Heppner gazette. (Heppner, Morrow County, Or.) 1892-1912, January 17, 1893, Image 2

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    1 1 ' -jlf m myip mo sell you ili1 1
Qlve your business to Heppner people
and therefore assist to build up Jlepp
ner. Patronize those who patronize
Tbe following onrrespoDdenoe, fmm II.
V. Corbel t, millionaire banker aod speo
nlatur, of Portland, appeared iu a reoeut
issue of the OreaoniHu, under the cup
tion, "Tbe Hilvnr Coinnge Q ieatioo, Fal
lacies Advocated by Governor Peuuoyer
Pointed Out :"
"We trust oar legislature will not fol
low tbe suggestions of our governor ou
tue silver question. It would iu my jmlg-m-ul
be a very unwiae tniug to d. We
are already guuViuii quite euougb from
ill advised and bad levinlut inn. The
bharmau Mot was oue nf tliiiHe hurtful
compromise measures inteuded tosutisfi
tbe silver pruduoiuu status wilb a sub
stitnte for free ooiuuge After trying it
aud for a liiue bootniug a lter by Ibis Ihl'
islution, they have foiiud foreign coun
tries willing to let us buy the silver uud
they take the gold. There uinst lie oue
standard by which to measure values
and Hit enlightened governments have
ma le to d the standard. It is useles to
iituore tins tact. Tbe mily wuv to keep
sliver at par with gold i-t to coin no more
Silver tiiau can be re leemed by the gov
erumeut iu void. Wben it gets beyond
thin, silver must depreoiu.'e nud Und Me
level. Then weeliall Und that the govern
mailt stamp upon it will nut avail any
more than li (lid npou leral tender nolra
during our civil war. We oau well re
manner wheu mu:Ii eurreuuy sold for
87 rents on the ddlur, notwithstand
ing uuh notea were fundable imo United
rjiates bond bearing interest in gold,
which ought to have kept them at par
wilb gold. The great leilnuitaiiuy of le
gal lender ciirnuoy, more tliau It was
possible for l he government to redeem
iu vnlil, Caused the gieat depreoiiilinu.
Up to the present time the guveriiniei.i
stamp wmilil imply Unit they would re
deem silver in void, and ua they uuw
make the profit nu i he coinage of silver
they are buiind iti iqnily iu redeem it
The reverse would be the oae, it free
coinage were eniioled. If everoue into
have 75 cents rained aud stamped a dol
lar by government, fri e of chaise, who io
to psv the dillerence? Hiiimmmw there
should be coined In Hlver 84in,(HKI 0(1(1,
government is bound to lose 8HW.00U.UUU
if it altemuts tu redeem.it. ami tue u 1
pie mint pay it iu taxes and mine own-
era pocket it. If this (treat plethora ol
silver should be issued It would be im
possible to keep it ou a pur with sold
and there ia uo telling where silver would
go to, possibly t 6.) centa ou the dollar.
and instead of (400 (KlU.000 it might be
reduced to 8200,000,000 by I he deprecia'
tion. The ciioiimling medium would lie
reduced instead of luoreuaeil. Why
should silver uioti hare their produci
coined free any mure than the nickel
prodiu-eiT I hey are both commodities
Who world think of stumping uiukei ua
money for every oue tlmt proilti ies it ?
Ur oourae it is nu absurd propoaitiuu
Uivernment under the oxnatiiulion la
empowered to coin mouey, uud if there
Is any profit in it the whole people are
endued to shnre in it, us substantially
Ihey pledge themselves to its redemption
Let our mouetary conference take the
fiosition that ((old is the standard, and
et each government agree to coin in
much silver ua it can safely redeem in
gold. This or its equiviileut is all we
ouitht to ezpeot from other cnuutiiee.
aud for our our own cnnulry we can sufe.
ly issue us niauy ((old cerlilluatesor bill.
as we have go'd aud aa much silver tie
both, and keep it ul par with gold. Be
yond this it is not prudent to venture.
Let any surplus of silver no abroad Hi
the market price, and be coined or used
by other cotiutrns. Afler they net a
good supply Ihey may be equally inter
ested iu maintaining its price; but as
long aa we coiitinue to purui.axe and
board it up, foreign ootiiitries will make
na the dumping groitud tor their miter
in eiHU'iiino lor our gold. This subject
involves the best iulerevts o' all classes."
11. W. (JoiiDiiTr.
Mr. Corbel! takes the same view of the
silver question ibst do all men w ho have
profited by the folieme of '73, which leg
islated silver iuto a onmmodily, thungu
it had been reoogu z.d as good and law
ful money from Ihe adoption the oun
titntion In 178D up to I lie date of its
demonetia tliou. Mr. Cuibelt n a very
ealihy man, but even he will suffer
from a continual inn of the I In it whirl,
seeks to continue silver na a conimodity
and appreciate gold, for there will sine
ly come a time when ihe whole fabric of
finance will full, and he who bus mt hie
oush in bis pocket, so to speak, w ill suf
fer. No btminess man can do this, uud
use his cupttal at any ndvatitnge.
Though the Hlierium law may not
have been Ihe wisest of tueniurea, it hud
tbeiff ctof iucretttiug the ciiciihitiou,
though it fulls far ebort of whit! fiee
coinage advocates demand, lint Mr.
Corbelt cannot lubatantiate Ihe claim
that the Hueininu law la forcing gold out
of Ihe cotintiy. Iu fact, it is not doing
anything ot the kiud. 810,),0,H),OOU is
taken out eaily by tourit-U aud 8-00V
000 000 went out last year as interest aud
dividends on foreign capital invested iu
this country. For years past the inter
est aud dividends ou investments were
absorbed in new enterprises, aud much
more too, but last year railroad butldiug
decreased materially,heuoe there was no
demand for the excess belonging to for
elgners, and it went across the water.
If the Sherman law ia repealed now,
without some substitute which would
either provide fur the coinage of the
Americau produot of nor silver mines, or
that already deposited in bullion iu the
Tsnlts at Washington, would leave on
CTJND 1 60 ACRES Timber Culture claim adjoiniug, of which deeded land
l fence. Situated two miles west ef Haidmtn.
Price for the whole, $1100 ; or without the timber culture claim, SSOO.
Good, deeded ranch, 320 acres, best stock ranch in Morrow county, cheap and on
tbe hands ot our government millions of
ounces of silver iu even a worse condi
tion than a commodity, for the litth
money value that legislation has civen
it would bo removed, and the govern
ment would have nothing left to do but
to dispose of it for use in the arts. It is
as much the interest ot the Eastern farm
ing states as I bote prodnoing silver to
B'otest against Ibis attempt to Itinber
legixlute silver nut nf its natural plane
America, according to Mr. Corbet t's ideas,
wns misiiuided 84 years. This is nol
true. Both gold end silver went nlotis
side by side all this time without any
trouble whulever till the money powci
of Germany, Great Britain ond llie Uni
ted Stales found an opportune time to
discredit silver that their holdings might
he thus appreciated. Since that time
everything that came from the hand ol
Ihe produoer has steadily declined in
price, because it took more of it
to get tbe same amount ot money.
Wilb it, lauds went down, and ii
became tbns correspondingly harder to
meet obi igal ions. No oue ceituinly will
have Ihe "gall" to claim that this was in
the interest of the prople. The claim
that our silver mines are produing e
tnuob more now than previous to '73.
that free 0 linage, or anything approach
ing it would prove impracticable, is nol
well fonuded. The greatest ailver minei
that the United Stales ever produced are
about worked out, ihe Comslock, of e
vadu, a notable Instance, nud though the
amaller miues lire producing in the ag
i! rebate n large anMuut uf silver, tin
amount per canita is no greater uow than
previon to 1873. This was one of the
lii z -tie's pet ideas w hen it was on tb'"
oilier side of the fence, but the posiliob
ia not tenable.
The cmpiuisnn of the (Hurls of the
ur ecu buck indie of t he "eixliea" with free
silver coinage, snnr lis the latter bring
ing about depreciation of silver coined
is concerned, is unfair and not a pniullcl
matter by any means. There were tun
good reasons why the gioetibitck depre
ciated. First, a great civil war had real
the country iu twain, ami our credit wut-
shaken to a o uisiderable extent. Beooud.
they were not full legal tender, as they
could not be taken ic payment of dutiei
ou inipoits, and interest ou tbe public
debt, and this "txoepljon clause" did
much to reduce tlieui to 40 cents ou the
dollar, though no man ever lost u dollar
who held Unole Hutu's promiee to piij
till the day of redemption. Tbe tlmt
greenbacks issued by the government
were full legal tender uud passed dollar
for dollar.
Put silver where it belongs, nud no
one would lose n dollar on it. It would
check Ihe.nppreoiatiou of gold uuder the
single staudard idea, but by so doing it
would prevent tbe people from being
plundered further. The discount on the
75 oeut dollar would bespeedily reuioved
under mouometulistu. The statement "ii
this great plethora of silver should be is
sued it would be impossible to keep it on
a par with gold, and there is no telling
where silver would go to, possibly to 50
ouuls ou tbe dollar, aud iustead of St JO, -
000,000 it might be reduoed to $200,000,
000 by the depreciation," is far from the
facts. Legislation disgraced the silver
dollar aud thereby placed u discount ou
every product of the farm, while the
money broker wis likewise benefitted.
.Silver has been recognized as a metal Qt
for mouey since the foundation of the
eunh, or us far back ua the history of
man can be traced, aud oi ly needs this
removed to place it where it wns previ
ous to '73, to reuder it full legal tender.
Toere ure uo fears existing with Ihe ma
joiily of the people that the circulating
medium would bj decreased by true si I
ver oniuage.
The comparison between nickel aud
ailver is quite transparent. Silver,
through legislation, is a ooiumoJity but
it is fit lo make legal tender muntri, and,
us a metal, stands iu the front rank nith
gold, while nickel ia lit for nothing in
the way of money eiccpt am ill, subsidi
ary o nus, ur-ed for change. Toe absurd
Hies to wbteh, Mr. Corbett refers, ure ou
hia aide ol the case.
The advice giveti lo the monetary con
ference UmicIi us one would exptut friu
u 'Vn dbitg, but it is far fctuhed. The
woild bus tine for its supply of ailver a
well as gold, and one is as good us the
other, if not legislated against. To con
tinue ou tbe i-ingle staudard ba.ns, means 1
further Coiitraotionof oiii currency, Inch
is too small to do the b.isiuess of tbe
country, consequently is it dear money,
and menus low pruea to tbe producer,
more mortgages and heuvier rates ot iu
terest. There is not euoiigh gold iu tbe
country to transact the business, ua we
have already stuted; the amount pro
duced is growing smallerevery day, while
the population is luoreasing. To con
tintte this, oau result iu but one thing
ruin. Let the representatives of Ameii
on in the coufereuoe abroad aot on Mr.
Corbett's suggestions aud iu 1S9S the
people will take the mitter in hand and
in a mauuer that will uot be mUuuder
France, under bimetaliam, baa grown
-One of the Best Pieces of Land in
to be the richest country on the face or
tbe er.rth. The United States was lead
ing them all preyl uis to 1873, had fewer
"many times millionaires" than today,
and less paupers in proportion. A debt
made one day was just as easy to pay off
on the next, so far as the volume and
value of mnney was cotoeued. But
with demonetization aud further contrac
tion through the redemption ot legal
tender currency, which hud become as
good as gold, our troubles bgan.
Let ihe Uuited States j on the other
republics of tbe Americas iu tbe double
standard idea, coining our own product
aud keeping to teigu silver out by a lax
on same. Iu time, aud not far distant,
t.'O, England nud other single staudard
countiies ol Europe would join the new
world in bimetulism. This Kdulimeiit is
growing among the people of the old
world, und Ihe will ot the people will
prevail iu the end, aud no combinations
ofcupi'alcau preveut it. The O zitte
has, iu times past uud gone, looked upon
Governor l'ennoyer us beiug a little
cranky, but ou his snggestiuu that our
legislature iustrnot our representatives
tu vote for the free coinage ot silver, he
is on the right road, and B supported iu
that by u mnj iriU of Oregou's voters.
In both bouses of ooiigr Bstffrts have
beeu made to relieve persous who have
claims upon landd forfeited w it :,in the
railroad grants. Squalor Dolph said
Tuisday that persons not actnally resid
ing on Ibi ir lands, and entitled to pur
cluse foifeiltd railroad laudii, should
make entry uud piixuient for their lands
-it once, and not dep ntl on legislation
. it. uding thu lime, lie b is not sucote l
ed in getting a report upon his bill in the
senate fiom ll.e llileiior department nv
vet, und h uot Bine of securing favorable
coiijderatiou of .the bill iu Ihe senate.
He haa learned from Mr.'llermau lhnt
there is no posrilnlity of passing the lull
iu the house, lie tuidits this statement
tu warn puiohasers not to permit the
lime to txpiie without completing their
purchases. Arlington It . cord.
Abjdt $1,000 a d..y is now (roiog out
of Morrow county few rdlroad laud. Au
extension of time should ba grnuted the
9 'tilers, lor the present law relatiug t(i
t ie purchase of railroad lands imposes
too much i t a Dnainial burden ou them
considering the limit of time in which
purchases can be made. Let our legis
lature aot immediately, aud get the mat
ter before oou;ress.
The big elephant Z u recently checked
bia swaying trunk, gave a great groan
undeleted his eyes iu exleusive and cum
bersome deutli. Several curious gentle
men pried their way iuto bis stomach,
aud found there n chain, not even parity
digested, nud weighing ninety pounds.
Tims science ia enriched by the knowl
edge that acliniii weighing uiuety pounds
is uot wholesome fond,
Tiik governor of oorntale asks that our
representatives in ot tigress support nu
iiiC' tne tax bill. Iu this be is oirtaiuly
right. Those who have large incomes
can well iifTurd lo pay theirsharetjwards
the proteolion and advantages that the
country gives them to ucqtiire wealth.
It is an easy and legitimate road towards
securing more mouey to puy theexpeus-s
of the government.
Ii. C Caiitkii, alias Hose, supposed to
be a murderer, who escaped from prisou
back at Alt. Veiuon, Missouri, six yents
ago, wns icoeutlv apprehended lit Salem,
tie had killed a man united It .beitCrook
et, nud was awaiting Ihe time set for bis
exectltiou when he escaped. Caiter.oi
Hose us he was kuow u, uariied a Miss
Ulack three months ago.
Tub Arlington lieu, ml, in its last issne,
thinks that inasmuch as tbe Oregonixii
gave its spsoe to call our citizens it com
biuatiou of bad men and cowards, uow
that n knows better, should devote a
like amuiiut of space to tell tbe facts.
It relets, of course, to Ihe Hoslyn bank
robbeiy 0 ise which "Silly" uud his
idling blowed so much nb Mi
rKTKit VkT, a Umatilla county justice
of the peace, threatetie I suit against a
.Milton lady, on n p tut c.ir.l, anil now
he finds loin-elf before Judge Deady for
improper ti-e of ihe mails. The J. I'. 'a
unmesbould uo be.-l'eter Goue West."
Tub Baptist Seiiiuiel's new Campbell
power press, l j ton. Wash , is now in
positiou in their new olltJo. iu the base
ment of Ihe B .pti.it church. It lias oot,
with freight aud extras, about $9o0.
Tub Christmas llorseratn is on our ta
ble, a beautiful number. The Horseman
is tbe leading journal of its kiud in tbe
Gov Cnot KSK has b.-eu inaugurated in
his position iu Nebraska. It took aom
time to break the deadlock
FIexkt Oapdis, ot Divlon, Wai
itor of the D ivtuu Couiier, ditii
from paralysis.
Here ate 140 acres gw d farming laud,
easy terms.
further information call at our office.
Members or Eastern (Ireicim Lnokine After the
Wants Of Their Various DlMricts.
B lis. memorials, res ilmions, and ia
faot everything that came before either
biauoh of Ihe Oregon legislature Thurs
day morning was uot allowed to bmig
fire or drag, but was disposed of with
great rapidity, as many desired an early
adjournment iu order tu take tbe noon
trains for home, and thus spend Sunday
wilb their wives, mothers or sweethearts,
as Hie case might be. Nothing of great
importance presented itself in either
house, thongb minor matters that held
the attention of the lobbies and galleries
were diacoseJ of. Iu tin senate, Willis,
of Portland, presented a measure that
"no female shall evsr hereafter be em
ployed as a clerk, or member of any
committee appointed by this assembly
or'XyWTy member of either bouse."
By lhii aot Willis undoubtedly gained
the hatred ot every lady aspiraut for
olerkship honors, ot wbioh tb gallery
was principally composed. A singl'
alance at their faces, which only a
moment before beamed with smiles kb
they vied with. each other tu look their
predict.!, would couvinoe anyone of this.
Wbile the bill bus some warm support
ers, yet it ia hardly probable that it
will pass.
Q ute a heated discussion was o roiled
iu tue house Tuursday mor'.tng by lie
introduction uf u memorial to congress,
headed with a lengthy preamble reoinug
the many promises of the democratic
party diuina the late oamimigu alleged
rumons t-ffjets uf the MuKiuley bd',
also uotiug the faot that the people h id
oter-w belmiuglv embused lbs dem
cratiu platform and theab iveulleguti .us:
Therefoie be it resolved.
That in the jiiilgetiu nt of this as
selnhly, lo ihe eno that j , slice may b
tstabliftb'il. biinwer nieried, coibing
placed u itbiu teach of the people, ami
political promises redeemed, his ix
cellency, 'hi president elect ot tbe
United States, should call an extra sea
-ti'tap&ress of tbe United Statew
eet Sosooii after toe 4 h of Maruh
as it is pussib'e for aetiutors Hiid
repiesTHitativ. s to assemble in tbe na
tional- Capitol, and immediately repeal
the infamous AlcK nley bill.
This brought foith quite a spirited argu
ment, and when the lull whs called for Ibe
Votefororngainst adoption, many bri. llv
explained their position with all siu
cei it) possible, (hie over jubilant demo
ora', who had evidently come up to
S dem loaded to the guards with oratory
which had doubtless been long pent u;,
started off with a melodious roar, some
tiling like a Texas steer, to define the
slaud ot democracy, but was promptly
''knocked silly" by Ibe speaker of -the
house, who informed him that ha had
not' called on him for any ot Ins brazen
oratorical display, but eimplv desired
bis vote. "Santa Clans" Upton, of
Coos county, the leader of tbe people's
party faolion, started np the aisle in a
like strain, accompanied by a "military
display of spresd eagle oratory," de
fining his party's views on the issue but
was also ' kuocked iuto a plug .hat," by
the speaker before be had fairly gotteu
on his feet. Some of tbe republicans
leaders, who were likewise loaded, "took
a tumble" to themselves, by the ex
ample of the two gentlemen who pre
ceded them. The vote was a peculiar
one, some ot the McKiuley followers
voted for, while aom agaiusf, the latter
olaimiug that they did uot desire; the
bill repealed. Tbe democratic vote was
likewise divided presumably from the
tame stand point. The result was 'SI
for, '29 against, oonst queutly tbe memo
rial died. Both houses adj urned at
11 u. m. until Monday at 2 p. in.
Seuutor Striwer, of fossil, Gilliam
count), preseuttd the following memo,
rial to oongrtss Wednesday, wbiib
passed both bouses by unanimous v .le,
and was at ouce forwarded to OregouV
delegation by telegram.
Whsiikas, Uy act of 0 ingress app'oved
June 'i i. 183.!, tin turn within which
persona sutti.lly residing npou lauds
forfeilel b. the aotof congress, approved
September 29. 1890, could make final
pnu.f, was ix'euded to September 2d.
1S93, hut as to petsoiswbo weie not
actually residing upon lands so fmfeitrd.
the time fur making snob proof was
limited In Ft britaty 8. 1893; uud
WiikiiKAS. llie greater p.ol ion of the
lands in Uiigon so f .i felted ate not
actually reaidid npou, but were settled
by persous uuw eutilled in pirch ise Ibe
sime, who are oooiipyiug adjoiniuj
tracts on which their prin lipal improve
ments were nude, au.l who are therefore,
except in a technical seuse, actual set
tlers upon such turefeiled lands; and
WukKEAs, By lessons of au almost
eutire failure of orops from an uuusu il
drouth in l?0j" the territory in
Oregon cuvr Vi forfeiture, the
peisous vo isurcbase are
enliti Vn to do, aud
taaua labor
granted ;
sW 'V
sT VWIil 1
Morrow County 2
nud the balance A 1 pasture. The
Deeded ranch, 16D acres. bc3s wheat land. Will sail on easy terni3. A good rustler can pay
for it with first crop raised on it. Eeasou for selling, owner lives in the East aud has no use for it.
aud can then nndoubily do so; and
Wbeksas, We believe that under the
circumstances these persons should be
treated as actually rt siding upon suob
lauds and have Ihe same rights as those
given to actnul- residents; now, there
fore, be it.
Ile30lved, by the senate, Ihe bouse
couourring, tb t our sinato s and r p f
sentatives in congress be ri quested and
urged to make a special iff.irt tu secure
the passage of an act by congress ex
tending Ibe time to make final proof In
all Oases under the said Ion felted net
to January 1. 1891; aud be it further
Resolved, That the secretary of state
be iustrtisted to telegraph a copy of this
resolution to our senators aud repre
sentatives in congress.
Senator Matlock, of Umatilla, pre
sented a World's Fair appropriation
bill, which hill appropriates $60,000
which is to be expendtd by a oommittee
appoiuted by the goveuor, the com
mittee to report at tbe next session ol
the legis alure. A j nut resolutiou fot
the appoiutment uf a special World's
Fair committee of trto from the senate
and thtee fiom Ihe Lonse. passed the
senate and President Fultou appointed
.'. H. lt.de.i, of Umatilla, aid U. H.
uoodard, of Mtiltm mab. Both steps
are in the light direction and by prompt
action it is not )et too late for Ibe
Webb ot state tu have a creditable
representation at tbe Columbiuu cele
bration. Senator Kaley. of Umatilla present! d
a bill Widuerday for nu appropriation
of $460 010 for a poitage railway at the
Celilo rapids, above Tbe Dalles. A
meisure similar lo this was presented
at ihe last t-eisiou aud passed thesenute,
but ws side-tracked iu tbe bouse. The
I ropoaiiirp by which Ibe road is lo be
hiiilded is simdar to that by which the
Citoades porlnge was built. It is lobe
hoped that the members ot the house
will look tit the bill il ff reutly this lime.
Senator Steiwer, of Gilliam, has in
I rod (iced a bill which providis for the
creutiou of a new county to be known
us ''Stockman." to be composed ol
part of Wasco nnd Crook counties,
bounded on tbe east by tbe John D.iy
river nnd the western bouudary ol
Grant county, and ou the nest by tbe
Desobitles river, tbe comity seat to be
located at Autelope. The- senator iu.
.forma your repoiter that the people uf
that section Imve long desired division,
and it is hoped that they may get. it.
A delegation from Millon, represent
ing Eaetern Umatilla, was iu Salem
Thursday, looking after tbe prosptcls
of cutting off the east end of their
0 inuly, for tbe creation of a new county
with Milton (.8 the cuuuty seat. Uma
tilla's del-iiitiou of senators aud repre
sentatives, after a little caucusing so
strongly opposed the proposition that
Ihe Millon deh gatiou left for borne ou
Ibe next train.
J. S. McEuan, a people's psrty repre
sentative, from Cocb county, presented
to the bouse a joint memorial to oon
grees, favoring the free aud unlimited
coinage of silver, which was referred to
the committee on labor.
An iffort will be made during this
session ot tbe legislature to change the
date of holding Oregou's state elealiun
from June to November.
A bill has been presented asking for
an appropriation of S1S0 0J0, or na much
as is necessary, for Ihe establishment
ot a jute factoiy al theslate penitentiary,
'lhere is some opposition to this measure,
because of the fact that many think it
will he a very (Xpensive iuveslmeLt, nud
the probbhiliiiia are, a losing one, jtisi
for the (Uiplo)iunit of the Couvicls.
Ihe Oirgoiiiati, of recent dale, suggests
that h cheaper and safer investment, for
1 lie i Ui lo) no lit of Ibe cenvicis uiivhl
be bun by bnilding a lage pei each
side uf the pi is. -ii griuiol', nud al'tei
fillii g oue wilb gn.v. I. let Ibe emmets
use Ibeir lime wheeling the gravel tuihe
ibersidj and back avalii. However
Governor l'enno)er after- giving Ibis
mailer can lot conaidei ntiou rei-i u tin inl
stieh a vetiui'e in a faruiable light
IU bis bi annual message.
Salem. Or , Jan 10 1SC3.
The senatorial fight in Washington, is
naxiug waini, and as the republ.o ius re
fuse In caucus, and thereby deoide ou
their man, Ibe election may no over two
yeais longer. '1 he democrats are kees
iug the gap open, hoping that in two
years they cm wrest Ibe seualor out of
the bauds uf tbe republicans. Ettlnr
party mn-t not forget that Ihe populists
'ill be iu the fi -Id at that time.
Tub Kansas governor and senate have
reoognixed the populist bouse, though it
ia the miuorily uue. The republican or
ganization is liable to receive accessions
from tbe populists, as miuy of them rao
nguize tbat it is the legal house, aud say
Gin. Rcfus Inqauls, lata ol Portland,
is dead. He was a retired army oflner.
and served with disticolion durijg the
B la ink is elill very low, and his life
hangs, as it were, by a thread.
deeded laud has agood epriug of water on it, all under
f lentil smJb
Are you all run down ? Scott's Emul
sion of Pure Norwegian Cod Liver Oil
and Hypophosphites of Lime and Soda
will build you up and put flesh on you
and give you a good appetite.
Feott's Emulsion curat Coughs,
Colds, Consumption, Scrofula and
all Anaemic and Wr-stinj EUcascs.
Prevonts wasting in chiUren. Al"
most us palatable as milk, lietouly
the trcnulne. Prepared by Scott &
Bnwne, Chemists, New York. Sold by
all Druggists.
w. J. rICICZIil, Prop,
rpHIS HOSTKLHY has beeu Hefitted and Befdnmiikd tbrnngbout, and aw
Is one ot tbe most inviting places in Beppner. Mr. Leeier invites you to atop
with him, feeling that he is able to entertain yon in the best of style.
First Class House.
:- (JiiDfe, -:- p -: and -:- (Jifars !
Oyster Season
ot tireg.ni, fur the eouuty of Morrow.
u. tt. MHiTinKioii, na
mtiiflrat(ir of llie ea
tnte of Jailienst.'n orr.
Peeoused, 1'luiiiliU-. iSL'MUOKS.
G. W. Stewart.
liefendnnt. J
TO 0. W. STKU Aiil'. Pefendant:
In the iinine of ihe .-tutu of ureeon. You are
hereby lequired to appear and atiiwer Ihe com
plHlnt llled aL'itinst von In the above-entiiled
action, on or before the J7lh day of March, 1S'J3.
that bfl'ig the UrBl day of the next rejrnliir term
of taid court. And if yon io fall to answer, for
want thereof the plub.tilt take judgment
HRiibist you lor the sum of Five Hundred and
Eilfhly-Nine and 7H-HW (f.s'.i Til-iui) pollars,
wnh Interest from Peeeniber 1. ism, at 'lei. tr
cent, per annum, ami Mxtv Pollais attnrney'i
fees. And the sirii of sl.t Ibindrcl and Kilty
Dollars and Interest iroia April ID. IS'Jt.at
'ten per cent, per annum and Hsty-Fke Hollars
attorney's tecs and eusls and dlkbursemeats of
this action.
This sninninns is served bv publication, to
order ol llo i. IV. I. ISrudshiiw, jndite of said
court, made tu chambers ou licccuiber :tl. law.
t'KANK Klil.L.tlti,
w Atloruey lor I'lulntlu"
I l.rande. Orcc.ni, Jan a. 1S0.I. roinplaliit
having been euiereil at this ortlce by lleurv
Mnssle nirninst Luther Baldwin for abaadoulnii
hislioincsle.nl en l rv No. 4 1 III. dated March 30.
loss, uno i the E'$ Nrt'i Sep. -ji, and Ihe Kit
SWi4 icc. 17. I'p .i. s II K. W. M . In Uinatllla
roaiily. uregou; with a view tniliecsnrellaiiun
of siiid entry the Slid partis nre hciel.v slim
inoned lo ntipcir al the olllcc of Will u. Stluisnn.
at I'llot Lock, nrcirnn. o.i the 1st day of llnrch
W!:l. at It) o'clock, a. in , lo respond and furnish
testimony com cn iiiE s, I.I idlcmd abandon
ment, to he usi.l hi Hie UiihI heail.iK I i thto
oilice on the aith day ot March, lu'J.i, at tl.
o clock a. in.
It Is tnrther ordered th.it this notice be served
by p'lblicMlio i lor lour con-emitlve weeks In
the llepinicr i, alette, hi. d tiv p.s l g upon ihe
tract us in tidied time, lan'.i coses.
I'-71 A. c. Mit'i u a: b, receiver.
The undersigned i,Hvinij been restored t
hciilth bysimple nivalis, after sullerinp for fev
ersl yenrs " in. a severe linn! a Hi clion, and thai
tread .iteae i'..nsnmpit.ni. is anxious to nmk.
known to his lei low siut'eren the means otcure
lo those bo. I, sire It. Iieulll cheerfully senrl
(lr,-e oi i harnel a copy of the prescription ued
which they will fl n. t ,1 sore cure for fonsn up.
tion. Asihnm. l atarrh. Ilrouclii is and sllthroa:
and Inuii maladies. He hoH?a all sullerers wll,
try his renie.ly.as it is Invaluable. Thoseneslr
Ins ihe prcs. ilpn.ui. w hi. li w Ml cost them noth
inn. and may prove a blesslinr, ill please ad
Jr,l's. Itsv. Kiiwamo A. H il.sox.
'' w BrooKlyu, ew York.
r January 17 isai
Ri.t.tlrt Vluclr v ......
laskilis Will Fountain Mr. I.hnl. T
union Mts. Annie Mcculloush Miss Anns
' "u"'"seu vnenraiiiiwiorthem
letters. . m.i,.,Uv i u
A smart litll b-xio nantob was In
rtnlKerl in by Frank lietainns and Oeo
Waktfielil. at the Oem salouo lest Sator
daj evsning. Honor t wars even .
Reasonable Rates.
v Also is tibout ripe. We will let you
know about that
W. L. Matlock & Co.
For the Cure Ox
Liquor, Opium and Tobacco Habits
It li located nt Forest Grove, Or.,
The Most Beautiful Town on the Coast.
full at the Oajktti office tor particulars.
Strictly couadeutul. Treatment private sad sure
An Apprehensive Subject
Means of a I'rehensile Tail
The Monkey is Xot Afraid be
cause hig Tail is a Good One.
We are Nol Afraid because our
Tale is a Good One.
ft is No rraleof Woe !
Splon.liJ Goods,
Fair trealtnent ; sstisfartii.n to pnstora
ers, and of reasonable prioes and
good money value.
It is a Tailless Tale.
A tale without rod. beoinse it if Ul
that w ill bold A pleasure to sbo
goods. Hpeoial Indncements to
each buyers. Call al
niioit bp
Dr. MeSvnrds re cent I v removed
polypus frm tbe niaw of Mr. Marioa
Evans, living near Lexington.
cmpiettii ; Surveg