Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 20, 1893, Image 1

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Some People
Buy advertising apace because rates are
low generally the circulation is a nitlit
loiver Circulation determines lite value
of aiXvertis ng; there in no other standard.
The Gazette is willing to abide by it.
The Paper. Without it advertisers get
nothing for their money. The Gazttte,
with one exception, has the largest circula
tion of any paper in Eastern Oregon.
Therefore it ranks hiqh as an advertising
W EEKLY NO. 514. 1
SLMU fcLKLY (! A 7 !!'!'
Tuesdays and Fridays
,.Bue. Manager.
Ai $3.00 per ypr. fur atx month. t.Ui
for tliroe wmium; if paid for in tulruui'u. I'i.oO-
Advertising Rates Made Known on
Application. ;,
The UEA.3-LB, " of Long Creok, H-miii
County. Oregon. In imhliuhed by the nnine t'Oiii
pituy everv Friday inorniui?. riuhm-ripthm
crli-p, Wiwr yeur. ForHdvurtiaitiKmtt'B.HddreitH
CSaXlSr X. FATTERSOT, Edilor and
Manager, I-oiig Creek, Oregon, or "Gazette,"
Heppner, Oregon.
THIS PAPKH ie kppt on tile nt K. ( . fk t
1 AdvertixinK Atrency.rii and .' Mrchiuitt
KichaiiKs, Hhh Franoihco. (Wornin. where dis
tract for advert intg can be made for it.
Whpiier,... v
ArliiiKton,. .
Loim creek,.
Echo . .
..B. A. HiiiiBaker
...Phil! Heppner
'1 he hajrle
Bob nhaw
Cam Prairie,
Oii'ar De Van.
viui tu. kn . Allen Mcterriii
Nye, Or.,
. ... 11. V. ' 'K'H
J. a. Wook'ry
..Mattie A. Uudlo
Hani man, Or.,
Hamilton, Grant Co., Or.,
tone, -.
Prairie City, Or.,
Canyon City, Or.,
rtlot Ruck,
Uayville, Or.,
John Day, Or
Athena, Or
T. J.Carl
...R. R. MuHalev
. . . . 6.L. Far rial.
O, l okelton
J. E. .mow
...F. I. McCailuin
. . John Edinirton
Pendleton, Or.,
Win. U. MeCroBkey
Mount Vernon, Grant Co., Or., .
Bhelbv. Or.
MiSB otella Flett
Eight Mile, or.,
Upper Uhea Creek,
DuiiglHB, Or
Lone Kot'k, Or . . ..
Condon, Oregon...
. ., J. r. Allen
Mrs. Andrew AnhbuiiKu
B. F. Hevland
a. White
R. M. JohiiHon
W.I', siiyder
Herbert llalstead
.V. B. M Aiisior
IblOh PAcnc Railway-Local card.
N. 10, mixed leaves Hepnmr lOflO a. m.
;o. ar. at Arlii.Kto" 1 l-i a.m.
" 9, " ltwwa ' VSiZ p. m.
" , ar. at lleppner tiUt p. -u, dailj
except Sunday.
East bound, main line ar. at ArliiiKton 3:Vi p. m.
Went leavea " 3rf p. m.
Niiiht trains are running on aaine time an before.
Leave, Heppuer 7 a. m. Tuesdays. Thursday!
anil Saturilnva. reaching l.nne Kink at 5 i. in.
Leaves (.one Km k 7 a. in. Mondays, Meilucs
days and Fridays. reachtUK i.eppner at i p. m.
slakes connection uiih tlie Lone Itock-tuasll
tri-Meckly route.
Aireuts, oluuuui-Joliiistoii brug Co., lleppner,
l'lllleil Staten (lllil'iula.
bee -e'aiy ol ti'ate
been lary ol Treasury
Secretary of iuienor....
beireiaiy of Ur
Bit -ret ar of Navy...
I'uuruBter.l i uuenu
Atl.ir ey-Ueuetal
betretaryof Atfriculturw
lienjaniin Harriwni
Levi P X i in on
....Joint W. i'oat r
Oiarles t oiler
J. W. No'lle
,.8.eikeu li. Klkii.a
li. F. Trney
.. loliu Wiiiittnifik r
....W. II. II. iciln-r
Jeremiah H..ak
mute ol (Ireaou.
Secrlaryof Blate
bum. Public Instruction.
.B Pennnyer
..U. W. Sl.liu.le
..I'liil. MeialhHli
K. U. Mcl'.lroj
IJ. II.JIiK'll
1 J N.l) hi.
I llitiger ileriiiaiili
Supreme. I udKe...
. r rHhk t . Uaker
111. I
L r . A . Aionre
'. ....id
, b. Uetui
Sevnilll .lllilll'ial lllstriel.
Ciirnit JudKe WL-.?r?i)s!iaw
I .o cut n. Aliorney . U. Wils li
Hi. now County (lllli ial
Ion, Henator...
ourilj JudKe....
' Conimipsionent..
J. M. Haker.
' Purveyor
SchiKil Hup'l...
..Henry Mli'ekniHii
J. fv. lirown
Julius Keiihly
FwlB. 11. eunei
J. W. Morrow
Heo. Nohle.
..W. J. L. ezei
K. 1.. liaw
li Brown
W. I,. Salinn
T. W. Ayoif. Jr
j,,,,,, T.J Matloek
I'ouni-iiuien . E. Farnsworth. M
Lichtenthal. Otis Patterson, tt. P. Oarrigues.
Th.n. Jioiuan and H'rank Uilliam.
Kecord, ;A;li;:h',r"'-
Treasurer , K O. Hlm-um
Mahl J. W. ltasmu..
Justice of the Peace F J. Hallock
I unstable J. J. "oOnf
United Mjtti-s Und OlUcera.
J.W.LewU... K !'
T.S.Lang U. ceiT r
ACleaTer. Regi-ter
A. I' Mct'lelLiUil lleceiver
Done Luilitr No. K. of P. meets ey
ery Tuesday .-eiiiiiu at 7.80 o'clook in
their I'astle Hall. National IIbi.s build,
int. tkiiourniliK briMherscinliallY in
Tited tn attend. H. eCBERZINGKR. I . t ,
U. It. bwiKBlB. k. ul 11.4 3. tf
O. A. 11.
Mets Bt LexinBtoii. Or., the last Saturday of
act. month. All Tetermni are inritejl t" )mn
' IliMin.
tf i'ouiuiaoder.
, A A. KOBERTS, Rel Estate, loBtir
ance snii CollertioDB. Office iu
Council CbRmbere. Heppner.Or. nwtf.
t. b. Lyons
And Counselors t Iw. Prompt attention
riven to all collection! and notarial wnrk en
trusted to them. Ottice iu Matlock block, nest
aide Main street.
Attorney at Law,
Brown & Hamilton
Practice in all ooorts of the state. Insurance.
Kjai etiUte cdlooti hi a id I mii hx tt-t.
Prompt atitMiUon gi?ea k ail bcuuneas entnutU
d to them.
Or icx. ilkiM Btsjut, HErrsut, Oevgok.
X Year's Subscription to a Pop
ular. Agricultural Taper
By a special Brranemeut with tlie
lulilisliTH we art) prepiired to fnruisL
tT.EE to idfb of nar readers n yrnr't
4iilKcnpti'iD to the popnlnr tnonf lil
HijiicnliiirHl jniiriitil, the Ameiiicak
Fak.mf.ii. published at bprinijtleld ami
Clevelnnd, Ohio.
Thin offer i marie to Bny of our snb-
siTibt-rs who will pny np nil flrreariiKPi"
hi fliihrriptinn mid mie ear in atlvHiice,
mid to nny new snhsoriber who will pH
one 5 en I tu advance, lhe AMERICAN
Fabuek enjoys h lar(je untionnl oircnlH
tiini. mid raiikn amonK be leading
aurioultiiriil paper". By thia arranve
rnent it OlKSTS YOU NOTHING to re-
oeive the Amrkicmn Faiisiek or one
veap, It will he to onr advantage to
onil iromptly. Sample oopies cud be
a en lit our i lfii'e.
The orlcltml
-i-1 4 r .('
I- V(tv, , "fi)
BV 'KClAL An K.i . i h..ih. l -vim lnh)
pubUHiiers, He are aoie iu ouiain a iinniber
ol t above bunk, and propoe lo mriii&i. a
copy to eni h ot uur rjuuwriut-m.
1 lie UlL'llouurj in a iutttj nuine,
school and bitii.eos hoube. it nils a aeaney,
and inrnibheb know Ieutce ulut'h no one iinn-
vlred other o n mes ui inc eliuu-eel books eould
supply. ) on i ik and old, I'Uiicaieo anil ignorant,
rich aotl poor, Miouhi iiave it w itbiu ri-m ii, auu
reii-r to lid eonteiils every ua in Oie year
Ah Bun.e have abke 11 ilin Ib rettllj lhe Orig
inal Welmlt-rb l uabridyeu Liviloiniry, e are
able to state we ha- u uurnett iliiv.01 tiinn Lite
pnblihhL'i'B i he iari, thai tld is li.e xery work
eoinplele un t hich about loriy ol Uie bcBl years
ol the author o Hie Wf re to w ell einplujfii in
wrilliiK. It einilai.itt the entire v oi uuniaiy ot
about hki.UUU vvurds, iueltnling lhe eoirecl ttpell'
log, dei'ivalion and dennilioii ol Kaioe, a.d it
the reyulnr hianihtl'd Bi.e, coinainiiit! hIjuui
.HAt.uuii Bqimre inflicts ol printed tmihu-c, and la
bound i.. uloth hall inoi'ot-eo and di.ee u.
Until turtner notice we will tuinish this
valuable Diet onary
Fust io any new subscriber.
Second To any renewal subscriber.
Third To any suDscriDer now in arrears
who pays up and one year in advance, at
the following prices, viz;
Fu'l Ciotrt Dound, gilt side and back
stamps marbled edges $:-oo
Halt Wo occo, bound, gilt S'de and back
stamps, maiDlea edges i 50.
Fun Sheep Dound, leather label, marbled
edges, $2.00
Fifty cents added in all cases fo express
age to Heppner,
,fftP-AB the publishers limit the time and
number ol book ft they will furnish at the low
priceb, h e ad itv all ho desire 10 avail them
selves ol this great opportunity to attend to it
iSlLVEK'ri ..liMt'lUN
ocky-. Mcunlaiii News
Subscription price reduced as fnlluws:
One Year by m dl) : : fS 00
Six Months " : : 3 OU
Thr. e Months " : : : 1 50
One Mouth " : : SO
One Year in Advance) : fl 00
The Xewi is lhe only consistent curplon of
silver la the West, and should be in every home
iu the West, and iu the hands of every uiiner
and business man in Colorado,
tieud Iu yuur subscriptions at once.
Dolivcr, Colo.
L U M BJli !
IT dressed LiiiiiUt, lti inlles of lleppner, ai
m liat Is knoii n as the
I'EK 1,1X10 FEET, KiiPl.ll,
Ill) Ul
i; in'
L l.tsi per l.iAlu leet, Hililitluiial.
r. A. Hilllilltiin,.Mnil'Ki
All arp unfTeriinf from tlie effect,
nf Tonllifnl Errors, L;ib of Manbmirl.
FHiling Powers, Gonori boea, OIppI.
Stricture, Syphilis and the maoy trotiblpf
wbich are the effects "f these terrible
disorilera will receive, Fiiek or Charob.
full directions hnw to tieut and cure
llirvixelres at home by writing to lb
fikmabt. YWli Mnrket Street,
Frwicnoo, Culifomia. 4t5-l.
Webster's I'lialriikcil
&&gm ' -
That Your Hair
may retain
its youthful color,
fullness, and beauty, '
dress it daily
Ayer's Hair ? Vigor
It cleanses the
scalp, cures humors,
and stimulates a
new growth
of hair.
Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co.
Lowell, Mass.
Caveats, Trade-marks, Design Talents, Copjrights,
And all Patent business conducted for ' '
Information and advlco gf ven to inventors wttnoil
charge. Address
ilan;!giny Attorney,
P. O. Box 4C3. Washington, D.Q
ft7Th!9 Company ia managed by a combination of
(he .arptBt mti most luiiuvntial m'wspnpirs in tne
I 'Rlt' t States, for tlie express purpose of protect
tuff their auhnirribera npninst unicrupnlona
md iu, ompc'tiiit Pa. en t Agents, and each paper
printing thi) advertlsrmentvonches for the rcsponsl
1)1 1 Uy and high stunillnj; of the Press Claims Coiupu.
Write for our Mammoth
('HtHlngUP, a (rbO-patn
book, plainly illiiHtrat
ed, pivitifr Jlanufartnr
ers lowest price with
iiih 11 u f act ti rers' d iscnu n '
on all Roods nnimifiict
tired atid imported int
the I'tdted Mates.
Jft to .00 cents 011 everj
dollar you spend. W't
Bell only first-clans enodf
(.mpi-riet, Kti rniturc
Clothing, Dry (inodh
Mills, h)w, itoots am
Shoes, Notions, Crock
ery. Jewelry, Itupfriet
mid Harnett, Atrricul
tn nil IniplementB; i'
I fact ttnythins; yon waul
saved by buyiup of ut
Send 2't eente tn pay e
nrcBsite on catnlnmie.
I buyer's ffiifde. We nn
the onlv ronccrn tint
ttells at imimifflrhirer
prices, allrwinfr the buyer the PHine diwoun
tliHt the iiiHiinfai-turer ulves to the wholesHl
trade. We guarantee all a;nodn 10 be equal t
reprefeutatinuB or money refunded. ooimIs set
by expreBf or frciirht, i'th priv ilege of exainina
tion before paying.
A. K Alt PEN A CO.,
122 Quiueey at., Chieago, 111.
m.'A sank of '&m
it I'.lslfoH
Made oo Fnvurnble TermB.
The Sower
ITaa no recond cbanct. The
lirnt suppitus bis neeiUt If he
tiutea liie wine prveautioo of
planting '
Ferry's Seed
k l- erryi. eeil A nn nnl tor una, a
I cunlauisuu lue laiesLana oest i
' Inrurmaliuualiuutuuiueiisand
Gnlenins. It ta a reuoirmted
BJLhority. Kvery planter sliuuld
have IL Hent. IVp nn reauesL
F D. U. PKHlrV it CO., lfCr..l, Mlsk.1
tow It li IS8 Im. t rt'urtkin of 1M thf., bi I fttA to much
bMWr thM 1 vniiM dm ttk SI. 000 tvriri b Mt bsvili where 1
at. I Km both irTiriHd ui-l pru'id of lh cnanre. I rrrom
twid voar Uenlmfnt to all tnflrrt fVom bliv. I will
ctMrfallr iMwir all tnqniriH if titunp i locbiMil tor reply.1
Rot.pm. So Sl.rrl. ftniil k In rtwns. tut pwtlnuu. t.
tl. 0. W. f. tsTDEI. t Wll l THEATER. CIICASO.
dim reura. rUIIH I t.?5 S
Iinjr a ice inai -j ,t J : r---
control the inni or outlde.(tr
B nk (nsr Crap (laitPE on It
Marbiil Bark Playing Cards, LorV't-it Vi a and
evt-rythin(( in the Hne. Kw work Unt wins the
Biortcv. Healed pari lct))ni artfl "-.,. rn'Joifua
free, S-ad felt-nMrvifrd stauiiptd tnAii to
KLT UUOS- Drawer AJ, Cbicaso, Hi.
1 Fl pl80 fl Remedy for Catarrh is the pi
- . mm caa.i-iir vo iso, ana coeapesi. si
My wife suffered with such Intense neuralgic pains in the face, she tl.nuh' she
wool ! die. iibe bathed ber Uce and bead wili. ST. JAC0D3 OIL,-nd ttcu.xd her 10
lour iuurs.
Pay the Price of the
Royal for Royal only
Roy.il Baking Powder is shown by actual
chemical tests absolutely pure and 27 per cent
greater in strength than any other brand.
Many second-class brands of baking powder
are urged upon consumers at the price of the
high-cost, first-class Royal.
These powders, because of the inferior quality
of their ingredients, cost much less than the
Royal, besides being of 27 per cent, less strength
If they are forced upon you, see that you are
charged a correspondingly lower price for them.
A List of Hybrid I'erpetunla That Will
epuy Auiuteurs.
The amateur is often handicapped ns
to a knowledge of varieties, and a little
judicious advice from Orchard and Gar
den is therefore given in tho matter of
roses. The inexperienced, for instance,
tre frequently led astray in regard to
Uybrid lleinontants, or Hybrid Perpetu-
als, aa they are more commonly called.
Most of this class of rosc3 may bo said
to be ban except at tho extreme
north, where they will need sonio pro
tection: but they do uot bloom all tho
time by uny means. As a rulo, nearly
all of them bloom abundantly in the
primr or early summer, and many of
them (not all) again iu the autumn with
moro or less profusion, often less. LTy-
brid lieinontauts is a niuci better desig
nation for this di ss than Hybrid Per
petual. The real perpetual bloomers
are to be found chiefly among the tea
roses. The different classes cf voses,
however, are being so mixed up by
crossing that it ij becoming didcult to
classify the results.
Following is a list of a dozen Hybrid
Remontants, which combine to a iroo.l
degree vigorous growth, abundant early
bloom, handsome flowers, fragrance
and tjnito a generous bloom in autumn:
Barouno Prevost, bright roso color, very
large and full, but somewhat flat in
form: T.ev. J. D. McCamm, carmine
rose, medium size and globular form;
Anne do Diesbach. dark rose, very large
and full; Dinstuore, scarlet crimson,
large and fall, very free: Mis. John
Laing. pale pink, large, fine form, free
and constant; Alfred Colomb, bright
carmine crimson, very large, full globu
lar form; Marie Datunan, bright carmine
crimson, large, full, line form; Pierre
Notting, darlc maroon tinged with
bright cri;son, largo, globular form,
pointed buds; Annie Wood, bright ver
milion, large, fine form: Francois
Micbolon, dark carmine rose, very large,
full globular form; Abel Urand, silvery
pink, largo, full, fine form; Marshall
P. Wilder, cherry carmine, large, full
semiglobular form. All these roses are
fragrant, many of them delicioiisly so.
The preceding twelve Hybrid Remon
tants may be increased to a "baker's
dozen" by adding that excellent all
around hybrid China rose, Magna Char
ta, carmine pink, full, globular and fra
grant. The farm will nover yive you complete
satisfaction to long as you b.we to buy
r....l, r....... w...,. .1,1,-1..
fruit from vour neighbor.
The Wilson Junior blackberry ripens
earlier thau iu parent, Wilson's Early,
and is said to be more productive.
The best and most reliable winter
pear, all things considered, is llieAnjoti.
For late fall und early winter the Duch
ess is also indispensable. This we would
grow as dwarf, the former as standard,
lays American Gardening.
Mr. Willtt r. Coolt Cinajoharie, N. V , writes: Awoke one
morning with excruciating pains in n y shoulocr.' Tried various
reliefs for Liidden pains without effect; went to my office; the pain
became ttisufttrabi : went Lome at 11 o clock and used 6T.
JACOBS OIL! enect magical, pun ccucd, tuid 31 1 o'clock went
to work, cure permanent."
A Style of Garden Adornment Suited to
City anil VUlago Lawns.
The garden shown in the accompK-iy-j:ig
cut illustrates the fine effects pro
duced with foliage of plants. This
view was photographed last August and
recently appeared in American Garden
ing, which says of it:
One ornamental bed, prominent by its
graceful curves and points, was filled
with Ccheveria secunda glaucain the
central parts, Alternanthera versicolor
for dark foliage and A. aurea nana, the
well known variety of golden hue. A
large four pointed bed was filled with
the two brilliant coleuses, Golden Bed-
der and Verschaffeltii. The other plants
toward the edges were Alleranthera ne
gro, A. paryehoides and Bantolina argy
rioa. The center plant was a good sized
specimen of Draeama brasilieusis. The
same classes of plants in very different
varieties and colors were used for the
other foliage beds.
These and other instances of fine but
unpretentious carpet bedding furnish a
style of garden adornment suited to city
lawns and plats. The neatness of the
design and the brightngss of tho colors
nsed in snch work remain with us at
the height of beauty longer and give
more pleasure for the outlay than the
same amount spent for coarse growui,'?
annuals and other plants that lock neat
ness of appearance.
Ueraniums, coleuses, etc., look well
planted around the piazza and fences.
For the small plat especially are rnnom
mended boxes filled with vines and flow
ering plantB displayed to suit the inui
vidual Uiate. Rustic tubs or vases filled
111 like manner add charms to the place.
Wistarias, honeysuckles and clematises
should be more used in beautifying the
A Test with Watermelons.
In an experiment with reference to
the relative productiveness of seeds
from different parts of the watermelon
by Messrs. Newman and Clayton, agri
culturists of the Alabama station, tlie
seeds from the stem and blossom ends
produced in each case 4 M merchantable
melons per acre, while tlie seeds from
the middle produced 507 per acre, weigh-
i iug over two tons more than those from
the ends. Six-sevenths or tlie melons
from the "middle" seed were ripe Aug.
4, while only one-half of those from the
"stem end" teed were ripe Aug. 11. Tab
ulated data are given for nineteen va
rieties in IS'Jl. The greatest variation
in the ripening of theae varieties was
only six days. The seed of a number of
i varietic.i which had been kept since 1888
! f..tilu,l ti i.nrniinnU. As a coinoinulirra
variety for home use and market the
Jones melon ranks first. It is not so
good for shipping as the Kolb (Jem, but
superior in quality, iiie bugarioar
gives greatest satiaf action for home con
sumption. Of twenty-five varieties of
cantaloupes those reported as beat in
flavor are Atlantic City, (iolden Jenny,
Improved Pineapple, Netted Gem and
Netted Nutmeg.
. Tlie I'hlos Drutnmondt.
Inexpensive packets of seeds yield
flowers of various colors, that with very
little care in cultivation will repay bet
ter than most annuals. Peter Hender
son nsed to say that the plants should be
thinned to a foot apart for best results.
The phlox should be well watered in
dry weather. Any slight shading, if at
hand, will benefit newly set plants.
When established, a little good soil can
with advantage bo drawn around the
base of the stem and the leader nipped
out. thus iuducing a more robust and
branching growth than will generally
be found in annuals.
ru up tn ne.t wnt.'liHilinied hottles, sural
a iw.ii li. iwi. F. wm"
The EstrmvaBBne of Mod.
We have in the United States some
thing like 1 0.000, OOOof horses and mule
above the age of 2 years upon our farm,
and at Uie moderate estimate of twenty
five cents as the cost of feed and care of
each of these animals, we see at a glance
that the aggregate expense of maintain
ing them is about 14,000,000 per day. If
by a similarly moderate estimate we say
that they are kept in the stable in a con
dition of enforced idleness by the deep
mud of spring and fall for a period av
eraging twenty days In each year, we
may easily compute that the loss in this
respect alone will amount to $80,000,000
per year, a sum sufficient to build 10,000
miles of excellent highway.
Of course, considering the great va
riety of conditions and the consequent
number of factors to be regarded, it is
impossible by mathematical formula to
compute the loss entailed on any com
munity by the continued toleration of
these dirt roads in their present con
dition; but the error in the resnlt of any
computation is more likely to show a
loss smaller thau actually exists, and in
whatever way the matter be regarded
it is certain that with the imposed bur
den of extra help and extra draft ani
mals, loss of time, wefland trVaof
wafons. and ,haxne-, tA ' w jB-if
light loads and the deprelM'W vi '
farm lands, we are pursuing a short
sighted policy in permitting the present
system to continue. Besides the actual
loss, which a moment's reflection will
serve to show, we are gaining nothing
and saving nothing in that great depart
ment of agricultural industry to which
the condition of the dirt road is of such
marked importance. Isaac B. Potter In
Century, -
Should Insist on Good Itnarf..
How to make a good road depends on
tho locality and the materials most eas
ily and cheaply procured, but the farm
ers in each community are in duty
bound to take the matter into their own
hands by refusing to elect any one to
the position of road manager unless he
is capable, and they should not only
agitate the subject, but Insist on good
White Grapes.
The Niagara, all things considered, is
perhaps the most valuable white grape
in cultivation. Vine vigorous, healthy
and productive, of medium sized bunches
of fruit, The berries are large, pulpy
and sweet. Moore's Diamond is a pure
native. Vine vigorous and productive.
Berry about the size of Concord and
greenish white in color. Martha is of
medium quality as regards fruit; tlie
vine is hardy and vigorous. Pocklington
is a large showy grape. Lady Washing
ton requires a long season. Rebecca is
a delicious grape; vine a moderate grow
er. Empire Blate ripens with Concord;
vine vigorous, fruit tender, juicy and of
Rood quality. Duchess ripens before
Concord; medium sized berry and of ex
cellent quality. Winchell, a new grape
of promise, seems destined to become
valuable on account of earlincss, fine
quality, productiveness and vigor of the
Vera, aad Wild Flowers.
Perns and wild flowers are excellent
material for brightening shady and dingy
corners. Give them a light and well
drained soil. Many native ferns are
highly ornamental and require only a
little care in watering In the dry season,
slight protection in winter and an occa
sional light top dressing of manure.
What Horticulturists Say.
The Centennial cherry is a new and
promisiug vanety.
Snow White is a superior variety of
white gladiolus.
An announcement comes from the
West Virginia agricultural station of
the discovery of a perfectly thornless
Guaranteed to rlire MiIIoiib Attacks Sad
CousiliMikHi, JimoU Ulle lioaus.
The ouly Pure Cream of Tartar Powder. No Ammonia; No Alum.
Used in Millions of" Homes 40 Years the Staudard.
Of Expenditure! or lutu-row County, Sams
Allowed In Whole or In Part. And
Those Rejected.
Glass & Prndboniuie,oounty record ac
count $ 19 50
Glass & Prudbomme, legal blanks 7 00
" " " sheriff and sta
tionery 10 00
Glass & Piudbi mme.lepa) blanks 7 20
Heppner Ghzette, expense scc't. , 7 80
Walter M. Pierce, certified oopy old
road 5 50
Glass & Prudbomme. justice record
- 14 50
G. G. Wieksou &Co.,Btaiiouery. . S 10
Cox Bros, pauper account 8 75
Geo. W Welle, searcb:ig records 20 00
J. H. Usmmell, pauper account 4 60
W. J. Pyburn, pauper uccouut. . . 27 50
J. L. Van Winkle, fuel account... 10 L5
. U. Frey, dep. diat. attorney fee, $5,
8. 0. b'mitb, court bouse and jail no
eon nt 9 ,0
Cbina Sullivan, jail aocouut wasbini?,
ezu.uu, allowed 15 00
V. AlctioiiHKill S3 diBHlloneJ
Uilliani A Bisbie, mone. cct 6 15
W. IL. UiK-kell, supervisor account,
141 la. allowed HS 15
J. E Ckfivner, pauper account. 22.61.
allowed 12 50
O. L Reed, pauper account ...... bti 50
O. L. Reed, puuier coo tint 45 00
Henry Wade, itsmaues... 16(10
Solomon Mm Held, appiopin.tiou 1(0 00
E. F. Campbell, road and Undue nr-
ootiiit IU 00
Slooiini jiibi Biim Dmik Co , Haiiobuy
account -. H H5
Slorum-Jt buati u Diuk Co., pi.uper n-
couot - 17 03
A. Abrabalusiok, pauper lo 01 unt, &H,
Wm. Pellllllid, pHllprr Hl'UOUnl ... 40 83
SBrnli M. Roaell, pauper ncomuit 3 VI. i
T. W. Ayer. J r., & Co., pauper ao. 1 '25
W. B. Poller, pauper account 7 (JO
O CN1I OF HOIim W. . )
I, J. W. Mi. now, cirik ot Morrow Co.,
beiebi oertifi Hint the foiegiiiiiu Hat of
expenditnies of the coiiutv, wi.b unmet
ol leTrtlVt. clniuiHtite, lhe lilticlea of
acivicm for which peyment ia made, lo
ItelLer with llmee ci nlinui d, n j uu d, or
in part paid, is true and uunt-m us shown
by the lerords of enid eoubty.
Witness my band ai,d seal of the said
conntv nourt this IClb day ol January,
A. D 1893.
, J. W Moniiow,
SKAL County Clelk,
) By G. W. V ells, Deputy.
Lord Kllconrsie Speaks.
We desire to call atientinu lothe great
winter competition ot lti3, winch is now
beinK conducted by the (laundiuu Agri
culturist and Hi. uie Journal, published
hi PeteruoroiiKh, Uabtida. "lhe Avncul
tnriat has ((limed u repiilnllon iu lhe past
for fair drains in oonneclioo nitu these
competitions, and the fn'iire will bo no
tioeption lo lhe i uie. Tlmae utiodeture
to OnUipele Can do bo tree i f chaise. All
iliey have to do H M pr, pre n list of
EukIisI) woids uiHilo from lhe Irtleia in
tlie two words, "Colunitu u Exposition."
The rules are tout no letter can be used
illener thau it appears lo the two winds
above named, or can the iiaineB of per
sona or places be used. Foreitrii winds
are also ham d. rue lendiuit piizes are:
1st, 82.600 oai-h; 2nd. Si 1 00: Uid. S,",(;tl:
4th, tOU; 6Ui, SI0U; beeidea planus, ur
tfaiis, Hold waicbtM, 0,0u0 el-unlit silver
tea aeivices, elc, mnkiiiK a Ininl of , ver
lO.Ot U Bpleinlid prizes. All who tend in
100 ooireot words will receive a speoml
pr ze. Take a few slieois i,f paper, pre
pare a list made up f inn the letters in
the two woida nb"Ve quoted, and enclose
$1 for six mouths' siili-oripnou lo one ot
the choicest and beat publican-ins ou lhe
(luulinenl, and you will have a leally
first oIhkk mauaznie to rend, and miiy ae-
ure z,aou iu until into i he Inniuiii.
The Agriculturist always curries out na
promises to the very letier, us lhe billow
ing, I rum Lioid KilcourKie, the Uuveruor-
Oeueial's secretary, will hstift :
UoVitltNMKNT Mi l bw. I
Ottawa, Out., Jan. (llli, 1H92 f
Sin -"It will uive me ureal pleaaore to
recommend my trieuda to enter your
competition. I hui. Sir,
"I .in dbeilient servant,
To the Editor ot The Cnomlmu Agricul
turist, feterlniroiiKh, Canada.
DKLWsr.Y IHilPi'lNCrJ.
We are bavins! such Que weather:
thought I would Jet you know ah lit it.
We hud b"Uih snow (nil io Nnvi-uiber.
and later plenty of rain, but lhe paat
month has beeu clear and warm; hasn't
been dowu to lew iu that lime. We
have neither ted cattle nor sheep. We
have had several Ihuroiiiihbred bucks
die. W'heu out open could find nullum
the mailer with them. lieu sick tlicy
ould stretch, atalidlDK up, na fur as
they could, and bad no uppetiie.
Uur band of 1.C00 tlmroiiiflibred ewes
.ind laiiihs ate iu belter condition thuu
last year at Ibis time. Green inrnss is
plentiful every where on our rHiig-e. INo
sheep wiiiiiii euht miles of n..
I was iu Idaho Inst fall; saw Jiiloes
Fisher, of Heppner Inn . num. He was
jusl from KcotlHiiil ; Linked healthy and
nmiir, hut i lirnuuht no b'iiackeeper
with him. Talks of goiuii attain soon,
lie has a fine ranch hinl sheep Aim saw
Hoott Bruudaiie; he ia (Ioiiik ei fi iiiii
oially, but i.elps veiy lut e lo liiild up
lhe 'pulutinn. The Hheepiueu of that
part of Idaho are quite Biiooenaful in bus
ineB!. There is one luintf Id ih is aheu-l
of in, and that is 111 their assei-siiieul and
usury laws. No man is allowed to take
out aoytblnif for indebtedness, and can
oau draw a note bearing intenst up to
twenty four per cent.