Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 17, 1893, Image 3

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    MOIICK TO AliVaUirialctM.
TH WK desiring U' iiiKrllou of display ads., I
or eUane ul sauia, must gut tliair copy in
ItOl later Uiatl MuiidaV uveuiinr tup I'imkv'i 1
odllluu, or JliureUay evening tor r'ridaya edi
tion. 'IUK i'ATTKIMUM i'UttLiaUlMuCO.
1. The in of five cenu per line will be
charged inr "tarda ul lliaiika," "leeolutluua of
reepvet," lula 01 v. eduma prevents ai.d Culture,
and unituat) nulll-ea, unlier titan lliuae Uie edit
or elial! lilt, evil ie as a n.atlvr ut newaj and
liutK-eftul epeelal n.eellhge lur u liatever putiue.
2. tsulleik ut vlimeii aiid kuciety and alluliier
eulalliiii.n. elite Iruni hliieli rcteuue in in 1m de
rived, iliuil Ue i-iiaiKed inr at Uie rale ui live I
tenia a tit.e. I lteae rnlea v ill be alileily adher
ed to in every inetani-e.
Adverltaing ralce reaaouable aud madekuowu
upuu application.
lng Aeut, 2 Alitciiaiits exchange,
tut. lai.cieco, ,s unr anliituueu agent, 'llua
J.aJ er la kepi on i.le in liia unite.
(Jne your business to lleppuer people,
and tlunejore assist to Uuud vp Hepp
ner. tuiiunitv those who pairunue
Here and There.
P. Cohn is soj turning iu 'Frisco.
Joe Keeuey, tiie Btage man, is ia town.
No change ( diet iib 1 Ui l"S FILLS
Audtew lillaid and wife have moved
to Heppner.
Bom-Near Wagner, Dec, 28tb, to (he
wile of VYm. Crabuee, a ion.
Hud. W. R. Ellis reiarued fromSilem
end fa. Uuud Saturday lust.
A. VV. Baling, ut Eight Vlile, e 'j .turned
in towu S.turdny and Sunday.
The Qem and Pa luce saloons for fine
liquors, MuAtee Bros., Props. aw
Pendleton is working on a new health
ordiUHLOe. U od for Peudletuo.
Eugene Guard :E.J Keeuey, of Hepp
ner uiude tbis plate a call lust Keek.
Gas Uarry was probtbly f.Ully sb it
at Oaklaud rjuudty by Gjo. Uarrty.
August Cbarlatou, of G juaeberry, was
io town ou laud business diturdny.
Mr. sod Mrs. Ed. Eeeney bave decided
to make tbeir future uouieal tleppner.
Bee the new ad. of P. U- Tuompson
Co. rjuou ia life iu (be gulden went.
H. M. Thornton was up yesterday to
consummate the purchase ot some rail
road Uud.
The Morrow County Land and Ti net
Company have au uuliuiited supply of
obop tor sale. 41-1 f.
A bin giange dinner was fn joyed by
tie 1 1 pie in tbe viiiuity of Haie'a lid ye,
last Jhuisriav.
Hon. J ii. Sperry left Monday with
bis diuihter, titusl, wbj trill eatac
sohool ut Eugene.
Only first class work turned out at
Fred Mil er'a tailoiiug establislnueut
east side Muiu street,
Jacob Mills, a nsideut of Umatilla
ooumv, Iihs amved tbe perpetual uiutlnu
problem, tie tliinks.
At tbe last eessinu of county ronrtthe
Gi.z tte whm chosen hkhiu as tlie utliji 1
paper of Morrow omuty.
Tiie K-eley InBiinite, at Forest Grove,
can s liquor, iipioui, morpbiue, ouciiiue
and lubuccu habit. See ad.
Every uiau who take any interest iu
fust kIih It should stib-oribe for Tbe
Uurnemau. Unlet to ebop, iiitents.
All piiulii'K done at Ibe G. Zftte flioe
bettulter Kill lie cbaiKed fur ut tiiesmne
old ittiea uelnre tbe cboleiu m are. 2 t
N. Nielsnn is now rimtiiuit a atne be
tween Hippiirr Bud L.oue Itook. tieu
ad. (or tin) But IruviiiK uud urr.val. If.
A wood train sun derailed lust Sunday
OU tbe PottlaiKl & Willamette, aud en
teeu meu were liurt. ' Unuss, a failer
Mrs. A. J. StevensoD is prepared to d'
all kiudB of nuraiuu. Call ul her lionu
iu north lleppuer, or address ber at tine
pluoe. 618 if
Wasco Paper: Tbe chnrnb people in
Wasco are boldiug revival seivioes. A
geniluuinn by tbe uatne of Ford is evan
gelist. Engene Guard: Billy Taylor, formerly
of Eugene, is uow located ut Pullman,
Wn, luntiiug a restaurant uud is making
Hiyu ketohum wbiskers. Hatt &
Mutbews, at the oity barber sbop tbe
place tn get a brat-class sbave, bair-out
or sbampoo. tf.
Auvonewbois n victim to tbe mor
pbiue, uochIop, liqnor or other habite,
nd desires to lie ouied, should not fail
to oall at tbis cilice.
Arlington Reoord: Mrs. N S. Parmer
died iu Arlington on tbe nioruiug of the
12tb of January, 1893, at tbe age of 64
years, 4 inontbs aud 5 days.
Geo. W. Lord, tbe cont ractor and build
er, lias been laid np tbe past week vitb
Inmbago, but is on the mend now and
will soou be around again.
Master Clay French ia tbe authorized
ageut -for tbe Oregonian at tbis place.
Subscribe tbronub bim, and bave your
paper delivered free of rbarge. tt
It is a great misfortune for tbe yonrg
and middle and to be srsv. lo over
come tbis aud appear young, nse Hall's
Bair Keuewer, a reliable ptuaoea.
Our bwdnes' men should adopt this
as their molt":
"Early to bed and early to rlae,
linitle all day and adv erliie."
Newer aud ueater quarters at the
Palace Hotel's north business room.
Charley Joues, tbe baber, wants tn see
bis old friends there, iiaths in oonuec.
A surprise party was given Miss Mary
Hli nn lukt Kimi r, it leii g her 22nd
l)iithdy. A um ber of htr ni g
frieuda were pusint aLd a kucd time
was hnd.
Pendleton ha organized an Eastern
Slar ChHpier, w a large memberxtiip.
Tbis ik a Vuluab 'juncttn any Maoinc
lodge, aud HeppiK bould bave one ut
ao early date.
Tbe latest dentistry, crown and bridge
work. ms aucoeasfully acoomplii-bed by
Dr. li. F. Vangbati. Gas udminiati red
' when desired. Thompson bnildmg,
lleppner. Or 1-a-w-W.
P. Dulton srd wife left Monday
for Portland. Mr. Uiitton nein call. d
below as an Dinted H'ates juror Mr-.
Pulton will improve this opportunity to
visit relatives iu Portland.
Capi. John W. Lwis. register of The
Dalits laud i (Bee, has en'nely leeoveteil
fit m lua rerei.i llirioaa. vThe captain has
mauv I lift lis in Exsiern Oieiton who
will lie pleased lo bear this good uews
Uncle Jxck Bi'd J. W. Mmrow retn n
td from Astoria I net nitlit TboUvh Un
cle Jack is snll tronbhd tn some xteut
with bis le., it in hoped that rt will get
bet er. He rieonled not to remain below.
and will receive further treatment at
Hattee'e Congo Oil is rapidly coming
to the front as a leading medicine. J
A. Harrison, the Fossil constable, ap
plied it to bis legs, which was recently
kioked bv a boice. and nut day lie
threw aside bis orntcbes" "It's t he bow P
Harrison says. Lyman Brown tried the
oil for rheumatism' with which l.e has
been troubled for years, and this is what
he tons: "It kocked it after two appli
cations." MJ-tf.
bi I'ennett and Mat Hashes bad
roundup last evening, down in tbe lai
ter's place of buainess. Tbe cause of the
atiffioulty ia not known, but we do know
that Mat mllketphti uiderly bouse at
alt has mis.
Andy ritevrnson snnrts a fi ie G. A R.
riiur, u pit sent iiuui eome of the Soldier
Mrs. Slinl.-e bus been somewhat indis-
ptmrd tins week, but ut last accounts
was luiproving.
11. li. rhompfoi', last S durdny, re
ported thai up lo thai lime be liaU not
ltd lua sheep any tbia winter.
Found A revolver, ueur Heppner's
waretioue. Uuer unu have sauis by
proving propel ly uud paying charitee.
6X1 b'3
Dick mill Dry McCIarun,old-tiu.ers iu
Ih i Uepuuer uoiiuny, are up ou a Vint
and to utleud lo aouie buaiuess matieis.
They look i s tUougli the woilu bud been
usmg them well. .-
A. li. Uialt was over F'iday, and
white here oxlled on the ouly lleppuer
Gi Z-iile. l he roads are good, fall sown
graiu growing and auti range hue. Mr.
tiin't returned noma SitiiruUy.
Jack Frost paiuled M. LioMentbal &
Co.'" frotit wiudows SuuclHy night last
tqual lo tbe u;at wotk from ibe paiuter s
btiiab. Ibe leprtsentatiou of plants
was perfect uud attracted cuusiderable
Moses aud Chas. D. Ashbaugb were in
Friday last from Emht Aide. Chas. hail
teoenily relumed from L i Grande where
he Bi.ys there is cousideralile prosperity.
Giuiu looks well overou Eight Mile, the
boyB say.
Ike Eunis, tba Heppner Water &
Light company's eugiuter, is on the siok
iisi, whiun bus seriously interfered with
uetting the plant lu opeiatiou. How
ever, an engineer arrived hut uight to
take Mr. Euuis place lur tbe preseut.
Water was I umtd into Ibe mains this
afternoon, aud bad tbe lowuot Henpner
the hose reels here with gool companies
lo loiudle ti em, we uul tie ready to
hgnl tire. T'beie Is &U0 feet ot l.oi-e here
at Lrisrut, whioh cau be used iu the
Caee ot au tuieigency.
A very remaikuble case. Mr. Walter
Wheeler, ot the Waebingtou Mills, Law
rence, Mass., for two years bfS oted with
varicose veins, ucoompauied by a trouble
some etuptlon, was completely cured af
ter taking ouly eight bo. ties ol Avers
To preserve a youthful appearance as
long as possible, it is ludispeusible Ibal
ibe nair should letatu ita natural oolor
and fullness- There is no preparation so
effdUtive as Ayei's Uuir Vu' r. It pre-
Veuis ba.uuet.s, aim keeps the sculpole.au,
cool aud bealtny.
Sunday about two inches of snow fell
in the Heppner country, aud Sunday uud
Monday nights tbe Ibeiuioiueler jumped
down to uear tbe Zaro murk. At preeent,
however, it does not look us though the
storm would be of Very loug duration oi
particularly seveie.
A trial of I he inoaudeecent plant last
ijuuuday proved highly successful. The
arc Hue was not connected down ut
Tuus. Morguu'.', and o.iiis.q leutly did
not wuik, though the machine geueruted
snlisfactorily. Every tluug will be in
8' at class order before the uiachiues are
Mtsrs. Geo. Nob'e, I. L. Vau Winkle,
Tho. Mm gaii, A. M. Uui'li, J U. Uuul,
Jus. D Halnllion, 0. b. Vhu Duyu und
Sum Lezer tuik In tue luatHllniinu ol
U ul Fellows at ilHidmaii last Biluldaj
eveuh g. Au enj .yuble lime ia lepuneU
.ir. U.millou vodteil bis rtnoh hefoie
teiuruiug hum-', and is expected back
Foofed it in. - Q lite u oaenalty hap
pened iu Dra. Suipley uud Mt-rlwuitla,
down below Li xiuglou, lust F'nday night.
Ihruuh some iuudveiteucy both bud
been called lo Bte Heuty Duugey, ol
Dull nine, who hud sudeied a pailial par
ul vi to slroke of the bowels aud throat.
Keilher kuew of the othei'e goiug, so af
ter Dr. McSwords hud visited the patient
and udmimsteied uuto his wants, he
blurted to return uud proceeding a shorl
diatuuoe met Dr. Shipley ou his way
down. Upou liudiiig that Dr. MuSword
had fulfilled the urissiou ot mercy ou
which he was bouud, the two started
homeward, Dr. McSivoida leading his
burse uud ridiug wiih Dr. Shipley who
was in his buck board. The former's
borse did not lead very well, so he got
out and with the buggy whip proceeded
to cause a greater degree of acceleration
on the part of theauimal. Oue sharp
cut seemed to work well, and from a doc
tor's standpoint, be reasoned that if a
lillle did good, more ought to be bettei,
aud applied Ibe wbipugaiu to give the
ouiflt a good send off, but not having
calculated ou tbe results, the horse durh
ed into Dr. Shipley's rig, tbrowiug tbe
doctor out, both team und single horse
getting uway. After some skirmishing,
lbs lantern was found aud the two weary
pilgrims proceeded l.omewaid on foot,
haviug full eleven milts to walk. After
gojug some distanoe Dr. Shipley discov
ered bis bottle of 'Jersey" wbioh bad
falleu out iu tbe runaway unii jured. Dr.
McSwords would probably, at tbis time
rather preferred huding tbe tuua-
wsys, us he Uuds no sol ace iu that which
cheers und sometimes, iu over doses.
makes tbe bead dizxy aud the knees uu
steady. St. flioe to say, both got home
quite tired Irom the j iunt, aud Dr. Ship
ley Buff ting Some from bru.Ses received.
Nothing was injured by the luuaway, as
the burses c m- on borne without upset
ling tha rig. Our phjxioiana' lives are
checkered wilb "US aLd downs" the
same as other moitalr, and God kuows,
ihey euru every dollar they make.
Sciko UiHSELF. A gjod story has
been allowed lo 1 e around a mouth with
out giving it to Ibe public, aud the Peu
dletou Tribune Cou.-iders it too good to
keep. It anpear' that a ciuz n of Pen
dletou bad I la'ued $11)0 to bis father, tak
ing a note fur the urn uiut. The father
resided in New York State. The afore-
said ciliz-u seut ihe note beck east to
attorneys. iustruoli"g them lo sae liix
father and remit. In tbe meantime tbe
old gentleman died, leaving all bis prop
env to Ihe citiZ'ii. The a'torneys said
nothing, entered suit lunioft the estate,
rau up the charges and took Ihe ousts
out ot the residue of Iho estate. I'bi
aiiitiuuted to the oil z-n "mug himself
on a note due bini-flT, instructing tbe at
torneys to euter suit against bi itself, se
curing j iilwmeut agaiuat bimseli fr ttie
debt anil cais against himself and pay
ing to hiuiaelf Ibe whole amount. If
any on., en b"at this record of brilliant
financial euiriueeriug, let htm speak or
fortver utter bold bis peace.
0. A. R. Doinos On the 21st, Raw
lins Post li. A. K.will it, mall tbeir
nrlicera for the ensuing year at Llheity
sehool house. The ost meeting in the
sftemoon at 1 o'clock will be followed
b. a oauip fire in the evening. A grand
lime is expeotsd.aud all areiuvited to be
present. 67-1
Geo. Illtbop. lire ef Livlig. fuannita Pal
reds Laat KvrnluK la lbs Clly Uutet.
About 7:15 last tveniug, several
persona in aud aionnd tbe Ci'y hotel,
lu-anl the lejoit i f a pistol or gnu, but
paid very lillle attention tu it at Ihe
lime. A few minutes alteiward, Ed.
Ii Bishop, cashier ol Tbe National bank,
accmpauled by W. W. Suiead, ot liepp
err, culled at Oeolge Llsbop's loom, No.
17. in the City hotel, to sie him about
some businees mullets. They louud the
door locked, uud w ere uuuble to get auy
response tn repeated knocks. Bill Til
lard tnen pried ihe door iu at tbe top,
aud Mr. Suiead, looking iu, saw blood.
They then called Mr. W. J. LeiZir,
proprie or of 'he hotel, who seut np Jas.
Depuy, Lis bight cletk,-lo btoke the
door in. A terrible sij-b m i their gtc,
foi Geo Bishop had shot htu-self through
tbe bead with revolver, the ball enter
ing just above tbe right temple, ooming
out over tbe left ear. The weapon ust d
was a donble-sction, 14 oal., Smith k
Wessou revolver, which he bad burrowed
Saturday night of Johnny Keener, of tbe
Belvedere. When found Oeorge wits
not dead, but never rallied sufficiently
to speak or to reoogniie anyone, breath
ing his last in ff.een miuutes after
being discovered. When found, the
revolver was still in his right hand, the
left resliug on the barrel.
Coroner T. W. Ayers Jr., immediately
empanelled a jury, consisting of Joe
Mauterson, Ji 9 Hayes, Morris Ball, Geo.
Thornton, Sterling Ketthly aud Chas.
Jayue, before whom Wm. Tiilard, Dr.
E. T Uageu and Wallace W. Suiead
were called us witnesses, corroborating
iu substance wbat has already been
statid in these columns.
Tbe following letter to bis brother, Ed.,
was found in a little memorandum book
in tbe pooket of his shirt. He bad
gotten the book the evening before from
Wm. Tiilard, saying that be wanted tu
write a few lines:
"I could eventually wear it out, but
gotdiuek and that made it a sight
worse. 1 have thought it all over, aud
dou't le' it make auy of you feel bad ou
my aocouut, 1 am tired of liviuu; it is
4 perfect bell all tbe time, au 1 nave
givu it np.
"It seems some people are happy and
others are uot. Now 1 think your life is
a happy oue. You have a good wife
uud two dear children, uud eveiybody
respeols you because they Oau't auy
anything about you that is bad. Poor
mother aud father and sisters, led tbein
1 think it is all for the best. Risi EUlpl..
tiertrude aud Ella for me, E I. (loud
bye. UaoBos."
Tbe folio ting is the jury's fludiug:
We the j iry, empauelled aud aworn
to invest igale the death of Geo. W.
Bishop, Dud that he was a resilient of
Vlonow ooauty, Oregon, and about SO
years age, and tbat he cime to his death
uy a guua:iut wound in the head, by his
owu bauds. (Sig'ie l by the ju-yindn.)
Geo. W. Bishop had miuy frieudi
wherever ba was kuown. Generous,
piond aud impulsive, he died because
he considered hia lifd w is a tiiilure, aud
be was not happy to merely exist.
Some years ago, he acquired the mtt
pluue habit. Oue year ago last Sep
tember. be went down tn the Keehy
Institute and came away apparently
cured Beiug of a nervous disposition
and having a natural desire for excite
meut, be began me m iuths aft I ward
tu iudulge iu liqnor, and about a mtuth
ago, the old tempter, morphine, was
placed in hie way by some thoughtless
habituate oi the drug and befell aguiu.
He hud often remarked to friends that
if he ever returned to tha old babit he
did not c ire to longer ltva. The letter
to bis brother shows tbe iubira pride
wbioh swayed bis impulsive .nature.
Ue evidently felt that if he could uot
live au honor to himself, his relatives
and friend', he would prefer to blot out
bis existence. George was a worse
enemy to himself than anyone else.
His good qualities overshadowed all
others, and may tbe Great Ruler of tbe
uulverse siteud tbe broad mantle of
charity to tbe soul of bim, who, while
ou this earth, was noaler aud better
by far than be was wont to judge him
self, and may He soothe tbe sorrow of
l he a fllicted parents, brothers ami sisters,
is the prayer of many true friends.
McGill is A Bilk. Young McGill, the.
onedegged individual who left Antelope
for Fossil last week, is true type of a
genuine hard. shelled bilk. He left Tbe
Jalles about Oct. 1st, no doubt basing
been run nut of tbat town, aud soon af
terwards bobbed np at this pi ale. By
meat s of bis ixiremely sliok tongue, and
the fact of his being a oripple, he got in
to ihe loiiti lence of the hotel proprietors,
and by the time they found bim out be
bed simply snaked them for a consider
able board bill. He did not try tu get
empl lyment of any kind, hut whenever
he oould borrow a 1 bit pieoe he wo. .Id
deposit it in bis stomach in the form of
"reil rye," and during bis sprees he
would be hateful and abusive. While
V. N Spicer aud his wife were down to
The Dalles attending Ibe Birgfeld trial
cQill weut to Spioer's rauoh und re
main d itb tbe hire I man for a few
days. In the meantime be rumnged tbe
bnne and amongst other things he
"sniped'' a heavy gold Auger ring whioh
was in a bureau drawer npstahe and be
longing to Mr. Spioer. He bronulit the
ring to town and sold it to Huub Neil for
$4. One day Ibis week Spioer stw the
ring on Neil's finger, aud upon asking
fur it aud properly identifying tbe ring,
it was cheerfully handed over loin right
ful owner, aud Neil is out ti A tew
days prior to this Coincidence, however,
the citizens here became so tired of Mo
Gill's bsbitnul '-bumming" that they
made up a purse and sent bim over
to cur ueigbbnr town, Fossil. Tbe
citizens of tbat place had e'idently learn
ed Lis history, for they tired him ou
down 'ii Condon. McGill it an all round,
well-sslttd-down bilk aud we would ad
vise tbe good people of Condon and Ar
lington to keep their eyes on bim. An
telope Hersld.
Usid as a BrvKBAoa H. Y. Oatee, of
the Heppner Water k Light Co., gavi
tbe Gazette reporter an interesting lit of
Oc what we say. Convince yourself ; tbe proofs are before yon. Come
to our store, Laik ut our pi ices uud tbeu oompure them with the prices
of others.
We bave sn immense crowd of customers every day. Ask any of
them whether Ihey obtain barginus or not. They will tell yon. If
you don't know K.OLMAN of the
-Your neighbor will tell you-
Kolman AdvertisessTruth
The idle words of Ibe falsifiers are like chuff. The terror of our
competitors is pitiable to behold. They are paralyzed and, with blanched
faces, stare at the crowds pouiing into our store tu secure goods at
tbe exceptionally low prices. It seems to be a great mystery to our
customers why we can sell.them goods at just one-half what theother
Aims ask, and ut tbe same time makea fair, legitimate profit.
and you should remain with us, as we bave exploded the outrageously
bigh pi ioes you have paid iu Heppner heretofore. 1 thank you very
kindly for the liberal patronage you have bestowed upon your true
friend since lie has opened up in yonr city. I mu-t admit my sales
. have been twice us much as I anticipated. I intend to locate perma
nently in your city, and shall in the future, as iu Ihe past, conduct my
busiutBS in an honorable way, so as to gain tbe ponfiJence and
reaped of alt. Wishing you all
--. A
I rtmain, respectfully,
Fall Goods
Fall Goods !
Overcoats, Women and Hisses Newmarket Cloals,
At deduced Hates FOK OAS1L
llcjiiiilaiil jpantile Qompany.
General Merchandise,
'1 lit
mi bo
Leading Hotel of the City
Building Wired for Eleotric Lights through
out. Thla hottfte Is run in first-clou style tn every par
ticular. Extra blnlug Service during the holidays.
MR M. VON CADOW. Proprietress
Commissioner ot the TJ. S. Circuit Court. All land
P matters attended to promptly and accurately.
OfQoe in National Bank building.
: : : OREGON
information a few days ago. Some years
ago be was down in S "H h America, and
while there, used as a beverage, the same
as our Amerioau people do tea and Coff e,
kind of a drink ra-ol'f from the dry
leaves of the coca plan'; much rnsem
bling tea, bnt much more atreiiglbentng
and exhilarating lhan either tenor ci ff-e.
though leaviug none of the bid iff eta of
the use of alcoholic drinks as a beveraue.
Wbeu eocaiue was flrat iiitr ultioed, Mr.
Gale-, was surprised to find that it was
ma le from ihn ssmo kind of leiwes that
be bad nsed to m ike "te.." wilb which to
wash down his 8 mth Atnrio m dinners.
He says be nsed it an a hever.ige for a
year without any but the m t beneficial
effects. Neither nttives nor while peo
ple become etislav -d iu its use, which is
eutirely different iu the use otcocuiue.
For pains iu Ihe client I here is nothing
h-tler III n a U iniiel lotbaaliiratMl Mills
Coamlierlaiu's Pain li 1 1 in ami bound on
over the aeat of pain. It w ill produce a
counter irritation without bliriiermg. ami
ia not smlixagiHenble iism i-tHrd; iu fai
it is lunch auperior to auv piaater uu an
fount of its pain relieving qualities, li
il-ed in lime it w id prevent pneumonia.
60 cent bottles for sale by SlyCuia-JulMi-son
Drug Company. ' ;
ons meeting were read and approved.
Bills allowed : O. E. Farnswnrth, 8i0 ;
VV. B. Potter, 3 2o ; O n-tie. l 60; J
Masterstin, for doctor bill, $10. Rules
aud regulations of H-ppuer Water V
Light C approved by the council
The following election officer were ap
pointed : Judges, A. Wright, Jas. Depny,
W. A. Kirk ; clerks, Joe Williams, II.
Sobeiziuger. Council adjourned.
11 -v. R C. Muter, preaidiug elder of
The Utiles diatrict, will preaoli at the
il. b. church next Frnlay evening. Ou
next Sunil iy evening, bv speoml request
ol the W. C. T U., the pailor will precb
a tempHranoe aermoi. And, in turn,
ttm-ie eleot ladie are especially iuvited
to be present ut thai lervice.
J. M. riiiubSB, Pastor.
WE -:- WANT -:- MONEY !
And in order lo get it, we will.dmiug ihe present montb,
At 20 per cent, off regular price, our
numeuse stock ot
Gents' nje- Winter njn Underwear,
Tup (Shirts, Scaife, Mittens aud Lined Gloves.
This is an honest proposition and no trap, for we
have au overstock ot tbtse goods that we must realize
on. So you can beutfir yourself aud oonfer a favor ou
us by tskiug advantage ot the oppoilunity offered by
P. Q. ! TpEQPSO ; 60.
TJrIlraos", -tregon,
" To (Jet Even on Your Hale.
Hardware, Stoves and Tinware,
Wood and Willowware. Blacksmiths' Supplies, Iron, Steel and Coal, Pumps and
Pipe, Tanks, Bathtubs aud Kinks, Plumbing Materials, Agricultural Imple
ments. All Kinds ut Repairing quickly and ueatly done.
in ffaiiODS, Hacks am B
: -:- Ton will save money by
getting our prices before purchasing
elsewhere. -: : :- :- : --
Odd Fellows' building, Main St.,
Business-like -:- Manner
Wool Growers' Warehouse
Near the Depot:
Change of Ownership
wbioh we propose to conduct in Ibe most satisfactory manner. Will keep
on hands at all times tbe ohoioeet
Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn
ed Beef, Etc., Etc.
shaw & Mccarty,
Graduate M. E. 0. V. S. , London, England.
Veterinary h Surgeon
Chronic Diseases a Specialty.
I am preparer to do til kinds of Veterinary Stiraery, Emasculating Horses and Reirllnrs a Speci
alty. (This Is the only true meth.xl til operallngoti hursca.) aneyltiK ul Cattle ami lloas
on short notiet. 1 will treat all animals In tha most approved procariure nl Veter
luary Buriery. II you have any sick at Irnnls it will bs to your luttrest to
eall oil ma at Meu art'a atanioa.
nEPPNER, - - Kissw -
Baker :: and :: Confectioner,
Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery.
Hips oa Suost NoTict ASD at Posuiaa Psicis.
isB- Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00.
The snhjict fur th E iworth Liie
1 ext VVedie4i!y evnin is " rn Wanes
if .Sin." 1 lie viiiiiik- ie ple of Ueppuer
lire especially invited tu attend.
TlBD Heury Uiiuateywhruy V
McSarotds aud Shipley ir, CM!ledvr4?''
Friday eveuiutr lest, ('.,. n kI UiiUKlii .vuf ers please oupy )
uieu me same evenio,' t 7 o'clock. I
eipired while sitting H C,ir, ,llit ,lh
he aa left by ft,e doctors, without a
strangle. Hi Aiterme it to ik place Ut.o
day. Cot'Hjti, MauriNo. - At tbe regular
j nvetinsrof tbe ouuticil Inst evening, all
oouncilmen were preseut, Mayor Matlnck
prestdinf presidicfr. Minutes of previ-
Died, at the home of O. J. Wilson, at
one, Morrow County, Henry Dungey.
Friilsy evening, Jduuury 13, 1HU3, at 7
1 1. tn.
H-ury DuttKfy was burn in En
gland, and hi relstires iu New Ink
if! Ciuiida. (C4nadiaa and New Xork
Roekleu's Aruica Halve.
Tbe heef-.sslve in Ihe world tor enls
bruises, aoreVt ulcers, salt rheum, I. Ter
sores, t,-tt.T, Vfe!''' hands, ohilblains
oorns'snd all aefni.l ions, and posi
tively enres pilesffr'1' v"y required. It
is Kiiarauleed tn ir,1 U"rfeRt satisfaotion
or money refunded. VV01 u, r
box. Fur sale by Hlooi Johnson Drug
Com nan t.
u QllllJilii
aTBW H UmUW IsTlilraslalsB
Instead of flvlnc to the door gasp
Intr for breath, smilng as if each 1
one woulj bs vour last, vou have I
only to take a few dotes Xsthraalene when the spasm I s broken, the breathing becomes
easy and you teel as If an anp;el of mercv had unloosed the Iron grasp of the tinkers
of death. The harrlest moment of your life will be when vnu have used a few bottle
of Or. Tafl't ASTHM ALENE and It has cured you of mm mm vpm mm and pn
Asthma. mail to ant tithmatuffertr a trial botlln mm LrSc Bssi mm laat It does
aV awawl fcSSC
toid try sratTfisu.Dr.Tafl Bros. M.Co.,Roche8ter,N.V I
I C lire Itlhma.
The Lancashire Insurance Co.
L W HrfERSDN. 1GLVT Qrae of tl llosat in m3 Wnrln