .1. M. Hhi ls Pastor. Preaching k the Botis- chnrcb Pnn dev. Jan. 22. 1893. Themeat 11. o'olock, What God Loxee." 'J'hemeat 7 o'clock, "What God Hales." Flense cr me and hear ns discuss these important topics. M. Bbamblet, Pastor. You will catch At the Mai lory Corner. Buy your Groceries and . . . . . . Read their new ad. soon. UEPPNER and LONE ROCK 11 ay CM' a T T"XT IV STORAGE AND FORWARDING. Bus ATTENDED TO IN A- iness-like Manner -AND AT- REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near the Depot: HEPPNER, OREGON. IW:. KIEOISOIV, Prop. Leaves Heppner on Tneadiivs, Thursdays and Saturdays. Leaves L'ine Rock od Mondays, Wednesdays and Fiidaya. Mhkes oonnei tion with tbe weekly line to Fossil. Reasonable charges tor both Passengers -:- and -:- Freight. 643-tf iw SLOCl'M-JOHNSTON DRDQ CO., Agents, Heppnei, Or. DON'T BE BAMBOOZLED. By traveling fakiis. CO. Wildev 4 Co , of Walla Walla, Wash., are Ihe lariiesl import ers direot from the Eastern factories iu the Inland Empire ot AND We can save yon from 85 to lu0. We ship snl j-ot t approval to any responsible parlies. We handle tbe very best makes of instruments, and warrant them lor live years, and guarantee lower prices 1 li tin any house on this coast for same qualiiy. We bnv direct fiom Ohickering & Sons, We) man (-"., Conover Bros A Co , Hmn'h & Barnes, pianoi Pnckaid. Htoiy A CmrU ai.d Cliioagn tot (sue Organs Sell Oivans from $1H0 to 3(I0 ; Pianos liom 3-i0 lo 87il(l. Writ, ns for Catalogue and pnoes. Il will pay you. (J. O. VVildeV OC CO. 535,, Waila V ails, Wash Change of Ownership HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OP THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, which we propose to conduct in tbe moat satisfactory manner. Will keep on band at all times tbe choioest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed Beef, Etc., Etc. shaw & Mccarty, 85-tt Proprietors. DR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. C. V. d. , London, England. ison. Mr. Vincent, the enpf. of At the M. E. rhnrcb. Bonlh.mxifinn rlay at 11. o'clock, the snbpct ill he "Missions." Text "Go )e into all tbe woild and preaoh tbe gospel nutn every oreatnre " Evening snhj ct, Cred ulials of Chrnt." I eit "If I do nut the work ii my Falher, believe nie not " A hearty welcome extended to all. Edwin Palmer, Pastor. The Heppner Wood Yard. ItlP HAS GOT AUOUNU At last, and has opened up a Wood Yard, from which he will deliver wood, sawed or uusawed. Wood Sawed at Your Residence, 75 cts Per Cord, twice in tv. ; SI 00, three times. Wood sawed aud delivered ni 87 60 perconl. Ymd near Ibe depot. Leave orders at rtloan A Howa-d's .. , 528-sw KIP VAN WINKLK, Proprietor. COPPER IYETElD1.-r BBkV. ii fJ UAR ANTied. BORG, Out for Cash Bargains IN Jewelry, Cask Talk? THE : Veterinary -m- 2urgeon ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. I am preparwl to do nil kindi of Veterlnsry 8tirKCrv, Emncnliillii( Horppn and RpfdlriKH i Sped- ( I till II ine till l y true ineunxi 01 npt rminp uu iionR. ; ne ink ' i Blue itnti iiogl on uho rt noili-0. ttuiry aurtfury. J will I reft t nil anhiiHli In I lie inoit Hnprovctl pru-t'liire ol uter Ji you nnve any nice nummi u win dm w your sUivrHt lo nEPpNER, call ou me at r-ttfuarl'i iiablui. i)S6 iw OREGON Baker :: and :: Confectioner, MAT 8TKEKT, HEPPNER, OR Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confactionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Maie os Short Notics and it Poroi-Aa Pricbs. Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. BEE BOEJ. MAY STKi-ET, JEWELER! Watelies, Clocks, SILVERWARE, MUSICAL lNSTUUMENTH, Etc, Klc. Trust li Lists. UEHNiiK, OK. la K9 I niJiHIsBsilli. DR. TAFT'S Instead of flvin" to the door gasp ing for trsa'.h, c:eniing as if each j one would Lj vour last, vou have 1 only totaltsa few dasea Asthrnalone when thespasmls brolten, the breathlnE becomes easy and you feel as If ai antel of mercv had unloosed the iron Rfasp c( the tinners of death. The happiest moment of vour lite will he when von have used a few bottles of Dr Taft't ASTHMALENE and it has cured vou nf mm aprs r am and proe Asthma. W$ mail to anr Atthma luffenr a trial bottle m S: "lil"?". i oi y anurcttu. Dr, Tart Broi. M. Co., Rocbetter.N.Y I Ilk VVm" l"""1