ME ffljp TO SELL YOU BJBHJ ! One of the Best Pieces of Land in Morrow County 10O-ACRES XEErEI3lOO CTTND 360 ACHES Timber Culture claim adjoining, of which deeded lurid tbere are HO acies go d farming loud, and (be balance A 1 pasture. Tbe deeded laud bas a good spring of water on it, all under JL fence. Situated two miles west ef Hardmrn. Price for tbe whole, $1100 ; or without tbe timber culture claim, $300. ANOTHER BARGAIN. Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on easy terras. AND STlTr, ANOTHER. Deedfld ranch, 163 aores. bas wlient Uiul Will sell on easy terras. A good rustler can pay for it with first crop raised on it. lieasou for selling, owner lives m tbe East uud bus no use for it. Oive your butintss to Heppner people and therefore attiet to build up llepp er. Patronize those who patronize you. Gcs Pabbt, who in shot a few day. ago at Portland, will reonver. Thb Waibinitton legislature i "till tuck on tba senatorial matter. Hekrt Cabot Lodoi linn been elected to tba D. S. senate f'Om Massachusetts. Thb Minnesota leijislatnre have nuked that congress pass the auli-uptluo bill. Two men are dead from last Sunday's railroad acoideot and more are expected. Stephen M. White, of Lob Angeles, Cal , baa been elected senator from California. IJiok JJoaaa says that MoAuliffe wanted to make a fake fight between himself aud tbe former. Tub bill to repeal tbe 8herman law bas been favorably reported upon, but will bardly pass both bouses of congress. Edward McaPBT, Tammany candi date fur tbs U. H. senate, bas beeu hosen by tbe New York legislature, regardless of Cleveland's opposition. Fboh what weoau lenro, our Eastern Oregon representatives in tbe legislature re duii'g valiant woik. Don't overlook Buley, IJlackmau, Hteiwer, Brown aud Qowan. Tbb Colorado house is republican by one, or rather was till one bolted, aud now tbe populists are in full swing, Divisiou of "spoils" ia the eauaeof tbe trouble. Tub remains of Edward J. Beaton, a book keeper, was discovered fonitein miles fioin WallaPWallH on Bine orrik few days ago. He disaupeiired in June 1891, aud probably was insane at tbe time. Tint Riiarburg Jteview'g annual edi tlou of taelve pages is on our desk. I ia one Hint O'linpiirea favorably will, those of our blggcBt, metro pot it no papers The Knaehurii lteview is evideully run by newnpaper men. A UKHOOR.iTlc pxper sys: "It is tbe farmer lu all cases that bas finally arisen to deal the deatb blow to protection." Yes; the farmers iu New Yolk oil). (75,000 democratic mi j .rib); In Balti more, (21.000 democratic inijirilj); iu H.iu fr'r.iuOMC i, (7.0JJ democratic major ity), and so on. Yes ; it was the farmers ia alluaaesl-Oregoniun. WrNDMis never oeaae, says the Bock Mountain News. Tbe Southern Pacific bas developed ft spouting artesian well in the heart of the Yum desert neat Hnltou It is 195 feet below sea level, is in a tropiosl climate and amid fertilesoil The well is only 4(50 Net deep. The desert ill rapidly bloom like a paradise aud become a great fruit uud tutly vege table region. It is slated that the autopsy on the body of General Butler showed the eause of death was the burstiug of small blood vessel iu tbe brain, caused by violent fit of coughing. All the organs were iu exoelleut condition, and but for this aooideutal oause he would probably bave lived many years longer 11 is brain weighed four ouuoes more than thai of Dauiel Webster, oLe of the largest on record. Tub Hiri-Kia Gazkttr seems to have put his foot iu it by meddling with the "divine right" of the Graut count "powers that be" to run things in their own way. Notice has beeu served by the month piece of said "powers that tie" upuu said Gi zette lout if said (Ini Mtt- dou't keep its paddld out of said "We Us & Co.'s" '," said (Wtte will find that as the Pn-pliel Isaiah says: "liell hath eularged h r.eif aud opened her mouth without measure."-Living Issue. Ybbtsbuat's Oiegonian says: Senator Iolph succeeded jeeletday iu getting through his committee on puhlio lamia thr bill eileudinii the time fur I he set tiers on tbs forfeited railroad binds, aud immediately rushed il thiongh ilieaeuate, Today be bad a heating with ltepicaeut. ative Hermann before the house com mittee on publio lands, and ss a result the bill was unanimously repcrud to the house. It is not certain that the bills will go through the home, and Beuator Oolpli advisee the settlers not to depend upoo it, aud lo make payment ao toon as possible. CUNNINGHAM FLA NMGAN. Tbs Wrll-kaowa Mieep Magnate ia United is Karris H'llh a l.enly from l lie Kail. From the K. 0, A quiet wedding ceremony was per formed at 8 o'clock this loreuoou iu the Cutbolic church, Father Hogan officiat ing. Tbe contracting parties were Mr. Charles Cunningham and Mies Kate Klaunigan. After tbe happy event tbe bridal party repaired in a oarriage to the Gulden Bnle hotel, where a substantial wedding breakfast was served. Those present were the bride and groom. Kathei Hogan, and Mr. and Pat Kin?. A marriage tour was contemplated, bill Mr. Cunningham is detained by bis sheep imerests, and left this afternoon with his bride for his place on Birch creek. There is a tinge of romance oonnected with the wedding of Umatilla oonnt) V sheep king, and it will Drove a surprise to bis numerous friendx, who are never tbelers ready to congratulate him warm ly. It resulted from a correspondence with Miss Flannigan, and they bad never met until her arrival here a fortnight alio on a visit to Mrs. Kine. who is her double cousin. Tbe bride if a cultured lady of admirable traits ol character who cones from one of the beat families iu Grant oonuly, Indiana, where she resided since childhood nod has friends without number to wish hei happiness. The bridegroom is one of the best koowu men in Eastern Oregon, aud bis reputntinn as a sheep maguate extend" throughout tbe Northwest. He oame the Coiled States from Ireland in 1804 when eighteen years old, and enlisted as a sailor in tbe United States navy, beinv on board tbe Galena wbeu the ship wae shot almost to pieces io Mobile Buy. At the expiration of his service be wen to California, aud in 18G9 came t Umatilla county, where he entered tin inploy of Mnjor W. H. Barnharf, then a large sheep nwuer. Since this linn Mr. Cunningham's history ih well kuowu He went into sheep raising on his oi noooont, and by iutell gent iffoit and tireless industry has riseu to bis present envuoe. tm. Cunningham uow owio htflen tXYve and fifteen tlmusan" acres of laud .10 Umatilla aud Morrou counties and his h inds of alieep miiolie, 'JO, 000 head, about 14,000 of which are ii this o unity. He has become tinted as i grower of hlooiled sheep, sheepmen Ooiu nig f'out lo' g diala.ioea to purchase hi rums, lie lias annul OMJ lientl or Ihor oiiuhhreds, ami the rematudur are grade. alieep of fine quality. It is unnecessary to remark that Mr. CiinuinghHm who is the prince of good fellows as well as tbe prince of sheet growers, hue 'he b-at wishes of everyoni in Ida marriiige. May he continue ti enjoy the frniis of prosperity, and mnj the life of himself ai d estimable wife b. long, and crowned with bbsaiuga. A ltKMONh'lilANCE. The following ia a copy of a rem n strancH signed by Heoimr nilizjn: 7o fAe lion. Henry Ulavkman, J. TV JB. nvn mid mi miiera nf the St'nnte aud House of heprenentativet of the State of Ureyon : The luiileisigiied tai-pnvers Brd le gal voters of the town of ileppuer, re epectively remonstrate against au iitneiidment of section fourteen and Hiil livi-ion of section eighteen of the charter of esid town, wbicb rends as folloaa. to-wii : Sku. 14. The indeblednesa of the said corporation shall never ezeeed the sum of five hundred dollars. Except for the purpose of supplying the town will, water, the council may borrow a sum not to exceed twenty thousand dollars and issue bonds therefor in such man ner and for such length of time as uiav ley ordinance preecriheil, and the oonncil shall provide for a sinking fund lo meet Mis imvinent of snohiiidrbtHdnnss; I'm vided, an ordinance for snoh purpose is first submitted to te tsx paers of the town aud a maj oity of two thinla of iil tax pa)ers voting shall approve the ame. r-'io 18. Subdivision 2. To asses and collect taxes not to exceed two ami one h'tlf mills per anintiu upou the tax able pnpertv within the oorHrate lim its; Fulfilled, that the council shall have power to levy and oollt-ct taxes exceeding two nnd one half mills per snnnm If nn ordinance for that purpoae he fi st snhmitt'd to the owner of tax nble property of tbe town, after thirty diivs notice of Hie time and place of such voting and a m'.jority of Iwo-tbiids of such tat paera voting shall vole Iu fHVornf such tsx, and the ordinauoe providing therefor iituat specify the object thereof and tbe amount of such levy, SIONATdaES. II. Heppner, Ellis Minor, E. O. Sperrv, T K Howard, H! tt. Hloan, I. S. VhIi Winkle, W. A. Johnston. W. J. .Mi'Alee, W. (). Minor, V, P. Sciivuer. Julius Keilbly,.!. C Kirk, C. YaiDinn, E K. Sxinhiirne, E. T. liagen, W. H. Bush. .1. Colin. A.!i Wells. Gen. Nobis, A Wright, O W. Harrington, S. Kins man, W. G. Bover. W. UicliMrdon, Dnve McA'ee, AMhnr Minor, K G. Slo onm. J. ( Us es. John Jenkins. Dsn Osmers, ,1. H Mclisley, J .bn A. I'liomp son, Annie Gilliam, Win. I'eulaiot, (t. V. Swsvgart. H. O Bnah, Ge.i. S Grar. F. H Hlicum, Kiolmril Neville. 11. A. Emmerson. R K Shaw, John McCarty. .f. H Sierrv, E H Itishop, James Ye ger, H A. Thompson. 0. K. Bums, O. C. Sarnent, Mrs. E It Welch, Mrs. Emma Kilciip. Sara. McKriite, 1) W. Horuor. .lob n II Haves, M. M. Bieghly. Msitm Andersmi, Wm. Mnghee, Tbos. (jnatd. Nets Jcties, W. J Leejer, Then. tan. ner, Frsnk KM"gg J. It. Natter, A. M Slofltim, A T irNy. J K. Pooley. Pre-s lHnfv. I) B .IsMie. A. J. Sbobs, Geo. M. Vinson, C H Smi'h.J ft Ball, A, Abisuauisiok aud C. M- Chaillou, For EX-PRESIDENT DEAD. Rutherford B. Haves Expires at His Home. OF A FEW DAYS. Brier Rlograiioh-al l-ketrh-nia Eminent Pablie Jbervieea !i-iume by ilea. Gordon. FlikUoNT. Ohio, Jan. 17. (Statesman (liBpntob).-Kutbei(orJ B, Hayes, ex president of the United States, died at 11 o'.look to-night. His sickness bad been watched during tbe day and evening by Dr. Hillish aud friends of tbe general, and as is usually heciiBe many cm, dieting rumors were float, but an interview early in the eve ning iib Kutherford P. Hayes, appear ed to reduce facts to a statement that bis condition waa praotioally unchanged. Members of tbe family ha I spent the day ipiietly at home, and nothing was deem ed to ind'OHte that tba death of the ez presideut was expected. Tue family has ail along beeu reticeut concerning tbe condition of Mr. Hayes. His death was sudden, aad created great surprise. Ex-President Hayes use born iu Del iwiue, Oct. 4, 1S2'2 Ha first went to the common school, nnd entered Keiiyou College io 1S3S, graduating in 1842. He studied law ai d was admitted to tbe bar in 184). Ou tbe breaking out of the war in lrtUl be volunteered and was appoint ;d nii.j ir io tba 23rd regiment ol Ohio volunteers. Soon after, iu Virginia, be ,is promoted to lieutenant colonel and distinguished hinnolt at tbe battle ofS iutb Mountain, where bewass-vure ly wociMieil. in lol be o mtnamleil a biigade under Geu. Urook, iu tbe Sbeu- I'ldoHh valiey. J.'ol. Hayes served under -iheiid'iu iu hiV'illey campaigna with listiuguidbed gullautry. For hii con hull at the battle of Cedar Creek he was uade a brigadier general, ou the express ion of (im, (Jrook. He is fivorahly mentioned by Grant iu his .ueiuoira, as a gallaut i Uider. He wits leoted to ouugress while iu the field, mil look hid seat after the war was over, tie was re ele -ted in I860. In 18U7 Oeii. Il i)es was eleoted governor of Ohio, aud re-elected iu 1 Hi) J. fu 1375 be was a (bird time eleoted governor, iu every iu .tiinoe defeating the m ist distinguished Ii liioarat of the state. Before the expir- itioii of bis third term as g iveruor he was eleoted presnNut, aud entered upon ihe duties ol that otfice Ma oh 4,1877 Upon tbe expirntiou of his presidential term be retired to his home at Fremmt, where he lived quietly until his death. Iu a visit to Udorgia iu lsSb lie bad an enthusiastic reception, and Gov. Gordon paid ex-President Haven a Hue trib ute ir. saying that he was tbe m in who had "muds a true uud noble effort to 0 m;ilele the reatorallou of tbe Union by restoring fraternal feeling between the eatrunged sections." Mrs. Huyes died several years ago. l.KulM.ATlVK NEWS. U Klliiloi- ltrtuni Alter a Mhnrt Vacation And go tu Wink ttllll Krnuwed Ef lulls llsluiltiiii Cuaaty Hill Pre sentedOilier Nutes. Special to the azctte. Suuday eveuiug's and Monday morn ing's traiu brought b.ick all the legislat ors from their yaoaticn, aud when the two houses were oalled tu older at 2 p. in., every member answered "present" exoeptiug one representative, Mr. Bnx lou, of Washington 0 unity, who was 11 u lortuuately detaiued at his room ou ac count uf sickness The sbuate was open- ail by Bav. Mr. Brown (cdored), of tbe Africau M. E. church, of Portland, who, by the way, is ouculatiug among tbe legislators a petition asking that tbe word "negro" be stiiokeu out of Ihe con stilutiou, as by the passage of tbe 14ib auieuduieut it b,-0 una a "dead lette", aud should be 0 incelled. Following the opening, the president of the senate and speaker of the boue announced their nppoinimeuta of the standing 01 miuitiees. Senator Black jnpm was h pointed 111 a member of the "as and means" and "fi.-bing Indus triea"commutecs, Iteprrseutalive Browu as chairman id Commntee on "CoiiLties", and a member of the ' j idiomiy" ootn uiittee aud Urpreseutalive Uowau chair man "rail ay and transportation" com mittee and a meu.l, r of the "publio lauds aud priniiug" ooiuuii tee. Mr. biinVuinn as also appointed aaa mem tar ol Ihe i .nit ootntuiitee lo ex.iunue ihe secretary of state's hooka. Following the aL-uounoement of the commiltet-s, a great tnauy resolution ol every unlllre were preaeuted, after w hiCU bills began comiug in with about the same sperd as of old. XexS tbe seooud readiug of bills was taken np, aud aft-r being read they ere each referred to the committee governing same Tiles d'e -rk wa a'niost a repetition of thai of Moiidiiv, insiiy new bills being prweuled, also a uuuibar giv.u accoud j further information call at our office. reading and referred to committees. The total number of bills now in the irtud is more than 300. The flist bill passed by either house, wnn the bill presented by ' Senator Baley to oreate the office of re corder iu Umatilla connty, which, after being read tbe second time, ws referred to special committee of senators from that county, who in a very short time report ed bnck favorably, and after being read third time, passed the senate by nnani mous vote, and waa forwarded lo the house Tuesday afternoon, where it will also likely reoeive prompt action. Honse bill ho. 150, to create the conn ty of Hamilton iu the state of Oregon, was presented by Representative Guwau Monday afternoon. Division bills are not looked opon by either honse with mncb favor, but when either senator or representative learns that this one is backed by a petition 900 strong, tbey at ouoe say it demands attention, aud should not be olassed with tbe average bill of its kind. Mr. Gowan bas also presented another bill worthy of note, and one that should receive tbe support of every school su periutendeut of the state of Oregon. It is 'or the fixing aud regulating of publio school superintendents' salaries by the legislature. Should it pass, this power would be taken oat of tbe bands of a county oonrt, who now regulate tbe same, and be governed by tbe legit lature. Representative Browu, by request, bas presented a bill iu the bouse regulating the employment of specialists in any line of education in the publio sclioo's of the state. Should this pass, the trustees or superintendents of the schools would have the authority to employ the servi. oes of a musical inst motor, artist or any specialist as an instructor in any partic ular school wherever he should feel jusii Bed in so j"it'l eentedjftvpi8i whiqay V that aY.lnn.vf tl tied in so Joii'g. Mr Brown also pre- ise concurrent resolution. both houses, providing tee Of five three from the linuse and tw'n fiom tbe senate b np pointed lo exnmiue and investigate all mntteia pertaining to the Construction and cost of the state portage road around the Cascadea of the Columbia river. Tin committee will make the investigation at an earlv date. Representative Upton, commonly known in the bonse as' 3 mta Clans" Up' ton, in his administration of reform aud economy has presented a bill to repeal an not to create and establish a board of railway commissioners. In short, be be lieves onr railway commissmnen more ornamental than useful, conai qoently rather an expensive luxury, and in the langnage of his excellency, Governor Pennnver. would have "the commission abolished." Senator gteiwer, of Fossil, baa intro, dnced a bill to incorporate Condon; also one to amend a section of an act to in corporate the town of Fossil. There ia considerable opposition to the proposition to change Ihe time of hold ing onr general elections from June to November. Also some opposition to bill changing the arrangements of the names of the candidates from tba alphabetical order tn groups under set arnte political heading; however, the latter will in all probability pass. Yonr reporter had the pleasure of spending a short time in the office of Prof E. B. McElrny. state superintend ent of puhlio instruction, where he found the professor very busy with education al matter, of every nature, though ap parently ever willing to share bis time lib anyone who should happen in his office Mr. MoElroy informed yonr rep resentative that the eduostional inter ests of Oregon would be represented at the exposition tn he held at Chicago this year, regardless of the action of the leg islators nn the World's Fair appropria tion hill atrichia now before it. With the ft'ststnnre of many of the county and city school superintendents, and persons interested in eduostional work through out the sta'e. a very creditable exhibit had been collected, and was now being forwarded to Chioigo, where Oregon hsd secured snoe in the department of liberal arts. Th" funds necessary to de fray the expenses of this undertaking have been seenred by contributions, large and anvil', f-nm every part of the tste. pr..f McE'rov ia fnllv awake to the eiiucational interests of Oregon nev er missing sn nppornniv to acquaint himself with he ads"0ment of the woik in anv section of the state, and in II. is undoubtedly the right tns in the right plsne.. Job Lots Salmi. Ob . Jan 13. DS. It Hhnnld be ia Every Honse. .T. B. Wilson. 371 Clsv St , SharpsWi., Pi., ssvs h trill not b wifhrtnt Dr King's New Piso iverv for jtnnanmotion, O-mghs an,) (Junta, that it enred bia wife who was threatens,! with Pnentrionia af ter an attack nf "La O'ipne." hen vsri ona nlher remedies and several phyi eiana hsd rtooe her no good. Robert Wsrher. nf C-kpo't. Pa , cliims Pr King's New Discoyerv hsa done him "in" gn"d lh-n aneihing he ever nd t -T Inn Ironhle. Nothing like 't Trv it ITreA lrj.,1 IviHloa at ttl(iAnm..l,il,ra)i l)rUg Co. Large bottles, BU aud $1.00. A A GREAT TRIUMPH FOR MEDICAL SCIENCE. Partirn ara of One of The Most ltpmarkable Care. ,.n Itscol-d llesrnbed by Ilia De troit News A tttnry Wurtli a Carelai Pernssl. A Detroit, Mich., case his j 1st enrae to light here, the particulate of which are published in tbe Evening News, which will be read with considerable in terest, as it records the remarkable achievement of a medio il disoovery. which bas already w in great aud en lur ing fame. Tbe atiry ia told by the News as follows: The following paragraph, which ap peared io the Newa a short time ago. furnished the baais of this information a that was so wonderfully remark able that it demanded further exolaua tion. It is of auffioieut importauoe to the News' readers to report it tn them fully. I' waa an important then that, it attraoted oousideralde attention at the time The following is tbe paragraph iu question : (J. B rinrtlirnp, for lio yenrs one nf tbe best known luerchauraoo Woodward avenue, who waa supposed to be dying last spring or locomotor ataxia, or creep ing paralysis, baa secured a new lease of life aud returned to work at his store. Tbe di-ease baa always been supposed to be incurable, hut Mr. Nortbrnp'a condi tion has greatly improved, and it lo ks now as if Ihe gruva would be cheated ol ita prey." Mince that time Mr Norlhrnp has stead ily improved, not only in loot's, hut 111 condition, till he has regained his old- time strength. It hsd been hinted to the writer of this article, who wns acquainted with Mr Nortlitup, that 'his mirHOnlotis change hsd been wrought by a Verv simde rein, edy oalled Dr. Willisms' Pink Ppls for Pale People. When asked about it Mr Noithrtip fullv verified the statement ai d not only so, hut be had taken psiua to inform aiivune who waa suffering in a similar manner when he heaid of any snoh case. Mr. Northrup was enthusi astic at, ttie nsitlt in ilia own case of Dr. Willi ims' Pink Pills. It was a remedy that he had heard of after he had trieii everytning he could hope to give him re lief He had been in the care of the b- at plivsictulia bo did all they could to nl leviute this terrible mslady, bur without any avail. He I. ad given np hope, when a friend in Lockport, N. Y. wrote him of the Oase of a ihtsiiii there a ho had beeu enrtdin similar eironmstance s by Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People The person cured at Lockport had ob tained Ins information rest eating Dr. Williams' Pink Pills from sn article pub lished 111 the Hamilton, Out .Tunes. The case was called "Ihe Hamilon Miracle," aud told the story of a man iu that city who, after almost incredible aiifT-riug. was prononnoed by the moat eminent phystciana to be incurable and prims nenily disabled. He hsd spent hundreds or dollars iu an sons of treatment and appliauoes only to be told iu the end that there was no hope lor him, and that cure waB iini o-sible. I he person alio led to (Mr. Johu Marshall, of 25 Little William fit , Hamilton, Out..) was a member uf ih'i Royal Templars of Temperance, aud after having been prnuimuced perms nently disabled and iuournhla by the pmsioiaua, whs panl the fl.UUU iiisnr auoe disability provided by the order for its m rubers jo such cases. For years Mr Mar-hall had been utterly helplees. and he was barely able 1 1 drg himself arnuno tee house will the aid or crutch es. His agonies werealrnest nnbexrable and lite was a burden to him. when at Inst relief oame. Some months after be bad been paid the d sahtlity claim he beard of Dr. Willisms' Pink Pills and was induced lo try them. Tbe result waa niiraonloiis; almost from the outset au improvement was noticed, and in a few months tbe man whom medioal experts had asid was ioonrable, was going about he oily healthier and stronger than be fore. Mi. MarHhall was so well known iu Hamilton that ail the city newapapers role up his wonderful recovery iu de tail, aud it waa thus as before stated. that Mr. Nor'brilp came Into pnssea-1011 of ihe information that led to his iqoallv marvelous recovery Ooe could sciroe ly oonoeive a case more hopeless than that of Mr, Northrnp. His injury came about iu this way : One day nuarlv four years ago, he sttimb ed and fell the c m plelel.ngih of steep flight 01 staps which were st the rear ol his store. His nead and spine were severely injured. He was picked up aud tnlieii to Ida home. Creeping paralvais very aistn d. velope.l 1 1 "elf, slid 111 spite of the most strenuous efforts of friend' and phveici o,s ihe ter. nole 1 ffl cttnn fastened itself upon For nearly two jeara he whs perfectly helpless. He could do nothing t i sup port his strengib 111 ihe least cff.rt. He had to be wheeled about in an invalid's chair. He waa weak, pale and (at sink ing when this timely information came thai veritably snatched his life from the laws of death. 1 Inwe. who at tlptt tpne saw a let ble old rauti wheeled into bis store on an invalid's chair, would not recognize the m in 11 1 w. so greet ia the ahange thst Dr. Williams' Pmk Pills have wrought. Wbeu Mr Northrop leaned of the remedy that had cur-d Air. Mrshsll in Hamilton, and the per n in L K'kpe"-'. he p'nenred asnpplt of Dr.' Pink Pills through M-ssrs Ha-s-tt 4 L'H o'tnmedien. 9j Westward avenne, and from the outset f mud nil improvement. He Nitbfiitly adhered to the use of the rrmed nntil now be is Completely reetnred." Mr. Northrnp del-Urea that tbere can be no dobut as lo ink Pills feeing the 0 one of bis restora tion to health, as all other remedies and medical treeitment left him ii a aindi'ioti rapidly going from bad 10 worse, until at Ih-i it was declared was no hope for bira and he wa prononi, tncnra ble. lie waa iu this urr.lU coud.tioo It is a wonderful remedy, which is alike benefi cial to you and your children. Such is Scol's Emulsion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil and Hypophos phites of Lime and Soda. It checks wasting in the children and producer, sound, healthy flesh. It keeps them from taking cold and it will do the same for you Scott's Emulsion cures Cuuyhs, Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and all Anaemic and W-sticg- Diseases. Prevents wsatisj in eh ldren. Al most as palatable ns niiili. Vet only the genuine, rroparod by Scott ,t Bowne.CharnlsU, Now York. Sold by all DruK,,'i3:. JHE CITY OT K L, W. J. LBBZBR, Prop. TJHIS HOSTELHY has been Refitted aud Kefdnisiied throughout, and now is one of tbe most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leeier iuvites you to atop with him, feeling that be is able to entertain you in the best of style. r First Class House. WELL, I SHOULD SMILE, The Finest in the Land. Oyster Season Also is about ripe. We will let you know about that in the near future. V. L. Matlock & Co. 111. Kedey kti -OF- I i ELLIS HEPPNER, L D. DOTED 18 IIEPP.NER'S LEADING Office, Residence w heu he begun to use Or. Williams' Pink Pills, aud tbey bave restored him to health. Mr. Northrnp wns asked what was claimed for this wondeifui remedy, aud replied that be uuduratnod the proprie tote c aim it to be a blood builder aud nerve restorer, supplying in a condeused fmm all the elements necessary to eurn-h the bluod, restore Ibe shattered ueryee aud drive nut disease It is claimed b) the prop'ietors that Pink Pills wid cure paralysis, rheumatism, sciatica, palpita tion of ihe heart, head, u-he, aud all die eases pe-culiar tn femal -s, loss of appe tite, dizziness, sleeplessness, lo-ta of mem ry, ami all ilise sea arising trnm over work, mental worry, loss uf vital force, etc. "I WBnt to aa," said Mr. Northrnp. 'that 1 don't have much faith in patent me-ilioiuea. but I oaiiunt say 10 i much iu praise nf Dr. Williams' Pink Pills Tue proprietors , however, olaiui that tbey are lint a aleut me-diciue In tba sense in bioli that term is used, but a biithiy oieuliHo preparation, the result o years of oaielul study and experiment ou the p .rt ut the p-oprieiors, and the pilla were siiioessl'nlly lis-il iu private prautice fm jenra he-fore being placed for general sale. Mr Norihrup declares tint he ia a living exsuaple lhal lb-re is untiling tn quarihe-e pill aa a oure for nerve ill' e-ea. On inquiry III writer found th .1 th-se pilia were mamifacueed by !) VV 1 1 1 i h 1 118 Me Heine C 1, Schenectady, N Y . and Kna-kville. 0 it., and 'he pills ar sold in holes, (never iu bulk bv the-huu.l-redj at 50 cents a b 'X. and may he bl if all druggist nr direc bv mad from Dr. Williams' Medioiue Co . from eitbei nf the above addr-sws. Tile, piioet at whioli these pilla are sold raikea a Ooilrs- of tieiiueul with tbam 0 ivelv pisx pensive as c tmpared with other r m edies nr me lie 1 lreatnint. This case 1. me of the most remarkable nn record aud as it is nue right h-re in Dt-tnii',an l not a ihnnsand mtle-sawav, it can be east ly verifi-d. Mr. N inhrnn ii very weil known 10 the iaiple in LV'tmir. and lie says be is only t i ghd to testify of the. marve-iniis goo-l wrought in his oase. H- aays he conulers it his duty to help all w-io are similarly sffl nfed by any word he can say 111 hhalf of the w mder'nl ef fl.iaov of Or Williams' P.nk PiMa. If aiiv nf tli- N jsrs r-a l-rj vrvit anv forth -r In'oriu iiinn. we f-el sure Air. Northrop would wilhnglv ohli ;e theiu. as lie has tbe writer iu relating these faola to him. Scott's EinMSlon Reasonable Rates :- and -:- pprs ! For the Cure Oi Liquor. Opium and Tobacco Habits It It located at Fared Grove, Or , 77ie Beautiful Town on the Coatt. Call at the Gaiekttk otttco for particulars. Strictly L-oulldeutiul. Treatment private and sure cure. ATTORNEY AT LAW And Commissioner of the V. S. Circuit Court. All land I matters attended to promptly and accurately. Oflioe in Natiooal Bank building. : : : OREGON iionr 1 Builder. it Scientiflo American iigr- OE8IOM PATENT8. TDlnc u . n DESIGN PATENTS. . C0PVRICHT8, etc cr information and free Hsndbonk writ n S.'6"?.1!''?' '"ken out br us Is brought be for tue pubac bj a aouoa glvea free of charge in uU 9 ricutif it gmcrtatt Lanrest elrcutatlon of any edentlfta Daoer In the world, Spimdtdiv illwWTM msa houid be without It. Wee!iV3.00is Tosri IIOili months. Arldrers iluVtN i CO tiiBusasBj, SOI Uroadwui, iiow lork Cttj; THE DICTIONARY HOLDER Did JW" er lesm what fabuloui rttulta frw otil of tM ftiiufMlura Ly Hi Hoyegof an ornamitttal atail lo hold U , nil hoi y II KB a IDI. Dill IO 1011 It n wireuitr q'loi'uii . lUvr yiu tr notice. !h a. Wart x ana awnwur Lomiwiiy, wnicn turu out ai twUowa; 45 GO.d In 'C3 2,280 coBd in '89 6,260 CoSd in f90 so,oJO co!d EnOfl 60.CC add In A Steel Wlndml.t ar.d tteet i Z2WOf ewrV ii m.nuteaw CT These .Ipuret te:l iht BtV over -going, ever) n at in eteei Aermotor. Whore One.Boee other follow and wm Takai thaa Cnunm.) La lrn h . Hnfea, muun aaeaiti with winch u was uui" f not lilt il t its Curd UnPHt -i f itil'ia V.'wt (' aiDf nl lresd.i by tvo ef tlis 't M4rrtfr fompa.ii in) trtiuily furn heHl iif Ijt IhefHioar Holdor buvinxa Wtbft a (tar, to Ih H.dJt' vnntt m,Mry a to fao fttttl ll!d i,J stiil thlila ih Htrrraaing ra-.ijr from year t lytmr. TUokCcrt-t ut artfr'f Itthttt r Nujtaj haa nnvla a mct 'Hrt, RiitsCai-4 nentonotia article, mi tea mainiainxJ a lnuh itoJrd at iccllviic aJ mtit.liK) itwy anicl wtai i-nra Tli mrrn or in) itlioinrj lUd'tt baa ifn o f raal wa Iltsry MtriWj tu.d i ad inuchpr-.tii'"tl-h ttiat tii: on acli ona hi )ii.t t'-o awuil a'T riMiiMvisxi !!) .iac-aluala-tewf7 iiwrtHn of t u lui, TM uh rimuto t Untia of . 1 kst4 t7 rU I IMM FY Mill