NOriCK TOAUVEHTiaEttd. I qjoD a- to the l.eallh of the people -MI.MB taking tlThTtioa of display ad... I "I "'" "'"(J.r" !-"' ''"'"'I I or cnmute "i "'. ""unl get thir copy hi . K " ureea. not later Uiaii Monday evening lor 1 uuMlny'i minion, or iliurnlay evening lor Fridays eal- Uou TUB 1-ATTI11UMJM PUHLOJHlKU CO. NOIICE. PulltK'Atl Kim !....... ...1 il v.-...-.,a viuo. un.c Ut'HCU IU1U Liltir Dew reaideuce down uear tbe depot. J)'. J. H illock returned from a visit to Po'tlBud Inst Tuesday. He says Port- . .. .... lulul iivumi Hull i Tha mm ol flve cent! per una win Dei - J wm... 'JS Ju, representing Gold- uCbituroUwtoirUiuthoitheedi(: sm,lu L.weuburg, is lookiug after or iliall hluiaeli give as a matter ol news,) aud cuxtoniers in Heppuer. noUtioipecUluieeUiigiIorwhaleverpuriK)iie. vv P T ...I... kit t NotkUoichurcliaudiocletyaiidalloUier Kev. W. 1,. P.itwiue held services 10 entertainment, irom wiuvru re.cuue u w uc- iiio ununsii uuuruu lust evening, leaf . . ...... il l. ..hupiHul fur at t.h rl nf fiVA I .1 . n 11 . riveu, hhbii w -- - iuk ,u,e uiuruiuir units a line. '1 he rulei will be atrlctly adlier- eu to in every uiauuiee. Advertising rates reasonable ana made known upon application. T P. FISHEH. NEWSPAPER ADVERTM- Jj, ing Agent, 21 Merchants cxt-nauge, iu.i t i utn'iHco. is onr autluiiUea agent, 'lliii paper m aept on uie in u uiui,;. lor Pendleton. T. R. TlVntlR. h uttlllTlAV UHII,1 lip oo tbe big Peulaud ran oh above tuwu. E. Waldmnn. rAtirpnpnlini NonfltaAto Dm., or fiiriiaiui. la m tnun Ma VH llllltin Id immMnilM V hnniilun ih ' rvm Heppner. Bub ShftW pnl hunk TllPfliliiv frnm tha 8 iand where he had been with cattle. Boo nn di the suuud uuuutry very fuggy and damn. Tne county olerk issued Wednesday to mil Sohiller and Minerva Kxllpv lll'flllflA In Wil Thotf intnnH In lu. married next Sundav. I mn William ami TTanrtr Tllanlpmall tfot in last eveuiuir from Lnnir CrHrh. and will reuiaiu in Ilepuuer tod.iy. leaviuu luuioiruw iur irortiauu. HherilTOeo. Nnble aud Thus. O mill re lllri.uil lr.,.n ..lurn Tncl .. i ..n.. ku..... PhuPlit .ft lH QUltH 111. 1i iii . . U laiuieu tueir oiiarue, u. u. LiiHey, aatelj W. E Pruyll returned from HllUboro within the nouHnes nf thn asvlnm Tueeday of this week. w k b, k d , t ,, The Uem aud Palace saloons for flue them, it you Bud us stiurl ou anythiuu. 1: M A ..... U..1... lmn4 a IP I i : ... -. .... .i ; i .. . . . jlijiiure, luuaiwi ivjo. ... inuiuaie it, nuu mey win od priuieu, T A Tfl.ou ruininril h .ma Tuesday Pnoea aa low as anv ulnoe in Ureituu. eve from Portland aud the Sjjuud. Wui. Looney, one of our s ilid Uondou Tauu. K.ifiiliipn urn lna ami. it. A. irieutlH. was lu nenuuer lueeUav anil Kuikihleu. were inlrolll ilaut JUtlieiuaay. euueimay. air. rinuuev uniue over Give your business to Heppner people, and therefore assist to build up tiepp- tier, tutronize those who patrontte you. Here and There. M. D. Havman is on the sick list. W. T. Cimpbell was in from S.ioial ridge WtdutbOay. Him Kmnrntu got back from below Tueedey i( this week. Tha bubv sun of Mr. and Mrs. Qeo Thurut n is quite ill. tu- ofScers of the prieori say, ars m nlf nrianni-ra. W. H. Klull. who kllltd Juhuuy Looknane, thounh a one-arm ei man, is a tough case, oaasiug a grea' deal of trouble. He is in the dnngeon most of the time, and at there when our Morrow county visitor. cat el. Joe and Mai say tbat the peni tentiary is a pretty touh place to stay. but that they propose to make tbe Deti of it See the new ad. of P. 0. Thompsou Co. Uuou 18 life iu the golden went oa-a Jaoob Young, one of our Gonseberry fiieuda, wasayiaHorioneppuer neuueo duy., Maildnnb. of Condon, an unci ni ii.u Mm I, I. , nli Bruj.. of (ioldeudale, is iu town. 'it, nlmnnica reatanrant. we are i.ifni-iued. will soon be opened by W. J. Pybuiu.' UiiaiursH. aud reiHirta ibiuua Quite dull over iu UilJium county. The yoiiuit people of our sobool, as- Hisied by teachers, have orgnniud u literary eooiety, whiub meets every Fililuv l.v.liliiir At thA nnllrf hililDH. tjupl. Suliug lit preeiiieut. The GuZt-tti acKuowieuues an luvlialion iu oe preaeui iuib eve. Wilev McBen writes from Oalifornih that be will ri-turu to Morrow count) next May. He sas his health is nu better down iu California, aud thai yuuru. petter Uown in uamornia, ana mat -. Tmw nminlv TiATIll and TluHt llriiifiin la fur uhuutl tif l.lmt. niilinlrv Company have an unlimited supply of He adds, "I think wbeu I net back home Chop (or sale. l-tt. 1 will be satirfled to reuiaiu iu Morrow .... . : ...n.a In liava hiion Ool" XOe servioea, mm ....i 1...1.1 .i ii.u iii Ihas Sunday afteruuou. The linnlina nartv nnmnoaed of Frank . . . . . :..!.. . I J A -. 1,1 17 lr Mi..... u..i4 lalletl IO maieriailMO. kvukoi", nrii miuiii, nana luiu'jt uu Ouly first class work turned out at 'leoige Haniugtou, returned yesterday n . a... i.. uu,ar,iiai.iniii afteruoun from iUahorv and Wall Greeks. Uruu mil er a lauunua '""'"""- ... ----- - . . ..... a I l'huu BuAiiruH mia un lulm.a " lint auv east side Mam street. - ., ' v """. c"" " .-.... lhnt sinlur ,ua lint vet urlvuinwl ennnuh Tue Hdppu Water L,iKlit uJ dowu within range of the r. i exneuted to start up suou .... ,". . i , , .- - . nunier s nne. piobably this evening. , The Keeley l""e.; Vo JJN lrm NlloUal Bank building to the ourrs liquor opium, morphine, eooaiue u( Mr. Jlldv Mltou.t Wednes. ud tobacco naoiv. - . dBv. Mr. arkei's health etui rtuimua Jan. 12lb, on oix Duller, a girl, and uilS btulbeI ie, p. y. Parker. IHll. KM1IU leeiB BO UlK UI. nu" . WHY ? Wbddiko im Clauk's Caniok. On Tuesday last in Clark's Canyon, oocurreo the marriage, at tbe home of the bride't parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Hunt, of Mr N. L. Hhaw and Mies Casha F.Hunt Rev. fibulae performing tbe oeremony. wedding repast was an important fea ture of the occasion, of which we bad umole Droof in the shape of some very lino eke. Among tbe invited guest, were Mrs. Geo. Noble and dsughter, 01 Heppner. Buooess to tbe young couple Happy Man. Geo. Lovelet oame down lust nigbt to meet his son-in-law and danirhter. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Tildei Fur years. Mr. Tilden lias been a "lav- to tbe morphiue habit, but after taking a oourse of treatment at tbd.Keeley lnsti tute at Forest Grove, be ia happy to in form bis friends that he is a cured, and needleas to say, a buppy mau. Mr. and Mrs. Tilden accompanied Mr. Lovele ont to their home on Wall oreek today. Heppseb B & L Association Elio oTim. Ou Tuesday the stockholders of the UeDDner Buildimr 4 Loan Assooiatiot. met to elect offioere. which areas follows: 0. E. Farnsworth, president; 8. P. Flor ence, vioe president; direotors,Kd Mood, G. W. 8aggart aud P. 0. Thompson ; EJ. E. B shop, secretary and treasurer Badli Bbuihkd. Free Green had the misfortune to have bis saddle mare fall Inwn with him last Friday, up near Bob Uexter'e. and in the shuffle, he got the naif nf hia riuht leu iust where he shouldn't, and, aa a result, be is pretty badly lamed, though our informant states that no bones were broken. tWHY ? HAT TEES " (f Becue BaoAuse gm f j V-fCfTH e pb Modioino fifcU'f ! to !fx mcietttcit. XX am 'Vo.?Vr and Ever 4WL,WM3 I 3Ve"""1Sl Ourosi vMS -wlaerv OOWGO rSSMi3Sr CONGO last XT (cl- OW R MF'G C9 PORTLAND. ORC WE -:- WANT -:- MONEY ! iiTltoiihTMe Beotmd Month's Sales. 3300 bottles gOliD BVEnYWIIEnE. tht. - Decl6 - iX nua sib vulk thmuzu a oommun door. Word oouies down from tbe mountains that ntoer weather never waa experienced in that eeoliou than at present. StuteHman : W. K. Ellis, of Heppner, eougitsttuiau-eleot tiom the beoona uis tri.-t. was in the city yesterday. I......... .,, ahn riiltBH anv interest ia ..,. b ahoiihl HUbsonbe for Tbe HiiraeniKU. Uusette shop, agents, Frank Wiuelow, nei hew of Mr. W. G. Sweeter, of Black Horse, acoompanied k. hia fuiniiv. has unwed from Iowa. All piiuting done at the Gazette office ' beiealier will be charged for at the same old i ales belore the cuoieia acare. , xt x7;niD..n ia nnw rnnniniz a staee be- 4. .. UnlilluP allfl Lioue Rook. Ueu .4 ... rinvu f,t leavine and arr,val. ti a m.i finm Bntter creek, B. Laing, . i.ulled Tuefcday for loading np on anived from the valley Tueeday, aud lauoiugau in uis puwei iu uino unu comfortable. (Mr. Parker died at 10 o'ulook last night ) ,T. O. O. F. Installation The mem bers of Willow Lodge, No. 66, 1. 0. 0 I'., their families aud invited guests to the number of feur huudred, gathered at the ball of Garrigues & li gers laat Tuesday eveuiug to wituess the inetallatiuu ot their officers, which are as follows: J. B. Hunt. N. G.: Jas. D. Hamilton, V. G ; 1'heo. Danuer, Secy; M. Liohtentbal, treae.: I. L. Van Winkle, Wardeu; J. C. Kirk, conduotor; L. 0. Oonuer, I. G.; Jiff Hayes, E. 8 N.G.; Wm. t'lldebrand, L. 8. M. U.; Jas. Jj. Xeager, K. b. v. u.j 0. 8. Van Duyn, h. H. V.G.; B. A.Ford, K. a. 8.: E. G. Snerry. h, 8. 8. 'Ihe iu National Bank Election. Pursuant to an advertised call, the stockholders of the National Bank of Heppner met Tnes dav and elected offioers as follows: Wm Peolaud, Presideut; O. E. Farnsworth, vice president; Ed. R. BiBhop, oasbier; directors, P. 0. Thompson, E l. R. Bish op, G. W. Hwasgart aud Ed. Rood. First National Bank Election. Oo Tuesday, bs per advertised notice, the First National Bank eleoted officers for heensninc year. Tbey are as follows 0. A. Rhea, president; Frank Kellogg viae resident: Geo Conser, oaskier; di rectors, J. P. Rhea, T. A. Rhea, J. B. Nat ter and C A. Rbea. u a ..nllsrt 'Inn-day lor lueuiue, "C 1 n. a. a.: m. u. Dporrv, u. a. a. pison" and not oarryiug it likeageutle- l talilltjoll was interspersed with a well on. , preparea musical proKiuui, wumu na Mrs. A. J. Stevenson is prepared to do mm at Ira hv nnHiii? Grand $&W?&tetZl Master Noble and Rev., after ulnoe. 618 lf which one of the best banqueta ever giv- Jul tice Hallock is silling iu iroui i-i en in tnese romanuu neppuei un, ui deak now, durluK busiuesa hours. .iaBWUere for that matter, was liberally It is a very convenient affair-just what patro,i!Se1 A11 were B(,cible, aud fra is needed. (arnitv'a atar was never hiaher or brighter place to get a urai-ciasa ouot( -- ine wuoie oumumre" w r A Nkw Neiqhbok. Geo. W. Lord k.. m..tiu(4 lulu tha (nrmAF art ufll una uiu.cii i.J -- . ., . ... . - - - r -nnan Taaura Hr.,n Hamiltnll'a ntlioe, and has nttad up for architecture .. ...I. XI a ia tirunamH ft, mtltrunt fur all kinds of bntldiuge, or will supervise . i . : . i a ooJstruotion, ana purcnase maienai ior tbe same, giving uis customers ma ueo etit ot bis experience and percentage RQ.O r H. A. Thompson A. E. Blnns . Thompson THOMPSON & BINNS, FROFRIJ3TOKS The Heppner Livery, Feed and Sale Stable, ' ... . r..lJi- Mfoln St foot Below Coffin & McF&rland'i, Main Street Good Conveyance for Tiaveling Men. Team, to bay per day, 75ots. Hay and grain per day $1 25. . Meals 25 cts. a Teams to &tgelll,Vlt n(.xt door to Feed Stable. Grain and baled bay always on band. FREE CAMP HOUSE FOR TEAMSTERS. Footwear a Footwear ! And in ordtr to get it, we will, during the present month, soil F0R CASH 0NLY At 20 per cent, off regular prioe, our immense stock of Gents' hh Winter nf- Underwear, Top Shirts, Scarfs, Mittens and Lined Gloves. This is an honest proposition and no trap, for we have an overstock of these goods that we must realize on. So you can benefit yourself and confer a favor on us by .taking advantage of the opportunity offered by jjeppner, Qregoi Th r.i.t hunt nnd hnc t-Ml.limwil nf Hi-nimerhM n,'-Ml.i..Ht,iv.i. .ntln-tr new M.n rnnm. n-l "' " " There you will find the Best and Cheapest in Heppner. M. LICHTENTHAL & CO., Main Htreet, Heppner ur. S. C. Smith, II F11C Keeps a full line of EVERYTHING In the way ot Furniture. Bnasrtsklne goods a speciality. May Sweet, Heppner, or. 5ii-i nf',1 tiHll'B&iilt. Xk. Gilliam & Bisbee, HBPrNEn, on. STORAGE AND FORWARDING. You oau't nr Hhumiuil). 1 The Priueville News ran snori oi mi,i Hie other oay uui uouue- r seieuely ou wrapping puiier dnsil toll Mllltor. n i a i,,.h nnitlnck. The owner will either cume aud get the lock or send ... ........ it ia of no use in un inn aei iw o" - al. .irunt. nnndltlou. Ed. Cox, Jas. McUee. Jj. J. ouanrr, Sam atd Will Kahler, Harumau o,i,i nviiinvB. look iu tne opeu iui... W.n.eail.V niubt. Oa Wells is buffeimg Ibis wee iroui II Hlltll'at U siJB'K"- . Thai member ia badly swollen, but nolb ing setioua ia antioipaiea. ... . . s ih w Fntierson.mau ; .... Uml-UaalllV (IhXctte. Of remarks by Odd Fellows aud visitois. Heppuer will uo soon forget this open installation of the I. O. U. i. Death. -3. A. Parker, who n. mentioned iu this and former issues as beiug quite ill, died last night at 10 o'clock. Deseased bad been sunering for the paet two years with consumption, ia hereditary iu his family. He oame to Eastern Oregon recently hoping m h benefited by this salubrious on- mate, but be was too far goue, aud lie patiently awaited tbe comiug of the death angel, though bis demise was not antioiuated so soon. He was a member ,ger ol -he Semi-Weekly "be"iela- If the A. O. U W. and I. 0. O. F., and Heppner, ocohp.e. . .ea in th. legiela " ,,.,.., oyer one year lure as piets ieprtae'"' . ' . . . ai. t-nj,!, tha authorized Lid. will leoeive in insurance from these . ... .... i i.-uniimn at this Dlace. I ...... .,. nunreiratinar S -1.500. He Hubeeribe throui:to him, and have your member of the M. E. churou. ,aptr delivered l.eeotcbarge u jmpltssed .he people here An Ohio ady was , so - ? . . ui,8Uort ,tHy and brief acquaint- anake thai uer gina-y - . .. ;h. t. ..,..i It was soou reiurueu iu ance, aa ueiug o f""i its oriaiual color by Hall'a Hair Renewer . furwlird gentleman. His remains wer . ..... . . I. n 1 . . . . . . T .. .1 ........ 'I ...I lid Newer and neater quaneio ." shipped, tnis morning, m Palace Hotel'" uortb DusineBB room. jniermen, snd were accompanied Charley Jones, the bauer, warn. Arlington by Messrs, W. B. hi. old triend. tbere. ua.u. .u -- - - 0arricne.. representing iun- . . i... Li.- rt W . and W. F. Ruaik and Word comes down irom uaiui a .a. ii" " . that W Mu.key baa given up the Jtff Hayes, the I. O O. F. Mrs. Parker T . . . ...nilv mull, for tllB . .v.l A T... lnoa nf this. Idea or ubioB -. r , tiiww oi nt nuu ... ..-i nraullt Ml 160X1. BUd gOUO U """ , . o....! P'oe Tbe latest dentistry, crown sou uiiuitr 5ouKTAi!t hocbb. mr. nrk. moat successfully acoompliBbed by . , d tbe hostelry known as --UZU Mountain House, refitting aud re- wnen ,. :i.i ir thronahout. Board and Heppner. ur a . L" j ..Jr Vk 86: board without lied Kalob Dittenhneter is in ine on j. 7... A .d 25 centB each. Mr. but leoeutl,. returned from avian o , n of (ne patronR(ie, VT A . a. nn Hflll tu UO t vmh v. .- - - . h iop. K1 tfS - vtraVyone in Heppner, and less aim. . "... . . , . niii..iMl.nftt,i t a..,. TlnKoao.t. tsnerin iiooie ouu '"Z'SJ. T".7 "L th. S-ani Lu" nZ'k visited Oregon's state u.i'i f..r mn.tPiidiuir successfully with ,.,.,,;. hi e below. While TV. ...1 ia ka an euieruency medi- - CHURCH ANNUU.N01.MEMTS. Preaching at tbe Baptist cbnrch Son- day, Jan. lotn. ineuie ror n ooiook. "Joseph, an Emblem orjeaus (jurist. Thunia I... 7 nVlnnb- "Jpsns Ohrial. the Ureat teacher." All are welcome to come and enjoy our meetings. 01 joraublst, raBior. Services at tbe 1. E. church, South, next Sunday. Morning subject, "Be I'bou Faithful " ; evening subjeot, "There is a way that seemetb right uuto a man, but tbe end thereof are the ways ot death." All are respectfully invited to attend. Edwin Palmer, Pastor. Good Looks. cinnA InnVa am mam than akin deer). depeudiug upon a healthy condition of all the vital orgaus. il me liver uo iu- .aiivii inn hnta a hiliona lonR. II vonr stomach be disordered, you have a dys peptic look ana It your aianeys ue aueun ed you have a pinched look, beoura good health and you will have good looks. Electrio bitters is the great alter ative aud tonic aud aoUdireotlyon these vital organs. Cures phnples, blotches, U..:ia ui.a man. h imnrl rainiiil.linn. Hillll uiui!-, nun IS' 1 at Hlocum-JobuBou Drug Co., 60o per bottle. WELUS SPKINOS BtlTTES. Buncbsrass is all right. Very quiet, however, not much exotte- tint it la nnl t tlA TlBtliral SeO UrlUOff. Wii,'? Well, you see tbere is nobody hern to net ud an exoitemeut. Tha.. urn a fMv nhl ohronics that al- ... . autli .fimulhmj In nnmiilnin nf! ao ibey started tbe report that tbe fall sown grain bad all rolled. Well, suppose it has; it won't gri w unless it does. I was out on several fields and made olnse ex amination, and it ia comiug nicely. Ho far it is mt hurt, and tne prospeot is ex ceedingly tine for January. Farueb G-abbulocs. You -wIS I catch At the Mallory Corner. , Buy your Groceries and ... Read their new ad. soon. UEPPNER and LONE ROCK 11 v s RTAGE HilJSTJi:. s o trv 1ST, NlEIvSOlV, i'rop. Leave. HePPnerTuesdava .Thursdays f D Monaaya. J,; Reasonable charge, for both -r-l 1 J Passengers -:- and lreignt. - -r,ni A Unnnnar I IT SLOOUM-JOHINo 1.UJN uituu w-i"-i'i' ATTENDED TO IN A- Business-like -:- Manner AND at REASONABLE RATES. Wool Growers' Warehouse Near the Depot: EFPNER, : OREGON. MJ-tf sw DONT -:- BE BAMBOOZLED. Change of Ownership WE HAVE TAKEN CHARGE OF THE LIBERTY MEAT MARKET, which we propose to conduct in the most satisfactory manner. Will keep on hands at all time the ohnicest Meats, Sausage, Bologna, Corn ed beet, Lie, SHAW & McCARTY, ProDrietora. By traveling fakirs. C. C. Wililey & Co., or Walla Walla, Wash., are tbe largest import era direot from the Eastern factories in tbe Inland Empire of AND 85-ti iine, it has no equal, aud leading phy.i ciana everywhere recommend it. With his thnmb, a boy is said to have " . T .. ...i....,it. fpm iunndnlim aaved tue nevuenouu- .. , Ulny people have been saved rum b invasion ot aisense uj - fi.reWrills. Thia medicine imparts ine t" th" Vtem and strengthens every rBan and fibre ot the body. Hattee's Congo 0.1 is rspidly eoming lo tne iroui n a. V ii J ... VnmiH constable, ap- ur.r,.Bu. T. .-rinh ... recent W Plied ro ni. :v, b Ciexea oy - lhebo.,r abrewaaiueui. .:. lri.A ,htl "il for rheumatism with which l.e has Cn troubled for years, and tb.s i. wbat e say. : "U kuoked it after two appli cations.'' Bill Casey was down from nrsef 5b. Fork today. Ia ' our i 1. at.ttinn U aara 4 KflV fifllV Joe Deal and Mai Church, lunv J both of whom are in good health, ana There is more catarrh in this section of tbe oouutry than all otuer oiseasea pur together, and until tbe last lew years was snpposei to be incurable. For a great many years aociors pronoonoea it a local disease aud prescribed local rem edies, and by constantly failing to care with local treatment, pronounced it in curable. Science baa proven catarrh to be a constitutional aieae, and therefore requires constitutional treatment. Hall's (Jatarrh uure, manuiaciureu oy r.. nhenev A Co . Toledo. Ohio, is tbe ouly constitutional core on tbe market. It is taken internally in doses from 10 drops to a teasponnfnl. It acts directly on tbe blood aud mnonus surfaces of the sys tem. Tbey offer oue hundred dollars for any case it fails to enre. Bend forcirou- 1 .. .. . 1 lualimnniola. A it ll rQ. 1(1 1 O o II il i . r- ..- . - , .. , F. J. CflKNBT & Co., Toledo, O. jySold by drngguts, 7do. 7 llinq jM 'nqf, njiiAiT pidioj Mnnra iu, mam Ajoa ufj aim nowg ano .' e.itinO We ahio snliifOt to approvul to any responsioie W. can save W 'K Ltrnme'uts. and warrant , hem lor parties. We bauoie 'n n ...,.,, Ul)UHe on m coast for same tage Orgaus. Bell urgaus iruuj o.m. ... , - : & c "a.., nriovi. It will Day ou. (J. CJ. v J taev.ot V.v- ns ior CB.aiiBuo r - . Walla Walla, wasu 635w DR. JOSEPH J. BILL, Graduate M. E. 0. V. 8. , London, England. Veterinary -mm- SURGE0N ! Chronic Diseases a Specialty. . u. i Rwwtttied and Refcnihukd throngbout, and now niHIB UUSli!'""1 1 i. one of tbe most inviting places in Heppner. Mr. Leezer invite, you to stop with him, feeling tbat he i. able to entertain you in tue pes, o. aiy.e. First Class House. ' Reasonable Rates. Mr Mi COPPER Vtitur., (iit 7(i m D PHI? 7f SMS ttGTTOM rAN ijAi lta "AS ANT6ED. JHE QITY H0TEL' VV. J. I-'ISKiREI. I am m prepirfd to do all kindl ot Veterinary Snriory, Em.ieutating Rone, and Rcgllnn a SpMt. altv (Thti li the only true muthoil of operating on honei.) Bpeylnic of taUleand Uof ..j. i.i'i" i 'in ii uim.l. iii tha mM .niimviid uroeuri lira ol Vatr If you hve any ilck anlinal. Il will ba to your luttrMt to on ihort notice. I will treat all unlmii inarr DurKBrji A. ivu iiom -- -- -- --- - ' call ou me at rttewart'l itablel. HEPPNER, . 638 1 OREQO MnTAPV PIIRI If. erson conveyancer CALli AT OI'I'ICK Bak6r :: and :: Confectioner, MAT STREET, HEPPNER, OR. Fresh Bread, Pies, Cakes and Confectionery. WEDDING AND PARTY CAKES Mads oh shost Noticb akd at Porous Paicia. t& Bread 22 Loaves for $1.00. HEPPNER, Commisaiontr of the U. S. Circuit Court. All land f) matters attended to promptly and accnrately. Offioe in national bub OREGON m m. PAiaHBBI T IL. D. BQiEU I PI mw m mm- 18 DEPPNEIl'B LEADING Otnos, Baaloanoa .C!ihdorOi.r II a l ASETHGaALEnE nt 'ji vt sw a u a m m m m usi ibbm aa bum BaaSI BO Vtt. I AT I 9 Instead of flying to the door gasp- l- Kraolh aamlnll 9C If eaCO IIIK IV! vii-M...,- " "n - -- onMotakea?e0wd3. Asthmalene when thespasmlsbroken.thebreathlngbecornet take a tew usinmaiene wiicn me r ui if nvii w.w u... .. r, - '"c" 7 . i ., i,.lnnu th run crracn lit the fintrera easy and you reel as i ""--,. r'C'Z , h nt . few hottlea Of death. I he tianrilPSi mnmeni in ... "... of Dr. Tafl' ASTHMALENE and It has cured you of .... ll.a. our life will be when vnu have used a few bottle ai cured VOU ot aa. ajaa-B. awaai BBaa"jLv, Asthma, wtmnirro oirr "" "- - - ai - Wi4 ky arxgiau. Or. TaR Broi. M. Con Rooheater.N.Y I