Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 17, 1893, Image 4

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    MHisT x vstiarar are you
. ifift
tfl0$ I Ny'')?!'- the effects of abuses, excesses,
r have a relief and cure
In your ignorance of efTects
and vitality which is
system the elements thus
strength and vigor will fu
ture or money refunded.
Dr. Sanden's Electric
ft.r all other treatments 2 V$JJ -
twtify and from many of
is a complete ealvanic battery, made into a belt so a. to be easily worn durin? work or at rest, and it gives soothing prolonged currents
which are 'nsuntly felt throughout all weak parts, or we forfeit $5,000. It has an Improved Electric Suspensory, the
Neatest boon ever given weak men, and we warrant it to cure any of the above weaknesses, and to enlarge shrunken limbs, or parts, or
Money Refunded. rThey are graded in strength to meet all stages of weakness m young, middle-agedor old men, and will cv
the worst cases in two or three months. Address
On sale
Kansas City, St. Paul,
St. Iouis,
Leaves Heppner, 8 a.m.
00 p. m.
Pullman sieeoerai
Colonlat Bieeperai
' Reclining Chair Cars
and Diners.
Portland to Ban
every (oar days.
3? saoA
Tor rates and general Information oall on
Depot Ticket Agent,
Heppner, Oregon.
W. B. BUKLBUKT, Asst Oenl. Pass. Agt.
364 Washington St.,
Portland, OuaooN.
From Terminal or Interior Points the
Is the lint to take
To all
ItisthsPinlngCar Rnnte. It rnns Throngh
Tsslibulsd Trains every day In the year to
St. Paul and Chicago
(No OuRDge of Cam)
Composed of DINING CARS unsurpassed,
Of Latest Equipment
Best tlmt can tie constructed snd In which ae
eommiKlHlimis are both fnie and fnrnishiHl for
holders ut nrst or sooond-olass tickets, and
Elegant Day Coachs.
K Oontinnom Line ooBueeting with all
Lines, affording Direct end Uninter
rupted Berrice.
Pullman Sleever Reervation$ can be
Secured m advance through
any agent of the road.
To snd from nil points in America, Knglnnd
ami Kurop i mi lis purchased at iuiy l ickut otlioe
of this CfUitmuy.
Foil information concerning .rate, time
of trains, routes snd other details
furnished on pplicatinn to any
agent, or
Aaaistant Oeneral PasaeitBer Agent.
'n mi .S7.. (Uir. H'njiitiofon,
IaflcsstUa. BllteuaM. Heaaesas, Oaasil
11m, Dmwli. ukraata Unr Traabln,
Dliilasaa, Baa CaaslasWa, Krssaterj,
OlfeailTa Br.ala, mat all altarasrs t taa
tlvaiaea, Llvar and Bswsls.
Klpsm Tstmlae enntsln ncUiinr injurious
w uiiwt (trllrate conmllutlon. rlam h use,
S&fe, pltn'tuiil. HITS IraniwllaW mil,'! ,
Sold br druir1.to. A trial 1h.HU atst by aiU
ea i0Ut or U csuis. adtlrritf
TtawaarlDtr qualities lira ansurpansixl, actually
eutlsalins two bof of anyolhffr brnmt. Not
Hauud br nt-1 ru i: 1 I ll t u t.M l.N E.
Northern Pacific
m ' .JSWe' : ,
.'.Si -
- Ill I Tj via
taJ m
In our marvelous invention, which requires
or by excesses, or exposure, you may have unduly drained your system of nerve force
electricity and thus caused your weakness or lack of force. If you replace into your
drained, which are required for vigorous strength, you will remove the cause, and health,
low at once and in a natural way. This is our plan and treatment, and we guarantee a
Send for our Illustrated Pamphlets, free ; sent ty mail, sealed.
Belt is no experiment, as we have restored thousands to robust health and visror,
'ailed- as can shown by hundreds of cases throughout this State, who would gladly
whom we have "r0D8 '"-bl"ng testimony to their recovery after using our Belt.
The success of this Great Cough Cnre li
without a parallel In the history of medicine.
All druggists are authorised to sell it on a pos
itive guarantee, a test that no other cure can
successfully stand. That it may become
known, the Proprietors, at an enormous ex
pense, are placing a Sample Bottle Free into
every home in the United States and Canada.
If you have a Cough, Sore Throat, or Bron
chitis, use It, for it will cure you. If your
child has the Croup, or Whooping Cough, ue
It promptly, and relief Is sure. If you dread
that Insidious disease Consumption, use it.
Ask your Druggist for BHILOH'8 CURB,
Price 10 ctB.. 60ots. andjl.oo. Ifyour Lungs
arosoreor Back lamo, use Shlloh's Porous
Plaster. Price 26 cts. For sale by all Drug
gists and Dealers.
We will Oive Away abso
lately Free of eoU, an elu
Runt black or colored -Sift
Drent pattern of 1C yards Id
any young lady in every
town in America, who Is
willing to introduce -'TIM
itousKitou) I'lhorr a
- litrjje 8 patre, 40 column 11
VSAVA lustrated lioiiBehold and
farm journal, one of the lient publlflhcd, now lu
its 1-ltli year. We make thin urcat otl'cr in order
to intro'duce our pnper tit once into many thou
sand new 1 lumen, lie sure to hoi id cents fur the
paper one'yoar on trial and sample of silk to
fieloet from.
pilot run. -CO.
618 869 Center St., New llaven, Ct.
Guaranteed to euro Itilioita attacks,
Sick lli'iiilacho illlJ Constipation. 41) ill
eivcli lotlle. Price i!0c. For snlti by
ricturo "7. 17, 70" and sample dose free.
J. F. SMITH A TO., Proprietors, NtW VOHK.
A Cleverly Itctohl Ntory from the Aa
It- clent Mythology.
In the mountains of (ireecc there was
a great cave, anil in that cave lived a
man who was a half horse, writes An
drew Lang in St. Nicholas, lie had the
head and breast of a man, but a horse's
body and legs. He was famed for know
ing more about every thing than any
one else in all Oreeee. lie Knew alirnit
the slurs and the plants of earth which
were good for medicine and which were
pnisnnouH. lie. was the best archer
with the how and the bos't player of the
harp; he knew most songs and stories of
old times, for he was the last of a peo
ple half horse and half man who had
dwelt in nncient times on the lulls.
Therefore, the Kings in (Ireece scut
their suns to him to be taught shooting,
singing ami telling the truth, and that
was all tlie teaching they hud then, ex
cept that they learned to hunt and fish
and tight and throw spears ami toss the
hummer nnd the slone. Many of the
boys tiui'j'ht by t hiron became famous.
Among them was Orpheus, who played
the harp so sweetly that wild hensts
followed his minstrelsy nnd even the
trees daiu'ed lifter him and settled
where ho stopped playing; anil there
was .Mopsus, who eoulil uiulerstaud
what the birds suy to each other; and
there was liutes, the handsomest of
men. and TipUys, the best ! ersman of
a ship; tied Castor, with his brother
l'olyiii'Ui'es. the boxer; ami Heracles, the
Mriuii'st m-.'.n in the whole world, w;is
I lliei'i'; nnd Kyiu'i'iis, whom they call
Uvuusi' lie could seo so far,
nhi : v tin- iK'iiil men in their
irrnvi's u:uU'i' tiu' ciii'th; ami there was
iJiU'lu'iiHis. so sw'u't mul 'lijrht-footed
that he could run upon t.hegruy sea mid
never wet his feet, and there were Cal
ais and .etes, the two sons of the North
Wind with golden wings upon tuoir j
feet; 'and many others were there
whose names it would be too long to
tell. They nil grow up together in the
hill, good friends, lieulthy and brave
ud strong.
"In bnyint a noneh mdieine for oliil
dren," says H A Walker, a prominent
drngiiist of Otplen. lllnh, "never benfrsid
to buy Cluimherlain's Conirh Kenidv.
There is no danger from it and relief is
hIiviivs sure to follow. I purtirularly
recommend Chamberlain's because I
have found it lo he safe nnd reliable. It
is intended espeoinllv for colds, ornnp
sud whooping cough." 5(1 rent b'ltle
for sale by .Slucum Johnson Drug Co.
twit up in'"" wrttoh-shnMl hot tied, snini
eualuil, &mali lliie liuuiiii. i.c. v IkiUIu.
OiiBrnntpfNl to euro nilloiit AtUcUssod
CuuaUpuiHm.SfHO itiin liuttiis.
One Smtin into Ilenn evory night for
twk iu-uusw Tuipsd Livvru. K&a. Mr LiulUe.
elUl liif '.ifc-.j
war mwaw
;S'f!; BOH
who are debilitated. and suffering
from Nervous Debility? Seminal Wea.
ness. Loss es Drain s. Impote n c y ,c r .
Lost Manhood. Rheumatism Lame
worry and exposure. For such sclera
but a trial to convince the most skeptical.
Uow the Captain ur a raclfie Steamer
I'rotoctetl a Ludy.
On a throuph Eastern train of the
Pennsylvania road, one day last week,
all the seats in the car were taken ex
cept twof A lady sat in one and a man
from the West with a hig sombrero oc
cupied the other, lie was a line-looking,
manly fellow, and was taken hy
by those around him for a lawyer. At
the next station, says the Pittsburgh
Dispatch, an unattractive drummer
got on the car. lie sized up the
situation at a glanco. The lady was
protty and that settled it. Without
even asking her he sat down by her and
at once commenced to make himself
agreeable. She tried to avoid him and
looked out of the window, but the fel'
low's gall was Immaculate, and he
maintained the one-sided conversation.
The Western man was calmly watching
tho proceeding and stood it as long as
he could. Going up to tho ladj ho said
''Madam, I seo you are annoyed
Wouldn't you prefer to havo my seat?"
"O, thank you," sho replied, "certain
ly," and the big man helped her to
transfer her valise, whilo the other pas
senders tittored at the drummer'a did
comllturo. Tho latter was hoiling over, hut top'
down his wriuli until ho got to Altoona
and then ho domanded satisfaction for
tho insult. Tho words were scarcoly
out of his mouth before tho Western man
banged him on tho jaw, and then with
his boot kicked linn around as a foot
ball. "Stand back," yelled somo of tho
tickled passengers. "Kick him hard
er," they shouted togother, and that
drummer finally crawled undor a car to
cscapo further punishmont, a wiser and
sadder man. Everybody wanted to
know who tho Western man was. Ho
turned out to be the captain of a Pacini)
mail steamer out on a vacation.
Fierce Canines Tcrrorleil by
"Perhaps you are not aware," said a
young lawyer to a scribe of the Charles
ton (S. C.) Democrat, "that dogs and
horses are as much afraid of ghost:; and
other uncanny and mysterious tilings
as are tho most timid of the human
race. I proved it one time on two dogs,
at any rate. Not long after the war the
negroes were so bad about our place in
Kentucky that it was with difficulty that
wo could keep our belongings on our
place. Kvcry other method having failed
I finally hit upon the plan of frightening
them by appearing before them dressed
as a ghost is said to habilitate itself.
Of course the negroes were successfully
frightened away from us, but upon one
occasion I also frightened our two
watchdogs as badly as any negro ever
was frightened by ghostly apparition.
The dogs were lierce fellows and would
allow no stranger or strange thing on
the place; but one moonlight night they
came upon me in spectral nttirc. The
dog that first caught a glimpse of me
just humped up his back until all four
of his feet covered not more than six
square inches of Kentucky soil. His
eyes stood out und his hair stood up,
nnd lie began moving backward, never
for an instant taking his eyes olf my
figure. His companion came up, went
through the same movement, and both
begim hacking cautiously from me.
And as ltmg us I could see them they
put distance between us in that way.
A few moments later I heard them
barking at home, half a mile dis
tant. They had taken refuge under the
house, and it was four days before we
could coax them out again."
Kiiflttlfin Landed Indebtedness.
The latest lvnort of tho AinriculturnJ
ItanU t)f Kituv irives n PlmhI idea of the Kiven for the ,hird largest list. Over one thou
, , . x .. . , , . sand additional prizes awarded in order of tuer-
lnUobUMliOKS of Uussmn landotl proprf it: one unind i.iano: tw orwran: tM) piano:
Ctors. In Volhvnhi nlotu tliirtv-nna
... -
manors, with an a;r;riojjato area of 100,
00(1 iiiMVS. nn :iln.iit In .Minn nn.ler thrt
L tn.K I in. ittvi ml Af Kwnv
"v' ' s .v..t
tho uumbor v( manors to be sold is
eigmoon, and tho tidal in-iva:: 80,000.
lu all European Uussia U,000 laud-own-era
uiv now bankrupt and their prop
pvliOaS are to be soltl ut auction wituin u
Ww months.
They Won't Work.
A labor problem f a very
nature is troubling the people of
The recent emancipation of the
iins eoinplotelv ilemoralied th
Miltural and domestic labor of tho new
epubtic. It b very diiujult to get sutH
ient Held labor to cultivate the omps
md many families aiv entirely without
orvants und ure unable to get any.
The negro vx-tdurcs positively refuse tc
rvork for love or uiouey.
The success of CUtimbprUiira Conjrh
Remedy in tffeelintf a ptetiy our of
coldo., eronp Hud whoopiuj conuh bus
brought it into t-rent demaud. Mfun.
Pouiius A Hon. of CHDiemn, Oliin, say
tbHt it has gained a rrpntatinn second Jftrt
mine in tunt TP-uiity
Jus M OneetY f
. it i. Ih-hlt'Ta?1
Jobnstnn, W. V., snya it is the bet he
ever naett. B F. Jones, drnggisj Wiuo
na, Mist., aaya: 'ChsmberlRVi,'', Cough
Kemetly is perfeotly n-linb1 l hare al
ways warranted it and it'uv.ar failed tn
give the most perfeet I'ltisfaction.'1 60
oent bottles for sale U" t? loon m-John son
Drug Company. f
Interestine Figures on the Savins; Road
Improvement Would Make.
At a puMic meeting at Abington re
cently Professor Lewis M. Huupt, of the
University of Pennsylvania, told some
of the truths of road construction.
There is no tax so great as that of bad
roads, is a generally accepted maxim,"
he said, "and it is true. The hor?es
have to bo fed, although they cannot be
used, and the average cost of keeping a
horse is $125 per year. If the road sur
face be made harder merely by metaling
it, then one horse can do the work of
two, and the feed and interest on one is
"It is estimated in England that the
mere saving in cost by reducing their
roads to such a condition that three
horses can do the work of four, there
has been effected an economy of $100,-
000,000 annually. In the state of Illi
nois, it is stated that the cost of hauling
farm products is at least $15,000,000
more than it would be if the roads were
improved, and that such improvement
wouiu aim $luu,uov,uuu lu lilt? vaiug Ul j
uie luruia. l itm won uwaio mitt
erties on mud roads cannot be sold,
while those on macadamized roads have
increased in value from $50 to $500 per
"Will it pay? I have only to refer you
to the precedents of other countries for
an answer. If it will not, why do wo
find England, France, Germany, Switz
erland, Norway, Sweden and many
other civilized countries building tho
best roads they can in the face of diffi
culties which to us would be appalling.
The poor Swiss have built roads through
gorges and around precipices which
would seem impassable, and which must
have cost over $1,000,000 per mile.
"What will roads cost? The answer
must be guarded by the dimensions,
character of metal, soils, grades, drain
age, etc., but the prices for turnpikes
range from $2,000 to $10,000 per mile. 1
Very fair roads under favorable condi
tionfcjWve been laid for $3,000, and
whe.-la deep bottoming and drainage
are required it may run up to $10,000,
but I should say, with- rolling topog
raphy, varied soil and fair material
they should not exceed $7,000. It is
better, in my opinion, to build the roads
by a general subscription than to farm
out the franchises to joint stock com
panies, as in that case the condition of
the roads is dependent upon the liberal
ity of the company, whilo the commu
nity must pay enough in tolls to provide
for the maintenance of the road, and tho
interest and dividends to the stockhold
ers. "The system of 'working out the taxes'
by plowing up the gutters and throwing
the muck over on the road should
rather be called 'working in the tax,'
as it makes the road soft, and in a short
timo the rains and travel have washed
the soil back and clogged up the ditches,
so that no permanent good result is ob
tained. "That you may perhaps better compre
hend tho importance of the problem, let
mo define what a road is. Briefly, it is
a line of communication, and tho ideal
is a line of least resistance, level,
straight, hard and smooth as possible
that is, with duo regard to the traffic.
This fact will be more fully appreciated
when it is remembered that to pull a
load bf one ton on different surfaces re
quires different powers, as stated in the
following figures:
per milo.
. too
. 210
. 100
. 50
On snnd requires
Oa hard earth requires, . .". ,
Ou macadam requires
On wooden blocks requ'res
On bricks requires 25
On asphaltum requires 15
On iron trams requires 10
On Bteel rails requires 0
Ou water (canal) requires 2
"The farmer hauls everything he uses
over tho roads, to and from the market,
and it is easily seen that he pays more
for his transportation than any one else
because of the great resistance offered
by earthy, sandy or muddy roads."
Philadelphia Record.
A Jersey Hull Calf In Tennessee.
He is a nuisance on legs. He can
drink more milk than two heifers and is
about as salable as a secondhand coffin.
He grows a little too large to fry and
yet not large enough to broil, and he is
ready for a battle with anything that
goes in hair, feathers or breeches or any
thing else the day he first discovers he
can pitch his voice double-A-bass-oc-tavo-sepulchral!
There is not a lot in
the country that will hold him, and not
a hallowed spot, from the sequestered
cemetery to the shaded bower of "love's
young dream," that is too sacred fortis
desecrating hoof. Columbia Herald.
The Moit InterpfittDK Content Ever Offered
by The Canadian AgrlculfarUt.
One thousand dollars in cash, a pair of hand'
tome Shetland ponies, carriage and harness,
and over two thousand otlier valuable prizes
tor me Agriculturist s ungniest reauorsi tno
ullt have them? Accordins to the usual cus
tom for some years past the publishers of 'Die
Agriculturist now otter their sixth half
yearly literary competition. This grand com
petition will, no doubt, be the most gigantic
ami succesciul one eler presented, to the people
of the United States snd Cmmiia.
One thousand dollars in vah will be paid to
the person sending in the largest list of hnglish
words constructed from letters ia the word
" I he Canadian Agriculturist."
Five hundred dollars in euah will be given to
the second, .largest list. A handsome pair of
Hiethiiui ponies, carriage and harness, will be
dinner sets: ladies' gold waiehes; silk dress
i patterns; portiere curtains; silver tea bit vines;
! luunyson's poems, bound in cloth; Uickens iu
U VOluiu lis bouiid ill cloth, etc.
1 A" ,nert Mte ",0rB Hiail KKH) prizes, All) OUC
, viu takes ine ironiiie to prepare an oriimary
! Bod will not fail to reeehea valuable prize.
I his is the LigueBt thing in the conuieihion li
tlmi e have ever placed before ilie public, ami
hii w ho uo noi m.e part, u 111 missuii oppuriuui
tv of a Hie time.
luti.Kh 1. A letter cannot be used oftener
than it appears in the words "'1 he Canadian g
rivuHurt." For instance the w ord "egg" etiiild
not be used, s there is but one "g" iu Die thret1
words. 2, Words Inning more than one inean
ing but spelletl thewtuiieiun be used but once,
3. Names 01 places and persons tmrretl.
fc.aeh list im s. t'ontaiu one dnlUir to pttv foi
six mouths MiL8vripiiuu 10 I he AgrlciiltnriHt.
11 iwoor inore tie, ihe lamest list whieh benra
ihe earliest pimtuiwrk u ill utke the nrst pri.e,
and the Others will reeene prizes lu order ol
merit. C P. money and slumps taken at par.
1 tie oDjevi in ottering these magiittieent prizes
a iu liiiiuiiuL-i; uur 1 upuiur iiiuiiHiiie lino new
noinei, 111 every patt ol the Aiuehi an coutinviit.
tvery eompeiiior eiiviostng :v cents in stamps
extra, will rtvetve free, by mail, postpaid, one
01 1 he Agriculturist's elegant souvenir spoons
ui Biiaua.
I'rlzeti nwtrded to person! residing In the lTnl
ted Matt-a w Hi bn shipped from our New York
otiiee tree ol duty. All money letters should be
our Form K'fij.v petition we have given
away fiunut,, pTifj during the last two years,
and have thousands letters from prize win
ners iu vrry tM9 i fe union and every part
ol t-'aiiada and Nfufoutithtud. I.onl Kileourstes
l. C. to the Uoverotr ueuerai 01 t anao.
v rttw
1 ahall retfominJHi my ineuas .0 enter
yourcompertiions." M. M. iranden, aueouver,
t'.. "m-elvwl 10U tn goki." snd we hld his
reeeipt tor same, A few 01 ttr prue w itiners:
Mini J. lioMntAHi, Toronto, fifes.! J. J. Brandon,
Fenelon Fa Is,vHit.,fi ;sj; David VfVTrtson, y
aeuse, N. V , ..t5; II. Beavis.St. U.uii, .4o.,$--m.
Jas. Baptie. West Dnluth.Minn , Ihju. Msnoeor
giua Kobrrttun. Oak ft,, Bruoklyn, liw, Fret!
H. Hills. Ay tittle St.. HriUsreiHirt. Conn.. U'd
thousands of others. Address, The Agrieultur-,
1st, I'eterborouKh, Ontario- cauaut.
Couipt.UUou closet Jauury li. lfL
scrofulous humor
in the blood,
ulcers, catarrh, and
Ayer's SarsapariHa
Ths rrtcst
safe, speedy, and
effective of all
Has Cured Others
will cure you.
Aiirtrpefl ' letter or imwr., emu iy
vnv. PRRNN 11, AIMS OMPA?fY,
I0HN WE095RBURN, - - Wanting Attorney,
l'.O. Box 43.
jla, f-r K.V'Hfrs nnl Snllors rMsfiW'-tl In tlie line of
Ihitv I" the reorulnr Army cr Nu-v ttince the war.
Wvlvors of ific Intli.ui warn of 18.12 t 1H4'A nna
th Ir widows, now ontltli'd. Oldruid rtilcrt.'rt tOnimB
4 snceiiOry. Tnouuutma enntieu 10 n '- r"'rii-
etm for new laws. So cmirtje iur uuviti.
intll qin-fswf 111
No fea
Did yon iwr Uiun what fabuloui mulu grew otrt of th
unufactura by Mr. Novel of i ornaminut mnd to heU UM
dictionary f Tlie Mory reatli like ft fabl. but lo tell H mm m am
f Uuj ienaotor Company, which arU oui a follow;
45 soBd in 'tsu
2,283 coid in '89
6,260 SO!d in "90
20,o3Dcosa in ruo
will bo sold In '3D
M OTVOI VV mumiii s-i iu w "in
Tower very a mmumw
trT Thau flsurea tell th
-1 story of theever-growlnfff
ever" going, ovvnunmaj
6teel Aermotor Whor
one goee others follow
and we "Take the Country",
W.tl. that tMiUiett l.clo.'irt
toUYcrneW.Nnje, l
SBMUl with which tt wssbuiH
l until it is the third liirfWt
Wtr of tecl in I ho West I tmt
uly eitMdcil by two o '
great Hrvtr com run")
Dictionnry Holder businew. TkW
triii! ui back to the Holder, nnd
uirgeati inquiry a l" I'"" 0' ok
and held and -till h"Me Ihe llelJ,
lurreaimtf rapidly from ytnt toycar.
The secret o( lliiit iurceM Uthut
II r. Hujei has male ft most perfect,
rtiitioaiid meritoriom ertirle.jud
kai maintained ft hih itandard ot
icclleiics and supplied Ihe articlft
at a low price. The merit of thew
Dictionary liulderi ha been o great
that Uiey literally wld ItoeiUJeivei,
ana iniucitre:aqinii""
tieitliatasiimll profit on
aarh one la made the
Mult a'ui tiiontioiieit,
Thy hnve sone toalnmst every
hHjluUle portion of the plt.be,
iven toLho remote hhndi of
and axe Mt by ftil
Women Who Die itrly.
Many of our mont bHuntiful nnd po-
complishcd Indies die before they buvo
renehed llm prime of life. Of those who
Jivh to middle nee only one iu two hund
red is sonud; the other one hundred nn
ninety nine are tmllerers. why 19 11 1
Seil-iiet;lect The shattered health can
be reptoipd; the hnme tunde happy and
your life lengthened if yon commence at
once. 'R"se bads" have bjen used for
twenty years in the private prao'ioe of
one of the mott eminent physicians of
Paris, and will absolutely cnre any form
of female disease. Price, 81 00 at drug-
gists, or we will forward by mail post-
"nut. (fcend for onr mtie oook iree.i
L verette SpeciHo Co., 175 Tremout St.,
Bjston, Mass.
Cure for Colds, Fevers nnd General Do
ttility. Small Uilw liuuus. 2&u ptr buttle.
Deeember 5, W2. Notiec is hereby given
that the following-named Bottler mn filed notiee
of his Intention to moke final proof in support
of his claim, nnd that fluid proof w ill be made
before W. R. Kills. Com. U. 8. circuit Court at
Heppner, Or., on January 18it:i. viz.:
Hd. No. 4857, ior the KWJ4 tiec. 29, Tp. 2, S R 27,
E. W. M.
He names the following witnesses toprovehis
continuous residence upon and cultivation of,
said land, viz.:
NeUon Jones, Frank Sloan, W. O. Boyer and
J. N. Elder, all of Heppner, Oregon.
A. Cj.kaver, Register.
Notice of Intention.
4 December 17. lu'.Ki, Notiee is hereby given
that the following-named settler has riled notiee
of his intention to make final proof in support
of his claim, and that said proof will be made
beforeJ. W. Morrow. County Clerk, at Heppner,
Or., oa Saturday February 4, IS'.Kt, viz.:
Hd. Application No. 2b06 for the NEJ of Pec. 31,
Tp. 2, K -26, E W M
He names the following witnesses toprovehis
continuous residence upon snd cultivation of,
said laud, viz.:
O. E. harnsworth, W. F. Dutton, A. A. Wren
and It. J. Howard, all of Heppner, Oregon.
560-566 John W. Ltwis, Kegister.
Notice of Intention.
j Dec. 16, 18'J2. Notice is heieby given that
the following-named settler has riled notice of
his intention tn make rliial proof in support of
his claim, and that said proof will be nmde be
fore W. K. Ellis. U.S. Commissioner at Heppner,
Oregon, on Wednesday Feb. 15. lwa, viz.:
Hd. Application No. 2845, lor 1 ots f and 2, and
Eli NU 1.4 of See. 31, Tp. 3. S K 24 E W M.
He names the following witnesses 10 prove his
continuous residence upou and cultivation of
in id land, viz.:
N. K. McVsy, T. P. (irnhnm. Jacob Johnson
and F M. Holnies, all of (iooseherry. Oregon.
565-565 John VY. Lewis, Kegister.
I j January 2, lh!K!. Notice is hereby given
that the follow ing-named settler 1ms tiled notice
of his intention to innke timd pmot in support
of his claim, and that mud proof will be made
before the County 1 lerk of .Morrow County, at
Heppner, Oregon, on Feb. 13, viz.:
Ji'liS Mid l.l.Ol (..II,
D S No. 101i for the EH s-W '4 and 8YV14 NV)4
and N Wi A ev '.'ti, '1 p -I, S K 2, E. W.M.
He names tlie follow ing itnem-R to prove his
continuous residence uon und tultiation of,
said laud. i.. :
James W. Leahey, Mat Hughes. Arthur Daly
and W. (j. ecoit, ull of lleppuur, Oregon.
A. Clkavrh,
556-50ti Kegister.
d:ssolution of copartnership.
1 Partnership exiaiii g between J. A. Wool
ery, S VY. Adams. Ed. S Cox and S. II. Cox, un
der the firm name of J. A. Woolery i Co., was
dissolved May Iti, IW, hy mutual consent, J. A.
oolery rrtaiuing the business at lone, t'r.. col
lecting all aeeounu due and paying ail liabili
ties of baid branch of tiim's bnsiness. up to dnte
above-mentioned, the remaining partners retain
ing the llardman busiut'ss. collecting all ac
counts contracted by said branch of the busi
ness up to said date. J. A. Woolery,
8. V. ADAMS,
Ed 8. Cox,
52-60 b. H. Cox.
ARN ESS-SHOP, stork and fixtures. Good
buttiness; establish) tn the mulst ol a
rood farmins and stock-raising country.
Also for sale a good house and two lots with or
without the business property. For further in
ormtttinn address (.sxette. Heppner, Or. 4SA tf
Prevent and cure Constipation, and Sick.
l&Adaulie, 6auiU UUe ik-aua.
m ...1 13
Ml "S
Cattle branded and earmarked as shown above.
Horses V on right shonlder.
Mv cattle range in Morrow and Umatilla coun
ties. 1 will 1 ay 10P.G0 for the arrpst and con
viction of any person tteuli&g myVtook.
( Northern Pacific R. R. Co., Lessee )
Two Through Trains Dai'y.
12.1.)pnilfi.2.')pm Lv.MinnenpolisArl't.a'wmH.jrtpm
1 i-iii.MilT ir....ill .v St Punt ArlK :Vmitii:1 -illnm
lo!l'r)am4.1"pmLvl!'.I)nluth.. .ArllHO" (i.rjipm
2.50pm 7.25pm I Lv.. Ashland.. ArjK.2dam3 mpxa
v.iyanijy.o'JumiAr...Lnicugo. ..iaro.4aiiij,u.io"
Tickets sold and ha ggage checked through to
all pniuts in the United states and Canada.
Clohu eoiitirction made iu Chicago with all
trains lining East and Smith.
For full lnlonnution upply to your nearest
ttcKct agent or jas. 1;. immj,
Oeti. 1'iibs. and Tkt. Agt. Chicago, 111,
q aicii I'xivk 12 1
San Francisco
.Vid alt points in California, via the Ut. Hhasttt
route of the
Southern Pacific Co.
I'he great hiirhwuy through California to all
points East and South, (irand 8oenic RouU
of the Pacific CoaBt. Pullman Buffet
tileepera. Second-clues Sleepers
Attached to expreB trains, affording superior
iiccummod&tiona for second-class paaseDKers.
For rates, tickets, sleeping car reservations,
'tc. call upon ur address
K. KOEIILKK, Manager. E. P. ROGERS, Asst
f!en. F A P. Agt. Portland. Oregon.
While yon keep yortr subscription paid up yet,
can keep your brand in free of charge.
Allvn. T. J,. lone. Or. rTorma G4 on lefi
shoulder; cattle cnrtip on left hip, undor bit on
right ear, and upper bit on the left; range, Mor
r w county.
Arinbtroug, J. i, Alpine, Or. T with bar nn
der 11 on left ahoulder of horses: cattle aaiae
in lfft hip.
Allison. O. I)., Kight Slile. Or. Cattle hnnrl.
ODon luft hii' unci liornes Biiuie hraud on rigid
filnniliinr. Kange Light Mile.
Adkins, J. J,, Heppner, Or. flori-es, JA eon
i-ftd on Im t fiiiiili: cutl le. fiiine n left bin.
A vera. Johnny. Leim, Or. Horneti hrainled
rimigicQn It'll hip; catlle same on right hip;
lien crop off riulii ear nnd upper bit 011 aninc
Horihnlmnr'w, A (i, Alpine. 'r. 11ispp
bmncled 7 & 11 either ei.oulder. Kange in Mo -
r V roiilily.
Hlf'iikiiiiui. ieo llardman, Or. ilom'e, 11 t1ai
n Jnft t-liotilOi'rr cattle HmiB ou rij-rlit r-liouMn
I miliiKlcr. J. W.. iltinl rnati. Or. Cittiln hvunrL
ed fi on left hip and thigh: split in eneli enr.
l.iriilier. I't ter. liot Bfclmrrv Orouim I mi-rah
btundud P 11 on left Biioulder. ('attlu Baaia on
riidit hiuo.
innko. M St ( Long Creek, Or On cattle.
M A'i ronnof.ii'd on h'fl bin (i.fw.lf l..frant- nn.
der liiilf crop oil right. liothPK. Mime brand on
if ii 1 Miouider. itnnge m Umut and Morrow
uioHinan, jerry. i.enn, ur. Jlorfics branded 7
on right .shoulder; cattle U on the left side.
Left ear half crop and right ear upper elope.
Harlon, Win., Heppner, Or, -Horses, J II on
right tluga, cattle, sume on right hip; split in
each ear.
Hrown, lna, Lexington, Or. Horses IB on the
right btitlu; cattle euuie on right hip; range, Mor
row county,
Hrown, J .P., Heppner. Or. -Hareos and cattle
branded b with ox-yoke above on left shoulder.
Hrown, J. C Heppner. Or. Horses, circle
C with dot in ter on loft hip; cattle, bame.
Brown, W. J., Lena. Oregon. Horses V bar
over it, 011 the left shoulder. Cattle samo on left
Hoyer, W. G.. Heppner, Or. Horses, box
brand or. ngh. hip cuttle, saiae, with split in
each ear.
Borg, P. O., Heppner, Or. Horses, P B on left
shoulder; cm tie. same on left hip.
Brownlee, W. J Fox .Or Cattle. JH connected
on left side; crop un left ear and two splits and
middle piece cut out on right ear; un hon.es same
brand on the left thigh; Itange in Ifox valley,
Orant county,
CaiBnei- Warren. Wagner. Or. Horsed brand
ed O on light stifle; cattle (three barn) on
right ribs, crop and split in each ear. Range iu
Grant and Morrow counties.
(ain.E., aleb.Or. J i) on hones on left stifle;
U with quarter circle over it, on left shoulder,
and ou left stifle on ail colts nnder A years; on
left shoulder only on all horses over 6 years. All
range in Orant county.
Chirk, Wm. H.. Le. a. Or. Horse WHC con
nected, on left shoulder: cattle frame on right
hip. Ha ge Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cate, ('has. li., Vinson or Lena, Or. Horses
H C on right shoulder; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Cecil, Wm., Douglas. Or.; horses JC on lef
shoulder; ca'tle same on left hip, waddles on
each jaw and two bits in the right ear.
Curl, T. H John Hay, Or. Double cross on
each hip on cattle, swallow fork and under bit
in right ear, split in left ear. Range in Grant
county. On sheup, inverted Aad spear point
ou shoulder. Ear marko.i eweH, crop on left ear.
right and nnder half crop in lef t ear. All range
in Grant county.
Cook, A. J.,Lena,Or. Horses, 90 on right shoul
der. Cattle, sameon right hip: ear mark square
winy ju 1011 uiiu aiuii in riKiii.
Currin. R. Y.t Currinsvilie, Or. -Horses, 00 on
left s title.
Cox Ed. 8 Hardman, Or. Cattle, C with
i in center; homes. Cli on left hip.
Cochran, K. E Monument. Grant Co, Or.
Horaes branded circle with bar beneath, on left
shoulder; cattle same brand on both hips, mark
under slope both ears and dewlap.
Chapin, Hardman, Or. Honses branded
A on right hip. Cattle brauded the same.
Dickens, i.bb Hoi see braided with three
tiueu fork on lefi shfle. t 'atiie sa ne on leftside,
Doonan. Wm.. IT en oner. Or. Hurmct bmudud
OU with bar over them, on left shoulder; cat-
ue same on ieit nip.
Douglass. W. Ai .(Jallowav. Or.Cftttlo. R lnn
right side, bwu low-fork in each ear; horses, R D
011 lett hip.
Douglas, O. T.,- Douglas, Or Horses TD on
the iiiht stifle: catth sameon rieht hiD.
Duncan, W. P., John Day.Or. Quarter circle
n on rignt snoui'jer, potn ou horses and cattle.
Range Giant county.
Ely, J . ll . Jt tSoiis, Douglas, Or. Horses brand
ed t.Lt ou left Khuulder, cattle same on left
hip. hole ir right ear.
Klltoti, Wash., Heppner, Or. Diamond on
right chouldfr.
Heek, Jackson, Heppner, Or. Horses. 7F
connected oi, riulii slioulder: caltle same on
right hip. Lar mark, hole in right aiid crop
Ull It'll.
1? lurenee. L. A.. He turner. Or. Cattle. LF on
rigi.t hip; tiort-os F wuh bar under on right
Florence, 8. P. Heppner. Or Horses, F on
right tbot ld& ; cattle, F on right hip or thigh.
G:.y, henry, Heppner. Or. GAi ou left
Gilimin-French, Land and Livestock Co.. Fos
sil. Ur. lloises. anchor 8 on left bhouUiei ; vent,
same on left stitie. Cut lie, same on both h'l-w;
enr tuarks, eiop off right ear and underbii in U-fL
h:u ge in Giihuui, Graut, Crook iu.d ilorrow
G niry, Klnier, Echo, Or. Hordes brandeil H.
8, with a quarter circle over-it, on left stifle
lture 111 Mumm' mid Lmatillaconnties.
vnltwfiter, J . C, 1'raine Ciiy, Or. On horses,
O -O on .-lt shouidi-r and stifle; cattle, on right
Sine, liuuge iu luant cuunti.
liHjee. Geo., Lena, Or, Hrand JH connaeted,
with quarter circl" ovi-r it, on if it ehoulder.
Hiail A. H., Itidw. Or. lallle. round - top K
witbquaiter cireie ui der it on ihe right hip.
Ranae iu Morrow and Umatilla counties.
Uin ton A Jcnks, Hamiitoii. Or Cattle, two bare
on either hip; crop in right ear aiid split in left.
Horses, J on ritthi thigh. Range in Grunt county.
Hughes. Hnmuel, Wagner, Or-ZF (T F L
countetruion r ia tit utouiueron norsen; on came,
011 right tap &i d on left side, swallow fork in
right ear and slit in left. Range in Haystack
custrict, .iorvw county.
Hale, Milton, Wagner. Or. Horses branded
-O- (rircie with i.nrHlial tmlal on left shoulder.
i t tt le same on left hip ; aUo large circle on left
Hall. Edwin. John Day, Or. Cattle E Hon right
hip; horses same on right ahoulder. Fangniii
Grant county.
Howard, J L, f- alloway. Or. Horee, (cross
with bar abtive itl ou rieht ah4iulaer : rattle
j same on leu side. Range in Morrow and Uma
tilla counties.
H light, iiat, Heppner. Or. Horse, shaded
heart on the left shonldnr. ll&nre Morrow to.
Hunaaker, B i , Wagner. Or. -Horses, 14 on left
anoiuaer; cat ue, v on isrt hip.
Hardisty, Albert, Nyn. Oregon Horses, AH
connected, on left shoulder; Cattle on the 1-iit
hip, crop off left ear.
ilumphrevH, j M. Hardman, Or. Horses, H on
le flank
limes. J. M.. Heppner. Or. Horses, wineelasa
on led nhonhiet cattle, same on right hip.
linptoiJ. I.nther. hight Mile, t Ir. Horne Hon
the left shonldprand heart on the left stills Cat
tl wimp n left hip. Kwiirrt in Morrow inntT.
Ivy. Alfred. Lorn? Creek. Or (.'atlle 1 Don
right hip. crop oil left ear und bit in right. Horses
same bnuid on left shoulder, Riuige ti Grant
Con ntv
Junkin, 8. M., Heppner, Or, Horses, horse
shoe J on lett shoulder. Cattle, the sani3.
Uanire on Kighi Mile.
Johnson. Felix Lena, Or. Horses, circleTon
left sniie; cattle, same on right hip, under half
orop tn ritjhf nnd snlit in left ear
Jenkins, D W..AIU Vpriniu.Or. J on hompson
left slioulder: on rattle. J on left liin ml iwn
smooth crops on both ears. Range in Fox and
Kenny, Mike, Heppner, Or. Horses branded
KNY on left hip cattle same and crop off left
ear: under toponthe rlhf
Kirk, J.T., Heppner. Or. Horses 68 on left
shoulder: caltle. aft on left hip.
Kirk. J C, ileppnor. Or. Horses. 17 on either
flank:catile 17 on rtaht side.
Kirk. Jesse, Heppner, Or.; horse 11 on left
shoulder; cuttle Bame un light Bide, underbit on
lighi enr.
Kumberland.W.G.. Mount Vernon. Or. 1 L on
cattle on right and left Bides, swallow fork in hft
ear and under ciop in right ear. Horses same
brand on left shoulder. Range in Grant county.
Keeney. KU, Heppner, Or.-Horse J L and
ace of clubs on left stifle. Range in Umatilla
and ft Orrow counties
Leahey. J W. Heppner Or. Horses branded L
nd A on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip;
wattle over riht ey three slils in right ear.
Lofton, Btepnen, I ox, Or, tt L on left hip
on cattle, crop and split on right ear. Horses
same brand on left shoulder. Range Grant
Lieiiallen, John W. Lrf"-- Or. Horses
branded haif-ciicle JL connected on left shoul
der. Cattle, same on left hip. Range, near Lex.
Lord, George, Heppner. Or.-Horses branded
double a connect! Sometimes called a
swing H. on left ahoulder.
Markham, A. ft!., Heppner, Or.-Cattle large
M ou lef i Bide, both ears cropped, and split in
bo h. Horses M ou left hip. Range, Clark's
M trior, Oscar, Heppner, ( r. Cattle, If D oa
right hip; horse, M on left ahoulder.
Morgan, ti. N., Heppner, Or.-Horses, U )
on left should"! cattle same on left Md.
McCumber, Jas A, Echo, Or. Horses. M with
bar over on right shoulder,
ftiann, H. H.. L,ona. Or. Horses old mr 77.
on nght hip; young stock, small ta on left
Morgan. Thos.. HennnAr. Or -.Tdmu ii.
T on left shoulder and left thigh; cattle. Z on
right thigh.
Mitchell. Oscar, lone, Or. Horses, 77 on right
hip; cattle. 77 on right side.
mcuiuren, u. u JJriiwnsTille, Or, Horses.
Figure 6 on each shoulder, cattle, Al2on hip
McKera.W.J. Mouut VArnon Y 1 An M.i.
on right hip, crop in right ear. half crop m left
same brand on horses on left hip. Range in Grant
flicuarry, Uavid H., Jcho, Or. Horses branded
DM connected, on ths lft. ahsmlHoi.. i .
on hip and side.
McGirr, Frank, Fox Valley, Or. Mule ahoe
with toe-cork on cattle on ribs and under In
rt.11 rw , uorw rwaie uranu on leil suae.
McHalev. O. V.. Hamilton llr-On u..MU a
with half circle under on left shoulder; on Cattle ,
-" is u bin) rmm aiue
Range in Grant County.
Iseal.Andrew. Lone Rock, Or. Horses A H eon
uected on left shoulder: cattle same on both hips,
Nordyke, K., Hilverton, Or. Horses, circle 3 on
left thigh: ca tie. same ou left hip.
Oliver. Joseph. Can von ( !itv. ( lr A 9 nn hhi
on left hip: on horses, same ou loft thigh, liana
Oiler, Perry, Lexington, Or, P O en left
Olp, Herman, Prairie City, Or. On cattle, O
LP connected OU left hits- linruaa nn luff sstifl..
aud wartie on nose. Range in Grant county.
1'earsou, Olave, Liglit Mile. Or, Horses, quar
ter circle shield ou left shoulder and it! on left
hip. Cattle, fork in left ear, right cropped, 24
on left hip. Hang- on Fight Mile.
Parker A Gluason. Dai d m an, Ur, Horses IP on
Mi Hhoulder.
Piper, Ln e t, Lexington, Or.- Hor es brand
e (L IS cunueo edj o. Jett ihou.der ; caula
f mo ou liyiiLiup. Kunge, Jion-ow couuii',
i ioer. J. il., LuxiiiBLuiu ur. tioibtjo, J l', eon.
necuu j. lott shoulder; caltle, sauie on left hip,
under bi in each eur.
iVttys, A. C lone, Or.; horses dinmond P on
slioulder; Citlle, J 11 J connected, on the
left hip, upper eiopu 111 left ear uuu slip iu t'ha
I'owell, jonn T Dayville, Or Horses, JPcon.
tiec ed ou leli. shoulior. t laLLle O ii couaectil oO
tefi hip, two under half crops, oiin on eiich ear,
wattle uudur throat. Rai gum Grantcouuty.
Riekurd, G. D., Caujou City, Or.--F C ou loft
'hutilder, on horbes only. lt.,ugu Canyon creuk
and Jiear valley. Grant county.
Rood. Andrew, iiardinau. Or. Horses, square
ortnw with quarter-circle over it on left stifle.
Reninger, Cliris, Ueppuer, Or. Horses, C R on
leii hIiuhMoi.
Rice, Dan, Hardman, Or.; horses, throe panel
worm fence on left shoulder; ca:tle. DAN on
right shoulder. Range near llardman.
KojHe, Aaron, Heppner, Or llurses, plain V on
left shoulder; cattle, same bruud reversed on
right hip and crop oil right ear. Range in Mor
row county,
l(uih Hros., Heppner, Or. Horses branded J
on the right shoulder; cattle, IX on the left hip.
crop on left ear and dewlap on neck. Range Ix
Morrow and adjoining counties.
Rust, Williuui, Pendleton, Or. Horses R os
lef L shoulder; cattle, R on left hip, crop oil
right ear, underwit on left ear. Uhuep, R on
weathers, found crop off righ ear. Range Uma
tilla and Morrow c unities.
Reuney, Andrew, Lexington, Or. Horses
branded A R on right slioulder. Tent quartaa
circle over brand; cattle same on right hip.
Range Morrow county.
Royse, Wm. H, Dairyville, Or HH connected
with quarter cirrle over top on cattle on right hip
and crop off right ear and split in left. Horses
same brand on lef t shoulder. Range in Morrow
Grant and Gilliam counties.
Rector. J. W., Heppner, Or. Horses, JO o
lef t shoulder. Cattle, oon right hiy.
Spicknall, J. W., Gooseberry, Or. Horses
branded SI on left shoulder; iange ia llorrow
bailing, C C Heppner, Or Horses branded
on left shoulder; cattle same on left hip.
iSwuggart, it. V., Lexington, Or. Horses
with dash under it on left stifle, cattle H wit
uash under it on right hip, crop off right ear and
waddled on right hind leg. Range Morrow,
Giiliamand Umatilla counties.
tiwaggart, A. L., Ella. Or Uorsea brande 1
on left shoulder; cettle same on left hip. Crop
on ear, wattle on left hiad leg.
Straight W. K. Heppner, Or, Horses shaded
J ti on let! stifle; cattle J ti on left hip, swallow
fork in right ear. underbit in left.
bapp, Tii os., Heppner, Or, Hones, B A Pen
left hip; cat tl same on left hip.
Miiriz, James, Long Creek, Or Horses. I ea
lelt stifle and - over '4 on left shoulder.
bhrier.John, Fox, Or. NO connected en
horses on right hip; cattie, earns on right hip.
crop off right ear and under bit in left ear. RenVe
in Grant county.
Smith Bros., tins-nriHe, Or. Horses, branded
H. it. ou shoulder; cattle, ame on lef t shoulder.
bquires, James, Arlington, Or,; horses branded
Jtiuu left slioulder; cat lie the same, also nose
waddle. Range in Morrowand Gilliamce .nties.
titephens, V. A., Hardman. Or-; horses ti on
right stifle; cattle hurisoutal L on the tight side
bteveuson, Mrs A. J Heppner. Or. Cattle M
on right hi 1 ; swallow-fork m left ear.
tiwaggart. G. W.. Heppner, Or. Horses. U ea
left stioulde-; cattle, 44 on left hip.
tiinith, E. E. Lone Rock, Or. Horses breaded
a crossed seven on lef t shoulder; eattle sameon
left side. Range, Gilliam county.
Hperry, E. G, Heppner, Or. Cattle W C ea
left hip, crop off right and underbit in left year,
dewlap; horses W C on left shoulder.
Thompson, J. A., Heppner, Or. Horses lea
left slioule r; cattle, on left shoulder.
lipieta.B.T.,Enierprise,Or. Rones. C-on left
Turner R. W., Heppner, Or. Smalt eapital T
lett shooldei, horses; cattle same on left hip
with split in both ears.
Ihimtou, H. M., lone, Or. Horses branded
H I connected on left stifle; sheep same brand.
Vanderpool, H. T Lena, Or Horses HV eoa
nee ted on right shoulder ;cat tie, same on riant
Walbridge, Wm.. Heppner, Or. Horses, TJ. L.
ou the left shoiuder; cattle same on fight hip.
crop off left ear aud right ear lopped.
Wilson, John (J tialem or Heppner, Or.
Horse branded Jy on the left shoulder. Range
Morrow count?.
Warreu.W B. Caleb, Or Cattle. W with quarter
circle over it, ou left side, split iu right ar.
Uorset same bra-d ou left ahoulder. lUugein
GmiiL couuty.
Wood, F L, Dayville, Or Heart on horses on
left st itle; on cattle. 'Jon left side and under bit
in left ear. Range in Orant county.
Wright, fciias A. Heppner, Or. Cattle branded
ti V ou tne right hip. square crop oil right eur
and spl.tin lelt.
VSiuiace, Frantys, Mount Vernon.Or Squareon
cattle on the left hip. upper elope in ha left
eur and under slope iiright ear. tiarae brand
on hup-e on right shoulder. Range in Harney
and Grant eouutv.
Wade. Ueury, Heppner. Or. Horses btanded
ace of spadee on ltU shoulder and left iup
Cattle brandet same on left side and left hip.
W ells. A. ti., Heppner, Or. llurses, 0"e on left
shoulder: can e tuune.
olhuger. John, John Day City. Or On home
three parallel bam on left shoulder; 7 on sneep,
bit m both ears. Range in G rant and Maihner
Woodward, John, Heppner. Or. Horses, CP
connected on left shoulder.
Wat kins, Lishe, Heppner, Or. Horsee branded
UE connected; on left stifle.
Wallace, Charles, Portland, Or. Cattie, W on
nght thigh, hot in left ear; horses, W on right
shoulder, aom sauieon left shoulder.
VVhittier Bros., Drewsy, Harney county. Or. -Horsee
branded W B. niieuted on left hoalder
Wihiama, Vasoo, Hamilton, Or. Quarter cir
cle over three bars on left hip, both cattie end
hcrees. Range Grant county.
Williams, J O. Long Creek. Or Horses, qaar
ter circle over three bars un left hip; oaUie aaaae)
snd slit in each ear. Kanaw in Grant onxity.
Wren, A. A., neppner. Or. Horses rnnning A A
un shoulder; Cettle, same on nht hip.
Young. J. ti., GiKweourry. Or. Hotimm branded
X rs right mh.tm Isr
Young, W. A .. Gooseberry. Or. Horteabra d
cdX X idoab e X connected) em left skemidee
eattie same ea. toft aide.